HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2004-01-29, Page 14- RATES — 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 150 each. 500 will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 A ccommodation for rent IN BLYTH — THREE-BEDROOM and one-bedroom apartments, fridge and stove supplied, utilities extra. Available Feb. 1. Phone 357- 3056. 04-2 - DOWNTOWN BRUSSELS, TWO- bedroom upper apartment, $400 plus utilities. Phone 887-9007. 04-tfn BLYTH — LARGE ONE BED- room apartment, close to all amenities, $495 all inclusive. Days — 524-3394 or evenings — 482- 5545. 03-tfn ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT in Blyth. Fridge, stove and utilities included. Phone 523-4840 or 523- 9448. 47-tfn TURNBERRY ST., BRUSSELS, 2 1/2-bedroom apartment. Call 523-4581. 01-tfn BLYTH — SMALL ONE-BEDROOM apartment on ground level close to all amenities $395/month all inclusive. Days — 524-3394 or evenings — 482-5545. 01-tfn Articles for sale REPRINTS OF PHOTOS TAKEN by Citizen photographers are available to purchase. Many in colour. 4x6 — $4.00, 5x7 — $5.00, 8x10 — $8.00. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 to order. tfn Babysitting MOTHER OF THREE WILLING to babysit in the Londesboro area, non-smoking, child-friendly environment, healthy snacks and crafts. Call 523-9454. 03-2 Check out The Citizen's WEBSITE at www.northhuron.on.ca Births WILTS. Raymond and Kendra thank God for their son, Travis Samuel, born at home, Sunday, October 19, 2003 weighing 7 lbs. 3 oz. Big sister Emily and big brother Kaleb were thrilled when they awoke that morning to see their new brother. Grandparents are Ken and Judy Shortreed and Henry and Susan Wilts. Special thanks to Huron Community Midwifery Services. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. 04-1 In memoriam GLANVILLE. In loving memory of Winnifred Glanville, who passed away two years ago February 2, 2002. We hold you close within our hearts, And there you shall remain, To walk with us throughout out lives Until we meet again. So rest in peace dear Mother, And thanks for all you've done, We pray that God has given you, The crown you've truly won. — Lovingly remembered and deeply missed by your family. 04-1 SOUCH. In memory of Sherry, who was taken from us 11 years ago. I never thought the day would come, when I had to go through life without you. So many times I needed you, and many more times I have missed-you. My life is not the same without you here. My girls did not get to meet their aunt; but they know who you are! We talk everyday about how much we miss you. God, please give Sherry a hug today and tell her it's from me. I know that someday I will be able to hug her myself. We will always love and miss you. — Steve, Wendy, Tiffany and Sarah. 04-lp Please Recycle This Newspaper FARROW-TO-WEAN SOW operation near Brussels, ON requires an individual to work as a farrowing room technician. Benefit package provided. Please apply to Wayne or Paul Fear at Monoway Farms. Phone 887-6477 or fax 887- 9837. 04-1 Check out The Citizen's WEBSITE at www.northhuron.on.ca PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 2004. Classified Advertisements B usiness opportunities EVER DREAMED OF OPENING your own shop making gourmet ice cream, chocolates and candies, jams and pickles or other small- scale food enterprise? Blyth Heritage Foods can help you achieve your dream with start-up assistance, marketing advice and perhaps even financial investment. For more information contact Keith Roulston, 519-523-4792 days or 523-9636 evenings and weekends. tfn Cards of thanks DE JONG. The family of the late Klaas de Jong would like to thank friends, relatives and neighbours for their support during our loss. Thanks to all for phone calls, cards, flowers, food, memorial donations and mass cards. Thank you to the Seaforth Manor for their care and support. Thank you to Falconer Funeral Homes for the guidance and kindness. Thanks to Blyth CWL for providing the lunch and also St. Michael's Church choir and Leo and Louis Sanders for their beautiful duet. A very special thanks to Father John Johnson for the funeral mass. We appreciate your kindness. — Anna de Jong and family. 04-1 HAMM. Miss Me — But Let Me Go. The family of Kenn Hamm wishes to express their sincere appreciation to family, friends and wonderful neighbours, who helped and supported us during this difficult time. Thank you to everyone who sent food, flowers, prayers, calls, cards and charitable donations. Thank you to Rev. Dr. Eugen Bannerman for his prayers and comforting words, Rosemary for sharing her memories of Uncle Kenn and Joyce for her lovely solo. Thank you to the ladies of the Blyth United Church for the lovely luncheon following the service, the Blyth Fire Department for their prompt response and Christopher Smith and the Falconer Funeral Homes and staff for their help and guidance. Thank you everyone for your kindness and support — it will be cherished and always remembered. — George, Mary, Murray, Donna and their families. 