HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-03-08, Page 8Page eight XX XX= ;XXXV:XX .14744 XX XX )474 XX XX Dollar Day4 r71 Bargains Dollar Day Bargains in Men's and Boys..T Suits, Overcoats, Rain Coats. Shirts and Ties. yBig Bargains in Furs and Fur Coats on Dollar Day, cI4 STAPLES eN,. 10 yards Unbleached Cotton for 44 10 " Bleached Cotton 10 " good Print for.... 10 '• Towelling for,,. 10 s4 Colored Crepe 10 " Oxford Shirting 10 " ' Wide Flannelette ( 23 " Unbleached Table Linen 2 6 " Curtain Material 3 Pairs good Bath Towels , .. Children and Misses Fleece -lined Underwear all sizes, 4 pieces • nildren'n Sweater Coate, Dollar Day for.... ..... .... , .... boys' Sweaters 2 for . , DRESS GOODS $1 00 1 Oo Irik 1 00 1 ou n 100 100 100 1 00 i,, 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 001 00 / N a,r , Large Assortment of Dreai Goods at 25c and 40c a yard. A Liberal discount off all Dress goods. Velvets and Silks on Dollar Day g LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR MFG I White Voile Weists, ail sizes, New Stock for $1 00 Ladies' Dressing Sacquee 2 for 1 00 Shantung and Fancy Silk Waists each 1 00 joy Ladiee' All-over print Aprons, 2 for 1 00 A Ladies' Suits, Coats and Skitts at a very Iarge reduction on Dollar Ile M Day, Good .Assortment of Ladies' Collars at reduced prices for Dollar 0 A New stock of ladies parasols and Men's .Umbrellas eat $t.00 each. r�1 Nv w Da y. Highest prices paid for.' all kinds of produce. X g HANNA •. >,. 0.54,4141114 Whitechurch Mise Hazel Wocke of Teeswater, is visiting at the home of her aunt, Mre. John Mowbray, Mr. John Conn had charge of the Guild on Sunday evening. The leader for March llth is Miss M. Paterson. The Red Cross tea given by Mre. Fox on Friday test brought in the sum of $5,35, The regular missionary meeting of the Methodist Church was held on Thursday last at the home of Mrs. Ben. McOlenaghan. On Tu esday evening, March 13, in Langside Presbyterian church, Rev. 1ti1r, Bradley of Teeswater will give his lecture on "Yat and his Island." A musical program is also beiug pre- p ared. The Literary Society: The fourth meeting was held on Friday night, with a splendid attendance. Dialogues recitations and musical numbers of an entertaining character were given. Rev, Mr. Grainger gave an address, The "Echo" was read, and the meeting closed with the National Anthem. On March 10 the next meeting will be held when anlrieh program will be render- ed, Morris Mr. and Mrs, George Findtater have returned to their home in the West, after spending a couple of months with friends here. J. D. McEwen of the 1st line of Morris has sold one of his farms fo John Case - more 2nd line. We have not learned yet what Mr. D2cEwen intends doing. Mr. Casemore gets possession the 1st of April. • Robert Bloomfield has disposed of his 50 acre farm on the ist line. He intends having a sale about the middle of March. Mr. John Spence intends moving to his new home in Winghant this week. ))Invert Sellers lost a valuable mare last week, A large crowd from this locality attend. ed A rchie I{err's sale last week, Mrs Robert Colley and daughter Dorothy, visited at Thos. Abram's for a few days. • Mfrs Chas 17orccy and sou, John of Green. Sask.. are visiting at the former's parent's, 1st line. Mr. Fraser is greatly improved. The news of the demise of David C. Somerville, last Saturday, came as a d aur rise to Marys,was 50 The public generally. proving. , DEAR'. ROLL. 0, N. 0niri:'iiv The Angel of Death visited Wing. Item nn Monday worningand relieved 0, N, Griffin of hie suffering and pain. Deceased had been a resident of Wigg. barn practically all his life and no one was higher esteemed among the town's Prominent citizens and businessmen, Before hie appointment as postmaster be was en insurance agent and alesk of the titin division court, prior to whish he was successfully engsged in the grocery business. He was in hie 68 h yearand is survived by hie wife and , five children Ye hit ten ylz, Ool. A. D. and