HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-02-15, Page 8`age sight 1 Fur boats and Small 'Furs. 1 HANNA &. WEDDING BELLS Ct►NNo1L--McPoN4LD The following is copied from the Mellott Journal, of Melfort, Sade. The home of Mr. and hire, LI. Be Lie - ton was the sane of a pretty wedding on Wednesday evening, when their niece, .Its Annie McDonald beottane the beide of Mr. Ward Lowell Connor, Rev. W. R Teuton officiating, The bride looked very charming .in a gown of silk ewbroidergi net, lined with silk and trimmtnge of pearl beads aud carried a bouquet of white Darns. tions and ferns. After the ceremony a delightful repast was served. Mr. end Mre. Connor will take up their residence in Melfort Addition, where they will have the beet wished of a host of friends. The bride above referred to ie a former well known and popular young lady of this town, being a daughter of Mrs.• Walter Doubledee of Maple Street and her many Wingham friends join in extending hearty con. gratulatione, Hockey Match • The hockey match between the boye. of the Business College and the Y. M. B. C. resulted in a win for the latter, on Wedneeday evening of last week. Owiug to the fact that' the College boye lost one of their best players through accident their play was some- , what broken up. The boys of the Y. M. B. C. had their ranks somewhat strengthened and thus the score eight to four. A win from the college boys was expected after their showing in a previous game but all signs and won- ders fail in extreme eases. However, look out for the W. 13. C. hopefuls in future games. It may be added that the Band which was in attendance played a very important part in the uight's proceedings, furnishing music throughout the evening and many of the hockey fans were out to have a ekate to some good music, both of which was a rare treat. The line up was as follows. W. B. C. Y. M. 13. C. 13. Pocock Centre H. Willie F. Moore Rover R. Manuel J. Moerit R. Wing G. McLean R. Cruikshank L Wing W. McCool H. Hamilton C. Point • W. Morden 13. Abell Point G. Cruikshank P. Joynt Goal L. Ringeton Referee, Frank McLean .An Onlooker co� Phone 70. THE MINISTER OF FINANCE REQUESTS THE PEOPLE OF CANADA TO BEGIN NOW TO SAVE MONEY FOR TH)y: NEXT WAR LOAN JAN. s, 1147 DEPARTMeNT OP l•1MANCE OTTAWA .r..'"f,''t'+,i•. .. •'::.e�".��'�i'�i.t :�`.. 3iS�'£+:?=.c;i�+•3'a!CI'!'t:•�iinr,;!i+F•1,a':�..`;'.,�t•.. TO INVESTORS THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Principal repayable let October, 1010. Intereet payable half -yearly, lst April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the pri�,r.' r•r : • 11ci:a.:4,g at par and accrued interest, as the anti•, u.Lut ut c:.,,h, in pay- ment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commissif of one-uarta of one pereent will be alloweded to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stomp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister c<f• Finance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA OCTOBER 7th, 1916. W I MCRA LITERARY MEETING The Literary Society of the Wing; b Bueineee College held lte first a eating. en Thursday evening Iast- Tee fourth and fifth. forms from the High echool, and the ex -students of the Business College who are etill in town were invited to attend. Ttle meeting was called to atten;.iun by the President of the Society, Mr, B. Abell whose remarks were brief and to the point. A good programme fees lowed oonsieting of solos by hftesoe X. V. Armour, L. Turvoy, and Annie, Chalmers; Duet by Misses Lillian Leutenelayer land Lillian' Mitchell; four or five selections from Harmonica. Band; an address from Mr, *paten, and the reading of the journal also a; reading from Mies A. Fergueats. Much could be said about each—dein on, the programme as each gave pleasure to all, but Mr. Spotton'e address. ie worthy