HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-03-15, Page 3II W re - - -- ani e. tr Y W • • WV W •.,\ '; �f i. fl n , i' e[ ort, CIGARETTEs 11RF ti eVelkeitiqtkike yok„ter.,�: j' 2 e ,blenderr,,;11 ,il t "4' ti 2 C � 4' Z � i ,1 a kj i' , a - ,r - - - ow. 1 NI - Irl - M y r r - . - - IN IV re. ■ -. ■ a. i If el. e- INIf: M IN • I tl.. W. WI '.1el.,. v R ..III , a. • el." THERE'S PROFIT IN MANURE. There is no more prosperous sign on a terra than a well -kept manure heap. It shows thrift and success. It is important to know the amount and value of manure which will be produced in a given time by animate of different kinds, and various meth- ods of calculating these approximately have beeen proposed, Some authorities calculate according to the quantity" of straw used as litter, figuring that for one ton of straw, used as bedding, four tons of manure will be produced. Armsby claims that where straw Is used economically each' horse will need 2,500 pounds of straw per year for betiding. Taking this as a basis, he concludes that a ton of wheat straw, economically handled, , :nay result in six tons of fresh manure, but ordinarily it will not give more than five tons. . CALCULATIONS ON QUALITY. The method advocated by Heiden, and some other authorities, is proba- bly a more accurate one. This method bases all ealculations upon the am- ount of food consumed and litter used. The dried excrement of horses, cows and other neat cattle and sheep is al- most one•half of the dry food con- sumed, Heiden says 100 pounds of dry mat• ter in food consumed.by a horse yields 210 pounds ot manure, To this the therefore, difficult to thoroughly mil; with Utter. it 1s a hot manure, under- going 'fermentation rapidly and gener- ing a high heat on account of its loose texture. It is' likely to lose am- monia even more rapidly than sheep manure, and requires careful Manage- ment from the moment it is voided. The composition of horse manure is more uniform than that of any other farm animal. chiefly because the food of horses is mare uniform. The urine is especially rich, Hog manure is very variable in com- position, owing to the variable nature of the food supplied to the animal, but is generally rich, although containing a high percentage of water. It gener- ates little heat in decomposing. The manure of neat cattle, like that of hogs and for the sante reason, is variable in character, but is generally poorer than that of other farm ani- mals on account of its largo percent- . age of water. It decomposes slowly and develops little heat. Poultry manure is very rich in all the fertilizing elements, but especially so in. nitrogen, owing to the fact that the urinary secretions, which contain large amounts of nitrogen as well as potash in readily available form, are voided with the solid excrement. it quickly loses nitrogen, however, by fermentation, if not properly mixed with absorbents or preservatives. Iu no case should alkaline substances like lime, wood ashes, etc., be (nixed \\ ith poultry manure. FARM NEWS AND VIEWS. Corn is planted thicker when grown for silage than for grain, and a larger proportion of nutrients are as a result tensively as a, feed for poultry, elven and cattle, 'Tho use of this waste as feed was auggested Many years ago, but the development ot the industry Is quite repent. Good result's are re- torted front the use of the meal, Salt has been tried in Peansylvanla this year as a substitute for potash as a fertilizer for potatoes. Tlie. vine attained a healthy growth, but the development of the tubers was disap- pointing. EPIRUS IB COVETED, Italy and Greece Seek Ascendancy in Original Houle of Hellenes. What portion of Northern Epirus Greece wished the entente Allies to promise her as the price of her par- ticipation in the European war will not be' known, perhaps, until the terms of peace are made public. That portion of the ancient district of Northern Grece which is said to be coveted both by Italy and the government at Athens lies in the new principality of Albania, The Epirus district, without respect to its modern boundaries—Greek and Albanian—is the subject of the follow- ing war geography society: "In ancient times the name Epirus (mainland was given to an extensive area of Northwestern Greece to distin- guish it from an indefinite northern boundary somewhere in the southern part of the territory now embraced. in the infant principality of Albania to the Corinthian gulf, and although the heniana, Corinthians and Spartans were wont to look upon the inhabi- has sweetened half a century with the same crystal purity that makes it the favorite to -day.. Buy it in original packages and be sure of the genuine. "Let Redpath Sweeten 2 and 5 Ib. Cartons— m I0, 20, 50 and 100 lb, Bags. ade in one grade only—the highest ! weight of bedding must be added, which will be about six and a half (pounds per day, in order to get the total product of manure. Allowing for dung and urine dropped outside the stable, Heiden calculated that a well- fed working horse will produce 50 pounds of manure per day. The New Jersey Experiment Station claims the average mulch cow, weigh- ing 1,000 pounds, will produce daily manure (dung and urine), unmixed with litter, 70 pounds per cow. Experiments tried by the Pennsyl- vania Station give an average ot about 46 pounds of dung, 27 pounds of urine, or 73 pounds of total manure daily. ,It is estimated that sheep give 183 pounds of manure for each 100 pound3 of dry matter in food consumed, A 60 -pound sheep, consuming two pounds of dry matter and receiving three-fifths pound of bedding, would produce about four pounds of manure daily. A hog, It is estimated, produces from six to ten pounds of manure per day. T1ie quanity of manure, as well as quality, produced by farm animals is < governed considerably by the charac- ter of the food. Foods rich in protein increase the consumption of water, and the excre- tion of urine, consequently increasing the bulk of manure produced without improving the quality. The ivtaesachusetts Experiment Sta- tion has shown that hens produce from one-fifth to one-fourth pound of manure per head daily. !rRE QUALITY OF FARM MANURES Sheep manure contains a small am- ount of water is, weight for weight, the richest manure produced by any of the common farm animals. It is what is called a hot manure, fer- menting rapidly with the development of heat. Like horse manure, it is espe- c, '... neer"te t , lata ammonia. Morse manure is very dry, and is, obtained in the stalks in the former case. The closeness of plaaling varies somewhat in different sections ac- cording to soil and climate. The com- mon practice of growing corn for grain is to plant in hills three and one-half feet apart both ways; when intended for silage it is generally planted in drills three and one-half feet apart, with stalks eight to ten inches apart in the row. This will secure a fair proportion of ears and a maximum yield of feed materials in the crop taken off the laud. Root crops and rape help out the sheep ration. The best medicine for the young lambs is sunshine. Let them out into the open air on sunny days. If you cannot provide ahigh, well- drained yard and shelter for your sheep, better sell your flock to, some ene whose sheep barn and enclosure are on dry ground. Profit is what we keep sheep for. 'Begin to seek and expect a profit not by stocking up heavy with sheep, but by getting a few good ones and keep- ing •them right. The Ieast amount of nitrogen will be lostfrom stored manure it animals are kept on it or it is kept in tt moist, well -packed condition. A few strands of loose wire lying around has proved the undoing of many a valuable horse. The farmer who did not build that silo may wish he had done so before the winter is over. Fish areal, Made from the waste at fishet-lea on both the Atlantic and Prtcific comae, is being used quite ex - tants of the district as semi -barbarous no less an authority than Aristotle gave it as the original home of the Hellenes. "Owing to its extremely mountain- ous character Epirus has never been a great grain -producing section, but from ancient times up to the present it has been famous for ha fine cattle and horses, also tar a peculiar breed of dog, the Molossian. In the eastern part of the district takers Mount Lac - mon; the backbone of the Pinch's range( on which rise three of the great rivers of Northwestern