HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2004-07-29, Page 7PEOPLE AROUND
By Jo-Ann
184 Dinsley St. W. Box 428
Blyth, ON NOM 1H0
Tel: (519) 523-9655
Fax: (519) 523-9793
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tools, etc. be 50 feet deep.
Neighbours and friends need to That's a lot of water coming and
keep an eye open for each other going.
these days and of course keep things They experienced the Tidal Bore
locked and take keys out of at Truro. where the ocean water
ignitions. comes in as .a two-toot wave of
There were some local boys out water and funnels into a narrow
enjoying a fishing weekend at river that raises at least 30 feet in a
Pickerel River this past weekend. very short time.
Darryl Houston. Scott McDonald. They were enjoying great weather
Chris and-Devin Blake plus six other and wonderful scenery as they
young men were away three days. travelled on to Dighy. While there
Fishing, boating, swimming and they boarded a research boat, that
generally good times were enjoyed took them whale watching. They
by all as reported on their return saw two magnificent humpback
Sunday. whales that the researchers
Returning from an excellent trip to recognized and have named.
the east coast on their motorcycles Following the Glooscap Trail
were Don and Pat Nolan. They through. the Annapolis Valley, they
travelled state side through New enjoyed the plush scenery, fruit and
York, Vermont and Maine before vegetable farming and many
starting out in New Brunswick. beautiful homes. They travelled east
Travelling the southern coast of on the south coast of Nova Scotia
New Brunswick, they enjoyed the and enjoyed stops at Peggy's Cove,
St. Martin's Tidal Caves. They are Springfield and Anne Murray's
huge caves, at least 50 feet high, that Studio. While there Don even
are completely dry when the tide is ventured down a coal mine to mine
out, but fill completely when the tide his own piece of coal. The narrow
is in. tunnel was only four feet high and
Heading into Nova Scotia, they very cool and damp.
travelled down the north coast of the They also stopped at Lunenberg to
province and the Bay of Fundy. At enjoy the local hospitality. Crossing
Minas Basin, which is a huge inlet over to Cape Breton they followed
that becomes empty with only a the Cabot Trail and found the
trickle of water left and the muddy scenery breathtaking. They had a
red soil is all that is to be seen, when visit at Rita McNeil's tea house.
the tide is out. When the tide comes Travelling up the north east coast
back in, the centre of the basin will of Cape Breton the twisting turning
The Over 80 birthday party was of roses and sweet peas.
held in the Knox United Church Muriel Coultes welcomed the
basement on Wednesday, July 21 celebrants and friends to the
with 31 celebrants, many friends gathering and opened with a poem,
and family. Chorus of the Birds. She then read
The Evening Unit of the United an article about a glass of milk. Ross
Church Women invited all those in Anderson playing mouth organ and
the community and surrounding Lorne Campbell at the piano
area who have celebrated their 80th entertained with several numbers.
birthday or more. The basement was Donna Shaw gave two humorous
decorated with card tables, bouquets readings.
Don and Pat Dalton were lucky
last week. When Don noticed smoke
coming from the shed, he
investigated to find a fire consuming
the end wall. Grabbing the water
hose and calling the fire department,
they contained the fire and saved the
shed. Good work Don!
The McCall and Storey families
have returned from France and the
wedding of Marcy McCall and John
MacBain. Approximately 50 family
relatives and close friends attended
the ceremony in Provence, France at
a chateau. Following the ceremony a
dinner was enjoyed by the close to
200 guests.
Entertainment and a night of
dancing celebrated the newlyweds'
wedding day and the beginning of
their life together. Congrats to
Marcy and John and welcome home
Murray and Sherry.
Thieves are out and about our
countryside again as John van Vliet
found out. His shed was robbed of
Auburn's 150th celebration is only
a day away. People will be going
about the streets of Auburn to take in
all the festivities planned.
The Old Tyme Fiddlers and Music
Jam will be at 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Saturday with Tom Melady as master
of ceremony at the Auburn
Missionary Church (gymnasium).
All musicians are welcome.
Between the hours of noon and 3
p.m. Saturday, it would be
appreciated if people would not park
on the sides of the streets, along the
parade route and again on Sunday at
4 p.m. on Goderich Street as this is
the raceway for the bed race.
Friday, July 30 is the Homecoming
Ambassador contest at 2 p.m., the
beard-growing contest at 8 p.m., the
teen dance at the Community Hall
from 9 p.m. - midnight, the
karaoke/dance from 9 p.m. - I a.m. at
the Auburn Missionary Church.
Saturday, July 31 is the official
opening ceremony at 2:30 p.m. The
car show runs from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The parade is at 1 p.m. Teen co-ed
volleyball is at 3 p.m. The band
tattoo is at 3:30 p.m. and the Old
Tyme Jam Session at 7 p.m. The
steamer corn roast is at the hall with
Bob Oliver at 8 p.m. followed by the
dance with I0 lb. Sledge at 9 p.m.
Sunday. Aug. I -the open air church
service (non-denominational) begins
at 10 a.m. There are historical
programs from 10 a.m. - noon and 2'
- 4 p.m. The horseshoe tournament
starts at noon. arm: wrestling at 3
n m.. bed races at 4:30 p.m., kids'
trail ran perilously close to the sides
of the cliffs and following the speed
limits was strongly advised. _
Magnificent . ocean views and
coastal terrain was exceptional.
