The Wingham Advance, 1917-02-15, Page 5Thursday Feb, 15, 1917 t 1l t �1i IMMI���E t�iIMMIl1 �l�IMMIt1 ltIi�111141ti1t#i1� 1 it i� ' 1116 WAW ANOSI1S IN 1873 '�t��tllt�ti1��11�1i1�7��1i�1�1S4ts4t1111t1I1�1�11�11�!i 1 �� ..�...�.,.,�. E E E E E 7' +` WINOl %M ,ADVANCE CLEAN SWEEP Will Be Continued llntil Sat. February 24t11 Owing to s' ormy weather and bad roads, many customers living In the country have not been able to attend this B10 . MONEY •• SAVING EVENT So we have decided to put on one more week that all may take advantage of the $1G BARGAINS offered. Reduced Prices as advertised will be carried out in 'all de, partlnents`until Saturday. February 24th. BIG SAVINGS on Fun, Fur Coate, Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Under. wear, Sweeten, Mitts and Gloves, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Winter Coats, Drees Goode, Hosiery, Gloves, Cornets, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, BE SURFS AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS H. E. Isard & Co, WINGHAM ONTARIO SCIIOOL REPORT The following is the report of S. S. No, 13 East Wawanoeh for the month iqf January, V. — Hugh Blair. Sr. IV.— Luella McGregor, Lewis Cook, Clarence Rath. - Jr, IV. -=Elliot Fells, Tony Nicol. Sr. III. -Verna Sturdy, Telford (Cook Jr. 111.=- Peter Soott, Elsie Stone. house; Earle Noble, Ellwood Nicol, Agnes Mason, • „. Sr. 11.--- Florence Scott, Oliyer Fells, Ernest Noble. Jr. II.- Walter Scott, Robert Good - a11, Janne Stonehouse. Sr. Part Ii,— John Noble. Jr. Part II. — Annie Blair, Verna Roth. Primer.— Fairy Fetle. No. on Roll 23. Average attendance 19.04. ' - Mary M. MdGowane MISSED AGAIN You didn't get the last farm we advertised. Well it was your own fault, but we note have another and a better one. Oue hundred acres; without doubt one' of the finest...farms hi Huron Co., fine buildings, first class soil, must be sold to wind up an estate. Nothing better or cheaper has ever passed through our hands. For particulars inquire at the office of Ritahie & Cosens Insurance and Real Estate Winghatn WANTED! • - ®"moommilOgiO HhstGaehJrULYd 8oA WOOLaudUNK' Phone 204 H. Brown THE WEST ANSWERS The recruiting officer appototed by our Government to obtain recruits for the famed Otratlicons Horse, happened one evening to drop into one of the Hudson Bay Company's stores, and found seated around the stove a number of cattlemen, ranehore cow- boys, ete, who were the special object of hie mieeion. Swaggering into their midst he said. "Well, boys what do you think of this war in Europe, eh?" A stalwart young rancher seated upon a barrel at the back of the store gave him a characterietic reply, which might be expressed in verse as follows; You ask us what we think about tbie war in Europe, eh? Well, that don't need much tbinkin', but I've got this 'ere to gays We're a peaceful lot of people, for we only kill the moose, Or hunt the rovin' caribou and shoot the prairie goose, But when the fur gite ricin' up :'•long old Beaver's back, When the country's flag's in danger and the Empire's on the rack, When we hear them bugles cailio' and the war talk in the air, You can bet yoar last year's buck. wheat crop we're coin' to have nur share So we're edgin' up our bunt(n' knifes, with whetstone in our lap, We've had pork and beans all winter and we're epilin' for a scrap. And up and down the countryside from the coast to Halifax The men's a-rollin' up their sleeves and humpin' up their backs; For they tell us that our Empire's fast a-fallin' to decay • That old England's power's se wanin' and thatBritahee tad her day. That a bunch of German butchers has a•got us on the gaff, With Kaleer Bill a-eettin' by an d giv- ing us the laic Why it seta my blood a•bilin' when I look adown the yeare And see the swath our Empire's cut, backed up by British onoere, To think this land of liberty and right and law and such Gould be licked up to a 'standstill by the Iow•down, lop.eared Dutch. Is sauerkraut and b'Iogny goes' to lead the hopes of men, When roast beef and plum puddin' have been always in the vats, If they're going to put a sausage wreath around this nation'e brow By the great jumpin' debosaphat, I want to know it now. $o wire us when you want tun you can gamble we'll be that, With the bread crumbs in our whisk. ere and the hayseed' in our har, For our arme are strong for battle and our spirits light as dew " And the hearts beueath our jumpers beat right Ioyalty and true. duet epread the banner o'er us omit. that grand old Union Jack, She's neveryet put up a bluff and had to take it back. a We want no gilded lace, nor straps, ho bugle call or fuse, dust put us on the firm' line the rest to no, 1 CINTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE CENTRAL e STHATrORO. ONT. Students may enter' our classes at any thus. Commence your oourco . now awl b4 qualified tor a position by Midsummer. poring July and Ammo of last year WO received calla for over 200 office assistants w' could not s--n__yypty. Our graduates aro in demand. watt, at once for our foe* eate ei D. A. aotAtit1 A . Psledysl JACKSON, MISS.). MAN Tells How To Cure Chronic Coixgh Ja'ckeotr, Mted,--'•I am a carpenter, eta the OrippA left to with a chronic eeu;ih, tmedewit, worn out And rrra'k. I teak all kinds al cough syrups Mutant help. f teal about Vinci and deckled to tryit. Before I bed tskezt a botth:I ft better, And Oiler taking two bottle' bey cough it tutitel' cured, and 1 have lined new vim end energlr."