HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-02-15, Page 21111� ­ ,."l _-_�, . _.*"_�, N-_ __­­­____-__q0o"___ I---.----- __", - I I "W_ I , '011 tire. A marine authority ,at unques- I I T � � vile noblvillail had, Ill ably litarted, - , jo-illo, tiolled standing, who 14 Owe to Brit. t, PIED U-BOAT WAEFARE I �,.Ir.y in the awri, ", I . Ill.,., to riml "M alih ,silipping Interests, said to -day . rl is e r& WAS ATON H U N S 'A 0 flv . I mi.4 had arrived lit Van,x ,%t ,about .. I , �,UA NY, When Asked as to tug, effectiveness at I liuml, lite interview ivil,h jm all U Is ,-�- jin ? * r, A 15% ^ 9) r, "', " i s I .1 r 11 : ,It (;Ile oi,t,JoLit, -.init lie *tarted lionie. I , .. � 'Jitly vould. 11yo. LAVQ found that light guile , RUNS, 0.1-olinig shIps: ".. N %%aru 0.5 ovoll 110 40 tlonvanlo STILL W . F A , 1� HOMANIA Co 1""' -1 131. - Al � 419charoing proJectilee of four to six ' � , it would ba. tdWelilt to make tao Jour � � 110), 10 Capornaum, as tired ,I% lie And �w S pounds in the hands. of trained va- I -1 LMU 4, Lis beasts ' Would naturally be, the noro have been b the most at- � -JoUn I &ame day, hence it 13 nt fettive weapon. � 1711now personally atlon, n In a desire to :,-.*aid the . , logyle hj�als a lloblj�mlkll,* sea., atitrally that N *� ti k .1 -4,11 Britain Need Do is Drop 0 la , N Vill FQbruary 18, 101" 020 W ki I I.; 43-64. , . he should stop t(.r Ulu aight nt 311tal that as many as two IL,44 three mab. sinking neutral vessel$ find. on. 11 , return Village on the way. Tho Cover left I marinas have boon b.agged In on*, day Bea Traffio, German Off!- dangOrluz I'ves, Assiziled limits to the J, COMMUNTLAT.—I. CUPIWO of slow I danger zonoa auct, %_rtiod, neutral% Q . -46). 43, After the Ulla—It was !lot ft cROO For Overt Act, or Proof That, "Qu 0 way' CIAI Says. from them. Thervin, Germany bad: to Galileo (yo. 43 rcQovery, but tile didell,",3 I � go, Its -, 'A rRublnwao commander looUlua I two days. (H. V,)—AttQr the two (104 (01 followed the. example Of Great Britain, 11 That Josur. wa once, -,-,.. The fnflwr knev— British Navy is, �Iesting through a perlsoopo has a range of is constrained to remall, hold ut � . , which lie said ha4 lately declared 4 1� at syqbur to preach to tile DQQPIG. It The eure.appealg!d to 'I'm a.q ilaving the Subis. y1olon of About three miles, but he Laudon Cable.—The "Times" Am- war zone along the German and Part f, wrou, il!,4. must pt Ills target broadgido on to liter4pm wafsts -L loovi4eAttliathla 1vurk there wAki per ))coi. ght !,y tile powvr 0� Je., — Jiavo a reasonable chanco of making decour . cor,re*,poLdeut .iotido a fuller of the neutral c of the North b walleAt from tile fact that PhiliP,Peter It was net a naL,1cl,il rQcovory itor wa,� hit what It Is aimed for, And . .t of the intery1f.,w with Dr. von sea. 4verybodN,, the Under-SeqrQtary, I - � torpedo Stumm, the Uerman Vader-Secrotary said, 1yould ft a tibia to avoid danger by 7 , S144 J t �Vvt% and Ills ,Whole A as torpotloes are, a very expensive into- for F oroign Affairs, Who Is quoted As keeping out of the barred arellor-eyou 1� tboir ohn, met with marked success Ill it -I mare cO1.uM1Ie11Qf­ It "Vas a rr a I V " PASSAGE " . ministry fit Samaria a few Years c1r. Illmself lie! D"M 8' l went Into GaIlle Lovao—The inrl,q falth was rawarded . silo he cannot afford to 140 many saying that atter it was learned from enemy ships could avoid destruction, I I I a , —jesils and his disciples were oil their In tile Ilealing of 1114 %-.)n. It wtta re- - I I ehauces on 4, 14155. e at Count von 7,ierustorft "Germany, since the beginning of . � 14 -at a received his paaeports, "sueb treatment tho war," Dr, von Stumm continued, - "" salvatlo"' It wa" Bernstorff and Gefard Both 4.1 A periscope .above the water a% a way from �udea to GaIllee when t1l0y rtirded In 111,3 1 I WelcO1110 W"U110. Aw) stance of 200 or 300 Yards mak compelliscl us to adopt tho eame, mons. "has been obligo.1 to. renounce her halted at Jacob's well. It was about rc,N%arded In a 1110S' , t,vouty miles from there to the bordvr In the sa,lvatlon (it Ills outIre hou4,0- Furnished With Means fair mark for a gunner working from ure toward the American Ambassador overson trattio. nughlad only needs et Galileo, and nearIv twenty more on Itri1c, 51. This is 39ain 1.1e rocmnci ­ . I the deck of a ship thirty or forty feet here." . to discontinue, hors, and her seamen, to can&, 4. A prophet hath 110 11031- rdracIc--WhOn JOA13 ca"110 Into GnIlloo to Get Home, above the surface of the sea, One Dr. vort Stumin. Is quoted tw having who do not belonfz to the navy, will or I,% his O. U country.—In Matt. 13; after his baptism, lie perform -4 the shot hitting tho mark Is all that In 0,c.clarcd t1st 10 ccuEddered It Vvi. be exposed 6 danger. That Is , I 4, Jest's wiracle In Cma% or changing the water Now `111'orlk Reporte-All As I soolated. needed, as the submarines are of light necessary to Justil- Cermany'a sub- 1*10111st we wish to ,obtain by our sub - speaks of Nazareth as Ills Own 001111- ir,cu wine, awl whon Ila (linio, arain Press despatch from *�Vashlngtoll this construction, 6asily penetrated, and A marine warfare, which Ile iiuggestod mariiie war, no that England and her , try. lie was going into Galilee to con- Intz) Galilee, (min audca, . Ito liesled, the morning says. I bole anywhere In their shell spells would spec(lily lead to Peace, David I allies may be compelled to make war tinue his ministry, but not to, Nazar- n. The Nrmor intra0a Late r ports of ships ou their doom. . Lloyd George. the British Prowler, tie under the same conditions as Germany ath, at this time, for that . being his nobleman's so -0 Ink by Geri- "It In seldom that a to edo 10 fIre4' added,. called It say and her allies. t am decidedly of � the . voit.firmed. the ra4ki Of �'Ile disel"Ics In man submarines wore i I ,rp , agerl, and barbar- ioairnO eagerjy ened ship call so ma. Ism, but, on the contrary, Gormany I opinion that Our submarines will es� own country, he would not be well re- III,,, and the Intt(,r voi,vinced tho by Government officials to-day� for j& When 0, throat. I � celved. A, second. view is thus a%. r.