HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-03-15, Page 4tike tato M.. Ottingbam Alma= Joao AIRVI .. Proprietor A. G,. Sarrsaf, Manager THURSDAY, MAR 011 15th 1917- All the I"uolen 0txnnous are not con. fiue.d to the Liberal party in Qixeheo. Down in the Acadian countries of Ilew Brunswick In the recent; eleotione Liberal speakers told the people that the Murray Government's land eettle- tnent policy for returned soldiers was a; Boheuie° to oust the French in fever pi Englisit.Protestants. * . * A Timely Warning The Dominion Ooneervation Com- mission ieeues the following timely warning to the Canadian people; "A. eurvey of oonditione in the United States demonstratee that in the future there will be more coal famines than in the past and that they will occur at short intervals. For this there le only one remedy. Buy your coal in the summer. If you have not euffioent storage enlarge your coal bin," The Dominion Conservation Com- mission has given thorough, scientific study to the coal eituation and its advice should be heeded. The coal shortage in Canada during the past few months wrought considerable suf- fering and its effects might have been disastrous. Individual economy and national safety demand that a the Can. adieu people take steps this ,coming eumwer to get as much of their coal supply as is poseible for the winter of 1917-1.918. * * * Support the War Lottrt The Dominion's new war loan will test the determination of the Capadl l people to see thewar through to the end. If this loan ie as euceessful as its predecreeors notice will be served up. on the world, and particularly upon Geuoany, that there is no wavering of purpose among Canadians to fight on until denlaeracy has been vindicat• ed and aristocracy crushed, We have reached the supreme oriels of the weir, Within the next few months the Allied peoples will be call- ed upon to make sacrifices in treasure and in blood greater than any that have yet been known. Upon the shell - ravaged fields of Europe our brave soldiers face the future with fortitude and ungrudging devotion. Can we here at iaotnrt have it said that our de- terinination faltered at the critical hour, that we failed to support theta in the supreme moment of crisis? Be- yond the sea we have recently seen the people of the old Motherland, bearing upon their shoulders the titer - le burden of unprecedented financial losses. respond to a further call for sacrifice in a manner that amazed the world. This war, it cannot be too often said, is ours as mach as theirs, we cannot be true to our professions, wa cannot be ti;ue to Our soldiers who have died, and do lees than -they have done. Let the people of Canada, then, unite in making this new derinand up- on their financial resources an occasion for impressing the world anew with the foot that this Dominion proposes, in the historic words of Mr. Asquith, to fight on to the "last ounce of"its treasure, the last drop of its blood." A Tower of Strength When Sir Robert Borden e nters in) to conference with the greateet states- men of the Empire he will bo by no means the least commanding figure. No man will enter the conference with better intellectual equipment. Ever a close and serious student of imperial concerns he has a well stored mind and his views are firmly based upon a complete and accurate knowledge of the situation. His conferee are not likely to go away with the impression that because he is courteous he is lack- ing in etrength. They are not likely to mistake patience for irresolution It is only a few Canadian politicians who endeavour to make it appear that he is lacking strength and leaderehip. Some of them appear to think that because he eschews rough -house meth- ods he is "spineless." That is the the Montreal Herald and Brockville Re- corder view --it is only their pretended view promulgated with peesistenoy to create a misapprehensign in the public mind. Hon. George 'Graham himself knows better. He has seen too much of Sir