of menticn. It was.filied:With humour and some good sound •advice. for a body of students, ' "• The Journal entitled "The. Uallege, Eye Openet" was a eoncelrt In 'itself.. Many witty sayinge;•eo'miea'1 •reflii►Yks� and funny t;.itote srere''piletl- itt lith ton; 'limns, and"sbt"ti'•few "4://' Who were preeetit' went home, feeling the effects of a' booth. ' Those that deserve: ed more than one, got it, ' • < Following the 'programme •{i Iiinel>[ Was served by the Social Geminated o the-Society during which a 008,1 tiour was .spent. After lunch everyboaq; took part in music and games. The, meeting was brought to a close by;, the singing of the National' Anthem, Souse interesting times are promised; by the Society of the' College as there' are some very clever and talentedi students in attendance Who fibre a credit', 'to the echool. • Whitechurch.. . Mr. and Mrs. James Mirehouse liav4 returned to their home at Springwatero Sask.. after visiting a -couple of months at the formers home... • • • • - Mrs. A. Kennedy has.gone to et'ay:with, her daughter, Mrs. James Purvis, of St,' Helen's. . 'Miss Lily Bolt is visiting friends in the vil age. Mr. and Mrs: George Bglestone, who came down Bast on a visit'haVe returned to their home in Calgary. Mrs. McCarroll and Miss L. McCarroll have returned•to their home near Sault Ste. ' Marie, after spending some time with the fernier's:' mother Mre, A. Ken• nedy. , The postponed meeting of the Literary Society was held on Friday Feb, 9th. The subject'of'the debate was "Resolved that Conscription 'is Preferable to' Slolun- teerin ' gin Canada;" The affirmative was taken by Mr. Fred Davidson and Miss B. Wilson; the negative by Mr. Thomas Moore and Miss 8. Kirke. The affirm, ative won, The remainder • of the Jiro, gram consisted of vocal' and inetrumetita music: • • •, se; eT Friends of Sergt. Aleft 13. Idenr will be Interested to know that on Monday his people received from him a cable, announcing his safe arrlval'nt Bramshott Camp in England. Miss Agnes Kennedy was the leader .of the Guild on Sunday evening: For Feb. 18th the leader is Mr. W. Jacques. A patriotic concert snd social under the, auspices of the choir and Guild will be held in the basement of the Presbyterian Church on Friday night. Feb; 16, Rev. D. Perrie of Wine:ani,'Rev. John Little of St. Helen's and Rev, J: Et. Graham will speak, A splenditf program •of music will also be given, with the assistance of Teeswater friends. Lunch wUl be served; Ladies please bring sandwiches and cake. The Whitechurch Red Cross 'Society this week shipped the following goods; - 141 pr. soda value $10 .75;3 pr. mitts1:50 - 2 sheets 1.50; I6 pillows, $12.00; 32 pillowy cases, $4.80; 1 pr. towells, 50 ets; 1 -shirt, $2; 1. first aid pillow, 25 cta. ,Total value• $128 30. The Society acknowledges with thanks the following donations;—Mrs. Henry McGee, 4 pillows, n pillow uses and old cotton;•Airs. Peter Leaver, 3 pillows, Mes` J. Smeltzer, 4 pillows, 4 'pillow, eases also $2.00; Mrs. D, Gillies 1 pillow. and 1 pillow case; Mrs. J. Walters 3 pillows,•' Mrs A. Emerson, 1 pillow, 3 pillow cases 1 sheet; Miss Nellie Walters, 1 sheet 4' pillow cases; Miss Nettie Cottle •$1.00;• Mrs. Richard Irwin 1 pair towels; Mrs.: Sperling, Patriotic tea $3.$5;''Sgt. Aieat• Henry $10 ; Canadian Order of Foresters at Whitechurch, $10. Mies Wilson pros ceeds of concert $29 05; M.. Kirke, pro ceeds of concert snd box social $64. . The following is the report for last year 618 pare of socks. 8416.85; S pairs-nzittt $I,50; 9 sheets $S 10; 49 pillows $41.25;. 50 pairs pillow casae 814.50; $' pre towels` $1.90; 43 flannel shirts$86, 00, 3 .first aid •pillows 50 cts; 4 sults pyjamas $3.25; 3S surgical shirts $35.50; 15 doz. handker• chiefs $2 20; 57e. doz. bandages, .$39.6$1. 