Greece. Epirus became world-renwned even before historic times on acount of tche great oracle of Dodons, the ruins. of whose temples were discovered during the last half of the nineteenth cen- tury only a few miles southwest of the modern Macedonian town of Jan- ina. The messages irom the gods were received at Dodtna through the rustlings of the leaves of an oaq tree in which Zeus was supposed to reside, but a local legend says that the first message was delivered by a dove speaking from the tres With a human voice, Atany rate, the priestess of the oracle was called Peleaides (doves). Herodotus reports that while on a visit to Egyptian Thebes he dearned that the oracle had been founded by au Egyptian princess who had been spirited away by Phoenic- ians. "The Hellenes founded many colon- ies on the Epirlan shore and these served as stepping stones to dominion over the Adriatic. The wealthiest of the ancient cities was Phoenice, which became the head ot an-Epirotic legue after the fall of the Molossian king - door. "The Molossions, most powerful and progressive of the fourteen tribes which inhabited Epirus, Were ruled by chieftains who professed to be des- cendants of Pyrrhus, the son of le:'htlles, who was supposed to have settled in this part of the world after the fall of Troy. "One of the moat noted of the Molos- eian kings was Aryntbaa 11., who gave hie brother's daughter an excellent education, married ono of them, him- self, and gave the other, Olytntas, to Philip 11. of Macedon. Olympllan lives in history as the mother of Alexander the Great. From Alexander's aunt descended Pyrrhus, who waged a long war with Rome in behalf of the Tax- entines and who made Epirus a poWor in world politics for a short time. More than 150 years after the death of Pyrrhus Epirus again came into conflict with Rome as the ally of Pere the Macedonian, who mounted a throne over the body of his murdered brother, Demetrius. The Romans one der Aemiltus Paulus asnihiliated the forces of Perseus at Pydna (168 B 1. 1�.) and took the defeated king in triuiuph of the capital. The punishment meted out to Epirus for its share in the war was the destruction of seveaty of her principal cities and the enslavement MICA AXLE GREASE Makes your wagon run as if it had ball bearings. It is the Mica that does it. Mica makes a smoother bearing sur- faceand a longer wearing grease. Dealers every- where. re. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA of 150,000 of its people—a blow from which the kingdof never recovered, "With the partition of the Roman empire Epirus was given to the eastern emperors, When the Latins took Con- stantinopue in 1204 it became a pos- session of Michael Angeeus Comnenus. in succeeding centuries the territory has been variously governed and mis- governed by Albanians, Venetians and Turks." e SIMPLE FEEDING AT VINELAND. The feeding of the fowls at the Vine- land egg -laying contest, which up to date is leading all other contests by a good margin, is of much interest to poultry keepers because ot it being a simpler ration than, most poultry keepers use, and It is rapidly dispell- ing the idea that poultry to produce well must have the so-called fancy feeds of many different kinds of grains. In planning the feeds which should be need in the competing pens at the Vineland contest the following factors were carefully considered: First, that the rations have been evolved wbich carry sufficient amount of nutrients properly proportion for the object of the contest. Second, the rations have been made ae simple as possible, and only com- mon grain, wheat, cern and oats, and certain of their by-products, Lave been used, Third, the dry mash method of feeding has been adopted, to same to Book "Patent Protection" Free BA COCK. (St SONS Formerly Patent Office Examiner. Estab. 