HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-03-01, Page 1ingbant tiance Single Copies . Three Cents WINGIIAM, ONT., 'THURSDAY, MARCH 1st, 1917 Subscriptions; $1,50 per year, Spring Stock and Seed Shove and Auction Sale, Tues., March 6th, Soil Improvement Convention, Fri., March 9th. I Collar Day, Tues,, March 13th. LATEST IN CHURCH UNION To the Editor of The Advance Sir:— The spirit of domination which im- perils civil liberty abroad persists in effort to suppress religious liberty at home. Men who are free to leave their Church if they wish, go where they wish, are not ccntent with that, hut are doing their utmost to bring to an end The Presbyterian Church, and to drive her homeless membership into a new Church Combine. May I refer to the latest Agency and the newest. Arguments for leading people to eubnilt to such dictation and Co.erelon. Th. latest Agency calls itself the "Montreal Presbyterian Publicity Cofnmittee." It bas been sending out a series of letters to the Press all over Canada. Of its four members the only two names known to me are Mr. W. M. Birks, Ohalrwau, and Dr. Bruce Tay. lor, Secretary, The former does not belong to our Church, but to the Pres- byterian Ohureb, U. S. A, The latter has only been a short time in Cana- da. Of the efforts of outsiders and newcomers to break up the Preebyter- lan Church, and their good taste in as- suming the task, your readers can judge. Passing from this latest Agency, not@the latest Arguments. The old arguments failed. The only result in the four years between the two votes of the people was to increase the op; position by about fifty per cent, The new arguments are of two kinds riz , names and pictures, Our people will appreciate this tribute to their in- telligence. • First comes the names. The first letter of this ''Montreal Presbyterian Publicity Committee" recently pub- lished, .coneiete of the names, occupa tions. etc.:, of forty-eight 'Presbyter- ian laymen" from Halifax to Vancouv- er. These frames are not given as members of a Committee; but as reas- one why the Presbyterian Church in Canada should be'''bloited out beeauee they think so. Presbyterians usually do their own thinking. They do, not • suppose that a little prominence in finance, politics ;or law specially qualifies for 'deciding ,questions of faith and conscience for ":others. Thirteen of the ,forty-eight names. more than one-fourth of them, are given as from Montreal. One of these to whom they call special attention as beading the list, removed from Cana - .<:da thirty year's ago. Five others of the thirteen belong to the American Church of the Presbytery of New York, Presbyterian Church, U. S. A. It is . a congregation of worthy (Continued on Page 4) PATRIOTIC _NOTES - The Society acknowledges with thanks the following donations. From the Wingham Advance, front sale of "War Rhyw5e" by Wayfarer, 55.00; from Jeanette Brock and, the Junction school for Red Orme purposes, part of the proceeds of their box social, $35.25; 'from Mre, Thos. King for Belgian Relief Fund $15.00; from the pupils of Miss Reynold's room in the putic school for the relief of the Belgian children, $t0O; from Mre. Aitcheson, first aid pillowe. The regular meeting of the Society will be held, in the Council Chamber on Friday, March 2nd, at 3,30 o'clock. ,The iX Ai •jtores < n�nUK�. 1.�gVURAI7i. TE_ raw(' S'fGele:S r EY*JF, SPECIALISTS r At ''McKIBBON'..' DRUG STORE WE, ASF_ HERE TO SERVE YOU (V EVERYBODY'S COLUMN tICTION SAt eseStock and implements for 1 at N. t•2Let in, Cmulls;en. 2., mulls; awl+; e sale p.m. obi' Wee. +irari% 7th. • 1.1 , Bl;xxtar. Auot,. MA twesa denten, !, prop. r1(''.CXOl'1` HALE -.Mr. V. J. illllhs otforieO his • bones. Battle implements, ct f by ublldauotion at his tarm is w Agl:ntn on Monter, March Stet. nee large bills. T. ll. i3IzYuEIT, Auctioneer. A E-A doelrable 100 aero farm, lot Nb, L' 201 #' Inte's+ the propertyof F 28 3u 2nd Con. et S ({aunt, Brisk dweilln large the hoe Georgen n barn and good. ppt4uttdinge, splendid re and garden. About 41 acres bush and WOO Oo Alter rail, t le eituntcd about three e� frau and ei mil r zzi r ti K tool b wl u **trout h Linsirriow, and will bo sold ata reasonable giros. Apply to r r ,n i t;ANsr Mc(.o� Real ll:etete 11goutand Auctioneer, ggAn (IEtLB w&NiiTireti to tneske trains ane Wv llavee. Apply 10 :Mg_ fOire l't 'BALM •-A a cart piano in goodW, D. Pei:Mg • Viet). - Tents eon, Atntit et AISvette % orrleer, iron eraalcrvatat wantesi apply to .Mft-7 1t01;r, Beatty. kite -'Fill, be reeedvecl be the un'er. sed for fO cords of green hardwood. 