HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-03-22, Page 8Page eight r it xxxxx41�1 x x xxxxxxxyam of the provede will go to the: John Iluether Iaet week. Qr.,, r 9 Iced (moot and t$10 to the Belgian Re-, Cee. needier was eisiting friends in lief Fund; the Italence to buy conn Eitel for a couple or wecics T.TT, E JNOTLAM ADVANCE • MEN'S SCJ 1 20 PER CENT OFF We need STOCK. fairanalniMM Clothing for Men and Boys to clear at a/a••L mommitumnsionsamummimmun HANN*.& CO. 74 room for our N,EW .SPRING Men's Spring Overcoats and -Tweed Raincoats are reduced in prices 20 PER CENT OFF Ladies Spring and Fall Snits to clear at $13.75 SALE PRICES on White Waists, Separate Skirts, Spring Coatings, and many other new lines of goods. We have the Exclusive Agency for ROGERS GARMENTS in Suits and Coats for ladies and misses. Also have the T2 -elusive Agency for ART tailoring clothes for Men. Special samples for Spring Suits. Suits from $20.00 to $35.00. KVait XX XXXX VareiXXXXX tit Belgrave Mr. and Mrs. Yuell were in London for a few days last week. - Mrs. Stewart of Bayfield, is etaying with her father, Mr. Halliday. Mies Minnie Campbell spent a few days at her home. Eugene Geddes spent a few days with her cousin, Mies Maggie Shedden, Mr. Robertson. relieving agent, was in the village for a couple of days in the absence of Mr. Yuell. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Wheeler have left for their home in Alberta after spending a couple of weeks with friends. Mr. fdproat of Woodstock, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Duncan McCallum. Mies Vance is the guest of Mrs. John Geddes. Joe Montgomery is engaged with John Armetrong for the summer. Tho Belgrave Patriotic Society wish to acknowledge with thanks the fol- lowing donations: E. Wawanosh Council, $75; Jas, Graeby $5; S. S. No. 8, East Wa wa nosh pet Miss L.Carrie $1.25; Trinity Church Guild $30; Mrs. Wm, Wight man, $1; a friend 50e, Mrs. 11, Bran- don, one pair socks and parcel of old cotton; Mre, Wm, C. Scott, one pair socks. The Society oleo shipped to Hyman Hall, London, 12 suite pyjamas; 45 pair socks. Robert Anderson continues its poor health, his friends hope for a speedy recovery. Oliver Anderson is slowly recover- ing from the effects of his recent oper- ation, but is still at Wingham Hospit- al. 1t1iss Boguee of Caledonia, who has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Wm. Geddes, for the past week aeturned to her home on Saturday. Mrs. Walter Allinson has not been been feeling up to the mark these days Toe. Brydges unloaded a cur of fertilizer the beginning of the week to the farmers of this district, The St. .Patrick's box social held under the auspices of the Woman's In- stituto in tbcr C. 0. F. Hall, on the uieht of the loth was well attended, the hall being almost full.. The room was quite cicely decorated for the oc- casion. Richard Proctor was the genial chairman, who always filly the bill in good etylo. A splendid pro gramme was put on consisting of local talent assisted by Miss Jean VanNor- man, Wingham, who gave vopal eclec• tions in a very able and pleasing man- ner which delighted the audience; also Mr, Birkett of Wingbam rendered piano instrumentals which were hard to beat, James Bowman M. P„ gave violin telectiono, also an able address 'on "Patriotism". James Taylor sold by public auction the Autograph quilt made by members of Institute of red and white cotton. Some 000 names are worked on it, $75 was the amount realized for the names. Wm Craig bought the quilt $a being the amount paid. The boxes ware also auctioned at good prices, $:1.60 was realized for some of the boxes which were beauti- fully,decorated. $07 was realized from this sale. The total proceeds of quilt and boxes, including private donations • is $150 00 up to date, with small silent to follow, all of which will be used for Patriotic purposes, The members of the Institute Milked well and the pub- lic responded generously, both in don- Bay; Miens for the quilt atd at the Social which gave it a boost to each and ell, The members of the Institute are (.ranbrook very thankful for this .patronage. Mr. Geo. Fischer of Alma, was visiting forts for the boys. who went front' Air. Jewel) Vischee has moved en to hist j.53.14;ravo to the War. bum rIr the thli con., which lenpurchaeekl from Welter Lowery. Mr. John Fischer of SL Thomas, has moved his household' effects to the farm vacated by his brother, ,Jacob, on the Dliud lane, Mrs, (Rev ) McCulloch spent it week visiting friends in 'Toronto, Married ---tit the Maus,', Walton, on Wednesday, March 11th, lilies Viola Lon; of Cranbrook, W 111r, •Roy l3euuett of «niton, WIN01-1At t MARKETS (Correct up till Wednesday noon.) Wfteat, new 1 70 to 1 72 Floor, per cwt., patent5 00 to u 15 1+'lour, per cwt,, family•37 00 ttol 005 Bran, per ton , , Shorto, per ton 30 00 to 12 00 Oats, 0 03 to 0 (10 13arley 0 05 to 1 00 flay, new 0 00 to 10 00 Butter, per ib -Dairy , 0 '31 to 88 Eggs, per dozen '1 30 to 10 Oattle, medium butchers 7 50 to 8 00 Cattle, butchers choice, ,8 50 to 0 00 Hogs, live, weight 14 50 to 11 50 Lamb (owl) 0 00 to 10 50 Rams, per lb 11 28 to Bacon long clear 0 35 to 0 38 Sheep Skins , . , . 1 25 to 1 1. 0 Elides 12 00 to 1.1 00 Ohiokene, live d dressed .f0 to 20 Old Ilene, " If 10 to 11. Ducks, " • " 1(5 to .18 Geese, ,. " lti to 18 Turkeys, 11 18 to 22 Whitechurch Mr, and Mrs, Robert Mowbray of Wingham, visited over Sunday with friends here, Mr. Wilfred Jacques left on Saturday for the West after spending the winter with his parents here. Miss Bessie Laidlaw was the leader of the Y. P. S. meeting on Sunday. Mr. Dan Martin is the leader for Mar. 25. A large number from here attended the Irish lecture at Langside on Tuesday night. On Thursday last the Socks Committee met at the home of the convenor, Miss Lily Paterson and parcelled 48 pairs of socks (2 pairs each) for the Whitechurch boys who are in the trenches and those of the 160th and 161st which battalions are expected soon to leave for France, The Literary meeting on Friday even- ing was well attended and an excellent program of Irish songs, recitations, and violin music was rendered. A dialogue and a tableau by a number of young men gave pleasure, also the "Echo," read by Males. Laidlaw, An address on "Ire- land" by Rev. J. R. Graham was very much enjoyed. The last meeting for this season will be held cn Mar. 30, when the new officers will be elected. Morris Mr. James Knox of Broadway, Sask , is visiting at Mr. Thos, Abratn's. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Jackson of Gor•rie, were visitors at Miss Martha Roe's last week, Mr. J. D. McEwen made a business trip to Ethel on Saturday, Mr, Ward Gray of London is spending, a few days at his home on the let line. Mr. John Casemore and . Mr. Janice Nichol had very successful wood bees last week. Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Moncrieff, and Mrs Tindall of Wingham, were visitors at Mr, Jan Hunter's one day last week. The little baby of Mr. and Airs. Elmer Hastings is very low with pneumonia, Mrs. John Casemore was the guest of Mrs J. D. McBwen last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Nichol entertained their friends to a socia! hop last Friday evening. Bluevale Mies Mabel Coultas returned to Tor- onto, after spending the past month at her home here. Mr. Thos, Stewart received a ear of western oats this week and Chas. Garnise a couple care of mill feed, The auction sale at John Hall's on Monday was well attended and every- thing went for a good figure, Mrs. Harris of Wroxeter, is visiting Mrs, Rolph at preeent,. Remember the social given by the Epworth League on Friday night of this week in the basement of the church. Admission 10e and 15s, Mr. Parker Smeltzer has gone to Guelph where he has secured a posi- tion, Mrs, A. liolmee has returned after spending the past few weeks in Toron- NVeddiug Bells are ringing, -so they TRAVELS OF A SUMER (Continued from page 1) hall, The Horse Gluarde, I1..uses of Parliament, Westtninister An,hey, St. Paul's Cathedral, Buckioghann Palace, the King's residence, etc. So you see l; had a busy day. 1 will not a,tteinpt to describe any as that would mean a otter in itsself. That night at 11 p.m I took the train tor