HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-12-10, Page 7ry
9 A.M. TO S P.M.
HALLO. Annual Meeting Held Last
Week At Toronto, Elect New Officers
!R 10. 1975
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'The annual meeting of the Fed-
erated Women's Institute of Ont-
ario was held in the Lord Simcoe
Hotel, Toronto on November 24th
- 28th. The president, Mrs. Herb
Maluske, Chesley welcomed rep-
resentatives from 32 subdivisions.
Eight were new incoming Board
Directors. During her work in the
year, she had brought greetings
on behalf of the F.W.I.O. on many
occasions. Mrs. John A. McLean,
Nova Scotia, president Of Feder-
ated'Women's Institute 'of Canada,
paid her official visit to Ontario
during the Officer's Conference at
Waterloo University last spring.
Mrs. Parker Rockwell was the
award winner of the Grace E. Fry-
singer Feliowship, from Troy.
Michigan, USA and Mrs. Maluske
spent several days with her when
she was in Southern Ontario.
This year F.W.I.O. had a -"Rest
Spot" at the Royal Agricultural
Winter Fair. Women's Institute
members in attendance at the
booth found it a pleasant task con-
versing with the many visitors.
1090 signed the guest book
The Secretary, Mrs. Earl Mor-
den of Rodney, stated in her re-
port that there are 1,278 branches
in Ontario with a membership of
30,544 with 2,800 life members.
Mrs. Harvey 1Voblitt, Ottawa,.
resolutions con' ever, dealt with
the disposition of the 1974 resol-
utions. Mrs. Gordon Sherwin, Balt-
imore, first year board director, is
the new appointment to the com-
mittee. The International Scholar-
ship report was given- by Mrs.
Charles Fetterly, Hearney. A note
of appreciation was received from
Mrs. Ines Appolis, for a grant of
$4000, who is the appointment for
the South African Home-maker's
club. An UNESCO gift coupon
project 569, for $1000 is to be used
fol.Leadership training in Gilbert
and Ellice Island. A 'further offer
to another agency such as Cana-
dian International Development to
match $1.00 for $1:09 for the devel-
opment or training of people.
A most encouraging report of
the Erland Lee Home was given
by chairman, Mrs. Austin Zoeller.
The Lee-Home is situated gt Ston-
ey Creek, and is owned by the
F.W.I.O. He was co-founder of
W.I. with Adelaide Hunter Rood- . less of St. George. This is a, con-
tinuing WI' prOject, and had 3200
visitors over the summer months.
Ontario W.I. week will be May 30
to June 4, 1976 and branches are
encouraged to arrange for bus ,
tours during this special week
when displays and demonstrations
take place.
Delegates were appointed to the
-F.W.I.C. National convention June
1976. Mrs. Robt. B. Weber, Bloom-
ingdale, presented the report of
the Officer's 'Conference held at
Waterloo' University. The Con-
ference, 1976 will be held May 4, 5,
6, for President - and Public Re-
lations Officers at Branch, Dis-
trict, and Area Level. Mrs. Weber
was presented with a Life. Mem-
bership in the Associated Country-
wornen of the World, in apprecia-
tion of the excellent service, and
organizing work of the Officer's
Conference. Her successor will be
Mrs. Russell Campbell, Iona
Other F.W.I.O. officers elected
were President, Mrs. Herb Mal-
uske, Chesley; Secretary-treastir-
er, Mrs. Earl Morden, Rodney; .
Public Relations Officer, MrS.
Harvey Houston, Lucknow;. Re-
gional Vice PreSidents, Mrs. Fred-
die Wellman, Stirling; Mrs. 'Gor-
don Papple, Seaforth' and Mrs.
HarVey Spry, Mindetrioya.
Thursday evening the executive
and Board of • Directors were
guest's of the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food at the Royal
York, Toronto. Deputy Minister
of Agriculture, Gordon Bennett, in-
troduced Head table guest Ken
Lantz, assistant Deputy Minister,
who introduced the newly appoint-
ed 'Minister of Agriculture & tOod
for the Province ,of .OntariO, Hon
Wm. Newman, Pickering. 'He paid
tribute to his predeceSsor, Wm. A.
Stewart, and to Miss' Helen Mc7
Kercher, for their work over the
- years and their contributions to
the people of Ontario. Mr. New-
man pledged his support to the
Women's Institute,, who have done
much, to make rural Ontario a
better place to live. young people
must be encouraged to make
farming a way of life and keep
the family farm a viable and
strong business operation. Mrs.
Maluske, F.W.I.O., expressed ap-
preciation of those present.
The session adjourned at noon
on Friday to meet for the semi
annual spring board meeting at
the Lord Simcoe Hotel, Toronto,
April 5th .L• 11th, 1976.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw of
Windsor spent the week end with ,
his parents Mr. and Mrs. Elroy
Laidlaw and her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Jima Johnston,
Paul, Ruth Ann and Carol Ann of
Listowel were Sunday visitors with
his mother Mrs. Gershom Johnston
of Wingham.
CongratuIa0ons to Douglas Ross
who was sent by John Deere Plant •
from Blyth to Montreal for a 2 week
course. He will be returning home
this, week end.
-Mr. and Mrs. Relison "Falconer,
Lynn, Paul and Brian of Sarnia
visited on the week end with her
mother Mrs. Stacey of Wingham
'and on 'Sunday all visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Mowbray. Mrs.
Stacey is accompanying them to.
Sarnia for a week's visit.
We are sorry' to report that" as
Mrs. Donald Morrison, Mrs. Bill
Willis.' and Mrs. George Gibbons
were returning from work at
Listowel that they had the misfor-
tune to be in a •car accident. Mrs.