20 tat. relaters *ill be received up ?ill tit city Wicg1.atn 41 AUX; UB LOST... riudar will be rage d Church Pews /y1..,,..WW.I.,N,.IM AI.A•.IHN 'V! Mre. Peter Fisher of Toronto delighted the Baptist congregtt:ion on Sunday by rendering solos mcrnrng and evening. Service in St, Paul's Church (this) Wednesday at 7.30, Subject "The Prodigal Son". The topic at the Epworth League next Monday evening will be "Tim- othy the Christian Student orad Trach- er" and will be taken by Mrs. Hilbert. Holy Communion next Sondtay in St. Paul's at 11 a.tn. Tho Rector wit preach at both services,Morning sub- ject, "The Canaanite Woman" Even- ing subject "Simon and the Woman that was a SInner." Regular eervices will be held next Lord's Day at the Methodist church at 11 a. in, and 7 p. m„ Pastor, Rev. J, W. Hibbert will preach at both ser- vices. Morning subject, "Lesec ne in Discipleship." Good music, attentive ushers. You are welcome. Coyne. Ttif DEATH ROLL. MRS. JOHN HERGOTT There passed away in Wingham, on Friday evening last, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Lockeridge, Victoria St,, Frances Dierment, be- loved wife of John Hergott, aged 74 years. Deceased's home•wae in Rivers - dale, but together with her• hurtband they were visiting at the h•:me ctr tier daughter. Rev, Father Felice, con- ducted the funeral services in the S)c- red Heart Church on Monday morning, the burial took place to the Wingham Roman Catholic cemetery TIiO,i'IAs COULTES Tho remains of the late Thomas Couites,who died at his home in Blues vale on Saturday morning, were laid to rest on Monday afternoon, De- ceased was in his 78th year and was very .highly respected. He is survived by hie widow also three sous 'tad two daughters. l5dns. ARCHIBALD PATTERSON It was with astgniehment that the many friends of Mrs. Arcbibald Patt- erson learned of her death, which took place at her home on Monday. She suffered a paralytic stroke a few days ago from which she never fully re- covered. Her maiden name was Cath- erine Johnston and the family resided at Bluevale before coming to Wing- ham several years ago. Deceased was in her 57th year and was a devout member of the Presbyterian church. She ie survived by her husband also five sons and two daughters viz.—Har- tip, civil engineer in Spain, Edgar, New York, James, Calgary, Gordon, Winnipeg, William, Toronto, Mrs. Hodgins of Toronto and Misses Marg. aret and Victoria at home. The funeral will be held to Wing - ham The. on Friday afternoon. The family have the " Bpwpathy of a large circle of friends. A High Compliment. The ]61st Huron Battalion will he the first battalion to go to the frontas a unit for twenty months, They are being brought to strength with men from the 142ad and the I08..l Bette. lions. Do You Want a Bicycle ? A few second-hand bicycles for sale all overhauled and in good repair. Call in and secure yours and make a - eposit on it and take advantage of the winter price. Watch for our new dandies due here in a few days. also a complete new lino of tires and acces- sories for the different makes of wheels, Let us overhaul your bicycle and put it in good repair befog a the busy season arrives, and take advan- tage of the winter prices. Apply to Wingham Cycle and Machine Co. Appointed to Seven Committees In leaking over the Standing Com- mittees of the Provincial Government, which were appointed a couple of days ago, we were delighted to find the name of "Huron's Grand Old Man,'' A. H. Musgrove, on seven out of tho ten committees appointed. He sae been appointed a member of the foll- owing committees: Printing, FIeh and Game, Agriculture and Ooaoniza• tion, Municipal.,aw, Public Aurounfe, Private Bills, and 49.11wayu. g.'seibly e,, lei t e"ib rue no other m n fir of the a i l lg more popular or his advice i}tore sought after than the nletnt;er for North Huron, Given a Commisalon. 