HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-02-22, Page 704;, .6A1 PEEPING WW1; POR MAINTENs ANCE AND MILL Some yea01 age the alietseerl Pertinent Station conducted a test With 0, dairy ow to determine if poke sags What bearing' the inherent rank-proaueing clutrecteristice lted on her ability te produce milk, even Provided elm bad given no feed with which to Make it. TIM cow Wan on test for tattle dim after frosheeing, and Was 'fed only tztuOligh to satisfy maintenance reettiremente. So Wong Was her inherent stimulatiou that indeed ot militing Poorly he took that feed whIcie should -have gone to maintete ance end used it for the productien of milk. As a xesult elie was so emaciated and wet* at the end of the period that the could hardly stand, yet she lied produced in the reedit approximately ' the same amount Of Milk as she had in the corresponding thirty days of her previous 'ovation period when }ale had been fed enough to meet both eroduction ane maintenance require- ments, Her inherent tendeneY to produce intik bad been so strong that she had ruined her body, but bad itot stopped giving milk. This inherent abilley to produce milk 16 present in every dairy eow to a certain extent, and saould be given a chance to deyelop at a, time ot freshening. One df the greatest mistakes made by dairymen is in feeding cows heavily the first month after they freshen. Most men be- lieve that sueli a practice it) neces- sary in order to make a cow c0e ' to be Milk; but the test at Mis- souri demonstrates that It is not the feed that causes the milk sevrea Mut the first thirty days; it is the birth of the calf and the consequent teed for her offspring. A °owes ability to produce milk • is limited by two factors:- First, her inherent stinaulus, cut represeneed, by her dairy breeding; seeped, her Paeity to eat and digest food. as% profitable producer must have both • to a marked fumed. Perification is a severe strain on a con's system, altateugh in most eases no particular outward sigo.• Is visible. Por months the blood has been flowing to nOurisli the growing fetus; then the dalf is born and there Is a quick change of blood from the* fates -to the mammary organsIf - •at the same time 'heavy feeding is started au extra supply of blood Is called to the digestive traet. Such a stride, ;wilt not be apparent im- ntediately, and the eow seezii to bedoing well. But bad resulte Will show later. About the sixth or eighth week the milk yield will drop several pounds and the milker will ba puzzled to explain the reason. The •explanation is • simple: The straba of the heaVy feeding early in her lactation period has had its ef- fect, and her system has rebelled. On the other hand, take the cow that has been carefully handled. When - she has freshened feed has been give en to het, ea her milk has increase& There has been we forcing to make • ber Some to her teak; her naturel stimulation has been allowed to take eare of that. This cose will develop • her naillaproducing' qualities mitt her digestive capacity at the same time, with no undue strain, on ithere When she readiesher full milk flow and her lull feed at the fifth; ".7.3ek JsiXth or seventh week she is 'there te stay because her .whole -system has been gradually- d*loped and.: strengthened, Mad Is in sympathy ▪ with' the 'Work thatit aim to ao, A peir of milk seala Is laclisieere: sable at this time: A record Of the caW's perfermance• for the year is a splendid thing to have, but it is art tt. guide to the intelligent feeding of the cow that the dales 'stied pre-eminent. Hang the milk .scales a a convenient place in the barn and watch the milk produetionafter the cow trashed.' Let the •• feed follow the milk for the first six weeks, rather time make the mine follow the feed. Thiti Amite. 'will not be startting for' the 'filet week or two; the cow's production svIll not jump tweeter three pounds ditily, but whee she dins reMb. ;her • Unlit she Will etick W it. a• "-. SOME I:EASURES. One barrel contains 81 1-2 Wickes, ORO cubic foot of water coeteins 7.48 gallons. re One gallon of Water weigns about 8- 2-3 pounds. One piet of water weighs about one pouzid. Pine weighs abet .35 .pounds ' per libie foot, •. • • Oakieeighs. alaelia' 45 '• pemids leer cubic' amt. •• : . • Cenerete weighs. *about 150 pounds per 4eebee loot. • • • • Immo' 11.11111.11111111hreirailiMMINIMM • • . tr Theitugh mixingis what makes cake delieate "and tender antic Sug makesthobest eakebeif' efiuseitereatus quickly • and thoroughly with. - the butter which is hardestpartofthernix. hip. Its purity and extra Vine" trartulab tion utake t dissolve 'at Once* • 2 a"td 5.11). Cartons 10 and 294b. Bags 4 'The .411.Purpose Sugar OOKING FOR AN ARMY ON CANADA'S YLITARY 4,000 Um. fresh meat and bacon. 1,240 lbs. beans, 1,600 loaves of bread. 