The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-10-08, Page 6TED COLLYER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In ELECTRIC HEATING, ELECTRIC WIRING AND IMPAIRS and ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Hydro Financing Available Lucknow — Phone 528-5802 MacKENZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL A MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED FUNERAL DIRECTORS SE/RVICE FUNERAL SERVICE Services . conducted according to your wishes at your Home, your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. Luckhow, Phone 528-3432 Day or Night Rep.: Wingham Memorials WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES Rep.: MacKenzie Funeral Home Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Reid & Peterson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Wingham 3574522 J. A. PETERSON, C. A. Res. 521-2004 ' INSURANCE HOME* LIFE. AUTO. LUCKNOW, COMMERCIAL Co-Operators Insurance Associations of Guelph AGENT JEAN WHITBY FRED LAWRENCE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR HOME, FARM AND INDUSTRIAL WIRING PHONE. AUBURN 5264505 ADMIRAL TV AND ANTENNA SALES AND.SERVICE DON THOMPSON TV R.R. 3 RIPLEY TELEPHONE 395-2393 , . INSURANCE' .. FIRE, WIND,. CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE. & INVESTMENTS To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 R. W.; 'ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL,, ONTARIO . IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday Afternoon OFFICE IN McDONAGH INSURANCE OFFICE We would like to thank our family for the wonderful dinner on the 65th anniversary of our wedding on September 28th, 1975; also to all the friends and neigh- bours who called in to share with us this happy occasion and for the beautiful cards and grand flowers received. T. A. and Clara Cameron I wish to thank my family, friends and relatives for the many letters ,cards, visits, phone calls, plants, flowers and gifts I re- ceived while I was in London, at Marjorie and Ewan's and now at home. Sincerely Isabel', Martyn I would like to sincerely thank everyone for their cards, visits and flowers, as well as the help at home, during my stay in Wing- ham Hospital. Special- thanks to Dr. Coffin,. Dr. McKim and the staff in Intensive Care. It was all greatly appreciated: Lorne Hasty Sharon and Maribeth Dawson would like to thank everyone for their lovely cards, visits, flowers and gifts during our stay in Wing- ham and District Hospital and since coming home. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin and, McKim and nurses and staff on 2fid floor. All was deeply appreciated. I would like to thank my many friends and relatives for cards, flowers, treats and visits. while I was in Wingham Hospital. Sincerely Mrs.,Andrew Gaunt Words can never express the acts of true friends. We wish to thank friends and relatives for cards and gifts, ,while a patient in University Hospital, London. Also thanks to the ladies of South Kin- loss Church for the lovely box of foed. Most of all thanks to the ones who prayed for me and res- tored me back to health; to-Leon- ard Irwin for staying at our place at the week-ends, to Dr. Passi, Dr. Corrin, ambulance drivers and nurses on 8th floor. These acts ef kindness shall never be for- gotten. John and Donna Carter Debbie Hodges wishes to extend her thanks to the ladies of Dun-, gannon and area for the lovely gifts she received *at the com- munity shower held in her honour. We would like to eXpress our sincere thanks to our relatives, neighbours and friends for their cards, letters, flowers, prayers; visits and so many kindnesses during my recent operation ' in Humber Memorial -Hospital, Wes- ton. My husband and I are parti- cularly touched with all these kindnesses as we have only lived up there since January 1975. Lois Campbell TOD. OF THANKS "Thanks be to God for his in- 'expressible gift," and I also wish to express my heartfelt thanks to our many friends who prayed, sent cards and letters, baby-sat our grandchildren, sent food, phoned and helped in so many ways, during and since my recent stay in Wingham Hospital; to the cheerful nurses in I.C.U. and to our wonderful Drs. McKim. and Corrin. Mrs. Lorne Sparks 'Wig. A. (Bud) . HAMILTON • AGENT FOR BP OIL LTD. Gasoline Heating Fuels Burner Service and Furnace Installations Trucks Radio Equipped For Better Service Dial 528.3006 Res. 528-3616 Wholesale and Retail CHISHOLM FUELS HEATING - OILS . SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS • LUCKNOW • Phone 529-7524 or 524-7681 FREE BURNER SERVICE Products For Farm; Home and R. W. BELL q:,.1`44.1k1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LIJCKNOW, ONTARIO Advertising helps you d compare. CANADIA ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD . . I wish to thank my many friends and neighbours for all the work they did around the farm and helped with the children Since my accident. Your kindnesses were deeply appreciated. Lorne Hackett , We wish to thank all the kind friends who remembered us with cards and gifts on