HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-03-15, Page 2-411n , ere . ' Loess= Xt. rattteh 18, leen ammo tiaeve from Sine -Temperance neeson-John 8: 12. 28-37, 56.59. Conementary.-L The Light ot the Werla (v., 12.) 12, Then spane Jesus agela unto them -He Was speaking to the Pbaritteee (r. 13.) He was eaten - tag hie discourse after eeveral inter- rePtiens. The connection is natural between what he says here and -v. 53 Qt the preceding chapter. I am the light ot the world -Many writers think tleet Jolts had iu mind one ot the ceremonies connected with the feast of Tebernaeles when he spoke these Werdis. It was the custom en one er Mere night) et the feast to make a brilliant light, high up in the court of the women in the temple. This was in oneenternoration of the light which the Lord nave to the Israelites to euide . them by night In their journey front Egypt to Canaan. Tins ceremony Wee en oceasion of great rejoicing. The Jew'. tinderetood the expreesi ea, TilO lign: of the world," to have Janet re. terenee to the Meastelt, and the Mart - nein el incised him for claineng to ne Christ. He Is the Light of the world to IllUnileate darkened humau hearts and sacnv the ray to 'heaven. lie teat et loweth n e -The way is nri. for all whe will follow Jesus. Only these wit) deny themselves aid take ip tt cross daily can be his followers. Shall *ot wink in darkness -He ahall be sav- ed tronnignorance, infidelity and sin. If he follows me, becomes my dieciple, and believes on my name, he sball have ley Spirit to bear witness with Me, that he is a child ot God. -Clarke, • have the light of life -The true followers of Jesus have not only divine illumination, but they also have de vine life. They have hlue who is the source of all light and life. 11, The Son lifted up (vs. 28-30.) 30. Then eat(' Jesus -Jesus had just spok- en of his relation to the Father. He had told the people that unless they be- lieved in him, they would die in their , aims. They did not comprehend the meegage he brought to them, for their hearts were set against him, hence he Woke the Words that follow, When ye have lifted up the Son of man - These words refer to Christ's death by erucifixion. He wonld be lifted up on the cross and the Jews would acetate pllsb his death. He thus proPhesied. the own death and who his murderers wee% be. Ye shall know that I am he -Even on his cross the shudderine Jews, amidst the signs from heaven, reit a guilty coneelousness that they were crucifying the Holy One; but the words froth this extend into a broader meaning. It is the crucifixion by whinh the world knows the Power of Christ, the Redeemer and Judge.- Wh,edon. At the crucifixion were the aartmees and the earthquake in token of the Messiahship of Jesus. The crowning proof, however, that he was the non of Gad was his resurrection. I do nothing of myself -Jesus insistent. linleclared his Sonsb.ip with the Fath. en He spoke the words of the Father. 29. He that sent -me is with me. This was a true sasention, yet tease who were opposing Jesus would not accept It. From Christie statement here we may realize how we may be comforted . and. upheld by elm &gine presence .1setit as. 30. Many believed on him- • Such teme the convincing nature and forge of the teethe which he presented. that:they believed he woe the Messiah, •auti eeceived the dectrine.-Barnes. fit Slavery and 'Freedom (vet. 31.- n7)..31. Jews which believed on Kira - They. were. not in the majority, but they, were a choice and honorable cosenany. T.her had -courage to take their nositioe in spite of prejudlee and 4ti elm fate of unpopularity and inseoution. My disciples indeed -For believere to eontinue in Christ's word Involved ninth. They Were not only to teelieve that Jesue was the Messiah, but they were to obey. His word, ac- cept His instruction and follow His example. A disciple indeed is a. true Christian. 32. 're shall know the .truth-t1'be truth includes tho prin- tattles of vital godlineas and the prac- tise of the same. It theIudes Christ Himself, who. said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14. 6). The truth (Mall make you free -Jesus nrayed for His followere, "Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth" (John 17. 1,7). The truth has Power of stu is to be broken and the heart is be be fully cleansed. 33. Wo be Abraham's seed -The jewe boast- ed of their dement from Abraham and thought they were, by virtue of their ancestry, God's people, and no cetera could rise to the high religious Plano they occupied. Were never in nandaget-How false their -claim was appeans from a consideration of their bietory. They were slam in F..gypt, Were captivee in Babylon, were op. Wessel by the Syrians and were at that very time under the doininion ot the reamans. It is vain for the sinner to boat of file freedom. He is the boneteelave of sin. Multitudes who are ha.bitually using intoxicating liquore 'declare they are not elaves to drink, bet they are hound by ehaine that are earn to break. 34..Verhy, verily-ernis repetition Intimates a strong affirmation. The Oervant of sin -The original exprea- gen is strong. Whoever commits sin fe a bondetervant of sin. Ho is bound by chains from which he can not free hineuelt. Jesus alone can set him free. '16- Ina bondservant abideth not in the ,honse for ever (1/- V,)- The nendnerrant is not vitally related to the houeeh.olde There is no natural commotion. The Jews, were sinners • and hence were bond -servants. They mild not, therefore, presume to en- joy the divine favor. Thee Meld not nthArit the promises of Abraham, The •eentrast le dravve between the position of a servant and that of a .tnee. 36. 