The Wingham Advance, 1916-09-28, Page 8Page eight
Remember our display of New
Fall and Winter Goods just' as new
and up-to-date as' the city stores.
Get one of our now Catalogues.
Prices right.
Reliable Goods
HA'NA CO. hiVe
S Phone 70.
Perhaps never befor e was there a better oppor-
tunity for you tv save Inc ney on all fall and winter
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes and Clothing. The
great advance in cost of most all lines is right here.
,This is your last thanrce to buy at these prices.
mmawas smasmosimisonommi
Dress Goods .
for $1 a yard
We have most all i►fre
shades in all wool «(01st
dye" Dress (;foods, better
than the $z quality 'to, -
day, Sale $1 per y ell
$2.5o DressG,aods$1. 26
75c Velvets 48 c yd
$l Velvets 75•'e yd.
Shone Valu es
Men'' good heavy work
ShOC'•P,, extra Val me at
1t per 'pair $,.2 9 8
' Ladies' Shoes only
$1.98,Q $2.50,
r $2.`98 and $3.19
Sample Shoes
on Sale
We have a 'lig assort
went of Children's, Lad-
ies' and Men's Shoes, all
at Sale Prices.
All Summer
Goods at Cost
.6 lbs of Quaker "Roiled
Oats for 25c
:3 bottles Extract 25c
2 lbs Best Raisins 25c
'G' roodGreenTea,only 2 9
3 pk Corn Starch ` 25c
:3 pk Corn Flakes 25c
,'Comfort Soap ' 4c
Mill Ends
1Mill! Ends Towelling
" Flannelette
` W.Trapperetto
Table !,able Linen
nu These Now
Buy Here
It will pay you to buy
at this store.
Ladies' Hosiery 9,19c,
25c, 35e, SOc
Children's Heavy Fleec.
ed Hose 25e a pair
Ladies' Heavy Vests,
only . 29e per pair
.Ladies' $5,00 All wool
Skirts . $2.9 8
25cFancyVelours for 19c
M/+.MI....e*.3eyA .,11 .--,- e. ftWebritl..11
T ...O
MAIO Iii I+ 00X.14
The many friends of Mr, and Mrs.
William J. Cole, S;h con. of Beet Wa-
wanoeb, will extend to them their
deepest sympathy in the loss of their
infant daughter, Mary Lillian, aged 5
months and 20 days. The funeral was
held to 13randon oemetery .on Wed,
nesday afternoon,
Mr, Alex. Qoutts received word on
Wednesday morning that hie sister,
Mrs, Harry liei.tb, who has been. ill
for some time in Victoria Hospital,
London, passed away on Tuesday
night. Mrs, Coutts, sr., was with her
when she died. Mr, Alex Coutte left
on Wednesday afternoon to attend the
Bt,ATItlee LILLIAN Lome:seen
Sargt, Gznae Lockman, of the Salva-
tion Army, who moved from here to
Preston a few weeks ago, returned on
tkienday to bury his infant daughter,
whose death took place on Saturday
at Preston. The funeral took place on
Tuesday to the Wingham Cemetery.
Capt. Huband and staff of the Sal-
vation Army Corps conducted the
services, Mr. and Mre. Lockman have
the sympathy of a large number of
Roe= You a, Ste.
There passed away on Sunday even-
ing,one of the pioneers of Morris twp
in the person of Robert Young, sr..
Deceased was in his 88th year and a
MEM of vigorous ennstitution. He was
born in County Down, Ireland, In
his early life ho went to Glasgow,
where he worked at his trade as a
weaver and came to Canada nearly
fifty years ago, settling in Morris,
where he has continued to reside, He
was a life long member of the Presby-
terian church and in politics a Liberal.
He leaves a grown family to mourn
his lose. His wife predeceased him
some years ago. Funeral was held to
Blyth cemetery on Tuesday afternoon.
Rev, Mr. Boyle conducting the ser-
St. miens.
Corn -cutting le the order of the day.
Rev, Mr Little spent Tuesday after-,
noon in Wingham.
Mr. M. Collins of Dervie, is spend.
ing a few days In and around St. Helene
Arr.. Dave Todd treated his daughter to
a nice Newcombe piano.