(,bloman a,,ld 1,11.3 family of Christ'b double reason. -. . noom-re aa to show only her stern for ha4a4opteditfrom humane conalder- tablish the equal conditions," preosed by Wli,edon; "From Samaria, Me,slahsUlit, - � ­ . , YIrAt, there Was the evar-�prosent fear a mark, and In most of the cases of � �- ­ --- _,___­ --"--- - - ­­ ­­ ___­_�,__­______ . where Jesus wits honored, lie departs Q110stions.-What results foPo"red t1-2at any hour might bring a despatch tbI4 nature rei far reported, the sub- P'! a �� L� I. after a brief sojourn . X . - NrIlat (lid ipsus say ,.%built the harvilat? Sunk Without 1warnitig or Americall fx,nd resorted to gunfire from a deck ,�, V, F ",,11 - � r 0 i ` V . . , L. to lite own coan- tile di�,courae of Jesus at Jacob's w(--II9 saying an American ship had been morsibles have come to the surface . try, Galilee, where he was, In the com , . -T A parison, without honor; and lie must Tlow (11,j tile people of Gaillne regari liven lost, thus driving the United gun. In this kind of a fight a, gun N A T 19 0 N A, I L Uq F 841 V I C E I it " .. . go to. w1a their honor, and convert, It 'Tosus? W�,Rt N,,,as tho nobleman's t$tates to Use force to protect its mounted on a steamship has a great a '4-% " �_ , -;1 A 71 EMI , n - ft .TV,pIs give? ITO%',' did the ,joblentin a submarine Is an unsteady thing to ') VJ � I , 0 I . . , , " 1�41 , S � posmible, their heart I to adoration." A third view Is that, 1 , I R .. u F'fful 14, a form contempt errand to Cana? vy'li-rif answer did rights, advantage, for the platform offered by alth ill Jesus? Tlow -,vai Ills Olt of aggrog te to u ge unk, ' siuce. Jude% -,as the place of Ch"Alt'.3 � 51101V Ills f. secroild, Yesterday's reported falling H A $1 .0 LIM 1) !"Is i i S birth, the contra of tile Jewish relig.'011 I e ce oil e a 11 a 0 pro- fire froln, and despite the smaller tar. and !his Father's country, where h(. . faith, regarded? Wliat word did tl du d w d r an to whether the fall. , got offered, the. gunners on ships haye I had not been euthusiasticallv received; nobleruall'S , servants brIii,r to hilil ure was only temporary, or whether the better of It. huris filled out, and Sit, Henry Dray. ' Utnee he Was 9)ing into Galilee frotri home? What 4111f.'stion did be Great Britain ha� already done some "Careful observations ulade during Cards Have Shown Where jun, Qaairman of ilia 11%,azlway Cum� 0 ould welcomid his of steamers mounting to Get Hundreds of Men to Xr where the people w ask theni? thing to lessen the force of the sub: the past year 4E;s:on, ban now requisitio*ned several ministry. The first view appeara, the PRACTICAL SVRVTu'7- mersibles' attacks. . defence guns show that they aro In a I hundred men of these skilled trade. -4, illost reasonable. ,��,, The Galilcoans In reterouce to tile chance$ Of a measure immune from attack-unWos Man Trains. throtugh tho'National Service Board. received him -They were not so firm- Top,4c.-Living. Faith. Wore pronounced break with GermanY, it is without warning, as In the case -_ I A special staff was Immediately put ly w ish traditions and, 1, Developed undet test. I It Is disclosed that the precise cours of the California. The number of U- -Pr&ot*,.%1 i to work at the National Service statis- I ed against those It. i..,,idenced. by Obedience. 0 Ottawa Revort.—lllia were not so preJudic of the United States has been deter. boats that the Germans have lost have i Veal branch locating the men na3derl, -who did not bear the marks of the 1. 1)e,v,,aIopcd under test, Thh 10s' mined. President Wilson will nOt agig made them chary about showing them- value of the, man VONVer InvOritOry re. I from aincing those who are skilled in Jewish hierarchy as 'were the Jews of �� l.1;,1L1;;,j� olit cluarly CIITLut's dIs Congress for a declaration of war, but selvell within range of ships on which cently completed by the National I the tradoa requ,ired and who are now , ; aracte I" only for authority to take nd-cessary theY ass guns or which they IlRV6 Service Board is now being demon, employed In other lines, but have ex- .l�lxll� Jude*, hence they Were open to cou'vic, 'i, � 1111,111aa c.1 al, lita con , I tion. Many GaIlliseans had been at 1­11,tz.wl tor human. Buttering, aud his measures to protect nititral righta learned are defensively armed, &,Lmted, A peremptory call to Na.t"011. 1,ressed a will'tignecs to go back to, the ,Passover in Jerusalem, ,where 41)1�le,,!iatton of IiviWz' saith- '-Vhe This would still leave the first act of "Other methods of catching sub� al, Service has already been ma,de, I their old occulations during. tile -war, Jesus droYe out the traffickers from I.-I,j�,,itt request whioll came to Jesus open hostilities to Germany's choosing, marines, such as note, bombs and de. The coal si,tua.tion and other trans- It needoil In the sorylee of the coun- the temple and saw others of his 4-,6,-�,: t,,e nobleman Wa5 tile Occasion, The conveying of merchant vessels b.r vice$ that are Admiralty secrets, are ports-tdon. 6itficulties h,a:ve been tiacod try. works and were convinced that he was tituagil not tile cause, of Ills exolama- American War craft mlOt be or. atill being used, but the deck gun on largely to BoiLrelty of locomotive exi- I Within twenty-four hours of the re - the Messiah. They also went unto tit,n., ­!�.xM_t Ye Due signs and Won- dered. steamers In the hands of good marks- glueers. round,house mechanica and I celpt of trio call, the names o -t hun. the fa.str-The males among the fs- dk,4, 11 In ),vilich lie aPcPstrOD1lIZQ'k1 the Practical interest In tile progressive men is leading all others In results," other skilled hrbor, The names of I dreds of men, capable of solving the raelites were required to attend the " an. -_ — many gsuch moit are a,vallable through I Wtuatton, were In the hands of the three gretti; feasts at Jerusalem e%W.h wi.