Scotland. You will no doubt, wonder why I went to Scotland instead of Ireland, We are supposed to got a free pass when we are over here three months, so 1 thought I would wait for that.. They aro not giving very many passes now, so I may not get It, I arrived in Glas- gow the next morning about $ a,m. That day I visited the National Art Gallery and the Brittanic Gardens, That night 1 stayed with some frieade of one of the feilowe I was with and I must say that they could not have treated mo any better, The next morning I want over to Edinburgh a distance of 00 miles. Phi: day I saw the Fourth Bridge, ]ildinbuegh Castle, which is somothiug worth seeing, Canon Gate, the alums of the city, Ho]yrood Palace, where the King stays when he is there, Edinburgh University, the Royal Scottish Art Gallery, etc. Edinburgh is a very beautiful city and there ale great many nice streets and parks, That night 1 returned to Glasgow having spent a very busy day. The next day was Sunday and one of the girl,t where I was staying and myself went out to Loctx Lomond, about 22 miles. It is a very nice place, there being a park o1' 73 acres. Bellock Castle is also situat- ed there. The next afternoon I returned to London, arriving there quite late at night. There was a very bad fog on. It was so thick that you could hardly eee anyone right beside you, The next day I did not go around very much and returned to camp that afteiruoon, rather tired but quite pleased with my ttip. Tne next tuornigg i left for Pirbright to take a two months N. C. 0. course. We wore only there's• week when IS moved to Borden. I rather enjoyed the course but they were very strict and the inetructors 'were Imperials. During this time our Bat talion wae broken up, part going in a draft to France, some gniug to that 116th Beat and the rest of us to the 125th Batt. I have only drilled in it one week tlo d.. not know much about it. The officers appear to quite good. Wo are quite a Cosmopolitan hunch now, Trite. are 'he original bunch of the 125 b, 1355th, 157th, 1001b, and 111.b. One week after I arrived back one of the fellows in the huts took the mumps so we were quarantined, Just as we were about to ger out an- other fellow took them, sot hey shipped us over here for 21 days, 10 of v,'hfeh must be spent in bed. We will be able to getup in a couple of days. I am not at alt'eick so do not- mind it. We are in a very good building and every one is very nice to us. I think I will close for this time as it is rather tiresome writing In bed. I would like to describe it .a greater length but may do so again. I hope you are all well, I do not know when I will get over to France but there is some talk: of about the first of Aped, We are not at all near the 117th Batt. I think they are some place in the south of England, I• had a letter fronr Alf Pot,liff some time ago, LIe was over in,Franco, -1 am sending .you a handkerchfef which I received from a fellow who hasjust come hack from Belfast, snit ie the real Irish Linen, Will bo glad to hear from you at any time you may find time to mite. Sincerely, George, • VJL SACRIFICE SALE of all lines of goods in our store Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods Clothing, Groceries, etc; M. 4Lindsa" .r edsX xxxxxxXxxv Varxxxxxxxxxxxx The Kandy Kitchen We have ,ts e^ctlreti thd� kt'2'vices (if one of the very 11,..I4 Candy makers on the con- tinent, whohas work- ed in all the leading -Am rican cities, Try our Delicious Candy at 20 ets, and 40 cts. per lb. See our display of choice Easter Candy, The Kandy Kitchen Lunches, Stews, Ice Cream, etc, Wingham Citizen Honored At the meetieig of the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario Wast, which was held in Stratford last week. Rev. J. W. Iiibrert was elected Grand Chaplain. a ♦ as �-9 IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mrs, Alex. Cameron Jr, who died ;March 2ot,it 101x, Though earthly ties are broken, In life we most no more; Our hearts are with you Annie, On yonder distant shore. The God who gave has taken, And heaven our dear one won Although our hearts are broken, The will of God be done. Loving Father, Mother, Sisters and Brothers. 