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Dave Griffiths of Blake's Apple Orchard near Brussels, said his crop this year is lighter than the last due to the smaller yield. "It's an average crop this year," said Griffiths. "Last year we had a heavy crop, but this year is lighter from a smaller yield." Although Griffiths' crop might be a little smaller than previous years, he says he has no complaints since the fruit size is larger this season. "The rain helped to make the fruit size bigger. We're quite pleased with them." Hazel Bailey of Blythe Brooke Orchards reports a "fairly good crop this year." "The apples are a good size and colour. There is quite a few on every tree." Unlike Griffiths who said he welcomed the rain, Bailey said the rain had "nothing to do with the size" of this season's crop. "Last year we had irrigation that keeps the sap going while other orchards had a bit of a drought. We didn't need as much rain this year," said Bailey. Griffiths said at Blake's, they are harvesting and selling Macintosh apples now. "At this orchard, Macintosh apples are the first variety we harvest, but when one ends, we begin picking the others," he said. Bailey said they just finished three weeks of picking Jersey Macintosh and have started picking Red Cortlands as well as two different types of pears. The Sept. 10 announcement of a $488 million federal government compensation program clearly indicates that the government recognizes both the severity of the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) crisis and the important role that the beef industry plays in the Canadian economy. Ron Wooddisse, president of the 21,000 member Ontario Cattlemen's Association (OCA), was pleased with Agriculture and Agri Food Minister Andy Mitchell's announcement. Wooddisse noted that the amount of the funding - and the structure of the programs announced - reflects significant input from the Canadian Cattlemen's Association (CCA) and beef producers from all provinces. CCA's board of directors, of which Wooddisse is a member, approved a strategic plan last month that contained many components of the recently-announced program. That plan can be viewed on CCA's website at www.cattle.ca. Said Wooddisse, "We're pleased that they took so much direction from us in developing programs that will sustain, and hopefully improve our crippled industry." While the re-opening of the United States border to live cattle continues to be a priority of industry and government alike, the new programs are designed to enhance profitability for the Canadian beef industry with or without a border opening. Friday's announcement will help to increase Canadian processing capacity which is much needed. Matching the supply of cattle to the available capacity was a key component of the CCA proposal. Two set aside programs, one for market-ready cattle and one for younger cattle, will give producers the option of retaining their animals for the short term - and selling them when prices may be stronger. This should hopefully enhance financial returns to producers. Finally, the funding will help to improve Canadian beef tracking, trace back and BSE surveillance systems - enhancements that can only help to regain the confidence of foreign markets. On Sept. 10 at approximately noon OPP were called to a residence on Amberley Road in North Huron over a break-in. Sometime overnight a person entered an unlocked shed at the rear of the property in a bush area. Once inside two chainsaws and an outboard motor were stolen. The items were two red/black Johnson Red model 920 and 2083 chainsaws and a grey Nissan 15 HP outboard motor valued at $4,800. If you have information on this theft of property contact the local OPP office in Wingham or Crime Stoppers. Tools stolen from shed in NH Ontario beef farmers grateful for federal announcement exports from Ontario to thet.S.A., in 2002 (the last normal year of trade) were valued at $354 million in live cattle and an additional $292 million in beef product. While only the federal government has announced funding, to date, Ontario's Minister of Agriculture and Food, Steve Peters, and his staff, have been in discussions with OCA on provincial participation in a cost-share arrangement similar to the one that has already been announced in Alberta. Said Wooddisse, "We expect and anticipate an Ontario funding announcement in the near future." Prior to BSE, beef was 'Ontario's second largest commodity in terms of annual farm gate receipts with a value of approximately $1.2 billion. Beef