HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-02-08, Page 4Thursday Feb, 8, 1917 PRE WINCE AM ADVANCE xxxxxxxxxgxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxutontonommangust yq�w�ry�p�+�y�s �+ �1 �s y�r��r �r �+ �+ �q�r a +� �+ � v g ',/ + �i/ �u/ �i •/ . J Ranaflton ..... 1 / i 1i 1I ���e�1 N�1I ell a\t�• 11 M�IINp/ A i M/ e` i%/ e�liiRll,il i��i� iA� i I i 1�1,11Ao '1�i ,1 i. 9i�r+ iris+ is ►' rs� r i. i .++ 1 i. BFi I L Valselekle.. •...,re. AX 11+�XXXXxx�I I '�N�i�at n t N[parr 4..4.44,, ...n...-Tw... .... ...:. .. ...:.. . . .: :. .. ... .: ...: .: ...:..Detente, n le.A .. .,Mr..J , . McLean Pogo Four PO U CAN SAVE.MONEY HERE Read the L 1st of Bargains in the GROCERY DEPARTMENT 7 bars "Wash Easy" soap for 40c Fourstring brooms, sale Royal Yeast Cakes, sale Canada Laundry Starch 30c can Empire Brand Red Salmon, sale Special brand of Teas, black or Japan Large 10c bottle Extract Maple Leaf Baking Powder, 2 cane for 7 bars Olive Oil soap tor . .. New Raisins, large and fresh, 2 pounds for .... . Choice Salmon, 2 cane for Corn Starch, per box Baked Pork and Beans, per can . 504 Black Ceylon tea Red Rose Tea, black green or mixed Clothes pins, 3 dozen for Large bottle pickles, sale Washing Soda, 3 pounds for. 3 lbs good Raisins for SAVE MOJVEy ON WOOL HOSE 10 dozen heavy worsted ribbed Hose, all sizes, good buying to -day at 40c clean sweep sale price 30c 6 dortn heavy All Wool Ribbed Hose. good value at 75c, sale. 60c 5 dozen Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, regular value 35c sale 25c A lot of small sizes in Children's Wool Hose at 18c 25c 30e 4c 8c 25c 35c 8c 25c 25c 25c 25c 8c 15c 40c 40c 5c 15c 5c 25c IN IN 111 P11011�''%\riX XX t%M1I71XXXXXXCXXXXX%i1ZWAX 1XXX%XXXXX%1XXXXX DARGAIJVS IN CORSETS LOT NO. 1—Broken lines and odd sizes in good strong wearing Corsets, sale 59c LOT NO. 2-5 dozen best makes, to clear 69c LOT NO, 3—Better Grades, your choice 95c And all other lines in stock at Bargain Prices CARPET DEPARTMENT Big stock of Carpets, Rugs, Oilcloths, Linoleurs, Big Bargains in all lines. BARGAINS IN FURS Ladies' Fur Coats, a few to clear at $10.00 Caps, Stoles, Caperines, BIG CUT IN PRICES ou Muffs. Ruffs, Gauntlets. etc. Ladies' Rat Lined Coats to clear Fur Collared Coats $25, sale. 10 Fur Ruffs to clear at $29.50 $19.00 $2.50 SWEATER COATS Do you need one? Lots to pick from here at a discount of 20 per cent off regular prices. DIG BARGAINS IN WAISTS 5 Dozen Ladies' Waists, odd lines and broken in sizes. Regular prices $1.50 to $2.50, embroided voiles and lawns. Clean Sweep price only 98c THROWING THE LIGHT ON BIG. - lig.9 ANNUAL ry /fit i�; Yfy, "�"�•i�''"'•\ffi�i ANNUAL'SALE H IGH COST OF LIVING COMES DOWN WITH ISARD'S CUT PRICE WINTER SALE BIG CUT IN PRICES Our Bales are always Hummers and this one will be no exception. WAIT for this GREAT SALE commencing Saturday, February 3rd AND` Saturday, February 17th Two weeks of Wonderful Price Sav'ng in our Two Stores. It will be worth while buying largely for the future at the following Cut Prices. Great value in Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls' Ready to Wear Clothing. Read the list of ) ) Bargains and Come right along and get your share. Come in the morning if possible, but come any time. c,_,,,...+.aM.lWW.............n W.N.rw.Pwwwvwu.W1/0~0~.rw.+Wwwvw.%v,,•00.W,...Wwwv0.Mi BARGAINS IJVHAJVD RAGS One dozen all leather Hand Bags with mirror inside. Regular value $1.00, on sale at t price 50c 10 new shaped Hand Bags, good value at $1.25, they go at... ,...69c Fancy colored Suede Bags, spring clasp and opener, price $2.00, sale $1 50 Vanity Gun Metal Purees with chain, leather lined with mirror $1.50 for 75c Children's Leather Hand Bags, sale 25c GENTS' FURNISHINGS Men's heavy wool ribbed socks 25c Men's heavy all wool Shirts and Drawer $1 25 for..