HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-12-07, Page 8Pith+ eight December Starts Our Rush of CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS WL have a splendid assortment of useful gifts to select from. .Gifts for Soldiers in khaki col- ors, Knitted Ties, Sox -Silk Handkerchiefs, Underwear in boxes, Khaki Shirts, Exelda Handkerchiefs, ale. Suitable Gifts for Ladies lt Ladies' Novelties in Silk Sweaters, Fancy Blouses, Silk . Crepe Collars, ri Silk Hug4ine-tights and Fancy H'dkfa. ITwenty Ladies' Coats to clear $3.60 IForty Ladies' Coats to clear at $6.75 t The balance • of our Ladies' Fall Suits latest styles, to clear at $14.95 Suitable Gifts for Men For Men we have knitted Mufflers, X silk Ties, Suede Gloves lined and un - Ilined, Handkerchiefs, Sweater Coag. N - HANNA & CO. F • X X X y. P, 1 74 !mss Phone 70. X �����.�����,��i` ear X /►tta\t�.+,.Pia�t+ v`!i�{1`�6r x irmi"1ixx/619'i/ xxx BLe th Mr. John Ross returned from the West on Friday, where he leas been employed in threshing for the past three months. Reeve Milne attended a cotweution on the Good Roads movement at Stratford beet week. a:= Mrs. George Cole of Furbisher, return- ed to bee h'onte this week after spending several months with friends in this vicinity. Mr. James Sims'evill open up a grocery and confectionery store and will lease halt of Dr. Ilarvey Robinson's store and will be fitted up to receive the stock. Rev../. 12. (lrabalti, !l, A,, of Toronto, occupied the pulpit lo. St. Andrew'ti churl b on Sunday, Dr Margaret Calder of Wingharn. will visit Myth professionally on Tuesday and friday of cacit week, On 'Thursday evening Rev. J. IL •,t'un- up of Toronto, wilt address the Brother- hood in the Methodist church. A male choir of fifty men will sing. The public is cordially invited to beer this talented speaker. The Ladies' War Auxiliary will hold a tea on friday cvctriug et tl,c . Commercial Hotel, To will be s,eryed from 5 to. 8 o'clock. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's institute will she held in the Oddfellow's Hall on Wednesday after- noon. Subjects, Simple gifts for Xmas, demonstrated by Miss Brise; home made candy, Mrs W H. McElr+y; read,'ng, Aliss Myrtle Young; special iiiusie will be given. The report of the, annual convene Bon held in London recently will be given by tlrc delegate% Er. and Mrs. Allison will leave for Toronto this week prior to going over-. Seas The best wishes of the community go with them Miss E. Little spent a few days in Torr onto this week, Bellmore The second meeting of the Literary :Society held in the Hall on November, 2811, was well attended, The debate, "Resolved That Success is Due more To Character Than Circumstance" was the principal feature on the program, Miss Elizabeth McKee and Mr. B. Johann ably upheld the affirmative, whilst the negative ones btrongly de- fended by the Mispes Agnes Darling and Mabel Ballagb. The arguments on both sides were well sustained and showed much though and careful preparation. The judges were, Mr. L Zinn, Mies Bax and Mr. John Mulvey, who decided in favour of the affirm- ative. At the next meeting to be held on Dec. 12th, a spelling match will be given, the words being taken from the first four hooka of the New Testament The regular meeting of the Women's Iue•titute was held In the Hall nn Sa urday afternoon. Mies E, 1ticKee was appointed Secretary in place of Mrs. Adam Darling who resigned. Mrs, J, Mulvey and Miss N. Harkness, del- egates to the recent convention in L,•ndou gave most interesting reports. A letter from Lieut. W. C. Lowry, 22t3.th Battalion (now detained in Halifax owing to illness among the men) was read, expressing hie appreciation and thanks for the box, lately sent him. Many kind wishes follow the Lieut, and his men for their safe return, Mrs W. Edwarda. Germs, is visiting hereon, Mr. W. B. Edwards, Mr. Shaw, Bluevale, preached in Belmore and McIntosh churches on Sunday. Some improvments are being made et the manse before the arrival of the new pastor, Rev R. Sinclair, B A. B.D. Messrs. A. H. Lawry 'and C. E. Broadway, spout Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W. .A Lowry, Elmwood Home. They motored from Gloderich and left Monday morning for Niagara Falls, LINDS: BARGAINSs laiiMINNMERIMinniiiiiMaininNiMEMMEMMENMEMEMMIN GtROCE1 iES. F•RESH&CLEAJJ t rt t LA DIES' WEA Tt Bottles New Extract for . 