HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2004-12-02, Page 23Getting started
Doug and Deb Shaw weighed 285 pounds and 298 pounds
respectively prior to making the decision at the end of 2002
to change their lifestyle. (Photo submitted)
Lifestyle change gives new life to Brussels couple
By Bonnie Gropp
Citizen editor
The festive season is upon us. It is
. a time for socializing. for
celebrations, for eating and drinking.
Yet, it was in the middle of this
time of overindulgence that Deb
Shaw of Brussels made the decision
that in 15 months changed her life.
"It was between Christmas and
New Year's of 2002. I am 5'3",
weighed 298 lbs and was concerned
for my health. I had pains in my -
chest,,huffed and puffed when I tried
to walk a block or climb up a flight of
stairs. My daughter was expecting. I
wondered if I was even going to be
around to be a grandmother."
Shaw admits she was also ashamed
of the way she looked and had no
confidence in herself.
It was at this low point that she saw
an ad for Weight Watchers on
television. "They talked about still
eating what you want and losing
Checking it out on the website.
Shaw read that they were offering a
money-back three-month trial. !.!I
decided I could stick with it faithfully
for that time and see how it went."
When the three months were up
Shaw was 30 pounds lighter. "I felt
better physically and mentally, so I
stuck with it."
Shaw, 45. admits she had few
illusions. "I had always been big. I
was 10 pounds when I was born and
I remember weighing 80 pounds in
Grade 1. I had tried diets before. But
the one thing about this one was that
it is more about changing your
It helped considerably that her
husband Doug had reached a similar
decision as Shaw in the fall of 2002.
"I'd never really thought about my
weight. But one day, I don't know
what it was, I got on the scales and
thought, 'Doug, you've got to watch
what you're eating'."
At 5'8", Doug had reached 285 lbs.
So when his wife told him her
plans he joined her. "That was a big
thing. It really helped." said Deb.
His eating habits changed with
mine. He has been wonderful and
supportive through the whole
Deb was careful not to put any
pressure on herself. "When I first
started it was little challenges. You
know, when I hit 200 pounds, then
175. I just made my way."
Initially, the two stuck pretty much
to diet alone. But as the pounds
began to fall off, Deb was surprised
at how quickly she began to feel
better. "Once we weren't huffing and
puffing we began walking. It didn't
take very long to see an
Then a year ago they made a
commitment to begin a fitness
program and got a membership to a
gym. "We approached it as you
would a job. There are certain nights
set aside each week. We go no matter
Doug works with a personal
trainer, while Deb concentrates on
"They are very supportive of us at
the gym. They know what we've
been through to get-here.
'Here' is at a maintained weight for
Deb of 123 lbs. "I have lost more
than I weigh." Her range is 113 to
140 so she's happy sitting
comfortably in mid-range. "I don't
want to go over 130 again."
Doug now stands at 203 pounds,
up a bit from 190, a weight that both
admit was too low for him. "You
looked scrawny," said Deb.
Maintaining the right weight is a
business of checks and balances,
which with a little organization isn't
all that daunting.
"We try not to keep junk food in
the house," said Doug.
Deb adds that in addition to eating
healthier foods they plan their meals.
She has binders with recipes that help
her organize the dinners for the
week. -
Of course. everyone has their
weakness. Deb's is for McIntosh
toffee. "It's my fa\ ourite but I
account for it. You do allow yourself
treats. On maintenance, I'm allowed
24 points a day. That toffee's six, so I
know if I eat it, I've got 18 points
Deb employs another tactic to
ward off temptation. "When the girls
at work bring in squares or
something 1 try to 'convince myself
it's full of bugs or maggots."
The best moment in all of this, Deb
said, was the first time she walked
into a clothing store and could buy
clothes off the rack.
However, it meant the cost of an
ever-changing wardrobe. "Deb was
the worst," said Doug. "She was
dropping fairly quickly. She'd buy a
jacket, wear -it twice and it was
If there's a downside it's the fact
that they've become strangers " N
lot of people who should kno\\
don't recognize us," said Deb.
"Especially you," adds Doug.
Deb laughs when she says somc
people have wondered if Doug has a
new girlfriend.
While their story is certinly one of
inspiration, both Shaws feel that
success only comes when people
reach a certain point.
"I don't know why that just that
one day when I stepped on the scales
I knew the time had come," said
Deb added, "You have to make up
your mind for yourself that you want
to lose the weight. And when you do,
we want to stress that we are proof it
can be done, Don't lose hope. I never
dreamed that I could ever be this
A new beginning
Doug Shaw at 203 pounds and Debbie at 123 pounds are
enjoying their improved health and new look. (Photo submitted)
Never again
Debbie Shaw has promised herself that she will never
again be able to wear the size 30 blue jeans which were
too tight when her husband Doug bought them for her for
Christmas 2002. Deb has dropped 12 dress sizes since
changing her diet and eating habits. (Photo submitted)
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