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The Wingham Advance, 1917-02-08, Page 3
Image .:.. age Three ITE VI/lliattilY1 ADVANCE ihtirsday Vett, S 1917 • X1101] lei G `. bin nit Oiler JoacelT, Proprletoe A, G, SetITII, Nanagel' THURSDAY, FEII, 8th, 1017 ------ .-.....--.-,-._ ,-,-- —... .e -e.. An advt. in an English paper read, t "Wanted --A gardener good indite and nut." We take it from this that no rakes are wanted in that garden. *• �p # ter Citizenship tiow tremendous seem the prablemc that press for solution in these sirens nous times! The question of hon inert are to live together with a meas• ure of peace and goodwill and justice seems to be almost an insolvable one, But because, the proposition seems difficult ler it apy reason wary we should give it up as a bad job, aa some peopleseeem ineliued to do? Ae a mat- ter of fact, the problems of modern civilization, which just now seem so intricate, are so largely because they have not had the disinterested and earnest consideration that they ought to have had, You and I and the other fellow have been living our lives in a too narrow circle, and have not put enough breadth and brain into them. More intelligent consideration, better information, a fuller sense of, world citizenship on the part of the ordinary man will da much to make the way of solution of world problems possible and easy. While fine and wise leader- ship is to be desired, a better type of wdrld s itizenehip on the part of the ordi$try individual is the sure way to a jester and more Christian world, Belgrave A pleasant event tools place in the manse Tuesday of last week, when the Ladies of the Patriotic Society served "High Tea". The day being perfect a large number were present. While some of the guests were being served tea, wafers and cake in the sunny dining room, othera were chatting most sociably In the library and living room. Mrs. Ernest Geddes contributed a well rendered solo Misses Laura McCrea and Edna Scand• rett, instrumental duets and several other selections of a high class order. Musical numbers were also generously contribut- ed by Misses Eugene Geddes, Belle Fer- guson and Greta Armstrong. Mrs, R. McKenzie, Mrs. 5. Armstrong and Mrs. 5, Brandon poured tea while Misses McCrea, Scrandett, Fergusen, Armstrong, Geddes and Johnston served the guests. Proceeds amounted to about $12.75. The regular monthly meeting of the Patriotic Society met at the manse on Monday of last week, a large number were present. It was decided at this meeting to send a parcel containing 1 military sheet, 2 pair'of socks, 2 khaki handkerchiefs, note paper, envelopes and home made candy to each of the following DISTRICT NEWS rend Desjardiue' of the township or°.,,.,,Shen, bas been arrested on the charge of manslaughter, and on Tuesday was arraigned before Magistrate Andrews at Clinton, An adjournment was made • to Wednesday of this week, , :MIr. and Mrs. William 1-I. Lobb of Goderich township announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Elsie May to Mr. George Henderson of Radisson, Sask., son of Mr. 5, T. Henderson of Paris, Ont The marriage takes place this month. Mrs. Noah Derbecker, second con. Wallace, met with an accident recently, peculiar almost beyond belief, She had been sewing and in brushing the remnants from the table, felt her hand come in con- tact with something sharp, causing what she theft thought was nothing more serious than a scratch from a. pin noticed lying on ,the table. Later it pained her consider- able, preventing use of the hand, and a doctor was consulted. She was advised that sgtnething had lodged iu the illicit of Iter thumb and an operation would be necessary in order to get it out. An ap- pointment was made and after giving the patient an anaesthetic, the hind was cut and to the surprise of the two Listowel doctors in attendance, a needle with two inches of thread attached, was removed from the injured member, Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post- master General. will be received at Ottawa until noon, en Friday. the 9th Marah,1917, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails. on a proposed Contract for four years as required 12 times per week each way, between Wingham Post Office and street Letter boxes, eta., from the lath Mar 1917. Printed notices containing further itnform- ationas to Conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post ©thee of Wingham, G.C..AvnEntaox. Superintendent, Post Odea Department. Mail service Branch, Ottawa,l7.th Jan.,1O17, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS The rote head df a f m 1Y, or any male Over It yearn dd may homestead a quarter :eetton of ave.ilable Dominion Iand in dfanitoba, E;ask..