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The Wingham Advance, 1917-02-01, Page 5
op Thursday Feb. t, 1317 THE WINGittM ADVANCE Pre Xite XXX -XX. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XMIX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIMXXXXXXXXXXX i ontxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXXPIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIMMUMar Nillit r `: ::: �,•ztiij;:^: f� - - - - , � 1. 1 ':. - 1 c ;::f•r.;:. .;. -r. y... . ... .. t i r ¢ t r M�,,, r WING THE itIG�I i' SA 1�' ON 1111,.,A.,......... r [y, „iLci n. S BIG SEMI ANNUAL SALE Nit NI IN IN NI IN MN NI IN MN IN NI 111 NI 11 NI IN EN YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ATE 'TM Read the List of Bargains in the GROCERY DEPARTMENT 7 bars "Wash Easy" soap for 25c 40c Fourstring brooms, sale 30c Royal Yeast Cakes, sale 4c Canada Laundry Starch 8c 30c can Empire Wend Red Salmon, sale 25c Special brand of "Teas, black or japan ,.• 35e Large 1Oc bottle Extract . 8c Maple Leaf Baking Powder, 2 cane for 25e 7 bars Olive Oil soap for ..... .25c New Raisins, large and fresh, 2 pounds for 25c Choice Salmon, 2 cans for 25c Pot Barley, per pound 4c Corn Starch, per box 8c Baked Pork and Beans, per can . 15c 50c Black Ceylon tea 40c Red Rose Tea, black green or mixed 40c Clothes pins, 3 dozen for Sc Large bottle pickles, sale 15c Washing Soda, 3 pounds for 5c 3 lbs good Raisins for 25c SAVE MOJVEy ON WOOL HOSE ,10 dozen heavy worsted ribbed Hose, all sizes, good buying today at 40c clean sweep sale price S0c 6 dozen heavy All Wool Ribbed Hose. good vaine at 75c, sale 60c 5 dozen Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, regular value 35e sale ....25c A lot of small sizes in Children's Wool Hose at ' 18c ZARGAINS IN CORSETS LOT NO. 1—Broken lines and odd sizes in good strong wearing Corsets, sale 59c LOT NO. 2-5 dozen best makes, to clear 69c LOT NO. 3—Better Grades, your choice . 95c And all other lines in stock at Bargain Prices CARPET DEPARTMENT Big stock of Carpets, Rugs, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Big Bargains in all lines. DA RGAINS IN FURS Ladies' Fur Coats. a few to clear at $10.00 BIG CUT IN PRICES ou Muffs. Ruffs, Caps, Stoles, Caperines, Gauntlets. etc. Ladies' Rat Lined Coats to clear $29 50 Fur Collared Coats $25, sale $19 00 $2.50 10 Fur Ruffs to clear at SWEATER COATS Do you need one? Lots ter pick from here at a discount of 20 per cent off regular prices. DIG BARGAINS IN WAISTS 5 Dozen Ladies' Waists, odd lines and broken in sizes. Regular prices $1.50 to $2,50, ernbroided voiles and lawns.Clean Sweep price only 98c R—N\h/v'�/,r/rANO/W V'rY•�!'.��'W.A'\/�/A/�/VS/�AMMI�A!'•.�M�V�!gA1/V� rPMW'M'�N4�AA HIGH COST OE LIVING COMES DOWN WITH ISARD'S CUT PRICE WINTER SALE trrwrrrr► �rr�rtr BIG CUT IN PRICES Our sales arc always Hummers antlehis one will be no exception. WAIT for.thie GREAT SALE commencing Saturday, February 3rd AND ENDING Saturday, Februaryi.7# • Two weeks of Wonderful Price Sav'elg in our Two Stores. It will be worth while buying largely for the future at the following Cut Prices, Great value in Men's, Women's, Boys' and. Girls' Ready to Wear Clothing. Read the list of Bargains and Come right along and get your share. Come in the morning If possible, but come any time. ...r...i...a ..w............." WW4v.+...nW.,.+.............eov*..n.•.....ww......Wn.,.v~ww.,wv 23ARGAINSINHAND ZAGS One dozen all leather Hand Bags with mirror inside. Regular value $1.00, on sate at i price 50c 10 new shaped Hand Bags, good value at $1 23, they go at 69c Fancy colored Suede Bags, spring clasp and opener, price $2,00, sale $1.50 Vanity Gun Acetal Purses with chain, leather lined with mirror $1.50 for 75c Children's Leather Hand Bags, sale 25c GENTS' FURNISIIINGS . Men's heavy wool ribbed socks 25c Men's heavy all wool Shirts and Drawer $1 25 for. , $1 00 Boys' C'oth Caps with inside band 25c Boys' fleece lined Shirts and Drawers. 