60 bags of potatoes, 1;400 'lb's. of sugar. 400 lbs. of coffee. • 100 lbs. of tea. • 300 gale. 0? milk, 600 lbs. of butter, 600 lbs. of oatmeal. Some of the staples provided • for 'a battalion en route Camp Braden, Ont., to Halifax, N.S. r-C*4 Neaten the full account l written a Canada's participation in the war there will be no more interesting chapter than that dealing with the methods verriployed in transporting* this great army of Men from the training areas :to .the seaboard, over distances, in many instances, ef theueands of miles, and thenee from our' Atlantic .ports to -the English canms and the trenches of Flanders and Vnenee. One side ot ihis work which stands out moat clearly is the else Of the Military' aining cars7711101% have been specially create -d in' Canada, to provide Our'•seedienewith meals while on .their long eailway journeys. No country In the world ever faced the problem. of OArrYing over so great a distance by rail so Melly Men 'and to meet the sit- uation- something new in railroad equipment had to be provided to attend to the tooking and serving of meals. 'The ordinary dining car, as compact as Watch in it arrangement, can feed thirty people at ane sitting, but how :to dine hundreds of men 'et one time was the 'problem. That it has (been mastered in splen- did tashdon lea oomphertenit to the dining bar- eaperts tz;f Canada, and pare tieularly to Mr. 3D. W. SmitbeSuperin- tendent of dining and parlor car ser- vice, Grand Trunk Railway. System, So successful have been the methods! adepted.en the Grand Trunk that they haye attracted the attention of author- ittes-in sal 'parts of the -World and were recently- inquired Into .by the United State e Government. . The. Grand Trunk Commissary Car shovrn in the illustration is the largest travelling kitchen ever devised. It is eighty feetelong, has -a full-sized hotel range ten feet du length, steam -cook. I a • • 0 • • • • .0 00 .0 "SPECIALS" Grand Trunk Commissar' Car. !rig apparatus and isexty-foot refriger- ator space and store -room eapeeity for Many tons of provisions. Eight coats work in it without cosaifteeion while a passagelwarrueening the whole length of the car allows the military waiters to pass on 'their way to and from tho coaches. In the movement et a battalion two of those oars are used, the military special being run, as a rule, in two sections. Tao commissary car is placed in the centre Of the train In order that it is easy of access from ail' the coaches.• When a battalion en- trains the ConernissarY DePara- raent is always the aubjett -et keen ilnterelet among the men in khaki. The military cooks aro for the time being Out of action. The cones tort of the naen, Sb far as diet is con- cerned, depends _upon the- railway's crew, in, charge of a specially chosen steward. The system of service is ex - Pleased to the' soldiers by the steward at the. first rneal on the trate. The nonecomenis.sione-cl officer in eaci eoath appoints his own welters. Funiebually as the minute lean:cl of the 'watch -reaches the r meal hour the waiters from the first earon the train and the last ear walk through to the commissary, The cooks have' teen 'preparing for hours and every- thing is ready and piping hot. Along the great counter is spread the various portions of the meal. It is breakfast time and the morning menu calls for oatmeal porridge, meats, potatoes, bread and butter, jam and coffee. Two men take., the big trays of meats and potatoes, another the brectel, already sliced and buttered, another the porridge, another the coffee and so to the end. As soon as the ilrst two coaches have been sup- plied two more El quads of -waiters ar- rive_until all are served. Within fif- teen minutes every man on the train is busy with his meal. Serving over twelve hundred :men in fifteen minutes without fuss ur furore means 'organization and that is the secret of this railway's method of tandling tho pfoblem. The rule Is that every man shall be qampav eupplied and nothing delights the cook more than to see boys relish some favorite dish so well that they come back for "more Three fine meals a day make happy in- - terludes onethe long rail journeys. The appreciation of the officers and men for the service given makes the hard work necessary In carrying out the testi ae'pleasure to the men concerned. ANS Stone wizialle trent 135 to 200 pounds per euble foot: ' - Saingiteen 'cubic feet of clay weighs uilitautsaesettegeesse, s Eighteen., enlate 'feet; ofaiavel in bank.weigh about a UM. • TWOuty-seven feet of gavel, • dry, weigh abate a ton, •- •ILime weighs 75 pounds per bushel. NOTES. • Sell the cream and feed. the ekim milk to the stock on the farm. This is the safest and best system of dairy fainting, and it is made possible by a good dalryesize cream