2 Nil, sem s toommalln GN RiSTIE'S' :PHONE .59 I1, It isn't the cheapest goods that save you i>3 money. They never give you satisfaction, and then there's the 'risk you run by the use of all low equality foods. -good, Pure, Right Prh edr QUALITY FOODS are what we cvffe,r,, and you. will ;incl in the end, that buying the best. IS TRUE ECONOMY Send Along Your Grocery Orders Thank It flmr i 1 come socemorms mos esictommeas as Uorrie 'Miss SIcMureu, teacher in the Public Schopl, spent the Week -end at her home in Lucknow. Ice is still being stored, itis good quality about two feel thick. Here's that the warm weather may soon be here thCtt we may make use of it. .Percy and Herbert Dobson of Toronto. attended the Memorial services of their father Rev. A. B. Dobson. Mewls .Council held their regular meet• ing in the township hall on Thursday last. A claien•of William Cow: of Lakelet, for $5. for broken cutter shafts, caused by upsetting in snowdrift was read -No action taken. Another bill for damages from 8 liricken was read this was for broken culler shafts and harness caused by the upsetting of - the cutter. owing to a snow- drift in, Fordwieh--Left• over till next regular meeting A quiet wedding was solemnized at the manse in Melesw•orlb, on Wednesday of last week when Mable J. Maguire was united in marriage to NVallace Edgar, both of Howick, Rev. Bell officiating. The young couple left for Lislonvel and other eastern pointy, returning On Saturday. Their many frieud-e wish them a happv and prosperous voyage on tho matrimon- ial sea, ,Rev. J. Lenton of Clifford, representing the S utgcen Presbytery. conducted the Memos al services held in the l'r•esbyter- ian church, in memory of the late Mr. Dobson. A large congregation was pros. ent. The Rev. Roberts took part in the service having withdrawn the Anglican afterecoen service on account of the memorial service, Wilria, Green a resident of Gerrie and vi.iuity for many years died at his eon's home op Lot 40, eon, C,, Howlett, where be and his wife bad lived for the. past Iow menthe Rev. 13e11 of Moldsvvorth conduct- ed the ctvi'a, Interment being in the Gordo • cemetery. ITe was in his S',:nd year atnd had been in fainly l;ood health acid Ingot until a few days before, Ili, wife and son have the sympathy of a large -number of friends and acquaint - Pies Herbert and '3.Vilfred. Truitt of the 2111th Bat' (Derr, ere) sena ot.Poet Master Irwin were horns' front i'otem.) on ittet leave bcrore going in in Seae. Their many Mende wish there stied Iuck sari a sate return, Lyth Born in Blyth March 17th. to Nr. and Mrs William. Logan, a .daughter. Horn In Blyth Nevelt 6th. to Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Carthene 13 enl: of Hamilton, a con Miss Luella Campbell of Wingham, is visiting friends in town. Mr. George Tyndall of Chatham, is a visitor at the twine of Mr, and Mrs, A. Carr. A Jubilee meeting will be held in Milne`u Hall, Monday evening Match 12th, for the purpose of organizing a Soldier's Aid Society. - Rev E. G. Powell of Clinton, will give lantern views en scientific temperance on Tuesday evening in the Presbyterian. church. Mrs. W. W. Sloan of Toronto attended the funeral of the late Mr. Andrew Sloan, on Friday, At the last meeting of the Council Mr. Peter Gardiner was appointed treasurer of the town's finances, Mr, Joseph Stothers having resigned, MARRIED Bi NETT-LoNcl--At Duff's Church Mantle, Walton, by Rev, R. A. Lundy, B. A , on March 2lth, 1017, Mr, Geo. Ray Bennett of Walton, to Miss Viola, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Long, .Craubrook. DIED Rosa -In Godericb, about March 10, Nancy Angus, widow of tho late Robert Rose, aged Oti years, SL,o x -At the home of his daughter, Mrs, Wesley Walker, Godericb, on Tuesday, March 13, Andrew W. Sloan of Blyth, in his7Sth year, . (ft i X -In Howick, on Tuesday, March 13, 1017, %Vm. Green, con- cession 0, aged 51 yeare, 10 months, and 20 days, 0000 000006300000'30tt0000 a 11 0 0 8 8 0 t3 8 0 t3 8 8 8 8 0 0 Don't Expori- mont Buy "SAMSON" q ality farm and garden tools. They are supreme for good service