The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-11-12, Page 2We like to know our customers
by name! •
Lucknow District Co-op
PHONE 5284024
$300.94 Rain
For Unicef
150 Attend District. Agricultural Weft
Meeting Held Lost Week In .Lucknow
• \
Subscription Rate, $8.00 a year in advance
$2 extra tO U.S.A. and Foreign
Thinald C. Thompson, Publisher
y Town" ® On the Huron-Bruce Boundary
-SO'cond Class Mail Registration Number 0847
Established 1873 — Published Wednesday
hionibor of the C.C.N.A. and O.W.N.A.
w Junior
Farmer Group Has
out 50 Members
The third meeting of the 'West
Huron Junior Farmers was held on
Monday, November 3 at Brookside'
Public School. Minutes of the last
meeting were read by Mary Anne
Alton, Business was taken care of,
then came recreation supervised by
Dan }forth', Michael Hackett and
Brian Arnold.
This is a new' Junior Farmers
Club with members from the West
Wawanosh and Ashfield area.
About 50 members have so far
enrolled in the club. The elected
executive is as' follows: president,
-Dixie Cameron; vice president, Mel
Ritchie; secretary, Mary Anne.
Alton; treasurer,, Dan, Hartin and
press reporter, Brian Arnold.
All the executive went to Clinton
on' Wednesday, October 29 for the
county meeting. Five members
went to a Junior Fanner Workshop
at Palmerston on Saturday; Novem-
ber 8. About 20 members are
organizing a small broomball team
to play with the county team 'in
Milverton. They also have planned
a Dance-a-thou and • Dance for
Noiiember 28 in the Lucknow
Legion. The Dance-a-thon will be
from 9.00 p.m. to 9.00 a.m. and
proceeds are to go ..1 /3 for the
Crippled Children and 2/3. for
Junior Farmers. Further informa-
tion on the dance-a-thon is fOund
elsewhere in the newspaper. The
next meeting is Monday, Decem-
ber 1 at Brookside Public School.
The Lucknow Brownie Pack
opened their meeting on. Tuesday,
November 4th with games "Bum-
blebees and Toadstools", and
"Brownies In a Circle",
Luanne MacLeod was Fairy
Queen and she placed the Toad-
stool for Brownie Ring. The
Brownies hopped their Brownie
Gold and Tawny Owl did inspec-
At Pow Wow,. Brown Owl
collected money for the calendars
that have been sold. The Brownies
were reminded to keep busy
working on their interest , badges.
During work period, Brown Owl
and Packie had the Pack learning
the Finger Alphabet. Tawny Owl
had the Tweenies to show them
how to tie their Brownie tie in a
reef knot and to tell them how to
care for their tie. Dianne Wilson,
Donalda Thompson and Jackie
Rathwell brushed and ,combed their.
hair. Rosemary Gilmore passed
her test for Flag of Canada and
Rosalea 'Cameron conducted' a
game of ball 'Promise, Law and
The meeting chised with the
Squeeze and Taps.
Name New
Committees Of
Lawn Bowlers
t. A recent meeting was held of the
Lucknow Lawn Bowling members
in order' to organize their Maple
Leaf Lawn Bowlers Project, which
was presented to them 'by the New
Horizon Program.
Progress has, already started at
the bowing green with the old
lighting system being removed and
replaced by new poles and lights,
which should benefit the greens
Omar Brooks was appointed
chairman of .this new project and
Maudie Fisher -the secretary-treas-
Commtttees were formed as
Rewiring and lighting renova-
tions (outside lights on green), Jack
MacDonald, chairman; Wilbur
Brown, Bill Hunter.
Stove, chairs and kitchen sup-
plies; Tillie Wilson, chairman;
Anne Anderson, Ella Hackett.
New mower for greens, motor for
lawn• roller, Qmar Brooks, chair-
man; Roy Finlayson, Armstrong
Lawn bowls, refreshments and
prizes for visitors days, Thelma
Brown, chairman; Isobel Miller,
Dora Brooks, Audrey MacDonald.
Sunshades and benches, Alex
MacNay and Alex Hackett.
The, bowling members are hop-
ing that a good number of new
members, young and old, will be
interested in , lawn bowling this
coming summer.
selling another church camp in
Central Ontario.
The first phase of the project will
cost $25,000 and will include
construction of a camp health unit,
a two-storey dining hall with
lounge and . sleeping facilities, a
new sewage system and additional
land to square off the camp site.