•-etourt L. Demos. .resst, 0. Vinol fill a d l(eists non -secret tools vehlck its guaranteed for coughs, told' stud troisetitie ritefar 11.11 weak,, l=ust. dowry conditions, 3. Walton Mclllhbori, Druggist,. Wingbanl. Alto the beat druggist Jo All Ontario toW1lt, and leave Morris Istr, John Spence and Mrs. Henderson, 'Jit line, who have been ill Nvitlt La Grippe Iva are pleased to estate are as welt as eau be expected. The stork visited at George Coutter'y 2nd line, and left these a baby girl. School opened last week at the Stone School but few pupils were able to attend owing to sickness. ll( Miss Johnson of the 1st lino, visited . her uncle, Silas lamer' near Walton. 1iarYy lietlterbtgtou ist line, delivered a heavy horse to llt•ussels last week, 4.... '. ,a. a:r x. v,.....:. - e a a a a a a 3 a (Continued from pane 4,) band Jsneery let, 1$7$. The email amount c,f indebtedpese eel twlneared with the resources certainly indicates a very prosperous condition, and the One fares end buildingea and general gigue of thrift which abound in all parte of the township, clearly denote that the oiroun;atences of the indtvid- us1 members of the community will compare favorably with those of the corporation Returning to the sub- ject of mnntcipal government in WesT Waware:wit after the "divorce", we find that in 1867 Charles Oirvin wee elected Reeve and Edward Gaunt Deputy Reeve, and that they have retained their rupee- ' tive offices by annual re•eleotiou ever since, havingthus held their seats for twelve consecutive years, a,, co. bocidenee heretofore unheard of in the apnale of municipal goverrunene in Huron county, and prot,ably in On- tario. It is also' worthy of remark that the entire Council of 1873 have been re•eleoted each year since, and in 1875-70 by acclamation; except that "this year, in consequence of Mr, Me- Ilwaine'e refusal to again be a candid. ate, Mr. John Washington was elected in hia plane. The Council for the cur- rent year, then, omelets of Meseta. Coaches Girvan, Reeve, Edward Gaunt, Deputy Reeve: Chas. Durgin, William $inahan, and John Wash. iogton, Councillors. The other olmoere are Robert Murray, Clerk; Wflltam Durnin, Treasurer; Hugh Mcgrostie, Assessor; John Pentland, Collection: John a. Taylor end Alexander Pant. land, Auditors. There are but two villages in the township worthy of extended notice. Maraou Ern t le situated chiefly in We Wawanosh, though there are portions of -it also in East Wawanosh, Buliett, and Colborne, at before stat - .'d. The village was originally laid out by Messrs George Fulton ou the Wawenoeh aide, and E. Elkins on lbs aullett side who first took up the land on which it stands. The nearest rail. road station ie at Blyth, six miles east, The. village contains two stores four, blaokerpithe' shop, one waggon shop, one tailor's shop, two shag shops, one harness shop, one tannery, one ohoeee factory, fear churches Meth. odist, Presbyterian, Episcopal and Lutheran), four hotels, and is nerved with a daily mail off Lloderich, twelve ruffles distant, The Mgntreal Tele. graph Company has an office here, In addition to Re other faoilitiee. The Maitland River at this point isspanned by a fine wooden trues bridge, which rests on substantial stone Were; the coat of this bridge was $10,500, it be. fug the moat expensive in the county With one exception, 1'be name of the pastoi&ce as tale village to Auburn; it was situated acres tite river . from its present position before the village was laid out, and though its location was subsequently changed, its name re- mained the same. SAINT 13u1,BN's le built along the line between the 10th and lith Oon. cessions, in Lots 18 and 10. It war laid out in 1857 by Mr. Molesworth, a Government engineer, at the request of- Metiers William Gordon and Henry Blathers, the former of whom named it after his wife, -Helen. The first storekeeper here was Wm. Gordon, now engaged in the wholesale carpet trade in Toronto; the first Postmaster John MoSay. 'lee village possesses one store, telegraph office, several small mechanics' shops, a eternal saw• mill, two.churchee, (Presbyterian and Episcopal), and a temperance hall, and a population of 150 to 200. The poet office is eerved with a daily mail off Belfast, We mttee west, on the Aebfield town -line, which is referred to at enf- flciont length in the sketch of the lat- ter township. 