Willis and Mrs. Gibbons° are in
Wingham Hospital and Mrs, Mor-
rison at home.
Clara :Milligan spent the week
end with 'her friend Beverly Bell of
2nd concession.
On Friday and Saturday Mrs.
Gershom Johnston of Wingham
accompanied Mrs. Ted Robinson
and girls of Donnybrook to
Kitchener where they visited with
Mr. and Mit. Jim Robinson, Mr.
and 'Mrs. Stewart Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. John Liddle and- family.
On Monday Mrs. Gershom
Johnston and George Grigg of
Wingham visited with Mrs. Lois
McMichae: and Bruce :of Seaford!,
and with , Mr: and. Mrs. Charles
Wood and Sylvia of Egmondville.
Mr. and Mrs:. Arnold Lougheed
of Niagara Falls .called on her
parents Mr. and Mrs. George
Fisher and attended the MacKen-
zie Funeral Home,. Lucknow, for
her uncle, Duncan Simpson.
We are pleased to report that
Miss Annie Kennedy returned on
Saturday to her home from
Wingham Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss of
Plattsville were Friday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs, Ben McClenaghan.
Ben was released on Friday from
the hospital;
John Carruthers of London was a
Friday visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
George Fisher.
Bill Webster is now a resident of
Pinecrest Nursing. Home in Luck-
now.- The community here are
going to miss his visits.
Mrs. Earl Caslick was a Sunday
visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Conley and family of Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and
family of. Hamilton spent the week
end with her parents Mr. and Mrs..
Bill Caslick and Patsy. On Sunday
all had dinner with Dr. and Mrs.
John Willis and family of Kincard-
Visitors throughout' the week
with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenag-
han and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan at
their home and Ben McClenaghan
at Wingham Hospital were on
Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin
McClenaghan, St. Thomas; Tues-
day,: Rev. and Mrs. Clarence
McClenaghan of Paisley; Saturday.
Mrs. Eileen Parker of Exeter.
Mrs:. Tom Pritchard and Stephen
were Monday visitors with' Mr. and
Mrs. Carl McClenaghan.
' Miss Joyce Tiffin of TorOnto
spent the week end with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin ,
and Miss Janet Sleightholrn of
Holyrood W.I.
Mrs. Raynard Ackert was host-
ess for the, Christmas meeting of
the Holyrood Women's Institute,
which begariwith a pot luck supper
in a lovely" candlelight setting.
Following the delicious meal the
president, Mrs'. Bill. MacPherson,
Toronto spent the week end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Elmer
Sleightholm. ,
To celebrate Mr, and Mrs. Dan
Tiffin's 31st wedding anniversary,
Miss Joyce Tiffin took them to
dinner at Goderich and on Saturday
evening Mi. and Mrs. • Douglas
Tiffin, Mi. and Mrs. Bevan Tiffin
and Joyce took them to Mitchell for
an evening of entertainment.
Whitechurch Women's' Institute
progressive •euchre party was held
Monday evening, December 8;
with • eight tables in play.: Prize
winners • were: high lady, Mrs.
Short; high gent, MrS. Thelma
Falconer; low lady, Mrs: Gordon
Rintoill; low gent, J. St. Marie; ,
lone hands, Jim -Wilson. The
committee, Mrs. Garnet Farrier,
Mrs. Dave Gibb, Mrs. John Currie,
Mrs. Victor Emerson, served
Mrs. Annetta Jantzi of Milverton
and Mrs. Eliiabeth Klochman of
Millbank were SUnday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and
Miss Annie Kennedy 'of Wingham..
Mr. and Mrs. Mac, Inglis of
Highgate were week end visitors
with his brother Alex Inglis and his
mother Mrs. Tom Inglis and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore,
Linda, Cindy and RiChard were
Sunday visitors with Mrs. Dorothy
Moore and Torn of Brussels. •
J. D. Durnin of St. Helens was a
Sunday evening caller on his aunt
Miss Annie, Kennedy Of Wingham.
extended, a welcome and the
meeting opened with the Ode and
the Mary Stewart Collect.
The roll call was "A Christmas
Verse". Mrs. 'Lorne Eadie gave
the treasurer's report. Mrs. Gerald
Rhody was appointed 4-H leader.
An invitation was read from the
Brownies to the Institute to join
with them on December 17th at' 4
o'clock. A donation will be given to
help with the Brownie work. Mrs.
Jack Scott gave some , information
regarding a Foster Child.
At this time ' the program
convener, Mrs_ P. A. Murray.
presided and Christmas Carols
were sung. Mrs. Raynard Ackert
then gave an interesting report' on
the area convention which was held
at Owen Sound • and MrS. Bill
MacPherson and. Mrs. Frank
Maulden gave some highlights of
the Rally at Whitechurch, where
some of the members from here
assisted with the program.
The ladies went into four groups
'according to their, birthdays.
January, February and March was
a huMorous skit by ,Mrs. P.A.
Murray, Mrs. Ellwood Elliott and
Mrs. Frank Maulden. April, May
and Jiine were Christmas Carols by
Mrs. Jack Scott, Mrs. Bill Mac-
Pherson and Mrs. Bruce
July, August and September were
Carol titles acted by Mrs. Raynard
Ackert, Mrs. Lorne Eadie and Mrs.
Alex Percy. `October, November
and December was "Away in a •
Manger" sung by Mrs. Ernest
Ackert Sr. and Edna and May •
Boyle. Readings were given by
Mary Eadie.' Mrs. Jack Scott and •
Edna Boyle.
Mrs. P. A. Murray thanked
everyone after which Mrs. Bruce
Colwell and Mary Eadie gave out
the Sunshine Sister gifts and each
Member received her new Sun-
shine Sister.
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