HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-10-26, Page 5OD Oct. 26 1016 I" HAW, made a good many trips through Canada, lecturing in all the towns and cities from. Halifax to Vancouver and 1 discovered that the bankers, the merchants, the well-to-do firms; in fact the men who make the wheels go round, prize and appreciate Fit -Rite Tailored Clothes." --BLBERT HUBBARD Send or call foryour copy of s'A Little Journey to the Home of Fit Rite 'Faltered Clothes," w 1UenbyElbertHubbardinhesbeatveinandhandsomelyillustrated. N. E. ISARD & Co. THE STORE THAT SELLS FIT -RITE TAJLCIRED CLOTHES DIS I RiC f NEWS The sum of $102 QO was received at tho mieelonary thankofferinp in the Presby. teriaq Church at Brussels, on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Little, St. Helens, gave a good address. A peculiar accident happened to J. H. Baker, Muth concession of Grey. While attempting to take a seat on a wagon the board broke and he fell breaking his arm .t the Riese;;` The casuallty list of Friday bears the 'name'orR C. Lane among the wounded 1-Ie'is a former Ashfield boy and a ,on of Mr. and Mrs Richard Lane of Warman, Sask. Mrs. A G. Smith of Wingham, is a cousin. Mrs. Michael Downey of St. Columban, Huron road east .,was informed by wire on Saturday. evening that her son, Pte. Thom as Joseph Downey, Mounted Rifles, had been admitted to No 14, General Hospit al, 4llimereux, on October 13th, wounded severely in the leg. He is an only son, 18 years of age, and was with I. stretcher- bearers, The funeral of Win,`Watsen took place on Monday afternoon to the Teeswater cemetery. He, was one of the pioneers of Brace County, 'having peel- born 83 years ago pear pttowa, a,{;;l cot;lipp hear early ill lift=. Atter his marriage he settled on elle. farm o;e which Teeswate; is now built. In addition to fanning be conduct, oda lumber and sawmill for many 'ears, no Imo* four Sons 4141 two daughters. Juliet gkellingof Teeswater, has just re- Ceived from his yon, Will, a piece of aeppelitl brought down iu one t f the Cepent I+;nglish raids. Will Skelfing is a yoHttg' Methodist preacher who enlisted a year a.gp He was oht of l;onaon alt the tial@ gf the raid, but on reaching his ..diggings" that night beard that the air§hip was lying a wreck not far from London. He immediately started off and secured a precious little 'bit of rope wire thud steel The metals are till badly fused, indicating the Immense heat of the burn- ing ueppelin, 'Well is now, according to cable yesterday, at the bedside of his brother Harold in. hospital, after being badly wounded while trying to help a V, Minded OPtent tt, As the result of a fight at Blyth on Fair night, W. Blacktord appeared before Magistrate Kelly on Tuesday of last week charged tcith assaulting Clifford Ander. { his friends. Magistrate Kelly committed the accused for trial and he is now out on $210 hail. The meeting of the Young People's Union of Maitland Presbytery. held at Ripley last week, was largely attended, delegates being present from the majority of congregations in the Presbytery, Be- sides conducting the business in connec- tion with the Union, the delegates listen ed to inspiring and helpful addresses by Dr. Shearer of Toronto,�12e0. Jas,. •1VIc-s Kay, London, Rev. W. A, Bradley, Tees- water, Rev J. S McCullough, Cranbrook; Miss E D Rutherford, St Helens. The ladies of Knox Church Ripley, entertain- ed the delegates at a fowl supper which all greatly enjoyed. The meeting was the most largely attended and one of the most successful yet held by the Union. The meeting in 1917 will be held at Moncrief, The Orangeville Lime and Cement Copt. patty has purchased The William Gordon farm at Teeswater and purpose erecting a plant valued at $75,000 during the winter and com:ng summer, The Toronto Lime Company is engaged in erecting kilns at present, on the property purcnased from Mr. Watson, This means two large com• panies locating here inside of a year, Th quality of limestotle in this vicinity is found i11 qo place nearer than the state of phio, and is of a quality superior to that founts in that state, The C P. R, will put switches into both Jtlents, son, Plaintiff and defendant have been. -.acting as grooms for two well•known horsemen of this section, and it is claimed that considerable iII•feeling developed betwee;n,the twn °tett over the results of races in which they were competitors at 'Blyth,'- iucardipe anti Qodericlr hairs Words led to blows and •it is. alleged that when the two men "mixed it' at Myth lust Wednesday 131aekford chewed off part of Anderson's left ear. This allega- tion is stoutly denied by Blackford and d Amr •..: WEAK, AILING CHILD blade Strong Sy Delicioir.s Vinel ml•:ri+nx+, 14., i -.-` tour little girl 8 n1 <t •n c so in e rib+-elate+l: Yttts• rimeIh teiltif i ,s4 140 ri, ;Ifi$levre ce ngh ,ao t Ate 'r asrttitk and ailing ail the, time. Noting helped her until sleet tried Vino'. Thele her appetite increased and she is strong anti well, and I Witsit other patents of weak, delicate thildt t *odd try Vinni." aro. A. 1.1411$ ib 107001410 Vinol tnttttttiels beef surd: sod liver peptones, itott and. „agratttue ittntonatett `'atnd glyt fro. plsospIrattss w iclt she tussled, J. Wtt.t..',, .ta. Wt,. 1:1,, l3tttggrst, Witt ladles. Also apt the bt t,t tltuggiste Iris *11 thatlw•iuft LOVER', Wroxeter Council Wroxeter, Oct. 17th, 1016 The regular meeting of the council was held in the Clerk's office at 8.00 o'clock p. m, Members present; Fred Davey, John Douglas, John Adams. Reeve C. Reis in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read, Moved by Fred Davey and John Douglas that ice adopt the minutes as read — Carried. Tlta question of raising A H Moffitt',.; pay for running the Electric Light Plant, the Reeve reported that he could do nothing with Mr. Moffitt except that he would 3 months in the : ummer do it for 1 25 per bight steam or water. 11 was agreed to look around and see if some one else could be got at the old salary. The following accounts were received; A H. Moffitt for running plant in Sep- tember. $29.00; J I3rethauer col light and freight, $3 01; McCall Bros lr barrel oil $10 25; Alex McDougall scrubbing hall, $4.710. Moved by Fred Davey and John Adams that the accounts receiyed be paid and others drawn ou the Treasurer for the Sante —Carried. Mored by Dred Davey and John Adams that we adjourn to the 3rd Tuesday in November or to the call of the Reeve.— Ca Med, eeve.•Carried, J. 13nr:TnAuee, Clerk, Ctetk lista Position Col. lit gtt'Clark, M. 1'. for North l3ruos since 1011, bas been appoint d. to the' position of Pailit►nlet,tary Ser. retail for 1ttorttal Affairs, The otdl t in Coutcil cleating the position was passed some rr'treks ago, The duties r.f the position will involve the ast,istance of the Prime Minister in his interns, fhtil correspondence etc. Ibal.Olark to the proKrietoL." of LI e I3 sheet dlne Review and is one of tl 0 Wittiest members in the Commdne. He is of Scotch birth, a Presbyterian 1 and a perfect geutlems,es The price: of Newspapers The increase in the price of piintittg paper has become so serious that put. Ushers are getting together to devise measures to meet the situation. Many have already increased their subseript• ion rates and same h.ve been forced to suspend publication. We are advised, be Ower, by the publishers of The Family herald and Weekly Star of Montreal that for the pse3ent, anyway, there will be no increase in that paper and we are permitted to carer The -'amity Herald and Weekly Star along with Tui Wu wtnn ADVA CI for the small sum of $2125, that le one tall year's subscription to each paper. A full year's subscription to Txia ADVANCL and The Penally Herald and Weekly Star will cost only $2'2.1 pro. vided orders are received before Nov. 30, 1010, Send your • eubsoription to. this office. TUB WING II A.