25c 6 Boxes Eddy Matches . . 25e 3 pk Corn Flakes for , 25e 2 plcs Shredded Wheat for . 25e 2 cans fresh salmon, 'good' for . • 35e Fresh Canadian cheese only . . 25 Japan Tea, special. price . 20c 2 lbs New fine quality raisins for . 25e Lamp and lantern glasses for . 6e 3 pks Corn St:ivoli for . . 25r, Comfort soap, only ,, do 11 cakes Surprise soap . GOc Lard compound, only „ 1.0e .t►YEJV'S WZA SUITS, OVEWCOATSAz iJ'NDE'RWEAZi Mens genuine $20 , good quality suits, latest style 812.45 Men's new overeoaats, pinch back, large collar $25 line for • . 814 Men's Sweater coats 98e to $7.00 Buy these at this store, Men's ribbed wool underwear, all sizes, Penman's, reg $1.60 for . 05 BO S OVE1tCOATS Here are 20 boys pure wool overcoats never solei less than 810 time $12, cele price . , 84.05 ,i'►iILL J2 JV,'DS. F'LAJ LLETTEE A,,Ny3 ro tit ,1vr We were fortunate to get a lot of these geode and we are sellibg them away below regular prices. • New white Silk "Waists only , $1.08" Ladies' white Vests special . 25c Ladies' heavy grey vests and draw- ars . . 29g, `` Ladies' •pure .Cashmere Gloves in black, colors . 50e, 75c, 95e. Ladies' Ct,mbingtion - Underwear Penmen's all wool, Reg. $3.50 for $1.98 Children's cotton and wool Under- wear at ; . 25e, $5c and 80e. HOSIZ R3. HOST •`Ry Fleeced lined Heavy Winter hose all sizes, great valut, 2ric and 35e. ALL IVOOL HOSE Oh+tdeen's a'i woo Rube Ladies' all wool Hose a le.E...t3 GOODS Possibly not for years will you be able to buy the good quality Drese Goods we are clearing at 75e, $1.00, 1.25 All Mantle cloth at price moons; SHOES & 'A U9323ERS Ladies' sample Shoes 25 per cent off Men's sample Shoes 25 per cent off All kinds of shoes a little higher h old..rte eP than p a hot far cheaper than we can sell them at btiyiug today, 23LANIC ET.S` Baer Blankets new, Beet quality * ► $1.95, $1.89, $1.39 4$c and 55e , 580 Hundreds of other lines at special prices, it will certainly be profitable to you to buy heavily right now. 1ERMS:*.CASH airlimergaisiommormsomums Butter and Eggs or Dried Apples taken as cash. We have only one price. i DR. REDMOND RESIGNS (Continued froth page 1) was passed on motion of 1attorson and Gurney. Dr Bednaond handed in hie reeigu,t. tion as M. in 0. for the town,. the re. eignation to take effect Deo, 31st. The matter was :referred to the next meet- ing of the council. The clerk read the fohowing report from the .Medical Health eflieert Wingharn Deo. let 1016 To the Mayor and Vounoil of Wingham Gentlemen;,.- mwthe (n thatIn corespectpltance1 begith let�ye torenupresentlations my repert as medical ofilcer *of Health for the current. year, In Januti,.ry an epidemic of titrasl, s spread over this part of the Provio.w of Ontario and became very genera', so much so that few cemamut}lties and few fatuities escaped, From Jan. 10th to March 11th, 108 cases were reported in Winghem and quarantined, but bo prevalent was the disease among the children of school age that ,it was thought best to Close the Public and 1 tgh Selaools for a short period. Ali of these measures filially sufficed to check the spread of this disease but In spite of them I believe almost every eligible child in the town was attacked. by it, deed as a large number of homes throughout the county sur. rounding Wingham, contained canes of measles, the contagion became eo general that ordinary measures wore of little effect In eheeking its peogreee, On April the l7th a permit was grant- ed to 111r, Harry -Brown to store leak iron, etc, on the premises situated be - tweets the O. P. R. track and the Matt - land, known as the Merkley MM. In 4uguet six samples of drinking water were were sent down to Tor`• onto for