- atcibetwan or .Alberts. Avplicant meet appear faa�Cson at the Dominion Lands Agency or ub•.Agenov for the District. Entry by proxy *nnyrbOrnadeat;anyDoa pion Lands Agency (bgC nob SOb•Agenoy on certain Conditions). ell Tile--81x5 menthe residence npony and O 1111 homesteader may 1i%s wihthin nine mil srof h18 honteetead 4n a farm of at least 80 acme, On errtaiuoondltione. A habitable house is req- uired excepbwhere residence is verfornlediu Vie Vidnity. VtO8toc •mayheLttbiditutedforeultitMimi under certain oondttiens. In oartaindistricte '4 hotnenteaderin good' standing may preempt a quarter eection along side hie hOreestead. Frio* $3 00 t?Or gore. D Silt Menthe res deuce in each of thra *Silt after tenting homeeLead patent: also es extra Cultivation. Pre•ernpttert p&te» t N' be obtained an soon as homestead petOnt en °ertatu conditions. , t settler who gas exhausted his homoeteed p9 t mar take 0 i ut eha -ed homestead in ca. t bt 'lifstricttt. 1 rice 13 per acre. Duties--• O st slide nix Innuths in Oash of tbree years, tire.be b0 acres and erect a house worth $800 eroma o*lttvatlnq ler eubjeot to iedne- �I carte of rough, scrubby et stony land •ve Moak met be eubetituted forcultivation ,lreaten Opn itiQne. w Cone. V, tt M. tie N. Dont/ 1 nintliodzed r web lestiol efth t .ailt trilse tent will oerhe peel for -lits. tommiMmmommimmliM WMIBI MmsomonsmituisM141MMMMliiN m i THE 1 M INI.ON tr At. BANK ii, 3.W,.n W At the Poi'ty.sixth Annual General Meeting of tilt iii x Shareholders of The Dominion Bank, held at the lead ■ ieOffice ill Toronto, on 31st January, 1917, the follow- or x ing Statement of the affairs of the Bank as on 30tH 1x1 x • December, 1916, WaS submitted: ,' ,r M W x GENERAL STATEMENT m s LIABILITIES ti X Capital Steck paid iu $6,000,000 OD re t•i XReserve 1� tend $7,000,000 00 i x ' Balance of Profits carried forM ward 363,442 30 M et Dividend No. 137, payable 2nd January, 1917 ► 180,000 00 w Former Dividends uuclaihned, 939 75 x is 7,544,38214 x 1 W Total Liabilities to the Shareholders 813,644,8U at x rotes in Circulation 7,118,232 00 es eposita net bear- 11 int;* interest ....818,282,791 S7, NI x Deposits beariti in- Si tcrest, iueleding x interest accruedill is to date 57,190,822 16 x 70,473,614 03 to x Palances due to other Banks in x x Canada a96,714 90 at Balances duo to Banks and Bank- m a ing Correspondents elsewhere W W than in Canada .. 787,557 22 MI Bills Payable • 138,912 00 PI ei.acceptances , under Letters of W W Credit 307,04713 ■ sit Liabilities not included in the a as foregoing 800,233 10 et • Total Liabilities to* the Public79,322,310 8$ x ASSETS $92,8660692 5' x ▪ Gold and Silver Coin $ 1,015,648 41 w W Dominion Government Notes 9,220,183 25 x Deposit with Central Gold Bea -. 1 serves 1,500,000 00 !t Notes of other Banks835,395 44 , IN W Cheques on other Banks 3,539,659 51 x - • Balances due by other Banks in ' M Canada 10,582 32 a X • 1<lalances due by Banks and Bank- 111 x W ing Correspondents elsevncere R than in Canada 2,726,601 73 M 1 19,751,070 74 X W Dominion and Provincial Govern• x ■ ment Securities, not exceeding x a • arket value 612,273 $9 >K x mCanadian lefuuicipal Securities, IM R M and British, Foreign and Mt XColonial Public Securities other X than Canadian, not exceeding X market value 7,500,764 31 Mt 1M rail`vay and other Bonds, Do• pWr lI( ,, bentures and Stocks, not ex- N W ceeding market value - 4,184,382 615 x Call and Short (not exceeding XIf X thirty days) Loans in Canada X on Bonds, Debentures and x R Stoeke . 