(Iitl inultitil(le of Ills countryin, success of the submarine campaign the National Service,cards which they 111-ilWaY COMMIssJoll. year. The feast of ilia Passover wai All tao lavishilIg Of Ills 40ve, all tile was based on Lloyd's reports reaching FLOTS IN 'CUBA, ...... 4 gr,lioa und truth w1lich W101le Pailiaw', here, indicating that not much move I I . . ......... �_ on$ of these. Tile other two were yes, la- than 10,000 tons total shippin . . Pentecost and the feast of Tabarnac_ I,, Ills Ilia, loll 'upon blind o . Is was . I . '. r. . A Ing. The PeODIe wore to bring an of- capaDle .of beholdt'19 Ills boauty4 The sunk yesterday, although about 21,000 7� h "I I '" 0 R T .iar- tons was reported sunk on Thursday, Teplur. to the Lord on each of these oc. manifest MvdlatiOa ut It 9OdI'lte* '" Officials Xmplieated in Revo- 1� fusions. at.til,r ba�d no Power with theln Oqual and about 28,000 tons each of the twor U', S, Rul)"P.ING 6,11 rlll�, rc. IT Ir 11. The nobleman's requedt (vs. 16_ to O1L1twt,i,r(j wonder% �rhe GraciOus- preceding days. A daily destruction of ' lutionary Sclieme. . I I . r9p S __� � P", 5 49), 46. Cana of Galilee -This was s. n"s Of ,, .1 , 1; wl V;A LO Ap, " , four or five miles northeast of tilem. They had no eyes for his tell Q_ maintain the rate which the German . I V, L e -t S Nazareth. It was here that Jesus Par- dernoss, lie ears for tits Nvistlon't. Th A IR4VIIIIS I Ell N " 4', , . V town his nature did not api)eal to '33,000 tons - would* be necessary- to �0019.-­4urello florie, . I ' U11,4-1-53 t-,", k -'l y �', IR K, & I formed his first miracle, that of turn- consciousness df It 411 struck *�)aln t Aamiralty believes iaufftclant to Jklo. Secretary or , the Interior, notified the . . . 0 Late England, I . Ing water into wine. Nathanael, one tile Alastar's head and ,�,I,Ijed forth One of the principal questions dis. civil- and military authorities at an I on the ground, and the War Depart. Jet His disciples, lived In ,10 ,ana, (John t,l.,4 laillelit, Jesus did not put forth cussed at the Cabinet meetings late early hour this morning that he had Work Alrqarlv Under Way rnent already is collecting -ordnance, 21. 2), .k certain nobleman"A man tiac, 11,,�,,,o power of III-,,, miracles %is tbe yesterday was flaa threatefiod hamper- received advicce of R Plot against the On Structu­" - who held a responsible pogition in tile C, House ta be mounted as boon as the fortIfIc% ,lc.r E,&,,,, of his divine SonshIP, 14e, ing of American Industries If ships are Government, Involving,, civil and mill. tions are orected, Land taken for the Roman government and lived In Cap- E-coln-'e'l. , Ills almighty PO'Nur e'lliefly held up In American ports much long. re to * ernalkin. We are not informed as to In L, .,,1lo,V11,19 compassion arld mercy. So er by fear of risking submarine dan. tary officials. it Is reported that one Giant Guns. new fort covers 312 acres. The total his name, and the suggestion that It n'ljclii� diti. lie ch,crish tile ainallp.4t de- gem. It Was said authoritatively after . or more army Officers have been ar- —) . I cost will be �1,000,000. The battery, It was Chuza, whose. wife. Joanna minis- gr,'��e of falthp that *no 9.4v0 sPcclal tile Cabinet meeting that no new sit- rested. Thoro is great activity In Police now Tork RoPort-The Asiaociated is sald to -day, will, contain four ciix- tered to Jesus (TAike S. 3), Is mere i't1E;l&o-1 to its frowth in every indi- uation bad deyeloped to change the e;rcles. I � i iliell alego guns and two or more 16- , Press thl,s mornAug carrleo the follov - conjecture. 'At Cap ernaumt-C a Ilor- itjIlal uliere It could be found. It policy of the Government, . I i Inch rifles. . naurn was a city of considerable im- 1,01)(I out in liold contrast to the atti- A serious political crisla has existed Ing-, I I .,� Ambaerador Gerard Was Ao 104"te' In Cuba: since the Presidential election "A fort to contain the new coast do. ! Army engineers believe that when portai,ce In the time of Christ. It wat, tl�,,�, Gf th,�� nation as lie saw It in the Berlin for �;witzerland to -day on a fen,se batteries at Rockaway Point to I the new battery is In place, Now York is -uletI1O(1,,,vtt1I tile noble, I last November. President 'Alenocal situated on the northwest ishoro of thP .,lu,jlc�r,jan. H special train, with his- staff aird other already under construction, find .,vill 11 will be comparatively safe from sea r."all, ,%Va9 'It Amarleans, and lils,departure was ex. the Liberal be completed with all possible speed. ttacks, These guns will be relied Sea of Galilee. uxcalvations have re to make plain to bin, W11, was opposed for re-election by Dr, Al, I a tie liad that w, poettil to relieve the Irritation iait hostile squaaron froin -vealed interesting ruing there, some 61 an, of value in se(litring trade Zayas, leader at appeal. The b,reat party, and, on account of contests In Plans for the now link in the chain of I Pon to keep a � u which hppear to be those of a sYn" tile grant Of Ills here becaume of Ills detention by Ber� Ori, fortifications guarding Now York city ' dropping shells into Drooklyn-some- ,thorlties, . � . the election is stl thing, It Is said, that could now be gogue, perhalis that built by a centur poculiarity of thin second miracle Ili lin aA the provinces of Saffte, Clara and 11 in from attack by sea became public to - Ion ,�Luke 7.5). 