HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-12-14, Page 4rage Pour
pit Wing Abbarat
JQII JonT• Peoprieter
A. e. Mantettee
reees,eaeee--eeeestease womete....eroetee.
On F.itlity evening last eome thirty of
our young girls member* of the Young
Ladies Recruiting League gave us a•
splendid Minstrel Show, Their appeal to
the publio was tor more moteaV to buy
atom yam to knit more socks for our boys
of 101st Batt. The appeal was not in vain
for the Public responded splendidly, The
hall beirt$' comfortably filled, the proceeds
amounting to over one hundred dollen)
Tb. young Ladies did their parts well,
keeping the audience in the best of teener
with their jokes and take -oft.
The Military Drill which was the open°
pleee watt most eptendidly executed
and repeatedly brought the house down.
The get up and costumes of the Ladies
were Capital not being aver done at all
There was a great deal of guessing done
as to who the taffies were. Miss Van.
Norman rtf Wingliam assisted in souse of
the singing, she is a singer that we are all
pleased to hear, The Interlocutress Miss
Cootie, certainly deserves great credit tor
manner in which she Managed the %bole
affair. Miss K IdaselwOod Pientst, also
had a very difficult task which she matt
aged in her usual efficient manner.. Tke
boys or the than were kind enough to
give the girls a fowl dinner after the show,
and everyone bad a reel good time.
Hu. Spading spent a few days with
Wingham, friends.
Ur. and !dm J. Marna el Auburn,
spent Sunday at the borne of Ur. and Mrs
Percy Vincent.
Ur. and Mrs. Ale X Ferguson of Lang -
side, were visitor& at the home of their
slaughter, Wit Jas. Wilson. on Sunday.
• Ur, Frank Henry spent the week -end
with relatives at Crieff, and is this week
attending the Winter Fair in Guelph.
During the electrical storm on Monday
Afternoon. lightning struck and did Might
disMage to the house of Mrs'. Henderson
in the village.
Ur. John Gillespie ,ss attending the r at
Stock Show at Guelph.
J. P. Duacan, a former pastor Of
the Presbyterian Churcia hese, who went
eine:leases chaplain of the Peel Battalion
is one of the chaplains at Bra.mshott,
where the Bruce Battalion is stationed,
A euiet wedding took place at the home
of At% and Mrs. Geo. Reese:urn% Of the
lith cert. Carrick, last week when their
daughter. Mies Elie/abode waa married to
blr, Hwy Wissemate
Rev. J. S. Duncate the popular minister
of the Presbyterian church has accepted
call to St. PAilra Presbyterian Chute,
Sault Ste, Marie, Ont. and will leave for
his new held in the near future,
The lad, Etimunealoyes, who broke in
to W. W. Hill's store at Lucknow and
Wats Sant to Walkerton to stand trial an
eberge of theft, was sentenced by Judge
Grigg to a year in St. John's industrial
School at Toronto. He adreitted the
charge to the Judge and stated that he
had already served a term in the School
Mr. Russel Pear ha e disposed of his 100
acre farm on the Sth line of Morris, to hia
brother, Leslie and will move to Mrs. Fen,
wicks residence, having formed a part-
nership with Mr. Wm, Phillips in tho
blacksmith business. Mr. Pear will hold
an auction sale of fem.-stock and imple,
ments commencing on Thursday Dec, 2lot
at 1 o'clock
Herbert Gledhill of the elercbants Bank,
Kincardine, with the Fitzgerald brothers,
went shooting at Baie-desDore on Sunday.
