HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-03-01, Page 5Thursday March I, 1917 — — ISARD'S BIG SALE REMNANTS MIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMII11111111101111111MENNEMAIIINNIIIIIIIII01.111111111111111111N Our Winter Sale Ilas been u Great Success' and now that it is over tit't fit d Tots c•f Rem- down e1n- nants. In ordr.r to make a speedy Clearance in all ,,„9 i''rll departments we (i rdillf�,.;4 1+'1'1 5•' .;.' 1 to ' 'q�' . have marked .lie do n a rice which ou cannot afford to over- �® w to p y look. Come early Saturday and get First choice 1 111111111011111s Remnants .of Silks, Dress Goods, Cottons, Ging- hams, Muslins, Cottonade, Tickiugs, Linens, Rib. bons, Laces, Embroideries, Curtain Nets, Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoleum, Sheetings, Table Linen, Broken Lines of Boots and Shoes at Reduced Prices. Slim Prices and Stout Values H. E. Isard z`. Co. WINGHAM • ONTARIO M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117M AGood Inv.estment 111•111/1•11Ma Men who have worn our clothes will tell yon that they are a good investment. Made from wear - resisting fabrics and tailored in the best manner possible. They wear and hold their shape until you have had many times your money's worth. Right now is a good time time to find out about our clothes. Suits $ to to $22. Overcoats $ l o to $20. asms•awsisancure• Big Assortment of Boys' Clothes Makes the selection of your boy's suet a p'easur. New fabrics tailored in regular to to style, give as- surance of good service. $3 50 to $lo. A Hat You'll Like In our showing of hats we are sure there is one you'll like. It is a pleasure for ua to show them. Why don't you drop la to`day and try a few styles on. $ L 25- to $3. Men's Work Clothes A big range of wotk shirts, overalls. smocks, etc' to select from, at a price that will suit 'everybody's' pocket. nom. Special A few yards of the best Duchess silk left in black and colors, regular $: 75 to clear at $ t. t o. In the Grocery . Department - p ens $ cane of No. 1 Salmon for , . 6 boxes of soaps chips for . Regular ioc jars of honeyfor K Regular 5c package of Sud•i, N. L'ar ;c size; can of Pork k and iieans to dear Brunswick flardincs at 6 for , . +;atracts, 3 bottles for , Large e bottle of the best olives for a 3 Gans of Gem tri L'ofor y 5 0' 2 ;c leo r")1; 'le • 25c 25c • 25c J. A. MILLS -V.. -.•s --4 y w•.. -.•a w aaisi 0.0 woe ti ••••411 rQ m rouge ., r -n w ..a OW▪ . •••22 Ant •.•e •vN Mw l#�t�l�liti.���;f;�t<�Z�ik�tlllli�tltl� 1#�lllt��ltl��itliltllilt�la�,l�l�lt# w3 s 214 OWIT +'""'. •,.4 •.•. .wet -V s *U a TIE WIN1 T[ A M ADVANCE To city, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario Vegetable arden. for Every a. erne N this year of supreme effort Britain and her armies must have ample supplies of food, and Canada is the great source upon. which they :wen 'rely. Everyone with a few -- square feet of ground call',x `•�contribute to victory by growing vegetables. Four Patriotic Reasons ' for Growing Vegetables x. It saves money that you would otherwise spend for vegetables. - 2. It_lielps to lower the "High cost of living." 3. It helps to enlarge the urgently needed surplus of produce for export. 4. Growing your own vegetables saves labor of others whose effort is needed for other vital war work. The Department of Agriculture will help you The Ontario Department of Agriculture appeals to Horticultural Societies to devote at Least one evening meeting to the subject of vegetable growing; manu- facturers, labor unions, lodges, school boards, etc., are invited to actively encourage Itotne gardening. Let the slogan for 1917 be, "A vegetable garden for every home.” Organizations are requested to arrange for instructive talks by practical gardeners on the subject of vegetable growing. In cases where it is impossible to secure suitable local speak( rs, the Department of Agriculture will, on request, send a suitable than. The demand for speakers will be great. The number of available experts being limited, the Department urgently requests that arrangements fornr:cting; be tirade at once; it'local speaker* cannot be secured, send