separator. A man Who isn't sufficiently inter- ested in good breeding to familiarize hiraselt with the funciametnal prin- ciples Which underly stock iraprove- unent Will never raake a successful cattle breeder, no matter how good his foundation stock. There is no best time to Prune a tree unless we define it as the time the orchardist sees the need of it. There are advantages M fall and winter peening, The fruit graver is not -tio busy then with other efork. Then tlae tree is dormant, so tho 'fruit grow- er eau see the branches and the gen- eral type and growth' of the tree. It is eater to determine what branches should be removed and what leaders to train, how to'belauce the tree, open the head; eta., ittliere -there are no leaves. •. • Greee Mitering, • turning under legumes land other green crops, in ad- dition. to. either ch,enticar"fertilizers or stable manures will enable the farmer to maintain the"fertility of his soil in- definitely: In fact, With this combi- flatten it is possible for him to in. -erea7d;'-the...Productivenese of his farm. Cohinsercial fertilizers, lime Mid sitable manures are all essenttaI to profitable faruniug, but the growing of green nienuring crops is the foundation' of • permanent soil iMprovement. Speaking of the- work of the Glou- cestershire Regiment on the Some, a staff officer now in London, writes: • 'Very little has been said about the. work of mime battalions on. the Som- me. . The Gloucesters, fog, instanee, haVe 'seldoirt been referred to except briefly in the official deaphtellegeeend yet they have pertormed deeds :that Will never die so long ie the rieltitsh Empire stande. They are celled the "Glerioue Gloucesters" by these out there who have seen their Work and are no mean judges d the worth of such Work. I saw them ae they stood on the threshold of hell as it - were, waiting for the order to enter and grapple with the foe, on the other nide, They Were magniticent. leaut tile slighted /lige of hesitation, . The youngest recruit earrite himself like a veteran, and all Were abltiolls to bring credit sea honer to the coua- try of their birth and the glorious old .r.egintept under whose ;tante they were fighting. The order le-adeaulee eallae. The Gleueeeters sprang forward. Thoy were wailed by. a tempest of fire. The whole plate eeemed 'swept by the ellenlY13 gime. Never .a sign of flinch- ing on the part �r these neble lads. Ca they dashed into the till& of it. Coe:trades fell at every step, Still the survivors pressed on. The enables fire betame 'more sere, and goon the Glouceatere were Without the support of taw- otutAu.nc, Whith had Ceased their -fire as this attenk Wets preeeedi hOMe. It Wee bow for the Cliciacestere ezitee thrOtigh a death•dealing temp- ost, norkept stittaiiv Oti, Daytat UV' tie heed to the Merciless fire that ,swept through their ranlai. At last they reached the enemy's position. For a fe'w minutes they were held up by „barbed wireeItewes only for minutes. Quieklegthe leading mea ,got to work and out a way through. All the thne they were at work it rained death and wounds. These brave men kept on as long as life wan left to them. Filially they made a lane through -which their comrades were able to pass to vic- tory, Quickly • they forced their waY1 into tho enemy trench. With levelled bayonets- or uplifted bombs they flung the/waives on the foe. The latter strove with all their Mightto fling back the onrushing •Gloucesterea They might have tried to hold beck •the Cornish express when travelling at its • higbest speed. The Gerinans were evrept away by that angry tide of Glotteester heroism, and those `who W ere lucky .eziough to esectee death. or ewounds,pbught shelter in. the dug-- • mite. Poe -them there was not even momezit's respite. 'The Gloncestere were on theta, Showers of bombs • were railaed on the dug -outs, Terri - tied Hens who escaped injury came tushing out to make their choice be- tween surrendering and dying on the bayonets of the Gloueesters. Some 'preferred death to surrender, but tlae Maturity were glad to be captured. The first group of dug -outs claim -ea the Gloucesters clashed on to emu! Plete their work. A machine gun barred their progress. Without wait- ing for erdars. three Mon of the bat- talion detached themselvee from their- plateon and ruehed at lhe-aun with uplifted hands. Simultaneously_ with thh first' rattle of, thn•machine gua three bombe craelfaci•thioughthe air. ' .Threeebrave Gloueeeter la -de went down, One neVeY to rise again, but the.German machine gun and its.crew Were 'Wiped out, Then 'the Gloeceeterea premed on., and before, night tiley Were readers of the -whole treticia. Por three days after that they held It. against repeated attaelle of • the eneray, The whole (if the time the Doe:ite�it was shelled by tee enema, • and the attacke blade Were ef the most furione descriptioele During one 'of theee ,attack e the .eneray fought their Way into the /hat line treeeha The Gloucestersprang forward With. the bayonet to Meet theattack. A hand-to-hand struggle et the moat violent character netted. Three' titnea the eueiny Wete flung out neck And crop. A, fourth time they eame to denude posSeexlbert with the weave' afloiteesters. The Glouce tore Were as keen as ever. They smashed that last attatk with bomb and beyenet, and in doing it wen their neve mite or the "ClIdurbaue Glotteesteas," ' • 1,VO.S1i1ngtOil was a happy Man be. Cause lie was engaged in benefiting, his reek—Linden.