47, When he hear4-- C,,tna 1,3 that'it is detalle(l throughout . . ente, thek Issue of . . PASSAQE OF BERNSTORFr, doubt, A coTple of weeks ako a deci- day, with the announcement of formal done with Impunity. The fort will The nobleman had heard of Jesus Find oveion tile perffx,t faith. It Ne I ,wy York, Report. -The ateamijbip sion of the Cuban Supreme Court arrange'nionts in which the city nud stand twelve miles distant from Fort soasto 11 . e .operate with the Federal Vallcock, On San of the wonderful works whirli He did, �Vaq Jostia metiod to lead those Who Frederick Vill. -was g1ven, permission Into Dr. Zayao' col- stRt must 100 dy llool�, the other and lie was convinced that -He had Bought hig IleIP to such inivartl Fspirit- throw Santa Clara Go' 1 of 4l,'cie of Now York Day. Thelso two by its owners In COP0111111gen to -day umn, and apparently assured his vie- vernment. Colonel Abbott, chlei power to heal his son, who was at the 1,al acquaintanco With, and conflilence Y e- the Un!ted States Army Engineer forts, military experts belle.ve, will be , . ssadar voii Bernstortr was bitterl r I 1-10 ill, Illi-.,, . a. District, will lay before the Leg�alattae , able to criss-cross the city's watOr ap, point of death. He had heard that . p, �, that they trutitei Ills word to convoy Amb% tory. This decision was in Galilee and hence was within lj,�,,ru-c, tl,e.,� behold his work. Jesus and his suite to a ScandlnrLvlan port, a rented by followers of President Men - to -day drafts of the necessary bilki. J proachas Nvith i gunfire that no fleet � � eablegrarn to the line's offices here c de vie reach. Went unto HIM, and besought r.ce"pmd the IOVIIII; earnestness and stated, No date has. yet been set for tal ,who haxe refused to conce has begun Nvork t would venture lnto.� . Ilim-His aax'.OtY about --his son an t,rla,�Ity p or�to the Liberals, and axe pinning A gang of laborers . a ,f tile nobleman, Fatherly I his ccrifidente In Jesus lead him to affecaon and anxiety made tile noble- the voa,nells,Aeparture, but the officials their hopes on the new election order- -_=.:Z___1___,_ ­­ ____­,._ _­,_ ­­­­ -..---.- I ­_­­­ - make the journey of twenty or twentiv- ,,;all of the Scandluavlan-American Line eii In Oriental which will be hold at tile . tt;prt to any prospect ,4 11011L mft 7 19 five miles from Capernaum. to Cana A'tritetion brought him to JM's. thou�-ht she was likely to get away end of the present month. r 4, U , L , ntreat Jesus to ilifl. I It Tuesday or Nllodncodays In addition In the campaign preceding t! "4A 1 11. to e Ills falth, 4 i .1 111�),'c� was substance 1-11 he Nov- L-1 i - F 0 R �, I go to his be, HUNS EXT I M E NEUIPA, Como, down-Capernaum being On tllfl ' to the Ambassador's sultoo provision amber elections there were serious dis- sbore of the Sea of Galilee and Can., v.,as not mere sentiment. lt.112,4 an ha�s been made for carrying abovit 900 orders In various partia of the island, " , being on tile hills, there was a descent zp�� i;tN quality. It moved him. -to wako Gorman consuls. during which several peoi)le wore kill- - , ,..�ry cKort to obtain .help from - - . President Monocal 11 - U D T ."M G]IRARDIS TRIP HOUR. ad and wounded. O" I ILL AT SILA TO REACH P"` of about two thousand feet In paesi jeskt.,, an -1 yet lie labored under Uii.q- '. I � 'a.- was forced to call upon the military � . - I I . - from Cana to Capernaum. 48. EX40"t conepptions. 14 -Is faith began as a ia,o in �40iblo,�vla London C&N Ing order,, ye see signs and wonders -The words belief that Jesus could -work a PhYsl'-,Ll -Ambassaoor Gerard's train will authorities to ald In presery of this verse are, as it were, an eJacu- uaraclo when present with 'Ails son. leave Serlin approximately an schedul- a d -feeling betvicea jbe. two factions . 11 Ify SpRan 'of 48 fare sta.,ted that the Alships which wore lation, a thinking aloud of Jesus, HO Ile did not know of Jesus" spiritual ad, but will enter Switzerland by way rap very high, a, condition which, so- 'Pirates Xot, on their way toward porto In thei this 'nian He must power I)r Ills own need of spiritual of Skigen InGtead of Basis, as origin. coidina to subsequent despatches. Ila$ blockade zcries on Fob. I would bO sees that to awaken 1. Hours Granted. --to ISUch more,than heal his son; He must to bealth, TIV:1 spirit Of persistency and ally planned. Americans who will tm- not materially Altered, I spared during a sufficiently long per - that sign add an additional wondere-- IniportunIty showed that lie did not vel with -the ambassador Were Inform. ____-�-o *..&— * Ships. . I lod.11 Whedon, Chrlst's Miracles are never regard the words of Josas as any ed late this afternv�on that tbeir lug- The note also says that neutral shium mere wonders to excite astonishment; ejection ot, h1a appeal. Ills poNver- gage must be at tLe depot for InApec- " . � In Dort within the barred zone would , they are signs of heavenly truths as : r- Wegy ,GERARD 400a,t0b, be given until Feb, 6 to eall, and well, and this In their primary char- Ics5ness 1cil'Illm to a more iinreseiTed L,tion not later than 11 o'clock to-raor� 11 ParlS Cable-�A Madrid dependence on the power of Sesus. 'row morning, -co as to avoid delay and to the Petit Journal say,3 that the Ger- must take the shortest route out ot acterietic.-Plummer. Ye will not be- i lie stood hefore him regolvoil. nut to go ooWdifion. at the frontier. It is^ proba- Lrl man Goveriahient has announced that the restricted areas. On Feb. 2nd, the have --The great desire of Jesuis was IV.ay without Jesus' lielp. He hold7 ble that the special traiti's baggage ca- r- it grants a further delay of fortY-eight Spanish Governmelit asked the Cen- to convince the people that the king- fa!;t by g,.-, much of Jasual character papity will be taxed to the utmost, its WAS HELD V " boure for neutral ships at 40% to re' tral powers for an extension of tinip, dom. of God was within their rea4all. t;& i,-g,,,.inIng of ppogross. �, thd'pibassy staff and others permit- . gain neutral Yorte., in which SDaniall. ships at Bee. in t4p No would have them believe in Illix . - � � -ad*o zcne could return to port, Xessialiship for their own present and ag htl could apprehend. That marivk ted 0 tml,el with Gerard plan to carry .. . I lylock d any 11. Evidence of obedience, ' The tnGst-of their belonSingu with them, German Official Says Bern (lermanyle, original note to the but no 4eGpafches have menilone eternal salvation. Therefore lie Nvas nobjem,m.0 waa tested in his humility, The� train will conalot largely of day ;t7atcs ann6uncin.