The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-12-24, Page 12Ern anew and e b th o try WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24,, MS Ladies Aid , MONTGOMERY MOTORS We re wishing that you'li enjoy Karnak and pewee/ your heart, &side this Christina& It's 0117 of saying thank yen fora - truly fine relationship. gi p . A gida exchange was Itte'.td sr:r. W.ev, &WW1* tel. &VW ItVee LANGSIDE NEWS 'The Lang4de Lnffies Atc their amend* meeting en da)1ti evernitiq at the bleme ko.- Geerge Young itm Wimigh_uart Mrs. Ruby de the it Will) thg: , vitearshrpSengAtthe TV-INV% ii%erd I1):;‘ Mrs- Jean Ydezzg 134 "-Voila dke-Worid— Tie meditatien was ginecti &Boer. Ms. Mann an* Viiscer abet- tichidt hymn bolsimess"r* Petit/413'1ms psesented with a cup and •sarl.rk:t.r , whiete Ileanda:barzatiT7 The cal , cal %was triftiOtte • amid ete 446,.q., retteiVied Ifeadtber T warn- vira$ ms by mirs,._ Manias IN. I 11.32 viert stalmr& Lathes Aid. tt112 siorilfamt. Mrs- de Beet meeting viii-§ith a prayer after deheiters Emmen visas sertevi 6 „,1 its: Oz. ess and3 her ciEmtlehter it _Ern etr rked 4t tea the craft trees_News and Views illiae„Jiziontkur Sithifor *John G444-"Til* From Huronview 4laik lk"'PittA:" Gm6" •sartag, Corilsommas amovalbeirs, „ alkwrig VOCain OWN., dims all9d ihrsartarmemazah_. Sikvettii, was trivt.(ee tor .awe 117411neli, peuvozonzo Pra.i.mr4 tfiTkozo tibe" warded 4115 the SL-sauitec Baud and da.sata ttxxiala slim% Cantor *inked o emzer vtalt- grols, fawn =inters on whom aaEC eine • 41311:,21 -lima the' L.146'es. Lormiestivilko 147.4.1=4L-Eds. 111114-- mark vot-ate bomb, foxy likNottralirtm hirdhaliak. intF .0402. WaNfititrt-sakT4 alizeolowta vsizta tratimkti-tta brat moot-lane, Ohs trtrom title ties. Mum- 1-04421ata w.as canctce 14 Erilts,tWailtl 4Pif twat] No 44,41, 1?0F %Timm- Filavis ipirsowl (Itioers r. GI& lictealtr amid. Gtizattwitme. Mato:. ummultiz kolvt:z-aca and guitar ‘1441:kkitlii47011, Gam Ilk* :rte siste-a- • w cltatnr.mas Nirts.s Mal:4 itormictr_ 'sato 111,&-tr noiro4.1,4•-ntrottb Ettiatibta tom 11;6t14.-- et:1*km- 11 eytteaktitia ttIhr appmeio-- 111m olbe trtrstutk-roTi, rho, tiEhivspe: ltkilTuzd mxtirgim Mux11,1,4 tK*. Elzats zhe xs.k.-,4111% akttle -41.342. tad a etctio.5 Chri,zuracs -54.c.rmt14.-tz wet.lk • aramr,o.carl Eltroze CA-rrh_ Doreotilln:5 PatkR,t y :soma Sirtiarp Catzta dkvanrwarn- mad an al le wog= Etny FtriAbeikk- atrA8 ibbitamiti "Pr.eicitsk --Aft** zed %it* tthc wilemoofima fictria46 and that'll) .44 obi" Ctrs %tore. grolx-Nmzetti tutusw ltric • s. PirowaNt_ ,47.mnutualli klair4wklk-",• Fair JalaktioririligutiVa 441= V4404441y atia4 am. etottentaiimed .4.= Fah* , Nizelatt, The Jittartiwir eibsiod Ft-1)2 and : ',1111 1% II • "V- axe alt,, *MOTO ehe bribigar, vow- that 1%7.4 s As we' cod this joyous occasie of the birth off the Christ ChM,. Eel us Trememlber especia4 the. the world REMEMBER 81Ella V088 Bite CROSS TO HELP t ti 404 ozo th-zt First Christmas, May their e today. Let Us Kum! Altliaer SOX CrEatataiS III' NSW Vats. aigttt sum tts zit The gliM12z, is tbdil us diving 0sEau. , 'WOE rake %I) tar fammi ;7%, YR pm aa aural centewsadialit in your mask eke bar a GAL m sA that peace arid timefirstart-01 orswill prevail among men H. & IL DISCOUNT and