° 00111•19111110.1i=4.46.1•1," d •••••••116=IA11101/01.11•11MMIONIONO1 . , . You will trati relief ia Zi.itt-Nkt It ease* the ..hurningi ._stinping pain, stops bleeding. and brava. ease. Perseverance, with Um. Oak, means cure. Why not prove " this ? brago7iidi end Itenteve- Net inflammatory Rheum' Oslo Permaneuily Cured NEW BRUNSWICK LADY GIVES •FULL PARTICULARS OF HER RECOVERY. There are many types of rheuma- tism, but none 'worse than inflam- matory. It 'Was this kind that almost killed Mrs. Edw. Warman, of tient Jet., N.B. Every known remedy she tried, dif- ferent doctors gave their adeice, but the disease increased, Weak and- despairing, she was at her 'wits' end when the remarkable cure of Thos. Cullen was published. This gentleman was cured of rheuma- tism by "Ferrozone.", Consequently, Mrs. Warman tised fhb same remedy. Here is leer statement: "Foe five years I have imen rheu- matic. I tried various forms of re- lief without suceessa. The disease in- creased, settled in my joints and muscles; these swelled, caused ex- crueieting pain and kept me Winn sleeping. My limbs. and arms stiffen- ed, any shedders eevere lame, and prevented me Palm working. Week by Week I wan losing atrengtli and dea spaeree of finding a Otire. It was a • happy- day 1 heard Ferrozone. Every day I took Perrozone I•felt bet- ter; Weaved,. the 'painful joints, gave Me ehergy and a feeling of new life. laerrozene „cured my rheumatism, cured it so that not an ache has ever rattle:le& Evert damp weather no longer affects me." • Ferrozone has power to destroy atria Acid, neutralize and enrich _the blooa, and therefore 'does cure the 'worst Meek Mts. Werman's state- • ment proves this. By removing the dud of the dis- ease and building 'hp a reserve of en- ergy, Perrozone is certain to cure-, eutfeeer, isn't it about time 'to stop experimehting? Perh0201112 is a CDRE, °Wee -to -day, 500 Per box, or eix tor .0e211. .5t0, s..culd by all dealers or direct from The dCatarrhozene Co., Kiegcston, •4 -*- AMERICAN PEOPLE TO ALLIES., re they ten you. that Ave 11014 Right and. Wrong are Much the same: Thatwith equal shere of blame nuo? or tile foki And the ravening wolf we Immo-- Don't believe It! It they tell you that wo think, ' rndWe•4inie neatit murderous elight hen tbe roeber etfmet by tight Innocence utifeleinied sink, We should be "to proud to' fight"e- Don't believe it: Itwtigyri tsetlitortirSe;t1Inleitne, atinlachloltdd do as bravo, May net lite trent bolutlege;Setve•e Wo who gave inittinted nolo. N,And• our heervWood. for the elavet-e Don't believe itl if --o nlIe»t smile and truce - /tabour 011 you we judgo well 'Ways -of-I-reeves arid waya of Hear Thettho bonor deer to you Able In our oriels cloth ' . Oh, believe it! 1± tbey letetia.tVeur °tire ldlitanriete't cuirtivale, One , one -only Jose We fear; Atte are toady, ten, te-die Poe the thinge that you hold deate- 7 Oh, believe it: - e-Floretsce tettrle Oeatee. le P11:fla4et- Ala rubric Ledo? 'Mee eettl wagon Mways htsVe.the 'ittitt Of Weigh? Poultry World cm CIC RAISING Mit WOMEN. -On Many of the tarns, eopeelally in the West, the poultry is given in charge of tito wenleta at tile houses - heal, It is wort( eeturelly adapted to WOUlea;. it dolls for patience lead, ate tOntien, and at the ciente lime Riad, nee% and -0141%10a-traits that do net lllwaYS Owen in tee sterner eex. There ie ,nevent In dune -dime With peultry culture duriug 't,Ite year, Wilfeh bee not its interest for those who care for innocent ereaturee at the farm yardaawbether it ,i feeding the etoelt, gathering the eggs, Well - lag out the chicks, or culling the tiOcke in the fell to Meet the Ma- eitY Of the •wintea quarters- T114 all have their eliarm, and mite the tittered an sympathy', of tilde' who have it Wye ter the work. Physlolegists tell us that .American Women' lose nealth end beauty earlier than they ahould, tor want of suffici- • ent out -Of -doer itiroand oxerelee, Whe- ther or not this ie true, eve may be certain that the poultry busineos haft anloag tet Other benefits the virtue of sending the caretaeer into the pure outer air, and inciting a love for ne- ural