HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-12-07, Page 1Siingle Copies • Three Cents Vitinghttin WiNOHAM, ONT,, THURSDAY, DEC. 7th. 1916 tthance Cihurcb 1tCWS *.r►.v...r.sow+ The Salvation Army cottage prayer meeting for Wednesday, Dec, Eich., will be bold at the home of hire, Oaks. Leopold St. The meetings aro grew-- ing in interest and attendance evert week, Come and tiring your friend , A hearty weleomc+to all, Capt, eve Mro. i3uband in obarge. Service every Wednesday evening 7,E0 in St. Paull Church. Special Intercessions, for our Soldiera and Wore and addressee on subjects for Advent. In St. Paul's Church next Sunday tbe second in Advent, the Rector will take as bis suhject at the morning service "le the Bible the nt and of Gad?'t and at the evening Service on "Iu there a Hell?" The organ is undergoing repairs and will be ready for uee next Sundev, Regular services will bo held in the Methodist Church next Lord's Day at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. The paster Rev. J, W. Hibbert will preach at both cer- vices. Evening subject "Tho Greatest Foot of Ail," Good music. All are Invited. rearomomilmoo HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Under the supervision of Miee Gar- rett and Miss Mei ter.% Perris, a bud- get of -News from Horne," leas beta, prepared and sent to the boys at tho front. Knowing that the boys appre- ciate these budgete, from what they said of them [est year, several of the etudente are quite eager to do the necessary work in preparing them, The cost of material and meitintr is burr- by the Ltt.rai Soniity, Several ;otters have been received d lately from former students who are serving their country in various places. These letters are always welcome. We have heard with sorrow of tbe miefortuue w'tich bite befallen Len„ - and Brock who witea toudsnt with us a few years ago. An opening meeting of the Literary Society will he held on the evening of Thursday, Der. 21st, at which diplomas and prize will be granted to the stud. ents entitled to them. An oratorical content is to be the main feature of the program All ex-studente and yr—friends of the school are invited to he present with us that evening. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN AUCTION SALE—On Saturday Dec. lith at o'clock. Good frame eight -roomed house and three acres of land opposite the Fair ground+. Also a quantity of household furni- ture stoves, etc. Soo bit O. Property of the IateMtiet, J. (hisses Auotioneer T. It, TaE:NrET'r 1 TROUT Iron SALE—At Armour's etcher shop on Thursday and Friday of ween. 'RUSINESS MEN.—Ties AnvAxcr solicits a share of your patronage and guarantees satisfaction on all lines of printing. We tutu out the neatest job work at the lowest price. +OWS FOR SALL—A couple of good cows for sale. Apply to J. II. FINLEY, Lower Wingham. iGGSWANTED—EftWinghahest Prices. --W. J, Aamotryt 11O!1 SALE—Now Oliver Typewriter No 0. Apply at Inn Avvs.Nch, 110U141 TO R+NT—Comfortablo residence LI south of tho chopping mill, town water in house, good cistern, Lowly renovated. Apply to c E. LF,pARD w ,_. -IOTICE—Tho Annual meetingof the share- , holders snit patrons of the Baeva1e Cheese sed Rutter Company. Limited, will be held in the Foresters' Ball, Bluevalo, on Thursday, December 21st, 1116. at 1.30 o'clock, p.m for ' the election of a Board of Directors aid the transaction of any other business that may come bafere the rieeting, Mr. Frank Hearne Chief Dairy Instructor. will be present and give an address. All are invited to attend. 13y order, B. PAUL, Secretary. QTR S. YED.—Sow and two young pigs came to ta the promises ot the undersigned on Friday last. Owner may '•avo'samo by proving prop- erty and paying expenses. ' Phone 180, Wingham. 1TO RENT—Comfortable house with garden, 1 corner of Alfred and Centro streets. Ap- ply to W AL1 sit & CLEGG. If Vir:FOU);'bl8'Ot Footne10 let, over AUvencn I orriol;—ripply to It. VANSTONE. TEACHER WANTED,—tror S. S. No. 10 Mor- a ris, Huron County. Second class profes- sional renuircd Protestant Duties to begin . With the Now `ear. Give o7 gorionce and state salary. Board bandy to 'e rhooI. R. M, It. Now aoliooi, up to date in every *ay. Applications received up till Deo, 1,5, 1'Jtm. 