25e Men's Heavy Winter Caps. 50c Men's Fur Caps Dog skin $2.00 Men's strong back and white stripe shirts 79c Men's Print Shirts, fancy stripe 79c Four in hand Ties, 50c for 29c MEN'S WEAR S'TO RE You will find Big Stock and Big Bargains in all kinds of Men's and Boys' Wear, We sell the FIT -RITE Clotning, Fite•Ritc stands for style and quality. Take advantage of this Midwinter sale and buy a Pit -Rite and feel righs 10 men's Fancy Pattern Tweed Suits, stylise and well made, values $12, to clear. , $9 95 Men's Strong Overalls, sale price Men's Heavy Overcoats. bargain Boys' Heavy Overcoats to clear Boys' Suits in small sizes, aa'e Men's Striped Tweed Pants $2 50 for Men's fancy pattern Worsted Suits, sate. Cut prices on all other lines during see BOOTS AND SHOES 1 25 10,00 4 75 1.50 200, 13,75 Bargains iii all lines of Boots and Shoes for Men, Wom- en. Girls and Boys wear. Women's good wearing rubbers, sac Men's special Rubbers Boys' heavy school Boots Men's strong wearing Boots A lot of odd lines Girls boots to clear at , Men's Heavy Boots 50c Y5c 1 75 2 75 1 25 1 98 .nn.v.rvw+.v..vww.+e...vwvw�n.wv wwvo.wwwannrw.+..v. w+.o�+.�w +,►n vn ".""se 1 TERMS OF SALE Spot Cash or Pro- duce. Goode not paid for at time of sale will be eharged at regular prices. H. E. Isard & Co. WINGHAM ONTARIO NOTICE You account is due. Prompt payment please. .Wc need the money. w...r.iw..w�wv..vvww.r..vw.+v+..+�r..w.n.ti.rnnvw+.+.'vww...Mw►..n.ww.!�.wrw v�n�n..nn� DRESS GOODS All lines of Wool Dress Goods are soaring away up in prices, We bought heavy before advance and have a fine range at old prices and we will sell at a discount of 15 per cent off regular prices during the sale; Move quick and buy your spring dress. DA RGA INS IN STAPLES' 20 pieces yard wide stripe Flannelette, tale 11§c 5 pieces linen roller Towelling 15c, sale 12sc Fine English Cambric 18c quality. sale , , 14c 2 yards wide sheeting 35c, valve sale - 29c Large English Flannelette Blankets, sale , . $1.75 Window Curtain Lace 25c value. sale • • . , , 200 Yard Wide Factory Cotton, I2 .c value sale 10c N'w patient Art,Sateen 25c value, sale 20c Factory Cotton 15c'qu..lity,. gale, Inc Grey Flannel, 50c quality, sale .., . 40e TABLE LINEN We have a large stock of Linens. "P• rices are up". We .u'e still selling at the old price. It will be good buying to buy at our sale price, One piece heavy Table Linen, sate 25c 2 pieces. wide Table Linen, 50c quality, sate.. 40c 65c Wide Linen, new pattern, regular $1, sale 80c Table Napkins 60c bleached Table Linen, sale Pine quality bleached Linen, 7Sc value for at 15 per cent off 50e ILEA vy-TO-W.EA R Ladies Ready -to. wear Department on second floor. A large stock of Ladies' Seperate Skirts, Tailored Suits Ladies'. Misses' and Child. ren's Goats to be cleared out at Sweeping reductions Only room to quote a few lines here. "Take a Look". and sae what you can save. A few sizes of Seperate Skirts to clear $2.95 10 Women's Winter Coats, your pick 3.95 7 Girls Heavy Coats to clear 2.95 9 Children's Fancy Coats, sate price 2.90 12 Women's Tweed Coats, $15 value for L98 5 Women's Out of Style Coats, sale 2.00 All other lines at gtcatly reduced prices, CUT PRICES IN SILIC. Sweeping reductions in all kinds of silk. 27 inch Japan Taffeta Silk, 50c, sa'e , 40c 36 inch Black Paitette Silk, 51.25, sale $1 00 1.00 Fancy colored yard wide silk. $1 25, sale 20 per cent off alt other lines of Silk, 2 c GRAB ZAGS 2So Come early to get them, they will go quick. Lots of useful. wares and dry goods in each bag, worth twice the money. Sweep Sale Price small Clean 25c FUR, COATS Big Cut in price of Men's ur Coats, they trust go at . some price. Three good Coon Coats in the lot. It will pay you to buy now. 11 /til DIN m, • vg /II#\ Beigrave N•.