applications protnptly. The Departn?eut suggests the formation of trice] orgaulcatiene to stimulete the work by offering prizes for best vegetable gardeue. It is prepared to aseistin any possible way any organization tint may b: condnetiug a campaign for vegetable production on vacant lots. It will do so by sending speakers, or by supplying expert advice in the field. To any one interested, the 1)epartinent of .Agriculture will sciel literature giving instructions about implements nece:saty and methods of preparing the ground and cultivating the crop. A. plan of a vegetable garden indicating suitable crops to gro1k', beet varieties and their arrangement in the garden, will be cent free of charge to any address. Write for Poultry Bulletin Ilens are inexpensive to keep, and you v i11 be highly relaid in fresh eggs. Write for free bulletin which tells liuw to keep hens. Address letters to "Vegetable Campaign," Department of Agricul. ture, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Ontario Department of Agriculture W. H. Hearst, Minister of Agriculture Parliament Buildings Toronto FRENCH SOLDIER ANSWERS by And Expresses Thanks for Shirt tent Whitechurch Lady My dear Mademoiaelle:— I cannot thank you suffi.nentiy fur the pleasure you have given ate, Bret 1 for sending me the good shirt, then from finding your address in the pocket. Having been mobilized since the beginning of this accursed war, I have taken part in many attacks. Always being in the firet line, I have been lucky in avoiding accidents. I hope you will continue cur col• - respondence which will give me real pleasure. Pray believe th>zt I shall be fl,,ttered to have you as Godmother. Expecting the pleasure of hearing from you, I e nl yours most gratefully. I .hould prefer you to write to rue in French, I promise to give you many more dvtaile. I have bad your kind tetter for some days. Pardon nee if I have not an• ewered you sooner, far I was awaitir g impatiently the rest which had been promised us for so long, so as to be ab'e to fiend you my photogrrnph. I could not help groaning your wish. I atu sorry I cannot give you thio oath -- faction before the New Yeer. Tue photogi apher was not at,le to dei tl e work before this date. At present we are resting in the suburbs of Ameins, just next to the Euglit•h al my. if by cbance you had (+owe one of your fatally in this region and you could let me know, I Should he very happy to meet them so as to MIK with them. Since the twentieth of June I have been fraternizing with your brave soldiers on the Somme front. tVhile we were in position cur guns SVete limit time between Maurepas and the Clt.ry Sector where we passed emu> terrible hours', 'which were worse still th Verdun where I was Summoned at the order of the regiment, Oh bow sal this tear id flow many families are already In mourn Mai How many wives will be left A idowr ! How many girls will never know the pleasures nor the joys of marriage! But what cal be said? what tan he done? Our fatherland ie in danget and it as rur duty to defend it, I an fl lent that, when you have Is coiv* d wy photograph, you will Lave the (;feet kindness to send rue young. It all 1 1)t lr 1 be i'ur we au iuf gate to owl Nair, It would ci rtaibly tic let er to wake your a, t tett t tn ee. But t Marl Shall I ever btVii lp it4t) .Uefr? Receive, Madetnotr elle, the sincerest trgntda of one who hopes always for a victorious peace for the allies. A Morin BOtN hit %i .t v In E1tst W,xwauosh, on I"`eh., i l h, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy n a ughter. McLean, dart U . r 8 SCOTT—in Unity, Sa.k , oth Vett, 3 ,d,. to Mr. and Mrs D. 0 S -oft, adaugh tor, .i(,i'i3,'lrt"" At t c eitfort be 4.!'17 Ppb., 240, to 111r°nt.tMI" �>,'-'i'- ..,.}r n not MISSED AGAIN You didn't get the last farm we advertised. Well it was your own fault, but we now have another and a better one. Oue hundred acres, without doubt one of the fittest fame i(: (Huron. Co.. find buildings, first claws Boil, must be sold to wind up an estate. Nothing better or cheaper• has ever passed through our hands, For particulars ir:quire at the office of Ritchie & Cosons Insurance and Ii al Estate Winghaw \VAN rl DI Highest Cush Prices staid for All Kinds of Live P•.ULT,.Y• HILTS, WOOL and JUNK. Phone 204 J -J. Brown ONTARIO'S BEST /%USINESS COLLEGEa . llhd, -''' ' Jtt ? kija#1,0,,e4LO:la • &TflATFORD• onii..