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The Wingham Advance, 1917-03-08, Page 4
Page Foul! T NVINGUIAM ADVANCE i;ilurtday March A 1917 c` n b nt fhb an e Jens: JoYh`r, Proprietor A. G. Satllxit. Mant:t;,q. THURSDAY. MAH,CH 8 si, 1017 SPLELI{ 4 WIISLA RJRE (Continued from page 1) defeat the Government Candidate. Did the lilember for South 'Wellington fully comprehend the meaning of such an act? Had the Government canal date been defeated in West Simeon n la North West Toronto the Govern. , meat would have been defeated in tlxu Province, because no !.'arty supporting prohibition could have existed, The Member for South Wellington had objected to the appointment of Mem. berg of Parliament to public offieee yet his own party both in the Province and in the Dominion invariably did so. Ile resented the attack mads upon Me, James Torrance late member for North Perth and bore pereonal testimony to the character and ability of Mr, Tor. ranee, bib qualifications for the office to which he had been appointed and added that Mr, Torrance's only eon bad .been twice wounded in Prance which at least should reiieve him of the imputations tbet bad been made against him. Reverting to the question of the Hydro Electric, the speaker showed that in 1002 when the question came up in the House the liberals voted against a motion brought forward to prohibit the export of power from Ontario and also to utilize the water powers of the Province for generating and supplying electrical energy to the Municipalities at cost. Nor at the inception of the Hydro movement were they at all friendly, but now when it had become a popular and financial emcees they had changed their tactics, . Any discussion upon the nickel question he olaimed was premature until the report of the nickel commis- sion bad been brought down and the policy of the Government based upon that report was enunciated. In 1001 the liberals, then members of the House had voted down a motion that the refining of nickel should be encour- aged by counties in order thatthe entire process should be completed in the Province. Reading from a report of a speech delivered by Mr. Rowell at Tillsonburg where it was charged that nickel from Sudbury was being loaded on the Deutcbland to sink British ships and slaughter Canadian boys at the front, Mr. Musgrove char- acterized that as a- charge of treason against the Government, a statement which should not have been made without the fullest and most complete evidence. -• "When the Angel of Death is hover- ing over bhia land and the beating of his wings has already been heard in many`Tiomes it was dastardly to make .such an attack without any direct evidence or proof. , GRAIN MUCH BETTER FILLEi1 11. Itlt.11se.RD, Dnacatster, Coterie, eityte "1 used llouteuteeel Reece Black Fertilizer on four acme r't care Net Spring; wills very goof' Ise ette, 'lee field coneieted of ten acres n^ oil, halt of which lead been uranute•, the pie- vious rap, while iq un, Mors , •ted we applied the fertilizti 200 pounds to the acre to the balance of the Vela, The growing crop showed Mauch better el myth all through the season v here ,he fettilieer was used than where it bad been immured, and at the time of tutting the grain seems(' touch better (TOUR FOR 25;-" GAIN { .1s1 title E W. ADDY, Ethel, Ogtitrio, ti"yg; 01s ie to certify that I purchased some a Homestead Bono Black L+ertilizer last Spring from your agent, Mr, J. K. Baker, and 1. am well satislied with it. 1 need it on our oaLe and 1 believe it 1 bad sown it on the whole field I would have had 23 ', more grain," 30 BUSHELS WHEAT ON POOR LAND JOSEPH 11IOLLARU, I'atk Hill, says: Salt Rheum Banished One Week Do not be a sufferer from unsightly salt rheum or eczema—don't spend hundreda of dollars finding a euro when a eimpl�.home treatment coating less than a dollar will banish all traces in a few days if the simple instructions are carefully