Robert's mettle to have even a doubt as to bis strength. He has never seen him shrink from combat, and what is of more consequence he has never seen him worsted, fie is amiable, he is courteous, he is modest --but be is not weak. He is "the oak that defies the storm." LYCEUM THEATRE, W INOIIAM From Edgar 0. Brooks, Press Re- presentative, Annette Kellerman in Neptune's Daughter, ";Midst war's alarms" there comes a time when War Extra's become a sur- feit, AO the over-harrassed brain eeeke rest and change and relief. Old Fath- er Neptune will have a great part to play in the European conflict, and it is timely that we have an opportunitq'of witnessing a magnificent spectacle ea t woven around that mythological god and hie beauteoae daughters; a spect- acle which, however, will lift us out of the present turmoil and strife, and take us to the realms of fairy land and Davy Jones' Locker under the green swirling waters of the ocean. ' Nap - tune's Daughter," that marvelous motion picture fantasy which enabled Annette Kellerman to create new records on Broadway, at the Globe Theatre, New York, this summer will be presented in its entirety by the Universal Film Co, for a run of two nights, Wednesday and Thursday, March, 21st and 22nd, at the Picture House, In "Neptune's Daughter" Mies Kellerman has a vehicle for dis- playing every one of her superb ac- complishments in the natatorial line, her figure which has been likened unto that of a Grecian goddess. and her really marvelous histrionic ability is herein given the fullest possible scope. r To City, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario A Vegetable Garden dor Every Home N this year of supreme effort Britain and her armies must have ample supplies of food, and Canada is the great source upon which they rely. Everyone with a few square feet of ground can contribute to victory by growing vegetables. Four Patriotic Reasons for Growing Vegetables x. It saves money that you would otherwise spendfor jc vegetables. 2. It helps to lower the "High cost of living." ' 3. It helps to enlarge the urgently needed surplus of I produce f or export. 4. Growing your own vegetables saves labor of others whose effort is needed for other vital war work. The Department of Agriculture will help you The Ontario Department of Agriculture a'ppeals to Horticultural Societies to devote at least one evening meeting to the Subject of vegetable growing; want- facturers, labor unions, lodges, school boards, etc., are invited to actively encourage home gardening. I,et the slogan for 1917 be, "A vegetable garden for every home." Organizations are requested to arrange for instructive talks by practical gardeners on the subject of vegetable growing. In eases where it is impossible to secure suitable local speakers, the Department elf Agriculture will, on request, send a suitable man. The demand for speakers will be great. The number of available experts being limited, the Department urgently requests that arrangements formeetings barnacle at once; if local speakers cannot be secured, send applications promptly. The Department suggests the formation of local organizations to stimulate the work by offering prizes for best vegetable gardens. his prepared to assistin any possible way any organization that may be conducting a campaign for vegetable production on vacant lots. It will do so by sending speakers, or by supplying expert advice in the field.. To any oneintcrested, the Department of Agriculture will send literature giving instructions about implements necessary and methods of preparing the ground and cultivating the crop. A plan of a vegetable garden indicating suitable crops to grow, best varieties and their arrangement in the garden, trill be sent free of charge to any address. Write for Poultry Bulletin Hens are inexpensive to keep, and you will be highly repaid in fresh eggs. Write for free, bulletin which tells how to keep hens. Address letters to "Vegetable Campaign," Departmental Agricul. tore, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Ontario Department of Agriculture W". 