An old and highly respected resident
of East Wawanosh passed to her Eter-
nal Home on Saturday last in the per-
son of Sarah Jane Deacon, relict of the
late James Perdue. Deceased was in
her 70th year and was highly esteemed
by all who knew her, She was a life-
long member of the Anglican church
and Rev. W. B. Hawkins, rector of the
Belgrave church conducted the services
at the house and grave on Tuesday af-
The late Mrs. Perdue was born in
the County of Lanatk, and came to
East Wawanosh when a girl of four.
teen. Her husband predeceased her
about twenty years ago. The family
consisted of nine children five, of
whom survive viz., J. N. Peidue, V. S.
of Blyth; A. N. Perdue, V. S. of Clif-
ford; Mrs. Joseph Chamney and Mre.
David Chamney both of East Wa-
wanosh and Henry T. on the home-
stead. The funeral was held from the
residence of her son-inlaw, Mr. Jos.
Chamney at whose home she died.
Interment was made in the Wingham
cemetery and a large concourse of
friends paid their last respects to the
Pte. R, Robinson of London, was a
week -end visitor at the manse,
Mise Edna Woods is spending a few
days in Lucknow.
A number from this burg attended an.
Hive Teary service in Calvin on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Guest and fam-
ily of Kinlough are visiting in and around
this burg,
Misses Mary and. Myrtle Little left on
Tuesday to visit friends in and around
Mies Collins Clark Is spending a few
days at Kintail.
Mrs. Hugh Rutherford is visiting with
friends in Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Miller and family
Miss Mary and Wilhemine Rutherford
motored to Pine River on Sunday and
spent the day with Rev. and Mrs. Chas
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton of Listowel,
are guests of Rev. and Mrs. Little this
add Belgrave
The Patriotic Union Prayer meeting
will be held in the Methodist church next
Friday evening, Rev. Mr, Boyle will give
the address.
Children's services were held in the
Presbyterian church last Sunday. Rev.
Mr. Boyle preach ed splendid sermons.
Mr. and Mrs, John Wightman spent
Sunday with relatives at Ethel.
Miss Garrett of Wingham, has been
visiting at Mr. J. 14 Van Camp's.
Anniversary services will be held in
the Presbyterian church on Sunday, Oct.
8th. Rev. Mr. Smith of Hensall, will
A large consignment of peaches were
received here by the Farmers' Club
They came from Beameville,
The Women's Institute met at the
home of Mrs. Jas. Taylor last Thursday,
There passed away at her home in
Kinloss township on Sunday, Sept.
24th, Eliza McBurney, relict of the
late John Charters, in her 85th year.
Deceased was born in County Down.
Ireland, and came to Canada lixty-
three years ago. She was married to
John Charters in Dundee and they
journeyed to Kinloss and hewed a
home in the bush on the farm on which
she died. Mr. Charters died stout
twenty years ago. Their union was
blessed with eleven children, ten of
whom survive, viz., John, Samuel,
Jasepb, William, Mrs. Scott and Mrs.
Longman, all of Montana; Mrs. Mo-
Burney in Alberta; Mrs,John
Camp -
bel, of Whitechurch; and MCP John
Walters of Culross.
Deceased was a devout Christian
aid a member of Whitechurch Pres-
byterian church. Rev. Mr. Little of
St. Helene, conducted the funeral ser-
vices on Tuesday afternoon. Inter-
ment was made in the Wingham
A former resident of the 5th line,
Morris township, but for year in
Vanderbilt, Mich., has gone the way
of all the earth. The Otsego County
Advance, of August 31et, gives the
following particulars, which will be
read with interest'by relatives and
friends in this community:—Alexan-
der Campbell, one of earliest settlers
of this village, died at his horde early
Saturday evening, Mr, Campbell hoe
been quite poorly for the past year,
The funeral services were held Tues-
day forenoon from the home, Rev. J.
Royle officiating, Interment was at..