In seine manner Mr. Gledhill s gun dile
charged, the shot going through his boot
and shattering two entre toes in such a
manner that they had to be amputated
when he was brought to the Kincardine
General Hospital. Mr. Gledhilt is doing
nicely, but it will be some time before he
will be able to resume his duties at the
Elderslie, like all rural municipal organ.
izations. has a council composed of five
members, and two officers whose appoint-
ment, though confirmed by the counsel at
the first meeting each year, are always
looked on as permanent officials We
refer to the Clerk and Treats. Every op
of the septette is an abstainer from skleholic
beverages and not one °Rhein uses tobac-
co The names of the seven are: Reeve
Cass; Councillors Allen, Thomson, Lewis
and Fraser; Treasurer Ewart and Clerk
Mr. and Mrs. Kerr, were at Dorchester
on Wednesday attending the funeral of
Moe Douglas Keres mother.
Mrs. j, Armstrong . spent part of • last
week with her son J. G. Armstrong Lucks
Wm. Cathers of-Satene spent the
week end ealth her parents Mr. and 41.6.
Robe Carl.
Ur. Holmes of Lucknow is visiting with
her son EL V. and Urs Holmes this week
Gordon Edgar returned from the West
en Monday evening._
Mrs. 3. G. Edgar spcat the week end
with Mr. and Mn,. R. Black • Wroteter,
J. G. Armstrong of Lucknow, visited
his -parents Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong on
Tuesday last.
Mail Contraet
Millions Under Ten Yea* Of Aso.
41heri, *re twenty. five million
widows In India," "Two and a, balf
Willion under ten years of age and
14,000 under four years of age. It le
considered a great disgrace In India if
*girl Isn't Deserted and though they
possibly have never gone to live ttt the
home of their husbands, on his death
they ars considered sviclotve and. are
never allowed to remarry.
"When a man dies his wife ie to
blan30. IG Is auppoeed that she ba0
done eoniething to anger the gode and
tber efore her puoband bas been taken,
sts loon as her husband diets you win
bear the most terrible screanee, Be-
fore the Oritieh Government stopped
the custom the Wenn would throw
theineelves on the funeral pier of their
husbands Ann be burled with him, pre-
ferring death to the life they would
have to live.
"Everything is taken from her -her
Parole, dresses etc. -and oho is given
but one finite, the habitual attire of
widows. and is allowed to wearnothing
else. Her bead is clean shaven, She
lives at the home of her motherein-lifer
and Is just a slave. Everything that
happens is blamed upon her. She hes
to do all the drudgery and menial work
What an awful prospect these poor
little girl's have? Don't you think it le
time tbe people beard the glad news of
Samuel Neil, aged 813 years, on Mon-
day was found dead sitting in a chair in
his residence near Kinzer!. Mr.- Neil bad
been missed for several deys, and the
neighbors, fearing something was wrong.
investigated. The cause of death has
not been determined, but it is persutned
that he was stricken with apoplexy. Mrs.
Neil is visiitng friends in Owen Sound at
present. A son lives on the same farm as
his father, but in another house. Mr. Neil
had been a resident of Bruce county for
over 50 years.,
The death occured early Friday morning
of Walter McGaw, one of the leading bus.
him men of Kincardine. Mr. McGaw
was operated on for appendicitie ou Tues.
day afternoon, but this measure had been
too long delayed, The doctors from the
.11rat.hardii hopW.c1 • tor- his- recovery. • He
had been ill only a day before the oper-
atiope_Mr..,McGtew was 24%years of ago.
He leaves a. wife and one daughter Vorna,
besides his father, Peter McGaw, three
brothers Alfred, Mervin and Bert, and one
sister, Misselean.McGaw.
Me. J. B. Watson has outlined a pro-
position to the Kincardine Beard of Trade
that may result in an additiort,ito the menufacturing industries of Kincardine. Mr
Watson has in contemplation the erection
et a factory for the production of certain
lines of furniture. The company would
be capitalized at $60,000. and Mr. Watson
asks that the corporation loan him 06,-
000 for 20 years, allow $500 a year on in-
terest account, and exemption from taxes,
except school tax. The building to be
erected will have not less than 20,000 feet
of floor space.
Samuel Dicknon, former postmaster et
Seaforth; son of the late James Dickson,
M. P., died at Seatorth on Saturday after-
noon of pneumonia. which followed a chill.
received while acting as paltbearer.at the
funeral of Mrs. bicCoosh but a week ago.
