HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-03-01, Page 8Page eight XXXXXXXICXXXild MattlXXXXXXXX "QUM MARKETS HANNA & CO 110100110m011etsalsolllaNiesesiasserasillelleniverassesteresseseseerseesseesielireilannle .6 are showing an exclusive range N to of Spring Gooti8. - Our values which represent goods E which have been in stock, and at • prices which cannot be replaced. Staples, Prints, .11 Cottons, Towellings and Yarns is N . HOUSE FURNISHINGS R d ugs, , Curtains, Linoleuins, Congoleum Rugs. CURTAIN MATERIALS Madras, e_ it Q\ot\'s IWe have our new spring samples. 34, ./`.\x1ixx romvatiltitt /l11x•`rtfi xxxxx� Scrim, Bungalow Nets Exclusive Agencies, 747, Bluevale THE WINORAM ADVANCE (correct up till Wednesday !noon,) Wheat. now 1 70 to 1 72 Flour, per Mt,' patent, , 5 00 to 5 15 Flour, per owt„ family4 110 to 4 03 Bran, per ton 37 00 to JO 00 Bhorte, per ton 09 00 to 42 00 Oats, 0 03 to 0 00 Barley 0 95 to 1 00 lay, new 000 to 10 00 Butter, per 1b-.-De;lry ., 021 to 85 Eggs, per dozen '1 45 to 50 Cattle, medium butchers 7 50 to 8 00 Cattle, butchers choice8 50 to 0 00 Hogs, live weight 14 25 to 14 25 Lamb (cwt) 0 00 to 10 60 Hams, per ib 0 28 to Hawn long clear 0 27 to 0 28 Sheep Skins 1 25 to 1. 60 Hides 12 00 to 14 00 Chickens, live & dressed 15 to 20 Old Ilene, " " 10 to 14 Ducks', " o " 13 to .10 Meese, '' " 12 to 10 Turkeys, ++ ameseemempososelO to 2U Lucknow W. R. McDonald of 4th con. of Iiuron, bas purchased the Lawrence home, now occupied by Mr. 14% F. Armstrong and with Mrs. McDonald will move to Luck now to make their home.. Garfield Ostrauder has purchased the old Royal Ilotel property and will erect a new blacksmith shop,on it, St, Helens Presbyterian Guild have ex- tended an invitation to the Lucknow Guild to visit them on Monday evening next, Monday's casualty list report No. 621757, A, C. P. Free of Dungannon, as seriously wouuded and No. 112260 Lance Corp. A. D. McDiarmid as believed killed. The latter is a son o1 Councillor John Me- Diarmid of Kinloss and his parents have been unable to get any word of him since the battle of June 3rd. s 44144 East Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. John Ooupes~ of the Oth con„ attended the funeral of the Iate Thos. Coultes of Bluevale l his week. The. Maims. Cook shipped a lat'ge number of dressed hogs to Cochrane realizing a good price for them.. Mies Bella Scott has returned from Southampton for a few weeks. A concert in aid of Red Cross was put on by local talent at Me iwan'e. School, S. S. No. 10, last Friday eve- ning vening and was enccessful. St. Helens Miss Florence Cunningham, who has been visiting with her aunt, Mrs. John Miller left for home in Walkerton on Monday. Miss Alberta Taylor of Westfield, is visiting friends in and around this neigh borhood. Misses Annie Curran, and Hazel Palm- er, spent the week -end at their homes in Ripley, Miss Anna Stewart of Winghatn H. S. spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. Noble Guest of Kinlough is visiting friends here. Mr, and Mrs. Dave McDonald of Wing- s ham, visited at the home of Ed, Macrob- erts one day last week. " Miss Mary Salkeld of Goderich, is spending a few days with her sisters, Mrs R. K. Miller and Mrs. Will Gordon Miss Luella Shiells of Calvin, returned home after spending a few days with her friend, Miss Pearl Todd. Messrs John and Will McVettie oI !Westfield. spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs Wm Taylor, Mrs. Jos Gaunt entertained a few of her friends one evening last week. Mr. Roy Moore who has been spendin g a few days with his co usin, Wallace Mil- ler left Monday for Toronto, where he will visit friends before returning to his home in Sask. Mr. Angus McDonald returned home on Saturday after spendinn a few days with his sister, Mrs McPherson of Guelph Beimore Mrs, W Baker of Wingham, spent a few days last week with Airs. F. Baker. Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Jackson, Tees - water, spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Irwin's. Mr. Reuben Stokes wears abroad smile these days. It's a girl. Mr. and Mrs. Jos Hall visited their son, Will and family. Teeswater - last week. Mr. Harold Livingston, Moncrieff, is 1 the guest of friends here. The many friends of Miss Eleanor Jeff - ray is sorry to hear that she has lost her sight but !tope by special treatment she will recover it again. Airs las. Watson and children of Glad- stone, Man , retnrned to their home on 1 Tuesday after spending the past couple of months with her parents here. The many friends of, Rev. D. D, Thompson will be pleased to know he is home froth the Hospital and getting along nicely. Mrs. Snell has been on the sick List for past couple of weeks but is improving, Wm. McMichael Sr. was home from Galt over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Messer returned home to,Moose Jaw this week, Rev. Wren of Brussels, preached in the Methodist church on Sunday In in- terests of Educational Fund and gave a fine sermon taking for his text Prov. 4-I3. Mr, S. Paul shipped a carload of hogs on Wednesday. Price $14.00. A crow was seen flying around the village on Tuesday. Soon be spring. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Stewart spent Sunday with friends in Morris. Mr. Thos. Stewart made. a business trip to Toronto this week. Drs. E3 and John Coultese of Phila- delphia were home this week attending the funeral of their father. The regular monthly meeting or fire Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Fraser on Thursday, March 81h. All are cordially invited. The Ladies' Aid of Johnson's church meet at Mrs. Arthur Shaw's on Tuesday 6th. Much sympathy is extended to the rel- atives and friends of the late Mr. Coultess whose remains were interred in Bluevale cemeter/'on Monday. We would be grateful to all those who have socks knitted for our soldier boys to bring in as soon as possible as we require 44 pairs each month for our boys. We also have a quantity of new yarn on hand. 'Please bring along all old papers and magazines for our patriotic fund as we mean to fill our share of a car in the near suture. Mr. and Mrs. John Higgins returned to their home its N. D. on Wednesday. Mr. Root. Aitcheeon has been an the sick list for over a month and expecte to undergo an operation, We hope he will soon be 0 K. again. Awing to poor health Wm. Hewitt has given up work on the Section and will try Indoor work for a while. Howard Stewart has taken his pace on G. T. R. Wroxeter Rev, Mr. Ctyeedale of Salem, peach ed In the Methodist church Sunday eve Hing in the interest of Victoria College, Toronto. Rev. Mr, Patton of Toronto, preached in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Mrs Tom Hemphill returned home on Tuesday after spending a few days with Toronto friends. Mrs F. Kitchen who has been visiting her daughter Oral, and sister Mrs. Good- fellow and family of Toronto, returned Saturday evening. There will bee show given in the hall Wednesday evening. A good time is expected. Mrs. Love Is still very poorly we are sorry to say. A few more weeks shall roll, A few more Sabbaths pass, And we shall bid farewell to snow, And start to mow the grass, Whitechurch Born—On Feb. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. James Middleton, a daughter, Mr, Fred Clubb is visiting his aunt. Mrs. Wm, Dow of Staffa. Mr. Ken. Paterson has been ill for 'a few days with quinsy. Miss M. Gillies led the Guild meeting on Sunday. The leader for Mar 4th is Mr J. Conn, and the topic ' Service", No, 10 School was closed for a few days last week, owing to the illness of the teacher, Miss S. Kirke. Mrs. J. G. Gillespie gave a Red Cross tea last week, making the sum of $3.75 The marriage of Mr. George McClena- ghan and Miss Lillian V. Gaunt, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Gaunt, look place quietly in Lucknow, on Wed- nesday, Feb 21, Mr. and Mrs. McCleua- ghan will make their home on the groom's farm on the 2nd of Kinloss/ The Literary meeting was held on Fri. day evening, A good program of songs, violin music, dialogues, speeches and re- citations, was given. The debate. "Single vs Married Life". was taken by Messrs James Martin and Aethur Moore, the former winning. The "Echo'.' with its funny hits, was read by Mr. Angus Mac. Kay. The next meeting will be held