'LOMBC ) r tCOC Yr, See. tt. R. 2, Iiluevele, Ont. MBREI,LAB—Caw now bo repaired, if lett at u Lepard's ('hopping Milt, IPANTED—A subagent tor Witigbain for tho A Maxwell automobile. Apply to -Join/ G. XYe i', Luoknow ANTED—Girls to enter iratting school for • nurses. Write for information to Enrgxt0uNer fiosrt'rdr, 175011.05th 8t., Cleveland. Ohio, Tiir Ant•iNr'ir ItEN--Answering ads in this column ellen. LI lion that you saw the ad In , SALE BY TENDER The following farm property is offer. ed for sale by tender. Bulk or separ- ate tender will be received tip to Jan'y 2nd. 1817, Lot 12, con. 3, 100 acree half cleared, well fenced and in good cult', uation. Lot 12, con, 8, 100 acres all cleared. Frame barn Merle; straw Abed 40x50; stone foundation, cerement flooring; impb hent shed, 2040; frame house and woodshed; nevendatting spring Well (with wwindmill), water to house and stable by pipe; two arch. arda. It is f of a mite from eehaol, 1 mile from ebureh, 8C toiled from Wing - haul. The above property is too .tel one of the isnot prosperous farming rosiop, Ctlone lr: Co. of Limon. Owner lute joined the overseas forces, the Only reason for belling, All tenders to be addressed to Sergi. Hobert Halting. Meditate Gait Section. 22$th Hatt, Toro*F , or ft,. Vanatotie, Wingha,tn Ont. Lowest lir any tenders not ilttailiftatrtly accepted, LEONARD BROCK MISSING Another Wingham Boy Pays the Supreme Sacrifice Wingham citizens heard with deep regret on Thursday, that Pte, Leonard Brock, youngest son of Mrs, E. Brock, Viero•in. Sr. was among the mieeing since N'n , 19th, attd it believed to be an stead, .fie wa -• f,avoritr •em»•ng i:he boys and many beerte are saddened, but all aro looking forward to getting better news, as there appeared to be uncertainty in the tone of the roes. sage. Before enlisting with the 71st Batta- lion, Leonard was a clerk in the Bank of Hamilton, but he manfully decided to heed the rail of du,y Efi4 was also assist. Seer et',ry io 'he ,Merhodh?t Sen. day School and Treasurer of the Ep- worth League. To the sorrow•stricken mother and sisters the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community is extended, and all are anxiously awaiting batter news. PTF LEONARD BROOK Who was recently reported wisatng hut probably killed. DEATH ROLL PATIENCE NEIMAN There passed away in Cnlrnae, on Saturday, Nov. Ifitn, 1910, Mise Pat. (ince Newman, in tbe 87th year of her age, Mies Newman was horn in Pre. scott, of Irish parentage, Wben quite a child she moved with her parents to Culross, then solid Queen's bush, where a house was hewn out an the 12th concession, where Mier Newman spent her life She was of a very kind and home loving disposition, and was loved by the whole neighborhood. A Methodist by faith, she was a faithful member of Salem church and was al- ways interested and active in the affairs of tile Sanctuary, She was the eighth of a family of five one and five deugb'era to answer the last pall. Her brother, Mr John Newman of Toronto, and Mrs. 5 •l.,rnien Handy of Culross, survive. The funeral on Monday from the home of het' taster, was very largely attended by the neighbors and friends who have all !oat a loving friend in Miss Newman. Interment took place in Smith's cem- etery, R,.v, F. E. Ctyedale conducting the oh..equee. THOMAS A. WAL$ittt Mr. James Walker was shocked to hear of the death of hie brother, Thos. E Walker, who paused away at his home in Cookeville Ont. on Thursday. Deceased was well-known in this locality having sold cattle very ex. tensively. He lived in Kincardine Township and near Teeswater before moving to his present home about. sixteen miles nut of Toronto. sit+ was in hie 50th year. The funeral wee held from the reoidenee of his, hri>r ber Jaynes Wacker, Scott St, on Suer - day afternoon and interment took. place in the Wingham cemetery. Rev, Mr. Hibbert conducted the service His first wife was Hanna Voden of Clinton and from this family the follow' log survive, Alfred of Teeswater, Wilfred, Lily and Viola at home. Hie second wife was Linda Yeo of Turnberry who with two small child, ren survive. He is aleo survived by hie mother, Eflohs, James, Ieaao of Wingham, J. J. and R. A, of Totonto, G. L. of Brantford and Wesley of God• evicts and a sister Mrs, Anderson of Toronto, The entire family t'eee pies. ant at the funeral on Saturday. The pallbearers were Messrs J. Patterson, G. M. Robertson, 11. Davis, J Loutitt, W. M. Anderson and 3, J. Kerr. RIMS. MAE iiinzr IAUI;R The sympathy of the wholecommun, icy ie extended to Mr. and Mrs, 13reth• atter of Wrolteter, in the death of their daughter, Emma Men, w110 passed away on Monday 'leaning