4,325,663 61 x R Call and Short (not exceeding W thirty, days) Loans elsewhere is im x than m Canada ..,.. • 1,251,750 69 a $37,625,896 0 . x. X Other Current Loans and Dis• x counts in Canada (less rebate W ei IN interest) 48,976,389 9]i x • ill' Other Current Loans and Die- • counx, ts eisen'here than in ban - M ada (less rebate of interest.), 63,975.34 x X Liabilities of Customers under Letters of Credit, as per • st pppcontra 307,04713 W [ x I/eal Estate other than Bank y Premises 28,006 44 XOverdue Debts, (estimated loss provided for) 115,598 02 X • Bank Premises, at not more than X cost, less amounts written off 5,482,351 92 15 ' 'Deposit with the Minister of . IN le ' Finance for the purposes of the D Circulation Fund . 263,900 00 ,w Ilfortgares on Real Estate sold 13,437 70 1 >r 1 to 1 to * 55,240,706 4$ x I $93,866,692 52 x X W V h;, B. OSLE13, C. 1i,. BOGERT, 1X1 tit President, ,4 General Mauager'r x M AUDITORS' REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS x W We have compared the' above Balance Sheet -with the books and W W accounts at the Chief Office of The Dominion Bank, and with the W Ncertified returns received from its Branches, and .after chcckin; the W cash and verifying tbo securities at the Chief Office and certain of W the prinbipal Branches on December 36th, 1016, we certify that, in M Ft our opinion, such Balance Sheet-eoxhibits a true and correct view ofIf !M1 the state 61 the Bank's. affairs, According to the best of our infortna• II M tion, the explanations given to us and as show by the books of the so • if Sank. II W In addition to the examinations mentioned, the cash and se- it • . ix curities at the Chief Office and certain of the principal Branches • wore checked and verified by us at another time during the year N al and found to be in accord with the 'books of 'the Bank. ■ D All information and explanations required have been given to tat ■ • and all transactions of the Bank which have come under our notice * - a have, in our Opinion, been within the. powers of the Bank. • x N Torpnto, G. T. OLA1t SON j of Clarkson, Gordon a at la January 17tH, 1817. 111..3'. DILWORTI1 1 Dilworth,C,A. N 1l1r1811111111111111it11r1111111x111111!1111lglixttiii111111Klili!=:tMllMllrRli• .- - .------ _,ma„•,•... FOXES TRAPPERS; GrrivioreMoner for Foxes, Shank, Ma.kret.Raccoon. Mink, Fisher,Mertes, Bearer. . Whitt Weasel, Bur, and other Far Bearers collected is roar section SHOP TO1IR 1'TJRS DIRECT to "SHt7*ERT" the hued base to the World dealing exclusively in N921R *JIEgICAN RAW FURS a reliable•responsib)o--safeFurldouseevith anemblemisbedrep- utati'oipt existi'ug for more than a third of a centers)," a tont sao- e sfulrecord fsendingFurShipperspromptSAT1SFACTORV ANDSPROFITABL13returns. Write for"aLaAt fttttlbiptut," tb00L19reileble. accurate, rearket report and price list published. Write for it--300i'V27FREE B A. . SHUBERT, Rica D5.2WEST UGAGO,II.$.A. MAKE YOUR DOLLARS Fier AT THE FF0 NITo Buy DOMINION OF CANADA THREE-YEAR WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES o enzeaseeereateeeemeer . y $ 215.00 FOR $21,50 50.00 44 48.00 100e00 41 se.00 • INDIVIDUAL l''tit*C1tAte5 Lihli"rc1't't`3 Site9 FOR 1=ULL PARTICULARS APPY AT ANY HANK OR ANY MONEY ()ROM POST OFFICE l"-tNANO* DlbtimAa+tY'M NT C 11"1'AVVA HURON COUNT Y, COUNCIL (continued from page 1) last Huron public eohoola wife as follow*; There were 122 teachers in 1010, one less than,' in 1015, /due to a decrease in the staff of the Brussele publio. school, The vacant room baa beep eplendidly equipped as a science roorg for the continuation class. Of the 122 teachers, 17 are men and 105 women. At the beginning of the year there were 22 Hien teaching in the teepee,. torate, Of those the following have enieted; Mr. A. L. Poslifi, principal of the Wingham Public School; Mr, Norman Geddes, S. S. No. S, Hallett; Mr. Robert Hoover, S. 5, 7 ItIcgiliop; Mr. W, Ii, Stafford, S. S, Nu. 4, klowiok; Mr. Leslie Winch, 131uevale. public' school. We honor them iu obeying the call of their country. The returns from towuehip clerk() indicate such a decrease in the imputes tion between 5 and 21 years of age so enlistment would account for, The school population in the other band, shows a light