Gaylord, where his wife was burled
about 4 months ago. He ,leaves four
sons and one daughter, to mourn his
Ion, Hugh, a farmer living near Gay -
1 ird; Calvin, President of the Cami •
bell Stone Quarry at Indian River;
Archie, a train man near Bay Oily;
Colin, a Conductor of M, 0.1Z. R. at
Detroit, and Maud, a teacher at home.
Mr, Campbell was born in %Clugston,
Ont. At a very early age be moved to
Huron County, Ont., settling near
5eaforth. In ln
b he married Isabella
Smith at
Clinton Ont.,
, and settled
near Motive, Ont. where they re
eidod until 1818. when they .Moved to
Gaylord, Miob„ which viae a email
hamlet and the terminus of the M. 0.
It, it. In 1881 the family toned to
eo rk l p Cheboygan Co 141icb.
T owb g r
where Mr. Campbell Was poet•hnaeter
for a number of years aha Justice of
ahe moved to'
EGG .. ft ,.
he Peace. In 1803 t
until his
- bill here he reeled it i
'Vander w
All as a hatrteted
Mr. Calx! lh t
death w
pr o Silver L T nt Cl'embe f a e e }ivr . T"hn kf wANTEDio
M. at Wolverine.
(Correct up till Wedneeday noon.)
Wheat. new 1 20 to 1 25
Flour, per owt., patent4 40 to 4 60
Flour., per cwt„ family13.80 to 4 00
Bran, e n
a per W 02 CO, 27 7
P t
Shorts, per ton. , .... , 000 to 20 CO
(Lite, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 00 to 0 62
Barley0 00 to 0 85
Hay, new . 9 00 to 10 00
Butter, per lb—Dairy0 24 to 20
Eggs, per dozen , . , .. , , , '1 33 to 80
Cattle, medium butchers 7 00 to 7 25
Cattle, butchers choice8 25 to 8 50
Hoge, live weight .,,11 75 to 32 00
Lamb (owt) 9 00 to 1u 00
Hams, per lb... ... ,,,,, 028 to 0 30
Bacon long clear, .. ,, , , , 0 25 to 025
Sheep Skins , , , . , . 1 00 to 1 15
Hides . 11 00 to 11 00
Blue vale
Mr. Nelson Thornton is visiting
friends at Canfield,
Johnson's Ladies' Aid will hold their
regular monthly meeting at the home
of Mrs. Wm, Moses, the first week in
Remember the sewing bee, the first
to be on Oct, 4th for our soldier boys.
Mr. and MCP. Geo. White of Blyth,
visited at the home of Joseph Breck.
enridge Thursday of last week.
The corn cutters have been making
good work filling silos in this vicinity. '
Mr, and Mre. Frank Nichol and two
children of the 6 h line of Morris,
Sundayed at Mra. Nichol's old home,
The Women's Institute meets next
month at the home of Mrs. Ed. John-
ston. Good papers on making jellies,
pickles and marmalades by Mrs. R.
Black, and "Home and Country" by
Mrs. E. Johnston.
Mr. George Graham of Goderich was in
town Monday.
Mr. Jabey Walker a former resident of
town is visiting in this vicinity.
Miss Dorothy Tierney left on Monday
morning for Toronto University.
Mr. James Sims has been laid aside this
couple of months through illness and is
not improving as fast as his friends wish
Dr, Perdue attended the funeral of his
aged mother, who died on Saturday
Sept,23rd she passed peacefully away at
the home of her daughter Mrs D Cham-
ney, East Wawanosh.
The Ladies of the Methodist Church
packed and shipped a large bale of quilts
and warm clothing for the fire sufferers up
in'New Ontario.
The remains ot the late James Redmond
arrived on the evening train, Friday from
St Joseph's Hospital, London. Deceased
had been in declining health for several
months and the end was not unexpected.
He was the eldest son of the Late John
Redmond of Westfield. The remains were
laid to rest in the R, C. cemetery Monday
Don't forget Blyth Fall Fair Tuesday
and Wednesday Oct. 3rd and 4th bigger
and better than ever. Blyth Band has
been engaged for the evening of the first
day and will supply music on the grounds
on Wednesday. Speeding in the ring is
one of the special attractions, the Direct.
ors are sparing no time to make this fair
the best.