* Mr.ASOK GODDRiCtt i.L3AQUUS CONVENE A very euthut+iastio and well at- tended district Epwot th League con- vention was held Thursday in the Ontario Street Methodist Church, Clinton, It was the annual convent- ion of the Gloderich district in con- nection With the Methodist church.. and owing to the presence of Rev, , 0.. I3, Harris of C p China, who re resents I this district in the foreignfield, mis- eione was made the popular topic. In addition to Rev, Harris, Rev. S. T. Barlett, Sunday sobool general secretary, of Toronto, was preeept and took part in the program. The following new officers were elected;—President, Rev. Mr. Siaolair of Holmesville; first; vice-president, Miss M. Aiken of (Ioderich; second vice•preeident, Miss l'i• Wiltse of Clin- ton; third vice•presiden, t, Mrs, J. Umbel' of Blyth; fourth vice•presi. `dent, M. Savageof geafu.tbi fltt.k rites Look at Your Label A prt acber at the elm of one of hie eeruwns said; "Let all in the congre- gation who are paying their debts, stand up." Presently every wart woman and child, with one exception, rose to their feel, Thet preacher seated them and said: "Now every man not paying bis debts stand up." The exception, a care- worn, hungry -looking individual, clothed in an ink -spotted last sutntner's suit, slowly assumed a perpendicular position, "How is it, my friend," asked the minister, that you are the only naan not able to meet his obligationt't' I run a newspaper, he answered, and the brethren here who stood up are, nay subscribers, and— Lst us pray, exclaimed the minister. If this question were asked in your congregation, what would you do— the damaging clfect of sun, snow, and stand up or sit still: Look at your rain. J Wel now, president, Miss M. Irwin of Olinton; secretary -treasurer, Miss Hattie Lavie of Clinton; di4lict representative, iter. 1Y, Oonwity of Auburn. A -Polster H ere aro a f. w questions every faro;•• or should answer satisfactory:—What a••e you going to do with your farm implements this faUi' Are you going to leave your plow and harrow on the summer fallow ,lust where you unhit' chetl. before the harvest? Do your in- tend to leave the rake and mower in the last field wbieb you cut? Will you draw the binder up near the stable take the knife out and the canvas cif it and leave it all winter? If you do you are wasting your money, Keep tae implements you have purchased with hard earned money, away from Worid.Record Beating ileus Oetario's Agricultural College at Unalpt', bre proa.uced, according to the records to the hands of the Uepalrt• went of Agriculture, a world -record. beating ben, For some years now the poultry branch at the college has been specializing upon the breed of poultry both for eggs and meat production. During tho past year one member of the !lurk laid :,fill eggs, This is the greatest number of eggs laid by any hen of this breed in ane year, so far es official world's records are obtainable, The world's record for egg•laying for bens of all breeds is 311 eggs in a year, and the Ontario champion had ten days of her twelve months stilt to go when she fell a victim tothe heat and suddenly departed life. Her demise is believed to have spoiled a new world record, since to the time of her death she was laying an egg a day as regu- larly as clock work, Page Five Jamestown t3, , No. 30, Jalueotown, Sr. 4, exam, In