of hurt week. Although death was not alto, gather unexpected, nevertheless the realization came as a shook to all who knew her. Mae was of a kind and cheerful diepotition and beloved by all. She will bo greatly poised tape°. Jelly in the Methodist Sabbath School, whore she has bean organist for a mien. ed the basement of that town hall they her years, The funeral took plate on found a Very suitable place with an Wednesday afternoon til the wro>teter entranoe from the south eller. Oloeete• iranlatiaT 't bolo sot warn conlOt114Dco eettid ba DR. REDMOND RESIGNS M. 14 0 Resigtlation—Upper Dam Con. tract --Transient Trader's License The council met in the Cnuno ItCham. ber o'clock on Monday evening. All the members were present, Mayor Mc• Kibbnn presiding, The minutes of last tweeting were read and adopted, A communication from Muskoka Sanitarium was read, asking for the usual grant of $25. and left over; as also a request for Md for our wound- ed and disabled sailors. It was sug- gested that a committee should be ore ganized in each locality to organize to device ways and means of eeouring this aseietance. The Toronto Fire Department eent out a circular in which they advertise fire engine and other fighting appli• emcee for sale, The circular was band' ed to the property committee. An account was read from O. R. Stanton Co. for five books received by the Electric Light Deparment last year. The booke came in duplicate inetead of triplicate and were refused but later were returned. The matter was left witb the Electric Light Committee. Mr, A. M. Crawford asked to have $0 refunded him for sanitary tax ou the National Hotel property. Mr. Ohne, Donaldson appeared in the interests of the Sawyer Massey Co, asking that come settlement be made regarding the snow plow purchased by the Council through his firm last winter. Hr thought his company bad been very fair in offering to give the machine for $35, as tbey were now selling for $50 Chairman Ti -ding of the Street Committee thought that the snow plow was tried when the snow was very deep and possibly did not get a fair trial, He said it would he a very good implement to buy for use on the etreet as a grader. The matter was left with the Street com- mittee, Mr. V. R, Vannorman asked for the privilege of using part of the alley he. hind hie premises In which to pile tum. ber for a short time as be was making several improvements to his buildings and found he was short of room. On motion of Meeere Gurney and Patter• son his request was granted. Mr. F. R. Howson addreeeed the Cnunnil regarding their having receiv- sd a notice re the cancelling of the How,•on Ea Brookiehank water con- tract which was drawn up in 1000 for 10" years, Mr. Howson said he believ. ed that a very unfair statement bad been made at tbe last council meeting when it was stated that their mill dos- ed down in the dry season and when they could get no water power, just let the farmers go. He quoted sever- al instances where they had run with a lees comply to accomodate the farm - ere. They wanted to know definitely if they could get the power or not at the end of the six months time and not be left with too short a time in which to decide on what kind of power to in- etall. They bad built the time which cost $2,200 and when the interest on this money was added to the cost of their present power he felt it was more like $700 than $400 which they paid the town for power. Mr. Gurney felt that as hydro was coming very close to Wingham the town could not afford to spend usual money on the electric tight system and that after hearing Mr, Howeon's story he believed the council rhouid reconsider their steps at present. He also suggested that a new agreement could be drawn up where- by the town could sell this waterpow- er not only to Mr. Tioweon but to anyone who wished to 1100 it. Reeve Mitchell thought that Mr. Gurney's suggestion was a good one, he also favored withdrawing the notice to contract with Mr. Howson. He said the council should find out what our Electric power is coating and get it running eystetnetically before any- thing else le done. Coun, Binkley said that since Mr. Howson was prewar memo of the council hoard changed completely since last meeting. On the Mayor's being asked bow many voted to cancel the agreement be replied !everybody'. As there was nothing to hinder the agreement frons being re. Personai$ M'ra ii, Fixter artendad the funeral of her sister in