$1.00 Boys' Cloth Caps with inside band 25; Boys' fleece lined Shirts and Drawers 25c Men's Heavy Winter Caps 50c Men's Fur Caps Dog skin $2.00 Men's strong black and white stripe shirts 79c Men's Print Shirts, fancy stripe 79c Four in hand Ties, 50c for 29c TERMS OF SALE Spot Cash or Pro- duce. Goods not paid for at time of sale will be eharged at regular prices. MEN'S WEAR STORE You will find Big Stock and Big Bargains in all kinds of Men's and Boys' Wear, We sell the PIT-RITB Clothing, Fite -Rite stands for style and quality. Take advantage of this Mid -winter sale and buy a Fit -Rite and fee! righe 10 men's Fancy Pattern Tweed Suits, stylise and well made. values $$12, to clear... $9.95 Men's Strong Overalls, sale price 1 25 Men's Boys' Heavy Heavy O et co ts to clear 10.00 r4 75 Boys' Suits in small sizes, sa'e 1.50 Men's Striped Tweed Pants. $2 50 for 2 00 Men's fancy pattern Worsted Suits, sale, 13,75 Cut prices on all other lines during sale. DOOTS AND SHOES Bargains in all lines of Boots and Shoes for Men, Wom- en Girls aid Boys wear. Women's good wearing rubbers, sale 50c Men's special Rubbers 75c Boys' heavy school Boots 1 75 Men's strong wearing Boots 2 75 A lot of odd lines Girls boots to clear at , .. 1 25 Men's Heavy Boots 1 98 H. E. Isard & co. WINGHAM ., ONTARIO HURON COUNTY COUNCIL (coutinued from page 3) doing. There was a division of opinion as to the advaptage to be gained by send- ing delegates to the Good Roads Con- vention and Messrs Campbell and Lobb moved that no delegate be sent. On a rote being taken the council divided evenly, 15 for and 15 against. The Warden said he had attended the conventions, at his own expense, and there was a vast amount of informa- tion to be had, He voted in favor of sending delegates, and this was de- clared carried. The report of the special committee on the Good Roads Question was adopted. Moved by Messrs Crich and Arm- strong that Mesbrs Stewart (Seafortb) and Reie be delegates to attend the Good Roads Aesociatinn at Toronto and present a report in June. Moved in amendment by Messrs Beavers and Young that Messrs Stew- art (Aebfield) and. Ford be delegates to the Good Ronde convention in Toron. to Feb. 27th, 28.,h, and March let, The amendment; carried. DISTRICT ItEPREBENT..Tl Cir The special committee reported. Respecting the request of Grey County council to petition the Legis- lature to amend the assessment of telephonecompanies, we recommend that it be filed and no action taken. Respecting the requeat of the Weet Huron Teachers' Association and the Thames RoadFarmers' Club for this council to use its influeltice with the Ontario Government to have a Diet. riot Representative appointed for this county, we recommend that the re- quest be granted,. Respecting the request of Oxford and, Norfolk County councils to co- operate with them in memorializ' ing the Federal Government to raise money by direct taxation for Red Cross and Patriotic purposes, that no aetion be taken, but that we continue along the same lines that we have been following. In committee this last clause was NOTICE You account is due. Prompt payment please. We• need the money. vw..www ...s•.w.~40, DRESS GOODS All lines of Wool Dress Goods are soaring away up in prices. We bought heavy before advance and have a fine range at old prices and we will sell at a discount of 15 per cent off regular prices during the sale. Move quikk and buy your spring dress. 