HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-09-28, Page 5Thursday, Sept. 28 1 NEW IDEA PATTERNS Isard' October $tyles Now Ready Store News. 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 X Misses Winter Coats, ri Special values $ 5.0 0, $7.50, $$.00, $10 EXTRA SPECIAL Ladies' Heavy Sealette Coats, latest style, lined throughout, targe collar, marked for quick selling $13.90 L dies' Divi --8448 LaAsan p 844Q ell The using of these patterns means the most up-to-date styles _and perfect -fitting gar- ments. We are here with the Goods. We bought thele because we knew you'd want them. We are ready to serve you. Our friends say that we sell what they want at PRICES they are Each pattern Inas a seam allowance prepared to pay, Come and a most helpful cutting diagram and See. SPLENDID VALUES In LADIES'. MISSES and CHILDREN'S NEW'FALL and WINTER COATS. Special in Children's Lined Coats. "New Style" for 6, 8, 10 years, our cut prices while they last $5.00 Heavy Curl Coats in Black, Brown and Navy, quilted lined A Bargain at $17 Ladies Heavy Winter Coats in plain cloths and fancy tweed effects, • special value at $1 0, $12,50, $13.75, $15 A snap in New Fail Skirts, ladies' sizes in all wool serge black skirts or navy blue, our cut price $5.00 FURS—AIT kinds and latest styles now opened up for your inspection at Bargain Prices. You'll get the ",Just Right Kind" here, iNV • seja SWEATERS—For Men, Women, Boys and Girls, the best makes at close cut prices, See thein. UNDERWEAR—Just teceived a large shipment of Watson's and Penman's Soft well -knitted underwear, reasonably priced. HOSIERY—Fine Quality Hosiery for men, women and children. see our large range and compare prices. Special. Black Cashmere , , 2 5 C ARRIVALS of NEW PLAIN and FANCY SILKS, DRESS GOODS. PLAIN and CORD VELVETS and NEW COATINGS. Oki We've marked our Prices to sell Quickly. ll.E.Isard&C MIN • NItllll M1111111111111i111111111MIllilillllllllllll111111Itvtltl1131 OP........11*...'".". M wti. er..,, .i, ft.' THk UNIVERSAL A. rwoe te+- •••••.,.."."5 w w ~_ New Prices August 1, 1916_ The following prices for Ford cars will 110.1011 be effective on and after August 1,1916 veva - vrAll ore ; tAgarIP .011 WOO ,.p woo MOO onAll eves tw i1,0004. • .,•••• ant 4110. Chassis Runabout Touring Car Coupelet Town Car e Sedan • . $450.00 e 475.00 • e 495.00 695.00 780.00 890.00 These prices are positively guaranteed against any reduction before August 1st, 1917, but there is no - guarantee against an advance in price at any time. f. o. b. Ford, Ontario A • M. CRAWFORD Agent . : : Wingharnl t1MIMs/ 'iI l slaws 'YM r e. ta.peosewvnesiee4nrieeceatert3 PEACHES AND GRAPES WE will have a large supply of No. t Only, Peaches which ar e now I; at their beat, The lowest in price. This week should. hind everyone canning peaches. We will Meet if not Beat any price in - town QUALITY CONSIDERED. Don'tleave town on Pair Day without an ample supply of peaches or grapes from our sure. Brous X2 ' 'VA ....,�,, 14414010400440~010, ime4401%40,1rame4~0004~0t" DADDY 'rake my head on your ehouider, Daddy Turn your face to the weet, it is just the hour when the sky turns gold, The hour that mother loved best, The day has been long without you, Daddy, You've been such a while away, And now you're as tired of your work, Daddy, As I aur tired of my play, But I've got you, and you've got me, So everything seems right, I wonder if mother le thinking of us, Because it's my birthday night? Why do your big tears fall, Dadde? Motber'e not far away; 1 sometimes seem to bear her voice Falling across my play, And it eoneetimes makes tone cry, Daddy To think there's none of it true, Till I fall asleep and dream, Daddy, Of home and mother and you, But I've got you, and you've got me, So everything may go, We're all the world to each other, Daddy, For another, dear mother, once told me so, I'm sometimes afraid to think, Daddy When I am big like you, And you are old and grey, Daddy, What you and I will do, If when we get up to heaven, and mother is waiting there. She shouldn't remember the two she left, So sad and so lonely here, But year by year still sees no change, And so it will be all right; We shall always meet her in our dreams. Daddy, good night! Daddy, good nights Dear Daddy, dear Daddy, good night, gopd night! Dungannon , IThe Methodist church is installing an acetylene gas plant. Corporal Efford was home for a few days from Camp Borden. Rev. G. Gomm attended the meeting of the Maitland Presbytery held in Wing - ham on Tuesday. Special harvest home services being held in St. Paul's church morning and evening on Sunday, Oct. 1st, There was no service in St. Paul's church last Sunday owing to Harvest Home services being held at Port Albert. The Women's Institute will serve meals both days of the Dungannon Fair, Oct. 5th anci,6th in Robert's store in the vil Iage, The ice cream social held in Erskine church on Monday evening was a suc- cess, The items of the program were well rendered and the lunch was appreci- ated. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackman has re- turned after a month's visit to Toronto and other points. George reports a good time and says it now "Business as usual." The annual fowl supper under the aus- pices of St. Paul's church will be held on Thanksgiving Day, October 9th, in the #gric u turas hTa11. A dramatic sketch entitled "The Minister's Bride". will be rendered by the Auburn Dramatic Club, Abioe TIMING Whose picture appeared in the Sep- tember Canadian Textile Journal under which reads "One of the Fore- most Flax Manufacturers in the Do- minion," Auburn Henry Lawlor had the misfortune to fall and break his leg above the knee. Mrs, Henderson, widow of a former pastor of the Presbyterian church here, is visiting at Dr. Weir's at present. Last Tuesday Mr. Erratt and Mr. Sturdy received the material for silos; they intend erecting them this Week. Mrs. John Pfeffer, of the Blyth gravel road, left last Wednesday morning on a visit to relatives in Tavistock, A $5,000 Loss By Fire Last Friday night two C. P. IL., care standing on the siding just acrose the river, loaded with flour and wheat, were completely destroyed by fire, with a loss to the company of about $5,000. That evening a train load of flour and wheat had been taken out from the Goderich elation, but some- where this side of IdeUaw station the engine broke down. The train was backed onto the siding just the other side of the Maitland river bridge at eloderieh. liow the fire started is not known; possibly a spark from the en- gine of the incoming ex Fosa dna at a quarter to 10 natty have been the cause. AL all events by an hour later a hot fire was raging in the centre of the train of valuable cargo. Someone noticing the blazehoned p Mr. Marshall, the station agent, who d t► list retired by this time, Ilep rom ti ygi go(,,an engine ins and p p crew and went out to the scene of the disaster. The eters which were intact Were pulled away front the burning cars from both ends and a bucket bri• gads was organized. Bat for the prompt action which was taken by those Beet noticing the blaze, the loss might have been many times what it actually WO, eta the whole train would undoubtedly have burned if the carr not yet reached by the limes had not been pulled fa 'ay, ilodetich Star, TEE WING .M ADVANCE The End of the WOO The general men who the war months, We then of expansion Buell as $nown. factories, demand prices for The home We have cellent right prices. Ritchie Insurance .Agents for impression among ought to know, ie that will be over in a few or a year at Meet. may look for an era and development Canada has never This will mean busy. increase of population, for houses and higher real estate. Moral is --"Buy your now," a good list of ex, properties frr sale at & Resent and Real Estate Canadian Northern Ry, COAL AND WOOD --FOR SALE BY-------- R, J. Cantelon Omoe with Dominion Express Go. Phone 1J9 P. O. Box 127 M/IYinosh like" M'eMhMli,004 • , 7 '� 0 CENTRAL , q 4rg(r?• C. QT+C cisiTronrs M i i Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraph Departments Students may enter at any time. Place graduates in positions. During July and Augus6.wo rcoived applications for over ) 200 ofrieo,assistance wo could not supply. Writs for our free catalogue at once. I. A. 7tcLACHLAI,f • Principal ; .w, . L -,-'- SYNOPSIS WEST THE sole head 1S years old, section of available toba, Saskatchewan must appear in Agency or Sub try by proxy Lands Agonoy Conditions. DUT/ES—Sig; cultivation of A homesteader his homestead on Certain conditions. quired except the vicinity. Live stock may under certain In certain districts standing may side his homestead. DUTIES—rix three years after also 50 acres patent may be ea teat fir Certain A. settler Who right may,take t.ain districts. Must reside six cul, ivato 50 acres The area of tion in case of Livestock may under certain Deputy N. B. — Unauthorized advertisement i I .1 i I of i t f t t 11 ''"'''''ii .4n :ice... OF CANADIAN NORTH- LAND REGULATIONS of a family. or