HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-12-24, Page 24"*" TO OUR FRIENDS IN GODERICH, 'DUNGANNON AND NILE May the Christmas Season bring kty and happiness and the New Year be filled with God's richest blessings dP Sincerely Rev. and-Mrs. R. C McClenaghan Who is he that conderaneth! It is Christtit tried, yea rather. that is risen again. who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us,. Vtaterefore God bath bietty f,v-dted Him, and given }lira a name which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven. and things on earth. and things under the earth: and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ I Lord, to the glory of God the Father. "OUR WARMEn CHRISTIAN GREETINGS" ELMER and JOHN Elmer Limbach Discount 'tarmac Many Faiths Observe Christ's Birth It is customary in , the United States to celebrate the birth of Jesus on De- cember 25th, the date ob- served by the Roman Cath- olic Church and most Prot- estant denominations, but' not all Christian faiths ad- here to that date, ROYAL .DOULTON FIGURINES e wish you all at this time of A plentiful measure of Yuletide cheer! COWAN'S GROCERY STORE Physically disabled hel by rehabilitation services Payitil Woods The act uaL restOring tit a good .regenerating 4:te tt",...er in an ungiroked torat IN what rehahiritation Is. all ah.otit.. • ‘then tt conies t4a re-tiahihtation Of the phi%sicart%.' handicapped. the tkka EN t4t get the dis..t ,1,ed person, tuck- nits* the inainstreatn.„. copirit.t. 14%-hah04.tattvrt fv1/4.--te• kitz tetttrttuktt creople wh)..% h.ite .tattered 'totite.-. kind of ttn:y.--icar handic.ap hack to thetr forrttr lifest‘te rut- if that\ iritro,..,,tNe, to. .asstst th,zra top ,a art tub rrew tut SCHMID/ jEWELMYA AND ap. Tilt osta- eau alta. WATCHES BELLEEK BLUE MOUNTAIN POTTERY BONE CHINA, TABLE SETS DIAMOND RING SETS • COSTUME' JEWELLERY RADNOR CHINA FLORALS ritli Winter emphasizes the edlucatiertal team aspect Of relmt,itittattiotrit- • In Otis.. maw professionats join together to work with gratients anti their fatu- ities towards achieving the hest restttN ' In' Bethlehem, Christ's birthplace. the Roman cele- bration begins on Christmas Eve. December 24th, high- Iii,Theshted by the traditional Midnight Mass.. and contin- ues on Christmas My_ The. Greek Orthodox 'Church, • however„ observes Januar! 7 as Christmas Day, mark-, ing the occasion with sinni-i lar ceremonies, January lath and 19th are ,the dates for the observance in • the Armenian Church.. The three faiths have their own churches and chapels 'within the Basilica of the NativitY in Bethlehem and each observes Christ- MIMS on its own day with services in the Grotto of the Nativity at the exact spot where. it is believed. Jesus was born_ TFre separate observances _ "For God so lovpd the world, He gave His Son. Who is He ? are . bolstered by a long hts- tory which ecumenism may find it difficult to erase. For centuries the Churches dis- puted possession of the sanctuary, originally built by the Roman Emperor Constantine in 330. and pre- cedence in worshipping there. The Greek Catholics . took possession of the build- ing in 1672. The Roman Catholics have shared it since the mid-19th cen with the Greeks. Anne have their own chapel and monastery in this city of about 25.000 population. Since the different ob- servances all involve num-. bers of celebrants,.s- stow, traffic con . and other civic problems, the authorities of Bethlehem and the surrounding area would be just as happy if Christmas were celebrated universally on one day, but it is unlikely that such unroltrotity will be achieved soon in the face of the in the face of the Churches' different tradtions, LARRY AND ROY FP str..te_ rettabiritatioreb Just abs.nit arrathx1)., who ha-. tinder...tone sorne reutsi1/4..-at tratirita annpittres, ritrapiegtcs. • whose touer. knit*, are rttt..11...,fe.k.ti, qiiadrartegis. trtkoi,e With art ' four hurt,. pura- h.edi. peog;le ha%e •tliftzred strokes. fractures, s:pinat inittrtes. or certain Corr ns of arthritis., Nun Winter., the Ontario, ‘Iinistr% eat iie-arth-s. 'senior consultant in rett,thilitativrt, saes: that Env-du:at. rebahitirarion this [vv.% ince ate wider % a%airahtez at:lint% the% consist iotf phi.sicitheramt.. oc- Cur-,itionar therara... spetc-h the.ragm, -tad , Pftv.i.kIthrarrk. utilizes eNe-r-cises., heat t.rearinents: and electritz-at •4tirrt- tiratIon to help patients 'ret.r.ain strength and mohilito a.nd retie%c quirt trt atreQtcd tarty c.)f the t-okb.. Occitcrariorral ther,irtsts teach „irpropriare Ntititt pent -, an,t other work tivtris to help portent• ritain niobttitq and ,;-ength and aki,.) to, relearn the o cr ,, Ines .of 11%ing — how to ,A)4.4 a. meal tram a wheelchair. for nst ix: e. People who surfer art unpaired ri I kr \ to 0..,Imn-rtintc.ate arikt ;"".. disorders. are taught spett:h' ,teal communicatiorti t•.% speech theroptsr.s.. white worLt:ty as:4st ratierir, Jfl their farrithesto r-eadittsr to a rtteatt- atgful wa4 of laic. NttkAstr Ontario hos.pirals: otter sorne rehahilitatton set%tt...-es: tin :id-- dloort, there are rive regioriat reha- hilitation centre. in the pri.r.tince that accept patterns. for tritensiue re,idential treatrnent. There are atst.). tc crippled. children\ treaniterit entre-, in Ontario and two /Aa- r:merit facilities, one in Toronto and. the other in 'St Catharines. Atceording to ,Viss Winter. the secret of etrecti%e nzhahilitarik.)n tti to ',tart it as soon a' possihle. Moist ot the ser%ices can he made aisle ts% refe-rral from. our ph%st- ,:tart, ati4f %he ad% Nes. 4 nor to be af"olt.t consult Lour ritm,,ietan: if oti feel Char one or more seruices, might he helpful Ete.sides tits imporrance of's:tarr- ing earl% to 71,7'e-store to ;toad' TODAY'S HEALTH OWNERS -- W JOS. AND DEAN E. AGNEW PHONE 5284532 LUCKNOW For tmto us a child is bora, unto us A Son is viven: and the government shall be upon' His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful. Counsel/or. the mighty God. the ever- lasting Father, the Prince of Peace.. In the beginning vras the Word. and the Ward was with God. and the' Word was God. Who being the brightness of Ws glory, and the ex- press image of Wis person and upholding all things by the Word of Ins priwer, when He bad by Himself purged oar sins, sat down on the right hand of the•Maiesty on /40. • Isaiah 9:6„ John 1:1, Hebrews 1:3. Why Did He Come I came not to call the righteous„ but sinners to repentance. To Him give a the prophets witness that through His name whosoever believeth in Rim shall receive remission of sins. 'Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name tinder heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Jew saith,unto him, I am the way, the truth.' and the life: no maU cometh unto the Father, but by Me. • Luke 5:32. Acts 10:43, 4:12. John 14:6 Where Is He Now 7 Romans 8:34, Philippians 2: 9 - U