Major 13, D. who are in charge of a R cilroad Construction Battalion in France, Gordon who owns an ammu- nition factory in Ohosley, Mrs, A. H. Wilford of town and Miee Annie, nurse in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, The remaine were laid to rest in the Winghaw cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. E. G. Dymond con- dilated the services, Lucknow Mrs, Wm. Ritchie. sr„ of the 121.11 con., of Ashfield, slipped on the ice while leaving the house on Sunday and fell breaking her hip none. She is over 8Q years of age, Dan McDonald who recently return- ed from the front after baying been sbot in the elbow, and who has been rt oeiving treatment at Land-- n, ' e home for the week -end and on Satur- day night fell on the ice and broke his wnunded arm. An old time skating party was hold in the rink on Tuesday evening Prizes were awarded to the °idea couple. The ladies served refresh - manta to aid in the Red' Cross work, DIED WATTERS—In Howick, on Wednesday, Feb. 21st. 1017, Mary. Orton, relict of the late John Watters, of Orange Hill, aged 78 years, 10 months, 7 days, All diseases treated by Osteopathy— the most complete system of drugless healing in existence. Best results with fewest treatments. Dr, Parker, Osteo- path. Office over Christie's store. Old Pricnds Remembered n Friday evening of last week a number of the friends of Mr. J. Little gathered at his late residence (now the property of Mr. D. Holmes) prior to l his departure to his new home on the B line near the C. P. R. crossing. , After amusing themselves in vinous ways for some time, Mr. Little and daughter Hazel were called to seats, Mr, T, James assumed the duties of chairman and called on Mr. Little who read a short address expressing regret at his departure from their midst, after living on the boundary for three score years, Mr. Dan McCormick then presented Mr. Little with a gold watch guard and pendant a pair of gold cuff links and buttons. Mies Jessie Holmes then gave to Mise Hazel a lady's watch fob. Mr. Little was taken by surprise, never expecting anything like this from his old neigh• boure, he gave a short rehearsal of hie, settling on the homestead in the early days. The old pioneers are fast disappearing, Mr. Thos, Goy being the only one now living who came to the bush just a short time in advance of him. After expressing his thanks for this tangible token of their good will he hoped they would all come to see him in his new home on the. banks of the Maitland, after partaking of e hearty lunch. They got Mr. Little in the centre of a circle and sang Auld Lang Syne, with a gusto that would have done justice to Harry Lauder, J Com. I3eimore Ittiss Verna Clyne has returned to her home is Harriaton, accompenic4 by her aunt, Mrs. Thos, Tremble, Last Sunday, a moat pleasing event took piece in Church, when Mr. and Mr* J. Bali, ttir, and Mrs. N. McNeil, Mr and Mrs. Fleming Ballagh, Olrs. Tremble, and DI es ,Myrtle Galloway were received by letter into fu's membership, .Master Irwin Edwards is still confined to his bed with bronchial pneumonia.. Do not forget the 13ox Social to be held in the Methodist Church on the m I4th bun. at, A splendid programme is being prepared, Admission; Ladies with boxes free, gentlemen 4Q rents, children 15 cents, Lunch will be provided for the children, The Women's Institute held its regular monthly meeting in the Hall, last Satur. day, a goodly number being present, The following program was given, Ad. dress on the different ways of preparing potatoes, by Mrs. Jas, Douglas; duet by Mrs. R. Jeffrey and Miss Mae Ballagh; Reading by Mies Metcalfe. F{annel has been purchased and is being made into shirts for our boys at the front, Wool for socics was also distributed, Miss West of Toronto, is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. R. N. D. Sinclair. East ''Wawan&ish. The lollt,wiub• is the report of S. S, No 13, East Wawanostt for the month of Feb.. ruary. V.—Hugh Blair. Sr, IV.—Luella McGregor, Clarence Rath, Lewis Cook, Jr, [V.