Paris Dirt Wm, Boyd of Teeewater epent Sunday at his home on Shuter Sr, Mindred Mercer left last week for Toronto where he bait secured a Bit. uation. Reeve Mitchell le attending the Dec- ember sitting of the County Council in (3oderich. Mies Kathaleen Kemp of Listowel, visited her sister, Mrs, R, A. Currie, recently. Mise Luetta Colvin ot Teenwater epent Sunday with her cousin Miss Reba T3nyd. Reeve Harding of Wroxeter, was in town on Tuesday en route to County Council meeting at Godericb, Mr, James Netterleld has returued home after spending several weeks with relatives In Rnthsay, Ont. Mr'and Mee. Gordon Griffin of Ohee• ley spent the week -end at the ho me of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Griffin, John St. Mrs A. J Walker received the and news on Friday tbat her brotber. 13. T. Chapman, who enlisted with the 14th battery, Winnipeg, had fallen at the front. His wife and family reside at Moorefield. Mr. A. H. Griffin of the Farley. W.Iob 3s, Stewart Railway Construc- tion Co. spent a few days in town this week on his return from Russia, where be was doing extensive contracting for hie company. He is much impreeeed with bis eastern trip We understaud that he will nseume command of the Furley Welsh & Stewart Conesruction Battalion and return to Europe in tbe very near future with the appoint- ment of Lt, -Col, Rio brother, Mr. Bevy. Griffin who has spent the past few weeks at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mre. C. N. Griffin, John St. will also accept a lieutenancy in thio battalion which will leave shortly for the war zone. Election of Officers L. O. L. No. 794 elected the following officers for the ensuing year at their meeting an Friday evening, W. M. —Rev. J. W. (libbert, D, Scott+, Chaplain•—Robt, Deyell, Ree. Secy. --A. G. Smith, Fin. Secy. --J. W. Dodd, Treas.—J. G. Stewart, D. of C. —H. H. McAllister, Lect.—E Mahood, Committee men in the order named: C. Barber, S. Mitchell, J. 1?', Groves, W. J. Greer, and John Hewer. Audit- ors, A.H. Musgrove and J. W. Mc. gibbon, Box Social Remember the Box Social to be held in S. S. No. JO Kinloss, (Whitechurch school) for Patriotic purposes on the evening of Wednesday, Deo. 13th, at 8 o'clock, Come and bring your friends, Admission 23 cents, Iadies with boxes free, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Send Socks to Soldiers,•• -•Bold Bazaar is Hall The regular monthly tweeting of the Wingham branch of the 'Women's In- stitute was held in the council ebam- her on Thursday afternoon. Forty- five members were present. -The ladies have placed a cupboard in the . council chamber, in which they store their dishes and oil stove, Mrs. J. J. Moffatt gave a splendid paper on "Woman, her home and Itespoueihit- ity." It was decided to hold a bazaar and sale of fancy work, baking, candy, oto., in the council chamber on Satur- day afternoon, December Oth, com- mencing at 3 o'clock, An interesting feature of the after:• noon's program was the contest on baking lemon pie. Three ladies were appointed as judges and the prize, a piano of fancy china, awarded to Mrs' Geo, Cruikshank. The secretary was instructed to pre. pare a letter of condolence and send it to Mrs. E. Brock, who has received the dad news that her youngest son, Leon- ard, who was for the past few weeks fighting in the trenches, was either kilted or missing, Mro, Bower presented the Society with $8 which was the proceeds of a unique entertainment which was given under her direction, by the scholars who reside north of the G.T.R. tracks. This monby will be spent to buy yarn for knitting. The ladies of the Inetit• ute handeden fifty.one pairs of socks which they knitted for the boys at the front. Two pairs were sent to each of the following boys, who are at the battlefront; Fred Templeman,, Harry Bradley, Rose Maxwell, E. S. Copeland Ernie Greer, Geo. Moffatt, Arthur Newman, Gordon Murobison. Wilbur Johnston and,Leonard Brock. The ladies served tea from which they received the sum of $2.24. A friend donated $2 and five new mem- bore were added to the roll. Business Education Happy will be the young people, who INVEST their titne instead of SPENDING it. In every career of Ont- ario those young women and young men who believe that it is their sacred duty to develop their mental faculties are INVESTING their evenings by mail courses in the Spotton Uorreepondence Schools. What are you doing with your spare time? Six months at the