'The friends of E.Copelend will he glad tohear he has been returned to Eng land and given a commlesiont station-- ing him in a y. M. 0, A. near Whitley Cam . He ex resees himself as Nein .. P P g more than delighted at being assigned is position so dear the'Oita, having the opportunity of again assoclating With so many of his old clautlis, .flit addreso now le Lieut. F'a 5, Copelannd, 36 Coleman at, ern Oanndien 'i , tl. C. A. Lowliest, ls), a , • iyuglomi, MID Doue(ev—•At Toronto i(l,,•tt-rjt il. sp�r• heti, Thursday, Feb, 22nd, Rte. A. B. Dobson of rurdwtch, in bile 04tb • year, HOW ICK MUTUAL INSURANCE Company Hold Annul Meeting at Gorrie The annual meeting of the Howick Mutual Fire Iusurapee Company, which wee Instituted in 1873, was held Tuesday afternoon, Feb, 13:h, in the Town Hall, Gorrie. Attendance was not as large as usual but a live interest was manifested in the programme. At 2 o'clock President Jno. Jackson called the meeting to order and made a brief address suitable to' the occasion Minutes were read by Secretary W. S. McKercher and were confirmed on motion of W. hl. Sinolair, seconded by Wm. Spotton. Next came the Directors' Report, the 44th, which showed the No. of Policies issued in 1910 to be 1540 and No, in force at close of year 5,434., 'A, mount of business written was 53,410, 820; amount expired and cancelled $3,221,035, leaving the net amount in force at oloyeof last year 511,015.652, being an increase for year of the large sum of $195,785 in the amount at risk Premium notes held by Co, .5580,783 and amount available on such notes $524,267. Losses paid on buildinge and oontenta from lightning, $2,058; unknown causes, $7,112; from furnaces, stoves,` stovepipes, and chimneys, 53,321; other causes, $806; live stock killed and damaged in fields by light- ning, $3,065. H. W. Edgar, vice -Pres• ident moved the adoption of report and D. D. Sanderson seconded it. Re• port was adopted. Auditor Bennett, Wingham, pre- eented the Auditors' Report and gave a running comment on the same that was lucid and explanatory. Receipts were shown to be $42,076. In the°'ex- penditurej was $500 to Patriotic Fund and $500 to Red Cross Fund, Among the investments were 55,018 in let Dominion m on of Canada War Loan and $11,700 in Second. Cash on deposit $3,404 Commission to agents was nearly $1500 Investigating aliog and ad- justing -justing claims; $622; Secretary.Treas- urer's 'salary, $1200; Directors' feee, $392; Auditors', $30; printing, station. ery and advertising, .$186; President, $25;. Postage, telephone and express, $107. Value of Oompany'e office at Wroxeter $1300 and value of deben- tures $27,000. Interest received $1.501 and from investments $8,000. This very satiefactory report was adopted on motion of Jno. Stewart and Wm. Stinson, The chair was then vacated by the President and W, H, Kerr of the Bruseele Post, chosen as Chairman and -after a few remarke the business wee proceeded with. Retiring Directors were John Jack. son and Alex McKercher. They were re-elected by acclamation by a motion presented by W. H. Grigg and John Warren. . • On motion of A•. E. Toner and D. Halliday, T. R. Bennett and A. A Graham were re -appointed Auditors for 1917, Thanks were returned by the quar- tette chosen in felicitous speeches. brief and pointed. A program of abort addresses fol- lowed by Directors Jas. Kirton, Jno. A. Bryans, A. E. Gallaher, vice -Presi- dent Edgar, Solicitor Sinclair, Deputy - Reeve McNab, J. Shearer, A, McEwen, J. McGuire and W. S. McKercher. Various subjects were well discussed such as the daty, of policyholders to avoid smoking about buildings, to re- port fires or stock killed promptly' di6loulties over some settlements, the busines ..like management. prompt payment of claims, only $3.50 paid in law costs in ,11110, the withdrawal of Osgoode policyholders by the organ- ization of a new Vompany, credit de- served by the pioneer directors of the Howick Mutual and the line way their successors are living up to past hie. tory, the long and spendid service rendered by the obliging and ever courteous Secretary -Treasurer McKey. cher, this being his 28th year. The atter disclaimed any special credit, but he bad tried to do his duty and was grateful if hie fforte were ap- preciated, He thought a meed of praise was deserved by past " Director. atee, Mr. McKercher suggested Bev eral ways in *bleb the policyholders could greatly aid the Board. A vote of thanks was tendered the Chairman by President Jacleson and. b. D.•Sandersoti and tbie ne 'meeting was concluded by singing 'the lationa'1 Anthem, The Directors met immediately at the close when Me, ,tacltson was ret appointed President for the coming yearant111. W. Edgar, vioe•..Preeident• The Howick Mutual Is • second to none among the Mutual Fire Insur- ance Companies in Ontario and the prospects are more encouraging for the coming year, 10 live agents cover the territory enca>prpaaseti lry the Cone, pany and handle a large voluroe of bueineee. No Ocmpany can tint -do the Lowick for prompt payment of elalme when the proof le f ortlaootning and this rant hat done ankh to' eetabllsh the unbounded confidence that ie felt by Hid public in connectier with the in. tegrity of the Co. and the hu,inese,like method& adopted. The l; owiek Mutual is to congratulated no their birtery, Monthly meetings of the B.'rrd are tiara in the comfortable oMoo b.4iidings in 'Wroxeter on thee lit . Tuesday in each naontit, r........hAr ..04.1AAA....}110,..A.N.AlAdA AAAA,..1 'local Item Mr, A. Omens was iu Gotierioh Inst week, attending to to, duties at, county auditor. Gee. Colvin of Teeswater, a member of the 160th Battalion, died of pneu- monia, Ritchie and Cosens report the sale of the McGuire house in the town plot, to Mr. J, P. Wellwood. Mre, Leonard Walton of Sarnia, underwent an operation and at present is in a very critical condition. Matk Cassels who has been in 'tile employ of King Bros, has accepted a position in the Weetern Foundry Mr, Lachie Pearin has again resum- ed his position at the Union Factory, as their stalwart night-watchman. Mre. Dore received a telegram from her son Sergt. Harry Dere saying that he had arrived safely. at Si, John's, N. B. Nothing further stated as to when they will continua their voyage, The Auditor's Reports for the Town of Wingham have just been printed at this office and have been delivered to Clerk Groves, who will be pleased to give them to anyone who wishes one. Remember the Spring Stock and Seed Show and. Auction Sale at The Farmet'a Home Stables on Tuesday next. Catalogues may be had from the secretary -treasurer A. G. Smith at the ADVANCE effi e, after Friday. . Messrs Harvey Willie afid Paul Gill. espie intend • having on Thursday morning for London where they will train with Army Medical Corp; Mr, Gillespieb' place in the Dominion 'Bank is bing taken by Mr. Ezra Pocock. r. E. Mahood, contractor, has pur- c asedMr. Wm. Nicholson's lot on the west side of Frances St. and will erect a fine brick dwelling tri eon during the corning Bummer. he sale was made through the R chic & Uoeeus agency. We would delight in 'tightening a shoe Igoe around the fellows•••'whirstls" that predicted an open winter, It is bad enough, even when prepared to run up against difllculties, but to be led astray by a false prophet is what gets our goat," Mre. George Hargrave of Itoseduff, Sask., formerly of Howick, accompani. ed by her youngest son. William, and also her grandedaugir,ter. Mian Baynes, of Orillia, spent 'last week visiting se the home of the former's trother, Mr. Jos. 13. Williamson, second con. of Howick. A man in a nearby vicinity when asked for a contribution for the sup- port of the Red Cross Work replied to the lady who asked for it "to the dev. it with such work." .i'hie man is neith- er a gentleman or a true Britisher