analysis, four from taps 'and two from wells, all of the tap water was found to be pure while none of the well water was fit for use without boiling. In August two oases of Typhoid fever were reported, both of which pro, tiably contracted the disease outside of Wiughaw, The slaughter house,' were vaulted and euspeoted 10 company with the Sanitary Inspector, The usual clean up week was order. ed early in June after which the back- yards were Inspected by the Sanitary Inspector. , On October Oth Diphtheria made its appearance in the town fortunately of e mild type but peculiar in that it attacked adults ae wellas children,. A few cases developing atnong the school children the Public school was closed for one week beginning Oct, 10th and the school building dieinfected with formaldehyde. Up to this date 14 Cases have occurred including one death from Diphtheria Croup. All have been carefully quarantined and placarded while other children of the household have been kept from school. A"generous use of antitoxin has been employed. Thanks to the Provincial Board of Health this splendid remedy is now furnished free of cost. Yours faithfully, R. 0.'RnnpoNn Mr. Hinkley, chairman of the E. L. committee, asked the street committee to pay the waterworks committee for pipe taken from the waterworks by them. Chairman Tipling stated that the pipe in question was taken out of the grass and was only worth scrap iron price. It was used se a railing for new sidewalk near the mill. Moved by Iebister and Patterson that the Waterworks dept. be paid $15 for 6- inch pipe used in connection with sew- er. Moved by Gurney and Spotton that the Young Estate be billed for 74 ft. of 8 inch pipe at 60c per foot. --Carried. Some discussion arose through the reeve asking why Harry Brown had been given some good 8 inch pipe at junk prices. He thought one party should not have to pay 60 cents and another get the saran thing for junk. Messrs Hinkley and (Turney stated the pipe sold to Brown was no use what- ever. The reeve stoutly maintained they were flret class. Mr. Gurney stated it was likely to be the last council meeting be would Pit at as he would not run for honors again, He threw out an excellent' suggestion to the board, that be would like to see a change made in running of the Electric Light's affairs, It to a large business and no committee, changed yearly, could handle it. As soon as they get an Insight into the work, a new committee le appointed. He thought a commieeion should he. appointed outside of the council. No businees could be run successfully by new men each year. Mr. Gurney has trade a geed coma - tenor and it, will be learned with regre• that he will not run again. More men of his citlibre are needed at the l oun cit board. Moved by County. Binkley and Spot - ton that the excellent report of the M. H 0. he rec feed and filed -•Cat rigid Moved by Btnkley er.d Spotton the L. Lott be refunded $1,50 sanitary tax and A. M. Cratvfo rd $0 sanitary tax.-- (lafried. The appeal of Wm. Holmes for a re. fund of sanitary tax will stand. Messrs Binktley and Tipling moved that he be granted $1.50 refund but on rhe request of Court Spotton the yeas and noes were taken and the motion lost. 1'he tsetse on Mills Memorial hall was reduced $O 00 on motion of Conte. Spotton and 13inkley. Appeals for the reduction, of the bueinese aseeaainent and the deem. resist on property of Wen. Casllck were thrown out, but he WAS given a refund of $300 on dog taxes on motto° Of Isbieter and Mitchell, although Asaeseor Adieus rvho was present I declared he had a bitch when he made his rounds. ] r, 11.ord ,and Ii, Vixture W hitech u rCD \Viittechetell Red Ciseta Society have �}ills week :;hipped tate following geottst-•- ,;.iist aid) pillows valued at 2.1c; 28. feather pillows, $17.00; Sipre socks, 803,001 fi towels, Ott; 21 prs. pillow covers, $7.20; 4 suits pyjamas. $326; 5 sheets $3 ON $ woollens, $1,00;20 surgical shirts, $24 00. Total value. $124 Elis, The Society wishes to thank the follow. ing ladies ter donations; --Mr, John