HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2004-09-16, Page 7Elves
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Orting your health.
Smiths move to Listowel
Jump on it
Laughter and cheers echoed throughout Ethel on Sept. 12
as area children took part in the Ethel Fun Day at Grey
Central Public School. The kids participated in colouring,
making necklaces and various games. Cody Rathwell was
cheered on by his team during a relay race where three
teams had to dress up, bounce a ball, jump rope and do the
hoola before running back to their team. (Elyse DeBruyn photo)
There's been another change in
the neighbourhood as Joe and Bev
Smith have moved to Listowel. We
wish them well, as they both have
been great friends and neighbours.
Dorothy Knight, who grew up in
the Cranbrook area has moved to
A number of Cranbrook and area
residents enjoyed a trip to the
Thresher Reunion at Blyth. There
was much to see and the weather
was good.
Off to London fair this week were
many people from the area.
Congratulations to Sara Baker,
who was a page at county council in
September. She is off to Listowel
District High School this year as are
John Bentley, Mike Lefor and
Taylor Runstedler.
Cassie Fischer is back attending
university in Ottawa and Jenna
Fischer has started college in
Ridgetown to become a veterinarian
The River's Edge Golf Course at
Karen and David Smith's was busy
this past weekend as the Brussels
Crusaders and friends were golfing
and enjoyed a fundraiser there.
Leslie and Yvonne Knight
entertained the Page and Knight
families on Saturday for the 10th
wedding anniversary of Rick and
Naomi (Page) - Knight from
Richmond Hill. Will and Andrew
Knight were on holidays at Leslie
and Yvonne's last week too.
Belated birthday wishes to
Chelsey Terpstra, Sept. 9; Alice
Grey residents
want out
of Huron East
By Dale Newman
Special to The Citizen
At the Sept. 7 meeting, under new
business, Huorn East mayor Joe
Seili informed council of a meeting
in the Grey Ward of several
ratepayers not happy with
amalgamation. Local councillors
Mark Beaven and Alvin McLellan
were invited to the meeting.
Items of concern at the meeting
were Huron East signage not all in
place yet, poor roads, uncut grass on
edge of roads and not as much
construction work as in the past.
Seili felt that all wards were being
treated fairly and suggested holding
a ratepayers' meeting in every ward
to communicate where taxpayers'
dollars go.
* * *
Huron East council accepted a
tender from McLaughlin Motors,
Seaforth for a one-ton truck to be
used in the Grey Ward. The tender
was for $29,588.00.
* * *
Fire chief and community
emergency management co-
ordinator Marty Bedard informed
council that money had become
available for Jepp funding and is
waiting for official word from the
province before going ahead with
the project for a generator for the
Emergency Operations Centre.
Brothers, Sept. 10; Freda Crawford
and Madelene Steiss, Sept. 13 and
anniversary wishes to Ross and
Shirley Smith, Sept. 10 and Craig
and Lisa Workman. Sept. 11.
Upcoming birthday wishes to
-Beryl Smith, Sept. 16; Ross Knight
and Hudson Smith, Sept. 18; Cole
Terpstra and Cheryl (Smith)
McTaggart, Sept. 20 and Murray
Keffer, Sept. 22.
Don't forget to attend the Brussels
fair next week. A donation of pies to
the food booth is always welcome
Have you thought of entering
your fl owers, produce, animals or
crafts in the fair? Next exhibitors are
always welcome.
• V. Crawford, lone hand winner
Edna McLellan, Neil Hatt, Lloyd winners were Mary Davidson and
and Beryl Smith hosted the card Ross Stephenson.
party on Sept. 3 in Cranbrook. Tally card winners were Leota
The travelling lone hand winner Thompson, Adrian Verstoep, Mary
was Verna Crawford. The share-the- Huether, Keith Turnbull, Marion
wealth winners were Lloyd Weber Harrison, Lloyd Weber, Mary Craig,
and Mary Craig. The most points Bob Bremner, Eluned McNair, Bill
were gained by Viola Adams for the Craig, Helen Dobson, Neil Hatt,
ladies and Allan Edgar for the men. Isabelle Craig, and Isabelle
Those not-so-lucky were Myrna Bremner.
Burnett, Shirley Verstoep, and The next card party will be on
Eleanor Stevenson. The lone hand Sept. 17.
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