1877 99 ST. JAMES ST., MONTREAL Branches: Ottawa and Washington be supplemented by grails fed in deep litter. Fourth, grit, shell and charcoal are provided in separate hoppers and kept continually before the fowls. Fifth, the feeding le in the hands of practical men, who have had experience with both the heavy and light breeds. Sixth, identical rations are fed to ail competing pens—modifications neces- sary for different breeds is made in the amount fed and in the method of feeding—that is a progressiva step, as the Inucht lighter breeds should not be handled as the heavier fowls to gain the same resulto. • Seventh, in regulating the diets the object was to maintain the fowls at uniform standard weight, each com- peting bird being weighed monthly. Eighth, all foods conaumed by the flocks is recorded in weekly .periods and study made of the relation of egg production and feed consumption. The 'following are the rations used: New Jersey contest mash, 100 pounds wheat bran, 100 pounds Wheat mid- dlings,- id-dlings,• white or flour; 100 pounds ground oats, standard or better; 100• pounds of cornmeal, pure; 100 pounds of meat scraps, 50 per cent, protein:. The dry mash contains considerable variety, The ingredients are .readiie HEVKOLET LR?Nugy STANDARD Valve-in•head motor. Electric lighting and start- ing system. Selective sliding gear transmission, 3 speeds forward and reverse. Staunch frame. Newfront and rear spring EQUIPMENT New front spring suspect. *lone. New accelerator foot rest. Oil indicator light equip- )ment, Ample road clearance. Cantilever Springs. Improved Upholstery. Mohair top. Non-skid tired on rear brackets wheels. THE CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY` OP CANADA, 1 -in rrED OSHAWA, • • ONTARIO W2611111N tttgveuI ANA 21666116411140 41110CN It*otUA, MASK. $695 b.-OSI1AWA. SOLO LOCALLY RV (here Is a, Chevrolet dealer la your locality ant - lone to ,give you a demonstretinn• Joe hint before YOU buy your 1910 Motor ear. 'Write to Vsltawa Por a new catelegue showing ail iGhtiovrolet. Models. obtained, being in 10-pountl quanti- ties, and can be readily mixed: The dry mash contains 1$,2 per cont. of protein, 3D.3 per cent. of carbo, hydrates, this making the nutritive ra- tion for the mash of 1 to 2.8. Supple• menting this dry brash the competing fowls are fed mornin, and night, in deep litter, 100 pounds of ecru, 100 pounds of wheat, 100 pounds of clip- ped oats. This is the train r'ation'arrd rias a nutritive ratio of 1 at 8.2. The amount of this ration fed is determin- ed and the weight and production of the stocks. Assuming that certain flocks consume equal parts of grain and mash, the nutritive ration of such a combined ration should be 1 to 4.5. On the other hand, if the combined ra- tions should be in the proportion of one artoimashto tw0 parts of grain, , the nutritive ratio would be 1 to 6.4, During the winter, if conditions seem to warrant, the grain ration may be somewhat modified by the. addition of 100 pounds of cracked corn. Theee are the rations that are being fed the first year. During the se;tsonel of breeding the second year modifications will be made in order to maintain the birds in good breeding condition. Each flock is provided with double or alter- nate yards, covered with a permanent alfalfa sod. ln.additton beets and cab- bage are fed for green food. There is nothing complicated about the feed; it is simple and can bo had ie any zone, and the results obtained by the Vineland contest, which to date leads all others, is proof that the feeding method is a good one tor results, • NOTES. l.fake very sure of the determina- tion of the setting hen, before risking good eggs. Make equally sure of the capability of the artificial incubator. Clean out and disinfect the brooder, or any old brood coops that have -win- tered over. If starting with poultry, buy only the best; and increase the lock by means of hatchings of guaranteed eggs. If you will have day-old chicks, get them from a reliable breeder. Try for uniformity of color and shape in the flock. There is nothing better as first food for little cl rks than ordinary Johnny cake, baked hard, crumbled and fed dry. Next best is the dry grain chick LE`P a woman ease your suffering. i want you to write, and let me tell you of my simple method of home treatment, send you ten days' free trial, pun- • paid, and put you in touch with �+ women in Canada who will gladly tell what my method has done for them . t; `.