and are absolute- ly guaranteed, 3-1-5-0 and 8 tiuefork', High- est grade through-; Out, Sap Pails 20e a Spites 11, 3 31 and 4e Paittt suitable for pails 60„ a ten 8 355 a pint. 0 "i . t 1fIlI Alt' fif•? r t(� • f trl� 11 ;1111111! lI BEAUTIFUL FLOORS are a necessary accompaniment et a beautiful home. Von can make thc Iloors tR in your home beautiful at least cost if you use THE SNER:'.RN-WILLIAlin AlooEgv METHOD FLOOR FINISHES, They make good looking ti Ors. Get color cards and prices befotc finishing your floors. FOR PAINTED FINISH Inside FioIrs—THF S.W. INSIDE FLOOR NTT Porch Ftaars-Ars S -W PORCH FLOOR peer FOR VARNISHED FINISH Naarral—r'aR..vrr, a durable floor varnish Stained,-Fteo:xse, stain and Tapnish combined. .3 t FOR WAXED FINISH TRE 6.W.•FLooa WAX FOR UNSIGHTLY CRACKS IN OLD FLOORS S -IV. CRACK AND SEAAr FILLER SCC us for proper finishes for differout rooms, 0 R. b. ®$V Phnn. 8 Hardware n0000000000000000000000000 Ally diseases treated by Osteopathy - the most complete system of tirugles& healing iu existence. Bast results with fewest treatments, Dr. Parker, Osteo- path. Office over Christie's store.• h00000000000" 0000oaob='ti ''1000 NEW SONG Choosing Our Emblem { 'The Maple Lead t:r 8 1 Word* he Margaret E. Harrison Mucic 1,Y Muriel E. Bruce Compoacr of "KNITTING': This Bong has been accepted by the Hoard t,f Educathot for the Oity of Toronto, to be sung by the pupils in all the eebootb. For tattle et Murie Storer Inv from 1'nhJish ', Empire 1litesid. and r['r avel C.0 : Ltd. 42 Ohs: al; . St., Toronto, 4 4 4 t 9 4 4 4 s 4 x 4 9 4 4 4 w 4 9 Y 4 4 9 9 9 9 4 9 9 4 9 'llurEtlay, Mll?rch 22nd 1917. Real Good Values Considering Present Prices • This Cut Represents one of the New Shoes for Women This exact style made' in patent colt, black cravenette top, nue heel. A good fitting and up -to- ' date shoe for $3.50 Per pair, either laced or button We are prepared to match the price of any shoe ad- vertised in any Canadian catalogue. If you are not shown the kind you desire, ask us for a certain kind in a certain catalogue, and in nine cases in ten we can give you the same at the same price, and if it should happen that ,ve have not got the exact kind we shall be glad to procure them for you at exactly the same price as ad- vertised, W. H. WILLIS Solo Agent i� 2 ) FOR For the .SHOE LADIES POLITICS FIMANCE 1 -fix -Ey sfrolyz FOR BUSY MEN CONVENIENT TRAINS Leave Toronto Union Station 11 00 p in. (Except Saturday) 10 00 a.m: (Except Sunday) AU modern equipment Through tickets to Ottawa via Toronto and the Canadian Northern Railway are obtainable, from the local C N. R. Agent or G. T. R Agent. Telephone or Telegraph collect to City Passenger Agent Toronto, for reservation, or apply to RITCHIE & COSENS, Financial Agents, Wingham, Oat. CANADIAN NORTHERN. r � New Springy Goods 1 Our New Spring Goods aro. Opened Up 'i and Await Your Inspection at oar Store New Prints We are offering a larger assortment of new prints this season than ever before, and in spite of the big advances of cottons we are offering them at low prices. Light colored prints t $e a yard and dark colored prints at 2oc a yard, D. & A. Corsets just what you have wanted are these glove -fitting corsets. Ladies who appreciate the vital effect of - a corset on the style and lit of the grown worn will find special delight in the display of new styles shown here. Extreme grace and beauty of line is 'evident J in every corset and many different models each one designed for some special figure affords a special choke from which to select. Let your next corset be D. and A. 5oc to $4.00. Men's Wear Department Now for an early Spring announcement in the lnen's wear department. You'll be glad to hear it. Most filen look forward to this event with keen Inc erest, (fere are sorne of the good things you will see, at this store, Shirts,, Ties, Collars, Underwear, Braces, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Gloves, etc. New Spring Suits For that Spring Suit you ower it to yourself to look over our stock of Spring Suits, Seo Our Made -to -measure (Motiles - T. A.. Mills the Rouse of 1ualitpw"iirone 89 •