HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2004-07-29, Page 6Mike Bean Mike, son of Dana and Joyce Bean of RR 1 Auburn, is an Ontario Scholar from Goderich District Collegiate Institute. He will attend ConeStoga College in Kitchener where he is enrolled in the civil engineering prog- rani. Krista Jones The daughter of Maryann Jones and Tom Refflinghaus of RR2 Clinton, is an Ontario Scholar from Goderich District Collegiate Institute. She will attend Brock University in the honours program in Child and Youth Studies. Catherine Robinson Catherine, daughter of Bill and Susanne Robinson, of RR2, Auburn, will attend the Univeristy of Waterloo in the chemical engineering program. She achieved her Ontario Scholarship status at Goderich District Collegiate Institute. ARE You READ OR HEAVEN? SOWE 33i1 GOSP ALLVILIAtti sr.onsored bY Joseph St. Gospel Hall JESUS August 1St - 20th 7:45pm - 8:45pm nightly excluding Saturday Tent Location Beside Lavis Ball Park on #8 Highway, East of Holmesville Speakers Mr. Mark Bachert: Delores, Nicaraugua Mr. Gary Sharp, Midland, Ontario mr-yr, Oki, kw K. YOUNG PEOPLE'S 8I8LE HOUR August 9 to August 13 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 444114)/ess so4t, 41 4z- -"%9e/ .5.44,e-4,e-0,101.7/4 ezxf 'fre.ec°4-4 J-04it'412)oeo ".. AssoLuTELY FREE for information or transportation call: Dan Bachert 527-0540 Mark Bachert 357-7871 1 0 A ON :60 \.01311., \--°'1/4 \a\ 000 fc.161 NO 0‘0,5\1\k.1., THE EDITOR, It was good to see and read the article of July 22, page 6 regarding the benefits of apples in preventing arious forms of cancer. I would like to expand on what was printed and also thank you for eying to inform the readership of The Clltzett. Surely some will take it .enouslv. The many benefits of apples in our diet seems to me to be one of the world's best kept secrets. Our ancestors knew more about good nutrition than most people know today. Sixty years ago over half of Canadians lived on farms and produced most of their food no their farms. Most of those farms had an orchard. They raised and butchered hogs, cattle and poultry. They grew potatoes. beans and all kinds of vegetables that were chock full of starches, tats and sugar, the things they now tell us aren't good for us and are causing obesity, high blood pressure and all the rest, including cancer and diabetes. They didn't worry about what they ate, they ate what they had which Staying afloat To raise money for new pool blankets, the lifeguards at the Brussels pool, with help from the bronze medallion and bronze cross students, embarked on a tread-a-thon. On Tuesday from noon until midnight, the swimmers did half-hour shifts treading water. A number of sponsors have already donated generously to the $2,700 cause. Recreation employee Abi Corbett has promised that once $1,500 is reached she will have her head shaved, a definite possibility as the donations will be counted until the end of summer. (Bonnie Gropp photo) Area students GDCI sholars PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 2004. Letter to the editor Writer offers information on benefits of apples included lots of fruit, especially eat". apples. Grandad with a Grade 8 education They knew that plenty of fruit in knew those things well. We should their diet was a counterbalance to the now know more -things better, but fats, starches and sugar which we here we are discovering how to stay now are cautioned against. well. It leaves me wondering how Why are we so uninformed? It's serious they really are about not new information that an apple a promoting good health. day keeps the doctor away or that an Thanks again for printing that ounce of prevention is worth a article. pound of cure and "you arc what you Mason Bailey, Blyth. Bluebox Adjustment Many items are made of LDPE plastic film, but very few are actually labeled. When the Bluewater Recycling Association began collecting film in 1989, it was limited to grocery bags. Over the years, it was expanded to include other products such as bread bags, milk outer bags, dry cleaning bags, etc. These products are all "technically" recyclable, however, they are often contaminated with leftover products (bread, milk, paper tags, etc) or mixed with other non-recyclable film like the cereal bags,food wraps, chip bags, etc. The excessive contamination has forced us to refocus. As a result, the Association will only accept plastic grocery bags as they are the only common item in the household that we know is made of LDPE and is consistently delivered in a clean state. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Most materials left in your blue box are not acceptable. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at 1-800-265-9799. rf Wedding 40.noune ent eni 1 A , . r .r ...: M f ii 4 0 ' 47 A 41 7 ‘, , - , '' ' ' 45 : 4 , ,, ,A , .. , , ,- .., , -< " ' :"A € ''1 q - : ... . . .. .. Ja me s M i l l e r 's D O U B L E E X PO S U RE L TD . century tent, on Island Park, Portage La Prairie, MN was the pretty setting for the May 22, 2004 wedding of Brenda Smith and Mark Bachert. Parents of the couple are Art and Debbie Smith, Portage MN and Keith and Janet Bachert, Walton, ON. Mr. Gaus Goff, Arlington, Washington was the officiant. Attendants were friends, Mareshah Bergsma as maid of honour, and Ross Vanstone as best man, both from Manitoba. Bridesmaids were cousin Sarah Smith, Saskatchewan, friend Cynthia Qlson, Iowa and sister of the groom Shirlee Groothu.s, Chicago, Illinois. Groomsmen were brothers of the groom, Marvin Bachert, Walton, ON and Michael Bachert, Cumberland, MD and friend Jeff Sharp, Midland, ON. Junior attendants were nieces and nephews of the groom, Rachella Ganoe, Fort Ashby, West Virginia, Blake McKinley. Kitchener and Heidi and Devin Bachert, Walton. Ushering guests were brothers of the bride Ken Smith, Winnipeg, MB and Jeff Smith, Edmonton, AB and brother-in-law of the groom, Brent Groothuis, Chicago. Following their active involvement in a Gospel Tent Series, to which all are warmly invited August 1-August 22, 2004 at Holmesville, ON, the happy couple will be serving the Lord (D.V.) as missionaries to Nicaragua, Central America affiliated with Assemblies of Christiansj gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus.