HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-03-08, Page 5Thursday March 8, 017 17 Tfi WINAM ADVANCE , BIG VALUES For One Dollar AT ISARD'S 1 . swowdsotie•Aessyss~ator4esditts, . sowsirststst swot/wit mot ".,w,tlwt is 'r age It will pay you well to take advantage of the many opportunities to save money BUYING GOODS on Sale at this store, Dollar Day. Record Breaking Values in our Two Stores. "Fifteen Departments" READ THE LIST Space will only permit us to quote a few of the many Dollar Bargains awaiting you her.e. Ladies' Wear Store 8 yds linen towelling, 153 quality, sale $1,00 8 yds 15c stripe flannelette, yd wide. for 100 Ladies' Bilk. Waists, odd linea to clear 1.00 Children's small size hose, 5 pair for. 100 Womena 35o cashmere hose, 4 pairs for 100 White flannelette, yard wide. 7 yds for 100 5 yds 25c curtain scrim for 1,00 10 Women's winter coats to clear 1.00 6 ladies' cashmere waists go at 100 Yard wide, black pailette silk, on sale 1.00 4 pieces ladies' Underwear, 35e quality for... 1.00 Girls' sweater coats, a bargain for 1.00 .Remnants to clear, your pick 1.00 Drese goods bargains, 1.25 quality, sale 1.00 Ladies' floe quality underwear to clear 1 00 Fur Ruffe bargain, they go at 1.00 Bargains in corsets $1.25 lines on sale 1.00 ladies' Kid gloves $1,25 values for 1.00 8 yds of 15e English cambric for. 1 00 8 yds of 15c factory cotton for 1.00 G Ladies' black sateen underskirts 1 25 for 1.00 $111,1•1••••••••• Dollar Bargains in our GROCERY DEPARTMENT 201b bag pure cane granulated sugar and 4 lbs Japan or green tea for 2.75 4 cans Queen salmon, 2 cans best co rn, 2 cans Maple Leaf Baking Powder for 1.00 7 hare laundry soap, 2 cans kippered herring 41bs choice raisins, 3 doz clothes pine. for 1,00 Men's Wear Store Men's heavy ribbed underwear 125 for 1 00 Men's gray flannel top shirts 1,25 for 1 00 Men's heavy working shirts}, black with white stripe and one pair good sox 1 25 for 1 00 Men's sweater coats to clear at 1 00 Menai Winter cape with fur band sale 1 00 Boys sweater coats on sale 1, 00 4 naive men's fine quality socke for .. • . 1 00 Men's fine stripe dress shirts 1 00 Mert'r felt hate good style 1.25 1 00 $ MEMO- Arohr��v~molYriwenliowltri ogee air.w6/2rwitr�isriotr`v Remember these Prices are for $ Day. 13. E. lent) •5t Co. w illwise~oseestsoat,gait. a ,slip IWs~460.0 ls+ s~Assusillb 'f r gsfi iremiVlnr NIIItI MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111 ��IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIiIItIItIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIItII4!! -.w Howick Council The Hawick council met in the Cook's Hotel, Fortlwich, on Feb'y I5th, purauant to an adjournment menet es M1 present, The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopt -d on motion of Spotton and Armstrong The' auditors were present and presented their " report and on motion of Doig and Spottcn that the auditors report be. adopted. Carried, Geo Zurbrigg wailed on the council asking damages for a korse which took sick and died while opening the road, On a motion of Spotton and Doig that the matter be left over until they could pro- cure legal advice. Carried. Moved by Doig and Williamson, that the Reeve and Clerk prepare a letter of condolence to Councillor Armstrong on the demise of his—beloved wife. Carried Tenders for the township printing were then opened moved by Williamson and Armstrong that the tender of W. J. Rob- erts of the Fordwich Record be accepted and for him to do all the twp• printing and advertising for$110.00. Carried. Moved by Doig and Spotton that the following be paid,—AR A. Graham, salary as auditor, $15 00; Jno. Ilyndnlan, tile, $7.90; W. Underwood, gravel, $12 80; D. Holmes, legal advice, $7.00; Municipal