on March 2, the program being in the form of a contest. Blyth Mr, and Mrs. Broadbent of Septhern Manitoba, are visiting friends in this vicin- ity, A meeting of the Lord's Day Alliauce will be held in the Presbyterian church, Thursday evening. Mr. J. C Robinson will speak in the interests of this worthy cause. A liberal collection is asked for. Mrs. (Rev.) McCormick visited her mother, Mrs, Godurn, in London, during the. work. A large number of our young people at. tended the. box social at McGowan's sehool in East Wawanosh on Friday even- ing. Proceeds in aid of Patriotic pur- poses. On Sunday, Mar. 4th, Rev. J. C, Rob. inset' of Toronto University will have charge of the Educational services in the Methodist church, Mr, Harvey Robinson has purchased Mrs. Joseph Carter's residence and wilt get possession next month, The shipment made on Tuesday by the Red Cross IVorkers in this vicinity was one of the best, including: —400 pairs of socks, 51 scats pyjamas, 70 towels, 1 scar! and 1 comforter, 104 flannel shirts and a quantity of old cotton, Mr. 0, Beeper bag disposed of his residence oe Drummond St. to Jr&flow and Brandon. Postmaster Situs is confined to his house sola week sulfuring from sciatica, Mrs, Robert Magee of East Wawauosh, batt the misfortune to fall on the ice sad severely hurt herself about the head, while return"ug from church Sunday morning at Auburn. MADETO. ORDER SHOES Having secured the services of an expert shoe maker we are prepared to' receive orders for shoes made to your measure,see our samples. Now is the time to get your old shoes repaired Repairing promptly done. T. D. HOLMES Electric Shoe Repairer r WIIIMI srssra UMW 0111111.111m0fttalst1m0 ge GH RfI l '.SS PHONE 59 THIS STORE EXCELS in its food catering, We study our Customer's wants and then do everything in our power to meet them. A large and varied stock is always here to pick and chereal from. IF YOU WANT GOOD TEA go to CHRISTIE'S Fresh Lettuce Daily. Our Prices are as 1 Low as the Qual- 11 ity of our Food is High 1 GeMassoimmmsa mow stoners rilWilailAirWeiNiMIWOMWMAWASSNi New Blacksmith ®i1 ] hay.; rented my blacksmith shop to Jnhn Sangster of Moles- worth, who will be open for business on the 1st of Mareb, and will be prepared to do horse - &hoeing and all kinds of general blacksmith work. ? Shoe Netting at the old price fof 150 each, cash. Mr, Sangster comes to Wing - barn very ;highly recommended as a flret-class workman. Wood work will have any per- I sonal attention, WM. HOLMES lUt hIM vtl14UU4Ait14!U4WMAMMRVVI l?M GIGANTIC SELLING AUT Our Entire $12,000 Stock Will Be Sacrificed Commencing Sat, March 3rd. Everything Goes! Boots, Shoes ,Clothing, Dry - - Goods, Staples and Groceries. There never was a letter time to save a lot of money than by buying all your summer goods and winter goods for neat year. -1 have other business that demands my attention, hence this WHOLE STOCK. MUST BE CLEARED OUT. The wholesale prices today are more than we' are asking for many lines of goods. Save money and COME EARLY while the selection is good. All accounts must be paid at once, 111111111111111011111101111111111111111111111111.111111111110111111111110111111111111 R. M. LI ND S.A V Cash or Trade No Credit. Belgrave A very enJoyable time was spent last Friday evening, when about 100 of the parents, pupils and their friends of S. S. No, 5, Morrie, met at the commodious home of the Sec. 'Teas. of the School Board, Richard Proctor's, The object of the social gathering was to do honor to Miss Imlay who has been the esteemed teacher in the section for the last three and a half yeare. The company having gathered and being comfortably arranged in the spacious rooms of the home by Mre, Proctor and Mies Eliza, Mr. Proc tor in a neat speech delivered in his usual genial manner extended a hearty wel come to alt to the rights and privileges of his home, which just struck the right key, and made all present feel as one great family. Frank Martin was invited to take the chair. A short program was rendered. the chairman cmphaslaing the good qual- ities of the teacher. Henry Johnson, chairman of the board, also spoke in glow- ing terms