HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-03-29, Page 23 Cal LaSSON 1. April 1, 1917, jeima Aline Sight 0- the Blind, --John 0: 1•38, Comentalle-I, A Willa resa healed (U. 1-7), 1. aa Jesus Passed by --4t aas the Sabbath and it is itatural to suppose that Jesus Watt g01114 to or th trout e temple, This W54 sr estly ter hia discourse to the Jews L0011 the sabject of moll freedom., he saw a man-. blind from his birth -Jesus did not tuxes his eyes away from those in eestreee. lie "saw" tire afflicted man et the pool of Bethesda, and heal- ed him. Ile "saw" the blind roan a:ad gave him his sight, lie sees wit in our bliadeteee and desires to make us see. There are eix of Christ's miracles of healing the blind recorded, but .Its is the only instance of hie giving sight to one who was born blind. There are many in the east whoee eyee are dies eesed, many who are blind, There are • several causes that, working togetaer, cOntribute to Ms couditiou, The brightness or the sun, the duet car- ried by the wind and lack of anowl- edge of how to care for the eyes of some of these. The unsanitary wee ef liviug tend's, to cause these affaetione of the eyes and to spread, them from one to another. The cases of those born Mine are not numerous. 2, who did sin..,.that he was born blind -The theory that special 011ie- tious are the consequences o? particu- lar (Sets of transgression is an ancient . one. Job's friends 'who came to com- fort Mtn in his affliction could not see wby he should be afflicted as he was, unless he had grievously sinned. God's words. about him forever exploded that theory. Suffering is in the world because of sin, but particular cases of affliction are not generally traceable to particularsins. The disciples' ques- tion shows that they connected the mates blindness with some one's pre- view sin . Their question shows that they were in confusion, for the mail was born blind, and he could not have sinned previous to his birth. It is scarcely supposable that the disciples hail in mind the theory of the transmi- he gration of tsoul. 3. wither bath title man sinned nor his parents- Jeaus does not recognize a connection between suffering and sin in individu- als). Ill this reply he declares that the state of blindness in the man was not the result of his sin. or that of his par- ents. He is not to be understood as saying that they had never sinned, works of God: ...made manifest in hisn-Not that this man was bora blind for the sole purpose that a miracle enfant be wrought, but that his blind - new furnished the occasion for Jesus to perform the divine work of healing, and thus to show himself to be God.- Ilinney. The works of God include his miracles and all those acts in which he manifested, himself. d. The works of him that sent me - Jesus does not let us forget the fact that he was sent by the Father into the world, and that, too, for a defi- nite purporSe. He was constantly em- ployed in the work the Father gave Wm to do. While it ts day -Night and day here meant as so erten in Mere- - tare of all kinds, life and death.-- Plummer. It is not imprebabie that these words were spasm towaid evening and if so, they would be es- pecially forceful. Jesus' earthly min- istry was to be of short duration and muds. must be crowded itno those few years. The night cometh -Christ real- ized how soon bppertanities would pass and wisely improved every one. What an example of diligence has he left to the world: It ia a lamentable fact that multitudes of his professed followers come Par short of working "while it is day," and "the night cometh' and Buds their work undone. ti. .4s long as I am in the world -Jesus intimated that he would not be long with them in the flesh.: I am the light of the world -Here there is special re. ference to his giving light both tosthe mans eyes and to his soul. The Phari- sees prove the truth or the saying that "the darkness comprehended it not."- Caen. Bib. He is the Light of the world to illuminate man's pathway to heaven. 6, When he had thus spoken -The discourse of Jesus was preliminary to the performing of the miracle. -nlis words declared his divinity and Ws works would shortly declare the same truth. Made clay of the spittle -Sall. va was applied to the eyes by afflicted persons as accretive ageney very gen- erally, In this instance Jesus used simple means, not as a curative agency, but to encourage the blind mates faith. Jesus put the (lay upon the man's eyes, but as yet there was no vision. 7 Go, waeh ill the pool et Siloani-jesus placed- upon the blind man a test of his faith and obedience. The pool of Siloam was in the valley of JehosoPhaf, Just southeast of the walls of Jerusalera. The water wars supplied from a timing a little further op the valley northward. The name Siloam tneans "sent," perhaps because of the water's being; sent from the nat. Ural leering, just mentiohed. "The word 'sent' is so frequently used by Jestus of himself that we naturally ap- ply it here ale° to himself as if the noiselese stream which their fatlier8 bee deepised (Tea. 8:6), and which they couldtrade to its source, was a fit type of him whom the Jews re- Sected bemuse they knew his origin, and because he had no external force. -Exp. Greek Test. Washed, and clime seeing -The man had.faith ete ouge to obey the Lord'e command and wall healed. He went, .a blind man, but he "came seeing." Neither he nor ethers thought he es:calved his eight by natural means, The power of Jesus gave him sight. II. A. clear testimony (vs. 8-12), 8. Neighbora....said-The afflicted nIdie had been blind front birth and he and hie condition were well known to shee•nY, Moreover, he was a beggar, and hence a familiar object to those who went about the eity, I3eggare then, es they de now, took their )lac' ea dew to buildings used for wor- attire °eye -ding to receive' gifts from those Wbo attended. Th people einiekly recognized him as the Mall who had been blind. 