- the resuMD' cipecific, time limit as set by Ger- reAdy to perforni miracles to bring to otorff Was Hampered. VnIteif*S War.. --many" .. . . the people to acceDt tile truth T)y WhIell nught.ba,�e wounded the pride coaches, with a saloon car r the. tion of unreatriatea- submarine � I which alone they could be savcd, 4B., of �sle I� III, station. 110 was tested Ambassador and possibly slecq)ira for' ' — -_ . __ — I . —_ . ------.— The nobleritan saith unto Him- Thle in his fd�ith by being required to trust the woman. The.route decided upon 11 . . . I I the north bank of the Anore, after a sted this a word, I -Ila confident departure prov- is' shorter;.-thfi,11 the 'orizinal :ono,, by Coinmenta On Alleged Seiz short interruption# now attacics were * . .. - 1� I 'i e", '" - . I troubled father had not entrur ed the power of his faith. The grant� . way of Basle. . � I . . launched, during which. Nye lost a little matter to another, but had fact' that detaI1s,"`1df`1­1r­.* , , i osi- Ing of the father's agpeal in the resto- Uie of. Shi,ps.- - . 8z R ff ISO-. U �1 V t urgent Despite ther . ., . I ground near Baillescourt, North of come himself. 11 lie had pride of 1) ra,ton of his son de,,)ended upon the Corard's depart1fro have ))6on*1hdefIfid' " - ' � . . tion, he laid it aside to come person- I. 'A. 12 t. Plerre Vinst NVood an .attack Atilloricaiis - n 'I obedience cf.that,.moinent when Jesus Ito Otil this 0'Witilk;'the U ,& , Which failed as a whole lett Yor the ally to Jesus for relief. Sir, come down Aa ' . . , slre� 'ealdi I-110 thy way." lie believed the in Berlin have shown i1ttle tend,may L0114011 C6ble,—Dr- William Von' ' - R, EST the S ere my child die -The longing de -'Thy son livoth," and to worry, Atild thd'dellW.Y of the vitup- gpimm.. the- German Under-Secretary 0 111S. NO . . British a 9mall place of entran(�e. This for his child's recovery was mixed aasurall('O, accordance with tion has nota,ft#etod the j6rinily'of -for Foreign Affairs, in an Interview place is bommed In." with faith. Ile had no hope that his therefore acted in ' ­­� I , FttENCR REPORT. C,hri$VS instructlo.p. A great onward the German public. No mor -3 ,,ittot- - son would live.it Jesus did not heal aken when Jesus' word for tiou ha§�be�n pdd'to forel9fi,irs than printed in the Itusterdant - Milaels. Paris �Cable.—ThO co;nmunication him ai�ia he believed that Jestl� could step was t I usual. Americans'llmlye been trcst� blad, says Get -Many regrets -that 9110 'Several Succes4ful RaidS ill tile cure N�as decepted-lu place of Ills Is I - Issuea j)y tlie, War Vitice lorway nigat raise him up. He thought it necessary with rigid courtesy and no Objec- .was oompell ' Dist*t. uays: I I -personal visit, Tht noble mail trusted ad ad to take th u yptes . . - "InAhe region east of Rheini for Jesus to go where the sick Otte was his tion Pas boon 'raised to. English bk4n a NVO in order to rest,ire him to health, hence ill what 3eaus -said, -and found . 3 she adopted againot, Ambassador Ger. Nvorct rotent. I -Its was tile falth. of a spoken publicly, � ,'- ,' � ' . . . ardi but that the United -States bad / ___� � succooded In a ourprise attack ar-d the urgency of his 'plea for Him tO The nq,WtjpQ.pora cont1nus to devote 910 down to C&PiOrinuum. He was about full surrender and devotlell, which tirgelk-6'naw.s� despatches von Berristortf, the 0 Destroyed—Ger. brought back same prisoners, Our � comprehensive un. leached Its highest. � development .In tlholllselv�s I prevent',,- Count Amba�sador, froin DU9 UtS batteries offleaclously shelled -111-�my to receive a more I a frcirt America i"edel1ed- by:.warlovs, r1a I t bo,kad received his organizations lit the sector of 11111 .004 doristanding of the power of Jesus, personal exporlonce.­Having made' - tolol1grialpholnegrm,1111a, ma,njUsault Wiped 011t, - 5!0.:,,);1). villritual roadway.. int here--ls-.� lttflo.t. editoriali ptiasportA. (Verdua tactor), Aix ammunition o the fatheea rov,te%, but t L The Inte0le ' — - '10pot wa III. The rewards 01 ralch (vh W, according to Reuter's a blown tip. Oil remainder ot -hvedf­T11.,o licart, Jesus 'granted his request. Ile comintlit. Appareqtly, thp,-Prota Is, I 5g. GO thy wo.y, thy son ' Ite niflon Ili th ' Anistard correspondent, was had in IwOU44DA ,qw,)1e. General 14algis tho front Intermittent cannonadfug ts answer to the noblenlan's earlio-4t 1) i�a ael,wd the father'% faith and hen,led waltIn a ',ho ;,wu`. nialady, Faith was ciowned ,,,,,tay� for some def6 tre.AtTbn :6r Norden, Tn' tuwr policy of ON- rop States In oni�­d I rusalp, Dr.. v9n Stumm IS ' orted to bave, taken place. - had come. but 13ot In the Way !lv ll�t" ' ble another, and deseateheA .which,:- A�*al declared to liave said that Gormany ' trOQPs, cOntlilul" "it 13 confirm n f *Xpcetod, The words that fell J_,14. 111111 vermeted by tile Incoutesta with .the possibility or orob -received no reports' trbm the 'United Ing* tnQ enemy no re*t, 11%,o cirried pilot<4 on the 7tli instant broitOit down the lips of Je8us were auch w1Wq1s,.il­ prcoi: of tlie inlracle. The narative ra- ability of I . � main Mining li.oftee betwiien tho ` tXPi � �Aatos about%tho�. treatment of Count cuf ii numt)er of succe�siul rhids east Ile bad never heard before. "Tiiv t:on laWs tbo cri-ect upon tho'entIre, hoirso- eountrieW fil'oL'olvat vrominanoo. - a, Gorman aeroplane near Cmaoy lea llli� had the saniq.40donoo and � .. vol'LUernstorff, or of German 0 suls ug Vormpuws auq suuciav�wl. ot YD170- f3ucy (Aisne), During U13 lliMlt Of liveth,,, must have thrillekI thu sael hold. -y I . 1, . 