HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-12-10, Page 1Burial Here
Mrs. Robert (Mabel) Lyons, 82,
died , December 1st in St_ Peters-
burg, Florida.
The funeral service was held at
MacKenzie Memorial Chapel in
Lucknow. on Saturday. at 2 p.m.
with temporary entombment at
South Kinloss Mausoleum.• Final
resting place will be Greenhill
Bob Helm Passes
Robert Helm of Lucknow died at
University Hospital in London on
Thursday, December 4th., He was
74 years of age,. '
The funeral service was held at
MacKenzie Memorial Chapel in
Lucknow on Suhday, December
7th. Temporary entombment was
in South Kinloss Mausoleum.
Greeting Issue
Plans Underway
Plans are being completed for
the annual Christmas Greeting
issue to , be published by The
Sentinel 'on December 22nd.
In this issue, business people of
the area take the opportunity to
extend Christmas 'greetings and
good wishes to customers and friends.
Most' business places in .the area
have been contacted to date. If you
have been missed, please contact
the Sentinel at once, 528-2822 and
reserve' space in this final issue of 1975.'
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Santa . Claus Parade, Free Films,
Free Treats, Free Skating
All Planned For Saturday
$8.00 A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra To U.S.A.
Single Copy 20c 24, Pages
Killed In Car-Train
Accident Near Port Elgin
Fire Does Heavy Damage
To Herman Riegling Home
A car-train accident early last
Thursday morning claimed the life
of 20-year-Old Gertrude Veldhorst
of Ashfield Township.
Gertrude, a nurse at the Owen
Sound Hospital, had been visiting
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hank Veldhorst in Ashfield
and had been notified by the
hospital that she was to report for
work on the 7 a.m. shift Thursday.
With the winter weather uncertain,
she had decided that she would
Make the trip to. Owen Sound late.
Wednesday night..
She, was travelling alone in her
new autoniobile, purchased on
Monday of the same, week, when 'in
collision with a train on Highway
21, a mile south of Port Elgin. • The
car struck the side of an' oil tanker
car . on the train travelling to
Douglas Point. Police reported a
snowstorm in the area at the time.
The entire conimunity was
saddened by the tragic accident.
Gertrude attended Brookside'
School after her parents came, here
from, Drayton about nine years ago.
The family reside on the foriner
Graydon Ritchie place, north • of
Arnold's Store at Lanes.
Following her elementary school,
Gertrude attended F. E. Madill
Secondary School in Wingham and
Owen Sound School of Nursing
where she graduatekin July of this
year. She had also passed her
registered nurse's eXams.
She is survived by her parents;
Hank and Gertrude Veldhorst, four
sisters, Henny, 22, employed at
Pinecrest Manor, Lucknow; ,Ina,
21, employed in the office of
Canadian Tire in Goderich; Diny,
17 and Nellie, 16, both at home.
Friends called at the 'MacKenzie
Memorial Chapel in Lucknow on
Friday evening. The funeral was•
held Saturday at 2 p:m. at Lucknow
Christian Reformed Church con-
ducted by Rev: Ted Hoogsteen of
Blyth. Temporary 'entombment
was at South Kinlos Mausoleum.
Pallbearers were Bill de Boer,
Henry Jurjens, Adrian Van Ropy-
en, Don Cameron, Peter and
Murray Van Veen. •
As expressions. of sympathy,
donations were received for the
Student Nurses' Fund at Owen
Sound General and Marine Hospit-
Senior Pupils
Present Concert
The senior pupils of Lucknow
Central Public School: presented a
two act play "When Santa Forgot"
at the school on Friday evening,
December 5.
Jim HawThorne introduced 'the
play. The characters in the play
were: Father, Donald de . Boer;
Mother, Marilynne MacIntyre;
Grandmother, Rosemary de Boer;
Sue, Alice Vander Klippe; Tommy,
Ray Cunningham; Maid, Caryn
Nicolson; Tabby the Cat, Michelle
Edwards; Neighbour Cat, Karen
Young; Santa' Claus, Rob 'Hender-
son; Mr. Smith, Mark Abbott; Mrs.
Sinith, Jackie Beasley; Sam, Don-
nie Greer; Kitty, Sandra Irwin; Joe,
'Charles Dadson; Kathy, Judy
MacDonald; Bonnie, Lila Purvis;
Other children, Darren VanBoven,
Colleen Adams' and Randy Hayes.
The pupils presented piano
selections while • the audience
gathered. Jack Whytock played
the violin during ,intermission.
Musical numbers by GradeS 6,• 7
and 8 students were directed by
Mrs. Plant and Mrs. MacDonald,
teachers at the school.
Poppy Fund Up
The annual Poppy campaign
conducted by members of the Royal
Canadian Legion and Ladies Auxil-
iary netted $329.00 as compared to
$291.50 last year.
It was interesting to note that
more money was donated by the
public from boxes placed in schools
and public buildings than by door
to door canvass.
Three Sisters In
Car Accident
North Of Goderich
Three members of an area family
were hospitalized after a two-car
crash Thursday night on Highway
21, about (two miles north of
Norinne Brindley, 20, of R: R. 6
Goderich was taken to University
'Hospital in serious condition.