Taking the ferry to Newfoundland
they found the hest-kept secret in
Canada. Newfoundland has a
varying array of scenery and sites
that Don and Pat found
At Gross Mountain National Park
they saw the magnificence of the
fjords and massive icebergs that
float around.
At Iceberg Valley near St.
Anthony icebergs frequently float
ashore and have to wait until they
melt somewhat and are freed to tloat
away again.
These were magnificent with a
shiny blue turquoise colour that
radiated from below the surface of
the water.
While in St. John's, they stopped
for a visit with Pat's cousin Ron
Taylor before heading back to Cape
Breton. They were heading to
Lobsterfest at Pictou when 'Don's
leg began to bother him.
After four weeks and 8,000 kms.
Don's knee began to swell and after
a trip to the hospital, a diagnosis of a
cracked kneecap was made. The
full-leg cast was done and
arrangements to have their
motorcycles stored were made and
the 30-hour train ride from Halifax
then recited a poem on memories.
Rev. Ethel Miner Clare brought
greetings and said grace.
Mrs. Louise Bosnian, the newest
over-80 celebrant, and Clare
VanCamp cut the birthday cake.
Mrs. Bosman thanked the members
of the UCW for hostingthe event.
Cake and ice-cream were served by
the UCW.
to Toronto was made.
Daughter Pam picked Don and Pat
up and home to Walton they are.
Don's already looking forward to
the cast coming off and to returning
east to ride the hikes home again.
Good for you Don.
Judy Lee and JO-Ann McDonald
spent a working weekend in Barrie
-at the Grand National Motocross
race. It is the fifth stop in the
Canadian tour and Walton will host
the final race on Aug. 14 and 15.
A shower for Charmaine Baan
was held at Walton United Church
with Monique and Teresa Baan as
hostesses. Many games were played
and gifts presented to Charmaine. A
light lunch was sprved and an
enjoyable evening was held.
Congratulations to Charmaine on
her upcoming wedding. She is the
daughter of Dave and Dianne Baan.
Celebrating birthdays last week
were Jim Blake, Paul Stevens, Ken
Rogerson, Bob Williamson, Donna
Godkin, Cathy Flaxbard, Tyler
Banks Ribey.
teddy bear parade at 7:30 p.m..
steamer corn roast with Bill Andrews
at 8 p.m.. shirt-tail parade at 10:30
p.m. followed by the PJ social and lip
sync contest until I a.m.
The Balls cemetery memorial
service is at 3 p.m.
The parade route is from
Donnybrook Line and Blyth Road to
Queen Street right onto Elizabeth
Street, right on Goderich Street, left
onto King Street, left onto John
Street and right on Hardwood Line to
the ball diamond.
Happy birthday to Klaske Werth,
Belinda Marshall, Dave Marshall,
Autumn and Sydney Wightman
and their mother Alison entertained
singing two Bible school numbers.
Mrs. Coultes then read two stories
which were followed by a sing-song
led by Catherine MacDonald, with
Mary McIntosh at the piano.
Arnold Bruce favoured the group
with three numbers on his violin. He
was accompanied by AIf Nichol.
Mrs. Coultes thanked everyone
Blair Bennett, Darlene Empey,
George Townsend, John Verwey,
Colleen Caesar, Maisy Jefferson,
Jordie Fisher, Dustin McDonald,
Siebolt Siertsema, Laurie Treble.
Travis Teed, Robyn MacPhee,
Kaybree Berry, Kelsy Cartwright,
Jefferson Gordon. Jessica Elder,
Donald Treble, Jackie Snieder, Jamie
Plaetzer, and Seva Irvine.
Happy anniversary wishes to Ben
and Joan Miller. Julie and Darryl
Shannon. Roy and iVlarion Taylor.
Brian and Donna Lynn Merkley.
Wayne and Deb Berry and Will and
Trina Korporaal.
The members of the Bluewater Kennel Club would like to thank the
following businesses and individuals who sponsored trophies at our Dog
Shows, Obedience Trials and Agility Trials held at Blyth, July 6, 7 and 8.
• The Old Mill
• Fleming's Feed Mill
• Marian Hindmarsh
• Verbeek's Farm and Garden Centre
• Dorothy Bassett
• South Huron Veterinary Clinic
• Dr. Brian Nuhn, Seaforth Vet Clinic
• Scrimgeour's Food Market
• Sparling's Propane
• Howson & Howson Ltd.
• Radford Auto Parts
• Heubner - Ridder Veterinary Hospital
• Clinton Veterinary Services
• Jim and Dorothy Needham
• Gina McDonnell
• Jim and Sue Stewart
• Jerry and Sue Wilder
• Goderich Veterinary Clinic
• Sifto Canada Inc. Goderich Mine
• Robert & Peggy Gibb
• Bill and Sharon Creighton
• Tasty-Nu Bakery
• Mrs. C.A. Hardy
• Sifto Canada Inc. Evaporator Plant
• C.E.P. Local 16-0 Goderich Mine
Also thanks to the Blyth Business Association, Bill Bromley, Paul Cook
and family, Huron Pioneer Thresher Association, Trinity Anglican
Church, Lorna Mathers, Elly Winters, Wayne and Anne-Marie Peachey,
Neil Salter, Earl Salter, Bob and Carol Campbell, Dave Higgins, Wilf
Higgins, June Mennen and the Huronia Branch of the Itiiisine Society
for their cooperation in making our shows successful.
Belgrave Over-80 residents celebrate _ _