HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-01-25, Page 5Thursday San. zr 5, 1917
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Isard's January Stock
Reduction Sale
In order to reduce our stock and clear out many lines of
• Winter Goode we have cut the price for quick selling and 11g
Values for January,
s Men's Wear and Women's Wear
20 Per Cent Discount
Balance of our stock of Women's, Misses and Children's
Winter Coats on sale at 20 per cent off regular prices. We
have many good styles in stock to select from,
LADIES' COATS excellent Value at $8, $10, $12, $15,
$1$, $20.
C18ILDB.EWT'S COATS, prices range at $3.50, 24.00, $4.50,
$6.00, $7.00.
BARGAINS in all lines of Fura--a number of Muffs to
clear at $5. 10 Neck pieces, good style. Your pick while
they last for $4.50.
COATS, Rat lined with Sable collars on sale now at a Big
Saving, cut price 835.00.
BARGAIN in Ladies Rat Coat, popular style, satin lined,
now reduced to $32.75.
BARGIAINS IN HOSE, 10 -doz. Heavy Ribbed Worsted
hose Fast black, large sizes, sale price .35c.
Men's Wear Store
You'll find Bargains Worth While in this store; the stock
is large in all linea of. Men's and Boys' Weal. You have a
big choice here.
MEN'S OVERCOATS, to sell at cut prices. See our val-
ues at $10, $12, and $15.
BOYS' OVERCOATS, all sizes. New styles, clearing
lineson sale at $6.75 and $8.00.
Otter lines at Cut prices are Boys' Suits, Sweater coats,
Men's and Boys' Winter Underwear, Men's Heavy Smocks?,
Boys' Reefers.
H. E. Isard & Co
Stores, Wingham
Capt. J. C. Little of Teeswater, who is
. in command of "4" Coy of the 100th Batt.
was married to Miss G. ,Whitmarsh of
Teeswater, iuLondou, Eng , recently.
Oslo tncrchant told us there were more
handkerchiefs than ever soi'J tide Christ.
mass Int fact he said they were disposed
of by hundreds, All of which means that
more things than the north wind will blow
this winter.
Ken Conslcy, aformer resident of Brus•
sell, was seriously injured by being
crushed by an elevator in the factory of
Fairbanks, Morse et Co,, Toronto,
Hopes are entertained for his recovery.
He is a son of Mr, John Consiey of Brus.
The annual meeting of the shareholders
of the South Bruce Rural Telephone Co ,
Limited, was held at Formosa. Mr. Ken-
neth McKenzie of Culross, who has been
managing director and secretary treas.
urcr tor tate past four years, is retiring
from office.
The town of Kincardine is not satisfied
with its water supply which is obtained
from artesian welts. It is said to be too
hard for domestic use and is bad for use in
boilers for manufacturing purposes. A
petition has been circulated asking the
commissioners to counteract the hardness
of the water in some way,
Mrs, Elizabeth Dawson, widow of tate
late James Dawson, passed away at the
home of her son -in law, Mr. John Pollock
Saugeen road, Huron Township. She
was 81 yeats of age and leaves several of
a family. Mr. Samuel Dawson, of Lon-
don, and Mr. Ed, Dawson of Lake, Shore,
South, are sons of the deceased lady and
ate Mrs. J. B, Tyreman of East Wawan.
osh w•ts a daughter.
A Red Cross Tea was given at the home
of Mrs D. McTavish of Howick, on Wed-
nesday evening. The proceeds amount-
ed to $2I.55. The following assisted in
the tea: Misses M. Linton, A. Westlake,
and Mesdames D. McTavish, W. Mit-
chell, R. Mitchell, E. Palmer, T. Mc-
Michael, W. Abram and A. E. Gallaher.
Thb next tea wilt be held at the home of
Mrs. D. D. Sanderson on the evening of
Friday, Jan 20th.
A card from Lance Corp. 11._L. Watson
intimates that the following members of
the battalion band of the Hurons have
been transferred to •the C. A. M. C, :
Chapman (clarionet), Morgan (cornet),
Scott (bass), and Watson (alto), N. C. O.s
Reid of Scaforth (baritone), Mundy of
Wingham (bass), Cook of Clinton (alto),
Gidley of Blyth (clarionet)White of Goder-
ich (cornet), Somers -of Blyth and New.
combe of Goderich (slide trombones), and
Pierce (scare drum). •
'Fire which started early on Monday in
the furnace room of the Walker Hotel at
Walkerton, caused a loss of $5.000. W.