11 moult, %%Aden of rAgtieuitutrw Psii'liamont Builoiangi Toronto - 10 10 1 1,1 W#' 11. &M ADV �..�., _... ._ ....,.... ... .<. , r .n -.ftlik?-.o+V.�r+-n.n+t-a .r. .. _...----��_. ...--.—n-..-..m.-.-.�....m-.-rcm.-n.._..n.+n...w-....w✓r .w: .•-rm ...- -�. �.. XXXXXX XXX XXX1 ;X2XXXXMXXXXXXXIMX/4XXXXXXXXXXXXXV•XXXXXXXXXXIMMISXXXXXXXXVIMOMIStk "^"' ,r1r "T- "•"7"K•PgwrIMITIP'IMIRPPr,PIFIRPrww`Pwww7ww.g!‘wim1kfir wwwww °ilttid�r� 194 XX 14 sy XX XX X XX XX 004 1471 XX XX XX .w� w wit xx mm xA XX XX x1\ w XX XX X XX ©X XX kw 14 mu XX XX NPR' Xaa XX XX • DMA,: XX XX LXi/�XXX /t\xygi XX rg WANTED—Experienced Saleslady IN also experienced Salesman MN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaxxxxxxxxxaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx IlanCENNEWSMIIIMMOZWIIIIIIMMINSIIMONNOMPSINIENIMINIMENVINNEWMIal Sta • Our Annual March Sale bring forth Greater Values than advances on all lines of merchandise, caused by the war. 11 • X • gX roc XX e1�G-v XX XX XV. XX /`� XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX !X XX XX 0A XX XX DO pp••'�r xy. XX XX XX �lfGi XX XX \X XX XX XX XX NC sXXXXXXX ever notwithstanding the enormous Read over the list money saving val- ues, pick out what appeals to your wants, then come and find the goods as they are advertised. XVI\ "%ear S aVel.11,p 25 MEN'S SUITS G'REATL l REDUCED These are taken from our regular Htoek, and con - elate of broksn lines and sizes, would make excep- tionally good second suits, worth double the price, &zee 36 to 44, Regular $18 to $25. Reduced to $1250. 15 MEN'S NAVY SERGE SUITS Made from extra quality west of England serge in fine even twill, guaranteed pave .wool and fast indiugo dyes all sizes, regular $27.50. V aloe red uo. ed to $21 75. 20 MEN'S OVERCOATS REDUCED Buy your next winter coat ot these prices as the styles are the latest and the nriese will be, much higher. Regular $22.00 to $21.50 value. Reduced to $10 50, 15 DOZEN MEN'S WORK. SHIRT4 REDUCED A special purchase of a number of odd lines, which we were able to procure made from good quality heavy drills and chembrays, all sizes. Regular $1 and $1.25, reduced to 79;.. 25 DOZEN HEAVY WOOL SOCKS REDUCED Heavy wool socks made from fine even yarns, ingreya, worsted and heather mixtures. 50 val- ues -3 pair for $1. 755c values -3 pairs for 51.50. 25 MEN'S RAINCOATS REDUCED Special purchase of an absolutely waterproof coats, made from extra heavy Paramatta cloth in dark fawn shade all sizes. Regular $15 value, re• dnced to $10.50. 10 DOZ. LEA THE R LINE DMIT T.a REDUCED ' Made of good quality horse hide and pig akin faces lined throughout with heavy wool lining. Regular $1 and 1.25 value, reduced to 85c. om^ Za6.,kes' Veal- SavkAgs 18 LADIES' WINTER COATS 1-2 ?RICE The balance of this seasons stock in fancy tweeds and corded velvets ate. in latest styles, for those who have the nonnsy and can buy for next year. Regular $15 to 522 value, reduced $11.75, 50 LADIES' SERGE SKIRTS REDUCE D All wool serge skirts in navy or black, latest styles broken lines taken from our regular stock 22 in. to 30 in. waist hand, Regular $5 to 56.60 values, reduced to 53.05. `4. 30 DOZEN CASHMERE HOSE 'RED r rCE D I Plain or ribbed cashmere bane, made from fine all wool y.i,rne, fast dyes, sizes 81t to 10. Reduced tr, 3 pair for $1. 25 SILK UHDERSKIRTS 'R h,V UCE D 'reifies and mespaline Fill; underskirts in gond q.;elit-''arinu Pilk"t cut full in lack and. colors. Regina. $,, ;o 6.50, reduced. to $3 95. 0. ILK CREPE WAISTS 'REDUCED Extra quality silk crepp and Georgette Crepe waists brakes numbers and exclusive tnndele. Regulate values $5, $6 and 6.50, reduced to $3 95, 3 DOZ. LADIES' RAINCOA T.S 'REDUCED Special pureness of ladies' waterproof coats, cut with belted back and Raglan shoulders, colors, black, gory, navy and fawn. Reduced to $5. 