04-1 LUBBERS. The family of the late Grace Lubbers wishes to express their sincere appreciation to their family, friends and neighbours for their help and support during this difficult time. Thank you to everyone who sent food to the house. Thank you for the flowers, cards, calls, visits, donations, prayers and kind words. Thank you to Dr. Leslie in London, the nurses from St. Elizabeth Health Care, all of the homecare workers and Falconer Funeral Homes. Your acts of kindness and support will always be remembered. — Ralph Lubbers and family. 04-1 WHEELER. I would like to thank my family, friends and neighbours for the flowers, cards, gifts, phone calls and visits while I was in Victoria Hospital and Wingham and District Hospital and since I have returned home. A sincere thanks also to those who helped in so many ways. It is all very much appreciated. — Lloyd. 04-1 Cards of thanks SCHULTZ. The family of the late Irene Schultz would like to express our heartfelt thanks to relatives, friends, neighbours, doctors and staff at the Clinton Public Hospital for their many acts of kindness and support during this difficult time. Thanks to Marion and Jack Straughan and Margaret and Hebo Siertsema for their assistance with mother before going to the hospital. A very special thanks to Reverend Cathrine Campbell for her comforting words before, during and after the service and to Mike Scott who gave a great tribute to mother in his eulogy. Thanks to those who brought food, made phone calls, sent cards, flowers and made donations to various charities in mother's memory. Thank you to those neighbours and former neighbours who made a donation to the Adult Day Centre where mother went once a week since 1988. Also thanks to the ladies and gentlemen who provided and served lunch after the funeral. Thanks to David Benchina and staff at Falconer Funeral Homes for providing all the necessary arrangements. A sincere thanks to everyone for your prayers and support, they will never be forgotten. — Donald, Clifford and aunts. 04-lp Coming events "FAITH-IN-SONG" CONCERT — Blyth Memorial Hall, Friday, February 6 at 8:00 p.m. Tickets $5 (advance), $7 (at door) or $20 a family, available at Luann's Country Flowers in Blyth. Sponsored by ABC Women's Ministry. 03-3b SNOWMOBILE DRIVER TRAIN- ing course Sunday, Feb. 8. Call 519-348-8025 to register. 03-2b HELP CELEBRATE THE Citizen's 19th anniversary at The Blyth Inn, Blyth, Saturday, Feb. 7, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Phone Melissa at 524-4345 for details. 04-lp CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL Auxiliary meeting in CPH Board Room, Monday, February 2, 2004 at 10 a.m. Come along, bring a friend. Call Marg Makins, 565- 2934. 04-1 WING NIGHT EVERY SATURDAY night from now until the end of snowmobile season at the Blyth Snowmobile Clubhouse from 5 to 11. 04-lb BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED. Farmland CASH CROP LAND WANTED to rent or share crop, short or long term. Excellent stewardship. Competitive bids. Call Peter Rastorfer at 519-347-2354. 01-12 WANTED TO RENT: GOOD cash crop land. Phone Dean Vincent at 357-4463 evenings. 03-6 Help wanted FULL-TIME MILKING POSITION available from 1:45 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. Call 519-887-6313. 04-3 FARROW-TO-WEAN SOW operation near Brussels, ON requires an individual to assist in farrowing rooms. Benefit package provided. Please apply to Wayne or Paul Fear at Monoway Farms Ltd. Call 519-887-6477 or fax résumé to 519-887-9837. 04-2 Help wanted In memoriam McKERCHER. In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Glenn McKercher, who left us one year ago on January 28, 2003. When I come to the end of the road and the sun has set for me, I want no rights in a gloom-filled room, why cry for a soul set free? Miss me a little but not too long and not with your heads bowed low, Remember the love we once shared. Miss me but let me go. For this is a journey we all must take and each must go alone. It's all a part of the Master's plan, A step on the road to home. When you are lonely and sick at heart, go to the friends we know. And bury your sorrow in doing good deeds. Miss me but let me go. — Sadly missed and remembered always by Elizabeth and family. 04-1 Eat right Exercise too Ask your doctor about a healthier 7,/ you "- 8" www.participaction.com PART-TIME ADVERTISING SALESPERSON • Are you outgoing? • Do you like to meet people? • ,Do you have a knowledge of farming and farm equipment and services? The Rural Voice requires a part-time sales represen- tative 12-15 days a month to visit and serve clients in the Grey and Bruce County area. The successful applicant needs to be friendly and outgoing. An artistic sense, or at least a sense of proportion and balance, is an asset. An ability to meet deadlines is important. An ability to work as a team with others is essential. A valid driver's licence and use of an automobile is required. If you meet these requirements we can train you for your duties which include: 1. Calling on clients to consult with them on their needs and provide ideas on how to promote their business. 2. Designing advertisements in a creative way. We offer salary plus commission and pay travel expenses. Apply in writing to: Keith Roulston, Publisher,The Rural Voice. P.O. Box 429, Blyth NOM 1H0 or fax to 519-.523-9140 The Rural Voice