13A GAIN'S I RN STAPLES 20 pieces yard wide stripe Flannelette, sale 11ic 5 pieces linen roller Towelling 15c, sale 12c Fine English Cambric 18c quality, sale . 14c 2 yards wide sheeting 35c, value sale 29c Large English. Flannelette Blankets, sale $1,75 Window Curtain Lace 25c value. sale 20c Yard Wide Factory Cotton. I2c value sale ...10c New pattern Art Sateen 25c value, sale 20c Factory Cotton 15c quality, sale 121c Grey Flannel. 50c quality, sale 40c TABLE LINEN We have a large stock of Linens. "Prices are up". We are still selling at the old price., It will be good buying to buy at our sale price. One piece heavy Table Linen, sale 25t 2 pieces wide Table Linen, 50c quality, sale 40c Fin quality q y bleached Linen, , 75c value for. 65c Wide Linen, new pattern, regular $1, sale' 80c Table Napkins 60c bleached Table Linen, sale ...... .......... .........;....... .50c at 15 per cent off REA Dy-TO-'IV,EA R ° Ladies Ready -to. wear Department on second floor. A large stock of Ladies' Seperatt'Skirts, Tailored Suits Ladies'. Misses' and Child. rev's Coats to be cleared out at Sweeping reductions Only room to quote a few lines .here. "Take a Look" and see what you can save. A few sizes of Seperatc Skirts to clear - $2.95 10 Women's Winter Coats. your pick , 3.95. 7 Girls' Heavy Coats to clear 2.95 9 Children's Fancy Coats, sale price 2.90 12 Women's Tweed Coats, $15 value for 8.98 5 Women's Out of Style Coats, sale 2.00 All other lines at greatly reduced prices. CUT PRICES IJV SILK Sweeping reductions in it kinds of silk. 27 inch Japan Taffeta Silk, 50c. sato 40c 36 inch Black Pailette Silk, $'1,25, sale $1.00 Fancy colored yard wide silk. $1.''.25, sale 1.00 15 per cent off all other lints of Silk, 25e GRAD RAGS 25e Come early to get them, they will go quick. Lots of useful small wares and dry goods in each bag, Worth twice the money. • Clean• Sweep Sale Price 25c FUR . COATS Big Cut in price;of.Men's Fur. Coats, they must go at Some price. Three good Coon Coate in the Iot. It will pay you to buy now.. IN 1 IN NI xtx vac m.74 �.w m/ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/R xxxxxxxx71xxxxx/x11xwaxxxxxxxxs- xxi%7xxxxxxxxxxxxx amended to read that the council co- operate with Oxford and Norfolk counties, The question of a District AgrlcuI• tural representative occasioned con- siderable discussion. Some were for it and some against. Finally it was decided to get more information on the subject and it was moved by John McNabb and Dalton that we appoint a commission of two to enquire into the value of the appointment of a district representative and to report at the June session this year. This was car- ried and Messrs Mallougb and Young, two councillors strongly in favor of a District representative, were named as the commission. FINANCE+ The finance committee recommend- ed the payment of a number of ac- counts and that the treasurer's repot be accepted. They compiimente.d the treasurer on his efficiency in getting the report out in such a neat, clear and concise form. The county property committee re.. ported visiting the jail'and finding all departments clean and in good repair. The two prisoners therein expressed that they were being well treated and had no complaints, The registry of- fice was found to be in good order, clean and comfortable, The enure house building and offices were found well looked after by the ea •e -akar. Re Judge Doyle's desk recommend that we pay him $20. Re motion of Messrs Govenlock and Campbell concerning light in Judge Dickson's vault, that the same be put in. Some of the retiring reeves have been negligent in returning their copies of the Ontario Statutes' and the county May have to procure new