HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-03-15, Page 8i'a a tight
Spring and Summer
Showing in fashionable styles of
• N the most exclusive models.
Ladies Coats
Misses Coats
Ladies' Suits
Misses' Suits
s Separate skirts, es, S kirts P' , fano Y
silks. OurArtClothes for smart
dressed men,
NWe have our new spring samples
N. and • will be glad to show you styles
Nand simples, even if you do not buy.
The Red Oros Society sere preparing I &.x stat
splendid play which they will put on in a The Qarnivalrwhich we.r. given in
few weeks. Watch for particulars later. the kink Friday night was it suecet,s
Sorry to report that Robt. Anderson la Taere were some very nice ecetttmee
ill again.
Mrs Shaw ot Bluevale, is visiting her
stater, Mrs John Geddes.
Robt. Armstrong is visiting friends in
Seaforth. 1
Ernest Wheeler of Mcdiciee IIat, Alta ,
is visiting his another, Mrs. Chas,Wheeler.
Mrs J. Delis attended the funeral al
her cousin, Mitts Scott of Southampton
Last ween,
Mr, and Mrs J. I3randon visited friends
in Hullett, one day last week.
Airs. G. B, Wray left for her home in
Sask, after spending a couple of months
with friends.
A. Tipling shipped acar load of turnips
from here last week at 50 cents a bushel,
Wm. Love has been in the village with
his circular saw cutting wood.
Ciant Flowering Carnation
Address .a postcard to us now
and receive by return mail a
copy of our new illustrated So -
page catalogue of Garden,
Flower and Field Seeds, Root
Seeds, Grains, Bulbs, Small
Fruits, Garden Tools, etc.
SPECIAL. --We will also
send you free a packet (value
15c) of our choice
Giant Flowering oD
• Carnation Sr. I.—Stanley Dennie, Margaret
(Correct up till Wednesday noon,)
Wheat. new 1 70 to 1 72
Flour, per owl', patent6 00 to 5 15
Flour, per cwt., family4 60 to 4 65
Bran, per ton 37 00 to 39 00
$ports, per ton 130 00 to 42 QO
Oats, 0 03 to 0 00
Barley 0 95 to . 1 00
Hay, new 9 00 to 10 00
Butter, per lb—Dairy 0 31 to 35
Eggil, per dozen '1 45 to 50
Cattle, mediuun butchers 7 50 to 8 00
Cattle, butchers choice8 50 to 9 00
Hoge, live weight 14 75 to 14 75
Lamb (cwt) 9 00 to 10 50
Hams, per ib 0 28 to
Bacon long clear 0 l35 to 0 88
Sheep Skins 1 25 to • 1 50
Hides 12 00 to 14 00
Chickens, live FSC dressed 15 to 20
Old Hens, ” " 10 to 14
Ducks, " 4 4 12 to 10
Geese, '. " 12 to 10
Turkeys, " " 16 to 20
Rev, Qum of bit, ll'nrc„t *.c..k the
services in the Viso, liyteria3n church
last Sunday. `
Rev. Mr. Malcolm of WAR all has
accepted the call „ the 1>i ebyGimlets
church and the itsluetion aervie3 well
be bold a week froos next 'Thursday,
Match 22nd, oownsertoing at 2.50.
Three oar load •°f horses left here fur
the West last w*.: k.
Mr, Thomas !..turgrove, 'Sen,, still
continues quite pi,nrly, `Y
Miss Sadie Wmite is at present vieit-
ing friends at Drtunbo.
Pte. Time. 1)i.rnegrnve of the 101st
Batt. returned front England last
Saturday,haviuy, received an honor-
able diecharge.
Mr. John Turner disposed of afine horse
one day lately.
Mrs John Mason and Miss Lena. Chain
ney are visiting with friends in Hensall
Mr John and Miss Victoria Champion
visited at Peter Lever's on Sunday.
Miss Margaret Rantoul spent Sunday
with her friend, Miss Mamie McGlynn,
Owing to the fine weather, Spring must
be here. The robins are anyway.
Miss Irene Boyle of Guelph spent the
week -end with her mother, Mrs, Jas.
Quite a number from here took in Dol-
lar Day in Wingham on Tuesday.
