HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2004-04-29, Page 3The Royal Canadian Legion
Branch 420 Blyth
Saturday, May 1
from 5 to 7 pm
Tickets $12.00 each
Only 100 tickets sold
Ztaceeda tautevtdo, "eatyunuallp .Bettettneat"
1st "Early Bird" of the Elimination Draw
for $100.00 will be drawn at 7 p.m.
Tickets available at the Bar
4-9 pm Mon. to Fri.; Sat. 12-9 pm
Or call Thelma at 523-9444
tuencane Welcome
Come out and support Blyth
Public School at their annual beet
dinner Thursday, April 29 from 5 - 7
p.m. at Blyth Memorial Hall. Adults
cost $10, children seven - 12 years of
age are $5 and the family rate is $30.
Take in the Grade 8 Silent Auction at
the same time in the Bainton Art
Gallery from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Sympathy is extended to the
family of Charlie Bromley on the
loss of a father, grandfather, and
great-grandfather. Sympathy is also
extended to Charlie's brothers Willis
and Harold Bromley and their
families. Sympathy is also extended
to the family of Catherine Caldwell
on the - death of a mother and
grandmother. Sympathy is also
extended to Catherine's sisters Isabel
and Edna.
Lloyd and Jim Walsh visited last
week with Marie Walsh and her son
Layton Walsh of Petrolia.
A visitor to the Blyth area last
week was Abigail Ramirez and her
husband. While here in Blyth they
had lunch with Sandra (Walsh) Bos,
a schoolmate from Blyth Public
Please remember the North Huron
Fo6d Bank drive for the month of
April. The Legion Auxiliary is
helping to collect the items.
Donations of non-perishable. foods
can be left at the Memorial Hall.
Alvin Snell is a patient in
Parkwood Hospital.
Mary Walden is a patient. in
Wingham and District Hospital.
David Onn is recovering at home
after being in London hospital
suffering from a -broken ankle.
Greeting at Blyth United Church
on April 25 were Lois vanVliet and
Fred Hakkers. Ushering was Karen
Glousher: Guest musician was
Margaret Kai.
Lavern Clark welcomed everyone
to church and drew everyone's
attention to the announcements.
Lavern introduced the guest
minister Rev. Neil Lackey who is
pastoral support minister for Huron-
Perth Presbytery.
Rev. Lackey asked the children to
put up their hands if they loved
someone. Then he asked the same
question of the congregation and
everyone had their hands up.
The choir anthem Sanetus (Holy.
Holy, Holy) was followed by the
Call to Repentance and the assurance
of prayer repeated responsively.
Spirit of the Living God was sung.
The lesson from the New
Testament was Acts 9: '1-2. The
responsive Psalm 30 was led by
011ie Craig with the choir singing the
refrain. The gospel reading was John
21: 1-19.
Rev. Lackey's message to the
adults was Feeding Ministries. One
way to show we are a people of love
is to listen.
Invite a stranger to something that
is going on in your church and make
them feel welcome.
Often ministers wonder if they are
doing a good job, Rev. Lackey said.
The congregation can show their
love by telling the minister that he is
doing a gobd job.
They can encourage one another in
their faith.
Lord, Speak to Me was sung. FROM BLYTH
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Let Mom Know How Much You Care!
Cookie Bouquet with Keepsake Mug $12.00
Chocolate Bouquet with Keepsake Mug $10.00
Happy Mother's Day Cake
variety of flavours $15.00
Happy Mother's Day Cookie Gram
large $10.00
small $5.00
To order call 523-4932
Therapeutic exercise
People around the world participated in the Tai Chi for Arthritis Day on April 24. Area residents
gathered at Memorial Hall courtyard in Blyth to help celebrate the day by practising the
therapeutic exercise which helps arthritis sufferers deal with joint pain. (Elyse DeBruyn photo)
Memory Garden needs perennials
If you're planning on dividing school have made stepping stones
some perennials, the people for the pathway as a school
tending to Blyth's Memory project.
Garden have a favour to ask. The perennial beds were begun
"This year, our priority is to and a variety of trees were
continue with the perennial beds planted.
at the. Garden." said Bev Elliott. A dedication service was held
They are looking particularly for last September. This year's date is
purple •coneflower, dusty miller, Sunday, Sept. 26.
black-eyed Susans, liatris (gay Elliott said donations
feather), aster daisies or bee balm.
Anyone interested in donating
can call Elliott at 523-4323.
The vision for the Memory
Garden was initiated two years
ago. Last year a kiosk housing a
Tree of Life was erected. A large
stone was engraved and -placed at
the entrance to the pathway.
For the past two years, the
Grade 7 and 8 students at Blyth
We'll take away your
unwanted items for you.
All donations will be sold
at the
Blyth Grade 8 Yard Sale
on May 8.
Call for pickup Crystal Taylor
, 523-9635
;]1•14 , • 0
garden are greatly appreciated.
Contact her and she will explain
the procedure.
"Also the Falconer Visitation
Centre, Blyth will receive
donations towards our garden in
memory of loved ones."
Receipts for donations will be
issued by the Twp. of North Huron
to the for income tax purposes.
Winter thaws, spring arrives. Budding, blooming,
Earth revives. Hearts rejoice, spirits lift - God reminds
life is us a gift. - Marjolein Bastin
ev Opening Ka tat at (Indict Seamy.'
Come see us for beautiful
Hanging Baskets
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Perennials & more
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Jack & Sylvia Nonkes
Clinton 83189 Scott Line, RR#1 Auburn, 523-9456
Open daily 9 am-6 pm- Closed Sundays