Blytit tax rate is struck at 24 mills on
he dollar.
Harvest thanksgiving services will be
held inTriuity church Oct 8th, Rev. Rural,
Dean Fatheringham of St. George's
Church, Goderich will be the speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Begley of Blyth,
announce tate engagement of their (laugh-
er Lela, to Mr. J, H Jackson of' Uxbridge
son of Mr and Mrs. A. C, Jackson of
Auburn, The marriage to take place in
JEFratax—In Turnberry, on Monday
4 ,
Sept,25,.hoMr. and, Mrs,
Jt•fftay, a t
DAVIDSON—KING—In Turnberry, on
Wednesday, Sept. 27th, by Rev. D.
Petrie, Miss Estella King, daughter,
of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. S, Xing to
Mr. William R. Davidson of Morn,
M 13LT. -- lilt EJ— In Winnipeg,
0A t L To I
Saturday, Sept. 0 lieu Dr.
on S turday, S rs ,1 10th, by ,
Christie, Mr. I•i. F. Campbell, s'on'
of Mr. and Mre. Alex, Campbell of
Wingham, to Miss'lbrrie.
Being unabla to roeuro help pp I have decided
t.o diewntinuc horse
atter September
30th. Will be pleased to take Bare of Four
wants, M far as I am Able, In general iton re'
Wring and weed*orlic, n Xlor,>rtlts
Royal Jewel
has a fine polished top, heavy
Ere backs, heavy grates, heavy
body with thick asbestos lining
and well constructed oven.
Is unsurpassed in working
Over 50 stoves to choose from,
Hardware n Stoves
Alt roads lead to Wingham Fair on Fri.
Will Forrest of Detroit, visited during
the past week under the parental roof.
D. Perrie returned from the west sooner
than expected as the climate did not
agree with him.
Allan Cameron returned from London
Saturday evening accompanied by Geo
Raymond and son, Frank, Miss M. Foer-
ster and Miss M. Cameron, the trip being
made in Geo. Raymond's car.
C. W, and Mrs. Keeling of Cargill, re-
turned home after spending a couple of
weeks at the home of A. J. M. Helm.
Mrs F. Smith and Miss Marjory, and
Calvin and Earl, returned to their home in
Kelwood, Man,, after spending the past
two months at the home of Jacob Long.
Clarence and Allan McDonald and Miss
A. Cheyne, who have been visiting at the
home of Geo Campbell returned to Tor-
onto last week.
Mrs. Bell and daughters ot Glanford,
are visitors at the manse.
Geo Siemon will be prepared for the
cider making next Thursday,
MISS Beth Wallace returned to Toronto,
after spending thepast twomonths at
the home of Mrs. Menzies.!
Public Notice
NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will
be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voter's List
Aot, by His Honour the Judge of the County
Court of the County of Huron, attbo Township
Hall, Bluevale on the 6th. day of Oot'ber 1916,
at 10.30 o'olook in the forenoon to hear and
d termine complaints of errors and omissions
to the Voters' List of the Municipality of Turn
berry for 1916.
Dated this 14th. day of September, A.D. 1916.
Clerk of Turnberry
Ree ,
1A.tet Dereham, ltloglandedOro, Sept, 0,Hospital'16
To the Wingham Advance and people
o i.n. gham:
A short time ago I was wounded
near Ypres but not very serious and
before leaving France for Bligbty 1
promised my brother Harry, who is
likely better known in Wingham than
myself, that I would write the people
of town and tell them how be liken:
fihtin Ha was g w e on a week in the
trenohee up till the time 1 saw him and
he rather liked being a soldier. A. S.
a1, told me that Harry was one of the
best men they had and didn't know
what fear was. He was always say.
ing to me in letters that he wanted to
get at Fritz.
It was sure a surprise to us when we
met only a few hundred yards behind
the firing line, in foot the both of us
were nearly speechless.
1 was bit in the right log and ,both
hands but I am pearly well again and
hope to be out in Flanders within a
couple of months.
They sure do use a Canadian soldier
good in this hospital, if I was living in
the beet hotel in Canada I couldn't be
treated any better and the people of
the town of Dereham use me so good.