� ( Sttldonte idles;' Onto^ our elatees et any time. (''ontnlenoe 3'our c urco now al d be qpittIl(10d for a po,itton by MI :mom r. 1)uriii. J my and .%u •tie of 1,wt year WO ( Ieceivivt o.,11- for over 20,'ra a• slet.a ht otH • n we ooutd r of supply, Our graduates are its deodand. H rico at once for our free 111 catalogue, , D. A. McLACBLAS • Pitfall/1 A DELICATE CHILD Made Strong By Our Vinol tayetteville, N. C'.. --°fry little daugh- ter rias in poor health, delicate and €o weak it, made its very uneasy, f heard about Vinol and decided to try if n he nd t 1, were results s r Pher x+lart 1.„ us, It t appetite improved, sho pained in 'a (dei -, end is non onc of the 1ralthinrt children in tn;-,,. lfot1irre of drlirate rhilrlren dhould irc'1'inol.''1- 1fn a.t-1011n eeTtseit t'. Vinol in a constitutional remedy tthi(111 cri'tltob an appetite aids elle gc.tirn end sondes nxre 1'raltl b1 d Alt children Ie'c to tants it. 'try it' en olir s terantse. 3. Walton MeKibbntt, Dcug(a;i»i, CVinglltlut. Also the bent tituggibt it all Ontatdo towns. ro uhom it may concern - dli n?y rtitdhas loft my hell nisi bo:tr.i with out inn cogs en! will itotr.rttet net 1,:i Vt a - pi. int'J.q :Qi,' C•^.y it^.bt`j fiat:noted Ly het'. ttee WHAT DO YOU KNOW? # Water rolls o{f cabbage leaves 1'e caurme they are covered with a very Ane dust. Dark clothes ere the wannest lo, cause they attract more heat front ti 5t sun. Dusty shoes are always the, hottest becaus'o polished shoes throw off the hen!, A negro has black eyes because that color defends theta front the strong sunlight. The bubbles in a teacup follow the spoon because it attracts them .1ust as a magnet attracts steel. It is: in the lungs that our blood be- comes red. Before it gets there it 10 of a dark purple color. Plants grow quicker on bright moon- light nights because such nights pro. duce clew, which is very good for plants. A kettle "sings" because the air in the water escapes by fits and starts, and so makes the "eingieg" noise. Animals are covered with for, hair, and feathers bemuse those substances prevent the heat of tho body from escaping. Hawks can see shah a long way be- cause they have a special eye muscle by which they can alter their sight to long distances. A black nan'e skin does not scorch or blister with the itot sun because black absorbs the heat and takes it beneath the skin. Trees and flowers make the country healthy because they feed on the bad carbonic gas in the air and return the good `oxygen -to it. • Slicing Board For Kitchen 11'11e board illustrated was suggested by a device used by a "sandwich man," and proved practical for use in the home and ,especially in the camp. Po- tatoes, or other articles of food to be aliced, are placed in the hollow portion of the board and moved against the edge at the right, under the 'knife. The guide, which may be adjusted by means of the wing nut, permits s11cet of -r ry1ng thickness to be cut.— Popular Mechanica. CANADA'S WHITE ESKIMOS Strange, Fierce Habits of Humorous Northern Dwellers Described After passing three years in the Arctic regions, George 1'f. Wilkins, an Australian who was a member of the Stofansson Expedition, arrived in England with a choice selection of stories about the so-called "Blonde Eskimos" with whom he lived a con- siderable time. "The Blonde Eskimos," he said, "are quite untouched by West- ern civilization, and their habits and customs are essentially primitive. They are not a long•lived race, and fifty years is perhaps the normal span. Human lift is very little valued alnon.gst them, and what civtliced people elaes as murder is regarded as a more or less harmless eccentricity." Visiting a camp where he had made friends with an Eskimo a few months before and not finding flim, Mr.'Wil- kins inquired otter his health. Ile was told that the roan was dead, and the planner of his (tenth was this. One day the l'•sslcimo earns across