'The following is the standing of the
pupils for Lowertown school for the
months •of January and February,
Names are in order of merit;—
Fourth Class;—Margaret Linklater,
Olive Groves, Donald Cleghorn, Luella
Third Clase.—Myrtle Dennis, Della
Dennis, Jim Johnston, Dolly Pullen,
Alma Lockeridge.
Second Cease;—Charlie Douglas,
Calyin Cruikshanks, Nancy Pullen,
Roberta Kennedy, George Finley, Etta
Pt: IL—Leslie Pennington, • Neil
Potter, Charlie DpyellsMerle Penning-
ton, Everitt Shrigley, Tam Baker,
Millie Hart,_Gordon Deyell, Jack Oleg -
born, Elmer Shrigiey, Marjorie Wells,
Wilfred Dennis.
This carnation is a great favor-
ite; the flowers are large and
fragrant and the plants do well outdoors. Transplanted into pots in the
early fall they bloom profusely from October till the end of May. Extra
plants are easily propogated from them by cuttings, "pipings" or layering.
Send for our catalogue and learn of our other valuable premiums. 18
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited,NDON OD
0 ear
0 r
K ennedy, Beatrice Baker, AIvin
'Potter, Jack Cooper, Carl Hart, Har-
old Dennis, Dave Finley.
Jr. L—Orville Welsh, Ivey Cruik-
shanks, Celine Kennedy. Henry Fin.
ley, Luella Tomkins, Harry Johnston,
Vera Finley, Margaret Pullen, Charlie
Tomkins. Maggie Jarvis.
Hector Mutton, Teacher,
A •Box Social will be held in the C. O.
F. Hall here on the Friday evening of
March 16th, at li o'clock, An excellent
program will be rendered. In addition
to local talent the following well known
persons will take part;—Miss Jean Van -
Norman, soloist, Mr. Burkett, pianist,
Mr. Campbell, Comic vocalist and Miss
Mabel McDonald, elocutionist, Wingham;
P. H. Gilroy, Miss Wilkinson and H. L.
Jack son, Brussels: and address by James
Bowman, M P. Proceeds go to benefit
of local soldier boys in England and
France, . No fee at door. Ladles are
requested to bring boxes which will be
auctioned off. Everybody is invited.
Come and help a good, cause. Mrs.
James Taylor is President and Mrs. Will
Proctor, Secretary of Women's Institute
under whose auspices the Social is held.
Some of the young men of the village
gave a dance in the hall on Friday even-
ing after paying expenses a ours
plus of five dollars and ninety cents was
left over which they donated to the Red
Mrs, J. Woodley of Dungannon, is the
guest of Mrs. David Scott.
Notice Re Dogs
T am instructed by the Town Council to
notify all owners or harborers ot dogs:
1. That the same must be registered, des-
cribed and numbered in the office of the Town
Treasurer before the Fist Day of March in
each and every year.
2. The license fee for doge Is as follows: $1.00
for a dog if only one and $2.09 far each addi-
tional dog; $3AJ for a female dog If only one
and $5.0010,- each additional female dog.
3. Alidestroyeddogs not wearing tags may be
4, Any person who contravenes any of the
provisions of the dog by-law is liablo to a fine
not exceeding $50 00
n. The licence fee must bo paid to the Chief
of Police but the onus of registering rests with
the owner or harborer of the dog.
6, Owing to the lateness of this notice the
time has been extended to March 15th for pays,
ment, of the license fee.
Also all other Town licenses expired on the
2811 day of February last and must be at once
JonN F. clnovas.
2t. Town Clerk.
A Liberal Reward
For every $06u 00 you lend now, the
Government will pay you 81000,00.
Buy a Canadian War Loan.
It will pay you well. "My services
are without charge.
Phov' 18i, Wipghatn.
Jasnt stowt7
Mr. Robt. McAllister was visiting his
parents last week.
Mrs. Henry Cowan and daughter of
Crosswell, Mich.,Js visiting friends here.
Miss Pearl Payne went to Blyth, where
she is learning the millinery,
The item in last week's paper of the
Jamestown Threshing Machine Co., the
dividend should have been $4 50 instead
of $15 60 as stated,
Mr and Mrs. George Wheeler of Wing
ham, were visiting at Mr, Alex Forrests,
last week.