'Ye *Mail be free indeede-True freedom can be Obtained only through nesus China. If the San's woutd accept Hite anet through faith receive the ereedoin that He could give, they would net only have the freedom bee loncizig to Abraham's deseendants, lint they would have what was of it- fitittele greatee importanee, freedom from sen. 27. Ye are Abraham's seed - Ye meek to kill Me -Thus hostile *ere they to Ague. My word bath no teats In you -et -They had net inherited nebritharent character. Thee weuld eot reeelet the truth, °The Original word enztveys the nOticni that there Was no Team for title doetrine in their Minds. tt Met With Obstructions, and did not pettetrele int() their hearts."-Bantes, IV. Abraham's faith (ve. 56-50). 56. Your tither Abraham rejoiced to see eny day -Abraham believed God's pro- alke that the Messiah would Mee (tied rennet, over it. Hie faith eaught eight Of the blessedness of the reign Of Christ. Was glad-ei stronger ex - premien that "rnioleed." 67. Not yet lefte Mee old -Jesus was only thirty. three. The 3ev/t4 lend the Umber fifty at rotted, ntattber to SOM. pared Wftil the MO thelleatul years eine° Abrallatrne tittle. Hest thou Wee Abraham -They offered an Objection to Christie statement, but it elintPle -called teeth a deelaratiOn. et hie (liven lie. before Abraham was. I tartt -"I am," as used Imre, ettulde for eternity of existenee ilex041 0: 24). Compare tbia with John i 1. 09. Then took they up stones to caet at him --Their hatred toward Jesus and their failure to (Reprove his statements re- garding himself led them to reaort to the argument of enntes. Passed by- • Ho either made himself invisible, or, mingling with the ergs% became hid - dee to hie Minim. • Questions. -Where was Jesus at the time of this lesson? What feast was In progress? What did it counnemor- ate? In what sense is Jona tee light • of the world? In neat mime waa he to be Bleed up? How aro we to be Made free? Of what did tiao Jews boast? Who are in bondage? In what way did Jesus declare his divinity? How may individuate and natems come free from the drink evil? PRACTICAL SURVEY. ToP10.--Redemption Proclaimed. I. Through the mediation of Christ. II, From tee Mese and slavery of sin. I, Through the mediation of Christ. As Jesus had applied to himself, hi his discourse on the bread of lifn ono of the typical miracles of the wilderness, so here he represented himself as the antitypo of the fiery pillar that led the Israelites during the long pilgrim- age. This similitude exhibited the glory and power of Christ in his own nature and the blessings which he brought to the world, Noue but the divine Lord and Saviour of mankind could justly claim to be the tiger, of the world. His bearing record of ben - self was a necessity. He was Ills owu great theme. Peerless as the aun ixi the firmament above, shone the char- acter of Jesus Christ, unspeakably great and glerious in himself. He stied full light upon every subject which pertains to the higeest well-being of the human race. It was. the chief mission of Christ to explain and estate - ash the spiritual relationship between man and God on the basis of faith, obedience and love, His knowledge of the Father was absolute and most intimate. His advent dispersed dark- ness and brought new truths into view. He asserted himself to be the only source of illumination for the whole world, and that forlowinn him. brought sure deliverance from error and sin, and brought light which is life. Darkness is the namo for the whole condition ot the soul averted crom Gad. Referring to his death, his words revetned his sabume barman They expressed hie unshaken faith In the triumph of his muse, They ' indicated a consciousness of hie pecu- liar relation to the eternal Father. His death was to 'establish the absolute unity of purpose and action that ex- ists between himself and his Father. The Jews interrupted the discourse which Jesus was giving to .those who believed on him, by their vain boast of a relationship which was disproved by their spirit, language and entire conduct. They claimed political free- dom, while In reality they were sub- jects of Rome. They claimed religious freedom, while in reality they were slaves to the letter of ,the law. They claimed rnoral.freedom, while in rea- lity they were bondsmen of sin. The whole history of ,their nation was the record of one bondage following an- other. The evidence of foreign rule met their eyes everywhere. They bought and sold with Rotuma money. They paid tribute to a 'Roman emper- or. A Roman goeornor eat in their judgment hall. .A. Roman garrison oc- cupied the fortress of that city. With all that they treated Jesus' promise of freedom as au insult. They seemed -unable to recognize the inner bondage of the soul, From the declaration of superiority to Abraham Jesus pass- ed to the declaration of his equality with God. Abraham had seen the day of Messiah by the light of the prophecy ,and accordingly the state- •ment of Jesus was a claim to be true Messiala The title "I am" pro- claimed the self -existence of Christ, his unehangeabieness, all-sufel- cienc3'. The Jews understood this As a divine .clain and took up atones against him as a blaspnemen II. From the curse and slavery of sin. The weak and importect faith of the believeing Jews -called torth the discourse on freedom. The great - nese of Christ's aim was to make all mea free. He