9. 'Some said - Opinions diffeted elightlse Some were eonvinted of hie identity and ()fliers hesitated to say it wao he, for it weeded hapostsible. 1 am he- The healed Man had 1M neisitatiOn in say- ing that he Wee the mane10. How were thioe eyes opened -The people could not understand hew melt an ex.* trteordinary thing could take nItte.e, am nd they wet* 'eager to tem, 11. Ile Answered and mid, et. -die told at epee ell he ettiew Of his Pare in a eletir, sttaigntforward manner, Ile %tat pessitive that he lied received his. algbt. Ito did nct know math about Jeers, tut Le knew that he had been instrumental in opening hie blind Wit 12. lie tould not tell witero heal the turttl mats hetota re theen queetioned him. Ile gave a, clear a met of hie healing, but they weal not tweet t 11,a tatemeut regardin his bliadnese mail they bad elteetteit ee his arente. They declared tha he nes neer eon end that lie WA born Wind. They yeeerred theta t their son for it otatemeut as to a heetliag. They feared that they woul he put eut ef the synagogue if theSe acknowledged Christ. The healed ma gave a positive testimony and d Claud that JCSUS t11133t be a ProPhet C r could not ellen the eYee one born blind. The Pharisees; sal se SAYS INFLUENTIAL SUBJECT E Magistrate Who Wrote "1 Accuse" Says Kaisers Existence is Poisoned Or • • e Th H Jesus could not be ot God, becau had iseined Mtn ein the Sabbath, Tne • Man 'aintainea hisy ' testimony and ought That e - s Responsible - Fears ne ere. case out by the Pharieeta. IV, Believing in Jeetus (ve, 35.38). 3e. Mot thou believe on the Soil of God-Jsieus would not leave the man without giving Wm soul benefit, Sight had collie to his eyes and he had tes- tified of Jesus' power. leer his testi- mony be Lad Leen east out by the Pearieece, Rees would have him reelize the full benefit or believing on Him. 36, Who is He -Hero in a striking example of a heart open to tee truth. He wae in earnest to he - neve en ensue, 37, It is Ile that talk- eth with theo-Jeetis declares defin- itely Hie Meseiallehipe 33. Lord, I be lieve-Not only We cure, hut the bearing of Jesus called for 'him to believe. Worshipped Hitn-The man believed that Jesusuas divine and worsillOred Him as God. Queitions.-What feast had Jeeue came to Jeruealem to affena? What discorrsce am Ile deliver? What wae tIi e condition of the man whom Jesus saw What question did the clisciplas ask? What reply did neeue make? What did Jesus do to the an flioted man? What command did Jesse; Ole? What was the result? • What SS tne healed man's testi- mony? Why did the Pharieees find fault? What faith had the man re103 11113 healed? PRACTICAL SURVEY, Topie.-Tee works or God. I. Dieproveil human philosophy. II. Attested Chrisndi e vine inis- Won. I.. Disproved human philceophy. Jesue was pawing out of the temple to avoid atoning, but without fear or hurry. He saw the blind nan be- fore h1e. disciples saw him, and his look awakened their interest. This man vividly reminded Jeetis of His iniseion to earth. His " enstoration would evidently and gloriously be the work of God, He saw what the man would become under divine grace, In response to a, speculative question Jesus unveiled Ilis deepest' motives in bestowing an uneought blessing. He did not find fault with His dis- ciples for their inquiry. He maeried that they had entirely misapprehend - Sid the philoeophy of the poor beg- gar's hietory. Beneath that unpromis- ing exterior RS110 saw the elements of a noble eliaracter and set about to bring them forte. In an untumal way the man was wrought into the plan of Christ's ministry, It was his recompense after years of weary blindness to be permitted to be the instrument through whom "the works of God should be made manifeet," performance of the cure on the Sab- bath day was the peva upon which the question turned. It caueed a fresh outburst of Jewish hatred against. jesus. On the ground of their allegi• ante to Moses they rejected the.clear- est evidence of Christ's divine mis- sion. The Pharisees were technical, rather than moral, in their standard of judgment. They were biased, tans- er than candid, la their examination of evidence. They were divided • in their ecneltslone. Tilley were malig- nant, rather than genercue, in their aims, They endeavored to make the whole thing a ceremonial. crime. It was rrobably with the purpose of showing His contempt for the tradi-• tions of men, by which the word or God was made void, that Jesus in- fringed on the rules of the Talmud and etruck a blow at their prejudice's. Il Attested ,ashrist's divine mission. The healed man, having nothing to conceal, gavee simple recitatton or what had taken place. His conduct stood in sublime contrast to that of parents or the Jewish rulers. In defiance of. the _Sanhedrin he declared that