8t. Helen's is surround- ed by a goud farming country. and is withal a pleasant little village. Dtl1104elen t,. on the Ashfield town• line, about midway between the north and south boundaries, is described to our 'sketch of Ashfield, Nus iso post cfiice at the extreme sautb.weet 01 the township, at the junction of the Ashfield and Colborne town.lines, It reoeivee a daily mail northand south by the Goderich and Lucknow stage, The financial condition of West Wawanosh is even better than that of her meter township on the east, es it le entirely out of debt, and had a balance of $551.70 on hand at the beginning of the present year. Ito share of the Municipal Loan Fund Surplus was $12,$1114. lose a proportionate share to Lucknow for the territory taken cant of Wawanoeh by that village, thte was applied to the redemption of the debentures limed in aid of the Well- tngton, Grey, and Bruce South Ex- tension; the arnount of these deben- tures originally issued being 618,000." The "West Wawanoeh Mutual Fine In - 'Mamie Company," which was organ. ized under the recent Insurance Act, has ite head office in St. Helen's, and its three chief officers are Mae. Qirvin President; Thee, E. Finley, Vice.Pree.;. Robert Murray, Sec.•Treae. This township ie especially well supplied with schools, and the intelligence of its people furnishes ample proof that they have been put to good use. WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES The new War Savings Certificates which have been created by the Gov. ernment to encourage thrift and economy and to give everyone an opportunity to oboist in Seaming our war expenditure, are now on sale at every bank and money order post office in Canada. The $25 certificate Belle for $31.50, the $50 for $43, and the $100 for $86. Pigs Five Orf an investneent tutus certificates offer many attractive feeturet-o,chief of which are the %t woilite security and the excellent 'interest raturn, For every *21,50 lent to the Government naw, tea will bo returned at Oa end of three para. Where are two other features which are especially interesting to email investors. Firet, the certificates nohy be surrendered at any time, 11 the buyer should need his money; and second, each certificate is registered at Ottawa in the buyer's name and if lost or stolen le therefore valueless to any. one alae, Fut while they are excellent from an inveetment standpoint, thecertificates should appeal strongly to Canadians because they offer to those who must serve at home a epiendld opportunity for a most important patriotic service, The person who honestly saves to the extent of hie ability and places bis saviage at the disposal of the Govern. went by purchasing theme certificates may feel that he is having a direct share in feeding, eciulpping, and munitioning our Canadian soldiers, who are so nobly doing their part, East Wawanosh. Cyrus Scott unloaded a car of oats a6 Belgrave last week. 14r. Gee. Fothergill continues very poor• ly to the regret of bis many friends. The egtertainment by young people of S.S. No. 13, at Belgrave last Friday, was good. The attendance was smaller than Doped for owing to the weather. Geo. Spotter' of Wiogham, was chairman and sustained his reputation as a storyteller snaking a few Wal bits. Proceeds 615 which will go to. Britisb Red Cross. Great credit is due to Carl Bennett, pres- ident of the young Peopte's Club for the way be got together and trained the actors, singers and otbers wire took part inthe programme. It is to be hoped another entertainment will be given during the winter as the talent is available. 4 7-4„ 56/1 �ubb� row 1 the rrorzi your point :of vieif this announcement_ is �uost important( ...,.•-.:�, ri For herein we sett forth the achieveiv ens tioward which the Willys-Overland organization has aimed for the last. eight years/ , This achievement in a word is. the ctimpletioi of the gigantic "Wlys-Overland organization to a point sabers a COOPT,ehensiye line of automort tolec a beia•dc�d marketed uncderoi head. • This means tremendousIcon m1es-much great- er than ever before./ This means theeihrlination of all waste; ail lost +;rl'lotion and much greater factory efficiency:. This means an even higher grade or cars: at much more attractive prices. All of which means a substantial saving for you. on the next car you buy. For now and for the first time in the history of the automobile business we as one single organization offer the public a full and Com- .prehensive line of automobiles.- ' This concentration --this greater efficiency. ibis mora effective means of pulling together is going to set a new standard pf low priced high-grade, ,to values. • . t • ievement For we operate on the basis of -- one executive organization —one factory management Ir ---One purchasing unit ,l:—one sales expense • `. J—one group of dealers -. --.— - -to plan, produce and sell all Overland, Wiilys and Willys-Knight models. Eluying power is concentrated: - Costs are dis-' tributed over:_ all _.these ears._ The savings are enormous. !