I have to go out to tea every night in
the week to someone's place and I
can't get out of going, "no" wont work
for an answer.
Now about our Canadian nurses in
the hospitals in France and Belgium,
There is more credit coining to those
dear girls than any one knows about
and until they get wounded some of
them are in danger of shell fire at all
times end how they do enjoy doing
their work and never do you hear one
say "she is tired." They are one of
the greatest blessings wesoldiers have.
[ have been over one and a half years
in the trenches, Oar hospital condi-
tione are improving every day.
Best wishes from Harry and myself
to all in Wingham and we hope to
come home again soon.
We are sincerely yours
305082 Harry Coutts,
40 Battery, 0. F. A., 8th Brigade,
B. E. F., France,
15407 W. J. Coutts.
Red Cross Hospital,
East Dereham, Eng.
Per W. J. Coutte.
Notice is hereby given that a Court will be
held, pursuant to tee Ontario Votes' List Aot,
by His Honour the Judge of the County Court
of the County of Huron, at the Town Hall.
October,1 1 2
Win hath on the hilt dayof 9 G at
o'clock in the afternoon o hoar and etermine
complaints of errors and ommissstonsin the VM •
ers' List of the Municipality of Wingham for
Dated this 14th day of September, A. D.1916.
JOHN N. Gaovss,
Clerk of Windham.
111111111111111111•1111. 11111141•09.
Store Closes at 7 p. m.
Have you tried
This is a very delicious corn,
binationi of Spaghetti, Tomato
Sauce and Cheese, It melon a
delightful meal, and is decidedly
Reasonable in Price
5P er tin or 3
for 25c
15e per tin or 2 for 25o
You'll Like e It
Send along yoitr order for
1.........1111111011110 NOW
Mrs. David Scott is visiting among
her friends during Mr. Scott's absence.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Bryant of Hut -
lett, spent Sunday with their mother,
Mrs, Wray.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cole have ti e
eympatby of the community in the
loss of their little daughter who has
been very ill for the past couple of
Mrs, Baker of London is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Alliston,
Mies Sarah McDougall is visiting
friends on the 10th of Wawanosh.
Rev. Parnaby attended several of
the missionary and financial district
meetings throughout the Wingham
and Goderich district last week.
Don't forget Winghanl fair Friday,
Mrs. John Armstrong has returned
home after a three weeks' visit among
friends in Thesselon, Bruce Mines and
Sault Ste Marie,
Inspector Tom visited the school thi
Mr. and Mise Weir of Winghan
spent a day with Miss Sproat thi
The Anniversary services at Brick
church on Sunday were taken by Rev.
Durant of Teeswater, Rev. Parnaby
taking his work in Teeswater.
Harvest Thanksgiving services in
Anglican church on Sunday Oct. let.
J. A. Brandon is visiting his piste
in Drayton.
Seigt.-Major Ca.„rrek of the 180 h
Battalion, London. was home for the
week -end.
Miss Annie Armstrong of Lang.
side, spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. A. Fox.
Mise Jean Dawson, who last week
underwent an operation for appendi-
citis, is improving as well as can be
Mies Edythe McGregor of Luclfnow,
spent Sunday at the home of her sis-
ter, Mre. M, Ross.
On Sunday, Oot. 1st, anniversary
services will be conducted at Tiffin's
church by Rev, J. W. Hibbert of
An old resident of Kinloss passed
away on Sunday evening, Sept. 24cb,
in the person of Mrs. John Charters
Deceased took a stroke of paralysis
a veral months ago from which she
n e v e r recovered. Mrs, Charters'
maiden name was Eliza McBurney,
and she was born in Ireland over
eighty year e ago. She is survived by
t n chi drer.:—John and Mrs, Jos.
o urne of British Columbia; Sam-
uel, Joseph, William, Mrs. 8 cott and
Mre. George Longman of Montana;
Mrs, John Wa'tere of Culroes, Mre.
John Campbell of Whitechurck and
Richard at home. The funeral was
held on Tuesday to Wingham cemet-
Corn -cutting, is the order of the day,
A taw from around here. were present
at the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
Patrick Gibbons on Sat, last, "Con.