beauty no found • among those Whom no deli duty tempte from the fireside, roam PARTNERSHIP. It dents that women is fitted by nature to care or young aninials; her instincts teach hea to underetand their wants, Coneequently, when she be- comes interested in any living creature neither time nor Leber is seared to promote its welfare. It can also be said that women is much more ingeni" oilie than man and quickee in devising new ways and 'means Of doing things. Tont Barron,. the English poultry mis- em awho came to America in 1914 and delivered a lecture before a poultry convention bold at Storm, Conn., dwelt at eonsiderable length on. this very subject. It ---will be remembered tgat Morn, Barron,e previous to his vieit here w ; egg -laying contest after another, and it unade our poultrymen eit Up and take.notioe. Ae Mr. DarrCri seta, when he ,cotte eluded, to go into he poultry business, he telt he must consult Mrs. Barron. He talked the matter over with aer because he believed that a good wife could be of great help' in tide line. She encouraged him ,end he was con- fident of success with her help. "I can, tell that I would not have been where am to -day -only for my wife," wae tho- way Mr. Perron put his tribute. "Many times a savable woman can help a ,:man out of a hole a great deal better than a. lot of friende." NOTICES DETAILS. I like this svire-partnewhip, and believe, with Barron, that If a Mad takes hie wife into -his ccnfidence he seldom gepe wrong. She in more care- ful and slid* to notice details. Poul- • try culture is a busineed of detente A woman of my acquaintance who • mdeoynoeteys.,,a few moments daily to' three dozen hens kept in a email run, clears $80 a year, which is her "pin • Another instance le told of a women who raised 700 chielts from 250 lime In one season and sohl $375 worth of eggs (airing the same period. "The .following autumn she disposed of a600 worth of stock, Two young women set 468 eggs in an incub;ator, hatched 219 chicks, leek 40 of them. From 62 hene reeervel the netted a profit of $162,42, in the • sililecofeggsern iniro eurldnufssrathe tock tequarter c . home of the writer lives. a • 'middle-aged woman who averages ea a weak ris- ing broilers and selling table eggs., Her trade Is entfrely liscal, which she supplies daily with fresh laid eggs. laer broiler orders generally come on aaturda,y and it keeps her pretty busy killing and dressing stack fda thou orders. Not mare than 150 head ot breeding stock le kept and all of the work is done at regular Mitre so arranged' not to interfere with bonze - hold duties. PAYS HER TAxEs, I have the testimony of another poultrywoman here in New Jersey who, With 50 hens, is able to pay taxes,. insurance and other minor bills. Years ago I *dotted a farm in New England, owned and maeaged by two epinsters. With 500 hens these women made a good living They did all their MU Work, Met "as running the incu- bators and brooders, feeding and easing for the stock, besides perform- ing all the household duties. . In the. writer's experience some of the mostsucceseful broiler raisers -ere women. I,know of 'one woman who raises and markets 500 broilers a year. I could Otte many more Instances, such as the wives of laborers devoting a portion. of their time to raising fowls for market, , realizing enough to pay the rent, or buy the groceries; or clothe • the children, Again, I know of wernen who were coulipelled to support the family on account of an invalid husband, er rome Othee misforthrie and where raising and selling eggs and table Poultry solved the difficutty, And / 'know of another ease where a woman earned enough money from her Ilene to pay for her boy's education at college. • liEN IS MORTGAGE LIFTER. Ffere 11,1 a story that shows quite eoreibly what can be done. It hap - lamed.. le the writer's owe town. certain farmer made _dairying the feature of his farM; he dM not hag() sueficienti ready money, so he put a mortgage Of $400 on the tam He bought 12 cows wed entailed the milk to residents et the town. He had tte work hard, and y3t he found a •little riper() time to raise ,some vegetable() caul frtilt. lee was reasonably sec- eeettfu1,. but.there.Were so Many thinge, he needed' that he was unable to cut .DRS,,SOPER et WHITE • $PEOIALISTS potty, sczernd, Asthma, Catarrh. PiMplos, Dyspepsia, Epilepsy, gheuniatistn, Skin, Kid- ney, Blood! Nerve and Bladder Diseases, ,• Call et seed ilittety for free advite. Medicine • tumid ed tfl tablet torn, iteues-10 hiri. to 1 pm. lad 2 -to 6 pm, 5emlays-40 in, toe pse. Coetultation rtot t,PS, 8046,E0 wurrir 25 Tema° St.Totento, Ont. 1Plogrei Mention Thu Pope, • • 't IK,‘41:Notc'C.TN § t \`*API)NN,11:rvtQN, Magic Baking Powder costs. no more than the ordlner econornybuY the one pound tine. E.W.Gli.LEIT COMPANY