A few neighbours gathered at the home
of Mr, A, Simpson to bid farewell to Mr,
and Mrs. Jno: Simpson before thy leave
for their home in the west,
Mr. Wm. Gunner has engaged R
Hamilton to work for him for a few months.
Sotnevvbere In France
Feb. 4th UV
Mrs, A. G. $tnith,
Seo'y, Women's Institute
Winghatu, Out,
Dear Madarnt--
Your kind donation of socks, reoeiv.
ea with my al*ter'e parcel, Mrs, Jot n
J. Moffatt and 1 Jan assure you I take
great pleasure In thanking you one at d
ail for your kindness whioh you have
shown to thyself and which are always
acoeptable to all of the Canadian Hoye
Doing pile duty in the firing line in
We will all be glad when this War
1, over as thin is sure beyond our ex-
planetion, to try and tell you really
what we are up against out here as a 1
I may say It is Bell on Barth and it
mai, es our blood boil to see our broth.
er'e wounded and killed, but may God
Bend . Peace on Earth in the near
Future. I thank you all for your
kindness and will well remember your
great work which is moat greatful to
our Galiant Canadians In France,
My address you way may be able to
obtain from my sister Mrs. John J.
Moffatt, Wingham, Ont. as we do not
care to put our address on letters un-
lese we, really cannot avoid it.
Your* truly,
J. M. McBride
The program for the next meeting of
the Literary Society will be Itish in char-
acter. The meeting will be held on Fri-
day night, March 10th.
Guild meeting on March 18th will
be in charge of Miss B. Laidlaw,
Mrs McDonald of Chesiey, was a visit-
or with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Whitley last
J. 0 and Mrs. Armstrong et Lucknow,
spent the fore part of the week with the
former's father, J. Armstrong, V. S. here.
A number of horses were chipped to
the west from here Tuesday.
Jas. Beswitherick was in Toronto this
week on business.
The effects of the late Quinton Logan
were sold here b• ' auction on Saturday
Iltst by the Reeve of Howick, Mr Logan
having no known relatives. Enough
money was realized to pay funeral and
all other expenses
A hockey match was played here be-
tween Wingham and the local team on
Monday evening, the game resulted in a
score 7-7. 'The Wingham boys are a
gentlemanly lot of fellows and were ac-
companied by an amiable number of the
fair sex.
Rev. Mr. Camp formerly of Sault St,
Marie, late of Toronto, preached in Knox
church and at Calvin last Sunday.
Mrs. James Greig is not recovering as
fast from het; recent illness as her many
friends would wish,
The Auction Sale at Archie Kerr's, 3rd
line. held last Friday realized high prices.
Richard Proctor was clerk and James
Taylor auctioneer,
Several skating parties have been held
recently in this locality. the bright moon-
light being number one for sport.
Rev Mr. Parnaby took for his subject
last. Sunday night, "If Christ should
come to Belgrave, what?" He preached
to a full house.
Rev. Mr. Boyle took the services at
Lucknow last Sunday.
John Clegg has sold his auto to Mr.
Sommis of Brussels.
Rev. Mr. Bale and Rev. Mr. Camp
addressed the members of the Little
Builders Mission Bard last Saturday at
their regular meeting. "Miss Annie
Geddes sang a solo. There were 45 child -
en present.
lines of goods in our store
Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods
Clothing, Groceries, etc.
R.M Lindsay
IMMO 11001111.1.10 SW i
PHONE 59 -
Think It Over
It isn't the cheapest
goods• that save you
money. They never give
you satisfaction, and then
there's the risk you run
by the use of all low
quality foods,
are what we off,tr, and
you will find in the end,
that buying th t best.
Seud Along Your Grocery
Ord rs
Hood, UALIPureT,
_ allrtt tet MINIM NO•
(Intended tor last week)
Mr. and Mrs Howard Stewart spent a
few days this week with relatives at Luck
Mr. Wm. Hewitt has gone to Guelph,
where he has secured employment.
Mr, Milvert Sellers had the misfortune
to lose a valuable horse Iast week.
Miss Luella Shaw is visiting friends at
Lucknow this week.