sought to show that OM is not natural to man. as God meant him to be, and that there is no such relation between a sinner and his sin as makes deliverance impossible. Per- fect freedom le only to be enjoyed in perfect harmony with the divine will, inasmuch as stavery to sin implies a false relationship to God, Jens ad- hered to the lines of ancient history so as to mark the distinction between Jews who failed to recognize the pri- vilege of sons and those who were as sons introduced into the true spiritual freedom of -Abraham's eeed. His de - aeration was leveled against the tra- dinette' faith and old maxims winch the Jews in general were holding in thelr birthright blessing. The freedom effected by Christ le that ot sonship, He only ean place the 'slave on a new footing in the household. He pro- claims liberty to the soul. Ho is the Source and Medium of spiritual know- ledge. Ile is the Revealer of the re- lationship between God and team Without union with Christ there eau be no diecipleship.• Without abidieg In his word there cen be no time union with bine T. It A. HILL BABES TO AVOID STARVING Terrible ConditionsAmong •Poor of Prussia. Imidlefit Told by Socialitt Member to the Diet. Lothian Cahle..--"Thte far only • fragmentary reports of the remarkable debate in the Preeelae Diet on the food ernes have been priiited mti the German • newspapers.," Says a despatell from Renter's Ainsterdant correspondent. "The Vorwaerts, reeeived to -day, con- tains the following pamage from the speech of Her Hofer (a Sodialist mem- her of the Prussian Diet): "'The Mortallty among elderly peo- pie in increasing at a terrible rate, while epidemics aro spreading every- where Owing to alto deereneed powers of resistance. The situation is much Inore sorlOtte than has been admitted. The number of inticides is ittereasing, and parents are killing theft, cealinron ' Owing to their iettbinty to Obtalti for there. Yet the peke ot petatOon which •eeng age becterte egetieralle entree, is to Int therettetini ARAB TRIBES ARE UNITING AGAINST ILK 4nm1ties of Centuries For- gotten, in Pact Against " the Ottoman. STRONG FORCE BUSY Is One Big Reason for the Advance in lYfeso- potaznia. • Lateen Dritish ad- vance in Mesopotamia, Which has coverednnore ground in a short per - Ind than alumat any other movement of the war, has beeu etiolated material- ly by extensive defections ot the na- tive tribes from Turkish rule, accord- ing to private mail advices from, Asi- atic Turkey, The advance from be- low Kut -el -Amara to within a Lew Miles of Bagdad, has been made pos- sible, it is now reported, by the fact that the Turkish troops are menaced not only by the British, but by strong forces of Arabs erganized by the Brit- ish as their allies, who are harassing the fleeing Turks. A communication from the Irak states that as a result of the action of the Grand Sherif of Mecca several months ago in declaring independence of Ottoman rule various Bedouin tribes have put away their old entnitiee and united. Peace has been made be- tween the Emir ntab or Rowleh frozn near Damascus and Hakim Ibu Mahid tialtim, Emir of the Great Anzeit tribe in the vicinity et Aleppo. These two powerful men have covenanted to un- ite in assembling for one thing a troop of horsemen to fight the Turks, and have issued a proclamation to their followers calling tor men and equip - meet. In preparation for actual war- fare, they were supplied wAth drill masters, presumably 13ritish, who nt- fected the organization of an Arab fighting unit. They aro, possessed of a great quantity of arms and ammuni- tion of the latest type. Tiaeir marching orders are sent front a convenient central base "somewhere in Inesopo- ta,nale." The example of these two emirs, this communicatton says further, has been followed by the lesser tribes, which are extending "the live coalof the movement from the borders of Syria to Egypt." Especially are the promoters of Arab union anxious to "light the fire" in the Irak and be- tween the Euphrates and the Tigris. The importance of the union of the two powerful Anzeh and Shamr tribes is in the fact that they number not fewer than 4,000,000 souls. This covenant of peace means the union of two tribes which have been bitter en- emies for hundreds of years. Now the emirs are studying modern warfare together that they may rid their land of Turkish rule. It is also asserted that the great and powerful . Sheikh lehazal Khan has sent a deputation to the Sherif- Suleiman I., king of the Hejaz - an- nouncing his co-operation and sub - Mission, as well as his readineeis to respond to a call for men and money. It is believed that an offeusive and defensive treaty has been made be - twee him and the Emir of Kuweit, Sheikh Jabir Ibn Mabarak El Sabah, If this report is true, it means that other important tribes • will rally to this movement inaugurated by these Iwo really powerful men. That the new corder is producing re- sults ' is shown in a surprise attack some 1,600 horsemen of the new tomes made on tbe soldiers guarding the camels the Turkish Government bad purchased preparatory to the at- tack on the Suez Canal, as well as to help in putting down the Arab re- volt. The attacking party had been lod to believe there were large forces or the Turks near, but instead the guard was soon overpowered, some 50 being slain and the others fleeing, leaving some 4,000 camels behind as booty for the Arabs. BRIWANT WORK BY THE FRENCH Recovery in Champagne Neutralized German Effort, Troops Advanced. as If On Parade. - • With