World supplies, $8.10; H. ileipel, gravel, $1 20; Donaldson Bros , tile, $5 75; W. J. Roberts, balance printit.g, contract for 1916, $02.40; M. Leonard. salary as assessor, $10'0 00; D D. Sanderson, putt- ing tile across road, $2.00. Moved by Spotton and Armstrong that the council now adjourn to meet again in the township Hall, Gerrie, on the 3rd Thursday in March, when path -masters, pound keepers and fence viewers will be appointed. LETTER OF CONDOLENCE To Dr. James Armstrong, --- We, your municipal colleagues of the municipality of Howick desire to extend to you our heart felt sympathy in the sad bereavement you have sustained en the loss of a beloved wife, and it is our e: neat wish. that He, Who is too wise to err -and too kind to be unjust, will support you during this sorrowful time. In your lonely hours, you should be cheered by' the thought that hers was a life well spent. Our community has suf- fered a distinct loss, this is the better for her having lived In it, in Church, in Pub- lic Library. in Institute and in Patriotic work Mrs Armstrong belonged to that noble band of women, who unceasingly toll to make our land a little better than they found it Her place will be hard to fill. but her work among the Young People and her enthusiasm in philanthrop- ic Patriotic work will bear fruit in the coming years. You should be cheered when you think of the kindness of the Great Architect of the Universe In loaning to you for so many years a helpmate in the person of Mrs. Armstrong, who was really one cf Nature's Noblewomen. Signed on behalf of Howick Council. Reuben Harding. Reeve, G. IV. Walker, Cleric. Woo fooNIM" SOff.rteID0lar ` r♦'rE-:--\ s• :.....s. . . . .. . ,......,. ..w �i. . • w ' y�.w moo so.4`.+ .. ' .yam E artrt$..w .413/010,- ilPoo .I..-M:N:N N�,1 .O.iNDN N N N N:N;N NDN N�N�N:N:M;N:N�N:�N:N�M:N� 4N:N:N:NtN:i1 -Ii4.44:4,440.:444i11:44.8":444:**N:�N�11�N4N N�Nti.�i.�N�N�M' �N:N�N*1 111....� d+c , ^A Here are a few of the many specials, where you can save dollars by corning here DOLLAR DAY. HOW THIS MOTHER Got Strength To Do Her Work Vale Haven, Vt.—"I was so nevous awl run Clown that I could not de my lion'ework for niy little fancily of three. I had doctored for nearly two Fears without Help. the day 1 read about 1•iuoi, and thankr; to it, my health liar ,heel; restored so I ami doing all m.y housework once more. I am telling all my friends what Vinol lute done for me," -••1frs. James 11. EDDY. V-luol is a combinationof famous tonics which we guarantee to build up the weak and run-dpwa, J, Walton MtKihbon, Druggist, Wingham, Also the beet druggist in all Ontario towns, e MISSED AGAIN You didn't get the last farm we advertised, Well it was your own fault, but we now have another and a better one. One hundred aerate, without doubt ono of the finest farms in Huron Co., fine buildings, first class soil, must be Bold to wind up an estate. Nothing better or cheaper has ever passed through our hands. For particulars inquire at the office of Ritchie & Cosens Insurance and Real Estate Viringham West Wawanosh Municipal Council of West Wawatiosh met on Feb. 10th, Councillor Purdon. absent, Reeve J A. Mallough presiding. Minutes of last meeting read and approv ed. Financial comment read by treasurer showing a balance on hand of $374 62; this report filed on motion by Messrs Johnston and Watson. Auditor T. 13. Taylor read a detai'ed. statement of receipts and expenditures for year, ending Dec. 31 1916: showing a balance on hand of $1712.72; this report was accepted and filed on motion by Messrs Watson and Aitchison Motion by Messrs Watson and Aitchison than twp treasurer pay Red Cross acc'ts to the amount of $189.86 as granted by county. Treasurer Thompson reported