copies for some of the members. It was mov- ed by Meseta Elliott and Ford that the question of suppling each meeting with copy the Ontario Statutes bode. ferred till the June meeting—Carried. Moved by W. R. Elliott and A, E Erwin that the clerk, the warden and ex. warden be a Committee to draft a letter of condolence to Mrs. Wm. Glen and family in the sad bereave- ment in the lose" of a husband and - E Bennett father—Carried. V Joynt Moved by Messrs Petty and Mal- G Holmes lough that the expense of hall for H Wilson patriotic meeting this week be paid L Sturdy by the county ---Carried. 0 Hutton By-law No. I of 19I7 was passed V Johnston appointing J. M. Govenlock and W. ' A Anderson Lane auditors of criminal justice ac- H Mills counts, and G. W. Holman and A. H Hutton Ooeens auditors of all other accounts, I Reid ..... the auditors of criminal justice ac- •A Blackball.....,...... counts to be paid 34 a day and 10 A Munro cents a mile one way, and the auditors S Nicol of all other accounts the sum of 340 N Varey.... each and no mileage. , G Caeemore By-law No. 2 to raise by debenture, •H Mundy money for patriotic grant was passed. B Currie (continued on page 6) 0 Scott *T Sanderson *IC Wilkinson O Hardy •0 Pocock •M Robertson 'H Cowell 412 .. 400 396 300 387 384 383 378. 370 374 867 360 359 353 • 352 329 817 315 304 306 299 270 WINGHAM SCHOOL REPORT January Report of the Standing of Pupils DEPT. I Glass IV Examined in Arlth. (2), Spell., Geo. and Gram, Total 513; "missed Exam 11 Atcheson 489 D Fells 486 N Boardman 48 J Vanetone 48 A Imlay , , , 4 S Holmes 4 M Allen 47 V Hamilton 47 G Hartnell • 46 Mary Robertson 4 A Williamson M "Reid I Davidson M Johnston (1 Dow *N Clark .... *N Morden J Arde ..•. DEPT. II1 Jr. III Marks. obtainable 550. E Varey ,,.,- I Lutton E Simpson H Williamson It Currie ✓ Robertson L Bell ✓ Joynt ✓ Lrorter L Zurbrigg M Stratton A Williamson S Sutton L Holmes..• . R Munro ✓ Dennis 200 R McLeod 197 f+ Darnell ... , , 130 F Pocock. 0 Mason L Hanna..,... • V Robinson.....,.. G McTavish W Mann .., 5 Bennett , J. Garr A Carrnth D Rogers W Lockeridge .. C Donaldson.... ill Cruikshank. .... ... . . . .. . L Sanderson R Brown C Boyce 0 Hinscliffe C Spencer R Holloway W Brooke A Mitchell L Gibson 388 L Powell .....•,.,.,.... 0 Lockman L Underwood , DEPT, IV Senior Section Total 490, 13 Boardman...., . , .,. O. Lloyd T Ieard M Holmes 4 0 1 , DEPT. 1I Jr. 1V Examined in Aritb., Sp., Lit., and Grammar. Total 400; Exams 'missed marked* 2 M Redmond .. 397 2 M Oosens 397 769 70 A Irwin ' 395 M Diineley 393 14 L Ellacott.... 388 1 S Donaldson 881 7 M Vanetone 883 67 E Donaldson 382 405 I, Johnston 378 465 atson 378 459 7u WEltacott 373 454 L Campbell 373 449 N Ieard. 372 444 P Dyer..,. •• 371 440 C Dow 371 437 M Johne • , 430 S Harrison 863 423 V Amsbury 355 423 N Carruth , .. ... , 355 A Scott ' 353 44442222111 R Sansn 352 t3 Bowersder. o 1 8151 111 Pilon ' 834 418 W Eilacott..... ..... .... .... 318 417412 J Hartnell, ..., ..:..,..,,.,3x1.6 E Rogers G Fixter D Piper ASennedy.l4........6.441•.I. E Angus It Kew J Allen E Rintoul M Walker A Galbraith D Petrie.....,.,,.,........... II Gannett O Zurhrigg.... O Robertson J Lutton V 11i11 162 C Cooke 127 G Anderson 05 E Blackhall M Henderson C Pattison 3 Carruthers Ogg E Armour 497 H Aitcheson .. age E Henderson 404 M 403 C Hill Casemorf? 400 E Forgie 487 F Bell 487 A Cloakey 482 J Casei:nore 41866801 C Wrigh' t. ,467 S Carter E age H YWright 460 B aoutte DEPT. V Senior Section `1,' 2$. H Bowdeotal 110 ..4. A Corbett 450 450 446' . , 4.43 42I There's the FLAVOR of the World's finest wheat in the bread and pastry made from ie ri, n plUR %Ts" r will' More Bre Also makes d and Better Bread 815 315 ... M$ngua..,....I..... M Holloway,. ,. 