J. Ward, the proprietor, was carried out
unconscious,tand is in the hospital in a
serious condition. He was rescued by
Alex George, who rushed through smoke
and Hautes to the second floor and carried
Mr. Ward to safety. As Ward weighs
250 pounds and the fire was making great
headway, George's teat was heroic. The
flames had a geed hold on the building
before being discovered.
► •MAft eye *i► aw ar► is ar sae ye vote: r a a eyeen r sea r a♦� ar ' eau to
71,17r .aise .�wil atin7e 70 l� i i;► ek, li ie 5n:707V iC
Set our samples and
prices of Job Pr,nt,� THE AOVANCE
e IN X
One Beautiful Rosewood Piano, - Seven Octaves.
N. Overstrung Bass. Splendid opportunity for any- g `�
one who is looking for a good piano for beginners.
1 We will allow all monies paid on this piano if ,you
x wish to purchase a more expensive instrument later U
on, ,
One Heintzman & Co. Upright piano, Ionic Design 1
Handsome Mahogany Case, Has only been used
at concerts. Big reduction in price on this Instru- U
i ment of Quality. C
One Heintzman & Co. Upright Piano, Louis XV
Design, Beautiful Mahogany Case, with Hansa R.
Carving. • Slightly used -in warerooms, but is it'l
splendid condition. Will sell at greatly reduced N
One six Octave Doherty Organ, Golden Oak Case, I
Beautiful carved front,Mouse Proof Pedals,
Thoroughly Overhauled and in the best of shape.
One six Octave Goderich Organ, Polished Walnut U
Case, eleven stops, and swells, eight sets reeds.
Mouse Proof in every respect.
One six Octave Bell Organ, Piano Cased, Mahogany N
finish, eleven stops, Full. length Swinging Music
Desk, Modern in every respect.
NOne six Octave 'Phomas Organ, Golden Oak, Beau-
tiful Design, Full length Music Desk, One of the
best toned Instruments we are offering, at a very
low price. •
St A dozed Good Organs, All in first class condition
being thoroughly overhauled. Sold on low month-
ly payments,
)11 '"--wwwiriiiiiiiimmilimowsuiriaminiummialuelsio, ieliiiiiimirieftrumiNoimil x
Ye Olde Firme Of r
1 Heiutzman
Co. L '
2g 38 Ontari
The members. of the Yourg People's
Christian Endeavour Society of Behrtore
and Mclotosh gathered at the home of
Mr, and Mrs Robert t3allabh on friday
evening. January oth, to present their
former organist, Mrs. S. DI. Brown, with
a handsome chair, after the presentation
a very pleasant everting was spent,
The following address was read;
Dear Mrs Browns--
We the members of the Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavour of Delmore
avid Melntosh, wish to express to you
how deeply we appreciate all you have
done for,our society and we de not forget
that in a very large sneasure the credit its
due to your untiring efforts in our behalf.
We sincerely appreciate the untiring
energy and zeal you have shown in the
interests of our Society.
As a slight mark of aur appreciation
we would therefore ask you to accept this
gift, and hope it may express to you in
some measure the high cstccsn and
respect we cherish to you
Wo hope that you may be long spared
and that God's richest blessing may al
ways attend you.
Signed on behalf of the Christian En-
deavour Society.
Myrtle Galloway.
Nelson Gowdy.
Stuart Aitken.
Mrs J. T. Mulvey, Rapid City, Man ,
whose husband is with the Canadian
Medical Headquarters Staff, France, is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Mulvey and
Dir, ane Mrs J. Hall.
Mr. and Mrs, North and two children,
Delisle, Sasli , are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. M. Schiestel.
Rev. Mr. Malcolm, Porcupine, New
Ontario, who has been suppling the pul-
pit sn the Presbyterian Church, Wroxeier,
was a very welcome visitor at the manse
for a few days.
Mr. Josesh Hail and Afr. Robert Bal-
lagh were in Harriston over Sunday vis-
iting Mr. 'Hall.
The Literary Society will bold a con
test on Tuesday Dec. 23rd, the program
to be a Scottish selection, the losing Side
to provide "the eats" for the next social
The debate ''Resolved that the farmer
is of more benefit to the community than
the manufacturer," was given last Tues
day evening. The affirmative was upheld
by Rev. R. Sinclair, Messrs McKee and
George Rutherford, and the negative by
Miss Annie Darling, Messrs Wm. Dar-
ling and Irwin Zinn. The judges, Miss
Bax, Mr. Henry Johann and Rev. Mr.