followed. Ingredients— not patent medicine—can bepurchased at any drug store—mix yourself. Doesn't show on the face. Recipe with full instructions sent on receipt of fifty cents to cover advertising and other expenses, Cure guaranteed or money refunded. Write to-day— NOWI—you may not see this again as I am not in the business to make mon- ey but to show a eure to n,ny wbo suf- fer as I did. Address W. 1). McNEILL. Box 414, Summerside, P,E.I. ' I used Homestead Fertilizer, on nny wheat about 300 pouude per acre, where I bave not been able to glow n crop, and wheat on that land will run thirty bushels per acre." Write Michigan Carbon Works, De- troit, for free book and particulars about their Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer. • National Serivice Literature Oise of the most valuable of recent literary contributions to the great cause is a booklet by Professor Steph- en Leacock, entitled "National Organ- ization for War." In this booklet, Dr. Leacock makes an urgent call for national thrift and national caving. Ile attacks in vigorous style the evils of extravagance at this crisis in Can- ada's history, and by trenchant phrase and apt illustration disposes of various common errors in regard to individual spending of money during war time This pamphlet was originally pub- lished by Dr. Leacock himself, but the National Service Board wero so con,. vinced of its value be connection with their Thrift Campaign that they have had it republished and have under- taken its distribution. Copies may be obtained by writing to the Secretary of the National Service Board at Ottawa, or by applying to the Nation- al Service Director in any Province. 174Xl e XX. _�.c1 :tris YM � ...- _ � M VVVINVAMMIL�1. ti rr WAW , rm-... `t XX X `f �tXX >XX r XX X X X �'i P�V�4o.\.�IP.....N4w,. MM•.�_•�9�..���Y��l+\.w•�iihil.f4i0�...!n#�Ma`�1��.��,�i+C...+"A�����#.��r�.�l�M���`�N,4r �MRF����l���lK.l.��.P����� ���NM� "Xi D1 XXXK 'iraV 'atlaZtAkTi ��1ti $AXXi IVIKA ` OXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ►XiXXXXXXiiXXAX XXXX1 XA i '+ `t rig 8a rdg rot rti 71.4 rfiX MItt XX kl'6� Ol 1�0;1 .474 X X 'X14 XX XX XX XX (74,44 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 6'tl, XX �k• Qrz Morris Council The members of the Council were all present. Alter the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, the auditor's report was received, considered and adopted. • A grant of $23.00 was given to the Children's Aid Society. The following accounts wero paid: Municipal World rolls and supplies, $5.50; A McEwen, express 255 cents; lI, B. Elliott. advertising $1-75; A.• Hill and Co. floor lst line bridge $113 40; J. Shortrced, tile McNeil drain, $150 00; Township of Grey to balance acc. $133.08. J. Shortceed, 13 of 11. $3.00; Expenses 11IcNei1 Drain, $3 30; A McEwen and II Johnston, 13. ot 1I each $3.00; 1), Johnston, expenses of McNeil drain, $3 30: R. Johnston and P. 3IcNable, auditors each $10.00; Charles Forest, 3 farm bridges Docketts drain 11 $10.00; Walter Forest, farm bridge Dock- *elt drain $20.00. Drawing tile NeNcil drain. Bert Watson, $2); John McCarter, $22 50; • Alex McNeil, $16 50; James Clarke, $17.50; Neuton McCauley, $20.00; John Shor treed. $2 50; Division Court and Witness fees • $10 00; Children's Aid Society: $25.00. Walton, Bluevale, Bel - grave County grant Red Cross Society each $100.00; Jamestown County grant Red Cross, $00.00. Neat Council meeting March 12th. A. MacEtvEri, Clerk. • Must Not Shoot Muskrats Ordinarily the open season for musk - rate begins March lst. This spring, however, there is to be no open season for shooting these rats, though they may he trapped from March let to A.pell 21st. The game laws warn fur dealers of heavy penalties for buying shot skins, and the hunters will like- wise be prosecuted. As Others See Us The President of the Wingbam Board of Trade has been in touch w,th the Colonial . Knitting Co. of Elmira and the result ie that Winghatre nen furnish 50 girls for the factory who are not already employed, they may get -a branch in that.enterprisiug town, Which all goes to prove that while our townsmen are content to bit around and chew over old grudges and politics, the trade and commerce that would bring prosperity to the yill,ge slips past us to our neighbors who are wise enough to keep politics out of civil affaire.