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.,' Use this calculaior .to measure ,the effiCienC yi)j'yOur oil or gas firrnai.e. The book explains everything that
you and pito- serviceman should do to . save fuel and money: Both f'ree when you send in the coupon . below.
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Get your furnace in shape for winter —
so you can be both warm and a little
richer. You'll cut your fuel bill by as much
as 25%, and help to conserve Canada's
fast-dwindling energy reserves:'
AS A NATION we waste more energy than
countries..-consume in total. We'rp on
an energy binge that we can no longer afford.
Modest cut-backs now will be easier to face
than shortages and even higher prices in a few .
years time.
For every $100 you spend on energy at home,
more than half of it goes into heating. So your
furnace is a great place to start saving.
Check the efficiency
of your oil furnace..
Is your oil furnace Workin at top efficiency?
Find out:
Look for a dirty flame. Lift the flap that covers '
the small hole on the front of your furnace. If
you see black smoke coming -from the tip of the
flame, your burner needs adjustment. Call the
serviceman. •
Inspect fOr soot. Shut the furnace off and poke
a flashlight inside the box. An accumulation of
/ soot means it's time for a service call.
Check the barometric damper. This valve
between the furnace. and chimney bumps open
and shut as the wind blows and as the furnace
cuts in and out. If it sticks in any position, you're
wasting energy.
Put yaw serviceman
to work twice a year.
A thorough oil furnace check-up in summer and
mid-winter can cut as much as 25% from your
fuel bill. (If yciu have a gas furnace it should be
checked once a year.),
Remember, it will take your serviceman about
two hours to do 'a good job on an oil furnace
(somewhat less on gas).
He should remove soot from the firepot., heat
exchanger and pipes: check the stack temper-
attire: perhaps try an oil nozzle 10% to' 20%
smaller (or the lowest firing'rate recommended
for your furnace).
If yOu're paying for a complete check of the
furnace and heating system, make sure you get
it. Start by reading The Billpayer's Guide to
Furnace Servicing.
This free book explains everything that 'you
and your serviceman should do, to save fuel and
money,. (See coupon below.) It has a complete
oil and' kas furnace checklist; and a calculator
for determining overall furnace efficiency.
Lower your thermostat.
Dropping your setting from. 72 to 68°F will save
about 10%. If each of, us saves 10%, Canada
will conserve .8 million barrels of oil and 24
million cubic feet of natural gas each year.
It's time to pay the piper.
We can't live in the future as we do now. The
r Please send me
a free copy of:
The Billpayer's
Guide to
Furnace Servicing
Province Postl Code
Mail coupon to: Furnace Book, Box 2010,
Weston, Ontario M9N 3R4
41111110111•11W 101.111111us
Office of Energy Conservation
Hon. Alastair Gillespie
resources simply won't be available. Here are
two facts' to ponder:
• If we continue to consume' at our present rate
"of. increase, Canada will need twice as much
energy in 12 years.
•' The capital costs of developing new sources
of energy will soar to $110 billion over the next
10 . years --- an investment of about $20,000 for
each\Canadian family.
It's no longer a matter of choice. We must
save energy to save ourselves.
Eiree information
to help us all.
TWO FREE BOOKS: The Bilipayer's Guide to
Furnace Servicing shows you how to save fuel
by proper furnace servicing. It explains what
you can do, and what your serviceman should
do. Free when you send in the coupon.
100 Ways to Save Energy and Money in the
Home has 160 pages — 80 of them' to help you
get the most heating efficiency at the lowest cost.
rP-lease send me
a free copy of:
100 Ways to Save
Energy and Money
in the Home
Province Postal Code
Mail coupon to: 100 Ways, Box 3500, Station C,
Ottawa, Ontario KlIf 461
Energie, Mines et
Ressources Canada
Bureau de la conservation de l'energie
L'Hon. Alastair Gillespie.
+Energy, Mines and
Resources Canada