`kar' If you are troubled e e n s a - with weak, tired �� tions, b1ad. feelings, h e a d- der weakness, ache, b a c k- constipation, ca- eche,bear. tarrhal conditions, fag down pain in the sides, regu- larly or irregularly, bloating, sense of falling or misplacetnent of internal or- gans, nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation, hot flashes, dark rings, under the eyes, or a loss of interest ,n life, write to me to -day. Address: Mrs. M. 2ummersdisx 8 Windsor, Ont. feed sold by poultry supply dealers, provided it is free from mold or mus- tiness. Two roosters in the same pen usual- ly quarrel and become useleca on that account. Usually a flock of 20 or 25 ducks and four or Live drakes give better results in fertility than one drake and four or five ducks penned together, Be sure that little ducklings always have plenty of water to drink, espe- cially at steal time, and deep enough so that they can get their heads Into it up t0 their eyes. <.o FACE WRINKLES. • Some Advice' to Women Who• Fear Their Appearance. That wrinkles are bound to come even on the fairest face is not alto- gether so, for with caro these tell- tale furrows can be prevented from making their appearence if you will take proper pains. There are, how- ever, many women who do not know how, to ward them off, and to them the following advice is recommended: Women suppose that crow's feet are the most important sign of age as far as wrinkles go, and so long as they have not these they imagine that they can hide their years. Nothing could be farther from the truth. At the base of the ear by the time you are thirty one little lice will make its appear- ance. Every ten years after that an- other little tally will be marked there by the hand of" time. Take good care DRS. SOPER & WHITE SPEC ALiSTS Plles,Eczemap, Asthma. Catarrh. Pimples, neyPBlood/ Nerve, and Bladder ne send history for free advice. Medicine Turn' l ed in tablet turn. Notur.•.-10 a.ni. to 1 p.m. and 2 to 6 p.m. Sundays -•10 a,nl. Int p,m. y Consultation Fres DRS. SOP&I. & WHILE 26 Toronto Pt,, Toronto, Ont,. Please Mention This Paper. then when smoothing your visage by massage that this little corner will not be neglected, or despite all the rest your secret will be uoi.laa.;d . Women particularly have a tendency very early in life to chow lines about the mouth, which are not only a dis- figurement at alt times, but often become so accentuated by fatigue or il)neee as to completely alter the ex- pression of the face. ' Most readers of these lined will probably resent the accusation that their ernes arta tut,' largely to the pernicious habit of chewing gum. If you do not chew gum, however, you surely indulge eceaslonally in caramels or bonbons of a like nature whioh requite an un• usual amount of effort in mastication. Tt is impossible to eat those things - without making faces and frequent facial distortion is sure to leave its mark. Another reason for the furrows around a woman's mouth is icor Hary ous temperament and the consequent volubility of her ispeee]t. Actors and ieskitloleomttwrnklehithe vicinity f the as all inevitable outeoiile of the extra effort which the persuanee of their eaareera brings to bear upon the facial muscles in that region, No benefieial etteet tan ba wont. plashed Without the abolition of the • ]AG]IC RJA1 I1i0 POWDER, ''' i90NTAtNB NO ALUM. Tho only.weli known medlum Prload baking poowder made to °anade that doe, not contain alum and Whloh has all its Ingredients plainly stated on the labii, 1WIILETTOO N LIMITED WINNIPSO MOMT11SA1. BAKIi tl arnrfut cause. It you will avoid doingthethings is are t gs wit L a e detrimental to the beauty of the lower part of the face, such as making faces when you talk, you can, by the aid of careful and persistent massage with astrin- gent lotions, prevent appearance of the nrarks..Apropos of astringent lotions, it should be borne in mind that in all - treatments of the face three things are absolutely necessary: First, the tllorotigh cleansing of the epiderm; secondly, the sottenirfg of the tissues, and while they are in this state the 'moulding takes place through massage and the application of bandages, and finally friction with astringent pre- parations, which cause the parts under treatment to become fixed in tlto desired location. .e Too welentific, The