increase; the average attendance however, shows a decrease of about 100, TMs has been owing partly to the prevalence of epidemic diseases in the early part of the year when several schools were closed for two or three weeks, and partly to the need of all tbe help possible on the farms; in iaost cases into which I inquired I found the need of such help very urgent; in some cases it was of course, made an excuse for avoidable irregular attendance. The grants paid by the Goverment thie year were on the same basis as those of last year and amounted to. about the eame sum, There was, in audition, a grant of $270 for school libraries purchased during the year All the schools in the inspectorate now have libraries with values ranging from $15 to $280, the total value in the rural schools being $3,30. Emit Wawanoeh in conjunction with Ole CQRPty fix up that portion of tib road south of the corporation of Wing• barn, commonly known ail the t'rairlei road, as this road is in a dangeruue cotlditiorl. Moved by Messrs McEiniey and Neeb that the engineer•be asked to examine the Snyder bridge on the Lake Road, Stanley township, and a new bridge bo built this year, Moved by Messrs Erwin and Lobb that the engineer inspect the north abutment 01 the Bayfield bridge, as it Is cracked and the ora tk is becoming' wider. Thede motions were Bent to road and brme, Iidgelio roadcomittand ebridge commissioner reported that some of the bridges on the lake road between Goderich and Amberley evil! require to be removed this coming sumweir as they are ala most past repair, Also new floors will be required for the following bridges; The 18 mile river bridge near Amber - ley, Asblleld township; Day's bridge, boundary of Hawick and Turnberry townships; Westfield, boundary le. tween Hest acrd West Wawannslt townships; Bali's and Clinton' bridges. The Road and Bridge Committee recommended that the engineer's re- port be accepted; that the motion of Wm. Iabister and T. K, Powell be left over until the June meeting; re motion of Messrs McKinley and Neeb, that the county engineer examine the bridge and have it repaired or rebuilt if it is a county bridge; re motion of Messrs Erwin and Lobb, that the en- gineer inspect the abutment of tbeBay. field bridge and have it repaired If nee. eseary as soon as possible; that the re- commendations of the engineer be dealt with as soon as the weather is favorable in the spring, Re communi- cation of the Ontario Good Roads As. sociation asking payment of fee and sending delegates, we wake no recom- mendation but refer it to the whole council. No new schools were built in 1010, but Lbie year the ratepayers of S. S. Ni 4 Morrie have decided notwith- standing the unsettled war conditions to erect a fine new school in their section. The total value of school property in the inpectorate is estimat- ed at $254,450, and the equipment at $10,187, The Teachers' Institute met at Wingham on Oct. 19th and 20th. Not- withstanding .the -very bad weather the attendance was excellent. The program was considered one of the best we have had, some of the papers and addresses possessing excellent merit. The sum of $300 was subscrib- ed by the teachers of the British Red Crows Fund. During the year much has been done by teachers and pupils for patriotic purposes. Concerts have been held, collections raised and work done at home that should not pass unnoticed. In the aggregate it has been very considerable. ' There has been a slight increase in tbe grade of certificate over that of last year. During last term there were only three who were unqualified. The changes in teachers .were about the same, a large number at midsummer but few et New Year's. I consider that the quality of work done in the schools during the year averages high. In the public schools very few candidatee availed themselves of the privilege of doing farm work and receiving their Entrance certificate an the recommendation of tbe teacher and inspector. A large number at the High Schools however received their certificates in this way. The plan has its abuses but the purpose justifies it Three schools qualified for the grant in Agriculture last year; No. 12 