He was in his 78th year and was born at
the Dickson horacsteld a short distance
from town. He was appointed postmas-
ter in 1865. which office he bold until the
completion of the new post office in the
fall of.1918, when he was relieved of his
duties. Following his dismissal he visit-
ed his children in the West. returning last
spring, and for the past few months had
been assisting in the uew post office.
Miss Minaret Balla& of Wroxeter
spent Sundae' with hit'. parents here.
Messrs Harry Gowdy and Malcolm
Fitch have taken a situation in a munition
factory in Toronto
Mrs. Thee. Baker and little daughter
are visiting friends in Brantford.
Mrs. A. Stamen has returned home
after spending some time with friends in
the west.
SEALED TENDERS. addressed to the Post-
master General._will be received at Ottawa
until Noon. on Friday. the 10th day et Jana -
eV. 1917. for tho conveyanoo of Dis
Malls, on a proton:A Contract for tour years.
Six times per week over Weenier No. 1
Rural Routsfrom the let day of April, 1017.
' Printed notices °outlining further informs.
tion as to conditions of proposed Contract may
be seen and blank forms ot Tender may be
obtained at the Post Offices of Wroxeter.
Wing ,sun and Octrrie, and at the office of the
Poo Office Inspector, London,
G. C. Atmsnaoft,
Post Office Department Canada,
Mail Service Branch, Ottawa, Eith Deer., 1916.
ej, • er
Mail Contract
alenth Ta3NDIC1t3, aadreisea to the Poet -
matter General, will be received at Ottawa
entll Noon. on reldar. the 19th lay, of Jana.
ary,1917. for the conveyance of Ws Majesty's
Mails, on -le propose& Contract for tour year.
Elts tiMes per Week over Blyth No, 1 Dural
Bowe, from tho 1s1 or April. 1917.`
Printed Wallies containing further auroral's-
lion as to oonditiens of proposed Centred* may
be SOO 4114 blant forms or Tender may be ob.
tainedset• the Po.; Omicai Of Blyth. Landes.
bore 684 noweavi. and at the aka of the
Post Wiles Inspeotor, London.
G. C. ANbEnsow.
Poet Office Departmeat. Canada.
Mail eerie, Drench. Ottawa, itth Deer., 1916.
The sole head ot a tensity, or any reale over
10 /*are old mar homestead a quarter soother
Of available Dominion land in alanitoba,Sask-
atchiwan or Alberta. Appileint must appear
in person at the Dominion Lunde Agent*. or
Sub-Jigenor for the District. Entry br proxy
tear be Made at any DOminion Lands Agono
Ott net finb-Agettoy on certain Conditions).
at:mite-edit Month* residence upon and
oultivation Of the land in each of threo years.
homesteader may live Within nine milliner
hist heniestend on a farm ot at least SO acres, on
esetetneendittons. 5 htsbitable Mantle is req.
tilted exeopt where resident:* is performed in
tbe vloinity.
Live steolemar be substituted for ottltivtAtion
under oertain condition..
In ,00rtate district* tunntateader in good
*tenni:1E024Y ore -eines a quarter ninon Atone
tilde bis noesetneed. klioe $3.00 oer Moro. •
Dtrrite-Six menthe Malden*. in teal of
three years atter amine honteetead poem;
also Meow* *etre euitivation. Fran:mein
patent -May btobtainort as tOOti 46hOMOStead
patent en certain Cenditi0111.
A settler wee has eShovota bis hereestra4
ttgbt mei elk° 14,pittrobrined homestead in cene
itien, districts-. Price -.es per sere, butiet...
tist rends six Menthe ItleaCh of three rears',
oltirate GOadios and area a hots* Werth
Whe area Of Miltivatkm Is Subject to r 110.
entil of rough, scrubby or stony land
re items may bil aubititeted toe Mativation
oerMits condition..