that Collectors Roll had been returned and that all taxes had been paid. Public lib. raries at St Helen's, Dungannon and Auburn were paid usual grants on motion by Messrs Johnston and Aitchison. Young's Creek Drain question was dis• cussed at length and laid over for next meeting clerk reported he had not receiv ed any reply to letters written to twp. Engineer in Jan'y. Motion by Messrs Aitchison and Watson that caretaker be be instructed to keep twp, He and stable locked. Accts. amounting to $110.25 were paid on motion by Watson and Aitchison. Pathmasters, Fence -viewers, and Pound keepers were appointed as follows, and By law to be prepared to that effect. Pathmasters:— I. Currie, J H Pent- land, W. Campbell, T. McPhee. R. Bruce, J, Windmill, R Reid, A -Lawlor. J Nich- olson, W. Stothers, Med Elliott. J. Elliott, W. Young, T. Hallam, D Phalen, H' Reid, 3, J. Washington, W. J. Andrew, C C Brown, J, Redmond, W. A. Greer. T. Culvert, R. Smyth. Jas. Finnigan, W A Boyle Jos Lcddy. a Walsh, q, Lind say, J• Chamney, 'I'. Woods, D Erring- ton, J G. Ferguson, E. McRoberts, J Cranston, W McAllister, A. Brophey, P Walsh C. Robinson, J. Brophey J. Edwards, 3, Agar, B. Harper, B. Fitzpat- rick J. Durnin, C Forchcn, D Donivaiwi, J Kinnighan, M. Cummins, W. Armstrong \f. Champion J, Soles, W. Ruthertord, W. Humphrey. J. B Rutherford, D. Mc Kenzie, M Humphrey,J Joynt, W. Tay- lor, A, Emerson, S. Philips, 11.O'Callagh- an, J J. Taylor, P. Watson, J. Gaunt, J. Anderson, W. Campbell, J. Forster, W. R. Ferrite, T. Inglis, J. Laidlaw, J'Eagle. oton, P, IVIprli1lati, J Purvis, IL Patter- son, R. Hutchison, D. Cast, H. Fowler. t?ence• viewers:.' A.. Rivers. J. J. Wash- ington, li King J. Durnin. W Armstrong W F3 McPherson, G. A. Greer. Poundkeepers:--J, Taylor, J. Peagan, T. Doyle, C C. Brown, J. Walsh, Jas K n inghen, M. Humphrey, Miller P. Smeltzer, Council adjoutfl d to Enact March 28th at 10 a.m. /Ci', A, Wilsoa. owe ...„ sr. w.. l 3 P $1.50 for 75 .airs of Men's heavy Wool Socks for 1 00 , .. Men's heavy Woollen Underwear, regular $1.50 '"" a garment, for albs of beat Green, Black, or Mixed Tea, re u• lar 403 a lb, 31bs for . $1 00 7 Cane of the Beat Grade Salmon for, 1 00 E 3 Cane Corn and 5 Cane Yeas for 1 00 E 65o Jar of Honey = 10.1 Pkg of Wyandotte Cleanser 20e Can of Pork and Beane 20o Can of Salmon 15e Can of Fish Fillets for $1.00 100 yds 10 -inch silk, regular $1.75 yd, for., , ... 1 00 2 large Aprons for 1 00 L adios' Fancy Collars, regular $1 25, for.. , 1 00 yards 150 print, for....... .... . ....... 1 00 11 yards ice print, for ... 1 00 Ladies' white "Waists, regular $1 2;.i to $i de for 1 00 Boys' and Girls' Sweater Coate, regular $1,25 to 1 00 Men's lined Gloves regular $L50 for 1 00 Meme fine shirts, regular $1 25 to 81.50 for,..,1 U0 Men's felt hate, regular 1.25 to s2.00 for......., 1 Con Coat, regular $75 for 50 00 1 Balgerien L+eenh'Csat, regular $30 for 20 00 1 Ala ika Beaver Fur Co et regular $23....... , 18 00 a 0.41111 rOle 4.011 A$5pany ` p prize of Goode we have in the store will be given i.o tele person making the largest cash pur• chase of goods here Flour, reed, Seeds, Dry Goods or Groceries or all combined, a. Don't forget to call and see us when in town on g Dollar Day as these are only a few of dur speciate. a tiT• s A. WANTED! Highest Cash Prices paid for Ali • Kinds of Live POULTRY, HIDES, WOOL and JUNK. Phone 204 H. Brown 1 W\o.o.r/wv.-o..aAo.M/�NV W��V.IYh , ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS, COLLEGE ) UDGEPTRAlzoiL„, HTRATFORD. OBIT. Students may outer our classes at any time. Commouce your omrce now and be qualified for a position by Midsummer. 