the French Army, •Cable. -- The brilliant recovery of tee greater part of the ground captured by the Crown Prince's troops on Feb. 15 has Practically neutralized the Gentian en tort, wheel was veryecostly, and only Owed its success to the emiseion of asphyxiating gases and the fact that the attack was launched while the men in the trenches were being re- lieved, The hard won salient, which the French captured in the battle of Champagne in September, 1915, is once more held by them. Three weeks ago I said the French could and would retake the ground lest between Butte du Mesa and Maisous do Champageo Whenever it was desirable, Yesterday saw their( do. it, I watched them adVand0 to a line determined Upon beforehand as tbe limit of the forward Movenient for the time being, The main point Was to push the Gentianback and gain the position- on the farther side et the ,ctest. The attack was In no settee meant as a surprise, A heavy botnbanditient was carried On the whale day and eight before, and all yesterday taw them do it. I vmtched them advance te a lino deterielined upon beferohand �s the litnit of the forward rteeveirtent for the Ririe being. Tile main Peint on which tlx enemy Were left la doubt were the exem4e-tinto and front fixed for the Untie°. Unfortunately the weather Was about as tinprOpitione as It could be. The wbolo Country was °centred With snow three Wags deep, and the trenches tied ellen holes Were filled to a depth of ever a foot, The at- ittoepheret was so thick that hereoplitne Obliereatiori was pratitally fleeing. Cbesidereig the Marlene Width of the front, abeut a Milo end a half, the ••,, Antlettle 01 ehelle ceneetitratea wan trelliendeUe. For over two 'Mere a contiuUoits hall ot high mitten/ea rained ell the Gore= poeitione On tee Mee 01 the 8100 leading Up the ereat of the ridge, The total distance the French were to advance was tour or five huridrod verde, As tbee left the trench tneY seemed to adyence with eimost un- eaunY ithewnese, as though out for Sunday walk, They tould not, ot -Course, ItOOP in regular line, as the ground was filled ell over with deep listen but they advanced coolly as if on parade. The French barrage fire marched at the same regular pace 50 or 60 yards ahead. Between it and them one saw f[gure In. dIrty grey In:Read of blue holding up their hands in token ot surrender. As tbe French neared the top ridge, over which. an °Weer, waving his Stiolt, was the first to pass, tee =chine gults brought a different note into the chon us of bursting stens, but did not keep up long. Tee artillery preparation had beep thoroughly effective, and the French infantry triumphantly achien ed the ObjectIVe and secured the Poen non, including commanding heights which will be valuable points of ob- servation. Towards the close of the day the enemy started a violent mute tor -offensive, but Was satisfactorily countered. ASKED TRIAL BY AN ORDEAL Attorney for Poison Plotters Made Queer Move. Blamed Gov't. Agent Gor- don for the Affair, Leaden Cable. --In the course of an eloquent and vigorous speeela today in summing up the case of the four prisoners on trial charged with con- spiring to murder Lloyd, George and Arthur Henderson, member of the *War Council, S. 11, Riza, the Hallam.- medan lawyer, who is acting as attor- ney for the defendants, startled the court room by suggesting a trial by ordeal. Ile referred to the mediaeval form of a judicial trial In which, in place of evidence, supernatural aid is invoked, was in a test by fire, waten poison or other ageneies. Attorney Riza had been endeavoring to impress the jury with the alleged sinister significance of the failure of the Crown to produce a certain wit- ness against the four defendants, Mrs. Alice Wheeldon, her two daughters, and Alfred George Mason, husband of one of the daughters. This person, he said, was "a man who should have been its principal witness, namely, the • mysterious secret Government agent, known as Gordon." The attorney declared Gordon was a police spy, who had started the whole plot, who had lured the defendants on and then when he had got themewell within his net, had handed them over s to another agent named Booth, so that hiown connection. with the ease would not' be so flagrantly apparent. "Why wasn't it possible fnr Gordon to come Into court and face the jury?" netted the lawyer. "Because from him," he continued, "the Jury would have drawn a very different version of the case. The case rests wholly on the evideuce of Booth, who, more- over, was allowed to read the whole of his evidence. In the absence ot tbis mysterious Gordon this trial is not a trial. "Before the jure commite the de- fendants it should insist on the pro- duction of Gordon in the interests of the public and the safety of the Want try." Then, after a long and imprelesive pause, Attorney Rim suddenly said: I, "In the absence of Gordon, I would suggest that the defendants should have a trial by ordeal." The judge was puzzled, and said: "I fear that would be truposeible. It has been abolished. Do you seriously suggest the ladies should walk over hot plowshares in order to prove their innocence?" Riza-I 'do. The judge -It is no use submitting such a suggestion. You are not seri- ous. Rizan-I do seriously suggest it. 1VIURDER SUSPECT. • Osnabruck Tp. .1.Vfan. Accused of Father's Disappearance. • Cornwall, Itemort.