11V. Vn einst
virtantr..ef the Webster Of the Iitterke.
. ututrithorited publication Of WS
ept Lfl not be pa% tor4UL
Christmas Tree and entertainnsete,
will be held at S. S. No. 8, Morrie, on
Friday, Dem 15. Precise& in aid of
Iffed Cross. Uwe Yuen. teacher.
Mrs T. Noland of leetchigan, is elan;
her brother Mr. James Fleming.
The Sunday school of the Methodist
church intend holding their Xmas tree on
Wednesday, evening Dec. 20th. Come
and hear the children.
Mr. Thos. Nichol has purchased the
Charlie Finley farm: he expects to take
possession soon. Thee has the cage but
no bird yet.
The Women's Institute held their an-
nual monthly meeting in the Hall on Dec,
2nd. The delegates which attended the
convention in London gave a splendid
outline of the work being done.
Rev. Mr. Love will have charge of the
Belgrave circuit next Sunday. Mr. Dohs
son of that place will supply here.
Quite a number of people around here
have been laid up with La grippe owing
to the inclemency of the weather,
the following is the repoet of the LT.S.S
No.13, Howick, and Turnberry tor Sept.,
Ott and Nov. Bxemined in all eubjects,
Total 800, Honors 600, Pass 480.
Sr. IV. -Alice Hare% 6854:lisle Double.
dee 678 Kathleen \Wettest 625, 'Leslie
Fortune 603, Harold Weir 584. Pred
Doubledee 547.
Jr. IV, *Harvey McMichael 500, *Alba
Gallaher 386, 'Oliver McCreery 109,
Hattie Meahen (absent).
St, 111.-e*Atehur Weedlike 575. *Lloyd
McMiehael 362, *Hetet Weir 559.
Jr. Douglasi 503, Fanny
Weir 48t, 'Harry Merkley 480, *Ilmie
Harris 479, "Johnny Galtaher 195.
Jr, 11.,s--131ratn. itt Arith. Writ. Draw.
and Read. Total 250. Honors 187.
Paso 150.
five McMichael 209. Ira Amen 144.
Si. Le-lVilnele Weir, Mary Pitch, Alice
Meahen (excellent) Dorothy Arisen (fair).
Se, Primer. -Walter woods, George
Meridey, Wilfred Henry (good) Alvin
Fitch ((air).
jr, Primer.-eVerne Bennett, WilliaM
Weir. Wiltred Meehen(eiteellent).
These Marked wIth a asterisk mined
2Ve 1V011Chael, Mary teit011,1rit
Dorothy Arita, and George Markley were
prang every daSe*
AAI. Grant, Teseheri,
Singlet Faro
Dec. 23.-24.45 good for return until
Deo 2131b1 also Dec. 80 --81st, lel% and
Jam let, 3917, valid for return until
Jan. 20, 1917.
Fare and One:Third
Deo. 21-22-23-24, good for return
until Dee. 27th; also Deo, 28-29-40
and 81st, 1010, valid for return until
San. Ord, 1017.
Above reduced tare' apply between
ell stations In Canada east of Pott
Arthur and to Detroit and Port
Huron, Miche Buffalo, Black Rork,
Nigaara Valle end Suspension Bridge,
Tit:trete now on sale at all G.T.R.
Ticket Mien,
H. B. Elltott, Town Ticket Agent,
Wingham, Phone 4. .
Made Well by Delicious Vinol
Crestlino, Ohio,—"I contracted a
herd, chronic cough, and was weak,
nervous and run down. I have a small
family of three, and it was hard for mo
to do my work. I took different medi-
cines without benefit. Finally I heard
about Vin), and it hes restored rno to
health and otrength, my cough is ell gone
and I feel fine:es-Mrs. B. H. QA.Nustrx.
Vinyl le a constitutional remedy for
chronic coughs and colds, and for all
weak, navies', run-down conditione.
try it ois our guarantee.