a member of the tribe fashioning a knife ant of the native copper which is found in this region. Tfe chaffed him, it appears, on his want of skill. "You don't know the first thing about mak- ing a knife," he said, he effect. The artificer said nothing until bo had finished his work, when, rentarking "I think it is a pretty good knife," he, plunged it into the breast of the crit.ir,. Tho T skiwus have a keen sense of humor, and this incident was much appreciated. Tbere is a ceremopy of marriage among these Eskimos, but apparently the number of a man's wives is limited only by his capacity to support them. The regular price for a wife is a rifle or 12 mouths' hard labor in the ser- vice of the prospective bride's family. It is only rarely that a rifle eau be obtained from the Indians to the south, and the price paid for it, in skins, practically represents a year's activity in hunting. Some of the more opulent Eskimos possess three wives. 'One is chosen for her personal attractions, another for her prowess as a- hunter and fisher, while the third does the housework. WHEN MOTOR tAR RATTLES ttow Bent to Locate Troubles and Cure Them There are many unpleasant noises heard when' the motor car is in oper- ation ar d which may be remedied without very much. trouble. A hood rattle•° is stoat. annoying anh a iu111y t.1 cauverl 1,, the down deeir' hating loo: o springs. There are so many different types of hoed fastenere that specific instructions cannot here be given, but. it will be worth the .•lv-n.cr's trouble to investigate this !:Hall rad. and de'.crn:i to just how the ssti'uers can he maria to hold the oad mord firmly in place. IDoor rat- • lex and floorboard hums are easily eetnoted by using felt inserts a.ul, lt':loonli these soon heroine compres• sed and the ncisti returns, teen, eon. White a gocd tent exam_' remody. Tools under the front ;:sat cote,' rattle, 3ivhlg rise to the belief tl.at crone pert of the car is enemies' it.� toe. o.c,' r ieee:.r :i t '.ie til er,.;rite. tiOise itoteetl.ite:- i.ot eseipected try the tttutori:+t 13 t'•1 .'11:rEe. .;e lLkFi: :•) t {•.;lr et:1y v.--- ote sur;n0 l+at• 1 -r:: r,.n a, €',•,g t•m.- nd the cyiinderr A 'l r1 ; 7.118 are • I4j5 ci^tnr21°'; t "1-1'. i nc r.• ct!. •a t •,:5 r5 + c, r i1 r. 1 '1; stn .., a' t k the ill:to.r- Dtnn roast of 11'N1l li'a'rs should ar. range generous things along the lin' of admission of children to the Show gruuutle, \Ve would not be afraid to prophesy that a fres 1 {cket to everi cahoot pupil under 1� ye:are of age, p 414 a good ln-i gr to of ef'lrts 1 r thein, will tot redu-ie the gate t+eeelptl stet`pU t the c )in CC, the wiJkag trio:, ►1f the ledger when Ctalar)ce . (ity corn s 01 course goons weathr+r an 1 ptopet advertising an! i,c00 l;t'e4•s`ats t°R'•tn 'tµltl to*.114141 7criti u: eeee on ')t -n Vele. achy snot tr V Ylin peer, f,,, 1''It anent. •-lux St. . Pogo Five four Seater $1050 :'• t ,'rr,rOrstCt Sul''eCt to ct•enK^, 1' i Cavus n.;::vc, Style—Comfort Power—Economy This new Overland Country Club Light Four is a distinctive and r::rlrrt car in the low priced car clans. T11^ : tt-h gray boely,with black fender.; and trimmings, is set off to pleasing advantage by red wire wheels that give just the right flash of brilliant color. The two comfortable front seats move :�rti� c:rii cr l:; ion, independently, and a E•PnCic.'11.1 aisle between gives free pas- sage lo a roomy „eat for two passengers its the rear. Fcr riding comfort, the Overland Country Club is a revelation. An unusual 'demand for this model makes it ncaccoary to place orders at once to secure c' 'ri.:fg delivery. The Winghanl Overland Sales . L. KENNEDY • O iNV EST ire.: w�ecc3 THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, EAWE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAS. DOMINION Of CANADA DEDENTURE IN SUMS OF $5QO, OR ANY MULTIPLE 1I frOF Principal rehayab'o 1st October, 1a:i'. Interest }nvnble half -}carie, 1.=t April and 1st ruse?,:'r l_ vhe'1 .e t frac of retie:lige r,' P.,, t h i r. '.l 1:31•'. I', ' t e... - ; 1 the rate of five per cent per ametin ri L t 11!^. 