—Teeswater News. I i NOS0i6O4' Dollar . Day I At KNOX'S Tuesday, March $15 Watch Free i3th Choice of Ladies' or Gents' Gold billed Watch or Ladies Bracelet Watch. e At this store you get a numbered receipt ticket- with every $1.00 Worth of goods purchased, Pontine getting receipt ticket with lucky number gets the watch, Look at the Bargains 4 Only S1!18 Fountain rens. . ... . ....... . . $1 00 3 Only $2.00 Alarm Clocks 1 Only $3.00 Gilt Clock, 1 00 2 Only $2.00 Half Doz, Teaspoons......... , .., . 1 00 (1 Only $175 Berry fel-mons 1 00 d Only $1.5013oys' Watcbee. 1 00 2 Only $2.50 Gents' Gold filled Watch uhain 1 00 3 Only $2 50 10k Gold Scarf Pine 1 00 3 Only $2 5010k Gold !tinge 1 00 3Only $250 Gents 1?'obs ........................•. 1 00 3 Only 8250 Locket and Chain I O0 3 Oniy $2 50 Cull: Linke. , ... ... . 8 Only $250 Gold Pilled Hy000hes 1 00 8 Only $1,15 piece: Cut G)acs... 1 00 'Watch the window for Special bargain prices MILITARY WATCHES Aa 1a KNOX 44444.444/44044.44-4+$4444•04++.14144+, +0+++44441+444 Dual arc Sale oulawmparnasswitiMantalaiiMMININ mismaimmaimossamasamin E ° tra Specials on Dollar Day Our Annual March Sale bring forth Greater Values than ever notwithstanding the enormous ~advances on all lines of merchandise, caused by the war. Read over the list money saving val- • acs, pick out what appeals to� your wants, then come and find the goods as they are advertised. - e Li* X5,000.00 Sale of Furs "Men's 1neas Sa,\s 25 MEN'S SUITS G1 EATL3) REDUCED These are taken from our regular stook, and con- sists of broken lines and sizeo, would make excep- tionally good second suite, worth double the price, sizes 30 to 41, Regular $18 to $23. Reduced to $12 30, - 15 MEN'S NAVY SERGE SUITS Made from extra duality west of England serge in fine even twill, guaranteed pure wool and feet indingo dyes all sizes, regular $27.50,V alue reduc• ed to $21.75, 20 MEN'S O VE R COA TS REDUCED Buy your next winter coat ot these prices as the styles are the latest and the prices will he much higher. Regular $22,00 to $27 50 value. Reduced to $10.50. 15 DOZEN MEN'S WORK. SHIRTS 'REDUCED A special purchase of a number of odd liness which we were able to procure made from good quality heavy drills and chemhraye, all sizes. Regular $1 and $1.25, reduced to 70... 25 DOZEN HEAVY WOOL SOCKS REDUCED Heavy rvool socks made from .five even yarns, in greys, worsted and heather mixtures. 501 val- ues -3 pair for $1. 73.) values -3 pairs for $1.50. 25 MEN'S 1RAIJVCOATS REDUCED Special purchase of an absolutely waterproof coats, made from extra heavy Paramatta cloth in dark fawn shade all sizes. Regular $15 value, re• duced to $10.50. ' 10 DOZ. LEATHER LINEDMITT,a 'REDUCED Made of good quality horse bide and pig skin faces lined throughout with heavy wool lining. Regular $1. and 1.23 value, reduced to 85e. tadikes' "Weak • Szdvms 18 LADIES" WINTER COA T.S l-2 PRICE The balance of this seasons stock in fancy tweeds and corded velvets etc. in latest styles, for those who have the money and can buy for next year. Regular $15 to $22 value, reduced $11,75, 50 LADIES' SERGE SKIRTS • 'REDUCED All wool serge skims in navy or black, Iatest styles broken lines taken from our regular stock 22 in. to 30 in. waist hand. Regular $5 t $0.50 valuee, reduced to $3.05, 0 30 DOZEN CASHMERE HOSE REDUCED Plain or ribb d cashmere bose, made from fine till wool yarns, fast dyes, sizes 84 to 10. Reduced to 3 pair for $1. 