S. Walton McKibben, Druggist,
Winghame Also at the best druggist
in ail Ontario towns,
Injured In Runaway
Mr. Andrew Hundt of the 14t1t con.
Carrick, was badly injured last Thus se
day vrhile bringing a gang plow from
the field on a tone -boat. The team
ran away and upset the load. Mr.
Hundt was knocked senseless by a blow
from the plow, and when he was picked
up, it was found that his left shoulder
aad been dielocated hie forehead cut
and hie left thigh badly ecraped,
besides receiving a bad shaking up,
Mr. Hundt is doing as w ell as can be
Ontario's • Best Practical
Training School
-with Commercial, Shorthand and TelegraphV
departments. Students are entering etton
week. The demand upen us for trained holit
ift many time-% the number g2aduating. Got
our free catalogue at once.
Min Gertrude Payne 14 eiCli With the
Mr. San) Berke bes ;reeled the wind,
mill purchased at Oluevele and will use it
for pumping water for cattle on the fifty
gore fern&
Mistme Simpson end McDonald were
collecting for the Bible Society In this
vicinity last week.
Wm. McDonald was under the Dr.'s Pee
care for a day or two Int week, We are art
glad he is all right again,
Win. Ktng spent Sunday with Walter
Scott, Bruseele
hursday Dec, 1,t I 916
'Thursday evening thie week the Worn -
!Institute and Red Cross Circle will hold a
tea at the home of Mrs. J. D Miller,
Mrs. /Venter, Mrs, McDougall, Mrs Snell
and Mrs. Scott will provide lunch. All
are irsvited.
Mee Alec Forrest was visiting her
daughter, Mrs. George Wheeler, in Wing
ham and was accompanied by her grand-
daughter Anna Wheeler.
Mr J. Kingis home again after a month
in Algoma for his health and spent a
pleasant time.
Mies Belisle Mores has tendered her
resignation an teacher of No. 10 Morris.
The ratepayers will be sorry to see her go
as she has been a very succesefte teach-
Mr, Robt. Meseer had a wood bee and
pasty At night on Wed. of last week.
Mr. Alex. Grant took the service ln
the hall on Sunday night.
The following is the report for S. S. No.
10 Jamestown. Exam. in Spell. Read.
Lit. and memorizing, Writ. and History.
Total 400.
Sr IV Reta Turvey, 878; Elva Ramsay
372; Christie Forest. 858
Jr. IV. Ruby Kernaghan. 867; Sperling
Johnston, 829; Verna Johnson'
Sr. III Gertie Robertson 875; (*fordo::
Moffat 873: Stewart Seine 868; Grace
Kernaghan; 319; Anna Wheeler* Janet
Jr /I/ Robin Campbell, 880; Louise
Fraser. 874; Margaret McDougall 885:
Greta Eckmier, 803; Mabel Johnson. 858;
Laura Johnson. 841; Harry Robb, 840;
Duncan McDougall, 834; Jessie Messer,
Exam. in Spell, Read.. Lit., and mem.
°rising. Writing, Arith , and daily work.
Total M.
Jr. 11 Florenco Eckrnier, 447; Bessie
Campbell, 447; Harold Thomas, 412;
Clarence Johnson, 497; Dunelda McDort
ald, 401; Vera Sellars, 396; Campbell
Robertson 891; Jean Messer. 877; Ernest
Karges. 339; Willie Peacock,280.
Total 225, Stanley Moffat, 170,
Pt. I. Excellent, Ethel Johnson, Lizzie
Robest son.
Good -Clifford Nernagban, John Mc-
Dougall Pearl Johnson, Velma Eckinier.
Those missed exams marked'
B. Moses, Teacher,
• ;ea.
• V '41E; .:9111111111.110411!0;
A. • •
Let us Give Moderately to Each Other
and Generously to the Soldiers' Fwnilies
'Nineteen hundred and sixteen years ago came the very first Christmas. and -for
I1 these centuries there hu recurred the Greet Anniversary EEits message.of good
wlU to men.