30 LADIES' SILK. LISLE HOSE REDUCED 'Fine eilk finiebed hose in black or white, closely knit and full fashioned, fast dy ea. Regular 50e, reduced to 3 pair for $1. "Dry 5oo6,s Sas 70" BLEACHED TABLE LINEN 100 yds fine bleached linen satin damask, made from extra gond wearing linen in beautiful pat- terns. Regular value $2 per yard, reduced to 1.25, ale of Furs 40" FACTORY c orro I Tile nice quality factory cotton is exceptional yalue being made of the best tensility of fine clear yarns, very suitable for sheetiuga, pillow casings, etc. Special value 17e yd. 500.5TANDARD PRINTS Heavy weight closely woven English prints he light and dark patterns. Specie! valve 143 a yd. 150 YDS. TAFFETA SILKS An excellent wearing quality taffeta silk, that is highly recornunended by the manufacturer in black, navy, green, very suitable drester. suite °oats, etc; Regular $2 value, reduced to 1.09. 10 PIECES BLACK DRESS GOODS Priestleys guaranteed fast dye, all woos -mater- ials, in Poplins, Taffeta Cloths, Melrose buitings, ete. Regular $1,50 to $2 values, reduced to $1 10 a Yd. 200 YDS. SERGE SUITING., Black and navy sergee in qualities and weights'. suitable for dresses, skirts. coats and euits. Spec ial value $1.50, 2.50 and 3.50 a yd. 300 WHITE SA,XOJ1iy FLANNELETTE Good weight, fully bleached and even napped in two qualities that are very specially priced. Quality I, 8 yards for $1, quality II, 10 yds for $I 50. Utast `3urnisVing Sa'os NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS 40 pairs Nottingham lace curtains made from fine even net, with beautiful Medallion kind 11)rai patterns 3 and 3} elle long. Regular $2.50 to $1 pair, reduced to $1 80 pair. CU'RTAINSSCRIMSAND VOILES Beautiful desigus in Scrims and Voiles, Nets, etc with fast cninr hnrdere. in fine even weave. Spec• ial value 15, 25, 35 and 50c a yd. EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER The most modern and thorough way of cleaning rugs, carpets, tnattrsssese, curtains, etc. Sold on easy monthly naymente, also hand power sweep. ere. Prices $42 50, complete with attachments $50. Hand power machines $9.50 and $12 00. ' REMNANT SALE OF FLOOR COVERINGS Inlaid and printed iinoleume, oilcloths, carpets, eetnn., in ends of 2 to 6 yds. Spe:50% ial value 20 to "M. WINDOW SHADE SPECIALS Special clearing sale of odd lines of window shades in green and fawn with lace and insertion trite wings. Special $1,50 values for $1 15, special 5125 values for 95c. Have beautiful window decorations Nothing gives so much pleasure as a well decorated window. Your windows will be the envy of your neighbors if you use the Flat Rod ' for curtains and draperies Guaranteed not to sag or tarnish There is a Kirsch Flat Rod in a color to match your woodwork or draperies, Every rod contains a written guarantee that it will not sag or tarnish. !e's so easy to have an attractive window with the Kirsch Flat Rod We have many new derigns in curtain and drapery fabrics. Come in—see them. STOCZN1 `iJepaTtment Scas 6 bare Laundy Soap 25c 500 bottles Extracts any (laver ............. ....8o 5 cases canned apples 10: 5 cases canned peaches 2 for 251 8 lbs black or Japan Tea .. ... ...1 25 5 cans special cleanser 25e TERMS—Cash or Trade Produce Wanted King ros. NO GOODS CHARGED AT REDUCED PRICES. THE 161 t AT W1TLEY Goderic;Ia Pinal arrangements were completed last week, whereby the town disposes of the plant known as the Doty Marine and Engine Company, the pure haler be ing W. 11. I3utchison of St. Catharines, contractor of section twa ot tlic= ihesf %Nei• land Canal. The town to,.k over the plant late last fall in default of payments and since then have been endeavouring to make a sale, It is possible that imrnedi. ate and whole possession will not be obtainable by the new purchaser tor a month, as the local firm has leased the engine and molding shop at a rental or $25 per month and will not release it until the month is up, The valuator's pfare the plant's worth in the neighborhood of $80,000, and it is understood the purchase price is nearly $30,000. x