0A Tha 1::an pArtopit ot tho same Joy. Whou the I . . Gorman x1bJects in tile United ,iumorou% dugouts wore deiltrt*uu, 'the 7tli-Sth Inst. our ,%vlatori, fi`ropped of that Tathor with joy. he hour of �11 ft - , � &f dount &ad abotit fitty prisoners taltivil, two bombs on military worlm -trid the nok)16mal� !carried that t ' - ob about the troatmoilt Ot believed the -word-His Idea tliat 3;3-mis Christ% uttcranee 'Was the hour of his , ' vi)n-B6rnst6Af, or of Cormall, Consuls or,thom oflicors. ,.roqlayls repor& grout depot at Dornadorf, ati(t. ulao oil the Must to at his soil's bedside to evre so11,j.,bUtj1lll,­,, there ,remained no cloud A �n� M E u SHIPS or �G A1JbjtCtjL In the VnIt6d LLisailquarters roadw titation at. FrIbourg-1h.13reaqwt (Graill him wag at once dMpotled. an,I Ills � I . . I .6r1fion 'INve carried out 1judcoq%fiti raids Duchy Of Iladoa)l 1, aw no to'niap"Bre brightness OtJi,lg faith'. The in M� fttm. The Amerlean Government, t ­­--r-*-C�­ fal l word. Ito i;, momor�,.`oj Ilia Lorff'g incrgy,*could - , RA a0edWift a the Under-Socretary, ayl, �ls morning and last night 04st Of oviderica that hir, son worrpt riicaver� . IN S I 1.10 never f4ae from h1i wind. The change A fi. E I "I"'fla IT61 11KE . (lantly li'acil Istopped' 06ifilt Von' Barn- Vermollea and southeast of YI)tcsl 'A * to ". �� � went his way -116 acted his falth And wIlivil jja� produced Ili Ills spirltui%l' I 9t:orft, eg -al DrIBOAGI I i t hN word. - 'from tol raphing imb"diately latgo number of the olleilly'a dvgoul �89 V � I .. � � - Md ,,ill 0IM' In 'fraclug . . after the sayerantel,of diplomatic tela, were dostrOY44 and savol . - N .4 V 121-4 Obeyed the Maator,- liChad no oata. being surpilP -lit the 410olopment ol' 1, 4.116attlo attempt to ap- . 04 S'. I " x Mon to plead longer with Jesus. Tto Christ's method tlons with Germany by the, Ulkited were take] ", I , ,j, started the noblenian's falth, we. find -he first -.8teamer's Dock Gun a Tor*l states. and the Ambgtoad6r hAd bdon 0 lines. south of Arinpatitreil ." A " ' "M -1 t r,oblematt li.ltd faith whon It, `=1h diseovered to him Its.1,adleal defect, � �- jb�,�3 night'--efter4t.-heavy pile - from OiDevnnum. 1-10 al,33 haa faith .. tor to. Run Pirates. - unable to announce ov4h the recolpt Ot Ot -i E W -i I , - . ite then tested Its Ih*ard sInaerit-r, 0 1 , ; I � - his passports. Germany iiad �_Only liminary . bolubardiii�nt" - Our , D1008 .t. . 1. � *E ag lit. begftu, Ills houloward Josirney, lit delliod'hig formal -fbqutAt; but learned from the Was aoverhMont tton.Choo, was -tLlt . . ,q4.A­by--OIir barl-1130 : - ,..., . . .. - .1 1. otherwice ho would have continued rds gTftllt0d 111AIA essential potlti6n, Diroot. Hari B0,611 Conquering the that ilia Amb4agailor had recolVed hivi iij.--go tianks"'.1,dandt, uJI'd et.silff f4- I L �.��._ 1 �1 .1 . Won for Jesu. . Pulsed. TblkY-Roven PrI90 a p 4 to go home with bini. neLAi; Wad J)"Irdl.tency Inprayer brought paEsporto, . "era, ln- - Iva illwii6n" Aie, 04.�-N-*nvy roc,ruft.. G1. 1114 strVants Inet him -ori Ills �%ay U -Boat Mews. ev, I is ph�-.Ical �R�4 t�iflfuai lifel to tile . Ing agents have been instructed td Ixn. '! a I 1 913011 treatment, Dr. von stumm J'a cludItig two officers, Nvem taken by lia to Capernaunt ho met 111.1 8, , R. At- I ertditod at baving 661(l, had crinipelled last 24-hourA.0 d1ff0f0IttV6I!1ts hr,u-_%)b-34I. . T. I _ , itv front. . ­ . modlately enlist 25,000 MGM , ____-*-6-6-_ . 4Ltn'g*it1 who had bean strit to tell 111rd thes good .,.Now tork UoDort.-Though figuteg Germany to Adopt the measures she at I liews of Ilia son.'s recovery. Thy soil '14orn �--P�'a. great Many POOPla, In f6 allow the number of sabritarlabs hid taken Against the American Am. ,,Our j.rtillery PM16M10d, knuell hue. In the event of War probably the L liveth"Tho nobleman had 'heard theqb thin ivorld who don't know what!s good destroyed by ilia Entente Allies and basndor, although sho doplorM suell � cessful couritor-b4ttory' N I first'act of the President will be to au. �,ery word9 from Jesus 90M flind for them." "Perliam Za"" replied tue � �ploqlon6 in tb morize, tile enlIntment of the maxi. N_-fortL thla and lie bellovo,d, theni and I . the 111inafts used In t1161r.destruotioU. Inda8urea. *hich. would h4ve booll MUS'Od two 01 eVeninfl, M1 011PUAY Muni war ti a r trongth Of 87,000. , cynical M0111, "but they alviaya have ,are unavailable ,owing.to 09 rigid- q9t. 3upettl0oug with -some watual e0q, line r. 'n, Yesterday ni 4 �vorkjng Party lit the "05"IM)"1100d Of In the War DeDartment steps tirm v;a!q comforted, and hearinixg them 11ow pl(,aty of 11olghbora Who "uld gladly --torfilill) or Ivar RotIvItlen, It Wall learti- t .' t1lo 13utto ao Wdrlotieourt wa,l ilil- I uu(Ior con-41deration foil hurrying or. froin his s6rvants assured him that Ite tell tile,,11. NvIlitt I�j good far t1kall, it cd here to-hight ftom.aft autboritativo �P'11"ItODO,," COufit V01i Stunlm is Qu6t. � I�ad 21ot trilStOd Jesus Ill VAIn. 62, they would ()rily IlGton.1'--T3irMIftghaM eourse that direct gUntiro frorn deekt td at having tatd, "the roDort8.qf� the, . I)crn,,d by our fire," ganIzAtIon of tile officers! roserV6 Ynquilted ....tile llour-tt was natural Age-Ilerald. 11 .1 GD,V�IDIIAV, AMMIS-UON-8. I tbrus. Use than 1,000 man briva been 111f1t h6 etio,old ask thig qwsoflmi, for ­ , - �­. . of war.Olpi and auxillarg v0st619 has 86!211re, Of 06fillAft 6105 4fid WO rb. colfittilssionod so far, altTiongh approx. a, ber-ft the Most effdotiV4 th6th6d OZ* ottictlen ,of ilia Itbtrty ot th6ir trt*ff The berlin Wo,r Offl,,,, rp ft., hel vh4hdd to kil0w wbettler flit* ,dore A rehoolmiFtrooa a�,Retl li(­ 1,�!..,q,,k t �v N, t z�,,,,t,L o t,o, o', 3, 1XI"i * Imately 60,000 would be requirod tor 7 t% ?) I P.Tillwas P 0 a thu r . tire atittuo, tt$ ituth mitahuras would be l'In tho Ypres Mid was Wrought .,it W, t1M Vffitls APOIKO 0XIII'Vin tIl3 1VOrd "blit -.14 t; ,' I y , , "' * to the Uorthaft-Amorkatt ev, and ftonl 00 Ani'r,) t* 010 I a v0lurdm artily of 500,000 men, I flit v,,ordW,' "Thy soft livoth,` or 1At(T Ner DI'lle'l ftbliVed W1101 Ift little V,Irl To Pombat the AOMAMIO UsnKe6 c6ntrarY _WON Ilvely artillt-'ry ­­ -1044" — Pegan to amond-13-11111 ta rccover: I aw!N�omd-,41A batholar In a %�,ry 11,11jilAof Great BrItAin and her Allies Ntlt;, -treaty of 110. Wo do not wish- it tyA. SoMmt%, thore 1,1'0 offIco hol-ddr may be tho aorv. opted various Plans to eatth thal tem ,of warfarei agMust tion-torabat- duels, I yestorday at tho sovorith libur_-Ae- n.nn." 11.1410 Mill Yo'l RIM 00?" -%d ft t1to tnotlllng tilcl 11ritfis-i rmwke(j jkAt of tile pmplt, but like othtr cvv- .41 thfi, 111114tr!"