1 at of , !s Iin'.derr of Oda stoc will bey(' the privilege, ,.f . ^rc;.: „ g at par and accrued interest. as the eq':i•.t:'-int of sash i r., - inent of anv allotment made under any futrre war least iser.• 111 Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other Lake sheet date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will hr alto:' e,l to recognized bond ::std stork broi:ers c'n allotntccis luta;(' is respect of applications for this etude which' bear their et amp. For application fortis apply to the Depi'ty Minister of . Finance, Ottawa. s DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA OCTOBER req, 2916. rile COUNTRY SCHOOL .243 74 COMMUNITY CEN7P45 NATIONS are bui:t, h the pub'1•: ert'ooi,s, The ideals set ire by Coo school teacher retails veto largely the ideals o:' the pupil through• cot life ar-s 11's co ncept:on of patriot isia will b., what Le tari been tee:si curing his s'boc1 :eels. it as rot toe numb to ley that the 1:ee. t 5:ur'd v ar is (1'.1' to a diffeesneec' i'iea s fostered by different ,s:..:n o, en o• ire ton. al"rat as 1s the importance of t''e r, .!,:1r sehno' in old and well 1i; i, ed .:cuntries, this; int;iortaeco is even greater In the rex herds uhic•h are being Called tipon to eastnilatf' populations from the i:.isoo c'onges`ed eotietries. It is wut',by of note the: in Western Canada, v, hie'h rely T e cited i:s a ease In feint of a eoent y v,'h irh Is eared tool to eealmtla`e a popu,atler of many r'if 's. cOlife of the most S renu+us i•' ,t'el 21':1 ;'n',8.1 tutiotial feats liar_ 1::: r,€ ,;tem ti', systems 'of pnblie er:.)' anon. 'neve fighte, however, nese l,o without their purpose, aro: it Is tett r.f t1:e.111' 1 sac etls`o a ub';etlteel eel' -t .1.01 saateeeeis !rest nes eneso, et s rots tend la^ltll.•• vele Inc oven`- 1„ a ,,q a seen:try the p•,1,'t heel 1115 lo talo on fimetiens '1"r '1t=,+tl! ?ca,5•i s`e+l aith it in tha older and meta tcerely .ettled eot?wtunittss. ?tis , s. rJ .,c,..ur l not tioe- ly r t (entre of e.iucatiou; it Is alt._t ;1., to listens end social eeltre of the dis- t:'iet.(` Eur:ng the steels lave t:.e VIVO teeener fnrnlahee t'.i'1•°titirin to sessnoreeeesaaereneetereeseareetann.Rte•.; s.r. ' the c:dlcren o2 the re:gbborhood, but ,the report of the iusetoo .. 1:1 iehook?. on Stlu(;ay the missionary bolds his In the Provit.tP n; ti:be,.a, a.:though setvlres, whieh a!1 attend regardless this rr teoh It:store moyereer.t is of fr cr3 c1' nationality, and on n'e•elt or.Jy to i Infae'•y. re 1'=e; !nen nights Ole building is used for meat, I tench) Leeks t'--' e: p,,:i»d for lugs ef :arrow's, for ale Natiot:s can tl'.i,s pu'.•1Vse t:a' a ;t: a tC3: tnl:rity societies; for the lied Cro= • of Few: oft °. 7 rtnraoist,;s. r Patriotic Club, and fcr pueely ro• . 0f tile 1"1=',. lC•,1't f,'v 3' 1 to ,1a el e"t5 such as eschar'^s, OeriCer the dote v. See sob :; ( '4'e '±”d drrers“ T, fa ;tate the latter, teet n11 l•" n ltd - e seer, l' . it ,?t?y no resto'i t'... r'e'°5• ' ':,stt irk to int ,eltte,.a .,.e ;•q. , X93 ro'w ea,ro'ests refs vestie(e1''1 rleel+s al.'- eti ;e roins; . i,e • •e- s.. which ti's ai'i fat's• o n t 'r. Oleg f:.l':, :Di ,i ter.. :it'll' c•r.� bpye uiekly Chis, to of t\1:enever s P' 'r,• -t' 1••0. ' e• G y i• 'h'::•' l::s p .i , r, 1,; a'srno._.'�ve1', is s rlal„•r-t In nreenee' ;s lie"p t 1 r'rrel '1ll•r••re' ie. the 1'e' r•n'ei A ' dt^tn 1'x5 1,.A 1,f • or,q•11 Mie y e 1' 7 ▪ P .y •, ,1ari f .y,erc !,a..t r{:e•' soW •. p'Cn 3A•1ij ,51.11 t.0 11,ttt1 "0";"'l r1+e1 ,5•. ;.,.,.• -i.1 ,•e i."t; °1. e^•t ^ 1 1•; 1,.1t 1..een rA+y;'S „ , 1, ,:5'131 O.. Olt, . fe . ;.e ,., 1,-.•. m a rk • •115 '1•c t!e'• t ' ir. t' 0 ' C, 1 ? ?4 i..,.., 4+ -e` , .••,'1 '. ..,3 ; 1 'r ac•a.,. ih "" 11'g 1" r 1 a i ,. .3. C -:' -' trlrt. uork etseurafei and itvs a r"r?alrent"e. ` ithet cry farm. e,•:,t., lot ti , tc:s1 lh1$/ter u,o,<. driving his own auton^Li.aton)r rr n rhirl ,�...;...,i1 Gpp6rtltitlg9 fee tette! ,Etheto"r of Leeks et it1h'.' foe suit :'ti grPfit1V aaeteeeed, and it! 1'01411. the °'t.'ttoal eelt°t tion being left to the • try rrLeol le the Lateral n+eettt,iit ".C: ekte, f ''"u: : umber If ' ,'r`l 1"(?t•/ ee. tteltf+ n 441,1,61,1Al tt' ' t 1'1 1,ne.. i e't . '.