Jesus was his healer and that according, to their own doctrine, no one without divine authority _could perform miracles. He set his prac- ical conviction of the clathas of Christ against ellen. speculative doubts con- cerning him. His general argument rom scripture denied the assertion ot he Pharisees that Jus was a sinner. They desired to obliterate a fact by a else interpretation of the Sabbath aw. They were aghast at the as- umption of a person whom they con- id.ered under God's curse, undertaking o teace the recognized guides of srael. They confronted unanswerable ogic -with the language 02 insult. They cast him out tor exercisleg the ight tee private judgment, for respect- ully expressing his honest envie- ions and for defending the truth. A °ming elessiall was a fundamental etvish doctrine. The miracle was one f those which the Jews were especial - y taught to expect the elesslith's ime. The profound interpretation and ofty significance of the event per- eetly harmonized with Jewish belief. evertheiess, they thrust out the man /ha accepted arid declared the Christ, he final cause ot the man's blindness as not reached when the wonder of he healing had been wrought. 10 the emple where he was using his new yes a fresh benedictioe met his he - eying soul. He beheld Jesus, and in mat interview the purposes of Christ's ve -were fully accomplisbed. Ile fted the man's thoughts above the reurastancen of the hour. His fidelity o truth had been reaselfested amid ore temptations. Against them all e was loyal to his benefaetor and uo to lemself. Such fidelity Was o rare Ad too preeious to fail of Its ward. Jesus knew his further nem- ty aria met WM at the point of con- ious need ready to coreliensate his ositive, repeated, consistent testi - one. Ile tequired only an answer to te questioe, implicitly to credit the Cord of God eoncerning his Son. Ile ad displayed ittsight in apprehending triat'g character, courage in resisting nest's adversaries, and noW his faith d gratitude wore evideneed Wk. k. Chest's- elattn. Pettit fol - wed upon Christ's words. .Confession llowed foith; worship followed colt- ssion, T, It. /kw "Vour life is toe sedentary," gaid e 'dottor. "What youneed is ton. ant excitement." "Well, 1guess nt t it," replied the fair patient. "Pre Ing to marry a man W to orm him." "Mee Arthur propene/I to Me lie as so eeeited he Couldn't speak:" hit how did you know he wanted marry you, 11 he couldn't npeak?" Veil, he was down on his knees, d 1 ktlew he waert't leokitig for a liar blittetl."--(Thrmilighatit Vitt.• Ag e-lierald, Three Enemies at Home. Paris4 'Oahle.-The ebeicetion of Ike German Emperor is forecast by the former German magletrate 'who wrote the celebreted book "1 _Meuse," in an interview eublished in Oetivre, He pays: "The leaser le obeessed by the thought that be le roeponsible for the war, a thought welds polsono his whole existence; Ile feels that be is raenaceci by three enemiee at ?orate Without tounting those Abroad: Fine Is ohe Crown Prince, the real agthor of the war; eecond is the it:siker pan- Germanieti-you cannot imagine the smouldering hatred Of the Emperor for those whom he believes to be maniacs who are driving him into an ebysio- third, are tee people, not the Sociallet party, but the tieople who are starving, and who he feels are tesrhoess:re,.. in number, and rising littie by little against those who organized "The other flay; at the meeting of the Parliamentary Presidenta and, the Ministers of the Federal eovers eigns, at which the submarine war was decided upon, the struggle be. tween the Ka -leer's party and that d Von Tirpitz was most bitter, The ma - Jere y against the Emperor waa no great, however, that lie was obliged to submit, and pretend that lie wee convinced. Iu particelar, he was per- sonally oppooed to a break with Pre- sident Wilson, but he wee forced to Copse:at. Doeuments will be published one day which will prove that secret- ly he did everything not to bring America down upoi him, and that he coneiders that the rupture was an irreparable mistake. The failure of the submarine war will soon show that he was right, but it will be too late. "The people he fears most are the anti -militarist, anti-Prussian'Liberal Republicans, who want the Reichstag to be based on -universal suffrage. That is why Wilhelm is so anxious to con- vince the nation that he did not want war. Alt hie protestatione are made to appease the Liberals, and has feta, billed and -ruined subjects whose mur- =rings are growing stronger, He wants to continue popular at any price, anti that is why he spoke thefirst word of peaee. The people were grate- ful for it, bet the submarine war came and spoiled everything. "It is hard to realize how tb.is. Em- peror; who eujoyed a popularity un- exampled in our epode suffers in his pride. He alone perhap itt Germany knows the whole truth, since he alone has in his poseessiou the elements for roimine a judgment on the situation as a whole. How can he resist Moral- ly and physically under such a (strain? Certainly he hopes sometimes, but less and less, for the success ot the unrestricted submarine warfare which he opposed. He sees the isolation of Germany become more and more cora- piete. • "OeCe he tried to initiate peace ne- gotiations and felled. To try again would be to admit, and proclaim to the whole world, but above all, to the