concerning the teacher and her successor, Miss Ferguson, MIss Imlay who was the guest of honor for the occasion occupied a seat to the right of the chairman, the following address was read to her by Edwin Martin and Nora Vancamp, and Angela Kelly made the pesentation. Mile Imlay made a suit- able reply thanking each and all for their kindness also expressed her appreciation for the interest taken in the work of the school by the parente'and their hearty co- operation with her in the work of further- ing the best interests of the pupils. Mr. James Russel also spoke at some length on different phases of the life of the school. A splendid program of music was rendered throughout the evening under the leadership of J. T. Bell with his gifted daughter, Miss Mand, on the violin and piano rendered fine instrumen- tals. Nora Vancalnp's rendering of "It is Moonlight" In excellent voice was hard to beat by a child so young. Violet and Nellie Anderson sang'lIts not the house that snakes the home'' which was a good selection. Mr, and Mrs Bert Jackso and W. J. Proctor gave excellent pian and violin selections; a song by Charli Cole, Richard,Pructorand Mise Bliza, o piano and violin; with special mention o G. W. Nicholson's vocal selection, "I'1 take you back Kathleen" accompanied by J. T. Bell and Mies Maud en the piano and violin; Nora Vancamp and Maud Bell, piano duet. Social chat and games were indulged in after which Iunch and coffee were served to the appreciation of all, Richafd Proctor then read a list of names to be placed an the honor roll and put up in the school. Of 21 of the former pupils of No. 5 who are willing to lay down their lives if need be In defense of the British Empire, alt art now serv- ing ere ing their King and Country. Also a list of the names of the 31 teachers who have taught in the school since it opened; fol- lowed by a third list which contains some 45 names of pupils who have at- tended the school and educated to higher institutions of learning. A vote of thanks was tendered to' Mr. and Mrs. Proctor for their generous hospitality in throwing open their home with all its attractiveness to the section, they having left no stone unturned in, order that all might enjoy themselves. The National Anthem brought the evening's amusement to a close, As each one returned home all were agreed it bad been good to be there. The following is the address which was ead to Miss Imlay. Miss Florence Imlay,. Dear Teacher: -- Knowing that the relations existing etween us as teacher and pupils are bout to be severed, we, your pupils and riends of S. S. No. 5, are gathered here his evening to express to you our sorrow hat the vary pleasant ,associations hick bound us together for the put hree and a half years, are so soon to e broken. We do appreciate your earnest (forts to advance the welfare of the pupils oth mentally and morally. We trust hat in the years'to, come, you will be ble to look back upon these years as a ery pleasant time in your life. as it bas iso been in ours. It is a great nepotist. ility to have a part in moulding the haracter of the rising generation. May ou have the joy and satisfaction of see - ng the pupils you have taught in our chool grow up to be true men and omen, useful, honest, and looal citlzens f our great empire, and know that part f the results, at least, was brought about y the influence of your beautiful chnr- cter, We ask you to accept these tokens of ur respect and esteem for you May ou often use this pen to write to your Id pupils and friends of No. 5, and ay the brightness of this gold Lavatlier ernind you of the bright days Tint t0• ether. We trust that 'your login the turd' will be Cast in �Sleasant plac"es and ay all your wrinkles come from happy miles, ` ' hough the girding flight of yeare may find us Far apart and severed more and more et the farewell always lies behind us And the we'con1 allays 114 hOfijre, eanwhile God is leading sorely, e10 l', Through the Shadows with a bans! of love, o the house where 'mid the myriads holy, :nil:101nd waits Ms alt above. in behalf of school seatten No, Henry Johneon, Chatrtuxn of board of Trustees. Feb. 23, 1911. Morley