oiu• 40th wed- ding anniversary. Eric and Greta Rice .aimyrge LOST LOST — in the Amberley area, a male purebred Boxer, wearing collar. Phone 395-5220. LOST — in vicinity of Hamilton -and Victoria Streets, Lucknow, a Sianiese cat. Phone Roy Emberlin 528-2724. ,IN MEMORIAM PARRISH — in loving memory 9f our son, Sandy Farrish, who passed away October 12th, 1963. Your end was sad and sudden, No time to Say goodbye - You were gone before we knew it And only God knows why It broke our hearts to lose you, But you did not go *one, For part of us went with you The day God called you home. Ever , remembered and sadly missed by his family. BEATON -- in loving memory of my dear Dad, grandfather and great grandfather, James B. Bcaton who passed away October 8th, 1974. In our book of life we have memories, Of the happiness we all knew And We keep with love the blessings Of having a wonderful Dad like you Lovingly remembered by daugh- ter Becky, Harvey Culbert and family. CLAYTON — in loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Gladys Vine Clayton, who passed away, October 13, 1970. It takes a little space to write How much we miss you, But it will take the rest of our lives ' To forget the day we lost you. Sadly missed by daughter Phy- llis, son-in-law Frank and family. HODGDIS — in loving memory of our dear son Mervyn Hodgins who passed away two Years ago on October 7, 1973. Always in our memory We seem to find a way To wander back and meet you On the road of yesterday. Our hearts still ache with sorroiv, The secret tears still flow, Cause what it was to lose you son, No .one will ever know. Sadly missed by Mom, Dad and Brothers, Wives and Family. 50c SAVING ON ALL CLA$SIFIED ADS PAID BY TUESDAY FOLLOWING FINAL INSERTION MUiZRAY MoFFAT Electrical Contractor R.R. 3 HOLYROOD PHONE 392-6061 BRAD'S PLUMBING AND HEATING Repairs and Renovation Industrial - Commercial and R.esidential FREE ESTIMATES 395-5M WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8 News From Huronview The North Huron Loyal 6 Lodge arranged a song servi Sunday evening in the auditor Past County Master, Bob If led the service with devotio Reverend Carson of the Anglican Church. The servie 'well attended and greatly a lated by the residents. Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs were welcomed to the Hot Monday afternoon's program Tyme. MuSic was' provid Marie Flynn and Lorne L with the Clinton Christian R ed volunteers assisting with les and helping tO lea sing-a-long. The musical Program was ided for !Tamily Night"' by from 'the Holmesville are quartette With Jan Ginn, Davey, Hugh and Martie sang several numbers, wit Jim Lobb playing the accomPaniment fOr the even well as a piano instrumental Sylvia Forbes played twr clarinet nuMbers - .Idelwi Scarlet Ribbon. Mt-S. 'He native of Goderich To thanked the entertainers on of the reliiderits. • The . Brussels and Cra Women Institutes were ho the September birthday part thirty-One celebrants were p ed with gifts following th gram. Mrs. Armstrong was for the afternoon and inir the entertainment which inc skit, tap dancing, piano mentals and a sing-a-long. Lamb, one of the' cele expressed the appreciation residents for the lovely Birthday cake and tea .were to 150. residents. Seven residents , enjoy afternoon tea. provided Clinton Wesley Willis Church on, Thursday aftern former mernbers and their Bruce Farin Rep NEWS RELEASE Dawn Brunton - Queen Furrow. For the next yea' Brunton of Tara will re .Queen of The Furrow for C She won this honour at tl plowing match at Broo congratulations to Dawn family. LIVESTOCK. RATIONS Feed is expensive. Exce nutrients are wasted and ages of nutrients are more sive in lost production of r milk. We can assist in d a ration for your livestoc BEEF HEALTH MEETIN The Bruce County B provement ASsociation ar soring a Beef Health Me the Paisley Central SchOo orium on Tuesday, Octobe 8:00 p.m. • The guest Veterinarians Dr. Don Davis, Beef Ve Specialist, Ontario Mini Agriculture and Food, Dr. Don Hodgins, Holyr Dr. Geo. Watke, Port There will be ample opp to ask questions. The drug companies w a display area and their sentatives will have an unity to address the meet WARBLE FLY CONTROL A new systemic insectic ed Spotton has been adde Rai; Neguvon and Ruel the control of warbles. Ti advantage of Spotten is Volume required. It is app a special syringe that disi pre-dialed amount to the of the back of cattle. The ed gain of warble free c pay for fall treatment ma over. Agricultural Repre M: R. somilimmumussamilsommor CULBERT'S CUSTOM CABINETS DEALER FOR CARDINAL LINE Choice of 6 'styles and finishes Special consideration to builders PHONE 395-5298 OR 395.5516 MGR SIX ilmonammemosimiiminumerammerso BRAY CHIROPRACTIC. OFFICE 197 JOSEPHINE ST. WINGHAM PHONE 357-1224 INVESTMENT, THE STERLING TRUST CORP. 'INCORPORATED IN 1910 Prevailing Interest Rates Reti ement Savings Plan Your Representative ALEX MacNAY LUCKNOW OPTOMETRIST — GODERICH The Square (Phone 524-7661) A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 40 The Square-, Goclerid2 Telephone 5247562 •