pity -bred boy's parents had just moved into the country and arrange- n•ents were being made for hint to at- tend the public school. One day he au\' ehe'ctrlatts at work there. "What are those fellows doing?" he asked his father, "rutting in an electric switch," was thin reply. "Weill 1 ant going back to town at once," vas the boy's e.stonisiting coru- mcnt. "I won't stand a school where they do their licking by electricity." - Youngstown Telegram. eleven years of this kind of circus, andanother uncle of succeeded by oil r a u 1 Lobosi, who was himself expelled after brief rule to make way for Lobosi, who ascended the throne in 1818, at the tender age of 17. Irt the early part of his reign Lobosi exhibited all the interest in savagery that had graced his uucle so fatally. The patient Barotse stood for this kind of rule until 1884, when Lobosi brought himself to fall by torturing and murdering his own brother. Ile fled into exile, but re- turned with au army the following year and put the new ruler to rout. Ile reascended his throne after chang- ing his soiled name to Lewanika. On his re-entry into Lialul the vice torious Lewanika found among his people a strange creature, a white mon with quiet, conciliatory way, who had come to take nothing, and was de- cidedly anxious to make friends. Lew- anika long repulsed this visitor, but eventually yielded, received him and permitted his overtures. This man was Francis Coillard, the famous Zambesi missionary, When he went to his first meal with the' king, that worthy squatted on the ground in complete nudity, and devoured clucks with his hands and teeth, To- 3HIPPI:"3G FEVER Influenza, n - F1 k Eye, Epizootic, JD.istemper and all diseases cured, an 1 all others, no matte»aser howand exposedthroat," • koro from having any of these diseases with SPORN'S DISTEMPER CC)MPOITND. Three to six doses often cures n. case. Bert thine; for brood mares; acts on the blood. Druggists and harness shops or na•nufacturers sell it. SPOHN MEDICAL CO. Chemists and Bacteriologists Goshen, Ind., U.S.A. FROM MONSTER TJ GOA KG Life of Lewanika, ming • .African Barotse. ward the end of iris life the king had learned even an excellent taste in European foods, wines and table fit- tings. (' it al. 0 1 d, by unshakable patience, got himself admitted to the confidence and trust of the king, who in time treated hire with high •honor and consulted him about the government of of his tribe. ' with" \Mist," hepeople?" cried out one day in the face of recurring trouble, "shall I do my Coillard's reply is preserved in his diary, left on his 'death at Lewanika's court in 1904: "Take the secret spear from under your cloak and throw it away; re- nounce vengeance once for all, attach your people to youn'e1f by making their welfare your fine object; put a stop to theft; give them justice, quiet sleep, and good food to eat." In 1902 Lewanika, attired in nand European clothes and invariably equipped with a silk hat, attended the coronation of King Edward— Barotseland having before that time become. a voluntary British protector- ate. King Edward red'eived him with great interest and British society toon him up and lionized ]tins. Lewanika went home with his head A Monument to Work of One Good Man. In the heart of the sombre African jungle there died recently one of the greatest and last of the- kings of the unknown, though not undiscovered, world—a ruler of one of those spaces bright to your fancy, dim on the map, black in truth, a part of "heart of darkness." The dead king was called Lewanika, head chief of the ijaratse, and he was autocrat of ,the lives and destinies of some millions of blaeli men dwelling in the forbidding valley of the upper Zambesi. Excepting Abyssinia, ltis was the greatest native empire on the barbaric contin- ent, • and the man himself perhaps the last 01 those picturesque and terrible monarchs whose doings and undoings took on a frightful shadow trona contrast with. ' the encroaching light of the world outside, Lewanilca, dead at 56, saw his country emerge from the wildest, murkiest savagery to a place literally within the slow sun of civilization. Beginning life as butcher, outrager, and wholesale assassin. he