German people, which he fears most, Germany's real situation. If the Al- lies 'solemnly declared, as they did with Napoleon in 1815, that they would refuse to treat for peace with the Ho- henzollerns, it would be a knockout blow. Our German people, who still believe in him, would abandon him, for peace at any priee Will soon be the unanimous and unhidden thought of tortured Germany. "What resource is left to him but a dramatic abdication in order to retain the sympathies of the German people and save the political future of Prue 'sia? He will say: 'I sacrifice myself to make peace. Without me those only are responnible who desired a savage war and the complete isolation of Ger- many, those who took at the beginning my wren their party leader and forced me to mobilize, a measure I hesitated to take.'" KAISER AND CHANCELLOR NAMED IN REICHSTAG AS CAUSE OF WAR Socialist Deputies Grow 4 - Bolder -Praise Events in Russia, London Cable says -:The German Emperor and Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg were denounced In Reichstag by the Soalalist Deputy Kunert. as the originators of the war, according to a. Berlin despatch to Reuter's by way or Amsterdam. The lecident oecurred on Thursday during a debate on the public health esti- mates. Vice -Chancellor' Helfferich re- ferring to herr Renert's remark, de- clared that a German who spoke in the same breath of Russian and Ger- mail -conditions insulted his father. land. The Socialist deputy retorted, amid Socialist applause: • "Because I ompared German reac- tionaries with Russian revolutionists, you say I insulted the fatherland. I ehould be proud if such progress were made in our tountry as has been matte to the Russian Empire," Socialist Deputy Hoch, eellicising the siatietics of the President •of the _Bottrd Of Health, declared that they did not allow the formation of a cou. elusive judgment, and that the Presi- dent should net have painted such a rosy picture ot the bealth or the popu. lotion, when "under feeding Is aimed terrible, aryl bound to infect the puth. ne health." Anether Socialist slated that In man/ establishments workmen hal collapeed front hunger. • GERMAN BREAD RATION IS CUT Reduction of One -Fourth a Shock to Country. - Meat Ration iit Slightly Increased. Aensterdarn ,Cable, ----The bread ratiou its Germany will be diminished one-fourth beginning April 15, why; to the scarcity Of wheat, according to a despatch front 13erlin in the Wezer Zeitung, of Bremen. The potato ra- tion will be continued at five poUnds weekly and the meat ration will be increased by 250 grantee weekly. It is annouriced, adds the despatch, curtaihnent in the use of wheat is necessary to ensure the Present stecks lasting utitil ehe next harvest. The annottneement of the bread ra- tion redttetion has caused surprise and consternation in Germany. The Rho-. nische 1Vestfaeiische Zeltung says: "The reduction is a very painful sur- prise." The Cologne Yolks Zeitung repro -- duces a Semi-official statement which contains the following: "It, should not be toncealtd that this new restriction Irtealts a great eacrifiee and can only bo borne by a people Who for the sake of tite highest alms will bear even heavy burden and whet 'lleiVe a firm tonfiderice that their patient endur- °Ace will be rewarded before long by tt, glorious Uwe." The Volks Zeitung toes editorially: "It the measure is absolutely netes- sary it must be aceepted, but it Must be stated Best for many the limits of the bearable are thereby exeeeded. The grounds advanced for the mew - Pure are net Adequate. tven new it Is only with great deprivations that the indttetriat populationt of the tosviis manage With the bread Vittorio." RUSSIA TO BE REPUBLICAN? Party Led by roreign Min. ister Decides for It. • New Government's Foreign • Policy Outlined. London Cable. --The central cone mittee and the parliamentary rts re- sentatives of the Constitutional Demo- cratic party at Petrograd voted to -day in favor ot a republican form of *Gov- ernment for Russia, according to a Petrograd despatch. Prof. Paul N. Milukoff, the Foreign Minister in the rew Government, is leader of this party. RUSSIA'S FOREIGN ATTITUDE. London, Melee es. -Foreign Minis- ter inilukoff has outlined the attitude of the new Russian Government in foreign affairs to a riumber of Petro- grad and Moscow journalists, A Reuter despatch from Petrograd quotes the Foreign elinister as saying: • • "We shall remain faithful to all past alliances similar to that with our allies, which will be atilt further • strengthened and become still more eordial and sincere. The 'change in • regime win disperse the distrust onr allies had a right to feel toward the late Government, It is Russia's duty to continue the straggle brilliantly both for her owe. liberty and that of all Europe. "By the name in regime we defin- itely wen the sympatne of neutrals. especially Sweden, while Finland, thanks to the restoretion of her eon- stitUtion, has become our sincere friend. Otir allies cattle In touch with the new regime without an instant's delay, understanding that the old - regime was a serious hindrance to that organization or the Ruseian DeoPle whites is necessary for a final triumph. "To -day Russia is im longer a dead weight in the coalition of elites. She is a precluctive force. Henceforth all rumors for a separate peace must vanish once for ail. It