Md so we give
Men and women of Ontario! We who stand for good will among men and nations:
we whose men fight that there may at last be real . eLlc_s on earth—let us make this a
Christmas worthy of the day it commemorates:Taiiiliy aside a generous proportion
Of our Christmas money for the families of those who are fighting the good fight.
Give to the Canadian Patriotic Fund
die fund that guards the soldiers* families front Ivante
Great as the result will be among the families of our soldiersgreater yet may the
blessing be among us, the givers. Christmas will havem a more vital meaning for us
than perhaps ever before, and as for the children, who cart measure the impression they
will receive and keep of that Christmas Day when they shared their Christmas with
the loved ones of the men who saved their countryi
Let each Canadian boy and girl get a lesson from this historic Christmas which
will go with them all through life.
Good men and women of Ontariot Can the need of our soldiers" familia cry hi
vain for the relief which this Fund alone makes possible? Cart we --can we, in the face
of it all, again give lavishly among ourselves? Shall we not this yerir vith hearts full
eX the spirit of Christmas. Ily aside a generous proportion of our Christmas money
for the cause which so urgelifly needs it?
"Somewhere in France" he is fighting the good fight.
Somewhere in Ontario all that he holds dear is dependbig upon Our decisico.
Truly It is moo blessed to give than to receive."
entitle trtil be eats
ad is hanaly te ata
Ore tate Canadian
_Patriotic Feed OM
14 csa iteOlata ne
all 14.40*
donee. in 1917 fnd
the kW" Of GU
&SW* 411141440.
• ;200
. asp, , .7:•„ • -SP____4-51P
t • .4
• *Ai ..f.
Your intuits or
thud dollars must be
secured tram indivdd,
us, nibstriptiOne. If
there is no Drench Or
the rund in yOilr
team or county Set%
our 1111b$CriPtiOn- dla
rect to the Iiead
°fade, Canadian
Faction* Furd. Vit.
totes street. Ottawa
II •
Suggestions For Xmas Shoppers
For those who do their buying early, they will find much easier to pre,
pare for Christmas.
Make This A Year. For Practical Gifts.
Neck Scarfs
Fancy plain or knitted
tent ecarfs in all thelatest
styles Prices 51.50 to
$3 50.
Silk Ties
The practical gift of e
star tie is something a
Man appreciates. Spec'
lal vauee in latest styles.
Prices 50e, 75e, $1.25.
-0- e
Linen Handkerchiefs
Men's pure linen hem
stitched handkerchiefs,
with initial or without,
special values by the doz-
en. Pieces each 25 to
73c, per dozen $2 00 to
55 00.
—0 --
Sweater Coats
This gift that is so useful and practical, in all
the latest weaves, in weights suitable for outside
and inside wear. Prices $3.00, 4'4.00, $5.00 and
Fur Caps
Men's fur caps in Persian Lamb or Otter, in
Wedge or Driver style!, 6e to 7. Prices 56.50 to
$18 00
M.en's silk top umbrellas with fancy bandies, in
sterling silver or fancy pearl. Prices $1 50 to
55 00.
CrSeppeeclaWl avaieluteSs 1st Gem'
ette Crepe waists in Maiz
Peach, Flesh, Rose and
Ivory. Prices $4.50 to 56.50.
Ladies' Muffle Stoles or
Sets in all the latest styles,
and furs also far coats, prices
to suit everyone.
Kid Gloves
Ladies' French kid glovec
in all the latest styles and
colors.' Prices 51 50 to 52
Fancy Collars
Georgette Crepe and
Broadcloth Collars in all the
latest styles in deep collars.
Prices 50c to $2,
Silk Dress Lengths
Ladies' dress lengths in Black and Fancy Shot Silks
In Messaline and Taffeta. Prices $1.25, $1.50 and
$2.00 a yd.
Silk Hose
Genuine Italian silk hose in black, white and colors,
special values $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per pair.