1. quilt$ 1.50; 16 doz wash cloths $4.40: 14 night shirts $17.50; 3 pairs. wristlets /.5c oldcotton. Total value for year $672.33. The Society Would like everyour to save all papers and magazines as they' intend making a shipments 1 MADE.TOM ORDER 8H0E8 Having secured the services of an export shoe maker we are prepared to receive orders for shot's made to your measure,see our samples. —x— • - Now isthe time to get your old shoes repaired Repairing promptly done. T. D. HOLMES Electric Shoe Repairer 500 BAGS POTATOES FROM 5 ACRES W. A. CRAIG, Sarnia, Ontario, ear; 'i his year I planted 5 acres of potatoes on clay land; applied 000 pounds Homestead Bone Black Ferti- lizer' to the acre broadcast. The piece . was cultivated six times and Spring plowed. It was harvested August 20th and yielded 500 bags line merchantable potatoes. I have used Homestead Fertilizer for five years and always got good results. I would not plant potatoes without it•" CORN AND WHEAT DOUBLED TIMOTHY DUNHAM, Salford, Ont- ario, says; "I used fifteen hundred pounds of Homestead Bone Black .Fertilizer on nay corn last season and was very much pleased with the results. 1 also used ten hundredpounde on my wheat last Fall, and am already satisfied that it paid me well to do it, as there are a few spots that the drill missed sowing, and the wheat there :en's more than half as good. I think this ought to be enough to convince any person whether it pays to sow Fertil- izer or not." Write *Michigan Carbon Works, Detroit, for free book and partienlare about their Homestead Bone Black Fel tilizer, Wedded at Forest. At Format town hall on Wednesday tact, Vapt. • H, G. Ashby, of the Sal• •vation Att`my stair, London, was mar- ried to, Capt, Jean Murray, of the Forest etaff. The ceremony was per. formed by Brigadier hawing. after' which adjournment was made to the •army.hall;•where a large banquet was held and which was attended by many nrominent people of the town, A large number of choice presents, the gift of Forest people, were to be seen. Oa;tt, and Mre. Ashby will make their home in London. Capt. Ashby is a former Wingliem- ite, having lived here with his parents while in theemploy of 0. Lloyd&,Son, ass aAt wmeas yr/Irrmeme r• ICHRIST" PHONE 59F i Every Bite Tastes Good•, Satisfaction in Every :Bite— making it a pleasure to eat, is what we guarantee in the pro= visions we sell your ,We Select All Eatables with the Greatest Care so that when you buy at this store you get your Pick of the Best ' All Orders are carefully and Methodically Filled,._ Each and Every Customer Receiving the Same Attention, . 1 1 1 ��.Immimme silos sionirmilimIs• Prices have not advanced on Royal Purple Stock Specific Poultry �t Roup Disinf etant Lice Killer Colic Cure Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refund - .ed ateesseseesseeleeseeseekassaass WiNUtQAM MARMOTS (Correct up till Wednesday (loon,) Wheat, new.... , ... • .... 1 70 to 172 t lour, per ewvt.,tawily.. 4 00 to 4 15 Bran, per ton .35 00 to 36 00 Shorts, per ten... ,......20 00 to 40 00 Oats . . .. .............. 0 El 0 toto 010 6000 Hay, new Barley • 11 0 0 0S to 1 00 Butter, per lb ---Dairy .,U { to 135 Bgge, per dozen ... 1 115 to GP) Cattle, willow butchere 7 e0 to A O(1 Oattle, butwoheel pboIae8 50 to 9 110 Hogs, live wel8ln i3 25 to 13 30 Laws (owl) . , .. , 000 to 10 50 • Hame, �per•lb:. ..'.'7.7;t% ;t, 0 23 to, Bacon long clear• , 0,27 to 0 28 Sheep ,Skirls1 25 60 Rides 1? 