Mrs, Wm. !Groomer and family of 'i'or
onto, are emending a few weeks with her
mother. Tars. James now, sr.
e so-i'Y p to report the death of
1Saturday i
airs. s. Perdue of Satu dy a et .
The a
t froth her daughters reside
onnera(lefce Mrs, Jos. Chamnty'son Tuesday
or Wingham cemetery.
, Thursday, Sept, 8, 1916
Thursday and Friday
of this week
You are invited
. .
to make our
store your
Leave your
and meet
wraps and parcels
your friends here. .
Sole Agent Mee" FOR
.n1►11111111Il pr('heli!!B(((ill(((Alli)IIIIIIIIiI'nIminillilllllmlllmirntflrlllllli l
Fall and Winter Hat Shapes, all the latest
styles, special price . . . . 15c each
A large collection of Millinery Trimmings, in-
cluding feathers, quills, velvet roses and a lot of
others suitable for trimming, Special pace 15c ech
Boudoir Caps, special . • . 10c each
Overall Aprons, special 39c each
Fall and Winter Underwear for women and child-
ren • . 15c, 20c and 25c per garment
It will pay you to look these over at these low
Chair Seats at a big saving
3 layers of perforated wood will make your old _
chairs look like new, special price Fair Day' 1Oc
Just arrived 500 copies of the Latest Musk, In-
cluding a lot of new patriotic. Best ever publish- -
ed. Come in and look them over whether .you buy
or not. Special price . , 15e per copy
11111111LUlli611. llll Lliliiiii1111
Prayer servicewill be held in
lican church on Thursday evening.
Mr. J. Gibson has begun makttlg
butter for the season, making on
and Friday of each week.
Miss Grace Stalks who has
ing her parents left for 'Toronto
The village and surrounding
are to have a thorough canvass
.to raise money for the Red Cross
The services in the Methodist
will be with drawn next Sunday
count of the Anniversary services
Salem appointment.
the Ang
bean visit
this week
on ac-
friends in
a call to
a very
at her
at the
the house
r to th
City this
A very pretty wedding is taking piaci„
on hursday of this week at olevet
o clock, when bliss Mable McDowell be•
tomes the bride of Dir. George Snell o
Guelph Junction. The bride's dress is
of ivory satin, with lace trimmings, Mist
Minnie Snell of Auburn played the weddinf
march. Rev. Mr. Conway oEftciated, it.
the presence of about 00 guests. The
happy couple will reside in Guelph Juno
1'h: lunetal of the late James Redtuour'
took place on Monday morning to St
Mrs, R. Ramsay of Guelph spent the
past week with friends here, before leave
ing for Indiana where she Intends to make
her home,
The girls of Westfield inet at the home
of Miss Maisie McDowell on Saturday lasi
and presented her with a handsome brass
jardiniere and address,
Mrs, Wm, Taylor of Mildmay is visilhtf
friends here.
-p "i*
Mr, and Mrs, W Wallace, Toronto
with friends here last week.
Mrs. Jos. Hall is the guest of
Wingham this week.
Rev, Mr Gibson has accepted
Sunderland, and he intends moving
this week.
The mitered of the late Hazel
Septth n Michigan who died 0 i M h
p g
largely atterided Sunday afternoon
home here,
Mr, and :lira, R. Murray
home after spending some time
home of Mr Jno. Mulvey,
Mr. N. McNeil hae purehated
lately vacated by Mrs. Peterinan.
There will be no service lit the
hero next Sunday owne
lee Churchll
A nivtrear at Salem.
n Y
Me. W. 11, Irwin went to the
Mrs, John Bush visited friends neat
Teeswater last week,
A nutpbe;' horn here attended the
funeral of Miss -' to e
Iia el Newton of th
18th con, of Howikk!List Sunday.
A few farmers of this neighborhood
chi ed hos last Monday.
pp g
nothehnber the Anniversary servicer
.Oct.Oolet,ai 11 Mad
next 4utuay,
7 Also'the fo r on Mon
roar. fowl supper
dayevening,cTherewill be
Uot, 2 d.
epichef, clo”. *nd other innate. At1
miselon 35c and 25e.