25 SILK UHDERSKIRTS REDUCED Taffeta and messaliue silk underskirts in good quality wearing site cut full in black and colors. Regular $5 to 6.30, reduced to $3.05, e 30 SILK CREPE WAISTS REDUCED Extra quality silk crepe and Georgette Crepe waists bt'olcen numbers and exclusive models, Regular values $5, $6 and 6,50, reduced to $3 05, 3 DOZ. LA DIES' RAINCOAT'S REDUCED Special purcbeea of ladies' waterproof Boats, out with belted back and Raglan sboulders, colors, black, grey, navy and fawn. Reduced to $5. 30 LADIES' SILK LISLE HOSE ?DEDUCED Fine silk finished hose in black or white, closely knit and full fashioned, fast dyes, Regular 50e, reduced to 3 pair for $1. iJry foods savings 70" BLEACHED TA73LE LINEN 100 yds fine bleached linen satin damask, made from extra gond wearing linen in beautiful pat- terns. Regular value l;2 per yard, reduced to 1,26, j 40" FACTO'R3? COTTOJI This nice quality faotary cotton is exceptional value being made of the beet quality of fine clear yarns, very suitable for eheetings, pillow casings, etc. Special value 17c yd. 500 'STANDARD PRINTS Heavy weight closely woven l+_',nglieh prints in light and dark patterns. Special valve Ile a yd. 150 ,YDS. TAFFETA SILKS An excellent wearing quality -taffeta silk, that is highly recommended by the manufacturer in nlack, navy, green, very suitable dresses, suits coats, etc, Regular $2 value, reduced to 1.60. 10 PIECES BLACK DRESS GOODS' Prieatleys guaranteed fast dye, all wool mater- ials, in Poplins, Taffeta Cloths, Melrose Suitings, etc. Regular $1,50 to $2 values, reduced to $1 10 a yd. 200 YDS. SERGE SUITIJVG., Black and navy serges in qualities and weights, suitable for dresses, skirts. coats and suits. Spec• ial value $1.50, 2.50 and 3.50 a yd. 300 WHITE SA.d"ONY FLANNELETTE (,food weight, fully bleached and even napped in two qualities that are very specially 0 prised. Quality 1, 8 yards for $1, quality II, 10 yds for 81.50. ate f5w1"Ms`taknq SeAngs JVOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS 40 pairs Nottingham lace curtains made from fine even net, with beautiful .Medallion and floral patterns 3 and 31e yds long. Regular $2.50 to $1 pair, reduced to $1 80 pair. CURTAINS SCRIMS AND VOILES Beautiful desigus in Scrims and Voiles, Nets, etc with fast color borders, in fine even weave. Spec* ial value 15, 25, 35 and 50e a yd, EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER The most modern and thorough way of cleaning rugs, carpets, mattressess, curtains, ete. Sold on easy monthly payments, also hand power eweep- ere. Prices $42 50, complete with attachments $30. Hand power machines $0.50 and $12 00. REMNANT SALE OF FLOOR ' COVERINGS Inlaid and printed linoleums, oilcloths. carpets, etc,, in ends of 2 to 6 yds. Special value 20 to 50% oft, WINDOW SHADE SPECIALS of Special clearing sale of odd lines r window shades in green and fawn with Iace and insertion trimmings. Special $1,50 values for $113, special $1 25 values for U5c. Have beautiful window decorations Nothing gives so much pleasure as a well decorated window. Your windows will be the envy of your neighbors if you use the e Flat Rod —for curtains and draperies Guaranteed not to sag or tarnish There is a Kirsch Plat Rod in a color to match ,'or,r woodwork or draperies. Ev'ry rod contains a written guarantee that it will not r:ag or tarnkh. P's so easy to have an attractive window with the Kirsch flat Rod :�'•_ it _ve maul, new dcrigns iu curtail* auadraperyfabrics. Come in—seetttem. &roan lkoz.Tit. tat Sveckaks 0 bare Laundy Soap 25c 600 bottles Extracts any flavor ............. ....8o 5 cases canned apples 5 cases canned peaches 2 for 25c 3 Ibe black or Japan Tea . ,..125 5 oans special cleanser 25e NI 11 Ar. XX XV: 2,474 XX XV. XX AX sitX XX XX AX XX AX t✓� 4+i rax �� •i XX d►i� r thiX r TERMS—Cash or Trade 7x Produce Wanted g WANTED --Experienced Saleslady 44111. also experienced Salesman King Bros. NO GOODS CHARGED AT REDUCED PRICES. w�� cwranc mwi,xx©xxxwAr 1f.We.'e���i�lWAREQAMW4��atx�x'��XwANY,w4\f�/\�4_\txxxx��xXXX�XX�%\�x'��t\xsx/�xxxxXX` n'X���XwX>�'XxXve R'©0`9t3igivigNagdixrea xxxX �itl`©I�i igrib`�rigxxxxx algrig \ ,�vigxgrx-grix-xxxx•,/aA`v4xxxx1\/tti!