Mr. Phil Stewart and Miss Jean Fisher
of Lucknow, spent the week end at the
home of Jos. Robb 1st line.
Mrs. Win. Hall visited friends at Wrox-
eter last week.
Mr. Geo. Mowbray of Whitechurch, -has
taken a position on the G. T. R section
Mr. Thos, Jewitt visited relatives, at
Brussels last week,
Mrs A. Holmes is visiting relatives at
Mr,, John Hall is having an auction sale
this month.
Mr. Robert Aitchison who underwent
an operation at the Wingham Hospital is
getting along nicely and expects to be
home the latter part of the week.
At the' hard time" ball Friday night.
the young folk made about $50,00
Rev. Thomson is improving and was
able to get around his eircu't Sunday,
Itev. Mr, Tate preached for him, in the
evening which was much appreciated,
Several rooms in the rear of the butter
factory have been fitted up for our first
class butter•maker, Hugh Allison, and he
will be both comfortable and handy to
his work.
In Moscow, t he prophets have been
busy with the fate of he Kaiser, They
quote. Revelation XIII, 5, which
duals with the beast with seven beads
ten horns, which rose from the depths
of the sea. "'friers vette given unto
him a mouth speaking great tbinge
and elaephewies, and power was given
unto biro to oontinue forty and two
months." Another quotation is from
Revelation XIII, 18 "last him that
bath understanding count the number
of the beast, for it ie the n,unber of a
wan and his number is ORO.
Taking the lunar month which con-
sists of 28 days and multiply this figure,
by 42, we get the number 1170, divide
Ghia by 30 the number of days in the
calendar month the resulting figure is
139, or three years, three months, six
Jaye, this period is acid to represent
the time to be coveted by the war
which will thus end, according to the
Moscow prophets, on Nov, 6th, 1917.
The year of Wilhelut's bkrtir is 1859
and the number of days in the period
quoted above (three years, three
months and six days) ie 1193, Deduct-
ing 1193 from the year of the birth of
Wilhelm the result is 000, the number
of the beast.
Mr. Thos. Waddell of the 2nd line is
getting comfortably settled in his new
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hastings entertain-
ed their friends to a social hop last Thurs-
day evening,
Maxwell Abram's sale was a splendid
success last week.
Mrs. D. H. Campbell is visiting at A.
kerr's 4th line,
Mr. Maxwell Abram of the 1st line has
tented his farm to Ernest Dennis of Wing,.
ham, who intends gloving on it rig!
away, Mr. and Mrs, Abram have moved
to Monerleiy' where they intend goin' in.
to partnership in a general store with Mrs.
Abram's father,, We wish thein success.
(Intended for last week)
Mr. Ralph Stewart of iucknow, spent
the week end At Joseph Robb g.
Mrs. J. Campbell of Saskatoon, 'tithed
at Milvert Seller's last week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Abram are nioving to
Moncrieff next week, They will be great-
ly missed by their many friends.
Milvert Sellers lost a valuable rcgieter-
ed mare last week.
Mrs. Wirt. Robertson has returned
from Hthe1, where she hate been visiting
for the poet two weeks.
Ralph Shaw hat returned to London
to resutna•hie training.*
Wee Stella Toney hal taken w trip to
araiIdtltlr Ment.
All diseases treated by Osteopathy --
the most complete system of drugless
healing in existence. Best results with
fewest treatments. Dr. Parker, Osteo
path. Office over Cbriette'e,store.
4- i
4,a t k X' LC
1.Alf N +
Lamps—Irons —Toasters—
Fuse—Pitlgs--Shades — Sock-
ets "dirn-a-lites" —Plug -
dossers, etc. We can supply
you with r'anything electrical
at the lowest prices,
"Franco" Wireless Pocket
Lights for maximum service
The best that science and
skill can produce. Winners
of the Gold Medal at Panama
6 Pacific Exposition.
75c to $5 50
Prepare early for the Syrup
season—Sap Pails-- Spites--
°!'1tudM ', March isth 1911
. �. IHSS
Hardware Phone 8
The. Bluevale Women's Institute ack-
nowledge with thanks the following don-
ations, Mrs. Bruce, 50 cents; Mrs. R.