Would be anti - national for freed Ituesia to cotne to an understanding with reactiortary Germany." PLAN TO MD PRODUCTION Essa3r Competition for On., tario High School Boys On. How to Best Heip Self and Zmpire. Termite ,Despetelt-To bring be- fore the high school boys and others of the same ago employed in the city the tell f tho Empite for More food, end by SO doing to interest tho lads in tho project of the Organization of tegourees Committee 'to an9ply the farmers with the much-needed help this Spring and smuttier, prizes are being offered by the committee tot - • composittene not eenteinIng mom than one tholleand worth), eel the inthjed, "HOW ean. the aletarW ie Y by %Wein on A. ninethis ettinteser help itinitielf, the farmer and finally the Empire," Felt the 'best Answer in eaeh sehont Srk 1$ elven, for the ueict $3, ad fete tho third, $2. In addition, three greed prieee are Offered in •geld of $23, $13 and $10. This -compositions whien wtn the grand prizee will be read in TO. roto. The 'boys 'must write the answerb themselves, tut are allowed to obtabe idetts end euggestion from their par. elite or any person who can help them. Thus the pressing need of help On the farms reaches eat only the boys, but their parents atel others, . The echerne ims the endorseelent ef the Lielstenant-Govertior, Sir john flendrie, Premier Sir William Hearst and Mr, N. W. Rowell. "You cau place before the ptiplis the call ot the Esup:re for more eoed and the toesequent cell upon their patriotlein to iteeist in its preductien," writes Dr. A. It. A.bbott to the school teachers of the Province, "You can, however, do more that this. You can help to carry the message into every home represented in your school, axle so help persuade the fathers, and par- ticularly the mothers, -of your boys that there is need of sacritice on their part also." To reach the old as well, a night letter was adclreesed last night to pa- triotic organizations throughout the Provision pointing that labor must be available by A.pril for seeding, and asking the various organizations to reach the retired farmer and others. To offset the failing meat stiPple, biologists and experts of the different eolleges are being asked to study the fish of our lakes. It is telt that the moment is opportune for a greater cousumption of fish, and if our lakes do not yield a sufficient supply, -capital eart be interested to go into the Mari- time Provinces to meat the demand. PRO -HUNS RAP OUR WAR LOAN Many Freak Replies to the Circulars, Better Class U. S. People Did Well. Toronto Despatch ---The Canadian bond houses have received a number of American euhscriptions to our third war loan from as far west as Sae Francisco and as far south as New Orleans, says the Monetary Times. Many hundreds of small investors in the United States have patronized the loan, as well as a number of important financial institutions. There are, however, a few investors there who not only have no interest in Canadian war loans, but exhibit a rampant an- tipathy to these securities. One ot the Toronto bond houses, which has important connections in the Malted States, has received some amusing comments from several of these un sympathetic people. One or the circulars sent out by the bond houses included a form .in which suggestions were asked as to the names of possible subscribers to the loan. One or these forms was return- ed, and suggested the names of King George, S. P. Morgan, Schwab, Presi- dent Wilson, and Senator Lodge, the addresses of all being given as "Lon- don, America." Another suggested the Kaiser, General von Hindenburg, Count von 13ernstorff and Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg. The Farmers' Exchange Bank, of Cashtop, Wis. wrote across a subscrip- tion form, "If you have any, German bods for sale, we are interested," ev- idently forgetting that good German bonds are unknown. A man who has not kept in touch with the sonne financing carried on by Canada, namely, Joseph. Haupniane address not given, wrote: "Gentle. men, I am sorry I have to disappoint you. Before you get through You will be insolvent making loans. Yours truly." A Chicago man went one bet- ter, suggesting that "your country is bankrupt now. _few one who buys these bonds never will get a dollar back. Make your north country take these bonds." On the headed notepaper of the learmera end Merchants' Beak, Greenwood, Wis., came the follow- ing letter: "In reply to your letter ot the 26th, Will say 1 ara glad to hear that Canadian banks, ineurrance eouapaniels and investors are arrang- ing to take a large portion of the new Canadian war loan, and I trust that they will be able to take the whole amouot, as we are tot inter- ested in your dirty loans." This is fjigAnccdorbryest4m. itaralt and more pacific seetimente seribs A.enB7tePwlettchaellter.sier. bled aeroess a subscription form. "Am- beroincdasn."people should not buy War Despite these amusing objectiOns, Canada has overesubeerthed its third war loan in a speetkeular manner, and can keep up the Pace. The Dones inion, toe, hats the prattical sympathy and financial support le thie war of Ilia majority of United State e inves- tors and institutione. Ire oppcsition to Inc Store Or s0 of pineal comment, as 'outlined above, the Canadian bond houses have re- ceived numerous letters of ass entirely different nature. The following snag be quoted as examples: A Beaton mail wrote: "I ant not looking for any new investments at the present time, but I am anxious to see this loan an un qualified emcees, and you may enter nlY order` for $25,000 par value of the botde." iNNOM•0110•0411.