HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2004-03-18, Page 15Thinking about quitting? CALL THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY'S TOLL-FREE SMOKERS' HELPLINE 1-877-513-5333 TOWNSHIP OF NORTH HURON GRAVEL TENDERS Sealed Tenders properly marked will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 30, 2004. 1. Crush and Stockpile 4,000 Metric Tonnes of Granular "M" Gravel in the Westfield Pit (East Wawanosh Ward). 2. Crush and Deliver 22,000 Metric Tonnes of Granular "M" Gravel to Township Roads as directed. Contractor to supply and set up weigh scales. Tenders to be submitted on Township Forms obtained at the Municipal Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ralph Campbell, Director of Public Works, Township of North Huron, P.O. Box 90, Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0 Telephone: 519-357-3550 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES PETER OLDRIDGE All persons having claims against the Estate of James Peter 'Oldridge who died on or about the 26th day of January, A.D., 2004, are hereby notified to send CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES, Banisters and Solicitors, 217 Josephine Street, Box 1028, Wingham, ON NOG 2W0, on or before March 19, 2004, their names and full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. Dated at Wingham, Ontario this 20th day of February, 2004. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Barristers and Solicitors 217 Josephine Street, Box 1028 WINGHAM, ON NOG 2W0 Solicitors for the Estate Trustees. 09-3 Personals CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE. Are you pregnant? Need help? Call our 24-hour hotline collect 323- 3751 or drop in at 189 Main St. N., Mount Forest for free pregnancy testing, counselling and support, childbirth coaches, clothing. e4w P ets BARN CATS TO GIVE AWAY. Phone 887-6432. 09&11p Real estate IN BLYTH, ONE FLOOR, TWO- bedroom bungalow, new windows and doors, cement driveway, detached garage, close to uptown. Phone 523-9216. 10-2 FOR SALE - 2 FULLY-SERVICED building lots. PT Lot 44 — 66'x120'; PT Lot 45 — 72'x120'. Plan No. 179, Drummond Street, Village of Blyth. Call Dave Osborne, 613- 225-1874. 11-lp northhuron.on.ca Northern Huron's foremost source of information when you: • Need to check the weather • Need a plumber • Need to see what's on at area theatres • Need to build a barn • Need to find the money to build a barn • Need to read reviews on theatre presentation • Need a lawyer • Need to rent a crane • Need to order take-out food and don't have the telephone number • Need to find a real estate agent • Need an accountant Check it out at www.northhuron. on.ca (an online service of The Citizen.) THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 2004. PAGE 15. Classified Advertisements In memoriam Services Tenders Tenders Websites LOWE. In loving memory of our cousin, John Wayne, who passed away one year ago March 18, 2003. God called your name so softly That only you could hear. No one heard the footsteps Of the angels drawing near. You never said, "I'm leaving." You never said, "Goodbye." You were gone before we knew it And only God knows why. May the winds of love blow softly And whisper so you'll hear, We will always love and miss you And wish that you were here. To some you are forgotten, To others just part of the past. But to us who loved and lost you, Our memory will always last. — Always in our hearts, Tracy (Bosman), Paul, and Sabryn McLennan, Tina (Bosman), Jeff, Owen, and Hailey Hoelscher. 11-lp Legal notices Check out The Citizen's WEBSITE at www.northhuron.on.ca PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICE — residential cleaning on regular or casual basis. Dependable, flexible, fully bonded and locally owned. Competitive rates. Customized to suit. Spring cleaning special. Call for details and no obligation estimates, 519- 887-8657 ask for Sarah. 11-1 PARAGON FRAMING — CUSTOM residential framing, decks, fences, gazebos, garden sheds and general carpentry. Locally-owned quality workmanship at competitive prices. Call 519-887-8657 for a free, no- obligation estimate. 11-1 CAREGIVER AVAILABLE, days, experienced, reliable. References available. Phone 887- • 9077, ask for B.J. 11-2 WILLING TO DO HOUSE cleaning in Blyth and surrounding area, references available. Phone Ann 523-9523. 11-lp SID WHITE CARPENTRY — drywall and finishing, doors and windows, vanities, etc., trim work. Brussels 887-6432. 09&1 1p INCOME TAXES PREPARED, E-file service available. Farm, business or personal. Stephen Thompson — 482-7551. 06-12 PHOTOGRAPHY — GRADUATE of Humber College's Creative Photographer program — specializing in commercial shots and portraiture. Call 887-6353. tfn Vehicles for sale 1994 CHEVROLET CAVALIER, 180,000 kms., red, $3,000 OBO. 523-9001. 11-2p Wanted BUYING OLD BRICK FARM- houses and other interesting old buildings for wrecking and salvage, Ross Lumley (519) 383-2024 Sarnia;.wrecking people's homes (36 last year) all over southwestern Ontario since 1969. 11-lp WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP CARS and trucks. L&B Auto Wreckers, 1/2 mile south of Brussels. Call 887-9499 or 887-8127. tfn Much thanks A benefit breakfast for the Rob Ohm family was hosted by the Auburn Lions this past Sunday morning. Some 475 people turned out to support the young family, consuming 50 loaves of bread, 50 dozen eggs, 150 pounds of sausage and four cases of hash browns. Bob Worsell, Lions president, right, presents a cheque for $2,447, which included $978 from donations, to Rob Ohm. (Vicky Bremner photo) Four hundred and seventy-five people attended the Auburn Lions pancake breakfast last Sunday. The Lions appreciated the fabulous community support. The brt(akfast raised $2,450 for the Ohm family. The 50/50 draw winner was Daryl Batten. Monday, March 6 the Auburn Horticultural Society held a meeting at the Auburn Hall. They deicjided to paint flags and hang them on the street of Auburn and also place barrels of flowers at the main corners of the streets for the 150th celebration in 2004. Last Monday the quilters of UCW had a tie-and-quilt day with about 18 quilters turning out. The last quilt of the season was taken out of the frames on Friday. The season was-quite a success. The quilt belonged to Maxine Seers. There were a lot of quilters during the season and several new quilters, Theresa Roetcisoender, Evelyn Christensen, Grace Cartwright, Jane Glousher and Maureen Bean. Keep up the excellent work. It was a great job on the crib quilt that will be donated to the Children's Aid Society and good work on the cushion tops. Members hope to see these new quilters next year working on the big Check out the classifieds FROM AUBURN quilts. Maureen Bean served tea and cleaned up afterwards. The Auburn Women's Institute next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 18 at 2 p.m. At Knox United Church, Rev. Pat Cook's message was Time to Challenge. The spiritual readings were Psalm 63 and Luke 13: 1-9. Happy birthday wishes to Jane Hasty, Ken Siertsema, Janine Smyth, Dylan Walker, Adam Bradley Andrews, Laurel Mailloux, Lou Godfrey, Marinus Bakker, Doug Fisher, David Bere, Shawn Rodger, Donna Husnik, Lloyd Josling, Angelika Sturzenegger, Ken Empey, Gary Gross, Amanda Hanna, Jean Bennett and Molly and Sadie Vincent. Happy anniversary to Tom and Joan Armstrong.