Malcolm decided in favour of the the
Miss Bax spent the week -end with Mrs.
J. Hall.
The' Foresters' held their annual oyster
supper at the residence of Mr. Hector
McLean, the boundary. All report a de-
lightful time,
Mrs. Copeland, Carmen, Manitoba, who
has been in Montreal, is now with Mrs.
Mr. Simon Gravistin of Alberta Man. is
spending the week with his sister, Mrs,
Thomas J. Baker.
add Beigrave
Mr. Robert Hamilton, of the 18th con-
cession of Ashfield, one of the protninent
citizens of the township, died on Wednes-
day, Jan. 4th, in his 80th year. He canie
to Canada with his parents in 1812, sett-
ling in the township' of Hope; about the
year 1854 he mo�•ed to Belfast. where lie
remained for a few year's, afterwards
settling on the farm where he died. Mr.
Hamilton eras a member of the Orange
Order, a member of the Ashfield Presby-
terian church and in politics an ardent
Conservative. He has been a member of
the township council and the couuty noun-
cll. He is survived by his widow and,
three children, Mrs, Gilbert Blackwell,
Lochalsh; Frank and Robert, at home.
His brother,Joseph of Ashfield, and his
sister, Mrs. Gordan, of Port Hope, also
survive him.
Please write me to -day, further par-
. tieulare on losirninents advertised in
The Wingbatn Advance. '
The clover threshers are in this vicinity
this week.
Miss Lilian E, Stevens spent the week-
end visiting friends around here,
There will be a Fellowship meeting at
Bethel, the first Sunday in every month.
Services at the usual hour, 8 p. m.
Mr. John and Miss Victoria Champion
yisited at Peter Lever's one day last week,
At a meeting of Brussels Council held
last week it was decided_to pay the hal-
ance of the money due Thos. J. McLean
on the street improvement contract, into
the county court and await the decision
of the court as to who was the rightful
owner of it. It appears there has been
about $1.600 in orders predented at the
town treasurer's office, while the balance
due on the contract is about $800.
Alfred J. Lowry, sa well-known resident
of town for the past 40 years, died at hie
hotted in Brands after a lingering illness
of several years. He was a stout: mason
by trade and was in his 57th yesr. He
is survived by his widow, three sons and
one daughter. Six brothers of the dec•
eased were. pail bearers.
Piga VIve
The Safest
Nothing is safer or mote profit•
itUle at present than a good farm,
The oldest inhabitant cannot re.
member; prices so high for farpn
products, and with no sign of a
downward tendency.
We offer for one monde only, a
farm of 125 acres with good large
dwelling, bank barn with cement
stables, pig pen, etc. Good orchard,
spring creek, well and wlndpaill.
One half utile from school and 3
tulles from market, Land now
mostly in grass.
Call and enquire, if yeti wish to
buy a farm at a price that will sur-
prise you.
Ritchie & Cosens
Insurance and Real Estate
After the Manner of Billy Sunday
(The `Tribune' Chicago) •
You 'folk, here in Chicago, do you
Iike to inhale smoke from ten thou-
sand belching pipes and get your lungs
all Booted through and through and
the good blood of your vitality clogged?
Do you like to be packed into street
care with your elbow in the next man's
eye and that man's elbow in your ear?
Do you like to hang to straps and
hate the biggest person in the crowd
put his heel on your foot? ,
Do you like to be barred off from
your lake front, looking at it as a child
with its nose against a pane of glass
looks at the pies in a cook shop? Are
you going to stand for things simply
because they are hande3 to you?, Do
you care whether you are half dead or
all alive?
Can a lot of dubs attend to their own
low-browed affaire and not attend to
your affairs after you have elected
them todo thinge for you? How
about you? Are you contented to be
fooled by this fellow and' cheated by
the other fellow? Do you like 'what
you get?
Does the city look good to you? Do
you like the pussy -footing fashion in
which you pretend to try to get any-
thing done? Do you like a daily diet
of excuses and alibis? Do you like to
see every plan for city work carried off
by the ash man? . Do,you'like to think
of the city ae a moss -edged frog pond?
