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mi.ie review
Local band releases new CD Stick With the Classifieds.
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By Elyse DeBruyn
Citizen staff
With such a wide range of various
vocal and instrumental talent
emerging in the musical world, it's
nice to hear such talent coming from
a local band.
Perish has released its second
album entitled Music as Therapy
filled with 10 well-written and
produced new tracks.
The three-man band consists of two
Brussels natives Joshua Gropp and
Rob McKercher as well as Thomas
Ireland of Teeswater.
Each with a unique and exceptional
talent, the three have certainly
improved since their high school
performances and even then their
musical ability was hard to miss.
Gropp's talent on the guitar is sure
to send him somewhere (and it
doesn't hurt that he can sing too.)
Ireland's bass helps make the
music that much more outstanding
and McKercher brings it together
with his talenton the drums as well as
helping to produce it alongside
Nelson McCrussen of Sound on
Sound studio.
Together, they have created
something to brag about.
Did you miss taking a winter
holiday? Or would you like to recall
some of your favourite vacation
The Blyth Festival Singers invite
all to join the choir on A Musical
Travelogue. The concert will be held
on Sunday, April 4, 2:30 p.m. at
Exeter United Church.
The event will also feature special
guests, the Bayfield Winds, under
the direction of Hugh McGregor.
This is • an awarding-winning
ensemble featuring 25 accomplished
musicians committed to presenting
music at a high level of
Robert Blackwell, director of the
1( V tb Singing Lessons4,,
\)k, with \p,i T
41)),) Darlene L. Hemingway ",.\
. N
% 0.41,,, (B.A. Honours Music) j k ,
YA 1/2 hour lessons available ///2,
immediately ' ,t(
N1 on Mondays in Brussels A
01 email: hemingway_dl@hotmail.com Alk
A, 7 Call: 519-578-3243 AO
The first song. Your Best Friend is
Your Worst Enemy 2, starts the CD
off with a fast-paced beat, giving
the audience a taste of
what Perish is
lyrics of this
song reflect how
friends can so easily betray you,
leaving enemies as the friend.
As the song gets faster it reflects
the intensifying anger with friends
who betray.
I relate (as most people can) to the
part of eye for an eye. When a friend
betrays you, all you want to do is hurt
them as much as you hurt, but would
and/or could never do something that
mean to a friend even in a fit of anger.
The tune blew me away with the
Blyth Festival Singers, has prepared
a program that highlights music
from around the world, from the
dramatic Prince Igor to the uplifting
music of South Africa. From the
sweet sounds of an Indonesian
lullaby to the lively harmonies of a
Gypsy dance. There will be toe-
tapping Canadian folksongs, a
majestic choral classic from
Germany and a romantic Caribbean
love song.
The Blyth Festival Singers are
accompanied by Sharon Johnston of
Goderich, an accomplished pianist
and teacher.
Tickets for the concert are $12 for
adults, $6 for children 11 and under.
• -T• eureyet '7teutaea x
• Orieut /?tarried *
X Saturday, April 3 x
9:00 to 1:00
Blyth Arena
Music by DJ
Age of majority
Lunch provided
X For tickets call 523-9094
'5.00 each
instrumental talent. It is similar to
song six. Main Event, but with
different lyrics.
Throughout the rest of the CD, the
tracks are similar in the aspect of fast-
finger guitar playing and drums, but
the last song sent me for a loop.
Track 10, Let Go, seems like a
different band altogether, after
hearing the first nine tracks.
It is slower track with only
Gropp's guitar for musical back-up,
but that is all it needs.
The powerful lyrics imply the
time has come to move on and let
go of the past. Blame of past
conflicts is controversial
between the two people referred to in
the song as emotional games get
played back and forth. Letting go of
memories is the way to let go of. what
used to be.
Almost everyone can relate to this
song, as most people find it difficult
to move on in life after an emotional
ordeal and finally realize that nothing
lasts forever.
After hearing this song along with
the other up-beat, yet personal songs
that only punk bands can portray, the
second album is sure to please.
For more information go to
They are available from choir
members, the ,Blyth Festival Box
Office at 523-9300; Campbell's
Photography, Goderich; The Dutch
Store, Clinton; Snyder Studios,
Wingham; Tasty Nu Bakery, Zurich;
Nifty Korners, Seaforth: Exeter
United Church and Bakelaar
Jewellers, Exeter; also at the door.
The Blyth Festival Singers is a 50-
voice community choir under
professional direction and is part of
the Blyth Festival organization.
Founded in 1980, the Blyth Festival
Singers provides amateur musicians
with an opportunity to sing in a well-
disciplined choir and present choral
music to audiences in Huron County.
Performed - your location or our
iindoor or outdoor chapel
For brochure call:
BENMILLER, 524-5724
Happy 60'
Greer Black
From your family
in Fair Weather,
Ontario ,
Easter egg hunt coming soon
The Joseph Schneider Haus Lines form at both the Queen and
annual Easter egg hunt is Saturday, David Street entrances. There is no
April 10 at 10 a.m. Hundreds of admission charge for this fun-filled
coloured eggs will be hidden on the outdoor event. Regular admission
grounds of the museum for children rates apply for visits to the historic
eight years and younger to discover.. house.
There is a designated area for Decorate your own Pennsylvania-
children, aged three and younger. German Easter egg with staff in the
Participants must be accompanied historic kitchen and see the baby
by an adult and are encouraged to chicks.
bring a small Easter basket. Once The Joseph Schneider Haus is
the eggs have been collected, located at 466 Queen St. S. in
children can visit with the Easter Kitchener.
Bunny and receive some Easter
A small number of onion skin-
dyed eggs with traditional scratched
designs will also be hidden.
Children finding these eggs will
receive a special Easter treat.
Festival Singers to travel globe
The Citizen
10,1P f\-10 f,,,Plk-loss ''
Napp,v sir
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ritatch 26
This picture was taken in '91.
You haven't changed much.
You're that much more fun!
But now you're an age,
That you're supposed
to be nifty,
Well holy cow...
You must be 50!!
Love from your mom and all
your sisters and brother.
Blyth United Church presents
M The Easter Story° • IN
a A One Person Passion Play VI
TA NI based on the Gospels M
Ti Adapted and Presented by James B. Douglas, Actor NI
1 Good Friday, April 9 - 7:30 p.m. IA
IN n Donations at the Door
Biyth United Church, corner of Mill and Dinsley Streets
Information (519) 523-4224
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