00•toto 11 (N) Chickens, live & dressed 10 to 18 Old )Tans, '� " 10 to • 14 Ducks, „ •, 12 to 16 Geese, +' ..12 to 1 0 Turkeys, '� 10 to 2u CHOOSING -OUR EMBLEM The M4ple L.ettf Busily working; like tw`o little bees, Two little•beavera were' cutting down trees, And Ibsen little beavers were fond of work, At least they had never been known 'to shirk, Said one little chap ae they paused to rest, "What emblem, for our lend, would you think best" "Let tee consider," the other one said. As ne turned to one side .his wise Little bead. Let me see, let me see, well I believe, And he mopped up his brow with his furry brown sleeve, "Yes brother," he said, "it is quite my belief, That nothing would equal the Maple Leaf' CITORUn Oh the Maple Leaf, yes the Maple Leaf We'll have none other than that grand old leaf, For our King and Country it stands alway, For justice and truth may it stand for aye. ' Splendid Idea," the other one said" "We'll settle it all ere we go to our bed, Yoe we'll take the leaf of that dear old tree, Which yields the sweet eap so rich and free. And so over all thewide world they know That we are Canadians where e'er we go; Wo sit on the branch now, but don's • go to sleep, While I get my kodak, the picture to keep." Thus it was settled: now everyone knows. Jack Canuck is a beaver where ever 'he goes, And of all our dear emblems this one Is the chief, The beaver upholding the Maple Irsaf. (This excellent poem was written by Mies Margaret B. Harrison a native of East Wawanosh township, but for the past few years a resident of Tor- onto. She is a sister of Mr. Robt. Harrison of East Wawanosh. Her many friends will be pleased to know that the Toronto Board .of Education has accepted this Patriotic song and it wilt be taught in Toronto Public Schools. Other oohed boards will doubtless use it in, a similar mannner.J Look at your label!Ouesmailing list was corrected to -day, Bluevale Sorry to bear Clayton Duff to still under the doctor's care we all hope to see hint soon and hear hie cheerful voice. • Mre, Bruce is not as well as. her many friends would wish. Mr. James Mestere is not as well as his friends wish. Mr. and Mrs. Smith of the North West are visiting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Johnston. The Bluevale Institute shipped to the Red Cross. Toronto, t30 suite of pyjamas to our own 10 boys, 'S pairs of socks mob; also thankfully ac- knowledge 85.00 donation from Geo. Thornton also $50 00 from Turnberry Council. Remember the weekly sew - Ing bees every Wednesday. • saPIP •r.. Turnberry, Mre. „phi Fraser of #tidgetowri, and Mr, ' Harold Haetipgs of Blenheim, are visiting their uncle, ,Mr., Peter Hastings and other friends on the 9th, The North Huron telephone inetalled at Giennannan Post Office will be a great convenience. Mr. Roy McKersie's Sale on the 6th line was well attended, considering the weather and bad roads, The stock sold et good prices. Mr. D. M. Morrison of Newvale, Man is visiting his brother.in-law, Mr. Geo. Fortune. Ie intend,; taking a car..load 6f home tb•the West, The regular monthly meeting Of the Turnberry Red Croat; Society le held on the last Friday of each niotith. Mrs. Colin bacne of the tenth, has kindly in• suited the ladies to meet at het' home on Friday' the 23rd, et 2.30 p.m. Beery. body welcome. Sewing will be on hand for those who do not knit. Anyone wishing to help with the sewing may Obtain eut out garments from Ates Clara Fortune on the 9th, or at Glenanan, post•dfffice on the 10th line, Courfdillor W. J Adele of Turnberry treated a nuteher of his Triode. 10 an Oyster Supper at his home on Thursday evening. `i'11ui'sdlty, Feb, t sib, 4017 For $2.50 per pair In our northwindow we are show - mg about 30 pairs of the Famous Queen Quality Shoes FOR WOMEN In sixes 2 1-2, 3 and 3 1-2 only For the REMARKABLY LOW PRICE of $2.50' PER PAIR • We happen to have an overstock o f these sizes which is the reason for selling at this low price if your wear any of the above sizes you , „will, c be lucky to get a pair of the excellent shoes ---in ` fact no better made. 1 W. H. WILLIS Sole Agent 'It The FOR ...57104LADIES' 4 Hatching Station We have made •arrangements for a new branch of • business, to operate next spring a Poultry Hatchery We will sell the chickens or take yo'fik, eggs ana hatch them for you, Barred Rocks Are aur favorites, if you will give us Barred Reck eggs next spring we will pay from 2 to Sc per doz mere. than the egg market price. Leave us your name if you have Rocks. • A. H.. WILFORD Wholesale Produce Phone 174' BORN BIs13Ll:—In Wingham on Friday, Feb. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Bisbee, a eon. McK1 NzIL--In Wingham Generdl Hospital, on Feb'y Sth, to Mr. and Mrs, Reginald McKenzie, Winnipeg, (nee Mise Hattie Weliwood). a eon. VAsSTONE—In Turnberry,on Feb'y 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Van - Stone, a daughter. S'rotces—In Turnberry on Feb. 12th, to Mr. and Mre, Reuben Stokes, a daughter, 13oxc1<:—•In Wingham on Tuesday, Fab'y 13th., to Mr. and Mre. W. J. Boyce, a.son. MARRIED Aretets—Fox—At the manse, WIng- ham, on Saturday'. Feby. 3rd, by Rev. D. Perrie, Harry Adams to Mies Margaret Edith Fox, both of Wroxeter. .MILLntt—LrNNwrT--In Sacred Heart Church bn Wednesday morning, Feb'y lath, by Rev. Fr. Fallon. Clifford Miller of Detroit to Mies Marie Lynnett, daughter of Mr, apd Mr. Patrick Lynnett, Turnberry, Belgrave • Rev, Boyle spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr, Archie Robertson is spending a few days with his brother, Duncan, in the village. Mrs. H, B. Biltott of Wingham, spent a couple of days with Mrs. Joseph Bran. don, Glad to report that Mr. John Geddes; *who warty operated on last week in Wit g- hen't Hospital is doing as well as can be expctted. Sorry to report Robert Andersons 401 line. is in poor healtlf''again, The Foresters with their friends Spent a social evening in the hall on Wednea• day el last week, witch. At . cry pleasant time was spent by everyone, Don't forget the play in the Hall on Friday evening, Otb. The play ie put Ott by the 6th line Wawanosh people which bee:seeks agood time as the 6th lints'# talent is welt known. Mr. Cyrus Scott. Is loading another car of eats'this'week. Belmore ltfr. Otto Johann bas a severe cut its his face, owing to one of the horses kick. in folio one day last week. Sergt, Russel Abraham of 136th Balt., spent the week end with ills parents here. Air. Jas. Douglas ha's purchased the faros of W m.'Ferguson, Owing to the bad condition of the roads there was no service in the Methodist church here on Sunday. Quite a number from around here at- tended the wood bee and party at Louis Keeler's on Friday. Mr. Sam Crawford of Toronto, is visit- ing his brother,' Wm ,.17th con, Miss Janet Ritchie of Wroxeter, spent fThursday with friends here. Miss Nellie Beliagh has returned horn atter visiting friends in Montreal. The Vom.n's Institute held their tnoutb- iy meeting, in the hall on Wed. evening, January 31st, about 00 people being prey. scut. Mrs. J. IIall gave a splendid paper ou Progressive Ag. also spieudici readiugs by Mrs. Baltagbat;d Miss Mimic. Jefiray, also a recitation by Heleu•Muivey "What our Flag Stands loC•... • The {nesting cstosed with. the Natioge,l Autism, atter which lunch was 'served and a social time was spent, ' The toe mueeting of tlse Presbyterian church held on Wednesday eveuing was a decided success the proceeds amounting to about 866.00. . Itfr' John Peterttiatt continues in very poor health. Wroxeter. The girls of tiro recruiting league wilt give a Valentine tea on Wednesday eve- ning in the. hall. A colt cetioa wilt ba talceu. Iyro,:ccds to be used in }stop;; <.upplies far the iol,,t. Mr, Boothe of ;iaCitatchewase i;i at present visiting friends in town, A few foto beet attended the tea meet- ' fess given in the Prdsbytcrian church at Delmore Iasi Wedncsday evcuiag, They • had an interesting time getting there and beck through the deep snow but report a food halo, i Mit,s lean Taw:te ersterthaluece a few of, - Ii r frt.nd to ii social HV Ring, i..._. ---