Other phases, which will range
from $50,000 to S10,000 each, will
develop a recreation area for
swimming and archery, shower and
trailer camp facilities, renovations
to existing cabins and new ones
constructed, as ,well as landscap-
The camp board said a general
appeal will be made to synod
members to contribute to the
campaign. Youth groups will be
asked to hold walkathons and other
events to raise' money.
Government and corporate 'fund-
ing will also be sought. The .board
hopes to start the refurbishing
project by spring.
The synod plans only a slight
increase in its proposed 1976
budget - $27,350, up three per cent
from this year's expected' budget of
Rev. Russell Gordon of London,
clerk of the synod, said the church
is suffering' from inflated costs, but
is trying to keep operating wits at
a minimum.
The annual Fall meeting of the
Ontario Association. of Agricultural
Societies for District #10 was held
at the Lucknow Legion on 'Novem-
ber 5th • with Lucknow 'Agricultural
Society the host society.
Registration and luncheon was at
11.30. Approximately 150 people
were in attendance. Ladies of the
Lucknow Society provided the
Ken Reist Ayton, District
Director, presided for the meeting.
He welcomed all the people who
took time to attend. °
Rev. Glenn Noble of Lucknow
had the devotional period. Glen
Walden, president of the Lucknow
Agricultural Society, welcomed the
societies to Lucknow as did Oliver
Glenn who substituted for George
Joynt, Reeve of Lucknow, who was
unable to attend, but sent greet-
ings. Entertainment, was provided
by some of the membeis of the
Lucknow Band, which was enjoyed
by all.
Austin Martin and Harry Hol-
lands were appointed as. auditors.
Mrs. ,Lloyd Stephens, lady rep-
resentative for the district, spoke
briefly. She said she had attended
19 fairs and most of them were
down in' the r umber of exhibits.
Ken Reist said it was an education-
al 2' years for him.
Art' Peppin of Toronto brought
greetings from the Ministry . of
Agriculture and Food, Toronto. He
spoke briefly about the convention
in February, also grants and the
ploughing match.
A lively sing song was conducted
by Ken Reist and Anne Pritchard,
which was very enjoyable.
Russel Irvin introduced the guest
speaker, Robert Campbell, barrist-
er, of Goodall and Campbell. Mr.
Campbell gave an interesting, talk
on estates and transfer of farm
property. He answered several
questions from the audience. 'The
crowd divided for separate
meetings and Mrs, Lloyd Stephens
chaired the ladies division. The roll
call was answered by a member of.
the Society telling about a different
exhibit at their fair or, a craft. Some
crafts were on display.
A demonstration of floral ar-
rangements was done by Agnes'
Flower Shop, Goderich, with five
lucky ladies going home with the
An election of officers was held
with Mrs. John Arnold, R. 5
Mildmay as the new lady repres-
entative; assistant, Mrs. Donald
MacLean, R. 1 Thornbury; Mrs. R.
Schaus, Hanover, secretary.
Ken Reist presided 'at the mens
division. Stuart Hill, Cambridge, a
livestock judge, was unable to
'attend. Alex Connell, Palmerston,
a grain judge, spoke. on judging
field crops.
Agricultural Representatives of
the Ministry of Agriculture and
Food were present from Ivlarkdale
Lucknow and Kinloss
Public School children col
$300.94 for the United
International Children's
while out calling on Hallor
This money will help chile
developing countries, who
from hunger, disease, pover
lack of education.
The Lucknow Canadian C
Training organizes and pre
the collection. Last 'year
was raised.
It's the workable ideas
create progress not tlieorie
and Walkerton.
Revis McKay, R. 2 Paisl
elected District Director; C
tang, Chesley as associate
or; Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Hanover, secretaries.
At the joint meeting Mr
Arnold gave the ladies
While Revis McKay repartee
men. Austin Martin g
auditors report. It was
have calendars again next
advertise fair dates.
Feversham invited all to
for the Spring meeting.
Meaford won the Don
Trophy for delegate att
With Tara the runners up
John Arnold thanked Luckr
host society, for havii
meeting. The meeting ac
with 0 Canada.
* •
Units Big Bonus
Areas Varieties
S345 •
S345. S327. S326, S300
S326, S327, S300
S280, 277, 5300
277. 266. 267. S265
S260. 264. 266, 5255, 5259
S255, 5260. 264
Big bonus.
seed corn
s vigorous n easy
picking a fast drying
II high yielding
his is