•••4••••* SIIORT-TBRIVI BILLS. British Treasury Announces Their Resumption. Loudon ,Cablq-- The Treesurg ahnottncee the resuinPtion of the WSW Of that -term treasury bills, Au a re - gun of the suteessful Beating of the greet consolidated war loan and the favorable eondition of the indieeY market. Tenders will be received by the Bank of England from time ter time for bills or one thousand, five thousand and ten thousand peunda sterling, running for three, six or twelve months. Tito diseount market welcomes this step, as for along time tot tt hag had few bills to deal with, and, money be - Ins plentiful and eh(sp, the idea pre- vails that, by resorting to issue by tender, the antlieritiee will be able to borrow on favotablo term or at 'trate of interest a shade below that Of the Prezetit war Wu, TEMPERANCE ACT AMENDMENTS Hotel Business Assessment to Be Abolished. Toronto Despatch- The chief amendmeuts to the Ontario Teluper- (Mee Act, introeueed in the Legisle• ture yesterday by 110a, W, 7.), McPher- son. are the puttiug into effect of "Indian list" legislation, the giving et power to Goverurneat officials to eV - amine tee Wilts of Wines companies, not for the purpose ef melting any- thing public, but for the purepee of fleeing that the act la curried out, end exemption trout Imaiaess assessment, until 1919 to holders of standard hotel licensee, "There will be two Or three other amendments." mid Mr, McPherson. "These are now recelving the consid- eration of the Government, and will he lutroduced later." Mr. Rowell -Ms the Government considered the question of deliveries in Ontario? The Premier answered there was uo Omega in the legislation Mr. Rowell -Has the Government considered the question of soliciting orders In Ontario? Premier Hearst -Prohibition „of ad. vertising? Mr. Rowell -Solicitation of °Vera In any way. Premier Hearst -The matter le under consideration, Mr, Rowell -Islay we expect some legislation dealing with it before the House rises? Premier Hearst -I would not any so. Mr. G. 0. Hurdman (Ottawa) -Is there any provision &seer eonsidera• tion to restrict the sale of malt liquors to the standard hotels? The Premier replied that this was a matter that waS receiving some consideration by the Government, ' hir. H. Hartley Dewart (Southwest "Toronto) -I take it that the bill does not provide for thse abolitionsof the License Board, Premier Hearst -No, BUSINESS TAX EXEMPTION. The amendment with reference to business assessmeet reads that the provisions of sub -section 1 of section 148 of the Temperance Act shall also apply to the keeper of every standard hotel holding a license under section, 146 of the act during any of the Years. 1917. 1918 and 1919, and no municipal corporation shall levy or collect from any such person any taxes in respect of business assessment for any one of said years during which the person holds.such license. • • 41. D'U'TCH SHIPS SAIL, Fleet of 15 Leaves to Load Grain in U. S. New York Despatch -An Assaciated Press despatch from Washington to- night says: "A fleet of 15 Dutch steamships was said here to -day to have sailed recently from a port in Holland for the United States, by way of Halifax. The vessels all steamed out the same day, and now are believed to be well north of the German submarine zone around the British Isles. `"It is intended by the Netherlands Government, which has the ships un- der Charter, to have them load- grain, probably in New York, and then re- turn by the same route they came. It was explained here to -day that lack of foodstuffs in Holland niade it necessary that a large quantity be ob- tained at onee, and it was felt that 'a merchant fleet could better brave the dangers of the seas than individual ships Mitny Dutch ships loaded with grain now are being detained in Brit- ish ports either by the,British authori- ties or through fear of German sub- marines." • URGE PATRIOTS TO BE PATIENT Suffering in Britain Less Than in Other Countries. Panic is Greatest Danger Facing Nation. 1•••••••••••••••••••.........• London Cable, --Speaking in the House of Commons in behalf of the Food Coetroller this afternoon, Chas. Bathurst, member of- Parliament for the Wilton division of Wiltshire, said: "While the food situation end the outlook for the future are not wholly satisfactory, the poerer classes in this Country are suffering less then those of any Other belligerent, The great- est daeger at the present, is in arous- ing unnecessary panic." Admitting a shortage of potatoes, the speaker urged. all patriots to use a Substitute for tho food article dur• ing the next two or three menthe. "Everyone, while practising the greatest possible econoiny," his said, "should at the same time maintain a spirit which will catry the melon through what are bound to be the eritical months ahead." It is Understood .in shipping circles that the Government hes extended the control of shipping And has now re- quisitioned at *fixed rates all liner tonnage engaged in the Australian, South American and South African trades, This entension of the control plan apperently is intehded to deal system- atically and to the best advantage with virtually the eetire Ilritish tonnage, and bring it under the matagetnent of the Shipping Controller. •••41.4 FOR A MORDERZR, AR. West Virginia., Governor Would Save Hogue. • Charleston, W. Va., nespatelt-Gov. arnor Cornwall, of West Virginia, will intereede on behalf of John S. HOgUe, jun., former resident of Oltalleston, who is under sentenee be be hattged at Sandwich, Ont., May 10, ter the `mut- tier of :Marshall Jackson, fL Canadian itnntigrotion officer, 'Through the West Virginia executive Andrew Hogue, of this eity, brother of 1111! 