and is not worthy of the protection of th'e Union Jack, Mr. J. P. Walters is in town this week, have bought out Mr Kra+z' interest in the shoe business for some time conducts under the name of Walter & Co.. and managed by Mr. Krote and ;announces a big fifteen dayroval sale beginning toda ,-- bm g g y Goderich Star. ' Miss Glenn of Glenn -•Charles, Toron- to, Canada's Hair Fashion Store, will be in Wingham, Monday, March 5th, at the Queen's Hotel, with a full line of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Hair Goods. If you are not satiefled with the appearance of your hair consult Miss Glenn, free demonetration. a In the Forester's Hall, Belmore, on' Monday, March, 5,h, the literary aro ciety are giving an Irish concert in the form of a contest; two sides are chosen each to. put on a complete program. Judges to decide which is the winner, This will be an Al concert. Come and enjoy it. Proceeds to go to the patrle otic funds. Adtniesion .25 cents. The writer of communication of lac week signed as "A Lover of the l3eaut• iful" ciliates' to correct one iwong impress.oiu created by. his letter, he did not With to infer that Chief Allen became 'vexed when information was laid concerning the hen), but rather the neighbour against wiioni the infor- mation was laid; t ur big gond natured chief ig always courteous and pleasant. The I attiotir' S_neiety is enrtiota0 to secure all the toots paper, old hooks pint aetnre, scribhleta, at -ti etc, and au appeal le made to till the surrounding country to save all such, tie securely in convenient bundlee, and leave same either at McKlnboty's Drug store or with Me. Groves at the Town Olerk's office, This is an easy method of son. tributing to the fundr, and we earn. estly hope that all will respond to this appeal, a A word to automobile owners, watch our ail for automobile accessories• and repairing in the neat' future, including the famous Pennsylvania vaeuutn earl Wee, absolutely non-skid and oil proof guaranteed 'hitt thetteantl rolled and e+c l' n ;; at she regular *oleo tvie'h 'Atiu- uetory a tdju.ortt'•rets toad,• 3a•, I.• a.d ti we are alftio st1.;'.,tl st'. Other b.; ;.., e4 titee. Li't us 1419i9„ •„,91rr ea Ala; ^he M --Gu 'y44' rr, loi•k rir'+rf rr,.g le-. e •naso your power and wave, ;. a•• anal oil. Call and ere ►k; no o.... slt awe piston ft'or 4.nel; ,.0 Ira, .a_I• t ,:,t t'f ^I etettm engine. WI:Ttllrllf ellertuu & 14AC41,tkiltt, Utlr, WINtDHAM'S DOLLAR DAY To be Held on Tuesday,. March 13th, At the Special Meeting of the Board of Trade held on Tuesday morning it was decided to hold Dollar Day on Tuesday, March 13.h. A letter was also read from the Colonial Knitting Co, in which they stated that after duly considering the matter of a branch factory at Wingham, which they promised to start if they would be guaranteed at least 50 girls, they could not now see their way clear to come unless by bringing their entire. factory which they would do if the town would loan them $25;000 or take stock in their company for that amount. Over thirty girls have registered at the office of the Secretary. The Board is in communication with other factories. WEDDINU BELLS DICIKMAN—REID A quiet wedding of two of Wing - ham's popular young people was solemnized at the Rectory in Palmers. ton at High Noon on Wednesday, 2lst inst. The contracting parties being: Gladys Margaret Reid, student of Wingbam Business College and only daughter of Mrs, H. Reid of Drayton, and Chas. F. Dickman of A. 3. Nichols' Bakery, The ceremony was perform- ed by the Rev. Brettand the bride who was unattended was very prettily attired in a dreso of cream georgette erepe with overdress of net and lace. The happy couple will make their home in Wingham and the best wishes of a large number of friends are ex- tended to them for a long and happy voyage on the matrimonial sea. The wedding took place on Tuesday, Feb, 20th, at high noon, in Knox church, Woodstock, of Esther Marg. aret, daughter of the late Mr. Colin Campbell and Mrs. Campbell of Lae - sing, Mich,, and niece of Mr, and Mrs. Alby