The Citizen, 2004-07-08, Page 18STOMPIN'
THURSDAY, AUG. 12, 2004 - 8PM
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by Michel Marc Bouchard
How does an adventurous widow hold on
to new love while trying to hide it from
meddling neighbours and off-spring?
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Coastal Conservation Centre releases report •
conservation authorities, the min-
istry of the environment, municipal-
ities and local citizens organizations.
"We uncovered a lot of information.
but it was in many different hands,"
commented Geoff Peach, coastal
resources manager at the centre and
principal author of the study. "This is
the first time that information has
been collected and analyzed for such
a significant portion of the Lake
Huron shoreline."
"We looked specifically at bacteri-
al and nutrient pollution and the
effects that these impairments have
on beach water quality," Peach said.
Lake Huron's water quality made
national headlines last fall following
The Lake Huron Centre for
Coastal Conservation, a local non-
gd'vernment organization dedicated
to the conservation of Lake Huron's
coastal ecosystems, has released its
report on the quality of Lake
Huron's nearshore waters. The
nearshore is the area close to shore
where people swim. The study came
out of a need for better understand-
ing of water pollution in that part of
the lake where the most people come
into contact.
The study looked at historical
water quality data from Sarnia to
Sauble Beach, going back as far as
the early 1980s. Information was
collected from local health units,
By Stew Slater
Special to The Citizen
About $160,000 worth of
upgrades were approved for the spe-
cial education facilities at Iistowel
District Secondary School (LDSS),
during the final regular meeting of
2003-04 for the Avon Maitland
District School Board.
And trustees also approved the
traditional practice of allowing
administrative staff to approve any
tendering processes completed over
the summer, thereby opening the
door for an even bigger renovation
in the high school's technical educa-
tion wing. •
At the June 22 meeting, Smith
Construction's low bid of $159,216
was approved for the renovation of
two rooms first constructed in 1959.
and now needing upgrades to serve
students with special needs.
Upgrades include heating and venti-
lation alterations, and the provision
of wheelchair-accessible wash-
Stewart says
N. Huron
will do what
it takes
Continued from page 17
in to address this. "There is a fair bit
of work involved yet, but we really
want to have them there. We told
them over and over that whatever it
takes to get them here, tell us and
that's what we'll do."
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The Citizen
"We have to get this project done
for the start of school in September,"
noted business superintendent Janet
Originally, Baird-Jackson planned
to have trustees approve the tender-
ing process for the larger technical
wing renovation during a special
board meeting on June 29, intended
mainly for the passage of the board's
But plans changed when budget
approval occurred on June 22, so the
business superintendent told trustees
the project would be among those
approved under the special summer-
time tradition.
Following the June 22 meeting,
Baird-Jackson couldn't provide
financial details, but said the tender-
ing process is still expected to close
some time this week. Plans for the
another summer where posted
beaches were causing concern in
some areas.
The study concluded that bacterial
pollution was a concern along all
three county shorelines of Bruce,
Huron and Lambton. The data
showed high frequencies and dura-
tion that the Provincial Water
Quality Objectives set for E. coli
(which is 100 coliform units/100
mL), were exceeded for a number of
public beaches in the study area. As
a result, a number of these beaches
have been posted for extended peri-
ods of time in recent years advising
people against swimming.
Nutrient data, specifically nitrogen
.upgrade include creating a large
teaching space in which students in
various different technical disci-
plines can work on one single proj-
LDSS's technical wing has under-
gone significant upgrades in the past
couple of years, thanks to a combi-
nation of the provincial govern-
ment's Technical Education
Renewal Initiative (TERI), a very
successful fundraising campaign
involving local businesses and
industries, and a realignment of
funding commitments in the Avon
Maitland board.
Other tendering processes expect-
ed to come up for approval during
the summer include the re-roofing of
Central Huron Secondary School in
Clinton, and various contracts for
heating oil and propane.
and total phosphorous, also showed water monitoring.
elevated concentrations in some "Improvements in water quality
watercourses flowing to the shore- monitoring on a regional basis will
line. Algae can be a result of exces- help in better understanding the state
sive nutrients and beaches with piles of nearshore water quality, and in
of decomposing algae have been a targeting clean-up projects," Peach
problem in many areas south of said. "Lakeshore waters don't stop at
Kincardine over the past four to five county or municipal boundaries. It
years. Historical accounts of algae has to be looked at in a regional con-
problems suggest an ongoing prob- text, and it appears that efforts are
lem in the Goderich area. starting to get underway to do that."
Are things getting worse?
For those interested in learning
"As far as bacterial impairments more about Lake Huron's water
go, there doesn't appear to be an quality, the Coastal Centre will be
upward or downward trend. hosting the, Is the Coast Clear?, con-
Bacterial pollution was a problem ference on Lake Huron's environ-
twenty years ago and it's still a prob- ment on July 17 in Port Elgin.
lem," said Peach. "As far as nutri- Experts will be on hand to discuss
ents getting to the lake, it appears the past, present and future of Lake
that nitrogen is taking an upward Huron's water quality.
trend while phosphorous may be For further information about the
declining." conference, or the study, contact the
The report also identified a need Coastal Centre at (519) 523-4478, or
for better consistency and co-ordina- visit the Centre's website at
tion in data collection between agen-
cies and organizations carrying out
LDSS upgrades approved
Celebrate the day
The Blyth Tai Chi Club, wearing Canadian flags made. by
Ella Ives, celebrated July 1, by giving a tai chi demonstra-
tion in Benmiller, accompanied by other enthusiasts. They
were guests of club member Bob McIntyre and his wife,
Thelma, who treated everyone to lunch at their home. (Photo