HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2004-05-06, Page 2603 482-3400 1 Albert St., Clinton Fred Lobb, Broker/Owner 499 QUEEN ST., BLYTH $19,900. MLS#041094: Good size building lot in the Theatre village of Blyth with sewer, municipal water and hydro services already installed and natural gas available. Great little community to raise a family. Call Fred or Rick Lobb for complete details. 581 QUEEN ST., BLYTH $19,900. MLS#040759: Village of Blyth - building lot for sale with sewer, municipal water and hydro services already installed. Call Judi or Mary Anne for more information. mar.,,,,2r&SEALTIMMINESSII 220 DINSLEY ST., BLYTH $92,000. MLS#040759: 3 bedroom home with modern eat-in kitchen with built-in dishwasher, new cupboards and island (99), patio door from kitchen to 10' x 20' deck with roof, replacement windows, new insulation and drywall throughout, vinyl siding, aluminum soffit and fascia, central air, newer gas furnace, cement driveway, 10' x 12' vinyl sided storage shed, large backyard. Located close to main street and school. House is occupied by renter. All measurements are approximate. Call Richard Lobb Sr. Prudential Heartland Realty BUILDING LOTS View all our listings on www.phr.on.ca Real estate Real estate • GIRL-VENTURE REALTY INC. Seaforth On. 519- 527 - 0430 OPEN HOUSE Saturday, May 8, 2004 1 pm to 3 pm 4 bdr. high quality home. New windows and new priv. water well, solid hard-wood floors, 1 car garage, priv. drive, HWY loc. 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TOWNSHIP OF NORTH HURON TENDER FOR ZERO-TURNING RIDING MOWER Specifications for tender: - Must be commercial class machine - 48 inch maximum cutting width - Minimum 18 horsepower - Must have good suspension - Must specify make, model and warranty offered - Must state delivery date on tender - Tender price quote must include delivery to Wingham Public Works Garage and include the standard warranty and applicable taxes. Sealed tenders properly marked will be received at the Township Office by the undersigned until Monday, May 10, 2004 at 12 noon Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ralph Campbell, CRS-Int. Director of Public Works, Township of North Huron, P.O. Box 90 Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0 Telephone: 519-357-3550 PAGE 26. THE CITIZEN,THURSDAY, MAY 6, 2004. Classified Advertisements Services Services TUTORING K-10 - BOOK NOW for several available sessions or for summer hours. Experienced in building self-confidence, as well as the math and language skills required by the new extended curriculum. Call Doreen Raymond 887-6703. 18-2p COME AND RELAX AT Brenda's Relaxing Reflexology in Henfryn. Call 356-1188 to set up an appointment. One-hour certified treatment $25. 18-4 Tenders Wanted WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP CARS and trucks. L&B Auto Wreckers, 1/2, mile south of Brussels. Call 887-9499 or 887-8127. tin FINE USED BOOKS - BOUGHT, sold, traded. The Bookery, Main Street, Palmerston, 343-4000. www.thebookery.ca Over 10,000 titles and growing. 02-eow Classifieds advertisements published in The Citizen are now available on our website at www.northhuron.on.ca The Citizen TUFF-CONCEPTS Landscape and Design Lawn Care - Lawn Rolling Aerating - Sweeping Spring and Fall Clean Up Gardens and Patios Bus.: 1-519-887-8493 Cell: 1-519-357-0179 Tom Warner Tenders