Mc, .Killop: No, 8 Grey, and No, 4 Turn - berry, The growth of the work in this country is slow but I do not consider it wise to urge the trustees to introduce the . study until the sentiment for it Is strong. A school fair was held. at . Walton early in September at which great interest was shown and which, in many respects, was the equal of many of the fall faire itt the county. In all eight schools took part and ite success was largely due to the efforts of the Women's Institute. The attendance at the Continuation Schools has been at least as great as in any previous years. The examin- ation results, in common with those of the various High Schools, were not as satisfactory as those of former years. £be severity of the examination was about that of former yeara and not the inefficiency of the schools has been attributed as the cause. All the schools were visited twice during the year. nPUTCAnIO'W COMMIITTRI7'.S IMPORT The education committee recom- mended that the usual grants be made to Continuation classes, That the following amounts be paid; Clinton Collegiate Institute, $5,347.71; Goderich, $4,170.46; Seaforth, $4,000,55; Wingham, $3,440.31, less the tees raid by county pupils. That the following' accounts for County of Huron pupila at high schools outside the county be paid: Mitchell $37.07; Parkhill, $181,85; 13t. Matys, $61,10; L1etoWei, $55, '.Chat the reports of the Public Seboo inspectors be received. Beat no action, be taken on the corn. ntunication from the Ontario Trttsteee' Association, as to sending delegates to annual convention. That thefollowing gentlemen be aps pointed trasteee of the several Collegi- ate Institutes: Goderich. Sudge Dick. son; Clinton, Uerbert Paul and Ernest Iinvey; Seittortb, It, S. Hays; 'Wing• bean,. Prank Vattstone, The report was adopted, - 9toA'1I8 AND I11ti»Ctixs Moved by Messrs Isbister e►ud Pow. ell that the townships of Morris and ROAD 'he Good Roads question came up for discussion and apparently the council is pretty much of a unit in favor of the scheme being adopted sooner or later, but think that while the war is on Good Roads must wait. The Good .Roads Committee recom- mended that the council flay the fee of $15 to the Good Roads Association and send delegates to the Association held at Toronto. Feb. 27th, 28th and` March let, and that these delegates be asked to go into the matter thorough. ly and report to the council at the June meeting. Under the present circumstances, the committeee reported, we do not deem it wise to commit oureelves to take up the good roads mouemant at once, but we wish to have sufficent data on hand to take up the scheme, when the time is opportune for so (continued on page 4) • 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 4 4 4 White and Striped F +..)Plain white and fancy stipe pasterns, made from Saxonylannelette strong well twisted yarns, evenly napped and free from dressing, fast colors. Price per yard 15c, 17c, 20c, 22c, 25c and 30e. BUY FOR SIRING NOW 3+ Now is the tirne to prepare for your. Spring 'and Summer requirements, everything is on the' advance and you will find many values here, that could not be dupli- cated at the:markets to -day for at least from :20 to 50 per cent;higher. 40 inch Wide Factory Cotton ▪ Tbie nice quality Factory Cotton is exceptional value. being made of the beet quality of fine clean yarns. Suitable for Sheeting and Pillow Casing. Speoial value per yard 17c. �,- Full :Bleached Sheetings 500 yards Twilled or Plain fully bleached sheet- inge, widths 72 and 80 inches, will wash beau- tifully and stand hard wear. Special value per yard 40 to 05c, • Good Linen Towels Exceptional values in pure linen towels, in sizes • and qualities for all uses, Special value per pair 40c, 50e, $1 011 and $1.50, Canadian Yarns and 4 Fine Fingering Best quality wheeling yarns, good serviceable quality for knitting socks, mitts, scarfs, etc, Special value per lb• $1.25 to $3.00 New Prints Guaranteed .Fast Colors Hundreds of yards of new Englibh Prints In light and dark patterns tbe same qualities and dyes as we have previously had, Extra value per yard 17 to 20e. Viyella Flannels The hest and most