-The mysterious disappearance, about three weeks ago, of William Se Pierre, 58 years of age, who resided on a small farm it Osna- bruck Township, three miles north of Aultsvillo; the arrest of his son, Em- erson, on a charge of having caused the disappearance; and the tending by a protects' officer to -day of the body of the elder St. Pierre burled in the cellar of the farmhouse has caucee a great deal of intereet In that district. J. 0. Harkness, county Crown attor- ney, and Dr A. Ross Alguire, coroner, went to the scene this afternoon, and It is believed more arrests will follow. It is said the deceased had consider- able money in his possession the last time he was seen in Aulteville. The prisener appeared boffin) the magis- trate this morning and stated that he had to idea where his father was. Ho said he worked at home end did odd Jobe for others. Ile is 23 years old and, according to his own story, he can neither read nor write. He claims that he left his father and wife, formerly a Miss Nettte itiehrnire, of Willients- burg, in the house the last time he saw his father, and went to bring his leather hotne from Chester/411e. MORE HIM PLOTTERS Arrested in Italy in the Ger- lach Case. Aaraddepolak• akar row+. Voris, t'able..-A. number of fresh arrelts have been mode lit Rome itnd el:Scalier() in connection With what is known as the Geriadli ease, according to Milan despatch to the 'Matin'. The natnes of the accusedwill not be made until the trial, which will he a see - ret one. Tonsigtior von Oeritieli, an Austrian. woe nrivelo citantberialn to the Popo Ho wan forced to leave Rome itt Jan - liars), through pressure brought to bear tne Vatican, according to a, semi -of - final despatch frotn Herlirt, by the rep- reeeniallw•it of the Entente. .PriOr te hhq departurs an battled Antbro. nett!, who Maimed to be Monsignor ger. !miles fitlattelel agent, waft arrested, charged with being InMilitated in the blowing up of the TtUu1 ttlealiirre 13ottedetto Aria end Leonardo eet MOritighttr Gerlach it tho only Teuton!; prelate :it the Pope's retinue. -7,11•41101.1M1WV. SEE SHORTAGE IN WHEAT CROP France Faces a Deficit of 127,000,000 Bushels, Allies and Neutrals Must All Economize. ,Parts Conle.-Franee and her allies and neutral countries this year must eeononeize or replace with other cereals from 34 to 38 per cent, ot their etteeirements of Wheat, accord- ing to estimetes made in the Chamber (et Deputies today by Victor Boren president or the agriculteral commit- tee. In an important debate on the eco- nomic policy of the Government due- led the wan 111. Beret produced expert estimates for the wheat crop of 1917 as tollows: "For Prance a yield of from 180,000,000 to• 190,000,000 bushels; requirementa, deduction being cued° for the invaded territory, 317,000,000 bushels, leaving a -deficit of 127,000,000 bushels. "The requirements or the allies of France and neutrals abroad are from 560,000,000 to 570,000,000. The sur- plus available from overseas countries Is front 360,000,000 to 370,000,000 bush- els, leaving a deficit for the Entente al- ike and neutrals of from 190,000,000 to 216,000,000 bushels," This was the third day of debate, during which Fernand- David, who was Minister et Agriculture in el. Vivienne Cabinet, and Anatole de Monsie, for- mer lender Secretary of State for Mer- chant Marten and other deputies sharply criticised the Government's action on economic problems during the war. It developed during the de bate that the wheat acreage of France was reduced about 800,000 by the in- vasion out of a total of 16,260,000, while the deficiency for 1917 is esti- mated at 5,600,000 acres, of whkh 500,000 at least is expected to be made up by spring medins of Manitoba wheat, which is now pounded will grow successfully in French soil. The tapealters agreed that to increase the wheat acreage it is necessary to raise the maximum selling price frora an equivalent of $1.86 to $2.25 per bushel, and inso to intensify the 'um of modern motor implemente and a greater number of prisoners of war, of whom belly 35,000 have been em- ployed on farms. t•-•, GRAND DUKE ON THE MOVE Force is Nearing the Meso- p9tamia Border, Turk Fortifications Near Erzingan Seized. berme° or healtleY over Weal° planet1. eveiglit oe fruits, 49.6 per Cent. It wi.11 readily be seen that these figerea Inaleate a Dreg:Muer:4 decrease • la crop due to tee disettee, .014ee, In • the field in Mteation, only a slight difference count be observed by Us be- fore the actual counting alid Weighing was done, It 10- highly probable that growers are apt to ;eater a great deal more than they Mewed by the presence en tine disease, Tee -dieenee optima to pass the winter in two men: (1) In the field, in tee eon or in the old plant reinaille; (2) 1)1 the seed bed. The nest does not sewn to be oe serious importance: but It is not advisable to grow totna- toes on laud where the Monne disense ha a been bad during the erevione year. Seect bed intection, on the other band, seems to be responstble for all the bad eases of the disease yet sem The common practice of adding new soil to that et the old tomato seed bed is what causes the trouble, since the dis- ease germs kill linger in the old soil. Danger from this Cause may readily be avoided by completely changing the seed bed sell as soon as the disease appears in the field, This discarded soil is appareutly harmless for other plants. A more extended accouut of. this disease has been given in the Central Experimental Farm Reports eit 193.5 and 1916. Petrograd Cable.