•' Mr. and Mrs. George Finlater arrived ��X here last Monday in response to a men. sage, announcing the death of the former's `i icy elyiel eetend their visit for a week with many old Gads.— Rev. -r e'i] s."Rev. Mr. Parnaby is again able to minister to the needs of his flock after a prolonged ilness. The C O. F. are having an At Home in their hall in the near future, W hitechurGh intended for last week Church' news. -'Phe sacrament of the Lord's c)k 'r da et]aed t110 }'reabytyrian cllurutt next Sunday, Jan.. 28. Preparatory service an Friday cvcu- iug at 7 o'clock will bt; conducted by Rev, D. Pcrrie, Wingham. The build meeting; on ;lath 28th will be in charge of Dir, Jas. Laidlaw, The annual meeting of the Prem byteriaa church was held on Monday evening Jan ?20d although the church was without a leader for considerable period during 1010, owing to the removal ot the pastor, Rev, J. sere Stewart to another charge, yet a. large ,treasure of prosperity and Success was achieved, The reports of the different organizations showing satisfactory progress, There are 190 members otr thetroll. Twentytwo sons of the congregation have enlisted and ttvo, Thos. Garton and Wm. Moore, have paid the supreme sacrifice, Under the leadership of their new pastor, Rev, Jas. R. Graham, 13. A., the congre.galiou is looking forward to another prosperous Year, A Red Cross tea on Tuesday at the hone of the president, Mrs. Sperling. re- sulted in $3 55 for the funds. The 1916 officers were re-elected. The society decided to collect old papers and utagaz- iuce and sell them to augment the. funds. IIO� tidh Henry Johnston treated his family to a ! �Mfine piano for Xmas, ' '= • James Cuuuningham is spending the n-knok winter at Waterloo with his son, John, who is cin ployed at the. G. T, R. -there. XX Salem Lucknow Allman Blair, the 18 year old son of Mr. and Mrs, Ashley Blair of Lucknow died on Tuesday of last week after a lingering attack of tubercutosie. The funeral of the late Jacob Johns- ton, who died in Saekatchewan, was held to Greenhill cemetery on Thure- day afternoon under the auepicee of the 1. O, O.;F, He was 85 years of age, a Gen of Mr. and Mrs, JamesJohnston, Asbfield, Ontario. Sacrament was held in the cburch hero kilast Sunday afternoon. A large number from this community hi attended the Red Cross meeting held at XAMe. D. D. Sanderson's near Wroxeter last Friday night. 114!, A few of the neighbours spent a very ``''�/ ���,// ``,, �s '',,'a�**'',�� •/�``tt `' �t..''``sstt`` ''rr ••//``aaoo''�//``.. `f ..,,``�} �, ,. ,+v `.`' `' s,`'.'+.+`.'' •'���/�`. ��.,` `••/�� enjoyable evening at Mr, and. _Mrs, Wm. XXX .A \XXXXXXX XX `INV t*l� \WXX \X XXXX X% ©��l MV. \A©N,YMN �f2 R �� w1� tAgru.kkk li killi���7Axxxxs�D�.x.tx(1' x�x xil.�v �x ,r� b1rt`,.he ,last Thursday . �e„� .r ti`yr,✓} w� �s✓ �.us�� `w���e+✓� �✓� �®r✓ `v✓�`�e� ✓����w✓ Via✓ ti✓ �✓ r✓/��w raj XXX �.t sw�j�r�y .,n �,a,� .� ✓ r�y�r �. �r��.,r� r ✓\�✓ �� AIr and Mrs. P.obert A1cMich•tel visited d►• .t 4XXilXilri6XZXV /1X1V111Y'i)Xfr KIVI AVAX/a.\Q"bXXXXXXXXX iXXXXV /SXXx. x/a�\/aI xxxxxx xgxxxxx�xxxxxxxxxXXXXX%/.Virarl.' friends ne+r Fordwioh one day last ween: Morris Hazel Campbell, 1st line, visited her sister Mrs. George Orvis of Wingham, - • A large crowd attended the funeral of the late Nettie Finlater. Have you ila'd the grippe yet? Mrs. Jno. Brooks who got hurt a few weeks ago, still continues very poorly, John Casemore, 2nd line, lost a valu- able tory last -week. Mr. and Mrs. `Roy Turvey visite.' at Maxwell. Abram's. The clover threshers have been busy in this vicinity. Mrs. MaxiVelI Abram is visiting her parents at Moncrieff, Assessor Miller has,eotnmenced les an- nual tour of the township. This week Reeve Shortreed is atten- ding Bounty Council at Goderich. James Bowman, M. P. went to Ottawa last week for the opening of Dominion Parliament. - . Vfe were very sorry to hear of the death of Richard Bielby in the West. He was a fine young man. If you wish to follow the