UMIXF.1) ' Wi.iroacc. Mgr" Agermkt-M, sviMmialiprumptmoolluilinsmaimlinvalimPswill Clown his Mortgege, In the meantime ids wife kept poultry. She began with a 11001c of Purearede and eveatually enlarged her tacks into aunarels. The enterprise being her own, tam Naught and pale for the food and raved the Imam, Site never told her profits to her ausband, Per that met* ter he never thought much et her en- terpriee. debt of the l'arni, email as it was, continually worried the fernier, end his' wife noticed it. Ono morning slie told him she was going to lift the mortgage. lie smiled, thinking she was joking. When she produced the ready each he duld scarcely believe OM own eyes. To this day that farm- er has the greatest faith in belie:— Michael IL Boyete, Poultry Editer ,ef The Feria Journal. , HOLD 'UP YOUR- READ. It Will Stiniulate You Mentally as Well as Physically. In a letee to Robert Grineshaw of the New -York University, William Mal - (loon gives advice that It would bo well for every man and women, boy and girl isna7tmerica to take to heart. Ue "I was taught In early manhood not to throw my onotncters back, stick my chest out, draw my stomach in or hold mY chin down like a goat .preparing to butt. but to always try wee cuuen some im- aginary thing with the crown of my head. It one tries to do that -first un- derstands how to try and then tries - tie"' tiCii°cesrnes'tteution fay leda 'phpyas reo la itilayei; aitct,t eThat ifort to touch something abeve him not with his forehead, but with the crown of his head will lieu.) eery particle of this ehaodyit isehotltriapboseltion that nature intend-- And as a boy I was ealvised to fre- quently back up against the wal and make thttback of any hood, my shoul- ders, hips, heels ail press against the wall at the same time, and in that way get an idea ot what was etraight, or in oth- er words, how crooked I was becoming by drooping.,, Both to young and old- Mr. Muldooit's "hold your head up" suggestion is in - sib iting. Try it. The etfect physically to,,,d mentally is Immediate. When the lit'ad goes higher the inmulso is to dex- er breathing. A wan finds more elas- liollY,in bis limbs. lie steps out with more ease. There is more spring to his gait. Ile isn't a lumbering, shambling creature, but a man alivc. With. the cie. vation of the crown of the heed there seems to come clearer thinking a more buoyant feeling and a brighter outlook. LITTLE WORRItS IN THE HOME These Bring the Wrinkles and Pallid Faces That Make Women Look Prematurely Old, Almost every svotaart at the :is:mud of a home meets deity many little svorrios in her household affairs. 'Tile care of her little ones, -the work about the house. all Contribute • o these worries. alost of them • mav be too small sto notice. an hour afIer- \yards, but they constituti a con- ' stad :green that affects the blood and the nerves and • me.kes vonten look prematurely, olds • The effect of these little worries play be eoticea in sick or nervous 'heaeletalie; fickle appetite, tiredness after -slight exertion, and the coming of Wei -nit -les which every woman dreade. To those thus.affileted Dr. Williams' Pink -line offer a. speedy cure.; a restoration •of color to thecheeks, brightride to the eye, a WHIM appetite and a sense of free- dom from weariness. • • Among the many thousande of Canadian women who have found new d health and strength through these pills Is Mrs. G. Strasser, Acton West. Ontario, who. says: "I am the raother of three children and after each birth I be- caane terribly run down. I had weak, thin blood, always felt tired and unable tie do nay houeehold work. After the birth of my third child I seemed to be worse, and was eety, badly run clown.. I found the great- est benefit front the Pills, and soon gained my old time strength. Indeed, after taking them I felt as well as if my girlhood, and could take pleasure in my work. I also used Habra Own Tablets for my little ones and have foiled them a splendid medicine for childhood allMents." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in medicine; cr ;toe can procure them by.mail at 50 cents a bolt or six bletes for $2.50 from The Jr. Williams Medicine Co„ Br eikeille, Ont. • Furniture Again. Good cleans and pleasing'woods are the rule and not the exception, There is a great deal of the popular period furniture—but don't "znix your periods indiscriminately! There- is much handsome dining- -room furniture, too—turniture tes wtth food nowadays in importance, and one could almost enjoy a, poor dinner served in a wellefumished din- ing -room. •For the livipg-room and library there are great sofas and cOmfortable eaVenports, ihviting-loolting chairs and ;tables of pleesing-deSigns. • It Would seem that tastes in general have ireproved—that of the public surely and ceiteiply