—Elliott Fells, Tony Nicol. Sr, III. --Telford Cook, Verna Sturdy.. Jr, III.—Peter Scott, Agnes Mason, Et. wood Nicol, Elsie Stonehouse, Earle Noble. Sr. II --Florence Scott,vOliver Fells, Earnest Noble, Jr. II. --Walter Scott, Robert Goodall, James Stonehouse. Pt. IL --Annie Blair, John Noble, Verna Rath. Prim. ---Fairy Tells. No, on roti 23. Average attendance 23, Mary M. McGowan, Teacher. .............. 'CHRISTII'S' I PHONE 59 Dollar Day We will make this a day long to be remembered among the first buyers It will pay you to make an early pall as specials will be sold only over the counter. Come Early Tuesday Morning Our Grocery Specials will be shown in North Window. China Ware 4 only, 10 Piece Toilet Sete, $6.50 for $4.50 per set, We have a big range of toilet sets and at to -day's wholesale price are wcrth from $8 00 to $8 60. The biggest bargains ever offered in toilet ware. Two only 10 piece Toilet Sets, $4.50 for $2 75 per set. . This iv the chance of a lifetime. Don't Miss This Chance 97 PIECEDINNER SETS $15.00 for $9.76; $20.00 for $13.75; $25 00 for $15,00 Three Only seta are offered for sale. Dinner Sets cannot be put on our shelves at anything like them pricers Scores ot Other ChinaWare Bargains Every Special Spot Cash 1 •r..r.s..r.n11111 A... 011lg....0 MOO SELLING OUT AND DOLLAR DAY SACRIFICE SALE, many lines less than cash price, every line of goods must go, comprising, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, etc, We cannot advertise the many bargains in this space, but you can count on entire satisfaction. OOME EARLY and Get VOW) Share of the GREAT BARGAINS Extra Special Inducements for DOLLAR DAY at our Store. All accounts must be paid at once. R.M.LINDSAY Case or Trade No Credit. 1 FLAX (ROWERS MEET in Annual Convention at London Lunt Week The annual convention of the Flax. Growere' .Aesoolation which was held , o n Loudon leant week was one of the most successful ever held. The 4.seoci- a►tion was welcomed to the city by the mayor, ooupctllors and bueineea men who banquetted them at the Tecutueeb House. The election of ollicers for the yea) 1917es r u2 ed as follows: lows: President, Amor; Ti lrpK vinBh a m; vice-presi- dent, vlc - r st.dent, k', J. Lockhart, Parkhill; seers- tary, G. G. Bc•anibill,13. S. A„ Ottawa; treasurer, William Forrester, Mitchell. In the discussion of the merits, of water retting as compared with dew recting, which was ted by 13, S. Sum- mers of Port Huron, Mich., It was developed that water netting was more reliable than dew retting, and that It produced fire per cent better results. Mit AbMOS iiPLING4 Winghamite who was selected as President, 1 It was decided that A. L. McCready of St. Mary's, Manager Biggar of air. am Walker & Sons' farm, W alkervilfe; R. Fraleigh of Forest, Amos Tipling of Wingham, F. J, Lockhart of Park- hill, William Lukes of Sebringville, would each grow five acres of hemp In various parts of the province as an experiment. The department of agri- culture will also grow ten acres In dif• ferent parts of Canada. Discussion over the need of machin- ery for pulling or harvesting elicited the information that a Lambton County Clergyman, Mr. Vassar, hie invented a flax -puller, which has been tried out with good results. Mr. S. F. Glass, M. P., explained that the Gov-. ernment is anxious to co-operate in solving the machinery problem, and Mr. J. 13. Grisdale elated that indirect - by the department of agriculture is financing the building of several machines which it bas ordered. Mr A. Pikey, G. G. Bramhill, B. S. A., Mr. Biggar of the Walker Farms, Walkerville, and others took part in he discuseions, 414011101.111111111111141011144111101111114111 Jamestown Mrs. David Johnston is not as well as her many friends would like to see her. We hope that she will soon be better. A miscellaneous shower was given Miss Rea Moses, at the home of Mrs, James Strachan on Friday evening, Feb'y 23rd The wedding being announced for Wed, of last week to Mr. Bringham or Hullett. Miss