Jordan has gone to Stratford to take a position. The infant daughter of Nelson and Mil. Higgttts died Iast 'Tuesday morning Much sympathy is extended to the pra- ente, James Greig will now write Greig i$ on, the stork having made hitt; rounds last Sunday. Oliver Anderson who hes been its for come three month! was removed from hia home to WIngharn Hospital last Mon. day, Archie Mark is b4vlog stn auction raft on rtiday, I1c purposes going VW. n 0 e n f Thar y, ',Lech fist, IRtil Cheap Shoes For Men In our south window we are showing Some 40 pair high grade Men's shoes Regular $5.00 lines FOR $3.15 PER PAIR. There is nothing whatever the matter with these shoes and this is simply a clean up of remnants.. We have not got all sizes in this lot in all kinds but we can fit most people and if your size happens to be among them you will be luck if o� you secure one or more pairs for shoes are going to be high this year. W. H. WILLIS 4 FOR WOE) LADIES % Sole Agent F tt RLe .44 Hatching Station We have made arrangements for a new branch of business, to operate next spring a Poultry Hatchery We will sell the chickens or take your eggs ane • hatch them for you, Barred Rocks Are our favorites, if you will give us Barred Rock eggs next spring we will pay from 2 .to sc per don more than the egg market price. Leave us your name if you have Rocks. A. H. WILFORD Wholesale Produce . Phone 1174 The Woman's Institute are holding a box social in the C. O. F. Hall on 16th of March, A program is being arranged. No 1 talent is being imported, no pains' is being spared to make it a success. Mise Carrie Geddes cf Lucknow, is visiting in the village. She sang a beautiful solo at the evening service in Knox church last Sunday night. Me. Sproat underwent an operation at his home hem on Thursday, this is the korai operation he hasundergone in 11 months. The Patriotic Society acknowledges r with thanks the following donations.* E. Wawanosh C sun c i 1, $99 96; Morris Tp. Council, $IQ0.00; Mra. A. G Porterfield, $1.00; Mr. John S Scott, f $2,00. The Society shipped thls month to Hyman Hall, London. 40 pairs seeks;' 12 shirts; 12 pillow slips; Zt shirts. Lyle Hopper was home from London over Sunday.' Mrs Carson of Wingham, is the guest of Mrs. Daniel Scott. heti. Johnson of Ethel. took charge of the services on the Belgravc circuit 6n Sunday. 2ev. Parnaby preached in Gerrie on Sunday, Twp erry Mr. IL ilenning and Mr, Jas. Wylie left last week for the West with a carload of horses. Miss Isabel Fortune of Calgary, Alta„ is home: on aa. visit to her brother, Mr. David Vortuue of the 9th can. Mr and Mrs, (ice Fortune and Mrs. John Fraser spent the week end in Harris - toil. Mr. and furs. James Gilmour arc re- turning to their home its Moose Jaw, Sam,!,, on Monday next, Their many friends were well iSleas ed to hear of tiro safe arrival in Eugland of Geo and Peter Muir. They are connect- to do batter than this during the presett' ed with the Army Medical Corp. month. Anyone tvishing to help 'with The Turnberry Red !Toss Soeit'ty held the knitting may procure yarn froth Mia& a very plrnkant and prolltetde meeting at Maggie McLlougall on the 6th. Itffck ars Colin Isndk't on Vdd,ty (waning Inva l::trh;u a Vellum.) on the Sth or itfre, Thtos, Weir on the 10th Tht's need for seek* is very great and et en Cann ;fair will hells the tttait along. The Seeley tciblaeste !toast the 't'uruberry ('oun;ii for that additional ettctit W of tifly dollars Ott i'eb. The '1900' �ravity Washer Washes a tubfut in six minutes Runts by the help of gravity. No wear or tear on finest of elothes, %Vashes everything th or uglily ;u half the time and with save -thirds of the iabor.-- Ask those who us stem. tarantoed to Siye sanies factions Cash price ft5.44 Alen '1000' emcees 'Washer $10, Maxwell !Home Washer 812. Maxwell and '1000' Eleetrie Washers. A. J. ROSS Hartwate 'Phone 8 9 4 4 t x Y Y f 4 r t 4 8 4 9 • • 7`hanks are slue to the men for they splendid stay m !shiest they attentit`tl to their out iu (.ttittl;ing the women to the meeting Folly eight poise of Nth'kt+ have been 'handed in to the Sectot,try luting I`t»bru,<ty stud the =AWN. hupv,light