The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-12-24, Page 15/ust
is last minute
check. Santa wants to
make sure every detail is
just right so you can have the
merriest, happiest Christmas ever!
' s ti
Christmas brings to mind
the peacefulness and wonder of
.the Holy Night when
Christ came into
Be,:t irlshes for Chrism*
We're delighted to have this opportunity
to send the season's best wishes
to yon. Have a Merry Christmas.
Help your
guests live
for next
year's party.
by !NNW Woods
So you're going to be the affable
I ho7host again this Christmas'?
And everyone knows. anent mix a
lethal martini, and - some of last
year's guests. L'Ouldn't •even , remem-
ber where they pro their cars: les a
miracle they got home at all,
They were lucky...Many. drinking
drivers never do make it home —
.esp&ially ;pt this time of yew_ Rut,
as a host, you shouldn't trust to
luck:, rather, you -should galag an
active part in ensuring • yOur guests"
safety_. How"? Ry reiL-vignizima, that the
festive spirit doesn't all come out
of a bottle. • •
Talk. Sing, Mingle with . friends,.
• Celebrate. Give. Thai's what the
Christmas spirit ovi.ehr to be altvattr,
and surely it daesnt take being
boozed to the gills to achieve it_
Not thaty the host has to be
Scroage-,Hlike• but WS • possible to
offer alternatives to akoholic bever-
ages — tomato juice 4i.?Ir perhap,„ 3
ton-alicoholic.- punch:. • When it comes to pouring WM-,
holic beverages, 'yotere of doing
any favors by doling out random.
generous amounts. keep • party
drinks to measured one-ounce shots
—and evert reduce theirsize. while
increasing. the amount . of mix, .as
the evening wears ore. . '
At some point in the party, serve
foal 'or coffee. or biath... Contrary
to popular opinion, neither will
sober up a drunk, but .at least .coffee
. or food will take him away . from
'the booze . . and allow his body
to metabolize. sortie of the alcohol
it has 'consumed. • ,
As a further inducetnen t to this
process. the good host can also en-
gage in benign neglect of guests
who glasses appear constantly
empty. And for the last hour before
your guests are ready to leave. re-
Wain from serving any alcoholic
If you' need help in der.idinewho
goes home under, their own steam
— anything more than two or three
drink swill impair;ability to handle
a car safely. If you need reassur-
ance that you're right to deter any-
one who's had more than that
amount „.. remember that the
drinking driver and. his car form
a potentially suicidal — or homi-
cidal — combination, and that
more than half of all auto accidents
irn OntariO- involve alcohol,
Having remained sober yourself,
you should be in a good position
to disiern who's capable off driving
home. Be tirru: take the over-
boozed guests 's car keys and put
him into a taxi., arrange for a lift
home or put him up for the night.
He may not like it. but hell. be
thankful „ and hell have a far
better chance of getting back to
your place next year.'
For that Christmas gift,. we
which will be apiieciated all
year long, give a new or renewal
subscription to The Lucknow Sent-
inel. $S' per year in Canada. $10
for foreign.
You only look
as good
as you feel.
litsgss- bt yaw hero "ma harm h't right,
43 Names For
Health Council
Various organizations and local
councils in Grey and Bruce have
submitted a total of forty-three
nominations' for the proposed
District Health Council in Grey and
According to Mr. F. It Bagatto„
chairman, of the Steering Connit-,
tee, sixteen nominees will be
selected by the Steering Committee
and the names submitted to the
Minister al Health for approval.
At a meeting November 26, at
the Chester Canadian Legion.' all
nominees were • invited to be
briefed on the concept of District
Health Council. In explaining the
concept to the forty-one persons
present., 'Steve Skorcz, the Area
Planning Co-ordinator for the
,Ministry of Health, explained that
the Council will be a consumer
dominated body who will partici-
pate in the planning of new health
care programs for Grey and Bruce.
the Council should establish
priorities and determine the health
needs 'of the district and match up
the needs with the resources
available., The Council should have
as its planning base not the
concerns and needs of the facades
or specialized programs, but rather
the needs of the total population in
its geographic area.
Sixteen of the nominees will be
selected by the Steering COmmittee
and subMitted to the Minister of
Health for approval. There will be
eight nominees from Grey County
and eight from Bruce County with
approximately seven consumers of
health care., six providers of health
care and three representatives of
• local governments.
The meeting was 'told that in
selecting the, sixteen. •nominees
consideration will be given in order
to achieve a geographic representa-
tion throughout Grey and Brirce_
lAlsO the Health Council will' have a
balance in terms of age, sex and
social economic backgrounds of the
members. It was noted that the
Steering Committee should be able
to make its selection no• later than
,1anuary 1976 and that the District
Health Council should be appoint-
ed through ad Order in Council no
later than May 1976.