Mor. rison, Patriotic tea $3.00, eleaGyds.cotton and 6 yds, cheese 'sent); Mrs, Thos. Moore, tea e1.00; Miss Tema, Laidtiw, tea 83,20. also 5 yds. cotton; Mrs John Webb, • tea.. $2,40; Mrs Richard Irwin, *2.00 also 2 pillows and pillow covers 1 towel and old ,cottons Miss M. Ferric, 5 yds, cotton and I pr socks; Miss Cath- arine Ross. $10 00; Miss Annie Henry, $5 00; Mrs. David Kennedy, $1.00; Mrs. John Craig 1 suit pviames; Mrs. Rota, Shiell $ll The following ladies have donated one, pillawt—Mrs. Thos. Gaunt, Mrs. Ed. Gaunt, Islrs John Kennedy. Mrs, Moore, se„ Mrs Mirebouse, Mrs, Jas. Middleton. Mrs. F. Henry, Mrs, Robt. Ross. Mrs Mac Ros+, Mrs. Casemore, miss M. Fere fie, Mrs. Jas 'Pardon, Miss C Floss, Miss 5. Garbutt, Mre. Wnt Dawson, Mrs. David Clow. The following ladies have donated two pillows;.. -Mrs. Arthur McLean, Mrs. Jos J. Tiffiu, Mrs. Thos, Moore, Miss E. Davidson, Mrs.' R. Irwin, i'drs Wm Tay Ior. The Society has sent 110 prs. socks to the boys who enlisted from White- church. Miss Louise Menary spent the week- end with friends in Lucknow. CHURCH NEWS --At a meeting of the congregations of Whitechurch and Lang - side, held in the' Presbyterian Church 'oil Monday, Dec. 4th. an unanimous call was extended to Rev J R, Graham of Toronto Next .Sunday Dec, 10th Rev. Robert Barbour of Meaford will conduct the sere Vices Mr. Fred Davidson had Charge of the Guild last Sunday evening. The sub- ject was "The Consecration of Business LIfe." ''Last Friday, Dec. 1st word carne to Mrs. Moore of the village that her son Pte Wm, Percy, had di d in the hospital of wounds received a few days before, Pte. Moore enlisted in the 71st Battalion went overseas last spring, and had been - in the trenches for some time He is survived by his mother and older brother Gordon of Whitechurch He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. This is the third fatality among the boys enlisting in this vicinity. appealed against the taxes on dogs which they claimed they never owned bnt no action was taken. Fred McLean was granted a rebate of $2 on dog tax. Dr. Tamblyn claimed while one dng was his the other was Mrs, Tamblyn's and be therefore should only pay $2 instead of $3. He was granted a refund of $1. on mutton of Spotton and Gurney. Mre. Shortts was also refunded '75 cents because her dog died shortly after the assessor was around,on motion of Gurney and Patterson, INUT = COAL 8:50 Per Ton SPOT CASH Furnace and Pea 0•4a1 at prices 10 correspond. Coal has not advanced in price at the mines since September. I have been fortunate in being able to keep my Customers supplied by making small deliveries. Car will arrive in a few days, others will follow. Wood wanted dry or green, hard or soft. R. J. CANTELON Phone 100 or Dom. Ex. Co. r ...l.l.,.w.I.ORRO RISTIE'S' PHONE 59 OPEN 1VENIN( S .CURRANTS, RAIS INS, ETC. Genuine Spanish Valencia Raisins, Australian Currants Choice select. M ed peels etc etc arC now at their best, p Conditions point to higher price and we advise present buying, All New Season's irttit 1 Cabbage'5c per lb.1 We have a lot of extra choice cab. bago They're the best we vo ever handled. Every cabbage is a solid hard head Now's the time to buy, Excellent Quality i Tea1 40 and Mc per ib, are They're 100% straight Teas catwithout equal. value and have a flavour which is sustained at all times, 50e 101b lots at discount price. Dee the Mazda Electric Putb, It's a light saver. Sr *1 WEDDING DELLS ohms rP/411NQ—Borba fills following wedt1tng notice is itok. en from the Lyon County Reporter. Marshelt, Minpseots, and- the gear referred to ie a fennel Wingham boy. Este parents Mr. and 14s , Isaac Olet.. denning lived inTurnht?rry and Mttvre to Minnesota. about 24 yoare ago. Mr Win, Glendenning, Minnie St., au uncle of the groom, "'in a lovely setting of yellow ehrye- antheungs and asparagus ferns, on, 01 the most fashionable wedding ra uta" season, that of ltlt.r Ma y Ia'1 z.t beth Hoed, dttegbter of Mr, and Mre, Juba Bund, and Mr, 1lerre G Olen Benning, eon of Mr, and Mrs; Baan t;it•ndenning, was solemnized Satur. day evening et eight o'clock at the b• ie of the bride's parents, Woe a'raut eighty relSsjvee and Mende of the bride and groom, Mr. 1 tendenning and his bride left' on a motor trip through South Dak. They will bo at home after Decent- berfirst, when their new home, at 015 Marshall street, will be completed. Mr, and Mrs. Glendenning are very popular and leave hosts of friends who veldt thema long and happy, future. The out of town guests were. Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Bond, of Lake meson, .Mine. Mre, Nathan Bond and Mree Bert M. Cunningham, ot Hoopeston, Ill,, Mies Mabel Yost of Fowler, Ind., Istrs, Nelle Payne of Decorah, Iowa and Mrs. Don Mehills, of Fon•tdu.lac, WlstonsIti." GOD PROTECT OUR SOLDIERS Tune-- Onward Chrietlan , Soldiers) God protect our soldiers, Far across the sea; They have left their homeland, That we may be free. When the bugle Pounded Forth the nation's wrong, Eluron'a risen responded, Valiant. brave and strong, Choruer God protect our sotdiere, Bair across the sea, 114n them win this sir» trgler, -heir ►th,ir v When they knew blear' country, Was in sore distress, They resolved to help her And to do their best, Saying fa their loved "We like men of yore Gould sot love then hsI( so mtieb, Lived we not honer more." God protect our soldiers, They have offered all. In Thy bands we leave them, ear us, ae we call.. When our hearts grow weary, May we trust in Thee, Knowing thou cans't keep them Where so e'er they be. MAL OANr iI.oN • Fordyce Mr. Geo. Phillips. Andrew Gaunt and Tom Jamison are cutting wood at Harry Chamney's and John Beecroft's, Mr. McDougal was cutting wood in this vicinity, Mr Elliott Taylor is spending a week in Guelph and taking itt the show. Mr. 'Geo. and Albert McQuillin visited with their sister, Mrs. Ed. Haines. Mr. Gus Boyle has been laid up with the cold lately, Mr Chas. Martin disposed of some fine cattle to Mr McCabe of St Angustine. Mr Gibson Gillespie, Whitechtrch, is cutting wood at Daniel Martin's' Mr. C 11lartin, sr , is getting the tela phone installed in his home. Mrs. Dave Chamney held a successful Red Cross Tea on Tuesday ot last week BUKN�" Mowirn4r--Tis Whit echurch, on Sat- u•day. U -r., 2nd, to Mr, and Mr - Fred Mowbray; a son.. HAS THE WORLD GONE MAD? What a lack of reason In this earthly throngs. In and out of season Everything goes wrong;. Over there in Europe Kaiser, king and czar 13alse a mighty flare up, Plunge a world in war. Neither king nor kaiser - Down in Mexico. Are the people wiser? Echo answers, "No!" 'there, contending factions Murder, pillage, burn; Plunder and exactions Everywhere you turn. Has the world gone crazy? Are the folks all fools? Is our thinking hazy, Spite of all our schools? LOCAL ITEMS The regular monthly meeting of the Women's ]institute will be held in the council chamber on Dec, 14th at 3 o'clock. The report of the annual convention will be given, aleo a read. ing by Mrs. Bower. Music and refresh- ments, Noway bndgots of correspondence froth Gerrie, Whitechurch, Belgrave and Morris Were crowded out of this issue as is also an ietereeting account el the trip across the ocean with the 101st. The happy Christmas season is fast approaching When friends must le - member friends. Nothing ie nicer than a neat Christmas card with that ,.,•rsnnal touch that i" so Mich AMP** eared: Tee AtV,11it : bas samples ot many beautiful designs at a small cost. Call and see them. Y'out name and greeting will be printed do them, During the severe electrical storm which passed over Wingham on Mon.. day afternoon, a chimney ort the Genn eral Ilospitat was knocked down, see. oral houses were struck but not dam- aged and the telephone lines were put out of commission for at short tints, It tae as darns ae night for about ben minutes, A foam of loaner Belonging to Me, Wilbert Willits of Delmore, wet struck and killed, L`.1 1. 