prevailing style you will have to run the gauntlet with measles or la grippe, Mrs. Ray Fear is the new organist al the Jackson church, which post no doubt she will fill competently. A wood bee and party was on the pro- gram at Alex Brewer's, 4th line, last week when a good time was enjoyed. Rumor says a housekeeper is in prospect. • Lyon Findiater, Broderick, Sask., and Dr. Mary Findlater of Lead, South Dak- ota, left for their respective homes last Monday, Their father is improving in health. S. S. No. I, known as tht White school Is busy in the preparation of'an entertain- ment for Red Cross purposes. Date will be Friday, Feb, 16th, Miss Stevens Is the tcacherand there will be art autograph quilt on the program, esessimealemessetesseal Bel more Mr. and Chas. Thompson, rces- wat_r, 'woe tisitats at Win, Mt.tsrogaus lust heck. Miss Veltna Coutts, Mildmay, is a visit- or at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Lowry. Mr, Jnu, Peterson continues in very poor health, Mr. and Mrs. Win, Hall, Teeswater, visited friends here on Sunday. Miss Blanche Irwin is the guest of Teeswater friends. rIr. Fleming Ballagh, Jr. is drawing material to build a new house next sum- mer on the farm he has recently bought. A tea -meeting will be held the Presby Brien church on 1ednesday, Feb. 7. Fordyce - Ed, IIaines• attended the funeral 'of her brother George McQuilliu of Grand Valley, on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs, David Tisdale of the West is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tisdale. There way no church at Bethel on Sun- day last on account of the illness of tate pastor Rev. el.r. Grainger. ' There will be a fellowship meeting at Bethel the first Sunday in eveiy month, Services at 3 p m. Wroxeter Rev. Mr, Feltner of St. Thomas preached In the Presbyterian church Sunday morning and evening. An old an respected resident of How• ick in the person of Mr. Jae. Rae, passed away last Thursday morning at the age of 07 years. The funeral which took place on Saturday to the Wroxeter cemetery was largely at. tended. A successful tan Was given at the home of Mrs. D. D. Sanderson Friday evening. Sleigh loads were brought by Messrs. John and Alex Gibson, Stewart McNaughton and Percy Cope. and, In the musical part of the evening's entertainment, eeverai tongs were sung by a chorus of young Indies also the little boys Gang very nicely. Instrumental seleotione Were given by Mr, and Mrs. Abe Sanderson which was very much enjoyed. Games of various kinds made the time pass pleasantly and quickly and about mid- night the company dispersed ;after singing the national anthetq. Pro- ceeds were $13.80 Mr, Orval McIntosh cu Tripola, Alta, paid a flying visit to friends in and around Wroxeter Sunday and Mon. day. LETTER FROM FRANCE Village Smithy Still Stands Under tate Spreading Chestnut The following interesting letter was written by Mr. McCall to his niece, blies Edith ii, Jenkins of Turnberry, Brauishott, Jan.,Oth 1917 My Dear Niece: 1 received your welcome letter on tbe 2ad of Jan. it sure takes a long tiwe to come but if you saw the arhount of mail that comes over here you would wonder how it got here so quick. That card I sent came from France. 1 went over on Dec. the tad with a draft of 310 men, I saw a little of war, of course I cannot write what I saw but when I come home I will tell you. Well Edith you do not know what the women and children are suffering in France and England, you do not eee many man of military age in France not in uniform, if the men in Canada would take this'war serious and would realize what we are up against they would put the khaki on and this war would soon end, What we need is every man, the Allies have the money but they need men I do not know holy tiny man that is meds• cally flt and of military age can look a man that Went overarms to light his battles, in the eyes, of Course there