You don't? Then etart something,
Make some of the fellows you're pay -
tog good money bit the sawdust trail
of repentance and head them towards
work. Make theta get busy. Stir
them up. Put bent pine on their
chairs. Build liras under theta, Take
clubs to these. Get busy. Start
something; start something; start
David killed Goliath because he went
against him with suitable ammunition
H his sling
and plenty of it, e loaded g
according to . the size of the job he load
before him. Some fighters would have
tried to down the giant -with a little
sand in a blowpipe, David didn't
wseta any time in skirmishing n for pore
ition, either, but took dead aim at the
bigi'e low s head and
then put enough
muscle behind his throw to creek hie
nese and drop hint. Hard he -only
meant to wing him, there would have
been no mourning int the Philistine
camp that morning,
Where there le no definite hope or
expectation nothing out of the corn.
Mon will happen.
lWint;hatnitee rvoeld tics 112c li to exit
Mit their peeeitntetle clews and aeslst
tete Beard of Trade. -•lie a hooter soot
The ret tains of 'Wm. Gordon, a former
resident of 13rusdele, were brought front
Niagara Palle for interment in Brussels
cemetery. The funeral took piste from
the home of hie brother-tn•Isw, William
andwasunder the di a tion the
hark r c
'Branbroak Lodge of C. 0. i., et which
society was a m
t y he ember.
There will be an alettien in Grey
township next 'Tuesday to fill the vacant
Eat the Council board. Where
de e an
four nominees in the race, viz.. 3. K.
Baker, .John Bolger, Oliver Merle, and
Pott. 1K. Mebonaid.
Thursday of this week was the 50th
snnlverdary of the, marriage of James and
Mrs. Turnbull, old and highly eeteetned
***Went* of the'4th conetisdiott of Grey
Townaisip, $t', Turnbull was reeve of
Highest Cash Prices paid for All
Kinds of Live POUL,TKY, HIDll$..
H. Brown
Phone 204
Reliable Salesman to act as Agent
in Huron and Bruce County
Outfit free, exclusive territory
and money making specialties.
Our agencies are the best in the
business for we sell the histheat
grade of stock at most reasonable
prices and guarantee deliveries in
first chime condition. Nursery stock
is Belling well this year and good
money can he made in this district
For particulars write Sales Man-
Pelham Nursery Go.
Y,A••s .MhM/..MAM. W.MM.1A01.
6tudeuts may enter our classes at any
time. Commence your oource now and
be qualified for a position by Midsummer.
During July and August of last year we
reoeived calls for over 200 office assistants
we could not supply, Our graduates are
in demand. W rite at once for our'ireu
Z catalogue,
D. A. * etiCoHLAI[ - Pdacipal,
wan „vw
West Wawanosh
Afttnicipel Council of West Wawanosh.
met on Jan. eth, 1917, as per statue, mem.
Isere all present. The necessary gashes•
tion and declaration of due were signed
Reeve Jets. A. Dfallough in Itis inaugarai
address expressed the howls that the delib-
erations of this council would be always
toward extending the welfare of the mum
icipality's interests aldo that harmony and
good fellowship might alwaye be in evi-
dence at the Board.
The first order of buelnees being the
fixing of eateries and appointment of
officials for the 'year,
This resulted in the re•appeint-
ment of all former ofitcere at etmiliar
salaries as prevailed in 191d, with one
exception, that of the care taker of the
Hall, in this case Mr. Cranston succeede
Mr. Cameron at reduced salary,
,Minutes of last meeting, read and con•
firmedon motion by Messrs Purdon and
By-law No. 1, 1917, read three times
passed, on motion by Messrs Watson
and Johnston, this by law includes all
officers and the remuneration they are to
The officers for 1917 ae appointed, Clerk
W. A. Wilsion; Treasurer, W. J. Thomp-
son; Assessor, Geo. Webb; Collector;
Geo. Rutledge; Auditors, L. B. Taylor
andJ. H. Pentland; Inspector of sheep
killed by dogs, A. Anderson and Lewis
Grant in the north, Ws Thompson and
j... Washington in the south,
Samuel Philips w.ii;ed on council ask•
ing that a considerable amount of work be
done on Con. 10 between St, Helen's and
Fordyce this year. this matter was left in
the hands of the commissioners.
Motion by Messrs Aitchison end Purdon
that the free advice of the Municipal
World Solicitors be secured by subscrib-
ing for 7 copies of the World for the use
of Council. Carried.
