HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2004-04-15, Page 8By Andrea
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a success
Ears to them
Dressed for the season, Hullett Central Public School
students Laura Snell, left, and Katie McClinchey were on
balloon duty for the annual school council's annual
community auction held on Thursday night. Over 200 items
were donated by families for the event. (Bonnie Gropp photo)
During the children's time at the
front Londesborough United Church
minister Rev. Pat talked about what
is good about Easter. the fun of
dyeing and hunting coloured eggs,
receiving candy and chocolate and
cuddly bunnies, chicks and ducks.
dressing up for Easter church
services and knowing that warm
weather is on its way for outdoor,fun
were mentioned.
But the best thing about Easter is
Jesus. After the sadness of Good
Friday comes the joy of Easter
morning and knowing Jesus died for
each of us.
For the Easter celebration the
senior choir offered two anthems,
Hallelujah, Jesus Lives, and Crown
Him with Many Crowns. In the
responsive Psalm 118, David offers
praise and thanksgiving to God. The
morning's gospel reading from John
20: 1-18 was the story of the empty
tomb discovered by Mary on Easter
He is Risen was the title for Rev.
Cook's message on Easter Sunday.
She posed the question. "Why do
more Christians attend services on
Easter Sunday than on any other
Sunday of the year?" The answer, "It
is the message of Easter, the empty
tomb which signifies the
The mystery of the empty tomb
prevents Mary from recognizing
Jesus. The events of our busy lives
prevent Christians from recognizing
The Ethel winter events committee
will be having a planning meeting
this Thursday at 7 p.m. The
committee is looking for some new
volunteers and anyone interested is
welcome to attend. Please contact
Brenda McKinnon at 887-9919 if
you are interested.
Congratulations to Sam Clark for
her college acceptance.
The hunt for a new Ethel
correspondent has proven fruitful
and starting next week. Pam
McLellan will be taking over. For
the most part, I have really enjoyed
writing about the citizens and history
of Ethel. I have had the opportunity
to meet some wonderful people and
in turn have learned a great deal
about the area and about myself.
I intend to scale back my
It was a successful night for the
Hullett Central parent council as they
hosted the second silent
auction/carnival on April 8.
The bake sale, used toy table, used
book ,table and carnival games for the
children ran from 5 until 8 p.m
The silent auction consisted of 229
items donated by parents and local
businesses. The local community
outbid each other and enjoyed ice
cream, candy floss, popcorn, hot
dogs and drinks.
A clown entertained children with
balloon shaping. tricks and magic.
There were also basketball, penny
toss, beanbag throw and face painting
to amuse the children throughout the
night. No one went away without a
Jesus walks with us, she said. As co-
creators of the world, Rev. Cook
asked that the actions of today's
Christians be to the glory of the
world and God. We can make a
difference by doing the simple things
that help others get through life.
These things proclaim to others that
Jesus Christ is Lord and rose for all
at Easter.
Rev. Cook will offer the
Sacrament of Baptism on May 9.
Anyone interested in baptism is
asked to contact the church office by
April 21.
The junior choir will practise on
Friday. April 16 at 3:30 p.m. after
Next Sunday evening, April 18,
the Londesborough United Church
will present its annual evening of
gospel music at 7:30 p.m. Songfest
this year will feature music from the
church's choirs, The Bushel Family,
Binds of Love Quartet and Country
Spirit Quartet. This is always an
enjoyable evening so plan to attend.
The keynote speaker at the spring
event for women of the United
Church on April 19, North Street
United Church in Goderich is Arlene
Groh. Her topic Elder Abuse is
timely considering recent media
The annual soup and sandwich
fundraiser for the Sunday school will
be held following the morning
service on Sunday, April 25.
Takeouts are available. -
volunteerism and focus a bit more on
my family and myself. Maybe even
get my pottery wheel spinning again
and green things growing in the
And, as.I look around our house, I
see that I should probably get back
to the renovations I started before
Chris and Emma came along. "We
will look back in life and have more
regret for the things we didn't do
than the things we did."
Take care.
On April 10 at 3:45 p.m. OPP
were contacted about the theft of a
tractor from a residence on Newry
Road in Huron East.
Overnight a person had entered
the farmyard and stole a red 1992
garden tractor from next to the barn.
The tractor was small enough that
it could have easily been loaded into
a pickup truck and driven away. It is
valued at $14,000. Anyone who can
help solve this crime is asked to call
the local OPP or Crime Stoppers at
1-800-222-8477(TI PS).
Hullett Central Public School held
a winit assembly on Monday, April 5
to recognize achievements during
the month of March.
Pupils received acknowledgement
for the month's virtues at that
Showing empathy consistently by
a pupil made it apparent to her
teacher that this girl understands
other people's feelings. The girl who
always responds thiring activities
and studies to the best of her
potential was an example of
A pupil who used good judgment
and whose actions match her words
consistently was rewarded for
showing integrity.
The boy who always stands up for
what he knows to be right was
recognized for his courage.
These pupils are examples to the
other pupils in the classroom and in
the yard.
If you are still procrastinating
about setting up a yard sale table on
April 24, be assured that others in
the village have indicated to me that
they are prepared for that
weekend. A week is still lots
of time to do some closet
Children discuss
best of Easter