any male over may homestead a quarter- Dominion land in Mani- or Alberta. Applicant person at tine Dominion Lands -Agency for the District. En- may be made at any Dominion (but not Sub -Agency, on certain months residence upon and the land in each of throe years. may live within Hina mites on a farm of at least S0 acres, A habitable house Is 1'e^ where residence is performed in bo substituted for cultivation conditions, a homesteader in good pre•ompt a quarter section along trice $3 per acre, months residence in each of earning homestead patent; extra, cultivation. Pre-emption obtained as soon as homestead condition R, ltas ot:-hatistoft hitt 1 omalsraad apurchasott.,,;•,lunioad in cor- Price $3 per acro. Duties— months in each of three years, and erect a house worth $300. cultivation is subject to reduc- rough, scrubby or stony land. be substituted for cultivation conditions. of the Minister of Ilia In erior. publication .of this will not be paid for -1141.E 1_90006 a. 0 annommvsommeaomowastgossmacutosaummaimsx °REWAR . netsimitaamoommaratuaremairomo b t I) .) t a b i' ' r . i e n b; ir T tr; h, b' to t� 01 at u, dl al t et tl of ht For information the discovery person Nervous Mouth Skin Special Complicated not be cal Institute, Toronto,"' 40 \ , YOU', TOO, to a box M'ou'lt be recipient mouthful pure and it is made more than W. The .... or and Diseases, Ailments, cured ,eI of proud of good1 whole:,unle, and you Popuar that will lead ' or whereabouts of tl persons suffering fror. Debility, Diseases of the -Throat, Blood Poison: Bladder Troubles and Chronic Complaints , ' at The Ore, 2G8 -2t, Cortes noride,,..,. ,,vitt . s to t i ti4 ,-ry WILL . POINT WITH 1'RlDl our delicious confection, to know you are the a present no goad—every And what':, more it 15 We know how if you did,' you'd eat do. A. MILLER Restaurant* ... Court of Revision Be. Sidewa,ik en allied anti Water, William and Charles Streets A sitting of the Ciourt of Revision will he heli) on Monday October 2nd. 1010 at nine O'clock 1'. M, for the purpose of hearing and deeiding any appcale against fr nt,a a aeseaamentn on the ahoy A d w ]lc 4 R e i baa s and any other matters nognirable by the Court Nara 1�. (;twist ria. Clerk, 'Town of Winslow, fr HEAR HIM SEPT, 29th 1�1t1,I) H. DOWI,ING. mid )lasso Bass Soloist Hullett Township Messrs McMichael & Son were quite succeeeful at the Western ,$'air last week winning the following prizes: Second, third and fifth for draught stallions; second for two-year old stal- lions; second for yearling filly; third and fourth for two-year•oldfllies; first for draught stallion (Lord Ronald) and three of .hie get; first and championship for two-year•old filly sired by Toddy Direct. Mr, Wm, Rine carried off firnt for draught foal, cooling in ahead of the animal which took first at Toronto the week previously, Messrs McMichael & Son made a good showing at Toronto also, the following prizes being carried off by their stooks First for two-year-old roadster; second and fourth for aged draught stallion; second in Clydes- dale Association prize; fourth for im- ported draught stallion; second for yearFng draught filly; fourth for tWo- year-old draught filly and second for two-year-old heavy draught stallion. These prizes were won in competition with the best breeders in Canada, and the results should be gratifying to the Messrs McMichael. "Oakgrove Farm" I3ullett. the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ferris, was the scene of a happy event on Wed- nesday afternoon, Sept, 20th, when their eldest daughter. Ida Ulascodine, and Mr, B. Bell were united in mar - lege. Nontangling Pasture Stake. An old carriage wheel and axle were sed to good advantage in the making the pasture stake shown in the can be bad from springs at an elevation above the buildings the ex - ease of putting in a water supply sys- em is-iuo_t very are," says Charles G. Ili:Lain, water suppty and dreuuage engineer of the Pennsylvania depart- ment of agriculture. "The spring should be welt cleaned, hen boxed in with either a stone wall ar in a concrete box, then piped from stere to the buildings and distributed any Way desired. "If the supply Is below the buildings t hydraulic ram or any mechanical over may be used to elevate the we- er to a tank for distribution. This ank can be located in any stiltable lace. If a gas engine is used it can e attached to a Iine shaft and any ther machines run from it, such as a vashing machine, separator, chopping nisi, a dynamo for charging storage atteries