55S During July and 8.u.cust of last year we received calla for over 200 office asalatants we could not supply, Our graduates are in demand. Write at once for our tree f catalogue, ) LD. A. McLACHLAN - Principal DISTRICT NEWS Nee Five PUBLIC ScI1001 RUPOR'L Report for February DEPT. 1 Examined In Aritb, (2), Spell, Gram, Lit. and Comp. Total 505. A W�1- liaison, 502; J Vanetone and 1) Felts, 551; H Mundy, 330; H Cowell, 618; 1) Per'rio and A Galbraith, 517; A Imlay, 515; 0 Robertson and N Boardman, 513; S Robinson, 542; V Hamilton, E Kew, K Wilkinson and 0'Zurbrigg, 51,0; -Mary Robertson, 538; Margaret Robertson, 537; T Sanderson, 532; 11 Aitcheson, 531; GI Dow, M Reid and 11 Wilson, 528; P Bennett, 521, A Blackhall, 523, A Anderson, 522; 3 Allen, 521;M Johnston and G Hartnell, 520; M Allen, 510; 11 Angus and H Gannett. 51.4; L Sturdy and 0 Hutton, 512; I Reid, 509; V Joynt, 508; J Lutton, 507; K Hutton, 500; A Munro, 505; G Holmes, 502; H Mille, 486; V Hill and 0 Pocock, 481; E Rintoul, 478; G Case- more, 469; K Nichol, 150, 0 Hardy, 145; N Vevey, 420; G Scott, 414; V Johnston. 395; M Walker, 360; J David- son, 321; W Currie, 287. DEPT, If Jr, IV Examined in Geog. Sp, Lit. and Aritb, Total 375. Exams missed marked *: M Come, 374; M Redmond, 372; el Don'aldaon, 372; L Johnson, 371; A Irwin, 371; M Dineley, 869; M Van - stone, 363; G Fixter, 360; I Day, 353; 8 Harrison, 350; V Amebury, 318, P Dyer, 343; I Watson, 330; L Ellacott, 337; G Bowers, 835; L Campbell, 332: 0 Dow, 320; A Scott, 318; N hard, 317; K Donaldson, 310; M Pilon. 3071 E Page, 300; M Dennis, 303; W Ellacott, 209; L Ellacott, 204; L Campbell, 290; G Bisbee, 288; M Johne, 284; A Brown, 281; E Rogers, 278; F Piper, 271; A Fergie, 269: J Hartnell, 267; 8 Robin- son, 263; D Piper, 257; N Clark, 250, H Carruth, 251; E Wild, 1'15; *A Sturdy .130; *N Morden 78; • W Angus, 78; *J Ard, 69; *M Dalgleish, 57; 'F Seli, 50. DEPT, III Marks obtainable 555. L Darnell, 528- E Simpson, 522; E Varey, 515; I Lunen, 495; A Williamson, 404; L Zurbrigg, 478; F Bennett, 477; L Hanna, 472; K -Munro, 484; H Williams, 463; E Currie, 443; V Forler, 430; M Cruik. shank, 436; R McLeod, 436; A Oarrutb, 433; M Stratton. 426. V Dennis, 422; V Robertson, 414; B Joynt, 411; G Mc- Tavieb, 408; L Bell, 385; 8 Hutton, 398; L Holmes, 381: L Sanderson, 305; 0 Mason, 350; L Powell. 310; F Pocock, 339; V Robinson, 337; 0 Boyce, 330; E Gibson, 330; 0 Donaldson, 320; J Carr, 31$; R Holloway, 316; W Mann; 3061 A Mitchell, 303; 0 Hinscliffe. 296: W Lockeridge, 289; D Rogers, 288; R Brown, 221; W Brooks, 213;E Stevens, 196; 0 Lockman, 193; 0 Spencer, 180. DFPT, IV Total 647. B Boardman, 587; J Carruthers, 582; E Blackball, 568; D Lloyd, 517; P Johnston, 545; M Case - more. 528; N Caelick. 526 61 Angus, 522; 'W Kew, 5091 L ,,Hartnell, 508; A Williams, 506; D Lavie, 490; K Dymond, 401; J Adair. 480; 13 Ams fury, 478; A Field, 154; W Casemore, 453; 0 Wright, 153; T Isard, 451; M Schaefer, 440; V Campbell, 440; M Holmes, 441; E Henderson, 421; O Couk, 409; M Hill, 403; M Henderson, 401; A Otoakey, 393; M Holloway, 392; O Pattison, 385; (i Anderson, 362; ti Aiteheson, 360; E Armour, 352; E Forgie, 352; W Sturdy, 318, G Ard, 325; 0 .F3ardy, 252; J Caeemore, 217; E Page, 217; F Bell, 207; K Carter, 201; B. Wright, 101; B Coutts, 22. DEPT. V Sr. Class A snowbank was used by a thirsty citi- zen of Stratford as a depository for a bottle of whiskey It made a complete refrigerator but when he pleaded to being under the influence of liquor and told the court that he had secured the €heel" of a bottle from a friend who was going threagli the city, later hiding it in the snow, he left himself open for another charge, that of having liquor in ether than his private dwelling house. On the first charge he was fined $10 and costs. On tit, second he also