Moses will be missed in this vicinity very as she has been very popular We wish her every happiness in her mar- ried life. Mr. Jas. Simpson is not very well a present, Dr. McNaughton is attending him, we hope he will soon be around again. A Red Circle Tea was'beld at the home of Andrew Simpson, the proceeds amount- ed to about $22.00, there was a good attendance and a good time was spent. Misses Halt, Payn, Burke, Ballyntine, and Miss Jennie Simpson, provided the tea Our women are surely doing their bit in this terrible war. Mrs. Alex Forrest returned home Iasi week having been away about two months with her daughter, Mrs. Marten tCerr of Birch Run, Mich, Her home affairs were well looked after in her absence by her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Wheeler of near �.Vinghatn, who had the two places to look after. Mrs. Forrest is worthy 'of praises for staying on the farm, keeping the home fires burning, awaiting the return of her son, Charlie, who is now in the trenches in France, May he be spar. ed. The annual meeting of the James Thre- shing ,Machine Co. was held at the home of Mr. Andrew Pollock, There was a very good attendance of the share holders Minutes of last year were read and adopt td, the secretary's and auditor's report showed after paying ail expenses, a divid end of $45 50 per share on capital stock The officers elected for coming yeat' were A. Pollock, pres, S. Payn, see., directors, Geo. McDonald, Wm. Grainger and Chas Simpson and T. R. Bennett, 'U'ingham auditors. A hearty vote of thanks were givn Pollock andPayn at prea. and sec for their effort last year in helping to make it a success. A vote ot thanks was given Dir. and Mrs. Pollock for the use of their home and lovely lunch. Mr, and Mrs, Adam Iliehol of Cartels, was visiting at Mr. Wm. Willis, last Fri- day, Mrs. Nichol it a daughter., Mr. Davin Breckenridge is moving off hie farm on Monday of this week, Mr, 13rtekenridge had a splendid auction sale on Feb'y the 14th. it was a fine day and a large crowd as well as huge prices were obtained. Mr. Purvis was auctioneer and he certainly pulled the dollars for the proprietor. We hear the lisle amounted to $3:3100. Mr. Dreckeurldge's farm 18 now-oroupicd by Rebt. hicLer nett, sopa Bargains on Dollar Day at Willis' Shoe Store t'all;tly, ll9 aNil 8th U SIT -TIGHT DOLLARDA 'SCOMING. All kinds and all makes of $hoes Rubbers, Trunks and Valises. At prices below their present value Don't forget the date, Tuesday next March 13th, W. H. Sole Agent For The WILLIS FOR syo4+LADIES %/1C Prize Packet in the Mess Kit is ,��,� RIGLEY' The Flavour Lasts Made in Canada Sealed Tight Kept Right Millions of bars supplied every month to the Army and Navy. Every bar means more power to our forces—at home and abroad. Send some in every letter andparcel to the Front. Small in cost, but big in benefit. Delicious •--lintiseptic Cleanses mouth and teeth: Helps appetite and digestion. Refreshes, soothes and satisfies. WM, WRIGLEY, Jr. CO., Ltd. Wrigley Bldg., Toronto • The Flav6 immaigum.our Lastsinsammoviim pecia 1.s For $ NO, 1 NO (i 2 Ib tin S. W. flyer soap, reg 35 Pocket knife Qt S -•-.W FJoorwipe. special Buggy egg Orate floor palish .... . ........... Q5 Cab Bratie-Brite, .,• . 1i3 $ Day for 81 00 S --•W introductory, pkge 25 N0 7 Day for $1 00 1 4'3 Lenten; N0.2 Screw Driver or hammer Sharpening stone 1-4.1170577,' `t� 1J'�attScissors, reg 1 27 1 00 CO 1 60 00 10 Day for $1 00 $ Day for $1 00.,,.,.....1 25 NO 3 O•Cedar Mop reg 75 2 bottles 0 -Cedar Polish O0 $ Day for $1 Ota 1 25 Hand Elate NO 4 Pruning Saw, double ed r5 ge,hes $ Day for 1 00 NO 5 15 Large Rolls toilet paper reg^ 10 each $ Day for $100 1 40 NO8 'Ofanse' Blade Razor 5 Op $bay for $3 00 NO 9 'Olauas' Slade Razor... , . . , . ,J 00 $ Day for $2 50• NO 10 131ada Its zortt..,,.,,,, $ Day for $1 00 Bnyy Year Stove bow atsd, save et least 30 pet none on nett year's prise. Over $14000 etock of 1 fro fit v sand ranges- greatly rt•edttce4 :.„ , 150 A. J. ROSS, Hardware.