closed it a constructive and beneficent old bar- barian, in love with the briliiaut and mysterious great lands across the scan. In his lifetime be abolished savage punishments, brutal sacrifices and the horrors of some forms of idolatry; he built and maintained schools wrote a fixed body of law, admitted the white man and his ideas, and even established female suffrage of a kind from which his neighbors across the big tides may wish to adopt some- thing. To the many of us who remember "Darkest Africa" as a phrase, with a connotation of cannibalism, the story of Lewanika must be of interest. Ile was born in 1860 in troublous times, far from Lialui, the capital city of the I3arotse (or more properi$' alarotse), Of name he was Lobosi. and lie was the twenty-second ruler of his line, which had been established in the seventeenth century and had reigned with innumerable interruptions, fatal- ities and restorations. When Lobosi was born his uncle Lepopo sat on the throne as chief of the tribes in a most truly Barotsean manner, it must be • said. One- of his chief diversions was to chase clown some of the innumerable children of subject trihires and boat them to a low island in the Zambesi near Lialni, where he fed them to the crocodiles for his own and his tribe's amusement. The bloody Lepopo wait deposed and assassinated after 411,2 You will find relief in Zam-Built ! It eases the burning, stiniiitg pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam.. Duk, means cure. Why not prove this ? 4R ,Drupzo bo G Stored. -- eV. E unturned, but wit)•several new notions piled into it. He worked on the prob. lem for four years before he - dared anything so revolutionary as freeing the slaves. Then, even two years after Coillard lead died and his gelding hand had been removed, Lewanika abolished human serfdom in his -country, Civ - Meador:. had taken hold with him, a rare thing in a savage prince. Kickball for Baby. We've football. . ; We've basketball. It's a great game. But they're not baby games. Iticleball is quite another matter. First one buys a big, light Tubber ball. It may be almost as large as baby'+ head, Then one crochets a cover, the whole being suspended by ribbon or cord. It should reach down to the calves when baby, lying down, has his feet stuck straight up. Just watch the Lively feet of the 2. year-old ae he Iles In his -bed and kicks and leieks. The map who trusts to luck should be sure his emergency brake is all right. roworwr Avoid caustic and acid prepara- tions that discolor and damage aluminum. Keep your utensils bright ae new by using Old Dutch THE INNER TUBES. (Luuisviito (-'eutier'.Jottrttal) 'lentil 1 tt'ttcit sent to Make dough. at't. ?" o Led grandma. 1•:nt terribly intcre ,ted. i t[ r, t tut! and flew you err iu•, the ler pi. ttrheci.,, WISE SOLOMON. t if'arturtd;ntn 0t« t•) -sulontt•n Was the wisest ratan," •Yea, He had nfurmuus tuna of in. lornuttion. '1'br. tats that hu was atm) the 1ieln" t vrould indicate that he took Pains to set most or It in advance." THE1 POET'SDILEMMA. A. EMM (Lnttlswtdlo Courier -Journal) •'I rend your 'Ode to ;tilladay's #Lail,' "Well?" taiJ the poet. "1 thottt+ht maybe we could hire you tot Lite an aevertisemeut In poetry for uur hall. goads department. There's vwhet',• he bought that hair." THE ICEMAN'S VIEW. (Lite) Jeeee--Iinvt- fa tite ice crop lookitnee leetnan-<:tatisfaoterily inadequate! SHORTER, (Iloeton Transet'ilpt) Fn t' pan -r suppose we ought to put a sten oe the door saying, 't:'esed ort account of the strike. Mind. just luck i this card. from the showroom counter, "i: tndrs off." THE HOBO'S PREFERENCE. (Beaton Tt'anseript) Judge -Six months in jall with hard la- b Bobo -:ley. judge, can't yer double de time an' cut out de labor? A FINE CURRICULUM, (Baltimore American) "So your son Is satisfied et college. have they a fine curriculum there?" "You het. It takes up the whole ground floor." A FREEBOOTER. (\\'asittngton Star) "Father," said the small boy., "what is a freebooter?" "1 don't know exactly, my son. But I will soy that with. leather tooting what it does, you want to get your mind away from any idea that a freebooter le a umn who sells shoes for nothing," et► MODERN. ANATOMY. (Buffalo