the 'shopkeepers' and the menufacturerse •• OYSTERS AND MACARONI. • Ever try at? Itevatt Is se verkyegoloed f boiling water. Throw lit foar <mutes of ramearerti. Cook 20 minutes, drale and threw IhTtCluicsvititrte cold water. erwelle it, Drain again and cut Melt lengthe. Now drein and wash the 26 fat oys- ters and get out a baking dish, CoVer the bottom with the boiled Menden' and thee a, layer of Oysterei and dust with stilt And pepper. So du:stifle° Until the dish is full, the last laYer being mat:areal, Then sprinkle with two tableePo011' fate ot Pateilesan elleeee and then 'With break entities. Add bite of better and butte With Milk, baking 20 Inimitek "Here, neat! What do you, mean by telling that red -nosed bachelor friend of yours that marelitge le all a lot- tery" "1., was just about to assure him reedeer, that X Weri aprise."— Louisvfl1a Courler4ournal, 44011111TWTIM WORKED WRONG WAY. . HisAfforts 'to Be Famed, for Oour. tesy Met With ce Meek. •••••10.1.•••••}0,..••,•••••••,. • "You read in the papers now and thee," said the and feteed street car conductor as a deeper shade at lied- neas eressea his face, "that some rice Person had lett a policeman or a. Con. ductor a fine legnay for being court& ous to them. After 1 had read two or three of such things I made up my mind to Put on an extra touch, of courtesy in eases of old women and old mono 1 too, had a cliance offered me. A fine old lady took my ear, and .1 helped lier to find a seat and all- swered all the questions about how to reach Mercy street, She had to change from my car to another; and I tender- ly helped her off the platform and gave her the most minute directions. For the next two days I felt that I would be named in her- will, but then something happened that merle me be- • lieve that I esould not." "And What happeued?" was asked, "1 was called to head quarters on a eomplaint made be that very old wo- man I had used so nicely. She had entered a complalra of negligenee against me, and I was called up to _ex- piate," "But what carse had 'she?" "It wasthat I did.not raise my cap to her when turning to get on my ear after directing her. 1 have given len all hope of a legacy and gone back I my usual politeness and no more. i guess all the grateful old women died off before I teolt the job."—Baltintore American. • -• AbsoititeiPy re .Painless No eating, no phis. re9 111 ntt• PIG:uaretsltn oeasrlsY1 prtla or" Eee:oo• t n:13 :P. et°g: tost: out the sting overwnli tghhotu tNevem pf Takes s— leaves no scar. Get .a 25e bottle at Putnam's Corn Extraotor toalay, Gallagh Gap. Ball/Mil Gap, and the spring- sun shin- - ing On Leinster :s a valleys far dawn below; Ballagh Gap, and the hedges lhilng Tho roadways, blossomed like sifted ' snow. 'Tis there I'd be with youth's corn - lades playing, In gladness nulling throngh sweet d lost days, The golcaeyed primrose green banks arraying, • And daisies spangled in faerie maze. • Again I'd' hear, as the . wind came sighing Across Mt. Leinster and inkeyn Creevroce The plovers fluting when day was dying, And all the west was a magic glow. 'Tie there I'd be when the sun, new - risen, BrOught vales Eylsian to raptured eyes, And the spirit saw, from its elaYeY prison, God's hand bedizen the seas and skies. Too soon, alas, from these fair scenes banished The friends of boyhood all passed away, And youth's fond hoping too quickly vanished In grief and groping -when skies were gray. • • Yei I still have visions that flash and quiver— Dark gloom can never my soul enwrap— For I see God's sunshine pour doves forever A golden river o'er Ballagh Gan. —lames B. Dollard, In Ireland, • -e- Spring Silks. And extremely gay they are, too, There is a great deal of that heavy, Oyster -white, crepy wave. Striped ttib silks in new colorings are also in evidence. Taffetas, shimmering and colorful, chif- fons, filmy .and lovelY, channel's° and satins are also modish, And the crepes -Georgette, de chine and meteor, are enchanting anti s.pproteal of Fashion, s*** They Made Him • A Different an WHAT B. DRAPER SAYS OF DO6D'S KIDNEY PILLS. His Troiables Were Numerous and of Lena Stending, But Four Boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills Deove -Them All Away. Sedley, Sask., Feb. 22.