Robinson, Princess St. and Mr.. John W. Hanna, son of the late John Hanna of Wingham, the ceremony being conducted by the Rev. L. B. Gibson L. L. D. The bride was given in marriage by-- Mr, Alby 'Rohinson, and wore a most becoming suit of Burgundy blue broadcloth with trim- mings of seal, a smart satin bat of the 4Inme shade and white fox furs, with a b1.quet of sunset roses and violate: She was attended by her cousin, Mise Margaret Robinson, as bridesmaid, who wore a white broadcloth gown, with a coat of putty colored cheviot and carried pink roses. The . groom. was supported by Mr. Robert 1!. King of Wingham. The "ceremony was witnessed by only the immediate rela- tives and friends. Mr. and Mre, Hanna left on the 1,08 train for New York, and after a fortnight's trip they will make their home in Winghamr tl ;LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS To Muskoka Free Hospital for Com suniptives The Treasurer of the Muskoka Free ns Consumptives Hospital for Coneump i e desires gratefully to acknowledge the follow. ing: • contributions received in Wing. barn by the Field Secretary of the National Sanitarium Association: -- Collection .$5 62 R. O. Redmond, M.D 600 Mies M. L Whyte. 5 00 Wiiegbam Town Council, ...: 5 00 Howson & Brocklebank 3 00 J. W. McKibbon ° 2 00 King Bros 200 H. E. Isard 2 00 C. P. Smith..... 200 R S. Williams. ,,.,...,200 J. A. Anderson 100 E. O. Garrett M. E. Zurbrigg Wan. Field G, Mason J, Manna S. Bennett ' e. 1. 00 Rev. J• W. 1Jibbert�. 1 00 A; riend50 niorrett, ,., 60 q. 13rooke 25 A. J'. Irwin, D. D. S., 500 G, R. Smith, 13. A 5 00 W. D. Pringle 5 0 200 33 . A.GoLsan,. 300 W. 11, Willie. 2 00 W. J. Greer ,,,,. 2 00 A. M. Scully • 2 00 F. Isleisean..,, . , 200 EL H. ,.., .,, 200 F EI, Burch er 1 00 W l3. Gurney ..,..... 100 3, A. Morten, ......... 1 00 3.l•I, Christie ..... ,,,,,.,. 1 00 Ir, M, Doan, D. D. 5 .............. 1 OJ J. Ritchie 1 00 ,,.,.100 ,,,.,'1 00 ,,..,. 100 40, ••,::,.,.• .....tOg (•i,Alltln,..,...,/,,n,,,,..,,,.,,, 1 50 A. J.ROSS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ill ,*VIM 50 3 3, Davie ,,.,,...,. 2u Total $S2esesesees13 end :r ea�'13. 0 hocks Tee . Pole Y, M y tsenes pleased' au,ex^.itlr ,ytwame of 11..elre i ss. • Vl7,.,ineeilay, the 41' :i lost. Thu Fitly s tt a,, 0.-. G. BORN 1 M,t.sss es -In W!tigh'ttn, on Pell 22..0, to Mr, circ lira. John Mason; a coni, personals Mre. A. Coutts is visiting with her daughters in London. ,1r, Tony Nichol spent a few days in town with his familyt, Mee Gladys Williams Is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr, 3. Morritt and Geo, Spotton were In Brussels on Monday. Miss Gerrie White of Gerrie, yisit.• ed Mise Viola Isard over Sunday, • Mr. and Mrs. George Wraith visited with friends ill Culross, last week. Ones Sadie Giddens of Gorrie, le 'visiting with her friend, Mise Lillian Commove, Mies Olive Beamer has accepted a position as head milliner in a Strat- ford house. Miss Pearl Tueuer of Westford is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mre. Geo. Wraith, Mr. David Watters of Attwood, spent the weekend at the horpe of H. T, Thompson. Mr. Alf Lockridge.of Preston, is vie. Mug at the home of hie parents on Victoria Street.• Mrs, Wm, Robertson returned to her home in Donnybrook, after spend- ing a few days in town. Mrs: 3. Bruder and daughter Jean of Greenock, spent the week -end at the home of Mr, John Lookridge. Mies Nettie Weiler returned to Tor- onto after spending the past couple of months at her hones) on the 8th con. Turnberry."" Mr. Andrew Pringle returned to Saskatoon on Tueeday after spending a couple of months with relatives in Turnberry. Mr, attd Mre, J. Hergott and three ,sone of Walkerton, were in town at- tending the funeral of the late Mrs. John Hergott. • The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the WIngham General Hospital, will 'be held in she council chamber on Monday at 4.15: Mre. Albert‘ Hughes of the Wing - ham Junction, who has been ill for the past two months I t not improving, as fast as her many friends would like to see ,her. 