to be used for lighting the uildings or any other light machines sed about the farm. "The advantages of a water system n a farm are never understood and predated until after It has been In. talled and used. The whole systs'r• within tench of almost every farmer n one form or another, and on the ltan where a system has been in• tailed it is one of the last things that oultl be done aseas ;"ilii," ncourage the Young Breeder The ransark is often heard at a big s hibition like the National, held an- ally at Toronto, that the small Feeder has very little chance of Win - ng much of the prize money, A ose observation of the show for many Bare back seems to substantiate the slief. - Mattes do not change much. taa same breeders are there year after Bar and the same men ate "In the Toney year after year". True, they the choice stock anal deserve to win, t it scorns, somotituett, that the allow above and beyond the man With VO or three t u e p t'e- bred animals. or ten a small heard or flock. Ile looks the lineups and says to himself what chance would my heifer or my Il have int At e P y h las fn SLbdR beg away decided not to attempt it. Big Cowmen should be made of men who arb on a smaller Beale, 13 1, awcan ley be started? Controller Foster, Toronto,ront0, hit u?0 a good idea,a when suggested offering $500 in prizes for competition between young breeders in the ring and judging, Get the young men started, Encourage com- petition among therm. At eotlle of the state fairs, across the border, a Bire- stack ;jodging competition to a feature of the entire livs.stock department. tnbat. It is the right time right now to stat here in Canada., DISTRICT NEWS The C. P. it. has subscribed for $2,300 000 of the new war loan, J• I�, Lee 01 bistowet Iris pgrehased true photo gallery at Kincardine. Seaforth,hall Fair oil 'Thursday and Friday last week wits an itnrcnse success, 1{lticat'clitto dealers in milk will increase tbel price of mirk after Qctobec 1, to eight Cents a quart, W. C. Smith, Brussels, has the contract of decorating the itrlerior of the Methodist church in 'l,'ceswater turd is now busy at it. A Winghatnite pleaded guilty to being drunk and was fiued $40. and costs by tnag'istrate J, A, Morton on Friday last at Brussel~. Joseph Bee, nier, proprietor of the Queen's Ilotei, Listowel was fined $78.00 and $20 Nests sty Magristt'ate Terliutie )q- day for keeping liquor for sate. ?,Ir, Wm. Failis, fourth eon„ Minto, tial purchased a new model Ford touring car, We have also hdard that Mr. Win. Findlay of Newbridge, bas purchased one, Mrs..IDr) McKelvey, formerly a well known resident of Brussels, had the mis- fortune to fall at her )tome in:Toroth°, and broke one of leer limbs near the hip, She is in the Queen city, • The ease was an outcome of a raid on the hotel by four County constables in company with Rev. E. G. Powell, field secretary for the temperance forces of Iiurota and Perth counties. . Richard Whittard, brother to Ben,. Whittard, Brussels, who is an able seas' man on the warship, Prince George, Was wounded in Turkey and is now in tate Sea. man's Hospital, Greenwich England. where he has been for several mouths. There died in Shreveport, Loyisianna, on September 7th, Thos. Collins, at one time a resident of Fordwich and a brother of Mr. Hugh Collins, Cth eon, The de- ceased who left Howick malty years ago, was about seventy-five years of age and unmarried. The Bell Telephone Company ltas a gang' of 25 men in Clinton making im- provements to the local system. Many of' the wires and considerable of the cable is being placed under ground, This has meant a great deal of work, as the streets are heavily macadamized. Mr. August Eckmier of Ethel met with a serious accident one day last week. He was helping John King to draw in grain when on tine barn floor- the horses moved ahead unexpectedly throwing Mr. Eckmier back on the bridge head first. The result was a broken collar bone and a gond shak. ing up. Fire of unknown origin was discovered Thursday afternoon last, in the large barns of J, and C. W. Barclay, Puslinch township and it gained such a start that it was im— possible to save much, The season's crop was all destroyed, together with a num- ber of farm implements. The loss about $10,000 is partly covered by insurance in the Puslinch Mutual A very interesting event took place at the Methodist Parsonage, Crediton, on Wednesday September I.Sth, on the oc- casion of the marriage of Miss Bella Hill, of Stephen, to Chas, Snell, of Ushorne. Miss Ilill