Her sisters, Robena Brindley,'
29, and Nancy Brindley, 17, also of
R. R. 6 Goderich were removed to
Alexandra Marine and General
Hospital in Goderich in satisfactory
The three women were occu-
pants of a car which was in collision
with a vehicle driven by Andrew
Beastelaar, 46, London..
The London 'man was treated for
minor injuries.
Goderich Provincial Police Con-
stable 'Philip Gingerich said the
accident occurred about 6.20 p.m.
just south of the intersection of
Highway 21 and Huron County
Road 25.
Top Jr. Horseman
Kent Alton „11-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Alton of
Lucknow, was the recipient of the
MacBell Holstein Ltd. trophy for
the most points in the junior horse
events at the Teeswater Fair.
Kent was presented at the
awards night held in Teeswater on
Saturday. He retains a small
trophy for himself and- keeps a
larger one for one •year.
Gaunt Named
Chairman Of
Liberal Caucus
Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. for Hur-
on-Bruce, has been named chair-.
man of the provincial Liberal party
Jack Riddell, M.P.P. for Huron-
Middlesex, has been appointed
agricultural critic, for the party
replacing Mr. Gadnt who has held
the agricultural post for some
Lucknow will have a lot to offer
this Saturday, December 13th, the
day of Santa's annual visit to the
Sepoy Town.
/ -
Santa's visit is being arranged by
.the Lucknow and District Kinsmen
Club with financial assistance by
the Lucknow Businessmen's ASsoc-
The Kinsmen plan 'to have a
parade of a number of floats
including a number of costumed
characters. They are still seeking
additional fioat's and would wel-
come all entries. Santa will ride on
a float by himself and will be the
centre of attraction, no doubt. The
' Fire, breaking out about 10.30,'
a.m. Monday, completely gutted
the 11/2 storey frame residence of
Herman Riegling on Campbell
Street East, Lucknow, opposite the
Treleaven Mill. He was not at
home at the time of the outbreak.
Firemen found the house full of
smoke upon arrival at the scene
with the fire spread throughout the
partitions and walls. t Smoke
Barry. Johnston, 31, a Holyrood
area farmer, was acclaimed presid-
ent of the Bruce County Federation
of Agriculture at .the federation's
34th annual meeting and banquet
Saturday evening of last week at
the Ripley-Huron complex.
. 'Barry will be no stranger on the
executive, having served a year as
vice-president and two as second
vice-president. The major project
of the federation in the upcoming
year will be the International
Plowing Match scheduled for the
Walkerton area in 1976.
Joining him on the executive are:
Brian. Ireland of the Teeswater
area, first vice-president; Eldon
MacKinnon of Paisley, second
Over 200 farmers attended the
meeting which was the first major
banquet held in' the Ripley-Huron
Guest speaker for the meeting
was the entertaining Bruce McCall
of Brussels. Things- hurting the
farming industry according to Mr.
McCall are inflation and the fact
that farmers are not putting across
their side of the story to the people.
Farming is the most efficient
industry in the nation., according to
Harry Nixon Dies
Harry Nixon, of Lucknow, age
85, died Friday, December 5 at the.
Wingham and. District Hospital
folloviiing a 'short illness.
The funeral was held Monday at
the MacKenzie Memorial Chapel '
with temporary entombment at
South Kinloss Mausoleum.
prevented entry to the house for
some time. They were at the scene
until 4.30 p.m.
Fire Chief George Whitby estim- •
ated the damage at about $15,000
with the building and some
contents almost a complete loss.
According the the fire department,
the fire originated on the main
floor, under a stairway.
the guest speaker. Where one
family used to run one 100 acre
farm, most now run three or -four
with increased yields.
Outgoing president Bill Wolfe
discussed many of the problems
associated with an income .protec-
tion plan for farmert.
Problems include the• protection
of the inefficient farmer under such
a scheme and the possibility that
such a plan would lead to quota
Mr. Wolfe also wondered if there
The annual ChristMas Greeting
issue of the Lucknow Sentinel will
be .dated 'Monday, Deeember 22nd
in order that all subscribers will
receive delivery before Christmas
This means 'that next week will
see two issues of the paper
published, the regular issue on
Wednesday, December 17 and the
issue .Scheduled for the following
week will be printed by the week
There will be'no issue, as is the
Custom, 'immediately following the
Christmas paper. The next issue of
The Sentinel will be on Wednes-
day, January 7. 2
Copy deadline for the Christmas
Greeting issue is Wednesday,
Deceniber 17.
parade will include the Lucknow
Concert Band and will leave the
east end of the village across from ,
Bud Hamilton's at 1 p.m. Entries
are asked to be there at 1130.
A number of short comedy films
will be shown at 2.00 'p.m. at -
Lucknow Central Public School.
There will be a treat for the
children following the show. Small
children not attending the show
may visit Santa at the school
immediately following the parade.
As well, at the Lucknow arena,
free skating will again be provided
by the business association for
those Who may want to spend the
afternoon skating.
Barry Johnston Elected President Of
Bruce County Federation Of Agriculture