(1 *11A, , 1, I t1fidnV468; boats, �Iilthotgh Votdo Of F Ituts, 1911411 'Ag Great 13ritaln Wmauetil L ft I t(ording ,,,) Jowlsit "el,toillngv this P,00 ­- 0110'r told M(. %lould 1go, Of,# 0*eloelc ill tile tAfter,10,)II. tli6, iltt16 virt rtiillai�­Tit-,2161, tkobt kaVe 4#" *U**Jie,*#J It,$ T*"&j,'- Iry &O 10WIP1114t.11f Ot 01vilfe'WO." our � Serro, Th6v 10/are V0011.40. Oil AM$, 114 U$MAIIY Illifl iiiis Own lk'Ay' . . I . i i I � -t . - � - . I � I �� , , . .. . I 0 K? U 0, . 'i"11 I --- I I I "I .. . , I I .. . . rI is 1 46 1 urtoil To a&A I , "i - t XJ'AltKERS' MAT='T, titter, chviov vairy .. .. .. ;) J3 $0 4,-) k%v, nv�V­44ju, QQ4 . .. .... U 4W V 99 OVV40, 11) .. .. ..... .... ... 0 V0 - 0 40 Adv., duiley$ 4b, .. .... ... V VU V �* i-ilt-.44QU roviltry- tial-vyAl, 11) . ... ... .... .... 0,30 0,33 'Q%I'll), .. .. , - .. .... .. 0 D 091 0040, bill,1119 ... ... ... ... 9 0 A UVItIAT'ilpi, 11) . ... ... ... ... 9 A Y, 93 Jorluir ctlickens, 14. .. .. .. 9 = 0M A4vv lluunly- usVI, Ib . . ..... ..... ... ... 0,17 0 V 111041.314, 0), ­ ­ 11. ­ ... 0 it; 0 A 10lulta- , kiiijitts, Ba14-svin, hb), .. .. .. ,4 50 4: 50 ijo., Svles� bbl� _ .. .. .. 8 W 7 fil Do., UrK,nings, bbl. .. .. .. 3 UQ � 0 11 Do., (;-qt. bkt. . .. .. ­ 0 2 0 1i 40 Do" It -,It. b4t, : . .. .. .... 0 51) 076 Vegotab ca- 3eutn� per bag ... ... .. � _ 0 Oa 1 75 1 ,azrots, por bag ... ... ... I 60 170 Do., V�qt, bag .. .. .. ­. 02-7) 0 30 Cabbages Qitch .. .. 1. ­. 010 0 20 Do., rA, each .. .. ..... 1. 010 030 lorsera(lish lb ... ... ... .. 000 015 Leelco, bunell 71 11, .� 010 02 Lc,ttuce, doz, bci�,:'�;all .. 0 Zi 0 N) Do., doz. belm, large. ... 040 0, fill Onions, bundle ,,, _ . ... ... 0 06 010 Do., ll;qt. bIrt, " .. .'. .. .. 076. 3,01) Do., G -qt. b)r.t . .. .... . � 0 50 0 65 Flarim1ps, or baN .. ., .. .. I M 2 00 Potatots, tag ... ... ... ... 2 85 3 co L'o., 111, .t. ... 11. ... I.... 0 51 063 Svzp, bunch . .. ..... ...... 0 010 0 04 Silvorr. bunch .. .. .. .. .. 00, 0 M Turniplsj_ ba%, 0110 ,��.* .:,,. .,: .::: 075 Do., qt. . . 0 ." 0 2S X131AT5_._1W10ZX1 OATIU. Dcof, forequarters, owt. .. $13 00 OC. 13c., bladquarters .. .. 16 Qa T, 69 Carcu"s, cholou ,. .. ., .. 16 00 IQ 60 Do., comilaol't _"..1 ... � 11 0a M Go Veal.�, contniou, owt. .,*., .. 9 00 11 oil Do" 311001uln .. ... 1;. . 13 00 U 50 DO.. PrIAlf) ... I., ... ... V 50 19 OP. Xleavy 110gs ... ... ... ... 16 00 17 00 Shop hogs _ ... '18 04 I9 UQ 141-attolil liogt; ... :,.: ::: ::: 10 00 21 09 Arlitton. Mavy ... ­ .1, I Z V0 ILI 00 I Do' ON . ... .. � ... ... 15 00 17 PO Lalrl)�')P! 6prins, 1b. t. ., ,. ,J) 21 0 23* SUGAR ZT.&RXET. Local wholesale quotations on Canadian relly,ed sugar, Toroilto cialivery, Ili ef- feet after January 20,- ,Ot. Lawnenco graimlated' _ 100 tbs. V -3q ver ., .. - 100 lbs. V.23 1,�ni,iq grani3lated .. .... . : 100 lbs. 7.38 Blue Star vranulated .. .. . , 100 Ibs. 7.23 Redpath's �­arnilated _ ., ,. 100 lbs. 7.3S Roval Acadia gramilated .. 300 113s. 7.24 No: I y�llovv, all reflners - ,100 I be. 099 Dark yellow .".. .. .. - .., 100 Ibs 6115 Vicrolnion crystal. gran .. .. 100 Ilia: 7:28 10-1b. ba-gs, 15 conts over granulated bwui. 2.0-1b. baq,,. 10 conts over granulated ba.98. 2 ar.d 15 Ib. cart So cents over grftn- idated 100-1b. Tao�sl � . NVIINNTIP1,�G GRAIN L-XC1-rANGV- NVbeat- Open. 111gh. Low, 01080. Ida-,, _ _ _ 1 69 rt I 7A 1 09% 1 Via, jtlj� '... _ _ 1 67;1 1 683 1 tri!4 I ON ont . ... ... .. I F�j 13,J 1 37�� 1 37% oat*- 1'ay . _ �:..::, .:: 0 ZT, 0-571/2 0 6 RA 0673". -Tr% 0 07P,- 0 57�6 0571,4 0 673,� 's - .r ax_ Itray . ..... . .. 2 i5i 2011/4 a w7,� 2 cm X , 14,.;,;r.kp0L1S Gl*tAIN I\IARXZT. X11111eapolis.-MrIleat-May. 3 to la.1pi 5-S; July, $1.70 I -S: caSh, N. IVIrIl. �L�i 3-4 to V.83 3-4, No. I Northern, 19144 _ 0-4 to $1.77 A' No, 2 Nortneern, M74 3-4 tojl.;,� 8-4- 1�fo, 20 Northern, $1.71 3.4 to " 4. born -Wo. 3 yellow, W 1-2a to 1100 I-2. I Qats-Nlo. 3 %V111te, 152 . 1A tu, 63 1-40. "lour uncoalized, Bran, -?31.0 t.;i q,2.00, . J)ULIMR GR"X NkTARKET. Duhlt1l.-)V1leat­N0. I harcL I $1.76 6-S; �No. I "Northern, 4;,1.75 5-8, NO, 2 Northern. $1.70'6-S to M73 5..S, Linseed ­'Vo arrive. ,n1.-,9 3-4; I%Xay, $2.4 3-4. July. 12M. C1,fI1QAGO LIVE STOCK. Native L,eef cattle .... $7 40 $12 t 5 Western steers - - � - - - .., 7 90 10 30 Stockers and fcoders ... 6 10 9 rM 5 Cows and helfors ...... 5 15 10 60 Calves _% ..... ..... 10 25 34 75 . mogs, receipts 21,000: inarltet, strong. .1 -$I1. b0 Light .... ... I ....... .$12 45 Mixed .... ..... ..... 12 15 12 50 F1 eay.y . .... ..... ..... 12 03 12-55 Rough . - � . ... ....... 12 05 12 20 PIgJ .... ....... ..... 9 7 5 I-1 10 Bulk of sales ......... I I ,I> .10 12 50 Sheep, reor.-Ipt,s 4,000; marker., steady. Wethorq .... ...... Lambes, native ­ ...... 12 10 14 60 BUFFALO LM- ST001C. r,ast, Buffalo, Report.-Cat,tle, receipts 60" &,low . Veals, receipts M; actiVo. $5 to $15-75. Ilogir, recelpt 4.OW; slow; beavy and mlxe�1-1325 to $la401 yorkers $13.20 to .$13,io I . i�h'i $12.26 to'$b; pigs $12 to M2,10; roughs $12.25 to $12,40: stags $10 to %1. Sheep and lambs, receipts I,M; ste,ldV: 1a.rr.bs $12 to $15,50; yearlings $11 to $IC25; N�ethers $12 to, $12.60, e'%Ves $13y to $11-50', mixed .sheep ,1,11.50 to $11-76. LIVI-11111"0UL PRODUCH. rlour, w1wter patelits-478. Flops In London (Pacific, 00ELSO—.M., 16s: to 45. -Us. Hains, short ckut, 14 to 16 lbs.—IlSs' 'I Bacon, Cuinwrland cut, 2G to 30 lbZ.— I Ca. Clear belIles, 14 to 10 lbs. -12.1s. ' Lonu clear middles, light,, 28 to 34 Ibs. —11205, I .. . Long tlear nilddlos, heavY, 2.5 to 40 lb2.— LT.,. . Phort ctear backs, 10 to 20 lbs. -1181j. Shouldpxs, P,quaro, 11 to 13 Ibs.