410 ells AP Wiuiame..r. 403 02 Johnetonr...a.... ........... 402 2S5 J L Hartnett 394 83511 1 M Oasemore 381 83 W Qaeemore.....,,,, 392 31 13 Caaliek316 13 J Adair 871 72 1) 'Layla 960 422 M Gurney 42') N Fitter 894 1 Hiunter. R Carr 390 • 11 Boyce 387 883 382 381 880 875 861 G Robertson 0 Loutitt K Dinsley Ci Anderson Fl McLean M Vansickle,. 1'l inwards.... E Williams 35i3' Iii McDonald 345'3 W Scott 330 330 E Lynett.... 324 G Page , .... , .. . 323 Junior Section 302 Total 280. 275 F Angus. 206 17 Carr 212 :G Rintoul 193 G Angus 0 Dickson ...................... TEllacott..,,., .. 13 Jarvis 446 0 Tennant... 427 W tavie 414 Ra Lockt tan , 0 411' H Wild 410 M Tennant 411 1l' Piper.. ...........4..........3 L Campbell M Dalgeisb 2 E Page rr1,1, .,.I 2 2 M DennisRobinson... 42 S Robinson...............•a.,. 2 G Biebee.,.., 27 A Br,twn.,I,..,..ri.a.... er,rr,r 2 Ahorgie.,,..,,.,,.,A. .. 1 5O ,1 3'Salf..A,,, ,0...,,,.,.',1.,110 a {85 �i �J�+iRatvk.,,,,,,,,,,,1r ,,.,..1,. �fr,.Vy,.7 S'o �yllingetOn,,,,.,r44,4,. r,,,. �2�83 Ay Sturdy. ore ,..,., • ,,. ., 1 220 s212 It1 plld............ ... , .. *H i3Bli.t,t,4,,,,,..,.. ith'tetda0, 1 • ..r 1,.,,.1..1...,.,, ' 1.. Sturdy.4,.,.1,.......,.4. 11V 4 Dymond.,., rA. 4. ...... . , .. VCampbell 1004.40400446 ,1 Shaef'er.r,,,,,,,,,,,,,Y,,,,, EAmebury VtoP (: (if Arils 1, ,..4,1, 411 .,1.. 1.-4,110 GGarter ........................ 13 Browne..., ,. MUnderwood . A...,,. ... ..4. WClarke .............. 4110001111 J' GLeideitt ...,,,,...4',.,,' LP,•�earen.0......... ...... X0wanseu...,.. r aa. 0...0,.. r., 11 Sutton 366 I Cowell..,,, ,,.V, 1 Aiding ton ,. 0 r 44 3150 DEPT, VI $4$ Fi 41�.4RLr S3Ction 846 Total 575. 813 Rnberteott.................... $1,3 .'l 'Young. 8 W Darnell 3 Brooks „ «.. w.1,4a..., • .. e 332' A Irwin..... J Adair E. Hartnett A. Laundy P Stokes 327 218 814 313 800 291 285 282 276 27Q 269 189' 181 171 170 115 87 lig . 1.•.. W Hunter .. A McLean , M Sanderson B Huntley O Fry. S McTavish C Dymond C aingatou,.• A Ludwig I% Christie. N W illiansieoti O Munro W Megibbon 1 Elliott:. J Meld T Saint. H Groves,, JHueter....,.........,,. Ci Elliott 258 Junior Section 2111 Total 400. 216 L Johnston 211 N Beattie 236 BIatohford 281 V CampbellIS 234 M Saint 233 F Bowden 210 R Holmes 179 X Taylor 168 F Field 168 A Spencer 100 M Cowell 151 I; Swanson 186 IS Gibson 52” 524 515 518 512 510 601 500 188 • 484 476 456 448 447 445 • 441 433 887 884 353 314 281 4.,., 171 119 131 M Fells..... •._,;. 1015 J Clark 97 M Oloakoy 14 R Wagner 11 Haylee 278 230 221 206 201 203 191 185 181 173 172 151 157 146 137 1'23 109 1111 1013 17 `i7 62 40 DEPT. VII Class III Total 750. A Aldington Y MacPherson G Fry G Robertson F Rogers Ll' Itobereon E Boardman ILegatt..... ,.... MHill .1, ..... 1,,,. btTsard4.,.. ...,... ...1.. M Binipsoii.... D Scott,... O Mcgibbon ....1.,,.4„I. 392 385 875 372 360 351 347 635 324 303p 285 276 204 216 177 152 119 51 000 043 610 500 • 560 615 890 360 IDarnell. a..1.,. ,,... A ...... ... WDarnel ............. ....A•,. 3 +l 1.yoAllister,.. , AClarra.,,, u,,,,,,,,,,,,,, W Tatman t A Swanson . •. Ii' Groves Robinson.,. 104,. Qlaea iT Total 460, 8 Bennett.. 609 .J Vanetotte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,a,• L Mutton, 5151. 1135 5580 44. yyH,uttoi r,.,,1...Y1.4.. 4,14.1. #: .L' ora, . 44111.'44.6444“,44 355 845 285 2S0' 215 200 110 13s 10a 00 50 45 hoe GRober001104..414***4..... 40..r '^ Carter. 