Aritb., (rant., t,eog. and Nature Steady, Total ;140 ltettia `Purvey 3l'), Christie Forrest 297, Ulna Ramsay 265. Jr. 4, Roby lt:ernal;han 273, liparliug Johnson 272, Vcrria Johnson 203, Sr. 3, Genie Robertson 261, Anna Wheeler 254, Gordon Moffatt 247, Stewart Snhlilie 243, Janet Miller 195, Ciract• Kernaghan 173. Jr 3. Robin Catnpbel1322, Louise Fraser 307, Margaret McDougall 301, Duncan McDougall 282, Mabel Johnson 260, Laura Johnson 253. Greta J. cluneir 229, Jessie :Messer 193, harry Robb 184. Jr. 2, total 350, Dunelda McDonald 334, Vert Sellers 325, Bessie Campbell 321, Floe. enc Eckmeir 318, Campbell Robertson 296, Clarence Johnson 285, Harold Thom- as 266, Jean Messer 237, Earnest 1'argea 195, Willie Peacock 183. Pt. 2. Stanley Moffatt, Pt. 1, ilxcellcnt, 13thclJohneoa, Lizzie Robertson. Good, Clifford Remo gnarl, John 'ivDougait, Velma licktneir Pearl ,Johnson. Trafalgar 1)ay Pond $7.15 I3, Hoses. MCK[BBON''S ,2 �� Drug ,Store The Plan ledtca, Drug Store Example You pay the regular price for One Article and then we give you another of t h e Salva Article for Buy one tube Rexall Antiseptic Tooth Paste ' at the regular price of 25c. and we will give you another Tube for One Cent THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OCTOBER 26th, 27th and 28th One Cent or 2 for .26 This ONE CENT SALE Plan was originated by the United Drug Company for the Rexall. Drug Stores. They are the largest manufacturers and buyers of Toilets, Remedies, and Drug Sundries in the world, and this is an -advertising plan pure and simple, of which they bear most of the expense. Instead of spending money . in the regular way, such as Free Samples, etc., it is their desire that we place full sized packages, or articles, in your hands, giving you an opportunity to judge the real value of these goods, the cost of which they charge to advertising. We will only be permitted to run this sale occasionally. So take advantage of this opportunity. Extra Special 200 Cups of -, Tea ..for 1. Cent 3REEN'S BRITISH BLEND TEA )OC PER PACKAGE 2 PACKAGES FOR 51( B:,x of Toilet So ip (3 cakes) clf'l, ,1 '4,4 i`igars 2 for- ,26 2 for .11 Perfumes ana Toilet -Waters We, bot. Intense f°l, s26 Perfumes .. , a 50c. bot'. Intense Perfumes .... 2 for .951 $1.50 oz. of Valle9(01,1.51 de Fleurs Perf. At $1.50 oz. of Para- 2 for 1.51 lis Perfume .. $1.50oz. of Patti- 2 for 1.61 nette Perfume 75c. oz. of Opt 2 f 0 6 Perf. any odor. or 75c. bottle of 2 Toilet Water.. for 76 Rubber Goods Red Rambler Hot Water Bottle 2 qt. site and guaranteed perfect Regular $ 2.0 0 2 foe 2.61 each ,....... 2.50 Red Rambler Fountain S 2 t yrlugc, cit. 2fof' 2.51 51ZC ...,,,... 2.50 Roxbury Ladies' Bulb 2f"2,51 Sy rings 3.00 American Beauty Ladies' 21°r 3.01 Syringe .. 50o. pr. Stmshilie Rubber G1ovu 2 -' .17 171 Sc R'abbf'r Ti„`.crto for tflgr4..olc .,,. z46 aby + for ipples......,. 6 IOc, vaisparellt 2 for 11 Nipples ► ► .. , S,a�iy.'"nye W « .jyy%� fes, �{�y�j MLoppc s.. •-. s'.f MY -^ Miscellaneous Specials 5c pk. Sulp:iur..2 °t .6 5e Lead Pencil.' 2 for 6 toe 'bottle .. 2 for ,11 � Vanilla 103 pk. Turkish 2 for '44 Dyes IOC pk: Toilet 2 for 11 Paper 2for, 26 2for,31 2 for,5l 250 Pelmas t'. . 30e lb Mint Candy 5oc lb. Choc°- . ates 50euxtrees B Cascade Linen Stationery 101b. Cattle Salts . for .25 6 lbs Sulphur for .25 Full lino of International Stock and Poultry Specifies at extra rpecial prices for, 51 Household: Needs R.e>eall Beet, Whme and Iron 18 a favorite Tonic and General Sys- tem Builder. Reg. $1.00 per bottle. n 2 fol' 1.01 'Se. Rexall Corp X11 slit 2 f°7' .26 50e. Rexall Kidney Pills 1tiill relieve your 2 Backache `t xetio jimegamoecikteootammam, f0r .51 25c. Rexall blackberry Cordial for 2 Diarrhea f°r .26 25e, Rexall White Liniment for Aches and 2 Pains 50c. White Lith- 2 f°l, . 5 1 meat . 50e. Rexall Digestive `Tonic will torte up 2 your system. . 1.00 Rexall Di- 2f07 1 01 gestive Tonic. • for .26 ✓01' .51 25e. Rexall Little 2 fo7..26 Liver Pills.... 25e. Carbolized Zine Ointment na eed u s o holt- 2 for .26 25e. Rexall Eye Wash 2 for .22 6 50c. Analgesic Balm 2 for .51 30c. Rexall Special ry foe, .51 Ointment .l 25e, Rexall Foot 2 for .26 Powder 75c. bot. Beef 6 Wine and Iron 2 for . 25e, bot. Syrup fo14 of Figs ..... , , .26 25r. bot. White +7t . 26 rine and Tar.. e4, 03 • 75c, bot. of Syrup 2 for ,Pie (1,iypplhs 25of bottlepoliosLinseeited, 1 VP 'Licorice and +� for .26 Turpentine .. 2 25e. bot.Extraet of 2 for 2f6 Wild Strawberry • 25c. bot, Ilkay's Cleaning " ."Isla 2 •for •6 25e', 'tt1b Flka;�a'c R a t alit- Pod4116 tor. Gla._, 2,a;.al 2 for' 26 Douehlt ...... 50c. Llkay's Canty trio Laxative .. 2 J 51 50c. Blkay's Ms- 2► for e 1 terdpo, rtiro... d, Rexall Violet Talcum Powder Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup is amust pleas- ant and effect- ive remedy for Coughs, Colds, and all Bron- chial3rrltatlona 25r. Bottles is a Velvet, Smooth, Absorb- ing 1~'awda with tt delightful, rc- freshing 0llur, and suitable for either toilet or nursery. 2 for .26 25e, Wilson's 11o$o 2/0). 26 Talcum Powder • Pearl Tooth Pew' er Is a fine, fragrant, soft, . delightfully flavored powder which cleans the teeth, prevents decay and sweetens the breath. You owe it to the children to teach them the necessity of using Pearl Tooth Powder morning and night] to preserve their teeth which means so mach to their health and personal appearance in later years. 210.26 ,mac, Bottle; — 2 f°7' .51 81.00 Bottles... 2 for 1.01 25e, Pexall Char- 2 f coal Tablets . ore 26 6 $1,00 Eexall Syrup of Hypo • phosphites, a good general 2/0).1.01 Tonic 25c. Rexall Heal- 2 f.26 ing Salvo or 23c. Rexall Stomach and Liver • Pills 2 for .26 30c. • Rexall Nerve 'Tablets make you for r1 sleep better $1.00 Rexall Tasteless Cod Liver �Oil Com - 2 for om-2fU7' 1,01 pound 50c. Rexall Blood Tablets put red blood iln2 your veins , .. , 23c. Rexall Car belie Salve... , 2 fol' .51 fUr .2,6 50e. Gastric 'Tablets relieves f01, . r 1 distress .... 2 50c. Il.exall Lesperine Antiseptic Powder 2 0'7..51 Stationery 25e. box of ' Inverness Lawn. Stationery 2 for .26 25r, box of Balmoral 'Linen Stationery 2 for .26 10e. College Green t Writing Pads.. 2 fpl, p � 10e. Royal Linn. ry Writing Pads.. 2 fol' t' 1 lOo. pk: Linen 2 for 11 1 n velnnes Regular 25c. each 2 fOr.26 Drugs 23e. bot. Peroxide of Hydrogen , . 2 f °r •26 40c, bot, Peroxide 2 fol, 41 of Hydrogels , , • 50c. Bland Lana- 2 f°�, - tive Tablets... 25e. Bland Laxa- tive Tablets... • 23c, Blaud rand 2 for M''aiiganeselabs. .26 256. bot. Aromatic Cascara 2 fp7 ' .26 23e. box Cold Tablets 2 for .26 2 for .26 2 Pr .11 2 for .11 2 f°7• s 11 2 for ,.11 2 for.11 25c. bot. Wilson's White Liniment 10c. Styptic Pen- cils 10c. Pk Salts 10e. Pk, Bicarb 10e. Pk. Powdered Borax 10r. Pk. Poli dercd Boracic Acid Epsom Soda .Toilet Preparations 25c. Harmony Rose Talcum Boyd. Fleshor .,. 2 for26 25c. Rexall Tooth 2 for 26 Paste . 2 for .51 2f°r.26 2 f&r ,26 2 for .51 2 fU7• .26 2 f0?' .26 50e. jar Rexall Cold Cream... 25e. Cake Medi- cated Skin Soap 25c. jar Nice for perspiration .. 50e. Violet Dulce Face Powder .. 25c. rake Tar Shampoo Soap 25e, Rexall Baby `Talcum 25e. Violet Dulcc 2 f ebb Talcum Powder °r .tG, 25c. Witch ]+faze - Cream 2 f°?• •26 25c.26 bot. Almond Cream , 2 fvr . The � amore ORDER BLANK Write your order now. Bring it with you when you come. J. W. McKIBBON "EYE SPECIALIST" WINGHAM, - ONT. .«...«................. 00.64..««..........,. .......e«..•444.40.0.e, ....... ....