One of the biggest Oddfellowe' gath.
eringe ever held there took place when
D, D. G. M. McVittie of Blyth install-
ed` the recently-elebted offieerb. He
was assisted by Dietriot Marshall Past
Grand Master 8 Poppleetone, . DIstrict
Recording Secretary A. W. Robinson,
Dietriot Treasurer, John Weymoutb
District Warden Thomae Wallace.
The following were installed: Noble
grand, Wm. Carr; vice•grand, D. Mc-
Allister; recording secretary W. A.
Stewart; financial secretary, N. F.
Whyard; treasurer, 4. P. Dialler;
conductor, George Adams; warden,
Robert Armstrong; R. S. • N. G. R.
Disher; L. S. N. G. B. Maise; chaplain;
W. Baillie; L G. D. Henderson; 0. G.
D. Fowler; R. S. V. G. B. Treleaven;
L. S. V. G. H. Stotbere; R. S. S, N.
Treleaven; L. S. S, Ryan.
After this ceremony was over splen•
did addresses were given by Messrs, S.
A. Popplestone, 8. McVittie, A, W.
Robinson and others. .
W. Bail,iewas called to the front and
he gave an address to one of the bro.
there ;vbo has enlisted with a Toronto
battery for overseas, and Mr, John
McNabb presented him with a beauti-
ful emblematic ring. An oyster sup-
per concluded the evening.
the townebcip for quits a number bf years. ' & kno0ker. j.
Robert Woods claftn for 2 sheep killed
by doge 819 50 was paid, Dlotion by
Messrs Watson and Aitchison that a
grant of $10.00 be given towards Mr
Eiliott's appeal for assistance in the care
of neglected . children in the County of
Huron. Carried.
Motion by Messrs Purdon and Johnston
that Engineers Acc't for work done on
Young's creek drain be sent to County
Judge for audit as per Sec 16 Sub sec. 2
of the Municipal Drainage Act. Carried,
The notice received by Clerk from
Messrs McCann and Culvert asking that
Youngs Creek Drain be deepened, widened
and otherwise improved across their
farms, Lot Wi 18 con. 5 and Lot W+J 18
con, 4. respectively.
Motion by Messrs Watson and Mal -
lough that Clerk tvrite Engineer on this
matter, Carried.
Motion by Messrs Johnston and Purd-
o that the 50 1
iS h 6 42 collected on 9 1 161:to11
be deposited In the Savings Branch of
the Stirling Bank until payable to the
County. Carried.
The grant made by the County Council
at its -December session in aid of Patriotic
and Red Cross work being carried on by
Women's Institutes and other organiz.
ations in several municipalities, It being
understood that West Wawanosh share
of this fund is $189 80, the proposed
division of which is St. Helene $60.00,
St.Augustine $60.00, Auburn $35.00,
Dungannon $355.00. Reeve Mallough to
make further inquiry in Goderich as to
how arid by whom the payment is to be
Accounts for l3oundry Lincs, election
expenses, sheep killed by dogs, printing
and etc. to the amount of $248 07 were
passed and paid on motion by Messrs
Purdon and Aitchison. Carried
Council adjourned to meet Feb, 6th, at
10 a. m.
W. A. Wileoa, •Clerk.
Pte. 'Com Holt, who has beenbtotne 00
sick leave with tonsolitis, returned last
Itionday to London where he Is training.
Mr. Donald McDonald intends building
a silo next summer and he had abet draw-
ing gravel last week for it. .
Mit. lames Wallact is nursing Mr.
Wm. Locking, near Cranbrook, he has
been i11 for sometitne. Mrs. Wallace has
had plenty of experience in that line and
and trust she may help him to recovery.
Quite a number front !hits vicinity
attended the funeral of the late Robert
Millcr 01 Toronto, at Wroxeter on Sat.
Mr. Ltd !ting is seriourdty i11 with
iineumonla at present. Wetrust he will
soon 'recover.
At the Literary entertainment yrlday
night, a good time was reported and
$23 00 was raised for tate Sunday School,
Mr. ' Chester McLaughlin an old
Gorda boy who bas been out West in
Winnipeg. for a number of years is
visiting friends in and around town,
Mrs. F. Watts Toronto, spent the
week end with' Dr. and Mrs. Arm-•
J. G. Armstrong of Lucknow, spent
Friday with hie parents Dr. and Mrs.