Wingham Buri. neer College will fit your daughter to earn more money than she can teach• ing and she can repay you from her first six weeks' salary. Aek us bow your daughter can release a man for the fighting line. The Wingham Business College is affiliated with the Canada Business College, Toronto, and eight other schools. also with the Commercial Ed• uoators' Association of Canada. '4'Vrite for a list of our graduates and the money they are earning. Ti1Lr WINGirADt METuonxsT Cf new newed, the council left it as it was. installed for a little better than $$0O Mr, Thos. Fella hit the Conseil a rap The property committee however' re. over the knuckles regarding the levy, commended that the council take no Ing of a transient traders license fee of action. on him and hie partner. Mr, Pelle Moved by Spotton and Patterson that has conducted a butcher ahop in Wing- the report of the property oommittee ham for some titne but recently took be adopted and the came recorded into partnership Mr, Northrop of —Carried. Guelph who moved, hie family to town Mr, Isbieter also stated that the 141r. Fella of coarse claims it is very flag pole in the park was itt a very unfair to charge htrn this transient dangorona condition it being rotten trader's license and claimed that he at the bottom, he recommended that knew of others who had only been resit it be taken down and after the rotten dente of town fora short Lima who wood be taken off it be replaced and started up in business without paying he hoped to nee the time when a Union this license, Ile throateued the Coun Jack would fly from that pole that oil to take legal proeeedinge if they could be seen in Berlin, Europe, compelled him to pay it. The matter A heated discussion (arose from was not dealt with. Reeve Mitchell Inquiring who gave the The report of the Finance Cotgtnittee authority fpr the staring of cement in VMS road and on motion of Patterson the batexnent of the town hall. Conn. and Spotton was painted, chlor Hinkley explained that it was Councillor Isbister °batrmarr of the cement whtelr the town had left over property committee, gave an excellent from the building of the date and that report for hie eenarnittee on the cost Mr, Vint had promised to take it from and situation for the public lavatory the town at the prion they had paid for wbtob wait asked for at last meeting, it if they would have it stored in the He bad taken acontraotor and inspect. basement of the hall for him until ouch time as he disposed of it, Bylaw No. 771-1010 a by-law to pro. vide for the election of a Inonicipa couacit tint set uatiref of *public a'.hli board for the year 1017 was read three times and finally passed on motion of Messrs Isbister and Patter - eon. The nominations will take place Bylaw No. 772, a bylaw to provide for on Friday evening, Dec, 22nd and the election will take place nu New Years bay, The following polling planes, deputy returning officers and poi clerks wore decided on! No. 1—Geo. Moir's Shoe Shine Par- lor, with W. 3. Baines, D,R,O, and M. Beckwith, poll clerk. No. 2--Gannott'a Implement Shop, Thos, L. Jobb, D.R.O. and Jas. Mitch. ell, poll clerk, No. 8 --Town Ball, A. riming 1) It. 0, and P. Deane, er., poll clerk, No. 4—Ritchie & Coterie' office, John Ritdhie. b lt.p, and P. Deans se., poll Week, No. 5—A. Bell's house, A. Porter, D,11, O. and William Guest, poll cleric borrowing the sum of $1,176.48 to pay for the eXteneion of the watermatn nn Victoria St between Edward and Josephine Ste and on Josephine St. be. tweon Scott and Victoria Ste. The debentures payable at 0 per cent per annum for thirty years. This bylaw (Continultd ou No tocal 'Items Free, -..Gold bleb are given away with purobasee at Moli~ibbon'e Drug Store, Head our ad, on page 8—And do not forget Ubristmaa just two weeks from Monday. --.W, H. Willie, Tipling and Mille are loading twenty- five carloads of Turnips which they are shipping to New York, A alight change bas been made in the G. T, R. Timetable but no difference will take plane at Wingham, Dr, Allison of Blyth, has given up his practice and left on Wednesday of this week to join, the C. A. M. C. Dir, Brandell, assist, at the G. T. l3, station is away for a couple of weeks and Mr, Chester of Guelph is relieving hum, We understand that Mr. 