0441 ...... Art Varey L Groves ,A Iiartnell WLatronico.,...,,.;.,,r.,.,., R Hinkley L Groves Glass lI A Coutts, H Brown, la Rogers, J Balfour, R Sutton, L Coutts, I3 Mun- roe, V Stevens, R Pion, W Fitt, ..4..3,.:..411 70 151: 6.0 40 1C 15 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR 1916 Domjnion Bank's Assets is Increased by $5,000,000 Continued expansion both in Wet- ness and in earnings Is indicated by the Annual report of The Dominion Rant recently presented to the share- holders at the annual General Meeting covering the year ended December 30, 1016. The strength of the balance sheet ie a notable feature and all to- gether the report should afford grati- fication not only to the Directors and Read Office Officiate but also to the Shareholders, depositors and clients of thle great and growing institution. In 1013 and 1914 considerable appro- priations (totalling 3500,000 for the two years) were made ggi�llt of profits sese for depreciation of eeculef► but this necessity has not arisen in 1915 or 1010 and the profits during the past year, after all deduetione for taxes, pension fund and donations to Patriotic causes sufficed net only for the regular divid- end of 12°%, for the reducing of Bank Premises Account by 100,000, Ae , • with moat other Canadian Banka this year, an, important feature of the assets side of the Balance Sheet is the great expansion in Canadian Municipal Securities. and British, For- eign and. Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian, an item which embraces the Iarge investments made by the Bank in British Treasury Bilis for the promotion of munition orders in Canada. This item has increaseal from 31,167.000 in 1915 to 37,500,000 at the present time. Another yery important feature, however, is the growth of 31,500,000 in current loans which in view of the known "tendency of .the manufacturers working on war orders to reduce their Bank indebted - nese out of cash profits, suggests an encouraging revival in Ordinary trade. The total of deposits by the public grew -during 1916 from $65,9055,000 to $70,473,000 an increase- of 84,500,000 for the year. • The cash and quickly available as. seta held, by the: Bank amount to 337,625,000 or 47.4% of liabilities to the Pu” 1 MISSED AGAIN You didn't get the last farm we advertised. Well it was your own fault, but we now' have another and a better one. .One hundred acres, without doubt, one of the . finest fermis in Huron Co„ fine buildings, first glass soil, must be 'sold to whld up an estate.' 'Nothing better or cheaper has ever passed through our Banda. For particulars inquire at the office of Ritchie & Oosens lneurencb and Real Estate, ' Wingham. ' WANTED! Highest Cash Prices paid for *1I Kinds of !Ave POULTRY. W00% WOOL and JUNK. Phone 204 11. Brown r 1 ONTARIO'S BET BUSINESS COLLEGE 6 . GLIiiHAL " '/ far, •,e irdis i - ST13krroRla.ONT, time. Commence 5 arter our enr classes w and be qualified for wpealtlon by iiflloututer. During July and 6aayst of lash year no reoetved calla for over WO (Moe assistants we could nbt supply. Our graduates .are in demand, rite at once for our, free 1 catalogue.: . • D. A. IlltstACALAS Flitata 'NON -DOWN 'WOMAN M0o Strong Ry Our rue! }'oris rdw#nd, 1!" y....".t etre in. a Mad' d^^ ^) netrotte rad Valk ccr iticu, ee St) in the, !tense er •e S11 I itlo seis family of •*roc ; 3 had sed 11v0 ellir rail emulsions and other bit *full.. eta btneilt. A. friend told •sot ilsbcui Vi+col, I tried it ai:d it spat built up rcy f.trenglh and made me a well wawa so I now do all of tit ]tctlittan irk.",.. Idi'e, natal 'CLtnirt a, l'i'e gttaran'ten '0'it4o1 tt ]amore strewt�,h and bt43ld upp tit-4cfrryy w. i and dcbiliteted etattdii1014t • - 250 '"l' Walton 34ogihbon, ]5 Wlggbs►tt7t. 4.ltb,Uae.bist dvu 215 e.11 Qntt1 19 ts�wtte,