ale exceptions, Well Edith I want to thank you and your mother for that bice box whioh you sent me it Was 'Very kind of you 10 think of me, but it has not arrived yet. Aunt Norah trailed me one on the Osh Dec. it has not arrived yet, a lady friend mailed me one on Dec. let it is not here either but they will arrive later, When you stop to think that there is nearly 500,000 Canadians over here and they alt get parcels it is a wonder we get them, ire soon as we do. The 101st Batt. are dosvu at Shorn• cliffe that is about 50 miles from here but the 160th Batt, are in tbe same camp me we are, Well Edith, when I came back from France I found that my Batt, was all broken up and that I was transferred to the 151th High- landers and most of our Sergeants reduced to the ranlce believe me I expected to have my bead cut off too but I guess I still will hold it. 1 am C. Q. M. S. to B. Coy, 60 the only change in my address, is the number of the Battalion. Sow is your father keeping 1 suppose there ib lots of enow up there I have not seen any here yet but it raine every day, I would much rather have the good old Canadiau winter. You remember reading in the second reader about the Village Blacksmith under the spreading epee. nut, well, the old shop and tree are still here only three miles from camp in a place Called Llphook, Lord Tennyson'e home is four miles from here in a town called Haslemere,the old Romaft road rune by the camp this must be very pretty in summer time but at this season of the year it is not very picturesque, I bad a good position in London offered to ,One but wy 0o1. wort d not approve of me transfer so I will staywith this Bast, we expect to go to France in abe0t one month Lh- sooner the better as • there is going to be a big drive before very long and it Will break the Hun's back if we get enough men this war will to over before neXt fall but the Ilene are not beat yet, Well must close hoping you will write mo soon. Your toeing ttnole Edward McCall 030818 0, Q. M. ti., II. Coy. 16Ith kiigblandere Bramehoty, England In caro of Army L'o., London, MARRIED JAeireen'—MAurniztt-..At Sylvania, on January 101.b, 1017, by Rev. Mr. Hargreaves, Mr. W. L. Jackson to Miss O11y • Alberta, daughter of Mr. Robert Mainprizs, all of Sylvania, Sack. lifter 'Every Meal MISSED AGAIN You didn't get the last farm we advertised. Well it was your own fault, but we now have another and a better one, One hundred acres, " without doubt one of the finest fermis in Huron Co., fine buildings, first close Boil, must be Bold to wind up an estate. Nothing better or cheaper hoe ever passed through our hands. For particulars inquire fit the office of ` 1 Ritchie & Cosens Insurance and Ileal Estate Wingham WANTED! highest Cash Priiced paid for All Kinds of Live POULTRY. 111028, WOOL and JUNK. H. Brown Phone ?04 ' t ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE eidiriCkik y i STAATPORD.ONT. Students may enter 'our classed at any time,Commenoe your oeurco now and fii.'qualified for a position by Mtssummer. iDuring July and d.ueuet of last Year wereceiver] calls for over :''00 office a, istants we could not supply, Our graduates aro lin demand. Write at once Or Our fro cataloguo, B, A. RcL&+CELAN • Prlffelpsl WEAK, SORE LONGS Itestored To Rea ith By ' }rel Camden, 2i. J •w "r li4 a deep .eeated tough, was run•dflOni said my lunge tiers: weak and sore. I had tried everything e u gg o s t e d without help. One eve. -Mng 1 read about Vine! and decided to try it. Soot I noticed an improve• Wit• µ kli/ SIi and 4.44:4 ban a well train. 'I'Ite eerett'eitt ill Qli gone from my lungs, I do not hoc any eotigh and have gained flfteea pounds?' `."1.1tA r fltr.T.MAtt. 