1r. and Mre, Jas; Leishman return- ed tb their home in the West on Fri- day after spending the winter with the Iatter's mother, Mrs, Bosman, Diagonal Road. Mies Margaret McLean who has been et clerk in the Post Office fee the pest couple of years, has accepted a position in. the Bank of Commerce, Her place in the office has been• taken by Miss Verna McDonald- 4110D cDonald ''GOD SAVE OUR MEN' God save our noble men, May they return again. Victorious) Defend them now, we pray Go with them day by day, Give them the victory, God save our menI Lord Jesus, let Thy love Fall on them from above On tb"em deacendl With them their Borrow share, Help them their pains to bear, When death their life ehall tear From thein away God save our King and Queen, Long may they live and reign, In righteouenesel In love may they be found, In Jeeus Christ abound, With Thy rich blessing crown'd, Till Jesus conies, NEWS FROM THE 161ST The fallowing is parts taking from a letter from Col. Combe to his wife, which makes reference to, the 161st Batt: --- Witley, Feb, 2nd, 101,7 We arrived in Witley Camp Tues- day at about 4 o'clock, ¶hie ie a very large camp, artillery and infantry, in fact the whole new fifth division, Wo belong to the 14th Brigade. When we left West Sandting, got 10 mem- bers of the 142ad Battl. Band and also the leader of the 168th Battle I have a great Band. A fighting Battalion Is larger and different front a training battalion and diXerent to a Reserve battalion. I will have 46 officers and 120 non-com. officers. We will also have 52 horses. This is the best catnp we have struck sinoe corning to Eng. land, We have splendid officeral' quer- .g large fere linin roomm , ante -room, wash rooms and cloak rooms. each staff oflleer has a separate room, wtth fire oleos and electric lights, Bath mire in each hut, hot and cold water. We halve sorgeante mese and 1lattl. Inetttute rooms for the men, I recein• ed 52 men all between 1$ tool 10 years of at;e from. the 4th Ree rye lined, and ono et a (haft from tht, 25'-' 1t •r'alve Baal. I dei not, know how long we will be here, but it will be until some time in Marti). Our appoimittent was certainly a sutpriee to all Pae llokeri battalions here, Until 13. ft r1 ,•I '1 rl .I Il r rl • • „I 'I •�r +�I i• sti Ih 1'1 -�1 .•v nl1A`^+ I .\',){;155 Ultu,,.101g1 q'( 19 cent. Sale Monday,Tuesday,Wedneaday March 5,1 6, 7. 19c. is worth 25c. 25c Hydrogen Peroxide 19C 25o Tooth Bruch 19c 25a Almond Cream 19c 25e Tooth Paste.... 19c 25c Faoe Cream 19c 25o Talcum Powder 19c 25s Face Powder 19c 25a Toilet Paper, 19c 25e Stomach and Liver Pille19c 25c White Liniment • 19c SPECIAL PRICES 25e Asperin Tablets , ,'I9c 25a Syrup. of Figs 19c 28c Cough Mixture 19C 25e Pipes .19c 25c Toilet Soap (3 cakes) 19c 25o Skin Soap 19c 25c Box Stationery.. 19C 25e Envelopes (50)... s ...... •.'1 9c 25c Writing Pad.... 9C 25oBot. Petdiuwe N 19c on all Stock Foods. Dr. Hess' International and Royal Purple for Show Day, March Gth, (War Tax xtra). J. WALT. McKIBBON DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN Agent for C. P. R. Tickets Phone 53 r, WN ARE HERE TO b.E9,VL YOU .. I 1 l' II. 1' r�. l5 'I 4,, 5. I; COMMUNICATION Mr. Editor:-- -- What would we do without the press? We would be like a boat upon the bill. ows without a Light -house, a ship without a rudder; through the columns of the press we oftimes learn wisdom, and even today, I believe the pen to be more mighty than the sword. Not being quite so comprehensive as some, would like, dear Sir, just to ask two or three questions. Supposing the Hydro Electric is allowed to come to Wingham, what will be done with present plant ? The Hydro people tell us that they will buy it. Will they give to us its full face value i Again this plant was bought by the rate -pay. ere of Wingham; consequently should not all ratepayers (not consumers ex- clusively) keep the plant up to the times ? Would not a tenant 'be a fool to greatly improve his dwelling. and double its value, efmply that the owner might receive the full value of the seine ? By virtue of