perfectly made flannel, ad- mired for its wearing qualities and fast colors, patterns specially suitable for shirt waists, pyja- mas, shirts and Children's Wear, 31 inches wide, per yard 70c Nemo Self -Reduc'g Corset The Nemo Corset designed for all figures, wheth- er slender =stout, a style for every figure. Prices per pair 82.50 4.00 and .86.00. Ladies' Cashmere Hose 3 Pair for $1.00. This is an exceptional offers considering the great advance in yarns and dyes, made seamless with spliced heel and toe. Special value per pair 35e. Taffeta Silks Good reliable Taffeta silks in plain shades and shot effecte, qualities that will not cut and will stand bard wear, Special value per yard $1,50, $2.00 and $2.550. Skirt and Suiting Serges Special values in alt wool English Berges, in Navy and Black guaranteed fast colors, weights suitable for dresses, suits, and skirts 40 to54inches wide. Special value per yard $1.25, 2.00 and $3 50 Comforter Coverings Art Sateens and Muslins in all the latest designs for cousfortere. Wool and'cotton Bats in all sizes Special value per yd 25e, 35 and 50c. 4 4 42. 4 4 04 44 1+ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 PRODUCE 4+• S' _ WANTED KING BRO PHONE TIma` 4444444++ 4444444. 44444444+444444+ 111111111111HN1111111111111NNN11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111NIN111111NN111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111UN111111IN1111NN11111111111111111 Meal. amara Mama IMMO mama s maraa laimma aaaaa ammo anolaa swam goo Veen.. ; rde 1 SILKS A Few ,pieces of black and colored Duchess silks 40 inches wide, regular $1.75 for $1,10 per yd. HOSE Ladies' best Cash' mere hose, regular 80c per pair to clear at 60c per pair. SILK WAISTS We have a nice as. sortment of .thesc in white and colors, reg- ular $2.50 to $5.00 to clear it $1.75 to $3.50. S W EATER COATS A line of Boys' and Girl' Sweater coat& in the different colors regular $1.25 to $1.50 to.clear at .7.5c each, We are also offering Men's and Ladies' sweater coats at great- Iy reduced prices. GIGANTIC For Two W!e1..s9n1y We have a certain amount of stock that must be cleared up in the next two weeks regardless of price. Below will be found a few of the Bar- gains. LADIES' COATS 4 Only ladies' Cloth coats,•regular $20 for $10. Also 3 ladies' Fur coats regular $30 for $10. MEN'S CAPS A line of Men's Heavy Winter Caps, regular 75c to $•I.00 to clear at 25c each. UND'RWEAR Here is one of the greatest bargains ever offered in this line. Men's Heavy Wool- len underwear, regular $1 25 per garment to clear at 90c a garment. We have a full, range in this line in sizes 32 to 44. FACTORY ENDS OF FLAN' LETTIE • Extra Heavy Flan- nelette in white and striped cloths. White regular 20c a yd to clear at 15c per yard. Striped regular 22c a yawl to clear at 17c a yard. IN THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT Maple Leaf Salmon, regular 3oc a tin on sale at 2 for 55c Scottish Lion Brand Salmon, regular 2oc• a tin on sale at 3 for sec. Pancake 'Flour, regular lsc a package to clear at Ioc a pakage. Pork and Beans, Lynn 'Valley Brand large tins, regular 2oC a tin on sale at 14c also smaller tins at 9c each. Snow Flake Ammon a; regular ac a package on sale at 7 for ase. Brunswick Sardines on sale at 6 for 25c. Baking Soda, regular 5c package of Baking Soda to clear at 3e a package. Green Tea regular 35c line on sale at 25c lb. Fish Fillets, regular 150 a tin on sale at I2;per tin. Extracts 3 bottles of the best extracts for 25c. Soap Chips, 6 package of tiptop soap chips for 25C Olives, large size bottle of olives regular 3oc a Mottle to clear at 25c. Honey, regular 20c jars of Honey to clear at 16c, Canned Apples. regular ,35c a tin on sale at soc per tin. Gem Lye, l00% pure lye, 3 for 23c. PHONE 09 J. A. MILLS WINOHAM, ONT. AMIdenn along alasom alaaaa M▪ aftla ONIIMP N▪ ampa ww▪ wwe pre ear „r ,.m M▪ OMIN OMIMIM Farrel caaal acaaa 1,AMMON VaaNal ... ..... _ ECC.: -�,,�1�11111111111111111111111111111�11� 111 1111111i11111i11i1111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111N111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f11111111111111111111111111 �II1111�11 