'Wit gultrttntre Vino / for ehronie coughs, eelds and bronchitis grid for :ail weak, rua.dowll conditi ;ne, Walton 0 geblt• Wlflgbt.41ethe beetdigli ailfiuto11'h tur u!, .., WEDDING BELLS Gx rEVE--B.ILLAGI3 "W00(118 6", the home of Mr. and Mrs. R: Ballagh, was . the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday after- noon, Jan. 10th, when their eldest daughter Alice Mabel, became the bride of Mr. Raymond Grieve, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. J. R. (helve of this city, The -guests were assembled in the drawing room and promptly at 3.30 to the strains of Loheugrin's Wedding March, played by Mise, Clara, eieter of the bride, the, bridal party entered the Boom. Rev. Geo, A. Little, the oflibiating minister wise the $ret to descend the stairway, followed by the, groom. They tool. their places before the mantel banked with ferns which made a very pretty background. The rest of the wedding party was led by Mise Beatrice Jacobs only niece of the groom, She : made a dainty Sower girt wearing a pretty frock of pink silk and .she. carried a bouquet of pink roses, one of which contained the ring hidden in the. petals. Tits bride unattended followed, leaning on the arm of her father and wore a gown of white Georgette Crepe with dainty triwminge of white satin, and a tale `'Veil caught with orange blos. some. the carried a bouquet of bridal rotes and lilies of the valley. Th6 groom wore the conventional black. After the ceremony congrat. ulatlons were received and during the signing of the register Miss May Ballagh sang, after which the guests repsired to the dining room where a Wedding dinner was enjoyed. The groom's gift to the flower girl was a gold bracelet and to the Misses Clara and May, who took part, gold pine. Amid a downpour of confetti the bride and groom left on the 6.83 train for Toronto and Peterboro, the bride travelling in a bigger brown suit with a small white bat and a beautiful set Of write fent, the gift of the groan,. The hest wishes of friends goes with them for their future happiness. The out.of.town guests were Mr. A, Cowry of Orono, Out, Mrs. and Mies Biggins, of WIngbant, Mrs, Wm, Grieve, of Windsor, lies Lila Beaver of Iles. union, Mrs, and Miss Jacobs of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. A. Jl1cLaughlau Of 11111aburg and Mr, it. Iliggins of j Hannah, North Dakota, --''The Guelph Mercury.' delightful time wet spent at the honte of Mr. and Mrs. Ballagh "Woodland"" on Friday evening When 'the "Wonian'e Attxlllary" of 8. 11, No. 6 add their friends atomised Ms* Alice I'tallegh- with a tuisdeileneauK Amer, Many 'useful and beautiful gifts wore received and although very Mud' taken bey eurprieo. Miss llallagb made a suitable reply of thanks. Dancing wu afterwards indulged iu, and a merry time pt'ent b3' all. 1 logo -NNW Reductions In All Winter- Goods Men's Fur Coats We have a number ot Men's black, day fur coats in large sizes to clear out at ridicu- lous low prices. If you are in need of a fur coat this is your chance to save money on one, Men's Fur Collared Coats There are only a few of these left and they must be sold this month. Come early and get your choice of these at your owe prices. SPECIAL— -Only one coon coat regular $85 fol: $5o. Sweater Coats Ladies', Mens, Girls' and Boys' Sweater coats in all the new colors and styles at 1,5 per cent off. Ladies' Silk Sweater Coats Three only Ladies Silk Sweater Coats, regular $5.50 value for $4 25. Underwear All wool underwear i6 muCI1 higher this year than last, and h still be higher next year. We were fortunate enough to have our underwear bought at old prices. This is your chance to buy underwear less than cost to•*Iay. • This is your chance to buy your nest year's underwear at about half what it 'will cost you net Fall. Men's Suits and Overcoats ►_ For 2 weeks Only we will give 20 p. c, oft any Man's Suit or overe;oat we have 311 tutor k for Lash. 'Fire have one of the li s+t ranges iu this lino you can find any plaice;, OUI. MOT'T'O—More sales with legs profits, iimewisimiticimiiiiimpoiftim•stmana.moiommussipotigt,mii•osmok;