ownership the whole town should pay for improve- ments, thus giving the consumer a cheaper rate, .Again is it not strange, none can tell us how many $. Watts there are in a horse power and yet all power is sold by the K, Watt, A, 4.. Watt seems to be a word without any definition. The minimum rate as I underetand it, is it flat rate for large consumers; large consumers undoubtedly should have a lower rate; but yet withal a minimum rate is not fair to those consumers, whose power. sometimes only a few hours per day, and for which they would have to pay the same, as for ten and some cases only a few hours in a week. Our Electric, Light committee are up against a hard proposition, being ae it were tenants, and the ratepayers owners, who are quietly laughing in their sleeves, and like the lilies, they neither toil nor do they spin, but leave the toiling and spinning to the consumers, and wbetl all improvements have been made, the whole concern, lack, stack and barrel, will be claimed by the town, Thanking you, Sir, very much for the space you have given, and also for your long suffering and -great patience with one so dense, 1 would remain Respectfully yours thrum Jos.rt P. S. -- Since writing the above, 1 find the big consumers of Electric Power are not governed by the min- ium rate. for when their power exceeds 750 K. W., they pay 2 cents instead of 3 cents per K. W. and quite right ter but yet it is not fair for the small con - termer to have to pay the minium, whether he rune fifty hours per week or only five. Morris The ontcrtaintfetit .held Friday evening n the echool house S. S. No. I Menlo, Was a decided • success despite the bad reads and revere weather. A splendid musical and literary programme was well received by the large and appreciative audience. R. R. I McCormick' of Blyth very ably acted at chairman ,(. Vtr. Sellers of Chinook, a. ler Alt ,eraw the lucky ticket which won the atttograph quilt. The names and sale of tickets for quilt atuounted to 560.00 and door rceeipt were $35.00. malting total of $95 00 which pet to the led Croat Pond Much of the succeed of the affair la dtte te the tIn. tiring efforts ref the teacher. tiles Lillian E Steb'enrand the young people of flats section who eo ably aIsieted her' in Milo ing this the second succeesful entertain ment held in the school for the benefit of our wounded boys who have so pliantly been fighting our battle for free ions and liberty on the battle-fkeldt of prance and Flagella Clean -Up -Sale $HOES We are clearing out all lines of footwear in which the sizes are broken, and' to make a quick clean up we have cut prices deep. •20 Pairs Women's Lace. and Button : Boots. .Regular Price $3,50 and $4..ao.Sale pric $1.98.. Art 18 Pairs Men's Booth. Regular price $4.00 and $5.00. Sale price $ 3.00. • Also big bargains in Misses' and Children's. Ar Act Quick! Pick out your size. W. J. Greer Boots rand Shots krrasossaceeassoneenessesenamess — tennewenenn R. A. CURRIE Graduate ofeanadianEmbalt here Association We carry a large and fret - class stock of FUNERAL REQUISITES A'large stock' of everything .found in a modelrnfurniture store Store Phone 51 Residence 155 Italwsriw►Alwl 1 1 . Belmore Mrs. R. Grainger of Molesworth, visite ed friends Isere. AIr.-and Mrs. Jas Barton 17 on, were visitors at no. Abraham's on Tuesday. Miss Verna Cline of Harristonis visit* iug old friends beim, Sergt, Mussel Abraham of 163rd way home over the week -end, Rev, Dir. Clyesdale of Salem, odcupied the pulpit in the Methodist ohurck here on Sunday. Mr Campbell of Itordwich, spent Sling• day at the house of Mr. Jos, Douglas, s, The Women's Institute will hdlg thole„ tnontltly meeting in the ball on Sat. March Ord, A lull attendance i3 requested. The mail soutteet over R, It 1. Wto°e4. e_ter bee hem let to Mr, Wet, li'falaya 1towk1C township, A box at'ciai and splendid ltretrrttenio will be held ins the Methodist chat'•h on Wal. e.r. * 1144, A good tithe is in store. Mr J Arttell of Regina le vl+ititn his stater Mrs 'till. W. 11. Irwin sold a flee colt last weeks for a wood elan,