0011. vitted man, is seokittg to diave a new trial granted. Joltit Hogtie Is a mem. ber of a prominent Itanawha, valley fetnily, Wellington Matto* • Piro ine. Go. situbuiti PO. Ii**1 oftlos, QM' 9stken 1911 *OM Of On the eellai OWLOgartA2f. ;OM DA 'no ott fisroser it1TO$10 001111944, Agents. wimps". Dudley Holmes KARRIVEN, 001,101TON $1,0, Moo Mt/or lib*, W10100010 Vanetone imrtm11114 MO 100L46111" 34.140, 1. loim *4 *rot odow WitIOHAM, TORONTO MARKETS. nutmeat S' Do irr Vroduce-. Rutter. choice (mire 0 42 Elmo, new.laWc doz..... .. 0 40 Chtese, lb. .. 0 00 0 00 033 CI 23 geese Do., Caney. . • * Dil Voultreesery-- Turiteya leowe lb. , • • 1 • • U2.' Dueitlina Chickens, lb.. .......... ..,... .... 0 2 ih.... . .0 30 riuits- APpleS, BaldwinO, 1)01. - - 4 00 Do., Spies, bbl. .. .. .. . 3 CO Do., Greenblatt bid. .. .. .. (113(1 0 40 065 2 00 0 50 Carrots, per bag.. ,. .. ., 2 25 Ottebttess, caah.. .. .. .. ., 0 ill • horseradish, lb. .... ., .. .. 0 OD Leeks, bunch ....„ .. .. .. Lettuce, itoa. 0011s.. organ Do„ (oz.,bolls., tame .. - 0111000. btntne .. .. ., Do., 11 -qt, hitt... .. - - Do., bag, .. - ,... ,.. ... 3 00 Potatoes, per hag- .. .. .. 3 09 Do., per peek .. .. .. .. 0 00 Parsnip's, iper bog.. .. .. 0 00 Do., per petit - •• .. .•.. 0 00 Radishes, per bunclt.. .... 0 01 Sage, bunch .. ., „.. .. - 0 03 Savory, bunch .. .,.. ,,. ,. 0 03 Turnips, bag, ., „ ,. ., .. .. 0 00 ...........13(1 mile:rs-witorx..9A.rx. Beef, forequarters, oWt. ,. $14 00 Do„ hindquarters .. - .. 16 00 Ca.reases choice ., .. .. 15 50 Do., cOmmon. .. .. 11 50 Vols, common, Vwi. - •••. 9 50 Dm o., edium ,.. ... ... .. 13 00 Do., prime.- ... ..„.. .. 13 50 heavy hogs ,.. ... ... ... ,. 14 50 iShophogs ,.. .. .,.. ,.... Is 00 Abattoir hogs ., ,. .. .. .. 19 50 Mutton, heavy .., ,.. ... . 10 00 Do., light ... ... „ • .., 15 95 Lambs, lb. .. .. - .... .. (1 21. Do„ Spring ,.„.. • - 11 OD SUGAR MA.RKErr, Do.. 0 -qt. ben... •• •••• •• , esp., 11 -qt, lest, Wise nonce -- Basta per hag " " Per Peat 0 10 0 23 0 40 0 05 0 00 1 All gro.dt of sugar advanced twenty' cents, Toronto and Winnipeg, at 4.25 P m. yesterday (Friday.) Local wholesale quotations on Can- adian refined, sugar. Toronto delivery, In effect after March 23, St, LawrenCe granulated .. 100 lbs, $7,73 St. Lawrence Beaver..., .. 100 lbs, 7,63 Lentils granulated „ . „ . _ 100 lbs, 7.73 Blue Star granulated .. .. 100 lbs. 7.0.1 Redpoth's granulated, .. .. 100 lbs. 7.72 Royal Acadia granulated .. 100 lbs. 7.132 No. 1 yellow, all refiners .. 100 lbs. 7,02 Baoinkintorcnil°077stal, iranulated 100 lbs, 7.13 100 lbs, 7.63 - ... °TILER MARKETS. WINNIPEG GRAIN EXCHANGE. 5,1111iett...t-... .,. 0.011)05en.. High,L1o0w0 . Cilos9sol4; July .. .... - 1 83 1S5% 1113 185% Oct. ... ... ... 1 50 1 52 1 49% 1 52 Oats- Nfay , - , 0 OM 0 63% 0 6201 0 6354 July , .. .. 0 031.1, 0 62% 0 62y., 0 02% Oct. , ., .. .. 0 349 0 54.14 0 5594 Flax.- May, .„. ... 2 ale 2 0814. 2651,-41 2 6614 July . 2 66 2 69 2 63 2 69 To 4..89 *Cs g'oid. . LONDON WOOL SALES. Loncion.-There were 6,700 bales offer- ed at tbe wool auction sales to -day, Bid- ding was active and prices wore strong. New :ostattslt.:rtal2ses 4stico. scoured merinos sold at 4s, 11d. Victorian at Os and Queens- 311/NNEAPOLIS GRAIN mAreturr. Minneapolls.-Wheal-May, 01.90 1-8 to 51.90; July, $1.88 14; cash No. 1 hard, $2.0/ 1-8 to $2.08 1-8; No. 1 Northe3•n, $1.98 1-8 10 32.03 1-8; No. 2 Northern, 31.90 1-8 to $2.02 14. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 51.15 1-4 to 61,19 3-4, Oats -No. 3 white, 60 1-2.. to 62e, 'iour unchanged. /Iran -134,50 to $25.00. DULUTH GRAIN MARKET. Duluth.-Wheat-No.._1 lard, 31.05 54; No. 1 Northern, $1.94 5-8; No. 2 ''sTorthern, J8143, 65-18.04tobit$11:30L5I-LiooMd,ays2, m$1,190.2 11to -852b1000;; May, 52.31; July, 52.03. CHICAGO LIVI1 STOCK. Cattle, receipts 8,000. Market weak. Native beef cattle , Stockers and feeders ... .... 79 2090 1120 13050 Cows and heifers .... .. .. it 50 ICI 00 Calves . . . .. ,. 10 50 13 00 Hogs, i'•ec•t:ixii; •ii,00o. Market strong, 5c higher. Light 14 20 15 00 14 70 13 13 14Rrug"t, 14 45 15 15 Rough ... ••• 14 45 14 60 • • • • • • • • • 1050 1.11'D /3ulic Of sales'. ; . ; • •Lt. •• • • • '• • • • 14 85 15 05 Sheep. receipts 3,M. Market steady . Wethers . . . 