pleaded guilty and was fined $200 and costs, or three months in jail. He is serving his time. Ernest Lamb, a tesident of Morris Twp., passed away on Feb. 23rd at the residence of his son-in-law in McKillop Twp., at the age of 106 years, Henry Hossfeld, the well-known cattle breeder of Carrick township, has a grade cow. which rivals the celebrated goose that laid the golden egg. On eight occasions during the last 26 months this cow has given birth to ,twin calves. All six were dandies and are shaping up into good beef cattle. Mr Hossfeld can easily figure out a profit on this beast's products, Ata meeting of the congregation of the Wroxeter Presbyterian church,' held on Monday, a call was extended to Rev. Mr. Malcolm of Rosseau. Rev, L. Perrin, a former pastor of Wrox- eter Presbyterian church, and now of Hamilton, has received a call to Cbalmer's Presbyterian church, Kincardiie. Miss Gracie Brown, a young Goderich girl, hasknitted seventy-eight pairs of socks tor the soldiers—a record to be proud of. Captain Alex Keine, son of the late Captain Keine of Gorrie, who enlisted early in the war and who has been a very successful scout, spending most of his time on' No Man's Land" was wou,ided while doing his duty and has been in Ire- land in a hospital, where hes has made a good recovery. Por his distinguished service he has been honored by King George. by the presentation of the Vic- toria Cross, a much coveted distinction. Captain Keine has won the designation of "The snake" for his scouting qualification, somebody stating that he could hide be- hind a blade of grass. Capt. Keine is a brother to Rev. C. C Keine, Londeslioro, well known to many in this section of the Country. and is a cousin to Mrs. Arthur Shaw, 1st line, Morris Wo hope Capt. Keine will be spared to return to itis home and mann friends in Iluron County, He will have many an interesting story to tell. of leis experiences while iu the danger zone in France. Total 275. R Carr, 267; 11 Bowden, 261, A Corbett, 259; G Robertson, 250; K Dineley, 210; E Williams, $31; G Anderson, 228; 0 Louttit, 226, M Gurney, 225; I Hunter, 22.1; H Boyce, 213; R McDonald, 198; W Scott, 195; M Vansickle, 191; E McLean, 187; E Lynett, 175; N Ed- wards, 156; G Page, 124. ' Jr. Clase I Ellacott, 274;F Angus, 257; G Angus, 249; B Jarvis, 215: 0 Tennant, 237; B Browne, 235; L Pearen, 234; E Carr, 230; M Tennant, 219; W Levis, 214; G Rintoul, 207: G Carter, 197; I Aiding - ton, 192; 0 Dickson, 188; W Clark, 132; R Lockman, 181; 11 Wild, 174; J Taylor, 171; 11 Sutton, 157; la Chittle. burgh, 155; G Ledeitt,150; 61 Swanson, 139; M Underwood, 120, , DEPT , VI Sr, Class Total 700. M Christie, 690; T Robert- son, 692; J Field, 680; W McKibben, 657; E Hartnell, 65I; 0 Fry, 637; J Adair. 635; W Hunter, 621; J Young, 014; A Lundy, 603; W Darnell, 590; B Huntley, 582; S McTavieb, 580; P Stokes, 535; A Irwin, 533; 0 Dymond, 528;'J Brooks, 524; N Williamson, 500; 0 Munro, 403; T Saint, 457; R Elliott, 421; A McLean, 398; 11 Groves, 396; A Ludwig, 389; M Sanderson, 214; 0 Hingeton, 170: G Elliott. 100. Jr. Claes Total 530. F Field, 537; N Beattie, 408; E Swanson, 494; P Gibson. 495; F Bowden, 473: 8 Blatchford, 471; R Holmes, 456; K Taylor, 449; M Saint. 411; M Cloakey, 397; V Campbell, 883; A Spencer, 369, 3 °lark 805; 14 Wagner, 228; M Pella 213; R Leckie; 200; E Fitt. 181; L Johnston, 178; C4 Spotton, 100; 11 Bayles, 100. DEPT, VII Class 111 Total )00, Y 6Iao1'hersou, 04, A t 55 O'1rR Roberson, (1 Aiding os,, , 535; S'ry, 610; W Darnell, 405; M hard, 490; D Boardman, 465; 3 Leggatt, 305; G Robertson, 305; F Rogers, 860; D Scott, s,;0; J' IV1oAllieter, 330; J Darnell, 813; M 13i11, 265; M Biuipeon, 205; W Tennant, 100; M Carr,185; 0llt'citibbon, 115; A Swanson, 130;J tavis, 130. Class 11 ,*, Total 600. 