HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2004-12-02, Page 2677:01fIgfir
Tuesday, December 21st, 2004
Blyth Memorial Community Hall - 7:30 rkm.
Silver Donation - all proceeds to Huron United Way
Don't miss the annual Christmas Pageant, starring your friends and neighbours
please call Don Scrimgeour @ 523-4551 or Karen Stewart @ 523-4328
if you would like to participate.
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A ra CHR --EAT 451-44,45. GIFT/
Juno winner Tom Leadbeater
featuring the 6-Man HERITAGE ALL-STAR BAND
A 2-hr. recreation of the celebrated TV fiddle show.
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* Colourful Buchta-style Dancers
-4 appearing
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Saturday, December 11 at 2 p.m.
Tickets at Dixie Lee - Clinton, Blyth General Store,
Ernie King Music - Wingham & Goderich
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`Steelback 2-4'
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and the Hospital
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424 Queen Street, Blyth 523-9381
Visit www.steelbackbrewery.com for details
Health Unit encourages everyone to get flu shot
482-3416, or if calling long According to the Huron County Huron County Health lAt. the week of Oct. 25. This year,
Health Unit, there is still time to According to Health Canada, to concerns were raised about
get a flu shot. date there have been 16 cases of perceived shortages of influenza
Anyone who has not yet had a influenza A in the province of vaccine for Ontario residents. The
flu shot is encouraged to go the Ontario. "Fortunately, this year's Huron County Health Unit
Health Unit's final community circulating strains of influenza are continues to monitor the vaccine
clinic on Tuesday, Dec. 7, at well matched to the strains covered supply with the Ministry; however,
Goderich District Collegiate by the ,flu vaccine", says Farrell. to date there are no identified
Institute, 260 South St., Goderich. "The flu shot should provide good shortages.
The clinic will be open from 3:30 coverage for vaccinated Huron Residents who still need a flu
to 7:00 p.m. County residents." shot but are unable to attend the
"To date, there have been no The Huron County Health Unit community clinic, are encouraged
confirmed cases of influenza in began offering free flu shots at to visit their family doctor or to
Huron County", says Laura school and community-based contact-the Huron County Health
Farrell, public health manager, clinics across the County starting Unit to make an appointment to get
Huron County briefs
Howick councillor welcomed back
Penny Nelligan, director of the expected and returned in less than Councillors approved a motion
the work of Dr. Beth Henning. the *** in the highways budget could be
Huron County Health Unit praised a month. that a surplus for capital programs
county's medical officer of health, Marvin Smith has been hired on transferred to 2005.
in tracking down the cause of an contract for three months as forest
infectious mononucleosis outbreak conservation officer. He is filling
in the Wingham area. in for Warren Moore of Blyth who
Nelligan told councillors at the died Friday after a lenghthy
Nov. 24 meeting of county council illness.
that outside experts from Health ***
Canada and other agencies had Council will explore subsidizing
been called in to investigate the the purchase of laptop computers
outbreak in early October but in for councillors so the tremendous
the end it was Dr. Henning who amount of paper used to print
diagnosed the cause of the disease. documents for committees and
"The county should be very county council meetings can be
proud Dr. Henning came up with eliminated. Typically the book
the diagnosis," she said. with reports and background
documents for a county council ***
session is upwards of two inches Council welcomed back
thick. The laptops would also Rosemary Rognvaldson,
allow the reports to be sent by e-councillor for Howick, who had
mail instead of being mailed to missed the Nov. 4 council meeting
because she was hospitalized with councillors at considerable
pneumonia. She made a faster expense.
*** recovery than councillors had
Boat, trailer, motors stolen
from Huron East residence
Huron OPP, on Nov. 22 at 10
Also stolen was a black/green
a.m., were contacted about a theft 2000 Arctic Cat Model 300 four-
from a driveway located on North wheel ATV with Ontario Plate
Line in Huron East. #TM157, two Stihl chainsaws, a
The boat had been left in the Hummingbird fish finder, and a
driveway for winter storage. Minkota electric fishing motor
Sometime between Nov. 20 and along with two fishing poles with
Nov. 21 it had been stolen. The reels. The total cost of the stolen
boat is a 2002 16-foot Bass Tracker property is estimated at $36,500.
Pro Deep 5 aluminum fishing boat
The residence is near the
(green/white) with a black 2002 intersection of Blyth Road south of
Mercury 60 HP motor and black the village of Walton. If you can
2002 I6-foot Combo Trail Star help solve this crime call the Huron
boat trailer with Ontario Plate OPP or contact Crime Stoppers at
#A8293K. 1-800-222-8477(TIPS).
A water pipeline break south of
Clinton led to a boil-water
advisory at the Huronview Home
for the Aged, the Heartland
Apartments, the Huron County
Health Unit, the Early Years
Centre and the Huron County
Library from Sunday, Oct. 24 to
Friday, Oct. 29.
Nancy Kalbtleisch, acting
homes administrator told the
agriculture, public works and
seniors committee that the
emergency had severe impacts on
residents, tenants, families,
visitors, volunteers and staff ,t
The committee requested, and
-county councillors agreed, that a
letter be sent to Central Huron
asking for a date or timeline for the
replacement of the water line so
there would be no such disruptions
in the future.
a flu shot at Health Link.
Make an •appointment by calling distance, rlial 1-877-837-6143.