12 0 Latnbs, na•tive::••:... •••••• ::: 1.12. il 15 25 4041 43 41110 083 0811 027 0 22 4)27 1300 0013 0 50 0 75 2 50 000 2110 0 49 0111 083 0116 D GO 11 10 1 re "00 3 50 0 60 252 0 50 0 D5 0 10 10 1 10 02.i $16 OD 18 50 17 00 13 50 11 50 13 50 • 20 OD 19 50 20 00 20 50 12011 17 00 0 23 14 00 GIRLS DIED IN SUICIDE PACT Strange Double Tragedy in Portsmouth, N. H. No Reason Known for -Their Action. n'ortsinottilis N. H„ Report, --Two young womeu who were killed in the Portsmouth Cafe last night were defi- nitely identiried to -day as Margaret ("Peegy") Spalding, daughter Of Geo. In Spalding, of Newton, elem., and Ethel Stanton, daughter of J. L. Stan- ton, city passenger agent of the Reek Island Railroad, with headquarters at Los Angeles. A not signed "Peggy" and Ethel, feundt In a r00111 lu the Rockineham Hotel, which they had occupied during Wednesday night and Timinday, indicated that they had agreed to commit suicide, • Miss Spalding was 18 years of age, and Miss Stanton was Me The girls came here on Wednesday. After a night and a day Spent in their room at the hotel, where Miss Stauton had registered in her own name and Mies klealditg as "Rose King," they went to the *eel for dinuer. They spent more than two home (ever the meal, prolonging it by repeated ealls for black eoffee. Just before 11 onto& the waiters and tbe few temaining diners heard two shots. They rushed to the booth Where the ghee had been seated, and found Miss Stanton dead, lyieg across the table. Mise Spalding lay on the floor, uhsh conscious, and died ortly attenwards, tech girl had a bullet wound in the temple. Miss Stanton'e fingers were closed about a, 52-ea1ibre revolver, end beside Miss Spalding% body lay a pearl-handied 22 -calibre re. velvet'. The police toeitty expressed the opinion that tach girt held a revolver at the other's head nod fired. It was Dimmed to hold on isiqueet to -day. The bodite were taken to uneertakittg es- tahliehmellts. The note found in the girls' room was addressed to Miss Spaidlfig'S Blether. No definite reason was given in the note for the girl's act, It said they had Wedded that it was better that they should die, and naked their par- ents not to be grietetriekest, because they "would all be happy and peaceful when reunited in a better world." A note lett by Migg Stanton aelted that 'C. V. Malsbury, Johnsen. building, Cleeinnati, be notified. The pollee learned to -day that Mr, Malsbury had served as executer el the eethte oe Miss Stanton's Mother, who Was h11104 in an outolnobile nectdent, Arthur 1 Irwin D.D.S., LAI% Doctor of Dental SertFry of tbe Peon* sylvania College and ieentlate of Delp. 151 Surgery ot War Clusee every Wednesday Atterneen, Office in Macdonald Block. F. M. DEANS D.o.s,, honor Graduate of tho Royal College 02 Dental Surgeons of Ontario, honor Oraduate of University et Toronto, Vacuity of Ministry. Closed every Wednesday Afternoop, Offloe Over H. E. teard & Co.'s &tette In lobe Dqntal Parlors, torrnerly ocea- nic -a by Z.i (), H. Ross. • W. R. Hamby Beam, M.D., C,M. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having takell Poatgraduate work in Sur. gery, Bacteriology and Ocientifie Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church, budnees giTett careful at:tendon. Phony 54. P. O. Box ns Dr. Robt. C. Redmond M.R.C.S. (TOMO 1.4,11..C.P, (Load.) - PHYSICIAN AND suRaetIN. (Dr. Chisholm's old stead). DRLiGLIESS PHYSICIAN • ctiIROPRACTOR Acute diseases respond in most crises quite re.adlly to treatment by a Drug- less Physician. Many conditions 'which otherwise call cti• oparattve interior-, cover naturally. So-called incurable cover naturally. So-ealledin curable cases sometimes benefit considerably al- so. J. A. FOX, D.C., D.O. Member Drugless Physicians Association of Canada. Office hours -2 to 5. 7 to 8 p.m. Phone 191. DR. R9 1 STEWART ei.raduste of 'University of Tornnte, F0.0,91ty of Medicine; t.lcatitlatb Cif the Oitt,tcri College of Physli,lans and Surgeons. ()prim ENTRANCE: SECOND DOOR NORTH OF ZURERIGG/S PHOTO STUDIO, JOSEPHINE ST. PHONE 29 11•110111111.• OSTEOPATHIC PHYS/CIAN R. F. A. PARKER. Osteopathy builds vitality Rat rtranith, Adjustment of the 'pine sned Other tissues is gently secured, there. rantorIng tit* predloposIng eautha of disease, Blood, pressure aad other examine. tions made. Trusses scientifically fit. ted. OPPICS 0‘14n 1ann-Tues4ay5 emit Fridays, 9 Wat, to • Da11.1 Wednesdays, 9 to 11 cm, 0.4,Aar 421;t8 ,by appotatInont., -Generai Hospital (Under Government inspection). Pleasantly situated, beautifully fur. nished. Open to all regularly licensed p.hyilcians. Rates for patients (which include board and nursing) -$4,00 Itt 3145.00 per week, according to location of room. For further information- Addresa MISS L. MATHEWS, Superintendent, Sox 223, Will1am, Ont. I SELL ToWn and Farm proportlel. Call and set my Sat and get rny pricea. I have toms excellent value!. G. STEWART W1NGHAM. Phone 1S4. Office, in Town *ON • T. R. Berulott, 3. P. LUCTIONIZER Date* Arranged at the 'Advent; Office Pure-ared Stook Sales * Spec/oar Bale. conducted anywhere In OntartO. KiONU Si. WM.:WHAM, ONT. .... ............„...........;„_. (su...ar to J. 0..STEWART);• , PURE, LIP'S, ACCIDENT ' . • • and NtAt.714 INSURANCE. . . • P. 0. ilex 86e, Intone in . wrNomult ..... _0b4-'1%. ." VINISIMiNinallOWNG3.166,tiOninle 41.11.1110.,:woike.k.A61.10. John F. Grow s Issuer ISTA.EltrAGS LIOENSE8" TOWN HALL ""WINGFIAhl Phones-Offtni 24; Rutile/too in,' WEVANTOREAM. WI Want eraitati and *nit %kit tb )dAht-4!t prites.fer orboa gesin Ihl our cream wines a 10S/tile* to Irt tot you este tilaelYs D.I.groo 10cfj- Mat home, And in Issaditig yiltir of tta will WS a honla laduatet, muds two Oita* to each ah1PD8t pop ail express thargais altd 10:1 an hOttelt ,Chetik4 OttirOtte haVint 0reatri during later..Would do Weil to ishib to 'it. for further narticuittre;te THE SEIFil3pl;i1EAMEld- rOilk114 Otft0.0. • 4,1 • •