3 Vanatone, '555; S Bennstt, 450; r 1a'orr1, 305; A Ruttofl, Blyth Rev. J C. Robinson of Victoria Col' lege, Tofonto, had charge of the educa- tibnaI aervicea in the Methodist Church on Sunday, the offering for the day ware liberal. • A Rid Cross Concert wilt 1 be held on March 16th in Industry Hall. Mrs A. 1.. McIntyre of Owen Sound a viaitiug tva daughter, Mrs, CartbCW. Recruits Wanted for Production Just as surely as -lack of food is strangling Germany day by day, so plenty of food is winning the victory for the allies. The I• reach armies, for instance, were never better fed than now, for Prance cannot forget the awful lesson of 1870—tile failure of her food supply. To this she attributed the loss of that war. To feed the 1+irencli soldiers around Verdun, more than 25,- 500,000 pounds of food a week were required. This gives a faint idea of the colossal tak of feeding an army. Canada and Britain have a huge army of lighting heroes on the line ; every man MUST have plenty of f ood, in spite of a world shortage. Upon Canada's food production all principally rely. The Farmers of Ontario Urgently Need Help The Department of Agriculture appeals to men and boys to enlist in the farm help campaign. The Department appeals to men unfit 1ormilitary service, or who find it impossible to enlist in the army. Do your "bit" by helping to increase production of foodstuffs. '1'liis is your hour of opportunity. '1'he farmers of Ontario need the help of retired farmers, of men following no occupation (retired), of business menwho can spare a portion of their time. We appeal to all who can so arrange their ordinary affairs to plan to help some farmer friend, particularly in seed time and harvest. Confer with yotlr county District Representative of the Department of Agriculture, or write, "Farm Help Cam- paign," care Department of Agriculture, Toronto. Ontario Department of Agriculture W. H. Hearat, 1Vlinieter of Agriculture Parliament Buildings Toronto 30 • Come to McGee's Grocery For your Bargains on $ Day el Doz. Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers} for $ I�.2 5 t'} Doz. 6 inch Plates 5 Dinner Sets 07 pieces, white with gold band, worth $17, for,$12.60' r4 Doz. Plain white Cups and Saucers { e Doz. 6 inch plates for $I.25 1 only white vegetable dish 3e Japanese Tea loose for 1 00 Four of the following lines quoted below must be selected to com- prise your $'s worth of goods. If only one line, or less than four, be purchased, we will charge regular price, and only 5 cases of each Tom- atoes, Corn and Peas will be offered at prices quoted below: - 2 Cane Tomatoes (2's) for,....... 26o 2 Cane Peas, for , 25e 2 Cans, Corn 25n 3 Kellogg's Cornflakes for ,,., 25n 4 Quaker Cornflakee for 25o 2 M Raisins for 25c 2 Cane Salmon for , 25o 6 Bars Comfort Soap 25e 2 Clans Green Beane for 25c 2 Cans Summer Vegetables for 25n 2 Cans Beets for 2Eie We will display in our window several lines of goods to comprise our Dollar Day Bargains. R. S. McGee - . $Iation I I We have made arrangements for business, to operate next spring a • a new branch of 1 Poultry Hatchery ( We will sell the chickens or takeyour eggs and hatch them for you, Rocks Barred Are our favorites, if you will give us Barred Rock eggs next spring we will pay from 2 to 50 per doz more than the egg market. price. Leave us your name if you have Books. A. H. WILFORD Wholesate Produce Phone 888;1 ttaretiton, ; 14 Vanejc11o, LSO; ( L Button, 230; N Carr, 210; G Varey, i 175; 3 Metasan,10.5; L Groves, 155; R 1 Bitu$1ey,1 5; L Grovezot0. 0laeg 1 lfout' A ('lontttl, $ Browxi, J 1#a Rog.-uo, L t"itutte, 12. Sttt.tot7, lrt Munroe, D Wagner, V SteVello, ' G" E'itt,1 1"ilae.