The Woman's Institute shipped
forty pairs of socks to the Red Cress
Society for the soldiers this week,
Rev. Mr. ?dcLeughlin of Stratford,
occupied the pulpit in the Presbyter.
fan Church on Sunday. Rev. Mr.
Dobson - being in Toronto taking a
course of treatment.
The many friends of Mies E. Evans
will be glad to know she is progress.
ing favourably after undergoing ,ani
operation. in Wetitey+ Hospital, Tor.
onto. Her sister hire. W. H. Gregg
who accompanied her to the city, re-
turned home on Saturday.
R0Strong1 ',a �Til10 Made Her
Beat�svil!', t?hin�-"t Trish en nor,
r 'is
w ne
Fa turndown yrs
yr .. to
letrw•e' iiia' . T wile se illnolnetn. rortak
ant. ne pus T t61114 wet laser. Ver'--.
thing I ate hurt me, and the rnedieine
o x de-
taken did ale no good.
faro 1
ori I
"V"and lie
oirlyd to sty anal, g
ceuld eat anything molted.<d could
eleep all night, ow I xm Well and
strong, and in better health than I
have been for yyeera.—Mrs, ANNA
MMittieo r, Deallevi11e, 011i0.
WO Vi ulforail r
weak anddebilitated conditions.
J. Walton hltexitsbon, Dru gittt,
Wi bant. Also the beet druggist in
d all Ontario tnwne,
Reductionsln All
Wioter Goods
Men's Fur Coats
We have a number of Men's black, day
fur coats in large sizes to clear out at ridicu-
lous low prices. If you are i11 need of a fur
coat this is your chance to save money on
Men's Fur Collared Coats
There are only a few of these left and they
must be sold this month. Come early and
get your choice of these at your own prices.
SPECIAL --Only one coon coat regular
$85 for $5o,
Sweater Coats -
Ladies', Men's, Girls' and Boys' Sweater
coats in all the new colors and styles at 15
per cent off.
Ladies' Silk Sweater Coats
Three only Ladies Silk Sweater Coats,
regular $5.5o value for $4 25.
A11 wool underwear is much higher this
year than last, and it still be higher next
year. we were fortunate enough to have
our underwear bot, ght at old prices. This
is your chance to buy underwear less than
cost to -day. This is your chance to buy
your next year's underwear at about ball
what it will cost you next Fall.
Men's Suits and Overcoats
For 2 weeks only we will give 20 p. c. off
any Man's suit or overcoat we have in
stock for cash. We have one of the best
ranges in this line you can find any place,
OUR MOTTO—More sales with less
PERS—G... 5,71.2 e
for Fora, Skunk, Musitret, Raccoon. Mink, Fidler, Marten, Fearer...
White Weisel, Oar. and other Fur Buren collected is yaw sixties
Mi sadytz0 torpid
lime fa the i70exclusivelyNOON !MUM [WS
a reliable -••responsible --safe Fur House eclat an unblemisbedren-
utation existing for "more than a third of a cent "a ions enc.
Cessfulrecordcfsendtng Fur ShierspronnPtbbt.SAISFACTORY
AND PROFITABLu returns. Write for e 41)0141 Weeps*, ”
theonlyreliable. accurate market report and price istpublisbel.
Write for it—NOW—it's FREB
A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. pe CH1CA 0 v'.'A:
Mr. Wes. Johnston received word of
the death of hie 'brother-in-law, ItIr
W. J, lilackbrough of Montana, De'
ceased watt well known in this) vicinity
having resided in 'Cast Wawanoah for
a number of years. Mrs. Robert
Brown and Mr. Sohneton left on Sat.
urday to attend the funeral,
Dr. L. 0. Wilford has donned the
leing a uniform.
Mra. F. F. Olyedale of Salem to visit.
ing her mother who has been oonfined
to tier bed for some time.
A number of tiiLetlts attended ttiu
funeral on i aturday+ of the Late Mr.
Ciherled Pareone of Hallett.
ar .H
ler Charlie bad the
r. and
r broken misfortune to have hittatri roke b
bis hip 'seriously hurt on Saturday,
while Coad ing at the Grand Terrier,
At ch,
At the lads Bitting of the Council
$1000 war voted to the Lied Cross
Circle, $5,00 to the Clirla War Anxft
lay tied $5:00 to the lusty County
Cbildren'e All Socials.
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