HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2004-09-02, Page 3APPLES Jersey Macs & Pears Blythe Brooke Orchards One mile west of Blyth 523-9338 1s' Blyth Scouting REGISTRATION Beavers - 5-7 years Cubs - 8-10 years Scouts - 11-14 years Wednesday, September 15 7-8:30 p.m. Blyth Public School Cost $100. Additional family members $80. (After September 30, 2004 $120.00) New leaders required For more information contact: Shari Cartwright - 523-9974 - Chrysanthemums, Flowering Kale, Asters, and mixed fall 'planters are now available at: (7,zatv. 6tecw v-texiat-ou-se.1 ,83189 Scott Line 523-9456 Open daily 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Closed Sundays 11.1.11111 :07 Cni44("P Coma* Retirement Sale Final Week ..7i0/0 off Storewide sinoP _ 10'St . e lov soecton % Tuesday - Saturday September 7-11, 2004 10:00 am - 5:30 pm n St. lyth § 3-47, THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2004. PAGE 3. Local minister releases history book Street history On Aug. 27, Rev. Eugen Bannerman of the Blyth United Church, launched his new book, Street Names of Blyth, which gives a brief history and some stories on each street in Blyth. The book launch was hosted by Jane Gardner, general manager of the Blyth Festival, in the Bainton Gallery in Memorial Hall. Mary Lou Stewart of Blyth happily accepts an autographed copy of Bannerman's new book, which cost $10 each and are sold at the Blyth Festival and the Blyth United Church. (Elyse DeBruyn photo) By Elyse DeBruyn Citizen staff Every street in Blyth has pieces of history wrapped up and tucked away, but Rev. Eugen Bannerman has unlocked that history with the release of his newest book. Last Friday, several community The farmers' market still has two Saturdays remaining. If you haven't been out, come out to support your local vendors. I have had a different experience this past week. I spent three days in Goderich hospital after surgery. I came home on Friday and am doing well. We wish Ann BO-shart a speedy recovery. A delegation from Campvention 2006 toured the village over the weekend. Happy birthday to Jenna McDonald who celebrated her Aug. 26 day with a campfire party Saturday night. Greeting at Blyth United Church on Sunday, Aug. 28 was Fred Meier. Ushers were Joann MacDonald, Cliff Snell, Elaine Brown and Irma Mason. The Keith family, Murray, Wanda, Allan, Melissa, Christina, Sharon and Allan were the choir for this Sunday. Christina sang a medley of gospel songs. Reading was from Acts of the Apostles 9: 1-10.-Psalm 81 was read responsively led by 011ie Craig. Rev. Eugen Bannerman's message to the adults was, A Street Called Straight. If you don't know the name of a street it is very difficult to find a person or an event. There is only one members gathered in the Bainton Gallery at Blyth Memorial Hall to help Bannerman celebrate his book, entitled Street Names of Blyth. The 63-page book offers a brief history of each individual street in the town as well as numerous stories of those the streets are named after. Bannerman said he is thrilled with street named in the Bible which is Straight. Mark Twain visited Damascus in 1867 and said the street was not straight. People visit Damascus for the damask cloth and to see the place where Paul was converted to a Christian at the house of Judas on Straight Street. his latest accomplishment and although he never expected to have it launched so soon, he "feels great" about it. "I've not seen myself as a writer until recently," said Bannerman. "I'm happy to do this for Blyth, to fan the flames of the spirit of Blyth." The idea to create a book of street names originated from. The Stratford Beacon Herold, which had published a book of street names in Stratford. Bannerman, who resides • in Stratford, said he discovered the book one day and "thought, what a great idea." As a member of the Blyth Idea Group (BIG), he presented his find during a meeting. He said members said it was a great idea and turned to Bannerman "to write it." After the excitement of writing a book finally set in, Bannerman said he approached the session of the Blyth United Church, where he ministers, and asked them to sponsor and endorse the book as part of a 150th anniversary project for the church. Over the course of the next three or four months, which is how long it took Bannerman to write the book, he searched various offices, referred to previous history books and relied on personal anecdotes from Blyth citizens. He said he went to the land registry office in. Goderich and found original survey maps from 1855 as well as some history on numerous streets. He then referred to Susan Street's 1977 book, Blyth: A Village Portrait. Then Janice Vodden, a local woman who expressed her interest in the town's history, began working with Bannerman. He said Vodden and he would drive up and down the streets of Blyth "taking in the town's history" through her many stories. Bannerman said, although he had many references to refer back to, he discovered a slight problem. "I wasn't always certain after whom some of the street 'were named. I always had to make sure I had the proper name and story of each street by double checking myself. That was probably the only difficult part about this project." Finally all the information was gathered, checked and double checked and 600 copies of Street Names of Blyth were printed by Blyth Printing. Bannerman said he couldn't have been any happier. "It's rewarding in the sense that I have contributed stories to the community. I was able to bring back and bring out stories in the community and put them into book form," said Bannerman. He said without the help of Steve Sparling, chairperson of BIG, who inspired Bannerman to keep going, as well as Vodden, the United Church, Street, members of BIG and local residents, "this project wouldn't have been what it is." Street Names of Blyth can be bought at the Blyth Festival or at the Blyth United Church for $10 each. FROM BLYTH Classifieds advertisements published in The Citizen are now available on our website at www.northhuron.on.ca 106410.4110•140104100 4ip gao,tq gPteato, (La, ge 4111 The lunch boxes are coming Be ready! Fill your cookie jar 410 Call Fred today 40,/, Call Fred 523-4932 400 to order 1.1011.664106 Blyth Minor Hockey Steak Barbeque THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 5:30 - 7:30 at the Food Booth at the Thresher Reunion Tickets call Julie 523-9137 or Blyth Decor Shoppe 523-4840 Adults - $15.00 Children - Hot Dog Dinner - $2.00