-ntusstan ac- tivities in Turkish Armenia, north' Wont of Erzingan, are reported in to -day's War Office statement, re- counting a Gummi:dui reconnoitring operation., A Russian verance is also in pro- gress toward the Mesopotamia -bore der from Sakkiz (in Persia, about 150 miles northwest of Hamadan and about 26 anilea front the Meso- potamian frontier). The official statement on the Caucaeutt front op- enations rea.de: ennucasue front: in the direction of Sivas our reconnoitring rattles attacked the Turks 26te mules north• west of lerzingane ia the vicinity or elirzonil Kettle, and took postmasten of mare tortifications.' Having destroyed the latter and blown up cartridge and grenade de- pots, our scouts returned safely, bringing with them 33 prisoners. "In the neighborhood of Sakkes, south of Lake Curtly., our scouts ad - yawed 16-ne miles southwest front Sakkiz." A deepatch - to Iteuter's Telegram Company from Petrograd says: "The Release Legislation at 'Tehe- ran has informed the Pentium Goren:i- ntent that Russian troops have occu- pied Bijar, Sinnah, Hamadan, Kan- gaver and Daniatabad. The Persian Government has been invited to re- take poseeesion of these towns, whiett b.ave been evacuated by the Tarim." MO:Ale DISEASE OF TOMATOES (Experimental Parma Note). The Mcsaic disease is seen in toma- to leaves when the plants are about a foot high or later. It is not a leaf epot or blight, but consists of a gen- eral unhe.althy condition of the leaves, indicated by light or yallotv- telt-green areas with dark green, nor- mal areas betweeu. Since. the lighter parts aro not eti vigorous, the nor- mal, healthy areas often grow faster, thus producing an irregular or bits- tery effect. Diseased plants are Weak- ferrtthan healthy plants and set lesS ui VIM M not a aerious disease gen- erally, but it is proyalent enough in a number of cases oath year, and sometimes carama considerable dam- age. In the Niagara district the gen- eral field crop has been examined in 1915 and 1916, and the percentage of fliseased Want* aocertained. The re- sults aro given below: 1915. 1016. No, Of teens examined , 26 27 No, fields disetmed 10 7 N. of plants examined . $583 0300 No, of plants diseased .. 123 277 Percentage Of disease .. 3.43 3.4 Largest percentage of diseme found .. „ ...... 55.55 0.00 It is ainiareut from the above table that while the total menet of die - Mat is entail, it may be quite large in individual eases. During 1015 the director of the Vine- land Horticultural Experiment Station t kindly undertook to ascertain the nuin- ber and weight ot the fruite trete equal numbers of health, and diseased Plants. His norm are aptiendpitictil:nts. 69 Healthy 59 Diseased Plaets, No, of fruit:, 7,135 4,0 Wt. of tittle.... 819tne lbs. 570401bs. Mel:nese et Mantle over mogitie ;flute In minim- of MIRO, Ong per cout. 1 BUTCHERED THE SERBIAN WOMEN Huns Shot Them Down for Lack of Information. 01/.114••••••••••••••••••••,.. • Oallous Story of a Deed of Great Brutality. London. Cable. -The Times says a German author, Oscar Maurus Fonn tana, who accompanied the German army iu Serbia, publishes a revIew in the Die Schaubultn of Jan, 4, 1917. In his description of the deeds of Ger- man troops in Serbian territory he describes the following scene: "During the march we came to a nouse on fire that \vas a signal for enella to be rained on us. The soleters pet out the fire and brought along three women and an aged Serbian whom they found near the fire. They accused them of having set the house on fire. They replied, 'No.' They were tolti. to eon - fess. They replied: 'We have done nothing; it was done by others. itis our own house which is burning. It was set alight by other people.' They wero then asked how many Sorbian troops had passed. They replied: 'We don't know,' Thereupon the coin - mender said, 'Shoot them,' The group remains still. This takes their breath away. 'We are so young to Make war,' says one young woman. "Nobody tells these women in their own native tongue what is going to be done with them, but they understand, and cast down their eyes nee an animal' which is expecting the blow. They do not utter a sound. but a mo- mentary shiver passes through their bodies. They. do not comprehend. Their eyes book for deliverance, ex- pecting a miracle, They walk slowly, or rather drag themselves before their exeoutioners. They look fixedly at us, mutely and without tears, in such a manner that WO also had to cast down our eyes. Afterwards the crackling of rifles is heard." • COUNT ZEPPELIN DIES SUDDENLY Was 'Apostle of Hun Air Brutality to Britain. Failure of Plans Said to Have Been Heavy `Blow. ANII• London Cable. -According Berlin telegram transmitted be tern Amsterdam correspondent, Zeppelin died Ma forenoon at lottenburn near Berlin, 'from to a Reu- Count Char- Mee - meta, . The Times says: "Count Zeppelin died not in the zenith -of his fame, but at one of the lowest points the curious ebb and flow of his fortunes ever reached, Since the outbreak or the War at least a scOre of bis costly monstera of the air him been lost to Germany. No less than six of these were destroy - cd in succession over England lest September, October, and November. The discovery that British anti-air- craft Measures had been organized in the provinces as systematically as itt London had been one of the bittemst lessees the Gorman air staff had to learn. To Zeppelin these losses proved perhaps a mortal blow. Distressing as has been the loss of life, especially ot women and children, caused by the Zeppelin and other German airships in the wanton raids on this country, they had not fulfilled their purpose from either a military point of view or