—(Specialj— "Dodd's Kidaey Pitts made me a dif- ferent nlan.'"ehe speaker was Mr. Benjamin Draper, well known and highly respected here. IIe is a One, healtbe representative of tho prairie province, tali he says he owes his health to Dodd's: Kidney Pills. "I *efts in bad Shape all round when startol to Ileo Iletld's Kidney rills," Mr. 1),,sper eontinued. "My trouble Mute from hard work when 1. was young, My joints got stiff, my muscles cramped and 1 suffered ter- ribly from at sore back. I eves de- 1,ressed and low spirited, 1 Wita alwaya thirsty and X had flashes of light I.e. fore my eyee, "1 lutd rheumatism and heart flute teringe, my appetite wan fitful, my memory was failing and 1 was troubled with shortnees of breath, Four boxes of Dodd's; KidneY 111119 made the a new man," betide§ Kidney Pale curea all Aar. Dreper'e treublon became) theY fl Nano trona eielt kidneys/ If you Igoe any a his syraptome Dodd's Kidney rills Will help you, Ocl e e. eler't it 'a. oeacigiwiuoiwaimosg"ioe, ONE WAY (Judae) reort 1,eit iihou !feed@ is to eet wertio Neleeiboreal,_Lam+plicats_mtuarry, THE REASON. eiloeten Transcript). :Abe -1 wonder why mon Ile se. their etivea are so blareeti HUMAN. (Beltlmore American) "The therraotneteer has a very bunion way et behaving.' "flow is that)." • "When it once, bogies to take e drop It fells by dogree." DOWN AND, IJP, • (LOulovilic Couricr4OUrna1i • "(letting dawn to braea UtOrS." "Yeti?' "I see they're gone up." A SELF-STARTER. (Baltimore American) bet you do some cranky Mug tf make your wife begin ,the tirades you -complain of." "Nothing in the aranity way doing. it sc.-le-starter." A GENTLE HINT. • (Boston Trenserlpt) • Pather--You liaVe been running ahead of your allowance, Robert. Son ---I know it, dad, I've been bop - trig for a long time that tile elle** ance would strengthen up enough to Overtake me, *** "LIT UP," (Iiiiltimore American.) "Did you see where they erreeted a motorist bemuse he wasn't lit uPe" "Awl they arrested me because was." OF TWO Ekert.s. (Reston Transcrlet, ) Ma ---I think Josephine had better study painting instead of music, then she won't make any noise pradising. Pa—Oh, I don't know, There's an end to nese, but pr.itures will last for years, JANITOR'S VENGEANCE" (Washington Stare "If I give • you a box of °Igoe will 3YanuitPoir°?n"lis3aeldn ot ht et" owl d them to the "I- promise," replied the husband. "I (lid that last year and the fiat was cold all winter," AN EASY JOB, • •(Puelo "What aro you doing now, Peter "I'm collecting." "Collecting what?" "My thoughts.", "Gosh, you always were lucky getting light -wore. ' • • • • • ..•.•,•o• A CAPITAL NEE0k0. (Baltimore American) "Why is' the offieial spelling of gov- ernment with 'a big (1?" "Because they could hardly begin gov- eminent without a capital." BOTH AFRAID. (judge) • Nancy -I 'wonder why Toni and Melo are behaving* so strangely. Mabel-Toin's afraid linsie's going to Propose, and Elsie's afraid Tom lent. THE CHAUFFEUR'S 'TASK. trace The /easter-You look worried. 'What's the matter? ilousekeeper-The nurse has Just Jeff, and there ie nobody 'to wash the baby, Mester-Have the chauffeur do it, There isn't as much mechonism about. baby as there Is about a car, anyway." POVERTY. e (Boston Tianscript) Cub Reporter -Tho scene beggared des-• eription. hiditor-So 1 should, imagine, Tour description of it is very poor, at any rate. 4 • TIME'S REVENGE. (Boston Transcript) "I wrote this poem to kill time," "Well, you may be sure that time will have revenge and kill the poem." CAUSE FOR GLADNESS. - (Judge) He -I guess they aro glad they saved up and nought a home. --k,he-Woll. I guess! Why, If they hadn't, what could they mortgage to get their car? SMITH'S GAIT. • (Ealthnore American) "Smith told me when he wont out in the country In his new machine • ,11.3 struck quite s. gait." ".Ele struck a lot of gates yore he _ran into a barbed wire fence.' -•-e- - New French Cutibons. They are sheer, fine voiles. And in exclueive bordered designs. The designs' were all printed by hand. Some new ones 131 unusual Egyp- tian patterns are interesting. And there are more eonventional 'designs, too—flowered effect- e and dots. - • • o A BETTER WAY. (Washington Stare • • ".that diplomatist insists on a per- sonal communication." "Well," replied Senator Sorghum, "maybe it will be a good thing to have num periorm by ear instead et by note." * • KEPT COOL. (eudge.) eines—Does your janitor keep his temper? eonis—Yes; Unto atter time I beets heard tenahts call hint names boatel° their rooms were so cold, and I have never known him to reply with any heat, • 4.• • ' THE FIRST SPEAtteR, (Yonkers Statesemne Mr, Bacon—How was the Sewing ao- clety meeting? Mrs. Decon—Very well atiedded. "Dlci anyone Emma?" "Oh, yes," "Who spoke tint?" "No one. They all spOice at Mete." wise HUBBY. (Louisville Courlerafournel) "Hublee I smile ton dollars to -day" "Buying what?" pevrIc LI deNse. (Boston Transcript) "rt., what is poetic licensor" "It's the tacit peril-1100ton elven to poets to live, my son." OthiLY ONE WAY, antdsoe 'iraffig Offlee-You esen't teen been This is a onentay atrost. Fair Motor:a-Well, len oule "tofu due ent,! "The world do move," Unused old iS, ad he paelted'his ChrietnIati tale. Ito into hie aopeelin. "Jed to think, I r.,:od 'to do this stunt with nothing but a string ot reindeerend it eleigh."