is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, I -till, who live about one mile west of the village of Crediton. The young couple will reside on the groom's farnuin Ushorne. Easton Cardin', 5th line, has purchased front his fallen the homestead which he has been Nsorking since Me: Cardii'f;""`Sli3- went West, There are 150 acres in the farm and the place is in good shape. As Elson is a hustler to work and a good manager we expect he will do well on the place. We wish him and his family pros. perity. A large deputation of influential business teen (cam Goderich interviewed Col, Shan- non asking that Goderich secure a com- pany of soldiers for the winter months, They promise to go to considerable ex- pense for their convenience, When Wing - ham has such up-to-date Armouries would it not be an easier matter for us to winter a Few hundred soldiers. Should someone not get after the militia department. ,Dir, Rob!: Ferguson of Orange IIi11 treat- ed three of his neighbours, Messrs W. G. Strong, -John Patfield and Thos. Aitkins to a trip to the London Fair last Wednesday in his new Chevrolet car, going by way of Brussels. Seafortb, Exeter, Kippen. They returned on Thursday coming by Beach- ville, Tavislock, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Stratford and Mitchell, They had a jolly time, nothing, and took nobody dust, E.lutvale Farm, the lroote of Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Tyner, Mullett, was the scene of a happy event at high noon on September 1$111, when their daughter Miss Maude, was united in marriage to Charles Clifton, of Brucefield. The ceremony was performed by'lflc Rev, W. Moulton in the presence of about fot•tyftve relatives and frit:nds who had been bidden to take dart in the wed- ding festivities. Dir, and Alrs, Clifton will reside on, the gruotn's farm near truce• field, • One night recently `some person or per• sots_ entered the stable of 1tir. 'Walter 1fowe 0th conucssion of Culross, and walked off with hisdriver, buggy fiY and harness, Oa Saturday night two Iudiaus catno hi out the train- suspitiott was at Duca attached to t I• them. Messrs s Lrh, I•'ttrquttarson, W. and 11, Rowe motored to Southampton to the reserve without results Walkerton, Pais ley, and other places were ifterviisved,: but no trace has yet been found of the missing property. A reward of $20,00 has been offered to any one finding or sly. it euro matson that will tt tend to the roma cry of the alnico property. NOTICE lIavlttg daelded to retire teeth the r reeery Itustneee in, Wingitant, T wild my atoek to Mr. Alec, Mowbray, of town, who will take Dose. es,rion of Sato, $ret week in October. I would est4oht 4it it f vo it all r &lt r hb o s indebt- ed to me atloid kindir Bottle their aecoants before °amber s 4 b 1 tinrl letica et oollbeting`after 1 ern o 11- of iho store. 11, T. Tuoueo;i 1, Pa Five Fall and Winter imilsommimsamommaimmomiam Sweater Coats We have just opened a large range of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Sweater Coats for Fall and Winter, in all the latest styles and colorings, This is your chance to get your new sweater coat for this season be. fore they are picked over. Fall Apparel for Women who care Every woman should see the uncommon showing of New Fab- rics for suits, coats and dresses. we have on display at this store. No matter if you do not want to buy you should come and see this splendid array. Winter Coats for Men A big range of new winter coats, new styles and new cloths ready for you. Underwear Good Fall and Winter Under- wear for men and ladies. Men's Suits for Fall and Winter We have a nice stock of Men's Suits in all the Latest styles and cloths at special prices. We can't duplicate them at these prices. J. A. Mills PHONE 89 W INGHAM, ONT. w.m.o.,.... �ear�..,wssm ' w.wwrimilairompi f X ✓ rd X guaranteed free from worthless filler. rEKTIOM,5_ 4_, Produce Results Special Brands for. All Crops I p p Why not get the best and secure a fertilizer I It Costs No More Harab Digestive Tankage } For feedinggHOg s s. 01,1 60 per cent protein 7 he eh eapest protein feed on the market. Ask for copy of extract from Bulletin 225 by Prof. Day, Ontario Agricultural College. - Harab Poultry and Stock Feeds have stood the test for years). 4 MADE IN CANADA 13V THE ONTARIO FERTILIZERS LIMITED WEST TOkONTO X *s: ; 7,1 .es+ CANADA«• d` , ZigExhibit e a See our iconsult, s £.:i111hzc and oats 1 i - ep �sClitdtivea aniif H• It THOMPSON, Agent, Wingham, Ontario ti the Winghatn Fair. EGGS*ANTEDW1JArmour,Wiugham