as instruments of terror. Zeppelin nad Perfectly callous theories On the sub- ject, but it will bennmembered that the crews of the Zeppelins declared that they are exposed to greater dan- gers than the fighters in any other branch or the service, Bat they are just as bumanee The best proof of their humane impulses lay in the fact that Unexploded bombs have been found in English toeing they visited. These theories and perverted mental- ity whitat induce (termite limiter' to rank Zeppelins with nherublms and geraphens' as emisearies of the Al- inighte form one of the Most sinister weds of the whole problem Of Pelit Heal pathology presented by the Ger- Man people iti this war." In the course of a notice of Zete Pelfen ea.reer the Tenets recalls that Berdinand, Count Zeppelin, beettnie an officer at the age of 20. Five years later he took port as a voltniteer in the Auterlean Civil War en the tenon side. It ntis teen, perhaps, his tate- tor iteronantice originated, from hie eeperietce in spying out the position of tile Confederate forces. He made his fleet balloon aseetsion Innt, Paul. Rene Srimuel Beal,fantoue re. trotter, has O&M in Teronte to take charge Of the earatialge for the 23501 nattalien. RARM TORONTO MARKETS. leititethertS' MARKET. - DuirY I'roditee•- Rutter, choice dairy 31) 42 104.ms, now -laid, doz. .. 0 45 Otero, .••• 00 Do., fancy, 1,4 •• •11 •0 ri.)13a 4 Poultry,- 'Iurkeys, lb. 0 33 Fowl, lb. ... 0 22 tleese, Spring 0 .20 Ducklings. lb, , .• .25 Spring chickens, lb.. 21 4pnles, Bahlwins, bbl, .. 4 50 Do., Spies, bbl . 3 51 Do., Creeniniss, h14.... 5 03 Do., 0 -qt. bkt. 9 40 Do„ 11 -qt. bkt, 03 Vegetables -,- Sleets, Per bag .. 2 00 Do., vttr zeelt 0 00 Cartots, per bag .. 1 75 Do., per peck • • , 00 Cabbagts, each.. 0 10 Horseradish, lb. 0.) ...welts, bunch ,. ", „ Lettuce, doz. belis.,sinall Do., doz. bells., ittr130 Onions, bundle .. •,.• Do., 11 -qt. bkt. Do., bog Potatoes, per bag Parsnips, per bag Do., per peck Itailtshes, per bunch., .. Sage, bunch Staory, bunch „ Turtilp.-., bag 0,, Ptt pee 10 23 40 05 00 00 00 00 00 01) 05 05 90 00 M E ATS-"WflOLESA.LE. 80 41 et 0 11, 2.1 P 23 O 23 O 22 I/ 30 0 50 6 90 6 ((0 11 51.1 1) 7a (400 2 80 tire et 011, 0 00 r;0 0 18 1 30 9 01 4183 2 30 t! 60 0 03 0 10 011) 100 Wtholesulers are selling to the trade: Lteef, forequarters, cal, 813 fib 315 00 Du., hindquarters .. 10 00 18 00 Carcasses, choice .. 15 50 17 00 Do., common .. 11 BO 13 50 Do., common .,.. 11 50 13 60 Veals, conunon 9 50 - 11 50 Do., mediutn .• 32 50 14 50 Do., prime ..... 17 DO 10 50 Hoary hogs ,.. ... 13 00 15 00 Shop hogs . ., 19 00 20 00 Abattoir bogs : , ... 20 00 20 GI) Mutton heavy *.. .. 10 00 12 00 Do., light 14 00 16 00 Lt.mbs, yearlings .. 21 00 .73 00 OTHER MARKETS. ileaNtIIIIII0 GRAIN EXCHANGE. v‘rri 0• 11)08191. H111011. o86w,..4 Mtriyiax._ July . ........187 3.87 18145 198 Oct. 1 5014 1 50% 1 403 1 47% ( Ottttl- 1, May ... ....... 0 04 0 64 0 63 0 0313, July .. 0 o 0 Gm o 027f, MJualyy 22 76213A 1/4 22 77246 22 6936, 270 771'170 MTNNEAPOLIS GRAIN MARKET. Minneapolls.-Wheat, May, 31.88 74 to 31.69; July,_31.81. Cash, No. 1. hard, 42.07 to 32.09; No, 1 Northern, $L97 to $3.94; No. 2 Northern,31-.95 to $2.03. Corn. No. 3 yellow, 31.95 .1.4 to 3L03 1-4. Oats, No. 3 white, 57 1-2 to 59 1-20. Flour un. cliurtitiLUBTYIrtin,(1f.43311.A.1.50N") Duluth. -Wheat, No, 1 hard, MN 54; No, 1 Northern, 31.95 5-8; No. 3 North- ern, 31,89 6-8 to 31.91 6-8; May, 31.89 5-8 bid; July, 31.81 5-8 asked. Linseed to arrive, $2.1r4 5-8; May, 32.94 5-8; July, 32.95 6-8. - CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Cattle, receipts 500. • NWattivrekblit:fca. teau4tile ., 8 50 13 00 Stockers and feeders.. 6 50 9 60 Cows and heifers.. 5 60 10 BO Calves . . 9 00 13 35 /logs, receilitV 11;000. ALMixaetilket .slow, 55 to itle higher. Light 14 35 15 00 14 60 15 16 Heavy ... 14 55 15 1.1.1 Rougit . .„.. 55 14 70 Pigs' . . 40 14 90 bnecp. iect!lots 4:00u. tahirrest . steriy. 11 00 12 40 Lambs, native' 12 40 15 60 LIVERPOOL MARItETS, Flour,winter patents -47s. i Hops n London (Pacific Coust)-44, 15. 60, 100, short cut, 14 to 10 lbs. -129a. Cumberland .out,' 26 to 30 lbs. - 1275, nominal. Short rib,s, 16 to 24 lbs. -1325. Clear bellies, 14 to 16 1bs.-133s, 131-0.,scng clear middles, light, 23 to 31 lbs.- Long cle.ar midelcs. heavy, M to 40 lbs. -139s. Short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs. -130s. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs. -114s. Lard, prime western, in tierces, new and old -137s. American, refined -1409, 3 nominal. American, refined in boxes -139s. Australian in London -62s. Turpentine. spirits -53s. 60. Rem, common' -2$s, 60. Petroleum. refined-ls, 2 1-40. Linseed 011-54s. Cotton Seed Oil, hull refined, spot - 5115, 00, THE AIR BUTCHER. German Press Filled With Praise of Zeppelin. Berlin .Cable. --'via London Cable.