'i 1 t r ', Rubber Boots FOR WOMEN, Ci IRL.S AND CHILDREN An excellent tiling for women for dunking, or for gigs and children for wet, sloppy, or for cold weather. I{INDLY NOTE THE FACT "that wea re sell. ing all kinds of rubber footwear at the same prices as last fe.lr' wh !e our present stock lasts." CHRISTM .AS—Just two weeks et y from . Monday'— G read bybu ying early—many lines oIgoads will be scarce this year and our stock in many cases cannot be. replaced this season ," W. H. WILLIS Sole Agent Chr For 'The vgtiaZir FOR s.Ko LADIES f.....,........„..............., i Happy Thoughts for Christmas - — at-- - KNOWS JEWELERY STORE We have a fine assortment ot the following. Ladies' and Gents' Watches, Bracelets and Military Watches, Diamond and Pearl Rings, Pearl Necklets and Pendants, Ilrekkches, Scarf Pins, Cuff L inks, Fobs, Lockets and Chains, Cut Glass and Silverware, Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas. Extra Values in French and English Ivory and Ebony Manicure and Toilet Goods Watch our window for special bargains. Christmas Booklets and Post Cards A. M. KNOX JEWELER AND OPTIC IAN WINGHAM. PATRIOTIC NOTES The Society is grateful to tfrs Me• gibbon for her kind donation of two dozen Red Cross knitting bags. Any- one wishing to purchase one of these bags may do so from Mise Rush at the millineryetore. The price is 25 cents. The Society also acknowledges with thanks a donation of 3 pre. of socks, knit by the giris of Mrs. Geddes' 5. S. class. The following are the proceeds of the systematic giving collections for November: --Ward 1, $20.35; ward 2, $35.12; ward 3, $11 05; ward 4, $37 25; ward 5, $3,10; total, $117.07. Shipped in November to National Servide Company, as oontforte for sol- diers, (10 flannel day shirts valued at $135, and 210 pair of `socks veined at $177, total $312.00. Icor any one wishing to knit Bala clava caps, or eooks for the society, a book of directions may be had from the secretary, Mrs. Dudley .Holmes, Socks, socks, and still more socket is the nail from the trencher+, yarn to be had from Miss b`redaVauStone at the usual time, except for this- week, Lori - fay afternoon Instead of Saturday tfternuon, The soeietyis asking for donations of feathers. 'those wishing to donate genie may obtain cases by calling at the home of Mrs. W, 13, Willis. DIED ? rn,tsott---1n Ifs tick, on Friday, November 24th, 1016. John Patterson er. eon. 2, ,egad Si years. 4 months, Brta'rnt nxlt-4n Wroxeter, of* Nov. 547th, Enema, May, only daughter of Mr. aid Mrs. Jno, Bretbautr. sgsd 22 year', 4 Months, 1 131uevaie Remember the monthly meeting of the Women's Institute at the home of Mrs R. Garniss. Come and help along our sewing bees for our brave boys every Wednesday, also remember the cry for socks more socks. Mrs. Frank Nichol. 6th line Morris and two children is spending a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jot. $reckon• ridge. Much sympathy is extended to Mr, M Hutchison and family of Grey in the Cad loss of wife and mother. Mr. and MN. N. Thornton, pleated to say, are gaining in health though not as quickly as their friends would wish. Jobneton's congregation were quite pleased to see their pastor Rev. Therapy, son able to take his work on Sunday. Messrs, Gordon Messer and Willi;ant Mcicinney left on Monday for Toronto. Miss Aggie Robertson, has gone on a visit to Toronto, The children are getting quite busy practising for their Christmas Trees. irowstomminewarseasWisiori Londesboro We are pleased to learn that nlrs. j', T ashanr is improving a little this week. Mrs N. Adams ofliiytlt, who has been a patient in the London Hospital for the past $ months, twas able to return on Sat. urday night last wotidetfally mprovetl, although not entirely better yet. \ Tito young people of Lotidesboro bald a splendid ball on Friday eight last and o large creed of invited guests were present, 8fr, Fred Toll was loadieg a etc of turnips en Monday at Londcsbora. The: car was filed by 'Tares, l:uirserarvice, Messrs. Moon ae,i Will Caldwell, Mr. atttd mfrs. 'Thos. trairsar+tice went visiting %ith .?r, sod Mrs. Jetta Neilleey of near i;clerase on Sunday last, i