HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-10-15, Page 12LES PETTER SHOES NOT TURKEY SUPPER
Tuesday, October 21st
Lucknow United Church
Saturday, October 18
Saturday, October 25
Town Hall,' Lucknow Lucknow d, Phone 528-2011
Phone 528-282;
° Province of Ontario
William Davis, Premier
/..If you are employed and going
entitled..to.pregoanct. leave.
This.:11.vibat :Ontaticols
to make certain you receive it.
We have,a law in Ontario which permits any
pregnant woman, married or not, to take a
17-week unpaid leave of absence to have
her baby. This law covers pan-time as well
as full-time employees, provided that they
have been working for the same employer
for at least 63 weeks befOre the expected
date of birth.
When she returns to work, the new
mOther is guaranteed the right to her former
position or to a comparable position with
no loss of seniority or benefits. •
Naturally, pregnancy does not prevent an
employee from bei6g disrnissed for valid
reasons not connected with pregnancy, but
pregnancy' alone cannot 'be the cause of
dismissal where an employee is eligible for
An expectant mother is-required to give
two weeks' notice in writing of the day she
intends to leave. She is entitled to begin her
leaVe any time within 11 weeks before the
baby's birth but she must take at least six
weeks of her leave afterwards. if the em-
ployer wishes the employee to begin her
leave before she wants to do so, the em-
ployer must prove that she is unable to
perform her normal duties adequately.
The employee is eligible forlJniimploy-
ment Insurance benefits during her preg-
nancy leave (even if she does not intend to
resume work when her leave expires) if she
had at least 20 weeks otensured employ-
ment during the year before the birth. At
least ten of the 20 weeks should, have.fallen
between the 30th and,the 50th weeks before
the birth. • ,
If you would like more information about
pregnancy leave or other labour legislation
of interest to working women, write to:
Ontario 20,
Queen's Park, .
Toronto, Ontario.
and we will send you a brochure.
Ministry of Labour .
Bette Stephenson, M.D., Minister
.71r41. -71.11ftal.
20 Years Ago
Willie Darner, 32 year-old em-
ployee of the K. Woerns Steeple- •
jack , firm of Stratford, suffered a
compound fracture of the foot; a
damaged ankle and shock, when he
hurtled some forty feet from the
eave' of the 4Liicknow United
Church. The accident occurred
when the extension ladder buckled
as Dorner was inspecting an
eavetrough well on the south side
of the church and it was 'regarded
miraculous that his injuries were
not much more serious.
Calvin Presbyterian Church in
East Wawanosh was closed. The
final service was, held by Rev. John
Pollock, a former pastor.
It was announced by the
Department of Highways that
approval' had been given for the
construction of a new bridge over
the Nine Mile River on Lucknow's
Main Street.
A number of free prizes were
being offered to mark the grand
opening. of Am. A. Schmid's
modern, new jewellery store.
A new Milk By-laW was introd-
uced to become effective January
1st. Among the regulations - any
person selling milk must secure
vendor's " license. All cows
producing milk for sale must be
tuberculin tested.
Lucknow's main street was being
widened. The former grass
boulevards were removed and the
cement curbs broken down,
South Bruce Plowing Match was
held 'in Kinloss on the farm 'of
Foster G. Moffat, adjoining Ling-
side School.
The 50th anniversary of the
organization of Lucknow Agricult-
ural Society was celebrated. There
were fall shows reported in the
village before there was an
agricultural society.
The first "Show" was held
among the stumps and features of a
backwoods village (later the site of
Murdoch and Cameron CoMpany
store). The exhibits consisted of 2
yolk of oxen, 2 cows, 1 calf and 2
pigs. It was reported: "that all got
a prize, Mr. Malcolm Campbell
giving out of his own packet $1.00
to a Mr. Webster, who had taken In
his oxen from Ashfield". Such was
the beginning.
The next two fairs or "ShoWs",
as the event was then termed, were
held On the street between the Cain
House and the Murray Block with
improvements on the first.'
It was after the holding 'of the
third show, for which there was
only a temporary organization and
the prize ''money secured' by a
collection, that the society was
/ '
organized in 1865.
Win. Anderson was the first
president; Robert Graham, was
first secretary and Wm. Geddes
was treasurer.
For the 50th anniversary of the'
fair there was a 'good ezhibition,
reported "as' one of the best ever
with splendid exhibits both inside
and out", but it was marred by rain
which cut down the attendance
Snappy Stitchers
The Clover Valley 7 Snappy
Stitchers held their sixth meeting
on Monday, October 13th at the
home of Kendra Elphick at 7.15.
To 'start the meeting off we
repeated the 4-H pledge. The roll
call "An idea for • your club
Achievement Day 'presentation"
was answered by all seven mem-
bers. Joann Van Diepen read the
minutes of the last meeting and
were approved as read. The next
meeting is being held at the home
of Joan Osborne on Monday,
October 20th at 7.15.
Mrs. Elphick discussed the uses
for the satin and sheaf filling
stitcheS. Both leaders discussed
Achievement, Day plans. We are
doing a skit on "Finishes for Wall
Hangings". Mrs. Hamilton discus-
sed selecting stitches for free
choice articles.
The french ,knot stitch . and the
applique were demonstrated by
both leaders. Mrs. Elphick
demonstrated how to make a
twisted cord. The assembling of
the learning stitches article. was.
'demonstrated by •all the members.
For group work we finished the
french knots on our , samplers and
completed the learning stitches
articles. , .
We closed our meeting with the
4-H .Motto followed by a delicious
Don't criticize the w
others unless you can
work of others much be
Criticism that defeat
people gives many °then.
centive they need for suc
Even today priCes sh
respect for the laws of