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CALL NOW! 1- 800-201-0864. northhuron.on.ca Northern Huron's foremost source of information when you: • Need to check the weather • Need a plumber • Need to see what's on at area theatres • Need to build a barn • Need to find the money to build a barn • Need to read reviews on theatre presentation • Need a lawyer • Need to rent a crane • Need to order take-out food and don't have the telephone number • Need to find a real estate agent • Need an accountant Check it out at www.northhuron.on.ca (an online service of The Citizen.) THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 2004. PACE 15. Classified Advertisements SOUCH. In loving memory of a special daughter Sherry Souch who left us eleven years ago February 2, 1993. She had a loving nature, and a heart as pure as gold She always had a smiling face and a story to be told A terrific sense of humour and a twinkle in her eyes A helping hand in time of need on which you could rely Maybe we can't touch her hand or see her smiling face And maybe we can't hear her voice or feel her warm embrace But there is something we will always have tucked inside our hearts Our love for her; her love for us will never let us part As we often sit and think of Sherry and cry a silent tear You live with us in memory Each day throughout the year As time passes and our life does change Your place is our memory Sherry remains the same. - Dearly missed and forever loved, Mom and Dad. 04-1 Services AVAILABLE FOR HOUSE cleaning in Blyth and immediate area. Please call Donna at 523- 9855 or leave a message. 03-2 PHOTOGRAPHY - GRADUATE of Humber College's Creative Photographer program - specializing in commercial shots and portraiture. Call 887-6353. tfn BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED Continued from page 13 Remember the words of St. James, "The fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much." Prayer is important because it sends messages of love and goodwill through this mysterious morphic field. That is why people sometimes say, I know so-and-so is thinking about me. Often we have only to think of a friend, or wonder how to reach that person, and he or she would run into us on the street, or write, or phone. It is as if we are sending out mental messages, and the right persons answer them. God's world is indeed a wondrous world. Here is one more story, that of a mother who saved her baby from falling. It illustrates God's world is even more complex and mysterious than we can imagine. Sophy is a journalist. One day, when her baby was only a few weeks old, she decided to type in the next room after putting the baby to sleep. The baby was too young to roll or turn over, nevertheless, Sophy caged her between three pillows, just in WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP CARS and trucks. L&B Auto Wreckers, 1/2 mile south of Brussels. Call 887-9499; tfn FINE USED BOOKS - BOUGHT, sold, traded. The Bookery, Main Street, Palmerston, 343-4000. www.thebookery.ca Over 10,000 titles and growing. 02-eow Vebsites case. She slept as only babies can, so Sophy went to work on an article, tap-tapping at her typewriter. Molly's falling off the bed, Sophy thought, and in a flash she was down. the hall to her bedroom, stretched out her hand, and caught Molly in midair! Now this is disturbing, Sophy wrote later. The baby could hardly have known it was falling, so it could hardly have sent Sophy a message. Yet how did Sophy know the precise moment to rush into her room to save her? Was it an angel that put the thought in her mind, Sophy wondered. If so, then maybe angels are also part of this mysterious morphic field. Indeed, we are not alone in this world, we live in God's wonderful and mysterious universe. And what a world it is! That is why, week after week, we celebrate the presence of God in our worship services. Help, protect the environment Reduce, reuse and recycle In memoriam Wanted Prayer sends messages of love, goodwill Check out The Often's WEBSITE at www.northhuron.on.co Classifieds advertise ents published in The Citizen are now available on our website at www.northhuron.on.ca