t•e feet that this plant will be run ,+;.y and night for upwards of a year or whore will prove a boon to the town, s The following letter was written by Willie Hinseliffe to his mother, Mrs. H. $ineeliffe, town. Witley Camp, F'eb, 40h Dear Mothert— I am here yet safe and sound I have not heatd anything more about ne going back so 1 guess we will not be going no'v. We have moved from Weet Sandling to Witley Camp about 7 miles from Brantshott. The 100th Bruce Batt. are expected to come here this week, we expect to go to France in a month With the let Division ae a fighting Batt. Everybody ought to be proud of the Hurons as we are con- sidered the cleeneet and best trained battalion over here, We have hat, awo of our boys killed, one named Grant of Clinton, and the . other Brown from Seaforth and othere wounded, I guess we will soon all be fighting, The Bugle band has started again 1 am drumming now, Charlie Wilkinson Was made a Police Sergeant to day that means he is head of the Military Police here and has a permanent position. Ile is lucky and looks fine with his stripes on. AR. ?rice and Retold Drumtnnnd have got in the Mail Dept. I tell you Capt. V+tnStone is looking well after the Wingham boys, Iii, S. Copeland id a Lieut. now in our Y. M. C. A, I have not received the box you sent me, but received a nice box from the Methodist, Church I think this is all for now. Wu:umntler tori to all; you Haight send mo brit AlvsNao after you have read it. 1 r�- main, Your loving son 13 1.t, j Navigation promises to bo late this spring at this port, l.o ai harbor men say they never saw the is a so thick in the harbor, some of it beteg twa or three feet thick. Between the outs:de breakers and the piers the ice has jammed and ground. ed, and it will be some time before it dislodges, While repaint have been going on more or less on the grain boats this winter, only one of the engineers has arrived so far and the rest aro not eitpecteJ for a tow weeks yet. Residents are wondering what "Old Maitlhtnit" will do when it starts its ram. page this spring. especial.. if the mild weather sets in with rain. t 11.. river has never been broken this winter and in some places is grounded, The municipalities interested in the Fraser, Parsons, Porter, McEwen, Nairn Williams, Jackson,, Cooke, Marshall, Robertson. Ontario West Shore electric road, partial- ly built between here and Kincardine, but now rotting on the roadside, through the activities of one J. W. Moves, have re- ceived another offer for the steel rails. The price is $41 a ton and would net something like 5100,010. No action will be taken pending the receipt of a. report from the hydro commission relative to the working possibilities of the road when completed. An additional bonus will have to be given to finish the work by the townships, and should this be turned down no other course can be taken than to sell the rails and other material. The natter is to be considered shortly at a meeting of the representatives. The annual meeting of the Goderich Board of Trade was held last night, when the officers for the year were appointed. President, M. G. Cameron; vice-president, C. L. Moore; treasurer, Wm, Campbell; secretary, E, Colbourne; executive Com- tnittee, 1Vlessrs.. Midgets, Lee, l-Iamlink, f til but Your Cards The time for the return of the National Service cards by those who have not yet returned them or have returned them improperly signed has been extended to liateh 31st, 1917, and further cards have been teemed to the postmasters for distribution among those who have made default, It is understood that the returns from this Military District have been moat gratifying. There are however, even in this District, a numbers who have not trade their returns. The National Service Hoard has expressed the wish that everyone in the District Will use his or her very best efforts in order to snake the returns from this Matelot as nearly perfectas possible. lifter Every Meal The Flavor Last