'ghee, Wheeler, who -last week loot his barn by fire, has disposed of his farm to Mr, John Porter, Mr, ;1 ohn Porter 10th eon, Turnberry has purchased Mr. T, Wheeler's farm, and Mr. Turner has pu rehased Mr. George Wright'a farm, A box social will be held in Zetland School house on December 15th, Sleighs will leave the council chamber between 7 15 and 7 30. Admiseion 15 cents. Mr.and Mrs. Harry Hinecliffe re- ceived a letter from their son. Harold, who etates that he is well and bas received a promotion and is now a etafl? bugler. Mr. Thor. J. McCreight, Turnberry boundary, has a cow which gave birth to two pure white heifer calves on Fri. day. Mr. McCreight has a ewe which gave birth to triplets in the spring, What nloer or more appreclated Christmas remembrance could you send to that absent friend or that boy in the trenches than Tan ADVANCE receipt for one year's subscription. The paper with alt the home news, The Frebis Workers will give a play entitled "Farm Folks" in the Forester's Hall, Bellmore on Friday evening, Dec. 15th. Proceeds to be used for Patri- otic purpoaes.Doors open at 7.30. Ad- miesion 25 cents, Will the young ladies and gentlemen who assisted in the Red Cross Concert kindly meat Mrs. Cowell in the Couto ciI chamber on Thursday evening Dec. 7th at 7.30 o'clock to discuss the advis- ability of holding another concert early in the New Year. The ladies of the Women's Institute are having a bazaar in the council chamber on Saturday, Dec, flth, Sale of home made candy, baking and fancy work, vegeetablee cream etc, Sale to commence at 3 p, m. Don- ations from anyone wishing to give will be appreciated, as the money is to be used for Red Cross work. Mrs, E. Fitt of Scott Street had good news last Thursday from the Red Cross Nurses that her husband ie im• proving and is suffering less pain. His wife hopes now that he will got on and it will not he long before he is home again, as aIle feels pretty lonely through the death of the two little children who are missed in the haute. Two young farmers will go to the United States this week and are mak- ing no secret of the fact that they are going because everybody asks them why they don't enlist. They say they will not fight for any country. These men are not true specimens of Can- adian manhood, -- Ripley Express. The States is the place for those men, it is so peaceful. Sergeant and Mrs. I awkine and tittle daggbter spent the week end in Wingham, visiting Mrs. Earnest Fitt of Scott, Street whom he has not seen forst* years, Sergeant liawkins work. edsome yearn ago for Mr. Cochrane of the marble works, here, he did not know where hie cousin was until he saw an account of the death of the two children in the paper. He ex- pects to leave for over seas ebortiy, Mr. A. H. Wilford'a produce house is about the buelest place in town the last few days. Mr, Wilford has under- taken to supply ordcre for 10,000 lima of Turkeys and a eimili*r amount of geese chickens and ducke. The poultry is all shipped in alive and afterwards killed and dressed ready for the mar- ket. An expert ruffer is here from Toronto and with hie staff of about a dozen boys and gime is dressing fowl in quick otdier. A chicken lo dressed in one minute's time. An exportgred- er is also looking after that depart. merit. Poultry comes to Wingham from AS far AS Forest to the south and Southampton to the north. We notice in the Walkerton news in tta London Free Press, of Nov, 25th whore two Citizens of that town, Meseta Russell and Ferguson have given four and three sons respectively to fight for their country. Thosegentloruen have certainly done well and deserve credit for saeriflcea thoy are offering, but in this locality we are able to report one better, Mr. John A. Meli:enzie J. P. heti four sons enlisted, and Mr, W. A. Dell has four With the 160th.—Kin. sardine Ileviettt, This eomutieity call go stilt One better, Mit. Mitchell of Wroxeter has fire sone an'Wad with the I811t Bur- ata, Subscriptions: $1,50 per year. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Successful Services Held io, Wiagham Methodist Church Large congregations greeted, Rev. Dr, Rutledge, a former pastor of the Wingham Methodist Churob, in the church on Sunday last, The reverend gentleman took for his text the 10th Chapter of Hebrews, $1st verse, at the morning!ervies, and in the evening he expounded the gospel from the 124th and 12,1th Psalms. The aim of the managers was to raise $200 and they were successful in reaching that auuouut, 'The present church has been in use now for fifteen years, Mr. F. J. Hill in his usual good bari- tone Bang "Flee as a Bird", and Miss Griffin took the Bolo part in the anthem "Holy art Thou," RE'S?. Dir. RIJTLEDOn Former Popular Pastor of the Wing. ham Methodist Church. Slackers Kicked Prom Ballrootu The property committee of the town council have decided not to allow any more dances in the Town Hall during the continuance of the war. This step will be commended by most citizens, the only fault it bas is that it was not put in farce at the first of the year instead of the last. Money is Poultry Mr. A. H. Wilford informed us that on Wednesday of last week he lifted the largest load of poultry that he has received in his ten years' business from any one poultry raiser. He pur- chased from Mrs. Michael Kelly, Mor- rie, twenty crates of turkeys, geese and chickens. The plaice paid was over 8300. "The Battle of The Somme". .All Canada will see the "Battle of the Somme" pictures, which were shown in Toronto, Montreal, Hamilton, Ottawa, Calgary and $alifaa in the last half of Ootober, All Canada will demand tone there, slid all Canadians should see them. No such film has been exhibited to the Canadian public before, The war news has made every. body in the land anbioue, eager to understand what is going on. Theee wonderful pictures show them. They see with their own eyes, Bitting in their theatre chairs, just as if the screen was a plate glass window overlooking the whole battlefield! Is, it any won. der that the theatres which have shown the pictures were packed to capacity, morning, afternoon, and night while the show was runniug? "The Battle of the Somme" opened for first run in Canada on Sunday, October, 15th at the Imperial Theatre in the city of Montreal. under the aue- picos of the Montreal Star. The crowd lined up at the Theatre door Sunday forenoon. Tbis magnificent filth has been secured by the manager of the Lyceum Theatre, Wingham, and will be shown on Christmas Day and the day follow. ing. So that all may have the priv- ilege of seeing it. The Theatre will be open afternoons and evenings, ELECTION CARD To the Electors of Wingham) I have been a citizen of Wingham for the past 2S years, and a member of the Council for the last three years. By request of a number of ratepayere, I have decided to offer myself as a can - ablate for the Reeveship, Your support will be much appreci- ated, W, G. PATTERSc,W 'The (Groat Watch Doctor, To the Eleotors of Wingham, Ladies and Gentlemen; At the request of a number of rate. payers I have deelded to contest the Reevoehip for 1917. For nineteen years 1 have served in the council of Morrie and for two years represented Morris, (trey and Brussels in the County Council during which time I was chairman of the Executive and Property Committees and a member of the House of Refuge, Road and Bridge also Wardon'e Committee, I have also served you on the Wingham cauneil for three years to the best of trey ability. 1 would now deem it a high honour it you would elect me to represent you at the County Council. Fours aiucerely, '%ti st:Icticrni 0 •J I. JZ' x s,2 turc>> - , ..._ aHRi TMAS SUGGESTIONS KODAKS AND CAMERAS ,5 525.0 0h, 'i'his waltcs ail$1ideal to gift for youneacger old, S`1°ATIONh11Y In tad -table paCL•ages, a ucoflll 111• e:.pcucive gift 25c to $1.50 a boa:, 1•'EilVUSdES Of exquisite fragrance in dainty boxer 25c to 85,001iet' box, Cl;A1::i Iii boxes of 10 and, 25, an stc4ept° able gift to pend to our fighting heroes, CHOCOLATES 'Liggett's' The sweetest story every told In packages of good taste eta% to $1.00 per pound. WHITE GOODS (Ivory) Manicure titles by the piece or to $15 00 each. BLACK GOODS (Ebony) Manicure titles by the piece nr to $12,50 each SAFETY RAZQRS $1,00, $1 5a and 55.00, PIPE S, FLASHLIGHTS LEATHER. GOODS, sad many, other useful articles, We ha pe the best assorted stock we ever offered you and have made our prices right. "COME IN AND SEL US" and toilet ar- ia cases 50c and toilet are in cases 50c J, WALTON MINION DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN Agent for C. P, R. Tickets Phone 53 rt. i.} t±, i:, 11, of Put on Gomfys eery Chance You Got twat It is a pleasure to sink into the thick cushion), sole of our comfys a3 you walk around the House, Charming Styles and Shades for Women Cliildreti s Cotiifys 111 filo cutest styles, 111eu's slippers in a greal utauy styles, Prices range from 50e to $1.50' W. J. Greer SOLE AGENT simimmiesevamamarewenrw.duse. PRICE $1.26 Ambrsaoe'I*u t*en1 Guaranteedo A. ROSS . . •