Express) "Veteran riayer Is Victim of Heart 1)lpease in Lobby of the Shubert," says a. sport page headline. This seems to be anatomy "written so that you can utak rstand It." • AN ITEMIZED BILL. • (Judge) Patient -One thousand dollars! n'outd you mind itemizing the bill? Doctor -Certainly not. Twenty-flvo dol- lars for the operation itself, five hun- dred for my reputation, and the re- mainder because you have the money, THE RIGHT IDEA. (Washington Star) "•1)o you enjoy Mendelssolut's songs without words?" ' "I don't know as I've heard 'em," re- plied Mr, Cumrox. "But I want to say that Mendelssohn has the right Idea. What keeps a lot of these songs from being fit to listen to is the words." WORK, NOT (Boston Transcript) E.iith-If you don't love Zack, why don't you tell hint so? T.Iadgo-Well he sends me flowers and takes me to the opera, you know, and - Edith -But, gracious! I don't ace how .au can :play with his affections that way. Madge -Play? I call that workieg then. NOT HIS COMPLAINT. (Boston Transcript) "Read the directions on the bottle, Mandy." it sez: 'For adults one teaspoon-' " "Thunder! that ain't what ails me --what eise tiers it say?" ONE WISH GRATIFIED. (Puck) The Wife -You promised that If I would ]Harry you my every wish wottid be gratified. The Husband -Well, isn't it? Tht' Wile -No; I wish I liadtt't married you. - A HOT COME -BACK. (Juage) "No bachelor can understand a wom- an." declared Mrs, Stubltins. "Huh, yott don't say so!" replied Stub - Mins, with a snort. 'What else In the world do you suppose makes a man a bachelor?" - KNEW THE SYMPTOMS. (Louisville Courier -Journal) "Waldo, did you by any chance have tao touch to drink at that banquet?" "W y do you ask such a question, my dear?" "Mr. Backbay told his wife that your metaphors were badly .nixed." NO HELP FOR IT. (Washington' Star) "Da you think it's right to support a large population in idleness?" asitel• the matt of reckless Idea. ' "Sometimes it's got to be done," re- pla,d I'armter Corutosse•t, "I have it ttlade barnyard full of chickens that hart n't laid an egg all winter." THE POET'S EXCUSE. (Birmingham Age -Herald) "Say," snarled the Irascible editor, "Morse verses of yours are n•it worth tete paper they are written on.' "Maybe not," replied the poet, modest- The paper shortage is ea acute . owadays that hardly anything is worth i he nanr'r it is written on, unless it is a cheque.' The. League to Enforce Peace. Of all the various movements that t have had to do with the readjustment bf international relations that le most certainly to follow the conclusion of the European War, the suggat'icn,;t put for ward by the League to En- force Peace have mot with thte hearti- est responses. Much of the comment. however, has shown that there was considerable misundestanding as to the It::ague's purposes, and this fact snakes of much interest the announce- ment that early in b'obruary there will be published a book written by an officer of the 'League, and setting forth oi'fiehahly the objects for which it. stands. 'ibis is Robert. Goldsmith's The League to Enforce Pence, Ntilliitery Whims. Lacquered wings are the latest fait. We've had lacquered ribbons before-- Iu,.trous and smooth. The wings are stiff and shiny and very efts etive when used on tailored hats. And flowers are done itt the sante if. Mont -they glisten to a lieeullar, n ax-iilte fashion. It's just another o1 Dame 2'anhlon'S t>pvinit whhnsicttlittes. Perfeo h. The little daughter of tt College profes- eer'rad been taught to pray for the titit.ga vtlttdh tale desired. It Was vory my and het and everybody was looking analouely fur renin. Suddenly it occurred to the little arias that Rhe could• ptnlr for rain, and she acted on her impnlso at mice. Shortly after there tame a ter - rite thuntitrahnwer. streets were e;ui- ned out, trees .were blown down and tither dumper was done. .Ater the ahem• er the rhnd's mother Petted her t triad• St the at below, looking out, 'With n tuafttl fuer, 111)011 the dobrie, and heard her say. In ria awe•etruek velem "Olt, Lord, what have I dobe?"-ehivt'rye bn.'y:t Magazine. Yon never -<'att tell. Many tl Men is absolutely tireless in ranking 0ibee people tired.