Ladies' Parasols
Parasols witn guaranteed taffetta silk tops and
sterling silver mounted handles. Prices 52 50 83.50
55 00.
Highest Prices For All Kinds Of Produce.
Mr John McGuire, our genial mail -car
rier has been off duty for a few days with
sciatica, ,
The German measles are in the village
Mrs Duncan McCallum is quite ill and
under the doctor's .:arc.
Mr John Armstrong is away on a busi-
ness trip te Algoma
Our Belgrave section men have all been
away to Woodstock working on construc-
tion work
Mr. John Walker of Seaforth, was in the
village one day this week.
Fred Toll of Blyth has already shipped
four cars of turnips and more to follow.
Mr. Andrews of Lucknow, took charge
of the service in the Methodist Church on
Rev Love of Wroxeter, will have charge
of Rev. Parnaby's work next Sunday.
Mr and Mrs Wm Bryant spent Sunday
at Joe Brandon's
Rev Boyle exchanged pulpits with the
\\Talton minister on Sunday.
Mr Sandy Stewart is visiting her son
Tom, in Blyth.
Word was received here on Monday of
the death in Hamilton of Miss Nettie Mc-
Lean daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
JrIcLean formerly of this community
The remains were brought. here and inter.
red in Brandon Cemetery on Wedoesday.
The Patriotic Society desires to ac-
knowledge tvith thanks the following do
nations-MOrris Tp Council, 826; George ri
Armstrong $2; Charles Campbell, $2;
Can. Order Forster& $5; Wm . Geddes, $1;
Mrs. Wm Scott. 10 yards cotton The e"-'
Society shipped to Hyman Hall London.
on Nov. 14th 28 pairs socks, Dec. 4th 28
pair socks and 1 pair Wristlets
'X X X. 14 X X 74 X IVA' kIX XXXI!". X " •
wviotimosaihnmoizssilimlnuraroono =nrieliratirmscasa
s s 1iorntaiNoun•
msuimnOminou ri
Iwo* aims
Mr, Jas Goliey went to Guelph to at-
tend the fat stock show.
John Campbell Who has beet: out West
for the past three months returned home X
last week. 1 Z
A young &now from kintardine had a
tong drive last Saturday. What's the at. '
traction Fred?
Maxwell Abram 1st line got the Brussels I
phone installed last week. Ws number is
2031 I
Mr Russel Pear hoe eieposea of els
100 -acre farm in lelorris to his brother
Leslie end will Move into tow': sOnli .,
where he will enter Into pertnership g
1 with Mr. William Phillip*
At the regular ranting of tilyth Lodge. X
2; L 0 0. P., held on Tu esday night, the
following offices% were re-elected; Noble
grand, Bro. John Knox; vIce grand, DM
IJohn NeCalluni; recording secretary,
Bro. A. W. Robintoto financial secretary,
Oro G. 1.4, kg:0'1414mb treenter, Bro
F. 0 arditteft
;4, -r?.7, •
, •
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i; e • ,i.e
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Xmas Buyers
Take Notice
And follow rbe cro vds to W. G PATTERAON'S
J, store, siv 0-1 re they gi..t pods at tight pricos,
and L ifts that will pleat.“- everybody, and the man at
the b4e,, of th, m lore to
The 6ifts That Are Sure
To Please.
Ladi( s' Necklets in all the newest design, white
gold, yellow gold, platinum, set with Dtamonds
Pearls, Peridots, Cameos, Aquamarines, -Saphir
and Ern, raids.
A large assortment of Ladies' Wrist I&
all tilt; newest styles.
DroocheN Cliff Links, Tie Pitle) Io
Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Out
clue Pieces, Toilet Sets, Suit Case UlT1
Yoli can save by purvita ing Diamotid rl
Jan. lst, 017, 30 INT. vent. A. 1 v -17,c stock
from ranging in price from $8.5o to Poo.
W. 6 Patterso
The tired Watch Doctor.
WINGHAti, 01414.