Leathorne, 55.00; Mortis council, $100.00;
theyoung people's hard time party, •550,00;
50 yards flannelette from a friend; ticking
for one pairpillows, Mrs J. F. McCrackin
feathers for pillows, Mrs• Jos. Brecken•
ridge. During the month we shipped to
the Red Cross Toronto, '72 day shirts, 12
quilts, 1 pair pillows also two pair socks
to each of our boys in France and England
Lieut. Walter Burgess, Gunner Robert
Masters, Sapper A. E. Thomas, P, ivates,
Howard Haney, Will Hall, Robert Me-
Mtchaef, Herbert Powell, Harold Holmes
Alf Ennis, A, L, Posliff, Leslie McKinney
Frank Shaw, Malcolm Scott, Harold Ker
ney, Jack Hodge, Dave Johnston, Leslie
Winch, Dan ('tool.
Quite a number took in Dollar Day at
Wingham on Tuesday.
Mrs, H. A. McCall is visiting friends
at Toronto and Hamilton this week.
• Monday was moving day, Mr. John
Spence moved to Wingham. Mack Abram
to Moncrieff and Wm, Haney to Wing -
The Epworth League will give a social
in the Methodist church Friday evening,
Mar. 23rd, Proceeds for Forward Move-
Mt,r. S. Paul does not believe in break
ing the Sabbath, but the stock train did
not get here until 2 a. rn. Sunday morn-
ing waren he loaded his bogs.
Several from around here are In Godes
ice this week attending court.
Mr. Geo. Haney and son Harvey are
in Brussels this week unloading a ear of
Milton brick for the new school, which he
had na,
Mrsthe. John
cotr1{ingctforwas in Seaforth recent-
ly attending the'funeral of a cousin,
Mr. Robt. Hamilton does not improve
as speedily as hisrirtaity friends would like
Miss Mary Belt who has been poorly of
late went to Winghattt hospital on Mon-
day. We hope she will soon be O.K.
Mr. Stanley Ilan returned home front
Palmerston last week,
Pte. P. O'Neill trf` the 153rd Reit, spent
the weekend at the homo of Mr, Andrew
Itolfn ie,
New Sprig Goods
Extra Ya1uc Cousidcr!g ?resent Prices
This cut represents one of
the new shoes/or men. Made
of ftne velour calf,kin with
oak soles on the new English
last city stores are asking all,,
the way from 7.00 to 9 oo for
shoes no better than "' these.
Our price $6. a pair
in both button o- laced
We are prepared to match the price of any shoe ad-
vettised in any Canadian catalogue. In case we do not
show you the kind you want, ask for a certain kind in
a certain catalogue and in nine cases out of ten we can
supply you with the very same, and if you should so
happen' that we are out of the kind you desire we can
procure them for you at the very same price as advertis-
...� FOR
Solo Agent
For, The
Cif____"" iQ1 .l
Doubtlessy ou intend subscribing
to the -
Our organization assures you of
excellent service
-�---1 0 1— • 'JC]
New Spring Goods
Oar New Spring Goods are Opened Up
and Await Your Inspection at our Store
New Prints
We are offering a larger assortment of new prints
this season than ever before, and in spite of the big
advances of cottons we are offering them at low.
prices. Light colored prints 18c a yard and dark
colored prints at Zoe a yard.
D. & A. Corsets
just what you have wanted are these glove -fitting
corsets. Ladies who appreciate the vital effect of
a cornet on the style and fit of the grown worn will
find special delight in the display of new styles shown
here. Extreme grace and beauty of line is evident
in every corset and many different models each one
designed for some special figure affords a special
choice from which to select. Let your next corset be
D. and A. 5oc to $4.00.
Men's Wear Department
Now for an early Spring announcement in the'
men's wear depailiment, You'll be glad to hear it.
Most men look forward to this event with keen
interest. Here are some et the good things you will
see at this store, Shirts, 'Ties, Collars. Underwear,
Braces, Shoes, hats, Caps, Gloves, etc.
New Spring Suits
For that Spring Suit you owe it to yourself to look
over our stock of Spring Suits.
See Our Made -to -measure Clothes
J. A. J ilis
The House of Quality.
Phone $9