\x.�r��xxxxx��+�'ixxxxxxx SCHOOL REPORT The following is the School Report' of U. S. S. No, 17 Belgravo, for• the month of February:— Sr. IV --Examined in Lit., Comp., Atitl,' ..I Wightman, 80; 51 Brydgee, 70; A Stonehouse, 70; fi Proctor, (30; M Nethery, 60; E Brydhee, 50. i III.—Sp., Comp., and Geog. eL McKenzie, 7e; E McGuire, 70; 5L Stone- house, 65. Jr. IIs.--Geog,, Wr„ Arita, 3 Wigbtman, 80; *L Taylor, 70; L Ide• Dougall, 69; `D Brydges, 05; G Brydgee, 03;'1;. McKenzie, 00; *A Geddes, 55; 'V' Armstrong, 52; 0 Jordan, 48, . 1 :3s . IL Arith, Sp, Wr, Mem. Work, H t),,le, 1)0; 0 Scandrett, 02; *A Corbett, 70; S Whaley, 68; 1 McGuire, 65; *3 Brydger, 03; II Robertson, 62. Jr. 11 - Sp., Arith,, and Wr, 1) i Atumttong, 30; *J Mcl(enzie, 70; W ' 1',o soft.;, ill. 1'a I1.--Spt Arith., Fist 313rydgee, 50: A Montgomery, 70; L Wightenan, 70; L Taylor, 66; L Corbett, 40. Pr. I. Sr. --0 Stewart, 0 Stonehouse. Pt, I.—M Watson, 3 Owens, Primar.—J McGill, J Stewart, R Cole, 0 Corbett, 0I'arnaby, N Armstrong;, No. on roll 13, average for month 31. TLose *narked * missed exam, W. Harold Work, Teacher No .Excursion states 0,ving to the special demands made upon the railways for the transporta- tion of munitions and war materials, it Is understood that the ureal holiday piccuraion rates will not be given this year' at least until the time of the Toronto fair. Every effort is to be made to keep freights moving. Dollar Day Bargains 20 per cent Discount on � Every Item in the Store Make tip your $1.00 order and pay just 8o0. Your $2.oO order just pay $1.6o, and so on, At the present state of the Market, this is a Rare Opportuu- ity to save some !money. Our new Spring and Summer Hat Shapes and Millinery Flowers are here in all the latest styles. Also Spring and Summer Underwear and Hose, $ day is the day to lay in a supply of all these as well as other little needs for the home, We carry the largest stock of Graniteware, china and dishes of every description, in town. Make your $ have 111o1'e cents by paying 113 a visit on Dollar Day. Wingham is aar Sj w i+w,.rw+r,r+�a.✓tr.rer�+w.ear..�e.r•trv"•�'.�+.w,r�,/�wEc•,�.v.�`,ewv�V�,Ne+�W Fordyce Quite a few around. here are laid in with La Griplie and measles, Mrs, Jas. Dow visited with her sister, 'Mrs. John Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McBurney spent Sunday with Mrs. King of Turnberry. Quite a few from around here attended the party at Alex. Emmerson's, Service at Bethel at 3 P. M Sunday. Mr. and Wm. Champion spent Sunday at Eli Havens. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. elcClennaghan vis- ited at Jas. Barbour's. Keep your on ............_ ____ 1 Salem; 1! u«vl UVEA Jewelry Store Mr. Albert Gallaher attended the Un- t S For $ DDay derwriter's meeting in Toronto last week. 1 Mr. and Miss Moore from Mount bor- t eat vicinity, are at present visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mlitcheland other friends around here - Mr. Wm, Vlnlay of Howitk, has secured the mail hauling on Rural Route No. 1 He has moved to Wroxeter to be conven' itnt, and will commence duties April 1. �G. Lcrt Longley Cntertaitted a few of the young people last ltriday night. A number of farmers from this neigh- borhood loaded turnips on the car at Wroxeter for 'Messrs. Tipling es Mills the latter part of last week, Dr, i'. A, Parker, Specialist in the drugless treatment of all diseases. fleet results with the fewest Croat -1 moats guaranteed. Spinal arljustmcnt, le the keynote of Osteopathy. Office over Ohrist.io's store. I l ? 00 l 0000 There be something doing here that day, for the want $999.99 on $ Day Will sell for cash, to save a smash on $ Day. W. G. Patterson The Great 'Watch Doctor. Winghata