—IM9. Lord, prime western. in tierces—noni . inal. Aniertean, reffned-722s. M Ainerlean, refined Ili boxeii-120si. Cheese. Cpmadlan, fluest whne­133S, Colored -151a, I 1-uEtral'all In Lon,ion--65s, I I-Za. Tur entille, SP11,104-6;S. . r.er1n. tommon-121's. I ' 'C '� mrined-1s, 2 1-4d, E11nt'Z,1'2d'1y'C';II­-546, Gd. Cottrin Seed 011, hull refined, npot.— r 'e, O'l. . �, '.. . I . 4 6 0 R I CANADIANS : . � -G .__..�_ ' King Confers innors at Bucldngham Palace. Nova Scotia Private GeU Victoria Cross. 0 ' London Vable-411P following Cau- adialis were Invested at 13uclttnghal� Palace with the order of, C.NXG.-, Col, Jolla Potharlughain, Atodlealt; Col, Rev. Richard Steacy, 014plb , In ' ' le� Partment; Lieut. -Col, xialirlao. WOV ander, Judge Advocate -General.; Lto Col. Ross, paymaster. The following received We D.S,O.: Liont-Cols, Claude 11111, 1!',lmor Jones Ernest Mo f(ellil'af majofs Vale'ntlue Harvey, Owen Hodg1.tt,.Jpbn McDonald, 'J'ohn 11 a iik ft y, The following decorationi were algo conferred. Victoria Cross, 10146:5 .Pte, John Xerr, Canadian In. f litryl, AllIttary, Crdss, Majors '%V11. liq am Irlpatrick, Kenneth miiflaffy, ELlward Vince,, Captains Ddu.glaq Bar4ett, 000. Chaffney Herbem, Atol. l son, Arthur Nation, kla�iy rrf�;�, aco, �Robertson. Aian Turnbull; Lim -0, Pranols Alford, Harold 11arnum, Tiloi, Chutter, Win Pougall, Robort Her. bort, Frank Hunter, Alan Johnston, Janios Linton, Gilbert Tyndale. 1�rlvates 14. E4. Udtnulids Sap.katoon, and. 11. D, 111shop, Manitoba, have re- ceived commissions in the Imperial arnly, 101403 PrIvald John Chipman Xi�rr, . on whom RZIng George conforroa tho Victoria Cross. Is a millalbor of tho , 46th, Battalion. Ills ftf�xt-of-kttl 13 givon as Mrs, Itobort Kerr, Vox Rlvpr, Nova Scotia. woftwo mutual, , _ Fin W191. CO. Zats - � , , bltob.44 IS40 U04 Oates, 0=X", ONT. luskA tAklo'n on *U 011LA460 Of tar-UZI, bJ$ VMD*rtlr on the Q404 4*r pItIRMIUM , oto ,sys"ui, a.. WAMM,W, ;Omq "VIDWX W00104t 000rotw RiTo"IN * OCSXN40, Agents, . W11410tao,4 911t., - . 11 I I I __ " ,. � . Dudley Holmes . NARMOT0% sOL10IT0%, 19'M . offlool M;yw *Ioqk. WISONUN 11 ....­­�. ­ 11 -1 � R. -Vaustone "M*Txa "'D *0LA01TQ4L , UqW to to" at 10,wo" rA" � .11 ­ � 0 W;.NQHAM,, �1 t I Arthur I Irwill - 1).D.S., L,D.S. * of tho Voull- 11 I ritlate og T.10n- t�,�l,tVob.rluljr�-g,�qlyl.olllol.ltgal)lollnxItt'll-41��l,'C,10 Closed every Ivedneaday AftervQon. office in mudonald Block. __ . F. rV1. DEANS , D.D.S., .1'.0's. Honor Graduate of tho Royal CollofQ Of 1)ental �;urgeoris of Ontario, Honor graquitte of VnIvergity or Toronfb. 6ri"o`i,',',1,1ty,v0,'r Dio#'Wnrye�day Afterilo,n, y Office Over K E. Isard 4 00A ,9%ore In Ih , o I)antal Parlors, fornmrly ocoli- vied by Dr. 0. 1-1. ,U0130. . W Is iv. R. HambAy_ 0.80., M.D., C.M. . - ap"tal att6lation paid to dissale$ of w4rdan ;Lnd Children havitiff titkon po*tgra-duate wozlle in 81'r - Cory, Bacteriology &Ud 8416:40013 Medicine. offlea In the Kerr residenzo be- tweau the Queen's Hotel anT tho Daptlst Church. Alip bmalnei1x Well CAXOtul Atti'Atioll, Phono 64. P, 0. no% no Dr. Robt. C. Redmond . J&�R.C.S. (IDA9J I 4R.C.P. (Ijond.) PHYSICIAN AND SUR051D& — . (Dr. oblebolm's old stand). - DR'UGLtSS PliYSICIAN I CtHROPRACTOR ' . .tkaule. diseases respond in most. ease%' ' gulte reaauy to tileuLtAlCllt by a Dru.g- lose Piwalclaii, Many conditions whIch otherwise call �or operttive intorfar- cover lrlaturalli% So-calica Inourro,ble, cover naturally. So-calledln oul,W)le caBe,% sometimus bomfit considarawy A, - go, I A. f0XP D.C.t D'01 Ntember Drualess I-1hysictang A.00.10tatiolt of Canada, , . Otfice Aours-2 to 5. 7 to 8 p.m, Pho.ne 191. I ___ - __ -----. DR. R� L S44`11EWAIRT Graduate of 'University of Tipinpl,", I . V, acuity of Medicine; Lici;fi �jg%e of - On , h, t4r14 College of � , bais ana . � surgemis. OMPICE MKTRAIMM, - I ZURBRIGGI,S PHOTO STU010, JOSEPHINE ST. THONE 29 � - __________.___ __ ____ — - . __.. - --.----- .__ "'---- OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICMN I M F. A. PARKER. Osteopathy builds vitality $Md strength. Adjustment of the splAq kild 6ther tissuarig gently neoured, fligifid- by removing the predisposing caiiis of disease. - I Blood Pressure and other erlmIn%- tions made. Trusses scilentifle.A.I.Ir flt� ted. I . 1. I OFFICR OVER -CHM&TWO $TORE. I 1Tomv--Tdos4&y*.And�ftdsrs, 0 kini, to %; Wednesdays, 9 to 1i Co. 04atp-47SAY, tprolut,mato, A :_... . - ."General Hospi-tal (Under Govornment IntioactIon). Pleasantly situated, beautifully fur. nithed. ODen to all regularly licensed . pbystaians, Rates ter patients (wfitcil Include board and nurslng)—$4.00 to $16.00 per week, according to Ideation of roora. For turther Information— AAdreso MISS L. MATHEWS, . . Superintendent, Box 223, Wintphain, Ont. _-_..__._1_._ -, 64- 1 S E` L ' L Town ,and Farm properties, "11 and see. my list and pt my priced. I hays some exotilknt values. 3 G. STE UTTTART WINOHAM.' Phont 194. offica tn T?wn HOIL ,-- __ ,r. R. Bennett . �. I P. AUCTIONEZU . Dates Arranged at th,s Advanca Offlos ' PUM-gred Stock Sales a 09voial,ty 8al . e* condufted anywh*tv in Ofttarlar, PHONE $1. WINGNAM, ONT, __�_._ _ . J. 1i V JJ . W'. T""'I'D" (IStiecessor to J, G.-STIDWAIIT) � � PIRE; LIFe, AWOMNT . I and HEALTH 'INSURANCE. . P.O. 13ox 800. . . -, Phone I" ' . WINGRANIf, ONT,,. ' I Wool ..��0.001di.t,Nip-�ww,wp.6i..-iht.W^— __ John F. Graws Issuer Of NAURU= LIMNSES' tOWt4 IiALL WINGRAM Phones --Office 94; Adsidando 100. ..__­___.__ .. . � '1111 # ,� . . . . . I'll . . . . . . , , . ,�� , I ., � ,I I ; . I 7LI _6" .Wo Want ereph. 6,nd will pa3r. tbs lii�hest Pricen for 960d erotua. Wily AWD your croam 6.way, a lorts diatallne whan you tan r"elva " good price* n6ar hboie, and Irt A,�ndjng your tireath P, Vf, WIN h, -Ir, , h.wa IgSuat.ry, NVI uttl Sh VOM C6113 t* Me jklllrhpj�j- kr, , DAY *11 ftPrOW0 ChaLtNAN 4hd rksgure J � OU Kh. honeAt blih% A. ChetAe ft& '90- tOtlY Pdtrol'�J haVIN? 1141AAftat durtnir the I N , W ritar well a 6a WC11 W All1p, to U& VMto foil turther Darttl4tuitts t6 . I �* THE SE13,11MIGREAMIERY . IstAFORiTki . . (>N-rAn'to - . . ,* .0. I I . . I . .