- -'rhe Berlin press is filled to -day with reviews of the life and achieve- ments of Count Zeppelin, who shared with Field Moshe" von Hindenburg, the honor of national popularity, Count Zeppelin's fame, however, was established when the field marshal was. practically -an unknown quantity, and Berlin to -day recalls the time not Long gone by when airship rides from Dusseldorf to Berlin, by way of Bre- men and Hamburg, were luxurioug thrills to be enjoyed at 200 marks a head. The obituary notices recall the de- votion. of Count Zeppelin to the real!, zation of his dream, which was not onlymanifested in matchless perse- verance, but also to the sacrifice of his private fortune. The papers recall the emperor's tribute to tho count on his 75t11 birthday, when he termed him "the greatest men of the 20th cen- tury." Count 'Zeppelin was 111. for lean than two weeks, and the immediate ceuse of his death was pneumonia. alis death shrowl is his favorite Chian uniform, in which he was best known to the public. The massive oak and metal casket, lit which he will be buried, was sealed this afternoon and taken to Stuttgart, where the funeral wilt take pine. tt f • SLICK SHARPER Swindling U. S. Prolluns Via Their "Loyalty." NeW Yefrit In:more-Max Wen a native of Hamburg, is under arrest here, charged with swindling Germans itt eifferent parts of the mentry by Means of a machine said to be capable of reproducingpaper currency. The Polite any they have complaints from Gentians in New York, St. Louis, ne- cktie!, Chicago and other platen Frank Vornberg, ef thie eitY, told the police that ieVezt assured elit that Ile had been sent out by the German Government toe a mission to entangle the cultency in this country so that there would be more eaten metier itt circulatiot than there Was gkid to secure It. Steenberg said he put a thouened dollar hill into Wex's tua- einne, and received a sealed metal box, white% he was told contained ten bilis of the sante denomination. When he opened the box next (My he found "Talk is alwaye cheap," eald the Wise One. "Exeept," returned 'the ,,Itfutt, "when you talk on the 'Ong dee 'Mee te1epliette."--11Uff52o Exereeet. Of Blaelthiirn College, at tarlervillet Wellington Hutu.' Nye Ins. Go. Estollok.4 1140. Owl orriai, ding" 014T, Ems taken, On SU COMM at 0110. 9.910 provorti on ths auk or si09919 ziot. srotonta (9Z40, 0141091A19, $074N zuovizioo* ProoUlioxt .941t9t94 pwrotiti a ocisvo• Monts, W1001401 Q0901 r........r...1.1,••••••••••Mgraowasiapwarof Dudley Holmes RAR111•11111, 0041011'Ofto Woo itoyor Meek* Wielitelin. Vaustone s*g.'rZ rno 4901443111001. meow to loan at iottioi 1909114 WINGHAM. Arthur J. Irwin • D.0,9., 1..D.$. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the.Penn- eylvanie Collage and nteontio.te ot Den- tal Surgery ot" Ontario. Closed every 'Wednesday Afternoon. Office in Macdonald Block, F. M. DEANS D,D.S., .L.D.S. Honor Or/Athlete of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor eracluate of rniversity of Toronto. Faculty of Denistry. Closed every Wednesday Afternooxi, Office Over H. E. Nerd ft 06,'S Sters In the Dental Parlors, formerly °Mi- nted by Dr. ti. Ross. W. R. fiamblby e.so., M.O., C.M. 019110tal attention paid to diseases Of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work In Spry, Bacteriology and Boientino Medicine. Office In the Kerr residence, be. Omen the Queen's Ilotel and the Baptist Church, All business given careful attention. Phone 64 P, 0 BoX 111 Dr. Robt. C. Redmond M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P, (Load.) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. (Dr. Chloholm's old stand). DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN CIHROPRACTOR Acute clIsenses respond in lnolit eases qt.lto mu:Illy to treatment by a Drug- less Physician. Many conditions which otherwise call for (Tomtit.° interfer- crver naturally. So-called incurable cover naturally. )4o-calledin curable cases sotneilnies 'benefit considerably al- so. ' J. A. FOX, D.C., D.O. Member. Drugless Physicians Association of, Canada. Offtee Uours-2 to 8. 7 to 8p,in. Phone 191. DR. R. 1 STEWART Graduate of University cif Toront Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of tliti °atoll) College of Physicians an Surgeons. OFFICE ENTIIANCE: SECOND DOOR NORTH OF •ZURBRIGG'S PHOTO STUDIO, JOSEPHINE ST. PHONE 29 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN " DR. P. A. PARKER. Osteopathy builda vitality and strength. Adjustment of the spine add other tissues is gently secured, there, by removing the predisposing caust41 of disease. Blood pressure and other examine lions made. Trusses .leientifically fie tad. OFFICE OVER 0141FOSTIE'8 STORE. Hottre-Tuesdays and Fridays, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Wednesdays, 2 to 11 OgrAr.... *Seigel), appointment. -General Hospital (Under Government inspection). Pleasantly situated, beautifully fur. nished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients (width Include board and nursing) -$4.90 te 916.00 par Week, according to location of room. For further information - Address MISS L MATHEWS, Superintendent, lox 223, WIngham, Ont, 1 SELL Town and Farm propertiee. Call and see my list and get my price*. I haw some eXoellent values. J G. STEWART W1NGHAM. Phone 104, otno, tit Town Hail. T. R. Bennett, J. P. AUCTIONEER Dates Arranged it the Advance Offlo• Pare -Bred Stook dales a Spec:Mei Sales conducted anywhere In Ontario, PHONE St WINDHAM, ONT, 1 J. W. DODD (ntlecessor to .7. G. STEWART) FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT and HEALTH INZURANCE, P. 0, Hex 366, Phone 108 WINGIIAM, ONT, John P. Grow $ isn't ot MARRIAGE L/011tdES TOWN HALL WINGHAM Phones*Offiee 24; Realdenee 108. WE WANT CREAM Ws e want Crown, and will paenthe ent prices for rgeod erestn. W.10 Ship your cream aNver, to, long dletellt4 When you tat toceiveas Sootl OHM sear home. tott in minding Your nt to ui heti o harm! !Mu?r . furnish ter° cans to each Ohl pe pay all morose Outages en 511814 You On honest busintvo. Chtroot fa tory patron* hovium Cream dining *ranter Would (lb well to shit) to tto. Iffritti for further Intrtlettle.ro to THE SE1FDPII CREAMERY SEAPORTH .Z.4 ON TAN 1.0